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Christian Living

Showing 1–50 of 970 results

  • Like A River


    Now available in trade paper!

    Like a River, a triumphant story of new life birthed out of tragedy, will teach readers how to face their failures, confront their pain, and connect with God–the true source of life.

    On June 4th, 2019, country music singer Granger Smith was enjoying a final evening with his kids before heading to Nashville for the CMT Music Awards and his next tour. While helping his daughter London with her gymnastics, his youngest son fell into their pool. Granger did everything he could to get to him, but he was too late. River drowned, and Granger’s world shattered.

    The days, weeks, and months that followed River’s death sent Granger on a dark and painful journey. Every time he closed his eyes, he replayed the horrific event in his mind, and every time he opened his computer, he was bombarded by the critique and criticism of people who blamed him for the accident.

    Despite his best effort to get back on stage with a smile and song, it was all a faade. On the inside he was dying. Fortunately, that’s not how his story ended. And now he is compelled to help people all around the world find strength, peace, and hope on the other side of tragedy.

    *Like a River, life is full of twists and turns.
    *Like a River, people pollute our world with their critique and criticism.
    *Like a River, tragic events keep us dammed up.
    *But like a river, we can find the courage to keep moving downstream.

    Rivers don’t run on their own strength; they flow from their source. When we try to keep going on our own, we won’t make it, but when we connect to the greater source, we will find the strength and the faith to keep living after loss. This triumphant story of new life birthed out of death will inspire every reader to live Like a River.

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  • Lead With Faith Play With Purpose


    As an athlete, you train your body and mind to be ready for competition. But what about your soul? Lead with Faith, Play with Purpose is your guide to exercising your faith, with Andy Dooley as your trainer.

    As a professional athlete turned pastor–and a passionate leader, Seattle Seahawks in-game host, social media influencer, and fitness trainer–Andy Dooley knows all about sports and what it takes to be a Christian on and off the field, court, or wherever you may play. A 100-day devotional written to encourage and guide athletes of any age, level, or sport, Lead with Faith, Play with Purpose is just what you need to integrate your faith into what you love to do–play your sport.

    Let Dooley be your spiritual trainer and coach you to:

    *Become a better teammate in four simple steps
    *Discover effective ways to handle stress before a competition
    *Identify how God is working through your sport to make you more like him
    *Understand and embrace your calling as a Christian who is also an athlete

    Physical training has value for our lives here on earth, yet it holds zero weight for the eternal. If you learn to be tenacious about living a godly life now as you also strive to become a better athlete and teammate, you’ll change the trajectory of your life.

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  • Unfiltered Devotional Guide


    An interactive devotional guide designed to help readers offer their authentic
    selves to Christ.

    We often think our lives should look a certain way to others, and we have the same idea about God. We try to bring only our best and hide the rest, a process that can lead to exhaustion, burnout, and disillusionment. But God hasn’t asked for our best; He’s asked for our everything. This encouraging guide, great for both individuals and groups, is filled with quizzes, fill-in-theblank exercises, designed to help readers get to the heart of the matter-the unfiltered self that Christ desires to connect with. Readers will be encouraged to dispense with pretense and meet with the God who sees all, knows all, and loves us anyway, to the end of our days and forevermore.

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  • Secret To Complete Contentment


    Discover the secret of how to let go of the restlessness in your heart so you can feel true fulfillment.

    If only I didn’t feel so burned out.

    If only I wasn’t so lonely.

    If only I wasn’t so concerned about impressing others.

    If only I had that job.

    If only this relationship was different.

    We all dream about how if one thing was different in our lives it would finally make us content. But once we get the very thing we wished for, we are still left wanting more. Is it even possible to feel peaceful and satisfied in life?

    Wishing for “more” in life usually leaves you feeling unfulfilled and anxious–especially when we realize that more will never be enough. In The Secret to Complete Contentment beloved Bible teacher and bestselling author Jack Countryman offers Bible verses and 60 thoughtful reflections to reveal why living in the love of Jesus is the only way to know true, lasting contentment. In these pages you’ll discover:

    *The freedom that comes from finding contentment apart from circumstances
    *Why you can rest–physically, spiritually, and emotionally–in God’s abundant love
    *How to strengthen your trust in who God is and how He provides for you

    The Secret to Complete Contentment is an ideal gift for:

    *Anyone struggling to overcome anxiety, envy, or discouragement

    *New Christians and faith seekers

    *Those transitioning into a new phase of life: a new school, an empty nest, or even retirement

    *Friends or family looking for a simple yet powerful daily devotional to help them find happiness

    As you journey through this beautiful devotional, you will learn to let go of the restlessness that comes from trying to find contentment outside God’s love and instead find true peace as you live at the center of His will. Although the world may promise that you can have everything you want, only God can give everything you need. The Secret to Complete Contentment reminds you that God so deeply longs for a relationship with you that He created you to be satisfied with nothing less than life with Him.

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  • Misled : 7 Lies That Distort The Gospel And How You Can Discern The Truth


    The gospel is under attack today–not only from outside cultural forces but also from within the church. In Misled, popular YouTuber and Bible teacher Allen Parr equips readers to identify and withstand seven of the most common false teachings that undermine the gospel and lead many well-meaning Christians astray.

    For an anxious and weary world, the gospel of Jesus Christ is the one true source of deep peace and lasting joy. But today, many supposedly Christian teachers are spreading ideas that amount to what Paul called “another gospel.”

    The result? A generation of believers confused about what God really says, what he offers, and what he wants for his children. From the heavy burden of legalism to an overemphasis on prosperity or spiritual gifts to warped understandings of grace, every false teaching has two things in common: they all use half-truths that look and sound biblical (making them very difficult to identify) and they all harm and discourage those who are trying to follow the way of Jesus.

    In Misled, Allen Parr weaves together stories from his own spiritual journey and the lives of those he’s ministered to in order to show the painful consequences of following false teachings and to provide clear explanations of what the Bible really teaches about the gospel. Readers will

    *learn about seven of the most misleading and harmful messages that run rampant within the church today;

    *be equipped to identify not only “wolves in shepherd’s clothing” who peddle counterfeit gospels, but also well-intentioned teachers whose half-truths are no less harmful to the church; and

    *discover how they can find the freedom, peace, and joy that only comes from embracing the gospel in all its purity and simplicity.

    With the same balanced, Bible-based approach that has made Parr’s YouTube channel a go-to resource, Misled offers clarity and hope for anyone who has felt discouraged or confused in their spiritual journey–and invites readers to find everything they’ve been searching for in the true gospel.

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  • In Our Suffering Lord Be Near


    Where do you turn in seasons of despair? What do you do when you don’t know what to do?

    Ben Locke is no stranger to suffering, and in his darkest hours of sorrow, he took his suffering to Jesus. The prayers that poured out offer a road map for you to take your sorrows, grief, and troubles to God, knowing He will meet you in your time of suffering.

    Hardship and adversity touch everyone–illness, grief, accidents, trauma, loneliness, relationship struggles, financial crises, sin, addiction, life stressors, and so much more can make people feel lost and hopeless. In Our Suffering, Lord Be Near can be a light in the darkness if you ever:

    *Feel like questioning, yelling at, doubting, or even denouncing God
    *Want to separate from the church
    *Wonder if God is listening to your prayers and cares about your troubles
    *Do not know what to do with your anger
    *Fear that life will be this way forever

    You are not alone. In Ben Locke’s darkest valleys, he was determined to tell God exactly what he thought. He poured out his agony and anger–and was met with God’s grace, love, forgiveness, strength, and eternal mercy. He discovered in those moments that God can handle it. All of it.

    The psalm like prayers borne out of these experiences will meet you in your own moments of suffering. But they are more than prayers. They’re cries for help and explosions of anger, mourning, weeping, grieving, celebrating, rejoicing, and praising. They’re liturgies to heal your soul, balm for your wounds, and tender mercies for your heartache. This book will help you know that:

    *God is with you, even if you don’t feel Him or understand what is happening
    *God offers you grace and mercy, no matter what
    *God delivers you and gives you strength

    Let these words help you articulate your own sorrows, bring you to your knees, encourage you to confess your insufficiency, and express your most genuine emotions. God can handle your suffering. So, tell Him.

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  • Organic Prayer : Make Talking With God A Natural Part Of Every Day


    Often we view prayer as an activity reserved for a certain time, in a certain place, offered in a specific way. Scripture invites us to pray continually. This exhortation is an opportunity for prayer to permeate every aspect of our lives–when we’re alone or in a crowd, when it’s quiet and when it’s chaotic, when we feel like it and when we don’t.?

    Organic Prayer shows us how to make continuous prayer a natural part of our lives rather than something on a spiritual checklist. It helps us encounter God in new ways as we learn to:

    *open our eyes to see his presence and the world around us?
    *open our ears to hear his voice guiding us?
    *open our hearts to experience freedom and power as we pray?
    *and open our lives as we pray for and with others and shine the light of Jesus in our dark world?

    Anyone desiring a richer, more transformative prayer life will welcome this fresh take on conversing with our Creator.? Anyone hungering to share the grace and goodness of Jesus in our hurting and confused world will find practical ideas for world-changing prayer.

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  • 6 Steps to Successful Christian Living


    This booklet is a guidebook to help new converts start right and stay right in their Christian walk.

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  • Complete Bible Answer Book Collectors Edition Revised And Expanded

    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $21.99.

    We all have questions about the Bible–whether we have read it or not. Join the nearly 400,000 people who have looked to The Complete Bible Answer Book for answers about the Bible, Christian beliefs, life problems, and what God’s Word says about current issues.

    This comprehensive guide covers more than 170 of the top questions people have asked Bible teacher and theologian Hank Hanegraaff, aka the Bible Answer Man, over the last 40 years. Revised and expanded topics include:

    *creation and our existence
    *spiritual gifts
    *the secret to effective prayers
    *religions and cults
    *the resurrection and afterlife
    *and many more issues vital to a better understanding of God and living a spiritually nourishing life.

    Each question is answered in Hanegraaff’s scholarly yet approachable style and also includes additional resources for those who want to explore the topics further.

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  • End The Stalemate


    When was the last time you had a real & meaningful conversation? What has happened to our society?

    Differences of opinion have always been part of life. For decades, spouses, family members, co-workers, and neighbors have had spirited conversations about politics, social issues, religion, current events, and even sports. But what was different in the past is that these disagreements wouldn’t sever ties between family and friends.

    Today, we live in an argument culture that has let to nearly a third of people reporting they have stopped talking to a friend or family member due to a disagreement and nearly two-thirds of people saying they stay quiet about their beliefs due to the fear of offending others. From cyberbullying to hate speech, workplace harassment, demonizing political language, verbal abuse, and intolerance, the vast majority of us–eighty-seven percent–no longer feel safe in public places to share our opinions.

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  • You Can Be Free


    Beat the cycle of habitual sin as Kirby Kelly guides you through how God’s strength can win back your freedom and bring you everyday peace. Find rescue and relief through a practical battle plan to defeat that sin that feels stuck on repeat and win back your life.

    Tired of the same cycle over and over again? Of the endless spirals of self-destructive sin? In You Can Be Free, discover a real-life battle plan to break the spiritual bondage of habitual sin.

    You’re not alone. So many Christians are desperate to find a way to overcome recurring sin in their lives, a dominating factor when it comes to coping mechanisms in today’s society. Kirby Kelly has been there, and she’s created a battle plan to help others break free from unhealthy thoughts, behaviors, and cycles to find God’s actual peace in their lives.

    Leading from the front, Kelly offers her own story first and shares biblical strategies to:

    *Connect and confess
    *Stay in bounds
    *Know your enemy
    *Know your God
    *Know yourself
    *Set your green and red light zones
    *Turn around and come home
    *Makeover your mind

    Kirby Kelly offers practical, tactical advice to the questions: How does one break, and stay, free? And how does one truly overcome what they thought they broke free from, only to see its disappointing return in their life? Through theology, hope, and God’s guidance, there is a way to become vulnerable with your community, grow spiritually and personally, and welcome God’s promise of freedom.

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  • Sex Talk You Never Got


    Men today are starved for sexual formation. They’ve been failed by parents, churches, and culture alike, leading to widespread shame, confusion, and brokenness in the area of sexuality. In The Sex Talk You Never Got, therapist Sam Jolman helps men reconnect their God-given sexuality with innocence, awe, and joy, and shows readers how to celebrate–instead of struggle against–the gift of sexual desire.

    In our sex-saturated world, it might seem surprising that men need more talk about sex. But the reality is that sexuality is one of the most neglected aspects of men’s lives. From the woefully inadequate sex talks many young men receive from parents (little more than an anatomy lesson or a purity lecture, if anything at all) to cultural messages that unhelpfully weave both shame and permissiveness into men’s understanding of their own sexuality and masculinity, too many boys and men experience sexual desire as an area of struggle, confusion, and brokenness.

    But it doesn’t need to be this way. God made men to be moved, to live with wonder and awe–and sexual desire must be formed within the context of that design. Sam Jolman, a professional therapist who specializes in men’s issues and sexual trauma recovery, shows men the way out of the wilds of sexual struggle. This timely and incisive book will help readers:

    *learn about the vital link between sexual desire and their identity as worshipers;

    *regain a wild and vigorous sexuality within the context of God’s design;

    *understand how purity culture has needlessly put men in a conflict-ridden relationship with their sexuality;

    *see sexual purity not as the goal but as the preparation for becoming fully alive to beauty, awe, and worship; and

    *discover how to trade shame and confusion for a sexuality that’s filled with innocence and wonder.

    In the Bible, Jesus’ greatest kindness was often offered to those suffering sexual harm and brokenness. He offers this same kindness today. He does not want men to repent of their sexual desire. Rather, through reconnecting sexuality with innocence and awe, God opens the door for men to experience the wild joy of desire, rightly ordered toward worship and God’s good purposes for their life.

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  • Opt Out Family


    Discover a new and hopeful path forward as you consider your family’s approach to social media, screen time, and technology.

    We’ve all heard the mind-boggling statistics about technology and social media use. The numbers don’t lie; our obsession with smartphones and social media is slowly eroding the very essence of our homes and families. We see it. We feel it. We know it.

    So what do we do about it?

    Spoiler alert: Forget parental control apps, time limits, or reward charts. This revolutionary path takes us into the heart of the beast itself: the social media algorithm. Former social media influencer and trailblazer Erin Loechner has seen the perks and pitfalls of social media usage, and she knows how to hack the strategies of tech wizards and platform experts so you can borrow their billion-dollar playbook to engage your family in meaningful ways away from screens.

    The Opt-Out Family is packed with eye-opening research and startling insights, as well as practical encouragement and creative ideas to transform your family’s relationship with today’s ever-evolving technology. As a result, you will:

    *Experience more quality time with your children that doesn’t revolve around screens

    *Create healthy habits as a family that will set your children up for success in the future

    *Discover what your kids actually need from you, and learn how to delight and engage them better than a device can

    *And, ultimately, establish true and lasting influence within your own four walls–and far beyond

    The Opt-Out Family unlocks a world where genuine connections flourish and technology takes a backseat. It’s time to reclaim your home and build a tech-free family culture that’s stronger than your Wi-Fi signal.

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  • Dont Sink Your Own Ship


    Don’t Sink Your Own Ship equips believers with simple truths for living fulfilling lives, because sometimes it’s all too easy to sail into trouble unnecessarily. In this lighthearted guide, bestselling author and Bible teacher, Max Anders, gives powerfully practical insights that, if heeded, can keep you afloat in even the most treacherous of seas.

    Generously punctuated by interesting and sometimes outrageous stories, Max walks readers through 20 spiritual lessons, providing biblical clarity on problems we all face. Each lesson includes application questions, scripture references, and recommended reading. The book’s format and the teaching guideline included at the end make this an ideal small group resource.

    Whether you read this book individually or as a group, you’ll get a fresh grip on transforming truths, like:

    *The small stuff in life will build up to become big stuff, if you let it.
    *We become what we think about.
    *We are created for love. It’s the principle of existence and its only end.
    *Success is being faithful to what God asks of us and leaving the results to Him
    *Unless we are willing to forgive, our wounds will never heal.

    Truth seekers, new Christians, and established Christians alike will benefit from the simple reminders that this book provides. You don’t have to learn your lessons the hard way.

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  • Guide To A Better You


    Grow in your spiritual life and live more like Jesus.

    A Guide to a Better You includes 20 sections, 50 prompts, and journaling space to help you better understand the Bible, become more like Jesus, and reflect on continued growth in all aspects of your life.

    What if you could expand your spiritual life and live more like Jesus? Have you wondered how to find ways to grow in all aspects of your faith journey as you become the best version of yourself? A Guide to a Better You is an interactive tool that will help you deepen your faith and guide you toward a more enriching spiritual life.

    A Guide to a Better You is organized into 20 sections, includes 50 prompts, ample space to write, and bullet journaling pages. The readings focus on questions such as:

    *How can I develop persistence?
    *What does and does not require forgiveness?
    *How do I build connection between generations?
    *How should I handle pressure?
    *How can I take godly criticism?
    *How can I participate in God’s work?

    After reading, you will:

    *identify steps to interpret the Bible.
    *create an authentic and intentional existence in your everyday interactions and routines.
    *make wiser decisions.
    *recognize intentional sins and how you can do better.
    *reflect on how you can continue to grow as a better person in your home life, career, and other areas of your life.

    If you are seeking a deeper relationship with God and looking for a way you can be part of God’s work, A Guide to a Better You is a perfect next step. You can use this complete interactive guide independently or as part of a small group. A Guide to a Better You is also a thoughtful gift you can give to loved ones or friends for birthdays or as a holiday gift.

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  • Becoming Like Jesus


    What If We Really Imitated Jesus?

    Living as Jesus lived–is that even possible? Jesus was sinless, performed miracles, and atoned for the sins of humanity. He was God’s beloved Son! How could we possibly come anywhere close to being like Him? But Scripture tells us to live as Jesus did, which means God Himself makes this kind of life possible. How then can we allow Him to shape our hearts, motivations, and actions so we increasingly remind people of the One we follow?

    Renowned Bible study writer Cynthia Heald explores the everyday journey of becoming like Christ. With the seasoned guidance from a lifelong faith, she shares the challenges and rewards of embodying Christlikeness, as well as her own imperfect, stumbling experiences in learning to become like Jesus. In this insightful, accessible, and thought-provoking book, perfect for quiet time or a 6-week small-group study, you’ll find yourself inspired and encouraged to step into the simple yet powerful ways God molds us into the image of His Son.

    In Becoming Like Jesus, you will find:

    *devotional reflections on the invitation to daily spiritual growth,
    *insightful quotations from godly writers and prayers, and
    *Scripture references and Bible study reflection questions.

    Don’t hesitate to embark on a life-changing journey of becoming like Jesus. Embrace the call to imitate Christ and discover the joy and fulfillment that come from reflecting His character in your everyday life.

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  • Who Did You See Today


    In January 2019, a U.S. Census Bureau survey reported that 11 percent of respondents indicated symptoms of anxiety or depression. Just twenty-two months later in December 2020, the percentage nearly quadrupled to more than 42 percent. As believers, we are the ones called to truly “see” the lonely and hurting among us. What if instead of getting caught up in our own busy calendars and daily stressors, we dialed into the needs of those around us, listening with bold intentionality and responding to them with extravagant thoughtfulness and outrageous kindness? Jesus offered us the ultimate example of how to serve and minister to others by meeting people right where they were. Through us, neighbors, coworkers, classmates, and family members should experience that same grace, kindness, and loving attention.

    Author Dustin Schadt offers a biblical and theological basis for seeing people, outlines practical ways that individuals, families, schools, nonprofits, small groups, churches, and other organizations can collectively value, focus on, and respond to the world around us. Our care builds a bridge of trust strong enough to bear the weight of our gospel conversations.

    Kindness has become a precious commodity. We are fast-paced, busy, and often distracted. In a world marked by skepticism, loneliness, and anxiety, Christ-followers must be the ones who live beyond differences and distractions to see the people God places in our lives. Jesus saw us, drew closer, and gave Himself up to make a way for us to come to Him. He is calling us to do the same-to love people the way Jesus loved people, ears open and eyes widen to the beauty of the love of Christ shown in His gospel.

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  • Come And See


    A devotional for cowboys and country folk who want to go deeper into the truth of God’s Word.

    Author Kevin Weatherby is the founder of Save the Cowboy, a non-profit, faith-based working ranch dedicated to teaching authentic, everyday Christianity through the legacy, artistry, and traditions of the working ranch cowboy. In this devotional, he walks readers through the gospels, translating the truth into common language for cowboys to understand and reckon with. His straightforward style and honest approach will resonate with ranchers and country folk seeking to relate to God better, dig deeper into His truth, and walk with Christ day in and day out.

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  • Fruitful : Cultivating A Spiritual Harvest That Won’t Leave You Empty


    A Devotional for Harvesting God-Given Spiritual Fruits

    As Christians, we long for a spiritually fruitful life. However, our attempts to work more and hustle harder only leave us feeling weary and worn. Thankfully, God’s word supplies the nourishment we so desperately need. As we abide in Jesus, he fills our emptiness with an abundant crop of spiritual fruit.

    Through the trusted voices of several female bestselling authors, editors, and Bible teachers, this 40-day devotional explores each of the 9 fruits of the Spirit found in Galatians 5. Every daily reading includes a related verse to ponder, a theologically rich reflection, additional Bible passages to read, and a prayer. This short format provides readers with an easy-to-use devotional resource, filled with substantial biblical counsel for harvesting God-given spiritual fruit.

    *Unpacks Each Fruit of the Spirit: Pulling content from Galatians 5 and other Scripture passages, this book is deeply biblical and theologically rich

    *Great for Individuals and Groups: Devotions are perfect for personal reading or as a tool to encourage a group of friends

    *Devotional: Each of the 40 readings includes reflections, responses, and prayers

    *Recipes: Recipes from the contributors’ kitchens for fruit dishes to make at home

    *Contributions by Trusted Voices: Melissa Kruger, Abbey Wedgeworth, Lydia Brownback, Courtney Doctor, Megan Hill, Winfree Brisley, Lindsey Carlson, Blair Linne, Trillia Newbell, and Sharonda Cooper

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  • Fighting Shadows : Overcoming 7 Lies That Keep Men From Becoming Fully Aliv

    Original price was: $28.99.Current price is: $20.99.

    In a world that’s grown increasingly confused about–and hostile toward–the very notion of masculinity, authors Jefferson Bethke and Jon Tyson send a powerful call to men everywhere: it’s time to step into the light of Jesus’ vision for you as a man.

    There’s a shadow that’s settled over the hearts of men today. Masculinity is in crisis. Critiques about the dangers of toxic masculinity and the abuses of patriarchal systems have grown louder than ever. The very notions of masculinity and manhood are under attack. In response to cultural shifts, some have doubled down on old stereotypes in ways that just add to the conflict and confusion.

    The result? Many men simply feel paralyzed–worried about saying the wrong thing, unsure what to do with their ambitions or strengths, simultaneously tempted and shamed by a hypersexualized and pornified culture. Our models and mentors have failed us. Based on their years of working in men’s ministry, Bethke and Tyson have good news for men looking for clarity and courage in this age of quiet desperation. In Fighting Shadows, they help men:

    *overcome the temptations of escapism, passivity, or overcompensation;

    *combat the most harmful shadows that men battle today, including loneliness, apathy, distraction, lust, and shame; and

    *embrace masculinity as a God-given gift, not a curse to be avoided, suppressed, or battled.

    An entire generation of men is being told they should abdicate the responsibility and joy of living into God’s calling on their lives–don’t be one of them. If you’re a man who’s wondering what to do with your strength, your longings, and your gifts, it’s time to step out of the shadows. Jesus has a vision for you.

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  • Expectation Gap : The Tiny, Vast Space Between Our Beliefs And Experience O


    Learn how to quiet your inner critic, confront chronic anxiety, and relax into God’s perfect presence.

    Do you truly experience the promises Jesus gave to those who follow him–the benefits of peace, freedom, and love? The fact is that many of us struggle with a gap between what we believe about God and how we encounter him in our everyday lives. We don’t want our faith to be merely conceptual–we want to experience it viscerally–and yet we often come up against one or more of these major gaps:

    *I believe God loves me, but I don’t feel it.
    *I believe God is with me, but I don’t see him.
    *I thought I’d be further along in my spiritual progress by now.

    In The Expectation Gap, Steve Cuss–pastor and founder of the leadership organization Capable Life–offers tangible tools for engaging with God in a deeper, more soul-satisfying way. You’ll unveil harmful expectations and patterns that keep you spiritually stuck so that you can replace them with habits and practices that will lead to a more vibrant faith life.

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  • Keep The Faith


    Will you finish the race strong? Dr. David Jeremiah offers biblically based keys to keeping your faith steadfast when life hits you hard. Regardless of the circumstances, God will hold you up to help you face whatever comes your way.

    Every day, everyone in the world faces challenging moments and circumstances. Perhaps in your marriage. Your career. Your health. Your personal integrity. When times get tough, people often ask, “Why is this happening to me?” If you’re feeling vulnerable during a difficult time in your life, it is important to embrace your faith and the everlasting love of God. Paul says in 2 Timothy 4:7, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” Keeping the faith, even for someone like Paul, meant not giving in to the world’s relentless influence. That’s what you must do as well.In Keep the Faith: How to Stand Strong in a World Turned Upside Down, New York Times bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah:

    *provides you with a practical guide to leaning on the strength of your faith, even in the toughest of times.

    *focuses on four common daily battles that can chip away at your confidence in God: fear, discouragement, worry, and doubt.

    *explores four blessings that are sure to bolster your faith when inevitable challenges come: grace, perseverance, responsibility, and fortitude.

    The uplifting messages of encouragement and strength in Keep the Faith are curated from Dr. Jeremiah’s books Slaying the Giants in Your Life, Captured by Grace, Everything You Need, Searching for Heaven on Earth, and A Bend in the Road.

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  • Overcomers : God’s Vision For You To Thrive In An Age Of Anxiety And Outrag

    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $21.99.

    Are you ready to live fully prepared and fully equipped to handle anything life throws at you? As Christians, we can be courageous and confident, knowing that God has placed us in human history for His purposes, and He will empower us regardless of our circumstances. Drawing on the book of Revelation and historical examples, The Overcomers will put steel in the spines of believers and remind them of the fierce, conquering, commanding authority of God over all the earth.

    You were made for this exact moment in human history. Things may look gloomy, and you may feel discouraged, but because of the promise and hope found in Scripture, you can be brave, confident, and victorious today!

    In The Overcomers, Matt Chandler reminds readers that they don’t have to be anxious or afraid of anything in the present or in the future because both have already been won. We are not victims but overcomers–and we are a key part of what God is working out in our day. God is at work in the mess, just as He has always been, and He continues to accomplish His purpose of seeking and saving the lost.

    In this book, believers will:

    *Find courage and confidence from fellow believers who have gone before us.

    *Feel empowered as God reminds them of His promises fulfilled and yet to come.

    *Understand the strategies, tactics, and deceptions Satan uses to try to keep us paralyzed with anxiety and fear.

    *Learn to live a victorious Christian life marked by the power and presence of God.

    The apostle John wrote his letter to a certain group of people in a particular place at a specific time. Although it was written to them, it was also written for us. The Overcomers takes a chapter-by-chapter view of Revelation rather than a line-by-line deep dive, helping readers practically understand what God wants to say to us today through this extraordinary book written thousands of years ago. Believers will be reminded that they are uniquely wired and uniquely placed in this moment in history as part of God’s big plan to push back darkness and to establish light. Christ has overcome, and in Him we, too, are the overcomers!

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  • Sharing Jesus With Confidence


    Do you want to share your faith more easily and naturally? This companion booklet to Gospeler by Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty is a practical guide for Christ followers to read and give to those seeking God’s truth and love.

    Could you share the gospel with another person? Would you know where to start? Do you even know what the gospel is? It’s the Good News of Jesus, and a gospeler is simply someone who shares it with others. Willie Robertson says that if you can tell someone about your spouse, kids, friends, school, pets, and hobbies, you know how to talk about the most important thing in your life, your Lord!

    This 64-page booklet is a companion to the trade book Gospeler, in which Willie writes about his story of faith that came about in large part because a stranger went out of his way–as well as his comfort zone–to have a spiritual conversation with his father, Phil. This booklet will provide readers with:

    *Inspiration and encouragement to follow Jesus more faithfully.

    *Scriptures pointing to salvation found in Jesus alone.

    *Step-by-step guidance in understanding and responding to Christ’s calling.

    *Guidance on sharing the Good News of Jesus effectively, whether a new believer or a Christian for decades.

    *Counsel on how to stay focused on what’s truly important (Jesus) instead of what’s not (religion)

    When the gospel is heard, accepted, and responded to, it’s not just a cool story, it is a game-changer. And it can spread across the world–starting with a simple conversation you have with someone.

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  • Gospeler : Turning Darkness Into Light One Conversation At A Time


    Do you want to share your faith more easily and naturally? Willie Robertson of Duck Dynasty says that if you can tell someone about your spouse, kids, friends, school, pets, and hobbies, you know how to talk about the most important thing in your life, your Lord!

    Could you share the gospel with another person? Would you know where to start? Do you even know what the gospel is? It’s the Good News of Jesus, and a gospeler is simply someone who shares it with others.

    Willie Robertson writes about his story of faith, which came about in large part because a stranger went out of his way–as well as his comfort zone–to have a spiritual conversation with Willie’s father, Phil. And from that story, he tells readers how they, too, can talk about Jesus with their family, friends, neighbors, and even people they meet along the way. Gospeler will help readers:

    *Celebrate the gospel genealogy that led to their faith and be inspired to grow their spiritual family tree.

    *Understand that sharing the gospel is not preaching but having a conversation.

    *Keep sharing the gospel with someone, knowing that Jesus never gives up on us.

    *Focus on what’s truly important (Jesus) instead of what’s not (religion).

    Being a gospeler is not complicated. And the more you share Jesus, the easier it gets. Maybe you believe other people are better at sharing their faith and it is not your gift. Maybe you think you don’t know the Bible well enough. Or you might say you haven’t figured it all out yourself, so you aren’t equipped to help anyone else. Whatever may be holding you back will be covered in this book, giving you the inspiration, guidance, and encouragement you need.

    When the gospel is heard, accepted, and responded to, it’s not just a cool story, it is a game-changer. And it can spread across the world–starting with one conversation you have with another. In addition to this book, an accompanying 64-page booklet is available to share with others.

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  • Are You Praying For The Wrong Thing

    Original price was: $28.99.Current price is: $21.99.

    The Bible tells us to pray continually and without ceasing, but what happens when we’re waiting for God but discover He’s waiting for us? In his first book, pastor and recording artist Travis Greene guides the reader to apply Biblical truths for a fulfilled life.

    Praying and waiting for God to answer can be confusing. When something–or everything–feels stuck because God doesn’t seem to be answering our prayers, what next? Pastor and Grammy-nominated recording artist Travis Greene issues a challenge and asks us to examine our prayers–Are we praying for the right thing? Are we planning and preparing for what we’ve asked for? Are we praying for our will to grow closer to His? Or do we sometimes treat him like a genie in a bottle? Using Biblical examples, Travis invites readers to reconsider our prayers and:

    *navigate beyond feeling trapped to thriving in God’s purposes;
    *learn to use what’s left instead of focusing on what was lost;
    *be willing to forgive, wait, and work as God allows; and
    *believe in God’s miracles while being a faithful steward of what He has already provided.

    Sometimes what happens next depends on the choices made right now. And sometimes God has something else in mind for us–something we might never have imagined, or in a way we might not have imagined it! It’s possible to press forward into a life filled with joy and expectation for the future! Like the widow who used the oil she had at hand, by using what God has already supplied, Travis encourages the readers that they may be closer to enjoying God’s promises than they realize. Management can be a magnet for miracles.

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  • Grieve Breathe Receive


    What do you do when your world seems to be falling down all around you? When loss is too much to bear? When disappointment becomes your new reality? Pastor Steve Carter is certain you’ll find hope and life through these three simple yet profound steps: Grieve. Breathe. Receive.

    In 2018, in light of further misconduct allegations against Willow Creek Community Church founder and senior pastor Bill Hybels, Steve Carter announced publicly that he was resigning from his dream job as a lead pastor at that church. After posting his resignation online, he turned off all of his devices and began to weep on his wife’s shoulder. The next morning as he was taking a walk to process all the thoughts and feelings tumbling around in his mind, he cried out to Jesus in desperation, begging for an answer. “What am I supposed to do now?” He expected nothing but the silence that had overwhelmed him since hitting send on his message to the world, but before he could take two steps, a gentle whisper impressed three words upon his heart: grieve, breathe, receive.

    Those three words would become a profound mantra for Steve in the season he would soon begin–a season focused on healing. Deep healing. The kind that comes after painful trauma. In this book, Steve is more personal and vulnerable than he’s ever been, and by doing so he encourages all of us to:

    *Allow ourselves the necessary time and space to properly GRIEVE what is, what you thought it was going to be and how key people let you down rather than fill our days with activities and commitments that distract us.

    *Slow down to BREATHE in God’s grace, His peace, and His love . . . and to learn how to exhale all the negativity, pain, resentment, and bitterness we carry within us.

    *Be open to RECEIVE all the lessons, surprises, and healing God knows we need for every part of us to be made whole.

    This process of grieving, breathing, and receiving was a life-restoring gift from God for Steve and his family, and he is certain that it will bless anyone who prayerfully follows it.

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  • Joy Challenge : Discover The Ancient Secret To Experiencing Worry-Defeating


    What if you could close the “joy gap,” that distance between how you feel now and the way you wish you felt? In The Joy Challenge, pastor and bestselling author Randy Frazee shares the secret to experiencing real, lasting joy–and stepping into a life of contentment and purpose.

    If this sounds familiar, Frazee has good news for you. In The Joy Challenge, he shares the secret to experiencing genuine joyfulness, the kind of resilient happiness that doesn’t evaporate in the face of challenges and setbacks. Bringing together research about the science of happiness with the apostle Paul’s masterclass on joy in the book of Philippians, The Joy Challenge will help you:

    *discover the vital link between increasing your joy and winning the battle against worry and anxiety;

    *develop patterns and mindsets of gratefulness and forgiveness that clear obstacles to happiness; and

    *access the kind of circumstance-defying contentment that opens the door to a truly fulfilled life–even when there’s a gap between the life you have now and the life you hope for.

    As you encounter these easy-to-understand principles, thought patterns, and habits, you’ll begin to experience more joy and happiness, transforming your relationships and your outlook for the better. It’s time to discover the freedom of a deeply joyful life.

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  • Perilous Fight : Overcoming Our Culture’s War On The American Family

    Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $21.99.

    Learn from one of our leading conservative voices how we can return to the biblical values our nation was founded upon, especially the vital importance of the family, in order to secure a prosperous future for generations to come.

    Does America no longer feel like home? Widespread divorce rates, the erosion of traditional marriage, the popular rise of radical ideologies, attacks on faith, and government interference are only a few of the factors contributing to the struggles of families in our culture. And because of the importance of healthy families to every part of our national life, the breakdown of the family threatens to rob us of the country we love. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

    Like many of us, Dr. Ben Carson fears we are losing the country we love. In this provocative and ultimately hopeful book, he gives us the facts, inspiration, and theory-to-action answers we need to restore a key foundation of America: the family.

    The Perilous Fight equips us to understand:

    *The hard data behind the breakdown of the family and its effects on our society, including poverty, crime, and deteriorating education

    *The core biblical beliefs that led our nation into unprecedented freedom and prosperity–and why abandoning those beliefs led to the social decline we see today

    *The fresh ideas and public policy options that could reverse negative trends impacting the family while maintaining a balance between constitutional freedoms and governmental involvement

    This is a practical and inspiring book for anyone who:

    *Feels discouraged about the state of our country and its institutions
    *Needs hope that there are commonsense, attainable solutions that we all can practice
    *Appreciates a conservative, Scripture-based approach to restoring faith, liberty, community, and life in America

    Strong families are the cornerstone of strong communities. Strong communities build a strong nation. Only when we prioritize the family as an institution established by God will we proudly remain the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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  • Becoming Homeschoolers : Give Your Kids A Great Education, A Strong Family,


    Monica Swanson helps you navigate your real-world concerns about school, culture, and what it takes to create an amazing homeschool experience that you and your kids will never regret!

    If you’ve ever wondered whether you have what it takes to homeschool your children, look no further. Parenting author, podcaster, and homeschool mom Monica Swanson is here to tell you: you can do it. In fact, it can be the most fun, family-unifying, character-building, life-equipping experience you and your children will ever have.

    Becoming Homeschoolers tackles your legitimate doubts and fears about homeschooling, as well as the questions you want answered before you commit–questions like where to start and how to choose a curriculum, build social skills, teach what you’re not good at, and prepare for college. With humor and encouragement, Monica weaves her own story of homeschooling her four boys with step-by-step, practical advice on how to:

    *Assess whether home education is right for you and your children
    *Establish a foundation of faith in your everyday homeschool routine
    *Find socialization opportunities such as sports and extracurricular activities
    *Care for yourself and your marriage even as you spend more time each day with your kids
    *Tackle the practical side of homeschooling, including standardized tests, transcripts, college readiness, and navigating education requirements

    It’s time to trade fear for empowerment and insecurity for confidence as you live out your own story of becoming homeschoolers.

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  • Your Life Is Gods Story


    Biblical stories and powerful testimonies that encourage faith in God’s plan for your life.

    In Your Life is God’s Story, pastor and teacher Tim Dilena guides readers through the faith-building journeys of eleven Bible characters whose ordinary and painful experiences led to unforeseen results. Alongside the Bible stories are powerful testimonies from Tim and people in his life.

    Your Life is God’s Story gives readers a new set of lenses to view experiences and events in life with hope. The hope is seeing how God gets ordinary people to their intended destinies. Readers will gain a renewed passion for persevering through life’s challenges to trust God’s process.

    Together, they illustrate how God has a perfect plan for everyone.

    Your Life is God’s Story includes:

    *Stories from 11 biblical people whose destinies were unclear throughout most of their lives

    *Experiences of ordinary believers who have trusted the process, living through big trouble and getting to the other side to give praise to God

    *Questions for further reflection and study at the end of every chapter

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  • Truth In True Crime


    Explore fifteen life-truths gleaned from both contemporary murder investigations and ancient biblical wisdom.

    “Every murder investigation teaches two lessons: a death lesson and a life lesson.”

    For decades, cold-case homicide detective J. Warner Wallace investigated the causes behind deaths and murders, chasing one lead after another as he attempted to solve the case. Several of these cases remain open, unsolved mysteries. . .

    But even those that haven’t yet revealed the identity of the killer do expose the truths of human nature: what’s important to us, what threatens our well-being, and what causes us to flourish.

    Join Wallace as he investigates life lessons he learned as a detective, so that you can:

    *Better understand your own identity and the identity of your Creator.

    *Rethink the nature of death so you can live a better life.

    *Uncover life-truths gleaned from both contemporary murder investigations and ancient biblical wisdom.

    *Discover profound attributes of human beings that will guide you down the path of true self-discovery.

    Each chapter introduces you to an investigation of a death as Wallace and his partner Rick chase down leads and along the way learn guiding principles to help you thrive and flourish as a human being created in the image of God.

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  • Courage And Calling


    You have a calling.

    First, God calls us all to know and love him. Second, for each individual there is a specific call-a defining purpose or mission, with implications for all of life.

    In this classic book on vocation, Gordon Smith invites you to discover your calling by listening to God and becoming a coworker with him. Courage and Calling has helped thousands of readers explore questions such as these:

    *What is my calling?
    *How do I live it out in the midst of difficult relationships or moral challenges?
    *Will my vocation change as I enter a new stage of life?
    *With competing needs and demands, how can I craft a balanced way of living?

    Smith explores how to pursue excellence in all kinds of work and how to continue growing throughout a lifetime. He also considers four examples of particular callings: business, the arts, education, and religious leadership.

    This third edition includes a new chapter that explores how a church community can be a dynamic venue for discerning vocation. Church leaders can help sustain a conversation about vocation, work, and career, and celebrate the diverse ways in which God is calling people. From students exploring careers to elders leaving a legacy, this book provides rich insight for all who long to courageously follow God’s call.

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  • Crucibles That Shape Us


    We often see setbacks and disasters as events that keep us from our best life. But they’re really opportunities to grow in leadership.

    The problem of suffering is a spiritual hurdle for many that disorients us and those we lead. Gayle D. Beebe tackles the existential crisis head-on, revealing that, although we are bewildered at first, these situations ultimately prepare us. Previously viewing these challenges as insurmountable, he has come to recognize them as essential passageways in our relationship with God.

    Beebe identifies seven crucibles-powerful catalysts for transformation-that, when embraced, shape us on this profound journey. Each chapter of this book delves into one of the crucibles, which Beebe intimately understands and has personally faced. Amid the realities of life’s suffering, use this illuminating guidebook and find how colossal setbacks become a bedrock for a better, richer faith.

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  • Heaven Awaits : Anticipate Your Future Hope, Your Eternal Home, Your Daily


    Is There Something More Than This Life?

    This world is full of crises and conflicts, difficulties and troubles — but this world will not last. No matter what your age is, your earthly life is slowly slipping away. This is why Jesus encourages us not to store treasures on this earth. In other words, invest in heaven.

    In Heaven Awaits, you will explore what the Bible says about heaven and begin to envision the wonders and glories that await you. Heaven is real. And throughout these pages, you will discover that your eternal home is far more real than your earthly experience right now. As such, you will be energized to live each day in light of that awe-inspiring reality.

    Heaven Awaits will serve as your eternal investment guide by helping you:

    *Envision the 9 blessings of heaven–which include the joy of no longer experiencing any loss to the freedom from the pain of disillusionment;

    *Explore the 8 facets of heaven–which includes the rest that you will experience to the abundant life that you are destined to possess;

    *Discover the 10 benefits of heaven–which includes the loving family whose company you will enjoy for eternity and the meaning and purpose that you will experience forever.

    With this book, you can train your soul to anticipate what awaits you, as well as shape how you live right now.

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  • Abundant Grace : 40 Days Of Walking In The Goodness Of God


    From the creators of Crew + Co. comes a gorgeous 40-day devotional resource that will inspire reflection and encourage Christian creatives to make Scripture reading a daily practice in their lives.

    Abundant Grace, the debut devotional from Crew + Co. founders Courtney and Will Kassner, invites creative believers to meditate on and engage with Scripture daily, with devotions that are accessible, beautifully designed, and deeply encouraging. Divided into three parts–Knowing God’s Grace, Trusting God’s Grace, and Showing God’s Grace–this forty-day devotional guides you in recognizing the small moments of grace around you and teaches you how to cultivate a grace-filled perspective in even the busiest lifestyle.

    Each of the forty days pairs a full-color hand-lettered Bible verse with a thoughtful devotion that closes with either a prayer or a reflection question for helping you recognize how God’s grace works in your normal, everyday life.

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  • Fighting Words Devotional Expanded Limited Edition (Expanded)


    Featuring 10 bonus devotionals, new interior flourishes, and an extra art piece inside,
    Fighting Words Expanded Limited Edition is a perfect, beautiful, and giftable follow-up to the bestselling 100-day devotional Fighting Words by Ellie Holcomb. Enjoy this deluxe, exclusive bonus content for yourself, or give this limited edition away as a gift to a friend or family member who needs the power of God’s Word to push back the darkness and walk in the light! (Only a limited number of this expanded edition are printed, so grab yours today while they last!)

    Whether it’s a dream that isn’t coming true, a stretch of the journey that feels especially dark, or just the basic “busy and tired” each of us braves in the crazy chaos of the ordinary, have you ever faced a season where “life to the full” feels just out of reach, light seems like it it’s just over the horizon, or lies seem to crowd out the truth?

    If you’re anything like Ellie Holcomb, the answer is yes. For her in these seasons, God’s Word has been a shelter, a comfort, a song, a balm, and an anchor. Ultimately, it’s been a light that has helped kick back at the darkness of the lies we so often believe. In her debut devotional, Fighting Words, you are invited to come alongside Ellie, as you ponder the power of God’s promises together and speak them into the darkest corners of your soul.
    Filled with encouraging and honest reflections, beautifully designed Scripture memory pages, and wonderful questions to help you process, Fighting Words is a place where you can wrestle, respond to, and take hold of precious truths in God’s Word to help you push back the lies that so often consume, distract, and destroy us.

    God’s Word is alive. In this devotional, Ellie invites you to steep your soul in the living Word, take hold of it, wrestle with it, bury it in your heart, and watch as it brings about life and flourishing. As you journey along with Ellie, you’ll find that little by little, you’re fighting the lies with the truth, kicking back the darkness, and living in the light.

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  • You Are Not Forgotten


    Have you ever felt forgotten, disregarded, wounded, invisible, or invalidated by others? Do you ever experience the pain and anger of feeling unseen? Has this left you wondering if you’re truly worthy of being acknowledged, listened to, and loved?

    Oftentimes, when we are in this place, we turn toward God with soul-wrenching questions: Where are you, God? Have you forgotten me? Are you paying attention to what is happening to me? Can I trust that you will act on my behalf?

    If you’ve asked these questions, you are not alone. Author and Bible teacher Christine Hoover has asked these questions too, and she’s found that none of us are the first to feel overlooked or forgotten-and yet God has always been a “God Who Sees.” In fact, it was a woman named Hagar in the Bible, alone in her desperate wilderness, who first spoke this particular name for God. Her story along with others in Scripture reveal that God not only looks upon us when others disregard us, He looks after us.

    If you feel disregarded or forgotten, take heart, for your God is One who always remembers His people and acts on behalf of them-and that includes you! He hears your cries, gently shepherds and heals your wounds of disregard, grants you refuge to ask questions, emboldens you with courage to forgive, calls you out of hiding for fear of disapproval, and even gives you eyes to see others in the compassionate way He sees you.

    No matter who in this world may look right past you, know this: You are not forgotten. Your God is the God Who Sees, and He not only looks upon you but looks after you-always.

    He is the God who sees….you.

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  • Looking Up : A Birder’s Guide To Hope Through Grief


    “Look at the birds”

    Through the painful days of the pandemic stuck in her home, Courtney Ellis found herself looking down in despair. Soon after, her beloved grandfather died unexpectedly.

    It was around this same time that Ellis took up watching birds. “Took up” might not be exactly right–as she puts it, “the switch flipped,” and she’s been borderline obsessed with birds ever since.

    Looking Up is a meditation on birding as a practice of hope. Weaving together stories from her own life, including the death of her grandfather, with reflections on birds of many kinds, Ellis invites us to open our eyes to the goodness of God both in the natural world and in our own lives. By “looking up” to the birds, Ellis found the beauty and wonder of these creatures calling her out of her darkness into the light and hope of God’s promises.

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  • Art Of Living In Season


    “What can I give him?”

    Growing up in her native Provence, in southern France, Sylvie Vanhoozer learned about the traditional Provenal creche. These nativity scenes were peopled by santons-“little saints”-each bringing their unique gifts to the baby Jesus. As her own life took her around the world, to England, Scotland, and the United States, she kept up the tradition of her native creche in her own home, adding to it souvenirs from each new place where she found herself.

    In The Art of Living in Season, Vanhoozer invites readers to join this communion of little saints and to follow them not only at Christmas but throughout the whole year. Each chapter introduces a new santon and opens up another aspect of our annual pilgrimage toward Christ. Structured as weekly reflections and illustrated with Vanhoozer’s own botanical illustrations, this book invites us to follow Christ in our own places and seasons of life, beginning by keeping in step with the rhythms of nature and the church calendar.

    The Art of Living in Season is a companion for everyday saints who wonder how they can follow Jesus-and what they can give him-wherever, whenever, and whoever they are.

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  • Does Christianity Still Make Sense Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


    A study guide that helps you understand and respond to the biggest challenges to the Christian faith. Written by a former skeptic.

    Does Christianity still make sense? Years after Bobby Conway became a Christian, this question haunted him. Even though by then, he was the pastor of a thriving church, it seemed as if his entire belief structure was being dismantled. Had he been duped?
    Perhaps you can relate to how Bobby felt. Maybe you find yourself questioning in the same way.

    In this study guide, designed to be used alongside the book Does Christianity Still Make Sense?, Bobby explores four key challenges to the faith:

    *Why Are There So Many Scandals in the Church?
    *Why, If God Is Good, Is There So Much Evil?
    *Why Is Christianity So Exclusive?
    *Hasn’t Science Buried God?

    Join Bobby as he explores these questions while describing his own journey through doubt to a settled trust in God.

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  • Does Christianity Still Make Sense


    A chronic doubter responds to 20 of the most difficult questions about Christianity

    From the Foreword by J. Warner Wallace: “A book written by a man who has genuinely struggled with the questions, wrestled with doubts, and emerged faithful on the other side.
    He understands you.”

    Does Christianity still make sense? Years after Bobby Conway became a Christian, this question haunted him. Even though by then, he was the pastor of a thriving church, it seemed as if his entire belief structure was being dismantled. Had he been duped?
    Perhaps you can relate to how Bobby felt. Maybe you find yourself questioning in the same way.

    In this book, Bobby describes his own long journey through chronic doubt to a settled and confident trust. In this book, he responds to the twenty toughest challenges to the Christian faith, including these difficult questions:

    *Why are there so many scandals in the Church?
    *Aren’t Christians just a bunch of hypocrites?
    *Why do Christians use God’s name to oppress others?
    *Why are so many Christians racists?
    *Why does God allow evil in the world?
    *Is there reliable evidence for God’s existence?

    Join Bobby in this book as he explores these questions and many more while describing how he was hammered with doubts for years.

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  • I Want To Matter


    We all want to matter, right? We want to love people well and be loved in return. We want to have made a difference before our life is over. We want to have lived a full life without any regrets. In I Want to Matter, New York Times bestselling author and former Today show host Kathie Lee Gifford shares stories about her life and encourages you to remember your self-worth and never give up on your dreams.

    In this beautiful two-color 60-day DayReader(R) each day features a:

    *focal topic,
    *story from Kathie Lee Gifford’s life,
    *and reflection questions to help you apply the message to your own life.

    I Want to Matter is inspired by a song written by Kathie Lee and includes content from her New York Times bestselling book, It’s Never Too Late. She wants to help you feel seen and heard. This daily reader is great for:

    *birthdays, Mother’s Day, Teacher Appreciation Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, or as a just because gift to anyone needing encouragement.

    *morning and night reading routines.

    *anyone searching for an inspirational message.

    This DayReader(R) is a way for you to relive the moments that shaped you into who you are today and will allow you to revive your ability to wonder because you truly do matter.

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  • Seen Secure Free


    In a world that screams Be seen! Be known! and often measures value by likes and shares and follows, it’s easy to feel invisible, unheard, unloved. But God’s Word offers a powerful and freeing counternarrative: true treasure is actually found in the “hidden” life of Christ.

    Somewhere along the way, we’ve confused our level of visibility with our value. We’ve mixed up fame with fruitfulness. We’ve equated exposure with excellence.

    But what if we stopped trying so hard to be seen, recognized, and affirmed by the world around us? What if there’s a different way of living altogether?

    Seen, Secure, Free unpacks the great promise in Colossians 3:3: “Your life is hidden with Christ in God” and reminds us that when God hides us in himself, he provides a non-negotiable, never-ending source of contentment, identity, and worth.

    Join Bible teacher Allison Allen as she explores the incredible power of hiddenness in nature, history, and Scripture, which will help you:

    *Let go of the pressure to be recognized and praised by others;
    *Release the resentment that comes from feeling unseen or misunderstood;
    *Find contentment in a loving God who knows you deeply;
    *Find security in a powerful God who establishes your identity, worth, and purpose;
    *Reset your motivations and goals to align with his kingdom; and
    *Feel freed to pursue new adventures with Jesus

    No more striving to be seen or wondering if you matter; no more pressure to perform or be visible to the world. Instead, rest assured that God truly sees, knows, and loves you more than any person ever could. And let him lead you into the freedom, joy, and transformative power of a life hidden in him.

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  • Treasures In The Dark


    Sometimes the most valuable treasures are found in the darkest of times. In fact, it’s often in the very heart of our deepest pain and struggle that God chooses to reveal his most precious gifts. Let Katherine Wolf lead you in finding the hope God has for you in your most painful places.

    In our lowest, most difficult moments, it’s often impossible to see any good thing around us. We suffer, we struggle, we grow weary. We wonder, Is God at work in my life? Is he near me? Is there any point to my suffering and any hope for change?

    Though it’s easy for our overwhelming pain to cloud our view of reality, the truth is that, even though we can’t see it or feel it, God is at work in the darkness. Our Creator is in the business of bringing dead–and nearly dead–things to life.

    Even now, no matter how fresh your wounds might be, he invites you to unearth his hidden treasures in your hurting, to reframe your darkness as a sacred space in which the light of hope can shine most brilliantly. Come join Katherine Wolf as she vulnerably shares her own places of wounding and the life-changing insights she has found there. Treasures in the Dark will guide you as you:

    *find grace for the heartbreak of unmet expectations;
    *explore the surprising intersection of pain and purpose;
    *wholeheartedly embrace the life you never imagined living with perseverance and joy; and
    *recognize how your healing can be a part of the world’s healing.

    With her vibrant faith and unique perspective on life as a stroke survivor and person living with significant disabilities, Katherine will inspire, encourage, and strengthen tender and hurting hearts.

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  • As Long As You Need


    Veteran hospital chaplain to the sick, dying, and bereaved, J.S. Park offers you both the permission and the process for how to grieve and heal at your own pace.

    In As Long As You Need, J.S. offers an honest and unrushed engagement with grief, decoding four types of grieving–spiritual, mental, physical, and relational–and offering compassionate self-care and soul-care along the way.

    If you are struggling to process loss, pain, or grief from the last few years or the last few minutes, J.S. is an experienced and deeply empathetic listener and grief catcher who has held the pain and questions of thousands of patients. While social and cultural narratives about grief are dominated by “letting go, moving on, or turning the page” in his nearly decade of service as a chaplain at a major hospital with a designated level one trauma center J.S. understands firsthand how rushing or suppressing grief only adds a suffocating layer of pain on top of the original wound.

    From his unique window into the stories of the ill, injured, dying, and their families, J.S. offers you:

    *Permission to dismantle all too common myths about grief and replace them with a guilt-free and unrushed approach to navigating your losses.

    *Encouragement for how entering grief, rather than avoiding it, leads to a hard but meaningful holding of your loss.

    *Empathy and hope if you are struggling with a crisis of faith in the midst of grief.

    *Recognition that grief spans a wide narrative of loss: loss of future, faith, mental health, worth, autonomy, connection, and loved ones.

    *Affirmation that your grief is your own. While the DNA of grief might be universal to the human condition, how you experience and process grief is unique to you.

    From the ER to deliveries to deathbeds across every sort of illness and injury imaginable, J.S. Park has provided meaningful counseling for people in all walks of life and death. Now, through his book he wants to assure you that, while everybody else might rush past your pain, grief is the voice that says, take as long as you need.

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  • Now And Not Yet


    Bestselling author Ruth Chou Simons guides readers who are restless in their current circumstances on a journey of growth, purpose, and pressing in.

    Too often, we feel disappointed with our “right now”–our life circumstances, our relationships, our progress, our daily grind. We want to do so many things–good, godly things–but our situations don’t allow us to step into them. Are we missing out on our own lives? Why does right now seem so far from where we really long to be?

    Bestselling author Ruth Chou Simons reminds us that it’s okay to not like the right now we’ve been given, but we don’t have to like it to lean in. In Now and Not Yet, Ruth shows us how to.. .

    *embrace the biblical truth that someday is made up of thousands of right nows;

    *discern how the difficult parts of our lives are actually a unique gift by discovering five ways to flip the script on a hard season;

    *stop feeling trapped when we are not where we want to be with guided liturgies for what we are facing today; and

    *live faithfully in the tension between what is and what is not yet.

    Your right now matters. And you can choose to press in and not check out. To know God is at work even when you don’t see the progress you’re looking for. To start where you are in this very moment. Because he’s not through with you yet.

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  • Wisdom Stature And Favor Teen Devotional


    Ready to grow?

    Do you feel stuck in life? Do you feel anxious and beat down about where you are and where you’d rather be? Are you ready for growth and change? In this 30- day devotional, you will learn biblical truths that have proven to be beneficial and life-changing to millions of people over thousands of years. Just like Jesus Himself grew, you will learn how to grow in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and people. These areas of growth are keys to a fulfilling life. If you apply the truths found in this little book to your life, they will have a profound impact on your spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Jesus wants you to grow and experience life more abundantly, and His Word gives you the path forward.

    In this 12-volume series, each 30-day devotional will point to the unchanging truth of God’s love and anchor students in His Word as they walk through?the?seasons of change and milestones that come with each passing year. Students will learn to Discover God’s Word, Delight in the Lord, and Display God’s work in their lives.

    Discover (Identity + Theology): Who is God? Who am I in light of who God is? These are two of the most important questions students can grapple with because in discovering who God is, they learn who He has meant for them to be. Studies within the Discover category will help students align their lives under God’s rule which will give them confidence in who they were created to be.

    Delight (Spiritual Disciplines): What does it mean to delight in God? What leads to delight in God? Helping students see God in every detail teaches them to delight in Him. When students find their delight in God, they will learn what it means and how to be in relationship with Him.

    Display (Leadership, Mission, + Disciple Making): How do students display the glory of God? How do they help others grow in their relationship with Him? How can they lead others to display the truth of God? Through students learning to lead, live on mission, and make disciples, God’s glory is on display and His kingdom is expanded.

    Each book includes 30 daily devotions, applicable Scripture, prayer prompts, and practical application.

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  • Brushstrokes Of Life


    Here’s a secret: God has deposited a gift inside of you. Acclaimed angel artist Anne Neilson wants to help you find yours as she shares her personal story of passion and purpose and how faith radiates from every canvas of her life. The Brushstrokes of Life will help you see there are no coincidences with God.

    Anne Neilson believes that each of us begins our life as a blank canvas: clean and fresh and ready to find texture in our experiences. Each trial, each joy, each heartache, and each hope leaves an explosion of color and sweeping brushstrokes that shape us. When we allow God to take over as the Master artist, we will find that He carefully adds dimension and highlights to create a beautiful masterpiece in us. Often, though, it’s hard to find the beauty when we are wading through mess.

    In this beautiful memoir, Anne shares personal stories about why her faith is so important to her and resonates in all her work. In The Brushstrokes of Life, you will learn how to:

    *Open your hands to God’s possibilities
    *Connect your trials from today into hope for tomorrow
    *Trust God’s role in your story

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  • Power Moves : Ignite Your Confidence And Become A Force


    Unleash the superpower of being yourself. Sarah Jakes Roberts, bestselling author of Woman Evolve, will help you craft a language toward your issues with intentionality.

    Stripping our minds of the expectations that inundate our world has never been more difficult. One quick scroll of our phones and we’re consumed by other people’s projections of how we should be feeling or responding.

    The ability to determine your truth without judgment is the beginning of harnessing authentic power in Christ. When we do the work of embracing where we are, we create space for God’s love to meet us in our most raw form and then polish us to shine like never before. Power does not lie in success, achievement, or performance. Power rests in humility, honesty, and the commitment to continuous growth.

    Power Moves will help you to qualify whether you’re living life authentically or if you’ve found a way to maintain status quo. It will reveal the principles required to tap into the most powerful version of who you are, then lead you in how to introduce your authentic self to the world around you. Sarah will help you:

    *give language to your changing needs,
    *acknowledge and applaud your growth,
    *refuse to bear the weight all at once or all alone, and
    *release your power.

    Open your eyes to the way that God sees you and awaken your boldness to effect change in the world by living out the truth of who God says you are with confidence.

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