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    Books (Spanish)

    • Conquistemos Las Puertas Del E – (Spanish)


      Estrategias para organizar y dirigir grupos de oracion en la iglesia local.

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    • Negocios Y La Biblia – (Spanish)


      Una guia completa de principios biblicos para hombres y mujeres de nego-cios.

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    • Caso De Cristo – (Spanish)


      The project: determine if there’s credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God. The Reporter: Lee Strobel, educated al Yale Law School and award-winning former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune_with a background of atheism. How reliable is the New Testament? Does evidence exist for Jesus outside the Bible? Is there any reason to believe the resurrection was an actual historical event? This colorful, hard-hitting book is no novel. It’s a riveting quest for the truth about history’s most compelling figure. The reader will determine ultimately what is the verdict in The Case for Christ.

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    • 115 Anecdotas En La Vida De Lo – (Spanish)


      Te sorprendera enterarte acerca del santo que montaba al reves en un burro, del santo que ayudo a un “criminal” a escapar de la carcel, de la santa que tenia miedo al agua, del santo que era carbonero, del santo que fue capturado por piratas…, y mucho mas.

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    • Fuente De Mi Fortaleza – (Spanish)


      Una vision dinamica y personal del poder de Cristo para confortar a aquellos que se sientan heridos.

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    • Hasta El Fin De Los Tiempos Da – (Spanish)


      Serie de estudio Vida en Plenitud

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    • Pueblo Del Espiritu Dones Frue – (Spanish)


      Serie de estudio Vida en Plenitud

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    • Vida Mas Alla De Lo Ordinario – (Spanish)


      Una vida mas alla de lo ordinario: El secreto de una vida abundante (Estudio de Juan) forma parte de una serie de guias de estudio que se caracterizan por cubrir de manera atractiva y esclarecedora un libro de la Biblia y temas del poder, enfocados a provocar la dinamica, la vida llena del Espiritu Santo.

      Living Beyond the Ordinary is one of a series of study guides that focus exciting, discovery-geared coverage of Bible book and power themes-all prompting toward dynamic, Holy Spirit-filled living.

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    • Poder Del Reino Hechos – (Spanish)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780899225111ISBN10: 089922511XLanguage: SpanishEditor: Jack HayfordBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2000Spirit-Filled Life Kingdom Dynamics Study GuidesPublisher: Groupo Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Vida En El Reino Romanos – (Spanish)


      Vida en el Reino: Para un crecimiento constante en la fe (Estudio de Romanos) forma parte de una serie de guias de estudio que se caracterizan por cubrir de manera atractiva y esclarecedora un libro de la Biblia y temas del poder, enfocados a provocar la vida dinamica llena del Espiritu Santo.

      Vida en el Reino: Para un crecimiento constante en la fe (Estudio de Romanos) is one of a series of study guides that focus exciting, discovery-geared coverage of Bible book and power themes-all prompting toward dynamic, Holy Spirit-filled living.

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    • Comunicacion Por Medio De La P – (Spanish)


      Un manual practico, basado en las experiencias del autor con sus alumnos.

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    • Lado Positivo Del Fracaso – (Spanish)


      La diferencia entre la persona promedio y los triunfadores es el concepto que tiene del fracaso y como lo enfrenta.

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    • Mojaditas De Risa Entre Panale – (Spanish)


      Barbara ha reunido esta maravillosa coleccion de chistosas excentricidades en este nuevo libro lleno de divertidas referencias a las diferentes etapas de la mujer, desde el panal a la dentadura postiza.

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    • 21 Cualidades Indispensables D – (Spanish)


      Este libro habla directamente al corazon de los lideres. El autor John Maxwell analiza el proceso de desarrollo de lideres y le provee al lector los puntos clave y practicos para el desarrollo de los mismos.

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    • Comunidades Transformadas Con – (Spanish)


      El autor analiza la estrategia del reino de las tinieblas y senala como vestir las armas de luz en esta batalla. Su recorrido por diversos paises se America Latina dara al lector las herramientas y estrategias necesarias para transformar las ciudades a traves de la oracion.

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    • Seamos Personas De Influencia – (Spanish)


      Como aumentar el impacto sobre los demas.

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    • Gran Casa De Dios – (Spanish)


      El Padre Nuestro como referencia, cada capitulo del libro representa un refugio de Dios para sus hijos.

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    • Tesoro En Vasos De Barro – (Spanish)


      In this book, Freidzon invites us to visit God’s workshop and become His vessels to be broken and reformed. Although this may be a painful experience, the reader will understand why it is a necessary step towards spiritual growth.

      A traves de las paginas de este libro, el pastor Claudio Freidzon invita a visitar el taller de Dios y ser parte de esa obra transformadora que ocurre cuando el alfarero rompe el vaso y lo hace de nuevo. Aunque la experiencia resulte dolorosa, el lector compredera que para tener un crecimiento espiritual es necesario hacer una cita en el taller de Dios.

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    • Camino Biblico A La Bendicion – (Spanish)


      El inalterable amor de Dios y su deseo de bendecir a sus hijos que le obedecen.

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    • Desarrolle El Lider Que Esta E – (Spanish)


      240 Paginas

      Additional Info
      Como desarrollar la vision, el valor, la influencia y la motivacion.

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    • Desarrolle Los Lideres Que Est – (Spanish)


      240 Paginas

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      Como identificar y preparar a los lideres en potencia y fomentar un espiritu de equipo.

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    • Bienvenido Espiritu Santo – (Spanish)



      282 Pages In 12 Chapters In Spanish

      Additional Info
      Lleva a los lectores a conocer el trabajo del Espiritu Santo en el mundo de hoy.

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    • Como Escuchar La Voz De Dios – (Spanish)


      Como escuchar a Dios y gozar de su presencia.

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    • Ayuno Escogido Por Dios – (Spanish)


      Una guia espiritual muy amplia y practica sobre el ayuno.

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    • Promesas De Dios – (Spanish)


      The Spanish language version of God’s Promises for Your Every Need, this little book of Scriptures will set the mind and heart at ease. Topics include courage, patience, comfort and forgiveness. Scriptures are indexed.

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    • Como Aprenden Los Ninos – (Spanish)


      In this enlightening resource, Cynthia Ulrich Tobias introduces the variety of learning styles that shape the way students interpret the world. Once these approaches are understood, parents and teachers can become far more effective in helping children grasp confusing concepts, stay interested in lessons, and utilize their strengths.

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    • De Daniel Al Dia Del Juicio – (Spanish)


      En su mas provocativo y completo libro sobre los ultimos tiempos, el Dr. John Hagee cuenta regresivamente los minutos profeticos desde los dias de

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    • Transiciones – (Spanish)


      As different models for church growth emerge, new problems come to light. This book is designed with a visionary’s mind, a pastoral heart, and a ministerial approach. This book has a special down-to-earth emphasis on developing a purpose-driven church. This is a church leaders’ and pastors’ manual on how to build a purpose-driven church. It includes a “field tested” church growth plan and Rick Warren’s endorsement and recommendation (author of “A Purpose-Driven Church”).

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    • Llamado Final – (Spanish)


      This book is a last call for America to repent. A majority of Americans have concluded, “Morals do not count. Let our leaders do as they please; just give us a booming economy. All that matters is prosperity.” God is about to crush this abominable American mindset. And like the prophet Jeremiah, those who believe in the holy, righteous judgements of God will say, “The Lord has done what he planned; he has fulfilled his word, which he decreed long ago” (Lam. 2:17 New International Version).

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    • Dios Es Relevante – (Spanish)


      Many individuals today want to go it alone, without God. Either they feel no need for God, or they don’t want God in their lives_perhaps because of a bad experience with organized religion. Others may have doubts because God seems to be outdated or contrary to current thought. In this book, readers will tackle the difficult but timely question: is God relevant? If not, what are our options? If God is relevant, how? Luis Palau shows how God is a relevant, powerful, personal force that can transform our troubled times and guide us into the coming millennium.

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    • Poder De La Cruz – (Spanish)


      Discover how God works in and around the world redeeming broken lives and making them new. Each story is unique, but all have one thing in common: new life begins at the cross.

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    • Dios Padre Hijo Y Espiritu San – (Spanish)


      This book will help you know and understand God from each perspective of the Trinity.

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    • Limites Para Nuestros Hijos – (Spanish)


      Henry Cloud and John Townsend demonstrate how to give control to a family that is out of control, how to set limits and keep being a loving parent. Learn how to define legitimate limits for your family, and above all how to instill in your children the type of divine character that cultivates a productive and healthy adult life. This book is illustrated with many examples and anecdotes. This book is one of the best investments you can make as a parent to insure the well being of your children in the long run.

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    • Fuego Vivo Viento Fresco – (Spanish)


      The times are urgent, God is on the move, now is the moment to ask God to ignite his fire in your soul!

      Jim Cymbala believes that Jesus wants nothing more than to renew and revive his people to call us back from spiritual dead ends that lead only to apathy and lukewarm religion.

      As pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, one of America’s most remarkable churches, he knows firsthand the transforming power of God’s love – strong enough to convert prostitutes, pimps, drug addicts, homeless people, and transvestites. Strong enough to draw professional men and women, blacks, whites, and Hispanics together in worship. Strong enough to rekindle our own dull hearts and flagging spirits.

      Twenty-five years ago, the Brooklyn Tabernacle could barely draw twenty people to a Sunday service. Today it is six thousand strong, a testament of what God can do when men and women begin to pour out their hearts to God.

      The story of what has happened to a broken-down church in one of America’s meanest neighborhoods points the way to a new spiritual vitality in the church and in your own life. But don’t look in this book for faddish techniques – you wont’ find them. And while the Tabernacle today has an interracial membership and world-renowned choir, don’t look for an emphasis on cross culturalism, numbers, or well-orchestrates worship music.

      Instead look for what God can do when a handful of people humble themselves and take the Gospel seriously. When believers turn to their last and only recourse – their knees – and discover there the life-changing reality of the Holy Spirit.

      Whether you’re a pastor or a layperson, if you’re hungry for more of God, this book will break your heart and restore your passion.

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    • Tres Meses En La Escuela De Lo (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


      Each of these volumes consists of thirteen detailed Bible studies. These Bible studies can be used for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. This book can even be used as a daily Bible study. Written in Spanish, the language is simple with a profound message for readers.

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    • Gracia Divina VS Condena Human – (Spanish)


      In 1987, an IRA bomb buried Gordon Wilson and his twenty-year-old daughter beneath five feet of rubble. Godon alone survived. And forgave. He said of the bombers, “I have lost my daughter, but I bear no grudge…I shall pray, tonight and every night, that God will forgive them.” His words caught the media’s ears_and out of one man’s grief, the world got a glimpse of grace. Grace is the church’s great distinction. It’s the one thing the world cannot duplicate, and the one thing it craves above all else_for only grace can bring hope and transformation to a jaded world. In this book award-winning author Philip Yancey explores grace at street level. If grace is God’s love for the undeserving, he asks, then what does it look like in action? And if Christians are its sole dispensers, then how are we doing at lavishing grace on a world that knows far more of cruelty and unforgiveness than it does of mercy? Grace does not excuse sin, say Yancey, but it treasures the sinner. True grace is shocking, scandalous. It shakes our conventions with its insistence on getting close to sinners and touching them with mercy and hope.

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    • Bendiciones Del Quebrantamient – (Spanish)


      Considering that life can deliver hard punches in our lives, can we with all sincerity believe that God can bring good out of our crisis? But there is also another possibility: we might discover a richness in our lives that we might not have encountered otherwise.

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    • Tres Meses En La Escuela De Pa (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


      Each of these volumes consists of thirteen detailed Bible studies. These adaptable Bible studies can be used for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. This book can even be used as a daily Bible study. Written in Spanish, the language is simple with a profound message for readers.

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    • Tres Meses En La Escuela De Jo (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


      Each of these volumes consists of thirteen detailed Bible studies. These Bible studies can be used for evening Bible study, for home study meetings, for faith communities, for retreats, and for personal Bible study. This book can even be used as a daily Bible study. Written in Spanish, the language is simple with a profound message for readers.

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    • Antropologia Cultural – (Spanish)


      This book presents the field of anthropology from the Christian point of view. The authors with their experience as pastors, missionaries and academics offer an introduction to the appreciation of the different cultures created by God. Some of the subjects are anthropology and missions, verbal and non-verbal communication, economy and technology, marriage and family, group and communities, religions.

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    • No Te Des Por Vencido – (Spanish)


      Everyone has experienced sadness and pain once in a while. Sometimes they are so big that we want to give up. David Wilkerson knows how to help us solve our feelings of hopelessness and despair about life. He does an exam of despondency. He examines the things that afflict us and offers resources to exceed the problems. Learn to let God heal, reconstruct your faith and give you genuine peace.

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    • Actitud De Vencedor – (Spanish)


      240 Paginas

      Additional Info
      Aprenda a adoptar una actitud de vencedor para resolver las dificultades de la vida.

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    • Tres Meses En La Escuela Del E (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study


      Each of the volumes in this series contains 13 major Bible studies, one for each week during a three-month period. In between each week’s study are six short, personal daily studies.
      Written in Spanish, the volumes are adaptable for use in various Bible study settings, including Sunday school, week-night studies, retreats, and personal Bible study.

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    • Jesus Que Nunca Conoci – (Spanish)


      Yancey offers a new and different perspective on the life of Christ and his work and ultimately who he was and why he came. It gives a moving and refreshing portrait of the central figure in history. In this book we will discover a Jesus Christ who is creator, challenger, audacious, compassionate and convincing.

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    • Misionologia – (Spanish)


      The Institute of Superacion Ministerial asked brother Larry Pate to write a book about the work of missions. It has become a source of great information for all those that want to grow in their Christian life. The author is convinced that the only way to evangelize the world is for leaders from all over to preach the gospel.

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    • Conocimiento Del Dios Santo – (Spanish)


      In this classic testimonial the author presents God’s attributes with words that touch our hearts. This masterpiece helps readers strengthen and deepen their spiritual lives.

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    • Crecimiento De La Iglesia Mas – (Spanish)


      Yonggi Cho, pastor of the Complete Evangelical Church of Yoido, was a Buddhist who was dying of tuberculosis when he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior.

      He was also healed and became a fervent evangelical pastor. “Growing the Wold’s Largest Church” is the story of what he did to grow the Complete Evangelical Church of Yoido, a dynamic congregation, from a group of five people underneath a tent in 1958 until today.

      The number of members is close to one million.

      The mission and the methods are not exclusive to Korea, but can be applied in any place.

      The book explains the emphasis of the church in : -daily prayer, -worship full of vitality, -Biblical doctrines, -the ministry of laymen, -practical evangelism, -help for those in need

      Pastors, students and laymen will have a better perception of the function of the church that is producing results in the life of new Christians. Daughter of the missionaries John and Maxine Hurston, Karen Hurston was only seven years old when she went to the first worship service that would become the Complete Evangelical Church of Yoido. After receiving her Masters from the University of South California she became an ordained minister for the Assembly of God churches.

      After being part of Yonggi Cho’s pastor’s committee for five years, she now directs Hurston Ministries and Consultation Services.

      She has taught at conferences as well as services in churches around the world, and participates in conferences with other leaders like Yonggi Cho, Jack Hayford, Thomas Zimmermamn, Win Arn y Ralph Wilkerson.

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    • Diezmo Y Bendiciones – (Spanish)


      Based on the Bible and the experience of many who tithe regularly, the author of this book deals with topics such as main objections against tithing, the tithing and the second coming, tithing is contrary to human nature, we only return what came from God.

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    • Doctrinas Biblicas – (Spanish)


      What is false and what is true today? Based on 16 fundamental truths of the Bible, this study offers you an opportunity for growth and stability in the faith. It will help you discern who is for Christ and who is not by the message they bring.

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    • Fuerza De La Fe – (Spanish)


      Como Renace el Espiritu Humano?
      Que es Fe?
      Como el Temor Cambia al Ser Humano Hoy en Dia?
      Cual es la Fuerza de la Fe?

      Kenneth Copeland explora estas interrogantes y mas en estos inspiradores e iluminantes dos capitulos de estudio de la fe.

      Descubra la diferencia entre las leyes fisicas de este mundo y los preceptos que gobiernan nuestras vidas espirituales. Aprenda las cuatro mayores fuentes de poder, nacidas al espiritu humano al momento que aceptamos a Jesucristo como nuestro Salvador.

      La incomparable y poderosa ensenanza de Kenneth Copeland, basada en la Biblia, le guiara ciertamente a una mejor compresion de La Fuerza de la Fe.

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