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Showing 1–50 of 239 results

  • Secret To Complete Contentment


    Discover the secret of how to let go of the restlessness in your heart so you can feel true fulfillment.

    If only I didn’t feel so burned out.

    If only I wasn’t so lonely.

    If only I wasn’t so concerned about impressing others.

    If only I had that job.

    If only this relationship was different.

    We all dream about how if one thing was different in our lives it would finally make us content. But once we get the very thing we wished for, we are still left wanting more. Is it even possible to feel peaceful and satisfied in life?

    Wishing for “more” in life usually leaves you feeling unfulfilled and anxious–especially when we realize that more will never be enough. In The Secret to Complete Contentment beloved Bible teacher and bestselling author Jack Countryman offers Bible verses and 60 thoughtful reflections to reveal why living in the love of Jesus is the only way to know true, lasting contentment. In these pages you’ll discover:

    *The freedom that comes from finding contentment apart from circumstances
    *Why you can rest–physically, spiritually, and emotionally–in God’s abundant love
    *How to strengthen your trust in who God is and how He provides for you

    The Secret to Complete Contentment is an ideal gift for:

    *Anyone struggling to overcome anxiety, envy, or discouragement

    *New Christians and faith seekers

    *Those transitioning into a new phase of life: a new school, an empty nest, or even retirement

    *Friends or family looking for a simple yet powerful daily devotional to help them find happiness

    As you journey through this beautiful devotional, you will learn to let go of the restlessness that comes from trying to find contentment outside God’s love and instead find true peace as you live at the center of His will. Although the world may promise that you can have everything you want, only God can give everything you need. The Secret to Complete Contentment reminds you that God so deeply longs for a relationship with you that He created you to be satisfied with nothing less than life with Him.

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  • Misled : 7 Lies That Distort The Gospel And How You Can Discern The Truth


    The gospel is under attack today–not only from outside cultural forces but also from within the church. In Misled, popular YouTuber and Bible teacher Allen Parr equips readers to identify and withstand seven of the most common false teachings that undermine the gospel and lead many well-meaning Christians astray.

    For an anxious and weary world, the gospel of Jesus Christ is the one true source of deep peace and lasting joy. But today, many supposedly Christian teachers are spreading ideas that amount to what Paul called “another gospel.”

    The result? A generation of believers confused about what God really says, what he offers, and what he wants for his children. From the heavy burden of legalism to an overemphasis on prosperity or spiritual gifts to warped understandings of grace, every false teaching has two things in common: they all use half-truths that look and sound biblical (making them very difficult to identify) and they all harm and discourage those who are trying to follow the way of Jesus.

    In Misled, Allen Parr weaves together stories from his own spiritual journey and the lives of those he’s ministered to in order to show the painful consequences of following false teachings and to provide clear explanations of what the Bible really teaches about the gospel. Readers will

    *learn about seven of the most misleading and harmful messages that run rampant within the church today;

    *be equipped to identify not only “wolves in shepherd’s clothing” who peddle counterfeit gospels, but also well-intentioned teachers whose half-truths are no less harmful to the church; and

    *discover how they can find the freedom, peace, and joy that only comes from embracing the gospel in all its purity and simplicity.

    With the same balanced, Bible-based approach that has made Parr’s YouTube channel a go-to resource, Misled offers clarity and hope for anyone who has felt discouraged or confused in their spiritual journey–and invites readers to find everything they’ve been searching for in the true gospel.

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  • Organic Prayer : Make Talking With God A Natural Part Of Every Day


    Often we view prayer as an activity reserved for a certain time, in a certain place, offered in a specific way. Scripture invites us to pray continually. This exhortation is an opportunity for prayer to permeate every aspect of our lives–when we’re alone or in a crowd, when it’s quiet and when it’s chaotic, when we feel like it and when we don’t.?

    Organic Prayer shows us how to make continuous prayer a natural part of our lives rather than something on a spiritual checklist. It helps us encounter God in new ways as we learn to:

    *open our eyes to see his presence and the world around us?
    *open our ears to hear his voice guiding us?
    *open our hearts to experience freedom and power as we pray?
    *and open our lives as we pray for and with others and shine the light of Jesus in our dark world?

    Anyone desiring a richer, more transformative prayer life will welcome this fresh take on conversing with our Creator.? Anyone hungering to share the grace and goodness of Jesus in our hurting and confused world will find practical ideas for world-changing prayer.

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  • How to Find the Right Pastor


    A Handbook for Pastoral and Staff Search Committees

    A ministry leader and a Christian attorney combine their skills to help your search committee find just the right pastor for your church.

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  • God’s Blueprint for Salvation


    The greatest love story ever told began in the Garden of Eden. A holy God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) created Adam and Eve in His own image, yet Adam and Eve disobeyed and sinned against Him.

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  • 6 Steps to Successful Christian Living


    This booklet is a guidebook to help new converts start right and stay right in their Christian walk.

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  • You Can Be Free


    Beat the cycle of habitual sin as Kirby Kelly guides you through how God’s strength can win back your freedom and bring you everyday peace. Find rescue and relief through a practical battle plan to defeat that sin that feels stuck on repeat and win back your life.

    Tired of the same cycle over and over again? Of the endless spirals of self-destructive sin? In You Can Be Free, discover a real-life battle plan to break the spiritual bondage of habitual sin.

    You’re not alone. So many Christians are desperate to find a way to overcome recurring sin in their lives, a dominating factor when it comes to coping mechanisms in today’s society. Kirby Kelly has been there, and she’s created a battle plan to help others break free from unhealthy thoughts, behaviors, and cycles to find God’s actual peace in their lives.

    Leading from the front, Kelly offers her own story first and shares biblical strategies to:

    *Connect and confess
    *Stay in bounds
    *Know your enemy
    *Know your God
    *Know yourself
    *Set your green and red light zones
    *Turn around and come home
    *Makeover your mind

    Kirby Kelly offers practical, tactical advice to the questions: How does one break, and stay, free? And how does one truly overcome what they thought they broke free from, only to see its disappointing return in their life? Through theology, hope, and God’s guidance, there is a way to become vulnerable with your community, grow spiritually and personally, and welcome God’s promise of freedom.

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  • Dont Sink Your Own Ship


    Don’t Sink Your Own Ship equips believers with simple truths for living fulfilling lives, because sometimes it’s all too easy to sail into trouble unnecessarily. In this lighthearted guide, bestselling author and Bible teacher, Max Anders, gives powerfully practical insights that, if heeded, can keep you afloat in even the most treacherous of seas.

    Generously punctuated by interesting and sometimes outrageous stories, Max walks readers through 20 spiritual lessons, providing biblical clarity on problems we all face. Each lesson includes application questions, scripture references, and recommended reading. The book’s format and the teaching guideline included at the end make this an ideal small group resource.

    Whether you read this book individually or as a group, you’ll get a fresh grip on transforming truths, like:

    *The small stuff in life will build up to become big stuff, if you let it.
    *We become what we think about.
    *We are created for love. It’s the principle of existence and its only end.
    *Success is being faithful to what God asks of us and leaving the results to Him
    *Unless we are willing to forgive, our wounds will never heal.

    Truth seekers, new Christians, and established Christians alike will benefit from the simple reminders that this book provides. You don’t have to learn your lessons the hard way.

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  • Guide To A Better You


    Grow in your spiritual life and live more like Jesus.

    A Guide to a Better You includes 20 sections, 50 prompts, and journaling space to help you better understand the Bible, become more like Jesus, and reflect on continued growth in all aspects of your life.

    What if you could expand your spiritual life and live more like Jesus? Have you wondered how to find ways to grow in all aspects of your faith journey as you become the best version of yourself? A Guide to a Better You is an interactive tool that will help you deepen your faith and guide you toward a more enriching spiritual life.

    A Guide to a Better You is organized into 20 sections, includes 50 prompts, ample space to write, and bullet journaling pages. The readings focus on questions such as:

    *How can I develop persistence?
    *What does and does not require forgiveness?
    *How do I build connection between generations?
    *How should I handle pressure?
    *How can I take godly criticism?
    *How can I participate in God’s work?

    After reading, you will:

    *identify steps to interpret the Bible.
    *create an authentic and intentional existence in your everyday interactions and routines.
    *make wiser decisions.
    *recognize intentional sins and how you can do better.
    *reflect on how you can continue to grow as a better person in your home life, career, and other areas of your life.

    If you are seeking a deeper relationship with God and looking for a way you can be part of God’s work, A Guide to a Better You is a perfect next step. You can use this complete interactive guide independently or as part of a small group. A Guide to a Better You is also a thoughtful gift you can give to loved ones or friends for birthdays or as a holiday gift.

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  • Becoming Like Jesus


    What If We Really Imitated Jesus?

    Living as Jesus lived–is that even possible? Jesus was sinless, performed miracles, and atoned for the sins of humanity. He was God’s beloved Son! How could we possibly come anywhere close to being like Him? But Scripture tells us to live as Jesus did, which means God Himself makes this kind of life possible. How then can we allow Him to shape our hearts, motivations, and actions so we increasingly remind people of the One we follow?

    Renowned Bible study writer Cynthia Heald explores the everyday journey of becoming like Christ. With the seasoned guidance from a lifelong faith, she shares the challenges and rewards of embodying Christlikeness, as well as her own imperfect, stumbling experiences in learning to become like Jesus. In this insightful, accessible, and thought-provoking book, perfect for quiet time or a 6-week small-group study, you’ll find yourself inspired and encouraged to step into the simple yet powerful ways God molds us into the image of His Son.

    In Becoming Like Jesus, you will find:

    *devotional reflections on the invitation to daily spiritual growth,
    *insightful quotations from godly writers and prayers, and
    *Scripture references and Bible study reflection questions.

    Don’t hesitate to embark on a life-changing journey of becoming like Jesus. Embrace the call to imitate Christ and discover the joy and fulfillment that come from reflecting His character in your everyday life.

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  • Who Did You See Today


    In January 2019, a U.S. Census Bureau survey reported that 11 percent of respondents indicated symptoms of anxiety or depression. Just twenty-two months later in December 2020, the percentage nearly quadrupled to more than 42 percent. As believers, we are the ones called to truly “see” the lonely and hurting among us. What if instead of getting caught up in our own busy calendars and daily stressors, we dialed into the needs of those around us, listening with bold intentionality and responding to them with extravagant thoughtfulness and outrageous kindness? Jesus offered us the ultimate example of how to serve and minister to others by meeting people right where they were. Through us, neighbors, coworkers, classmates, and family members should experience that same grace, kindness, and loving attention.

    Author Dustin Schadt offers a biblical and theological basis for seeing people, outlines practical ways that individuals, families, schools, nonprofits, small groups, churches, and other organizations can collectively value, focus on, and respond to the world around us. Our care builds a bridge of trust strong enough to bear the weight of our gospel conversations.

    Kindness has become a precious commodity. We are fast-paced, busy, and often distracted. In a world marked by skepticism, loneliness, and anxiety, Christ-followers must be the ones who live beyond differences and distractions to see the people God places in our lives. Jesus saw us, drew closer, and gave Himself up to make a way for us to come to Him. He is calling us to do the same-to love people the way Jesus loved people, ears open and eyes widen to the beauty of the love of Christ shown in His gospel.

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  • Fighting Shadows : Overcoming 7 Lies That Keep Men From Becoming Fully Aliv

    Original price was: $28.99.Current price is: $20.99.

    In a world that’s grown increasingly confused about–and hostile toward–the very notion of masculinity, authors Jefferson Bethke and Jon Tyson send a powerful call to men everywhere: it’s time to step into the light of Jesus’ vision for you as a man.

    There’s a shadow that’s settled over the hearts of men today. Masculinity is in crisis. Critiques about the dangers of toxic masculinity and the abuses of patriarchal systems have grown louder than ever. The very notions of masculinity and manhood are under attack. In response to cultural shifts, some have doubled down on old stereotypes in ways that just add to the conflict and confusion.

    The result? Many men simply feel paralyzed–worried about saying the wrong thing, unsure what to do with their ambitions or strengths, simultaneously tempted and shamed by a hypersexualized and pornified culture. Our models and mentors have failed us. Based on their years of working in men’s ministry, Bethke and Tyson have good news for men looking for clarity and courage in this age of quiet desperation. In Fighting Shadows, they help men:

    *overcome the temptations of escapism, passivity, or overcompensation;

    *combat the most harmful shadows that men battle today, including loneliness, apathy, distraction, lust, and shame; and

    *embrace masculinity as a God-given gift, not a curse to be avoided, suppressed, or battled.

    An entire generation of men is being told they should abdicate the responsibility and joy of living into God’s calling on their lives–don’t be one of them. If you’re a man who’s wondering what to do with your strength, your longings, and your gifts, it’s time to step out of the shadows. Jesus has a vision for you.

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  • Expectation Gap : The Tiny, Vast Space Between Our Beliefs And Experience O


    Learn how to quiet your inner critic, confront chronic anxiety, and relax into God’s perfect presence.

    Do you truly experience the promises Jesus gave to those who follow him–the benefits of peace, freedom, and love? The fact is that many of us struggle with a gap between what we believe about God and how we encounter him in our everyday lives. We don’t want our faith to be merely conceptual–we want to experience it viscerally–and yet we often come up against one or more of these major gaps:

    *I believe God loves me, but I don’t feel it.
    *I believe God is with me, but I don’t see him.
    *I thought I’d be further along in my spiritual progress by now.

    In The Expectation Gap, Steve Cuss–pastor and founder of the leadership organization Capable Life–offers tangible tools for engaging with God in a deeper, more soul-satisfying way. You’ll unveil harmful expectations and patterns that keep you spiritually stuck so that you can replace them with habits and practices that will lead to a more vibrant faith life.

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  • Keep The Faith


    Will you finish the race strong? Dr. David Jeremiah offers biblically based keys to keeping your faith steadfast when life hits you hard. Regardless of the circumstances, God will hold you up to help you face whatever comes your way.

    Every day, everyone in the world faces challenging moments and circumstances. Perhaps in your marriage. Your career. Your health. Your personal integrity. When times get tough, people often ask, “Why is this happening to me?” If you’re feeling vulnerable during a difficult time in your life, it is important to embrace your faith and the everlasting love of God. Paul says in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” Keeping the faith, even for someone like Paul, meant not giving in to the world’s relentless influence. That’s what you must do as well.In Keep the Faith: How to Stand Strong in a World Turned Upside Down, New York Times bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah:

    *provides you with a practical guide to leaning on the strength of your faith, even in the toughest of times.

    *focuses on four common daily battles that can chip away at your confidence in God: fear, discouragement, worry, and doubt.

    *explores four blessings that are sure to bolster your faith when inevitable challenges come: grace, perseverance, responsibility, and fortitude.

    The uplifting messages of encouragement and strength in Keep the Faith are curated from Dr. Jeremiah’s books Slaying the Giants in Your Life, Captured by Grace, Everything You Need, Searching for Heaven on Earth, and A Bend in the Road.

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  • Overcomers : God’s Vision For You To Thrive In An Age Of Anxiety And Outrag

    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $21.99.

    Are you ready to live fully prepared and fully equipped to handle anything life throws at you? As Christians, we can be courageous and confident, knowing that God has placed us in human history for His purposes, and He will empower us regardless of our circumstances. Drawing on the book of Revelation and historical examples, The Overcomers will put steel in the spines of believers and remind them of the fierce, conquering, commanding authority of God over all the earth.

    You were made for this exact moment in human history. Things may look gloomy, and you may feel discouraged, but because of the promise and hope found in Scripture, you can be brave, confident, and victorious today!

    In The Overcomers, Matt Chandler reminds readers that they don’t have to be anxious or afraid of anything in the present or in the future because both have already been won. We are not victims but overcomers–and we are a key part of what God is working out in our day. God is at work in the mess, just as He has always been, and He continues to accomplish His purpose of seeking and saving the lost.

    In this book, believers will:

    *Find courage and confidence from fellow believers who have gone before us.

    *Feel empowered as God reminds them of His promises fulfilled and yet to come.

    *Understand the strategies, tactics, and deceptions Satan uses to try to keep us paralyzed with anxiety and fear.

    *Learn to live a victorious Christian life marked by the power and presence of God.

    The apostle John wrote his letter to a certain group of people in a particular place at a specific time. Although it was written to them, it was also written for us. The Overcomers takes a chapter-by-chapter view of Revelation rather than a line-by-line deep dive, helping readers practically understand what God wants to say to us today through this extraordinary book written thousands of years ago. Believers will be reminded that they are uniquely wired and uniquely placed in this moment in history as part of God’s big plan to push back darkness and to establish light. Christ has overcome, and in Him we, too, are the overcomers!

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  • Are You Praying For The Wrong Thing

    Original price was: $28.99.Current price is: $21.99.

    The Bible tells us to pray continually and without ceasing, but what happens when we’re waiting for God but discover He’s waiting for us? In his first book, pastor and recording artist Travis Greene guides the reader to apply Biblical truths for a fulfilled life.

    Praying and waiting for God to answer can be confusing. When something–or everything–feels stuck because God doesn’t seem to be answering our prayers, what next? Pastor and Grammy-nominated recording artist Travis Greene issues a challenge and asks us to examine our prayers–Are we praying for the right thing? Are we planning and preparing for what we’ve asked for? Are we praying for our will to grow closer to His? Or do we sometimes treat him like a genie in a bottle? Using Biblical examples, Travis invites readers to reconsider our prayers and:

    *navigate beyond feeling trapped to thriving in God’s purposes;
    *learn to use what’s left instead of focusing on what was lost;
    *be willing to forgive, wait, and work as God allows; and
    *believe in God’s miracles while being a faithful steward of what He has already provided.

    Sometimes what happens next depends on the choices made right now. And sometimes God has something else in mind for us–something we might never have imagined, or in a way we might not have imagined it! It’s possible to press forward into a life filled with joy and expectation for the future! Like the widow who used the oil she had at hand, by using what God has already supplied, Travis encourages the readers that they may be closer to enjoying God’s promises than they realize. Management can be a magnet for miracles.

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  • Your Life Is Gods Story


    Biblical stories and powerful testimonies that encourage faith in God’s plan for your life.

    In Your Life is God’s Story, pastor and teacher Tim Dilena guides readers through the faith-building journeys of eleven Bible characters whose ordinary and painful experiences led to unforeseen results. Alongside the Bible stories are powerful testimonies from Tim and people in his life.

    Your Life is God’s Story gives readers a new set of lenses to view experiences and events in life with hope. The hope is seeing how God gets ordinary people to their intended destinies. Readers will gain a renewed passion for persevering through life’s challenges to trust God’s process.

    Together, they illustrate how God has a perfect plan for everyone.

    Your Life is God’s Story includes:

    *Stories from 11 biblical people whose destinies were unclear throughout most of their lives

    *Experiences of ordinary believers who have trusted the process, living through big trouble and getting to the other side to give praise to God

    *Questions for further reflection and study at the end of every chapter

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  • Courage And Calling


    You have a calling.

    First, God calls us all to know and love him. Second, for each individual there is a specific call-a defining purpose or mission, with implications for all of life.

    In this classic book on vocation, Gordon Smith invites you to discover your calling by listening to God and becoming a coworker with him. Courage and Calling has helped thousands of readers explore questions such as these:

    *What is my calling?
    *How do I live it out in the midst of difficult relationships or moral challenges?
    *Will my vocation change as I enter a new stage of life?
    *With competing needs and demands, how can I craft a balanced way of living?

    Smith explores how to pursue excellence in all kinds of work and how to continue growing throughout a lifetime. He also considers four examples of particular callings: business, the arts, education, and religious leadership.

    This third edition includes a new chapter that explores how a church community can be a dynamic venue for discerning vocation. Church leaders can help sustain a conversation about vocation, work, and career, and celebrate the diverse ways in which God is calling people. From students exploring careers to elders leaving a legacy, this book provides rich insight for all who long to courageously follow God’s call.

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  • You Are Not Forgotten


    Have you ever felt forgotten, disregarded, wounded, invisible, or invalidated by others? Do you ever experience the pain and anger of feeling unseen? Has this left you wondering if you’re truly worthy of being acknowledged, listened to, and loved?

    Oftentimes, when we are in this place, we turn toward God with soul-wrenching questions: Where are you, God? Have you forgotten me? Are you paying attention to what is happening to me? Can I trust that you will act on my behalf?

    If you’ve asked these questions, you are not alone. Author and Bible teacher Christine Hoover has asked these questions too, and she’s found that none of us are the first to feel overlooked or forgotten-and yet God has always been a “God Who Sees.” In fact, it was a woman named Hagar in the Bible, alone in her desperate wilderness, who first spoke this particular name for God. Her story along with others in Scripture reveal that God not only looks upon us when others disregard us, He looks after us.

    If you feel disregarded or forgotten, take heart, for your God is One who always remembers His people and acts on behalf of them-and that includes you! He hears your cries, gently shepherds and heals your wounds of disregard, grants you refuge to ask questions, emboldens you with courage to forgive, calls you out of hiding for fear of disapproval, and even gives you eyes to see others in the compassionate way He sees you.

    No matter who in this world may look right past you, know this: You are not forgotten. Your God is the God Who Sees, and He not only looks upon you but looks after you-always.

    He is the God who sees….you.

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  • Seen Secure Free


    In a world that screams Be seen! Be known! and often measures value by likes and shares and follows, it’s easy to feel invisible, unheard, unloved. But God’s Word offers a powerful and freeing counternarrative: true treasure is actually found in the “hidden” life of Christ.

    Somewhere along the way, we’ve confused our level of visibility with our value. We’ve mixed up fame with fruitfulness. We’ve equated exposure with excellence.

    But what if we stopped trying so hard to be seen, recognized, and affirmed by the world around us? What if there’s a different way of living altogether?

    Seen, Secure, Free unpacks the great promise in Colossians 3:3: “Your life is hidden with Christ in God” and reminds us that when God hides us in himself, he provides a non-negotiable, never-ending source of contentment, identity, and worth.

    Join Bible teacher Allison Allen as she explores the incredible power of hiddenness in nature, history, and Scripture, which will help you:

    *Let go of the pressure to be recognized and praised by others;
    *Release the resentment that comes from feeling unseen or misunderstood;
    *Find contentment in a loving God who knows you deeply;
    *Find security in a powerful God who establishes your identity, worth, and purpose;
    *Reset your motivations and goals to align with his kingdom; and
    *Feel freed to pursue new adventures with Jesus

    No more striving to be seen or wondering if you matter; no more pressure to perform or be visible to the world. Instead, rest assured that God truly sees, knows, and loves you more than any person ever could. And let him lead you into the freedom, joy, and transformative power of a life hidden in him.

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  • Now And Not Yet


    Bestselling author Ruth Chou Simons guides readers who are restless in their current circumstances on a journey of growth, purpose, and pressing in.

    Too often, we feel disappointed with our “right now”–our life circumstances, our relationships, our progress, our daily grind. We want to do so many things–good, godly things–but our situations don’t allow us to step into them. Are we missing out on our own lives? Why does right now seem so far from where we really long to be?

    Bestselling author Ruth Chou Simons reminds us that it’s okay to not like the right now we’ve been given, but we don’t have to like it to lean in. In Now and Not Yet, Ruth shows us how to.. .

    *embrace the biblical truth that someday is made up of thousands of right nows;

    *discern how the difficult parts of our lives are actually a unique gift by discovering five ways to flip the script on a hard season;

    *stop feeling trapped when we are not where we want to be with guided liturgies for what we are facing today; and

    *live faithfully in the tension between what is and what is not yet.

    Your right now matters. And you can choose to press in and not check out. To know God is at work even when you don’t see the progress you’re looking for. To start where you are in this very moment. Because he’s not through with you yet.

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  • Moments Of Hope


    Connect with God in a new way and find the hope in every moment.

    As women, we deeply desire wisdom, encouragement, and hope amid the busyness and distractions of our everyday lives.

    In Moments of Hope we are encouraged to redirect our thinking to understand ourselves, our world, and our God accurately. Complete with Bible verses, helpful stories, and practical application, these short daily devotions are designed to move us further along that path of having our hearts refreshed, our lives transformed, and our hope restored.

    Moments of Hope will encourage women to discover biblical wisdom and purpose so they can see how God’s love, kindness, and compassion for them is where true hope can be found.

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  • Moments Of Strength


    Today, let God fill your spirit with His strength.

    As men, we often work hard to prove ourselves, live well, and take care of the people we love. But with all the demands on our time and energy, life can get overwhelming. Thankfully, God never intended for us to go it alone, in our own power. He designed us to function best (and be strongest) when we regularly take time to connect with Him through His Word and in prayer.

    Moments of Strength is an invitation for you to spend a few minutes each day in conversation with God. As you connect with Him, you will be revitalized and challenged to place your trust in the hands of the all-powerful God of the universe-and to walk fully in the strength of His love, mercy, and grace.

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  • Whatever Happens : How To Stand Firm In Your Faith When The World Is Fallin


    Do you struggle keeping your faith in a world that’s losing its mind? These 31 short chapters take a deep dive into the book of Philippians, which Robert Morgan says is the Bible’s handbook for tackling each day with an undaunted attitude.

    Life is unpredictable, and the world is unstable. People have never been so confounded, sensing our culture, economy, and geopolitical systems are spiraling downward. Even in our personal lives, none of us knows what will happen next–which is why God gave us the book of Philippians. This short letter–just over 100 verses–can help us learn to live overflowing lives in an overwhelming world.

    Philippians is one of the most practical books of the Bible, which Robert Morgan says is as fresh as ever. Its theme can be summed up in these verses: “Whatever happens, conduct yourself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then . . . I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you” (1:27-28). Among the many lessons in Whatever Happens, readers will learn how to:

    *Use prayer to energize their life
    *Make today about others
    *Stay as cheerful as possible in all circumstances
    *Let others lean on their strength
    *Start everything with praise and end everything with prayer

    As the apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Philippians from a prison cell, he was facing dire circumstances and an unsettled future. Would he be released or executed? But he knew one thing–that whatever happened, he was going to stand firm in his faith and live a life worthy of the gospel. And no matter what we are going through today, we can do the same.

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  • Healing What You Cant Erase


    A path from trauma to transformation that doesn’t rely on willpower, but rather on the daily power of the Holy Spirit-from pastor and leadership coach Christopher Cook

    The pain that happened to you is real . . . and it matters immensely.

    The notion of healing what you can’t erase is not about ignoring the devastation of your past or putting a glossy, positive spin on current tragedy. That plastic version of faith isn’t actually faith; it’s unbelief.

    Healing What You Can’t Erase offers a far better solution-a road map for moving forward through the losses and scars by allowing the power of the Holy Spirit to transform us . . . spirit, soul, and body.

    Through story, instruction, action steps, and guided questions, you’ll discover

    * why transformation beats willpower and self-help

    *how to recognize and heal a broken spirit

    *well-researched, biblically grounded strategies to revitalize your mental and emotional well-being

    *how inside-out integrated transformation changes your spirit, soul, and body

    Whether you’re wrestling with the loss of a marriage, a fractured friendship, a betrayal at work, or a chronic illness, there is hope. No matter your pain or traumatic experience, the Holy Spirit can heal and restore you to the life God created you for.

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  • Not What I Signed Up For


    What do I do when I don’t know what to do?

    Have you ever found yourself in an unexpected season? Struggling with fear, uncertainty, and an unknown future? And thinking to yourself (and saying to God): This is not what I signed up for.

    From counselor and Bible teacher Nicole Unice comes a book for when you feel scared, helpless, and in over your head. In Not What I Signed Up For, Nicole takes us on a journey through the biblical story of Joseph-thirteen years of conflict, abandonment, and captivity-to help us see how God uses life’s hard times, twists, turns, and in-between spaces to grow something essential in our souls. With honest vulnerability, she’ll help you learn to:

    *Move forward when every choice feels impossible.
    *Persevere when you have no idea how your story will end.
    *Recognize signposts of hope in times of doubt, anxiety, and disappointment
    *Develop a sense of purpose and a resilient faith as you walk through seasons of uncertainty

    As you witness Joseph’s eventual restoration and redemption unfold in an entirely different way than what he must have expected, you’ll find the strength, hope, and perspective to navigate a season you didn’t sign up for.

    Not What I Signed Up For also makes a perfect gift for anyone in need of spiritual encouragement.
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  • Permission To Dream


    Do you have a dream God has put on your heart? A desire to change the world around you for the better? As you pursue those dreams and your purpose in this life, you will encounter moments where you feel unworthy, ill-equipped, or like you’re not enough. And when you do, it is important to know that God is for you.

    The highs and lows are part of your story, but they aren’t the whole story. With God’s help, you can build the resilience to keep pushing forward and hold onto hope–even in the face of setbacks or obstacles.

    Permission to Dream by bestselling author Christine Caine will:

    *teach you about resiliency and how to be strong despite the challenges.
    *help you listen and tune into God’s calling so you can overcome previous pain.
    *provide you with steps on how to overcome feelings of unworthiness.
    *teach you strategies to help you manage disappointment and maintain hope.

    This book is for anyone who:

    *knows their purpose but isn’t sure how to take the next step forward.
    *questions their value.
    *feels like they’re not enough.
    *is wondering what God has planned for them.

    Curated from messages shared in Unstoppable, Undaunted, and Unexpected, along with new insights and encouragement, Permission to Dream is a reminder that you are needed in this world, and you matter. Your purpose is bigger than you know, and God has created you to do something that will reflect his light in the world, and he has qualified you to do it. With his help, you can fulfill all that He’s created you to do.

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  • Hidden Peace : Finding True Security, Strength, And Confidence Through Humi


    The peace we long for begins with coming to the end of ourselves.

    There are inescapable aspects of life we are all marked by. We have less control than we want, more anxiety than we’re comfortable with and just enough insecurity to continually remind us of our shortcomings. To experience these things is to be human. We aren’t superheroes and invincibility isn’t an option.

    But humility is.

    Whether we’ve incorrectly defined it or underestimated its relevance to our daily life, humility is the missing piece for the security, strength and confidence we all want. It’s time to stop trying so hard to avoid our limitations or overcompensate for them. God has better for us and it begins with bowing low in humility.

    With relatable stories, practical wisdom and biblical theology broken down into digestible takeaways, The Hidden Peace by Dr. Joel Muddamalle will help you:

    *Overcome the fear of being “found out” or looking like a fraud by realizing God’s intent for shortcomings and weaknesses.

    *Walk through hurtful situations in the most God-honoring way by gaining a true understanding of biblical humility.

    *Answer the question “why do bad things happen to good people?” by learning a perspective shift that will change how you process suffering.

    *Know confidently that you’re living with purpose and being used by God through seven ways to practically live like Him today.

    *Be led by the biblical definition of self-awareness so you can experience the unexpected ways it brings safety and security to your life.

    *Stop believing the lie that theology is out of touch or too difficult to comprehend as Joel shows you how to dig into scripture and study it yourself.

    Weakness is not your enemy. Planted in the soil of humility, weakness becomes a means to gaining more strength and more peace.

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  • Every Woman A Theologian


    Now available in trade paper!

    Know what you believe and live it boldly! Phylicia Masonheimer believes that every woman should be a theologian and a student of the heart of God. Learn the basics of Christian theology and why it’s so important to continue your biblical education to grow deeper in faith. Discover how scriptural knowledge can help you navigate the world, answer your toughest questions, and engage culture in loving ways.

    All of us have guiding principles at work behind our choices, even if we don’t realize it. We hold beliefs about the world, ourselves, and God–beliefs perhaps we may have adopted unknowingly based on experience or culture’s messages.

    But God has revealed Himself through Scripture so it can transform how we view and navigate the world–how we think, act, love, work, marry, and parent. When we do that, we become theologians. No, we’re not wearing tweed suits or giving lectures; we’re driving to our corporate job every morning, or juggling babies on our own, or connecting with our communities. We are women who want to know who God is and how He answers our toughest questions.

    Through engaging stories and compelling truths, ?Every Woman a Theologian?will help you:

    *Identify your existing beliefs about God, salvation, and the Christian life
    *Learn how to lovingly communicate Christian truths to those who disagree
    *Understand theological concepts without feeling overwhelmed or inadequate
    *Grow closer to the heart of God

    Step in that direction with Phylicia Masonheimer as your guide, and you will grow as a woman able to discern truth, who knows what she believes, and who lives her faith boldly in a post-Christian world.

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  • God : Theology For Every Person


    Knowing, loving, and worshiping God is the call and privilege of every disciple of Jesus.
    Because all Christians are part of his royal priesthood, theology is not just for those teaching in the academy or serving in ministry vocations.

    Theology proper centers on God, exploring his existence, his divine nature, his Persons, and his attributes. In this book you will find an overview of these truths in the doctrine of God as well as other great truths in the doctrine of divine revelation.

    You are not simply setting out on a journey toward deeper knowledge. If theological study only results in knowing abstract truths about God, then we have not done theology well.
    Right theology invariably leads to right living and right worship, and this is our ultimate goal in these books and in this life.

    God is the first volume of a three-part series entitled Theology for Every Person. The other volumes will include God’s Word to the World, which considers God in Christ and his works of creation, humanity, and redemption, and God’s Work in the World, which explores God the Holy Spirit and the divine works of salvation, the church, and the end.

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  • Defiant Joy : Find The Hope To Light Your Way, Even In The Darkness


    When Jennifer Greenberg escaped her abusive childhood home at the age of twenty-one, she found that few Christians knew how to encourage her. Platitudes such as, “God won’t give you more than you can handle,” “Forgive and forget,” and “Have faith!” left her feeling misunderstood and alone. Would she ever be whole again? Could joy exist for someone so broken?

    By discarding false theology and toxic positivity, Greenberg discovered joy beyond anything she was taught in church: joy that’s a gift from God. In her new book, Defiant Joy, Greenberg shares this groundbreaking hope as she explores:

    – why philosophies like the prosperity gospel and legalism fail us
    – how Jesus is with us amid our sadness, disappointment, anger, and anxiety
    – how God’s joy far exceeds any emotion we can muster

    God doesn’t want you to pretend you’re okay. Discover the freedom of living beyond performance faith. Embrace a joy that shines in defiance of the darkness.

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  • Untangle Your Emotions


    How often have you heard, “Don’t let your emotions get the best of you”? But what if instead of ignoring our feelings, we noticed them, named them, and let God use them to draw us closer to Himself and others?

    Many of us need to unlearn damaging messages about our emotions. We’ve been taught, for example, that emotions are untrustworthy, when, in fact, God can use them to help us see where we need His healing.

    In Untangle Your Emotions, Jennie Allen uses scientific research, biblical insight, and her own story to help you:

    *exchange stuffing, dismissing, or minimizing your emotions for a five-step process to know what you feel and what to do about it

    *debunk the myth that feelings are sinful by learning how emotional maturity leads to deeper connection with God and others

    *live emotionally healthy by applying biblical wisdom and therapeutic research that works whether you self-identify as “emotional” or not

    *sit with feelings that are confusing and painful by discovering the depth of God’s love and compassion for you

    Feelings aren’t something to fix; they are something to feel. As we discover how to name and navigate our emotions, we’ll learn how they can draw us closer to the God who built us–soul, mind, and heart.

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  • Even If He Doesnt


    How can I approach God if I’m struggling to believe in His goodness?

    So much of our belief can be formulaic. We often think that if we do A, B, and C, then God will do X, Y, and Z. We check things off the “Good Christian Checklist,” trusting we’ll be okay, and our trials will be minimal. But when our experiences inevitably deviate from that belief, our trust in God often crumbles. After a series of life-altering trials–including a devastating diagnosis–uncovering faith in the cracks of pain is something Kristen LaValley knows well.

    In Even If He Doesn’t, Kristen will:

    *share her vulnerable and honest story

    *unpack the nuances of suffering and faith, holding space for the tension between the two

    *reveal how engaging the gentleness and grace of Christ in our suffering offers a surprising path to healing

    *remind us that when our belief is reduced to a formula, we rob ourselves of a faith that’s enriched by suffering, not crippled by it

    Those in the midst of heartache will find strength and renewal as Kristen approaches the complexity of suffering with compassion, guiding us to endure while not forsaking the joy, hope, and peace of those marked by Jesus.

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  • Dont Give Up Just Yet


    When it rains in life it pours.

    With each wave of resistance in life, it can be so tempting to simply give up. To quit the difficult calling. To leave the meaningful relationship. To walk away from the dreams God placed on your heart.

    If this is where you find yourself, take heart. Nick Connolly has also been there and he’s written Don’t Give Up Just Yet for you to find the motivation and encouragement to help you to keep going. Together, we’ll discover:

    *Seven different areas of our lives where resistance shows up and wreaks havoc
    *How to work through struggles like doubt and seasons of waiting
    *What the Bible has to say about dark nights of the soul
    *When walking away is actually the right and healthy choice
    *How to make difficult times work for your faith, not against it.

    God hasn’t let go of you. The other side of this hard time is closer than you think. Join Nick in the journey to choose persistence in the face of resistance; find renewed energy and faith; and confidently pursue the promise of who God made you to be.

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  • I Want God


    I Want God, now revised and updated, will help you focus on your true pursuit of God and watch Him move your soul. Lisa Whittle amplifies the solution to the heart cry of the “sick of me” life.

    It is in the heart of every person to want God, but life gets loud, and we forget Him. We get consumed by our problems, our desires, ourselves. We forget our first encounter with the Savior and how much we once wanted Him. But Lisa Whittle believes that if we calibrate our attention, refocusing on God determines the perspective for everything in our life:

    *what we fight for,
    *what we tolerate,
    *how we make decisions,
    *what we choose,
    *what we love,
    *what we chase,
    *what we let go of, and
    *what we are willing to change.

    A guidebook, a teacher, and a resource, all in one, I Want God brings rich simplicity to life-altering principles, perfect for your personal Lenten reflection. With her signature boldness and raw authenticity, author and podcast host of The Jesus Over Everything podcast, Lisa Whittle inspires with bottom line truth when we want Him and experience a soul revival, there is no limit to what we will do for Him.

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  • Think Ahead : 7 Decisions You Can Make Today For The God-Honoring Life You


    Why do we keep making choices we later regret–sometimes even the same bad choices over and over? Drawing on Scripture, story, and cutting-edge research into human behavior, pastor Craig Groeschel reveals the key to making the choices we want to make and experiencing the joy and freedom God has for us.

    We all want to make great decisions. So what happens between our good intentions and the choices we actually make in the moment? If only we could make decisions ahead of time rather than when we’re under stress, overwhelmed, or swayed by fear or emotion. In Think Ahead, we learn how to do just that.

    Pastor Craig Groeschel knows from personal experience and as a counselor to others what being trapped in a cycle of poor decision-making is like. In Think Ahead, he shares what he has discovered about the power of “pre-deciding.”

    With thought-provoking exercises and questions for reflection, this interactive book teaches us that the quality of our decisions determines the quality of our lives. Think Ahead will help you:

    *Understand the science behind your decision-making habits
    *Overcome decision fatigue and debilitating fears
    *Diminish the role of emotions in decision-making
    *See how your small choices shape the kind of person you become
    *Define and put into action the seven life-defining pre-decisions you can make today
    *Becoming the person you want to be starts before you even make a decision. In Think
    Ahead, you’ll discover the power of making decisions today to help you live the life you want to have tomorrow.

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  • Think Ahead Workbook (Workbook)


    We all want to make great decisions, but frequently, we don’t. When the moment of truth arrives, we make choices that we later regret. It causes us to wonder if we actually can begin to make better decisions for our lives.

    Pastor and bestselling author Craig Groeschel understands this dilemma that we all face. From both personal experience and as a minister and counselor to others, he knows what it is like to be trapped in a cycle of bad decision-making. But over time, he has discovered how to short-circuit the bad-decision cycle, make wise decisions, and begin to become the person God wants us to be.

    In the Think Ahead Workbook, which accompanies the book of the same name, Craig draws on the truth of Scripture and the latest research in human behavior to reveal the power of making decisions in advance–what we might call “pre-deciding”–to position ourselves to make the choices we really want to make and avoid those choices that we do not want to make. In the process, he reveals:

    *The science behind many of our decision-making habits
    *How our small choices shape the kind of people we become
    *Practical steps we can employ to combat decision fatigue
    *How to develop the ability to diminish the role of emotions in decision-making

    Are you ready to choose who you will become and live the life you really want to live? If so, this workbook will provide you with a clear biblical path on how to get there and think ahead.

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  • Gift Of Thorns


    Today’s follower of Jesus exists at a moment in history when our desires, longings, and wants are being weaponized against us by cultural, spiritual, and relational forces. “Follow your heart” and “You do you” has become our moment’s mantras. The result, for too many, is feeling torn asunder by the raging desires within. What do we do with our desire? What about our unwanted desires? And how do we cultivate desires which bring life and freedom and lead to Christ? The Gift of Thorns, by A. J. Swoboda, addresses these questions and more.

    The path forward is anything but easy. It is assumed by too many in the Christian community that desire is in and of itself bad or dangerous and must be crucified for simply existing. Desire is demonic for some. But, for many others–particularly in the secular West–desire must be followed through and through. This side deifies desire. But these two options sidestep the joy in the great challenge of finding God in our desire. There exists an ancient and sacred way that is forged around the life, wisdom, and power of Jesus and his Spirit. In short, what makes a follower of Christ is not whether or not we have desires. Rather, it is what we do with the desires we have.

    Near the end of the story of humanity’s rebellion, the theme of “thorns” is introduced. As readers will discover, the thematic repetition of “thorns” pops up over and over throughout the Bible. What are the thorns for? They will be, in the words of God, “for you” (Gen. 3:18). The premise of this book is that a world where we do not get all that we want is, well, the greatest gift ever.

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  • Encouraging Words For A Discouraging World


    Life on earth isn’t easy. How do we reach for hope in the midst of a world that can be so discouraging? Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World, from beloved Bible teacher and author Dr. David Jeremiah, reveals the hope, purpose, and security that is ours because of the God we serve.

    In this uplifting and insightful book, Dr. Jeremiah offers encouraging and inspiring words that will help you navigate the difficulties of daily life with faith, courage, and resilience. Drawing on decades of study as a pastor and teacher, Dr. Jeremiah shares practical insights and timeless wisdom from the Bible that will help you find hope, comfort, and strength in even the darkest of times. This book includes:

    *Biblical examples of hope that will inspire you during challenging seasons
    *Inspiring teaching on how to claim victory even in the hardest of times
    *Practical wisdom for holding God’s promises in your heart

    Whether you’re struggling with personal challenges, dealing with difficult relationships, or facing sadness and grief, Encouraging Words for a Discouraging World will help you find perspective, hope, and a renewed sense of purpose. With his trademark warmth, wisdom, and compassion, Dr. Jeremiah reminds us that even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, we can trust in God’s love and grace to guide us through every challenge.

    Whether you’re a long-time Christian or just beginning your spiritual journey, this book will inspire and uplift you with its timeless message and with biblical reminders of the hope that is ours because of who Christ is.

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  • Life In The Negative World


    Learning how to live in today’s new social and cultural environment will require examination, trial and error, and adaptation over time. But there are ways to live with integrity and follow Christ today, even in a negative world.

    From a peak in church attendance in the mid-20th century, Christianity has been on a trajectory of decline in the United States. Once positive toward Christianity and Christian moral teachings, cultural shifts toward the mid-90s led many to adopt a more neutral tone toward the Christian faith, seeing it as one option among many in a pluralistic public square. Today, however, Christianity is viewed negatively, and being known as a Christian often means a lower social status in elite society. Christian morality is openly repudiated and viewed as a threat to the new moral order.

    In Life in the Negative World, author Aaron M. Renn looks at the lessons from Christian cultural engagement over the past 70 years and suggests specific strategies for churches, institutions, and individuals to live faithfully in the “negative” world–a culture opposed to Christian values and teachings. And since there is no one-size-fits-all solution, living as a follower of Christ in the new, negative world and being missionally engaged will require a diversity of strategies.

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  • Created To Hear God


    God is always speaking–the key is discovering the unique way He speaks to each of us.

    Hearing God’s voice is one of the greatest gifts we’ve been given, but it can also feel complex and frustrating. As a teenager Havilah Cunnington didn’t think she could hear God’s voice, thinking it was like trying to tune into a radio station and never finding the correct frequency. But one night at a conference, she had an encounter with God that changed everything. She realized He had been speaking to her the whole time–she just hadn’t learned to recognize His voice.

    Now an author, speaker, pastor, and founder of the well-known ministry Truth to Table, Havilah teaches people around the world to recognize the unique way God is speaking to them. After more than twenty-five years studying and teaching on hearing from God, she has discovered four distinct ways we hear His voice. In this new book she will help you:

    *learn the core concepts of a prophetic personality;
    *identify your unique prophetic personality: Hearer, Knower, Feeler, or Seer;
    *discover how to strengthen and develop that personality;
    *uncover a relationship with God that has felt hidden for so long; and
    *learn not only how God speaks to you, but how He speaks to your family and friends and how best to relate to them.

    God is alive and well. It’s not about Him speaking but us listening. Through biblical teaching and experience, this book offers guidance in hearing and connecting with God. If you love tools like the Enneagram, join the thousands who have already gained a deeper understanding of themselves and others through learning their unique prophetic personality.

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  • Hearing Gods Voice


    Based on classic Experiencing God principles, Hearing God’s Voice is for those who are ready to listen. Beloved author Henry Blackaby and his son Richard help those who are listening to discern the voice of God, to identify ways He speaks, and to respond to His revelations of His will. God speaks to individuals in ways that are personal and unique to each person. God will never say anything that contravenes what He has said in the Bible, and usually He confirms what He has said. After you learn to listen to God, hearing from God will be as natural as communicating with a close friend.

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  • Create : New Beginnings – An Artistic Journey To Deepen Your Connection Wit


    Discover artwork activities to help you process your past and change your future, in this 10-session artistic journey for women’s groups

    If you’ve ever needed a fresh start or wanted to find a new way to begin to heal from the pain in your life, Create: New Beginnings is for you. This 10-week series of restorative art projects rooted in Scripture offers a safe space to process your own experiences in community with other women. You’ll intentionally and creatively explore themes such as:


    You don’t have to be “creative” to do this. You don’t have to have any art background-the goal is not to create a masterpiece. It is to simply deepen your relationship with God and others . . . and walk forward into a new beginning.

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  • Path Through Pain


    In the midst of deep pain, how can you move forward?

    Most of us spend our lives avoiding pain at every turn, so when we inevitably experience it, it sends us into a tailspin. We begin to question why God doesn’t stop bad things from happening, if there’s significance in our pain, and whether or not God is truly worthy of our trust or actually cares about us.

    Ed and Lisa Young, bestselling authors and pastors of Fellowship Church, know the kind of pain most of us hope never to experience–the death of a child. With refreshing vulnerability and power, A Path through Pain shares their family’s journey from sorrow and anger to hope and healing after the tragic and sudden loss of their daughter. As they share their incredible perspective, they will inspire and equip you to:

    *See God’s presence, love, and care in the middle of your suffering
    *Believe that there is purpose in your pain, even if you can’t see that purpose yet
    *Rebuild your life after a season of pain
    *Restore your trust in God and the world you live in

    God really does care for us, and in the darkest of places, his light still shines to show us a way through.

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  • Bible Reset : Simple Breakthroughs To Make Scripture Come Alive


    **By the Co-Creator of Immerse: The Reading Bible –ECPA 2022 Bible of the Year!**

    Confused. Frustrated. Apathetic. If you feel this way about the Bible, you’re not alone. The reality is that we’ve been set up to fail when we read the Bible, inheriting barriers and habits that make reading Scripture harder than it needs to be. Alex Goodwin, co-founder of the Institute for Bible Reading, will show you a better way forward.

    Discover how the physical format of our Bibles can make or break our Bible reading and how changing our reading habits can help us see that Scripture is alive. Learn how the ancient collection of writings compiled in the Bible tells a story that is still unfolding–a story God is inviting you to live into today. You’ll get:

    *actionable steps toward a flourishing relationship with the Bible,
    *a grand sense of the overall story the Bible is telling,
    *a clear sense of how you can participate in God’s work of restoration and renewal, and
    *renewed curiosity about the Bible in ways you didn’t think were possible.

    Alex was once intimidated (and bored) by Bible reading too! He presents his discoveries in ways that are easy to access, full of illustrations, and peppered with humor to keep you engaged. Whether reading on your own or with a church or small group, you’ll be surprised at how your fascination will develop and your life will be transformed as you read and enjoy Scripture in fresh, new ways.

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  • Loving Disagreement : Fighting For Community Through The Fruit Of The Spiri


    What does it look like to love someone you disagree with?

    Fighting, disagreements, hatred, dissension, and silence. These things seem common in the wider Christian community today. Politics, theology, and even personal preference create seemingly insurmountable rifts. It’s hard not to see ourselves as “at war” with each other.

    We’re not doomed to be stuck here, though. There is a twofold path out of this destructive war, out of seeing our brothers and sisters as enemies–and into a spacious place of loving each other even as we disagree.

    In Loving Disagreement, Kathy Khang and Matt Mikalatos bring unique insight into how the fruit of the Spirit informs our ability to engage in profound difference and conflict with love. As followers of Jesus are planted in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit grows and bears good things in our lives–and relationships and communities are changed.

    *Each chapter features author conversations about the communal and cultural implications of the fruit of the Spirit.

    *Book includes a glossary of social and cultural terms.

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  • Trailblazers : A Journey To Discover God’s Purpose For Your Life


    Are you ready to live a life like no one else?

    We all want our lives to count for something. We desperately want to know if we matter, what our purpose is, and if it’s ok to chase a dream bigger than ourselves. In Trailblazers, using biblical characters and his own life experiences, pastor Micah E. Davis shows how a life that is built on a solid foundation of faith can lead us to blaze a new trail . . . a unique one God has purposed for us. And the best part is you don’t have to wait for anyone else–you can start right now!

    In his debut book, Micah takes us on a fresh, honest, and bold journey, exploring such questions as:

    *What is my purpose and how do I know it’s what God wants for me?
    *What do I need to let go of to pursue the calling God has placed on my life?
    *Does God have more in store for me than this? Am I really allowed to go after it?
    *Can God use a flawed and broken person like me to impact the Kingdom?
    *And more!

    At the heart of a Trailblazer lies a supernatural courage, strength, and faith to go first. Come alongside Micah to discover what it truly means to live out the way of a Trailblazer and to live a life that matters.

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  • Well Said : Choosing Words That Speak Life, Give Grace, And Strengthen Your


    Have you ever had moments when your words have gotten the better of you?

    Maybe you knew how much something would hurt, but you said it anyway because it felt good in the moment. Maybe you’re fighting a habit of complaining or yelling, when you really want to be a person who speaks with kindness and patience. Or maybe you stay silent because you’re never quite sure what to say. Whatever your “maybe” may be, you are in the right place. As a wife, mom, and the creator of the popular Modern Farmhouse Family Instagram, Sarah Molitor has learned firsthand that yes, words can hurt–but they can also help and heal.

    In Well Said, she uses authentic, relatable stories paired with Biblical truth to help readers:

    *Use their words to create grace-filled, positive relationships
    *Develop a healthy, balanced approach to social media (and find their wisdom filter)
    *Feel equipped to use words to forgive and reconcile differences so they can live freely and fully . . . and so much more.

    Well Said helps you explore what it means to speak words that direct you to the very heart of Jesus. Sarah will be the trusted friend who walks alongside you, encouraging you to discover God’s true desire for the words we speak every day.

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  • Take Back Your Life


    Paralyzed by anxiety, fear, and uncertainty? In this 40-day interactive journey, discover a step-by-step process that can break that cycle. Offering an action plan and journaling space for turning your thoughts into real change, learn to take back your life.

    Every person has a mission and a God-given potential to impact the world, whether they recognize it or not. But life presents challenges and traps us in a helpless, hopeless loop of anxiety and fear.

    In Take Back Your Life, a blend of his bestselling books Through the Eyes of a Lion and I Declare War, join Levi Lusko on an interactive journey to equip yourself to become the best version of yourself. Offering forty daily challenges to help you come to terms with the reality of your internal battle, learn to take up the weapons God has given you and engage in the fight.

    With biblical truth and perspective, this step-by-step journaling process will help you:

    *Get out of your own way by learning to think right so you can live right
    *Find purpose by discovering that God will do great things with your imperfect progress
    *Learn that your pain is not an obstacle to being used by God but an opportunity to be used like never before

    This is more than a book. It’s an intimate self-analysis tool that will help you recognize what’s weighing you down or holding you back. This is a journey to get back the life you know you were born for–to change your thinking so you can change your living and become the difference-maker God sees when he sees you.

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  • Near In The Night


    Why is it that when the lights go off our minds start racing? We stew over what we could have done differently that day. We remember details we’re afraid we’ll forget in the morning. And most of all, we worry. Small anxieties as well as huge fears come alive when we’re exhausted and the house is finally quiet.

    Emily Ley finds that having a simple devotional routine before bed puts anxieties in their place and brings peace to her soul. In this unique evening devotional, she shares her own stories and struggles, invites you to contemplation, and brings you back to the unchanging comfort of God’s Word.

    Near in the Night includes practical ideas to make your evenings calmer, along with pages for taking notes, making lists (so you can stop thinking about those to-dos!), and writing out personal reflections. Each of the 100 devotions will help you:

    *Turn off your worries and regrets at night
    *Remember God’s goodness in an uncertain world
    *Develop a gentle, grace-filled evening routine so you can sleep well and wake up refreshed and prepared for the day ahead

    This devotional is perfect for:

    *Anyone looking for uplifting biblical readings for those stress-filled evening hours

    *Readers of Emily’s previous books, including her companion morning devotional, Sure as the Sunrise

    *Christmas, New Year’s, Mother’s Day, birthdays, and graduation

    Pairing biblical wisdom with Emily’s simplicity expertise, Near in the Night reminds us that God is always faithful and ever near, even in the darkest of nights.

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