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    • Heme Aqui Senor Enviame A Mi – (Spanish)


      Hoy en dia, miles de jovenes escuchan el llamado de Dios para entrar en el ministerio y en el servicio misionero. Hay una gran necesidad entre estos jovenes, y entre todos los que aspiran a entrar en el ministerio y servir al Senor, de saber como, donde y cuando obedecer este llamado. Dios mismo es quien esta poniendo a Sus siervos en el ministerio. En Efesios 4:11 dice: “El mismo constituyo a unos, apostoles; a otros, profetas; a otros, evangelistas; a otros, pastores y maestros”. Y es precisamente en Su llamado que descansa la autoridad por la cual el evangelio ha sido proclamado a traves de la historia de la iglesia.

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    • Introduccion A La Mision – (Spanish)


      “La iglesia existe por la mision, al igual que el fuego existe por la combustion”. Con estas palabras de Emil Brunner, el autor nos recuerda que ser la iglesia es estar en mision. Despues de describir las diferentes cautividades de la mision, que han subyugado al cristianismo de los Estados Unidos, el autor lucha para exponer una fuerte y comprometida practica de la mision, comenzando en las congregaciones locales y extendiendose hasta la comunidad mas amplia.Este libro de Introduccion a la Mision, puede ayudar a estudiantes de seminario, y a grupos de estudio de laicos, a conocer el mandato cristiano fundamental y unirse a la mision de Dios en el mundo.

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    • Misionologia – (Spanish)


      The Institute of Superacion Ministerial asked brother Larry Pate to write a book about the work of missions. It has become a source of great information for all those that want to grow in their Christian life. The author is convinced that the only way to evangelize the world is for leaders from all over to preach the gospel.

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    • Crecimiento De La Iglesia Mas – (Spanish)


      Yonggi Cho, pastor of the Complete Evangelical Church of Yoido, was a Buddhist who was dying of tuberculosis when he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

      He was also healed and became a fervent evangelical pastor. “Growing the Wold’s Largest Church” is the story of what he did to grow the Complete Evangelical Church of Yoido, a dynamic congregation, from a group of five people underneath a tent in 1958 until today.

      The number of members is close to one million.

      The mission and the methods are not exclusive to Korea, but can be applied in any place.

      The book explains the emphasis of the church in : -daily prayer, -worship full of vitality, -Biblical doctrines, -the ministry of laymen, -practical evangelism, -help for those in need

      Pastors, students and laymen will have a better perception of the function of the church that is producing results in the life of new Christians. Daughter of the missionaries John and Maxine Hurston, Karen Hurston was only seven years old when she went to the first worship service that would become the Complete Evangelical Church of Yoido. After receiving her Masters from the University of South California she became an ordained minister for the Assembly of God churches.

      After being part of Yonggi Cho’s pastor’s committee for five years, she now directs Hurston Ministries and Consultation Services.

      She has taught at conferences as well as services in churches around the world, and participates in conferences with other leaders like Yonggi Cho, Jack Hayford, Thomas Zimmermamn, Win Arn y Ralph Wilkerson.

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