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    Biblical Studies

    • Promised Davidic King


      Reading psalms in context

      The Psalter is a carefully edited work, skillfully arranged to communicate a theological message. The Promised Davidic King is a case study of how a single psalm shapes-and is shaped by-its context in the Psalter. Wyatt A. Graham argues that Psalm 108 plays a guiding role in Book V (Pss 107-150). Following Israel’s return from exile in Psalm 107, Psalm 108 introduces the eschatological King and kingdom further developed in Psalms 109-110. Psalm 108 repurposes Psalms 57 and 60, which in this location, take on renewed meaning in the Psalter’s unfolding story of redemption.

      Graham’s study of Psalm 108 gives insight into the meaning of the Psalms and displays the benefits of reading psalms in their context.

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    • Time Of The Signs


      “What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” –Matthew 24:3

      The disciples could not wait. Christ had said He would bring an end to human rule and establish His kingdom. But when? Eager to learn how the future would unfold, they asked Him about the signs of His coming and the end times. What should they expect to take place?

      In The Time of the Signs, pastor Barry Stagner explores the events that will precede Christ’s return. As he describes Earth’s final days, he answers the many questions people ask, including:

      *Why is the rebirth of Israel the most significant sign that the end times are near?

      *What other important clues, evident today, reveal the closeness of the tribulation and Christ’s return?

      *Where does the rapture fit in the chronology of all that will occur in the last days?

      *After Christ returns, what is next?

      As you study the signs Jesus foretold, you’ll see amazing evidence that we are living in the very time of these signs–and gain a clear understanding of what will happen, and when.

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    • Arrival Of The King


      The suffering and vindicated king

      The Psalter evinces meaningful arrangement. When psalms are read with attentiveness to their textual context, striking connections emerge. In The Arrival of the King: The Shape and Story of Psalms 15-24, Carissa Quinn approaches these psalms as a compositional unity. When read as a unit, Psalms 15-24 tell the story of God’s kingdom, established through the suffering and deliverance of his Davidic king.

      Quinn interprets Psalms 15-24 as a sequence and a chiasm, revealing provocative links in adjacent and parallel psalms. These psalms have a sense of progress, beginning with the question of who may ascend the holy hill and culminating in the divine king’s own ascent. They also display recursion, as themes in one psalm are developed in its chiastic parallel. At the peak of the chiasm is Psalm 19, where the king praises God’s creation and Torah and prays for righteousness.

      The Arrival of the King establishes and explores the rewards of approaching the Psalms as a carefully arranged literary work.

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    • Demystifying Evil : A Biblical And Personal Exploration


      The evil that afflicts our lives often leaves us confused and directionless, wounded and powerless. How should we respond to evil’s power to assault us? How can we understand God’s work in a world that seems all too often to be permeated with evil?

      Narrating her own wrestling with evil as well as engaging in biblical and philosophical analysis, biblical scholar Ingrid Faro explores the many dimensions to evil. Soberly honest, biblically engaged, and theologically nuanced, Demystifying Evil examines the power of evil to disrupt and fragment our lives and tempt us to collude with it.

      But evil does not have the last word. Faro takes us on a journey into the book of Genesis, the Ancient Near East culture, the cross, and her own story of suffering to engage the undoing of evil.

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    • Creator : A Theological Interpretation Of Genesis 1


      The Christian claim that the triune God is the creator of the universe is both exegetically grounded and theologically rich.

      Yet discussions about God’s work of creation are often overwhelmed by questions such as the age of the earth and the relationship between divine creation and evolution. Without completely ignoring such issues, Peter Leithart offers a decidedly theological interpretation of the creation account from Genesis 1.

      By engaging with classic discussions of creation, including those of Plato and Aristotle, as well as Christian articulations as varied as those of Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, Sergius Bulgakov, Karl Barth and Robert Jenson, Leithart embraces the challenge of talking about God and God’s first work. Here, readers will discover what it means to articulate a theology that is rigorously grounded in the first chapter of the Bible and the creedal affirmation of God the Father almighty, who is the creator of the heavens and earth.

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    • New Song : Biblical Hebrew Poetry As Jewish And Christian Scripture


      The fresh riches of biblical poetry for communities of faith

      A New Song includes nine essays on the hidden intricacies of poetry in the Hebrew Bible, ten original poems in dialogue with biblical poetry, and three reflective responses.

      *On Reading Genesis 49: How Hebrew Poetry Communicates Then and Now (John Goldingay)

      *Shirat Ha-Yam (the Song of the Sea) in Jewish and Christian Liturgical Tradition (C.T.R. Hayward)

      *Hannah’s Prayer (1 Samuel 2:1-10): On the Interface of Poetics and Ethics in an Embedded Poem (David G. Firth)

      *Bending the Silence: Reading Psalms through the Arts (Ellen F. Davis)

      *Psalms “Translated” for Life in the 21st Century – A South African perspective (June F. Dickie)

      *Prosody and Preaching: Poetic Form and Religious Function in Biblical Verse (Benjamin D. Sommer)

      *”With Fists Flailing at the Gates of Heaven” Wrestling with Psalm 88, A Psalm for Chronic Illness (Shai Held)

      *Truth and Hidden Things: Reading Isaiah 45:9-25 as Scripture (Katie M. Heffelfinger)

      *The Dynamic Relationship between God and Man in the Book of Hosea: A Dynamic – Synchronic Reading (Yisca Zimran)

      *Original poems by Maria Apichella, Kilby Austin, Edward Clarke, Jacqueline Osherow, Micheal O’Siadhail, Richard G. Rohlfing Jr., and Jock Stein.

      Edited by Stephen D. Campbell, Richard G. Rohlfing Jr., and Richard S. Briggs, A New Song brings together a diverse roster of Jewish and Christian scholars to explore biblical Hebrew poetic texts within the context–and for the benefit–of communities of faith. These thoughtful essays and poems encourage readers to join in the singing of the old songs anew.

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    • Introducing Biblical Hermeneutics


      Renowned scholar Craig Bartholomew, coauthor of the bestselling textbook The Drama of Scripture (more than 50,000 copies sold), writes in his main area of expertise–hermeneutics–to help seminarians pursue a lifetime of biblical interpretation. Integrating the latest research in theology, philosophy, and biblical studies, this substantive hermeneutics textbook is robustly theological in its approach, takes philosophical hermeneutics seriously, keeps the focus throughout on the actual process of interpreting Scripture, and argues that biblical interpretation should be centered in the context and service of the church–an approach that helps us hear God’s address today.

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    • Shape Of Matthews Story


      The Gospel of Matthew, like the other Gospels, is a story. The narrative nature of Matthew’s account of the life of Jesus unfolds as a plotted sequence of words and events, beginning with his birth and closing with his presence to the disciples as their risen Lord. The location of any single passage within the flow of the unfolding story is a major guide to understanding this Gospel. Matthew is best known for his account of the birth of Jesus (Matt 1–2); Peter’s recognition of Jesus as the Son of Man, the Son of God (16:13-20); and the final commission of all the disciples to preach the gospel to all nations (28:16-28). But where do these famous passages appear in the story? What preceded them and what follows? The first Gospel famously highlights five major discourses, during which only Jesus speaks. How do they contribute to Matthew’s story of the life of Jesus?

      The Shape of Matthew’s Story focuses upon the temporal and geographical flow of the unfolding narrative, and the interacting roles of the protagonists within it. It traces an early Christian storyteller’s single-minded presentation of God, Jesus Christ, the call to discipleship, and the Christian Church.

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    • 3 Dimensional Jesus


      In A Three-Dimensional Jesus, Clifton Black offers a fresh, critically sympathetic reading of the New Testament’s first three Gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Intelligent and accessible, conversational and whimsical, this volume helps readers consider the questions that are basic to the Synoptic Gospels’ interpretation. Black addresses their literary genre and origins; portrayals of the figure of Jesus and other central characters; the relationships among these three books; and the social, political, and religious worlds from which they emerged and to which they were addressed. Individual chapters on each Gospel highlight their likely audiences, literary structures, and primary theological themes. Throughout, Black’s presentation is clear and engaging, making use of topical sidebars, charts, and illustrations as well as wit and good humor to draw readers into these Gospels’ interpretations. The volume also includes such original features as conversations with other well-established scholars, which help the reader appreciate a range of perspectives on topics like the historical Jesus and the Gospels’ depiction of women, and interviews of experts on these Gospels’ afterlife in the history of Christian thought, sacred music, fine art, and preaching.

      A Three-Dimensional Jesus is a concise, approachable study of the New Testament’s first three Gospels viewed from multiple angles–historical, sociological, literary, theological–with attention paid to their history of interpretation. In as much, Black invites readers to better understand and appreciate the Synoptics, while guiding them to learn even more

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    • Theology From The Psalms


      Hassell Bullock has studied, taught, and written successful texts on the Psalms for forty years. In this book, he walks through how the Psalms convey the grand story of creation and redemption, Scripture’s two theological ends, and the underlying story of God and humanity in relationship.

      Bullock explains how the literal and metaphorical language in the Psalms work together to articulate the message and deepen our understanding. He presents interpretive principles gleaned from the psalmists themselves and shows how these writers make intertextual connections to other Scriptures, sometimes quoting but mostly alluding, which can help us make corresponding connections between Old and New Testament teachings. The Psalms are examples of applying wisdom and Scriptures to personal and national issues and of how God interacts and intervenes in real-life situations, which help us apply the Bible today.

      Bullock’s mature reflections and guidance on understanding and applying the Psalms’ theological message will complement any traditional introduction to the Psalms.

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    • Knowing God Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Over a million people have found J. I. Packer’s classic Knowing God to be an immense help, and tens of thousands have used this study guide to know God even better.

      This twenty-two-session guide takes readers through the essential truths of Packer’s classic. Individuals can stretch their understanding and allow the material to change their lives. Small groups can see God more clearly through rich and transforming discussions.

      As part of the fiftieth anniversary of Knowing God, start your adventure with these studies for guided travel through each chapter of the book.

      Also available: Knowing God Devotional Journal, Knowing God Bible Study, and Knowing God Fiftieth Anniversary Edition.

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    • Prophets And The Apostolic Witness


      How should Christians read prophetic literature?

      Questions abound both in the academy and the church as to how to engage the prophets, particularly in light of the New Testament. The Gospel writers and the church fathers all read and appealed to the Old Testament, but are we as modern-day readers supposed to take the same approach? The Prophets and the Apostolic Witness is a dialogue among scholars that identifies the interpretive methods used throughout history while also charting a constructive way forward for our own approach to reading the Major Prophets.

      This comprehensive volume brings together experts on Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel to illuminate the following topics:

      *How the Apostles Read the Major Prophets as Christian Scripture
      *Limits on Reading the Major Prophets as Christian Scripture
      *Reading the Major Prophets in the Footsteps of the Apostles
      *The History of Interpretation of the Major Prophets as Christian Scripture
      *Preaching the Major Prophets as Christian Scripture

      This collaborative endeavor offers fresh and helpful insights to scholars, students, and pastors alike as they engage with the text of the Major Prophets.

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    • Beginning Of The Story


      Rediscover the essential beginning of the most important story ever told.

      Although the Bible contains 66 books that compose over a thousand printed pages, most Christians turn first–and sometimes only–to the New Testament, that last quarter of the text that feels more relevant to us as Jesus people. Christian readers often have little idea what to do with the Old Testament, if we read it at all. Sure, we value a few well-known stories from Genesis and use a few psalms for personal devotions and for worship. Beyond that, many Christians find the Old Testament mostly confusing, or troubling, or irrelevant.

      But to understand the Bible as the grand story that it is–the story of God’s dealings with humanity, of God’s relationship to the whole universe–we must learn to read the first three-quarters of Scripture as Jesus did, and as the New Testament teaches us to do. Walking through the arc and major themes of the Old Testament narrative, The Beginning of the Story guides curious readers of the Word into a fruitful and fulfilling reading of the Bible’s first 39 books, restoring joy in reading and studying the most important story ever told.

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    • Prophets Third Edition


      A must read for those who are called by God to the prophetic life! In this important book of the making of prophets, Steven Francis establishes the revelation of the Seven Thousand Company. The army of prophets that God is raising up all over the world. These will be a new breed who will walk in the power of the Spirit. They will have an intimate walk with the Lord. This company must walk through the fire of the wilderness test. They will know how to overcome the deceit of the enemy. With more than 750 scriptures, Steven Francis takes you through the Word into the challenges of a prophetic life and how you can overcome through the Holy Spirit. It will empower you to press forward in your pursuit of God.

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    • Surprising Genius Of Jesus


      How the Story of the Prodigal Son Illuminates Jesus’s Genius

      When someone thinks of Jesus, “genius” is not likely the first word that comes to mind. But when studied in detail, Jesus’s teachings and interactions with others combined high levels of knowledge and insight, verbal skill, and simplicity–showing his genius.

      In The Surprising Genius of Jesus, Peter J. Williams examines the story of the prodigal son in Luke 15 to show the genius, creativity, and wisdom of Jesus’s teachings. He used simple but powerful stories to confront the Pharisees and scribes of the day, drawing on his knowledge of the Jewish Scriptures to teach his audience through complex layers and themes. Williams challenges those who question whether Jesus really was the source of the parables recorded in the Gospels, pointing readers to the truth of who Jesus is and why that matters for them today.

      *Clear and Insightful: Accessible for general readers with in-depth footnotes for those wanting to learn more

      *Biblical: Comprehensive, interscriptural analysis of the story of the prodigal son

      *Written by Peter J. Williams: Author of Can We Trust the Gospels? and principal of Tyndale House, Cambridge

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    • Rediscovering Israel : A Fresh Look At God’s Story In Its Historical And Cu


      See the Bible through a New Lens, from Beginning to End

      In Rediscovering Israel, you will experience the living God and His Word as never before! Bestselling author and professor Kristi McLelland invites you to explore the biblical narrative in the historical, cultural, geographic, and linguistic contexts in which it was written. As you do so, you will:

      *experience Scripture as a timeless, transformational Story demonstrating God’s love and faithfulness

      *string biblical pearls to encounter the Bible as one cohesive storyline rather than a book of stand-alone accounts

      *celebrate the richness of Scripture while discovering unique cultural idioms and customs

      *share in the joys, curiosities, and insights gained through Kristi’s adventures in Israel

      Whether you are preparing for pilgrimage to Israel or you desire to experience a fresh encounter with Scripture, Rediscovering Israel offers a welcome blend of biblical truth, faithful research, and personal reflections that will enrich your interactions with God’s Word.

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    • Connection Code : Relationship Advice From Philemon


      We have all experienced disappointment in relationships. Sometimes we wonder if it’s even possible to have enduring, positive relationships in our homes, our work, and our communities.

      In The Connection Code, trusted Bible teacher O. S. Hawkins digs deep into the biblical book of Philemon to give us a blueprint for building life-giving relationships in every sphere of our lives. This tiny book in the New Testament is a letter the apostle Paul wrote to a wealthy businessman named Philemon on behalf of his escaped bond servant, Onesimus. Containing only 22 sentences, the book of Philemon unlocks the code to forging interpersonal connections that stand the test of time.

      With the practical and thoughtful Bible teaching he’s known for, Dr. Hawkins reflects on every verse in Philemon in light of our relationships today. Following the style of the bestselling Code Series, The Connection Code explores:

      *The three critical relationships each of us need
      *How to let others know we believe in them
      *Why a win-win perspective is crucial for friendships
      *How true commitment always includes forgiveness
      *Why finding our self-worth in Christ empowers us to love others well

      If you long for deep, authentic friendships in a superficial world, discover what God’s plan has always been for building relationships that last in The Connection Code.

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    • Old Testament Handbook Charcoal


      Immerse yourself in the Old Testament Handbook, an elegant, full-color Bible handbook that includes robust summary content, charts, maps, word studies, illustrations, and more for every Old Testament book of the Bible. Constructed with high-quality cloth cover materials and a sewn binding, the Old Testament Handbook is designed to last a lifetime as a valuable companion resource for Bible study, teaching, and ongoing discipleship.

      *High-quality, foil-stamped cloth cover materials and sewn binding meant to last a lifetime
      *Elegant full-color interior design, including maps, charts, illustrations, and other visual helps for every book of the Old Testament

      *More than 75 in-depth Word Studies of key words found in each Old Testament book

      *Two ribbon markers for easy referencing between pages during study, teaching, or sharing

      The Old Testament Handbook features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible(R) (CSB). The CSB captures the Bible’s original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture’s life-transforming message and to share it with others.

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    • 40 Questions About The Apostle Paul


      What can we know about the apostle Paul, and what difference does it make?

      Paul of Tarsus was an undeniably forceful presence in the early Christian church, instructing fledgling congregations of believers throughout the Mediterranean in person and by letter and authoring about half of the New Testament in the process. But who was this powerful personality? And how can students most benefit from the extensive studies on Paul available today?

      New Testament scholars Miguel Echevarria and Benjamin Laird provide an invaluable foundation for students beginning their investigations into the apostle Paul, Paul’s theology, and Pauline studies, addressing orienting questions such as these: * What do we know about Paul’s family? * How did Paul’s companions assist in the composition and distribution of his letters? * Did Paul think his letters were authoritative Scripture? * Is there a center to Paul’s theology? * What is Paul’s Christology? * What are the strengths and weaknesses of the New Perspective on Paul? * Does Paul address slavery and racial division?

      Through its question-and-answer format, 40 Questions about the Apostle Paul provides a succinct introduction and entryway to more advanced study of Paul and the Pauline letter corpus. Additional resources are available at 40questions.net.

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    • Great Disappearance : 31 Ways To Be Rapture Ready

      Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $21.99.

      The rapture is the central event in biblical prophecy. But what does it mean for us today? How can this crucial end times event draw us nearer to God in a world that is seemingly on the brink of chaos? Political turmoil, economic uncertainty, an ideological divide that feels increasingly impassable–the signs of the times point us toward the end, and that can be disconcerting.

      But the greatest truth about the rapture is not its timing, but its reality–for blessed are all who long for His appearing.

      The Great Disappearance is a culmination of decades of Dr. Jeremiah studying end times throughout the Bible. In this definitive volume he will explain the meaning of the word rapture, the difference between the rapture and the second coming, and the joy of expecting our Savior to come at any given moment. Dr. Jeremiah will also explore key questions such as:

      *Who will be raptured?
      *When will it happen?
      *What will happen to those left behind?
      *What will believers experience when they are taken away to heaven?
      *Will non-believers still have time to repent and be saved?

      Dr. Jeremiah seeks to answer all of those questions and many more, not with sensationalism or stories ripped from the headlines but with solid, biblical truth. Because God has laid out His plan for us in His Word so that we might not be caught unaware. We may not know the exact date that the rapture will happen, but we do know it will happen. Are you ready for it?

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    • 30 Days With Jesus


      Jesus is never absent. You are never alone.

      When world events feel chaotic and scary …

      When you feel crippled by fear and anxiety …

      When you feel hurt by the very people you thought you could count on …

      It’s tempting to wonder “Jesus, are you here? Do you care?”

      Though we may feel alone sometimes, Jesus assures us we are not. Even when we can’t see Him, He is here. Even when we aren’t hearing Him, He isn’t silent. How can we know this for sure? Because Jesus is never absent in any of Scripture, and he’s certainly not absent in our lives either.

      In 30 Days with Jesus: Experiencing His Presence Throughout the Old and New Testaments, authors Lysa TerKeurst and Dr. Joel Muddamalle will help you:

      *Reframe your questions and doubts as opportunities to look for Jesus with greater intentionality throughout your day.

      *Make connections between the Old and New Testaments so you can understand the Bible as one complete story.

      *Overcome dread or confusion toward studying Scripture as you receive six weeks of guided readings, reflection questions, and relevant takeaways.

      Jesus isn’t hiding from us; He’s waiting to be seen by us. Let this Bible study help you experience His presence every single day.

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    • Hebrews And The General Epistles


      Often neglected and misunderstood, the New Testament books of Hebrews, James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, and Jude present a number of interpretive challenges. From their placement in the biblical canon to their authorship and theological relationship to Paul’s Epistles, these eight books have historically confronted scholars with an assortment of complex issues that require an adept approach for study and understanding. In this volume of the Reading and Interpreting the Bible Series, Kevin Anderson introduces readers to the essential tools for plumbing the depths of these colorful and often controversial writings and applying their meanings to the contemporary church. Helpful tables, diagrams, and an exceptional reference list round out this well-crafted resource. Reading the Bible with understanding is challenging. Without sound guidance, making sense of the different literary types, settings, and cultures found in the Scriptures can be overwhelming. The Reading and Interpreting the Bible Series opens the door to a proper and accessible method of biblical interpretation. Each volume concentrates on a specific literary type found in the Bible, highlighting its features and function. Social, political, and religious settings are examined, and a critical analysis of the biblical text brings to light its message and relevance for today. Readers will find in these volumes numerous illustrations of how to interpret specific texts, which can be used as a pattern for individual or group Bible studies.

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    • Can I Borrow A Cup Of Hope


      When the pain and problems of life barge in, hopes and dreams run out. In these uncertain seasons of personal crisis, national chaos, and global catastrophe, it’s easy to wonder if life will ever be anything but sorrow and despair.

      The apostle Peter knows exactly what it’s like when hope is gone. He watched as the Messiah was arrested, crucified, and buried. And Peter himself failed almost every test of his faith, even with Christ right in front of him. But he also knows that God is faithful and true, carrying us through our harshest suffering and redeeming our heaviest regrets. Bible teacher, author, and speaker Amy Lively dives into Peter’s first epistle, a short letter with a lot of power, to light the way for today’s struggling Christian. In this daily Bible study, she guides readers through the beautiful story of Peter and shows how he embodies the way to set our hope fully in Christ alone. With gentle honesty and a touch of helpful humor, Amy helps readers understand that when it feels like the end of the world to them, it’s just the beginning of the power of Jesus.

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    • 90 Day Bible Reading Challenge


      Supercharge your walk with God by reading the entire Bible.

      If your time in the Bible has felt tedious and you are longing to revitalize your faith, the 90-Day Bible Reading Challenge is here to help.

      With this book as your guide, you can grow your faith in ways you never have before by reading the Bible for the next 90 days–cover to cover.

      It may sound impossible, but it’s absolutely not. Having briskly read through the Bible for years, author Mary DeMuth knows the profound impact this spiritual reset can have. Here she gives you her own comprehensive–and achievable–reading plan, fresh devotionals and insights, and encouragement to keep you going. You’ll not only read the entire Bible in three months, you’ll also:

      * savor the life-changing power of God’s timeless truths
      * trace the presence of Jesus throughout the entirety of the Bible
      * emerge with freedom and healing
      * learn to navigate your world with wisdom and joy

      We all need a reset. This is your invitation to wrest yourself away from the siren call of the world and reorient your heart to worship the One who gave his life for you.

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    • Lord Of Psalm 23


      Expository Study of Psalm 23 Reveals the Beauty and Deep Theological Meaning behind a Familiar Part of Scripture

      Psalm 23 is one of the most recognizable passages in the whole Bible. Though relatively short, this poetic depiction of God’s love epitomizes Christ’s goodness and provision as he leads his children. Even lifelong Christians will find fresh encouragement by closely studying these familiar words.

      David Gibson walks through each verse in Psalm 23, thoroughly examining its 3 depictions of the believer’s union with Christ as sheep and shepherd, traveler and companion, and guest and host. Gibson provides canonical context for the Psalm’s beautiful imagery, inspiring praise and wonder as readers reflect on the loving Shepherd who meets every need.

      *Rich Theology: Adapted from 3 engaging sermons by David Gibson

      *Expository: Closely examines Psalm 23’s imagery and what it reveals about the relationship between Christ and his followers

      *Uplifting and Informative: Encourages deep reflection on Christ’s provision, comfort, and eternal strength

      *With a Foreword by Sinclair Ferguson

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    • Old Testament Narrative Books


      Scripture Connections: Old Testament Narrative Books focuses on two larger narratives of the Old Testament: the Narratives of the Rise and Fall of the Hebrew Kingdoms (Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings) and the Narratives of Exile and Restoration (Ruth, Daniel, Esther, Ezra-Nehemiah, Chronicles). Overall, this work introduces the narratives of Israel’s scriptures with an emphasis on ancient connections, biblical connections, gospel connections, and life connections.

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    • Signs And Secrets Of The Messiah


      Are you or someone you love desperate for a miracle? As witnessed through Scripture, the God who was and is and is to come has been performing miracles from the beginning of time–so you can trust that Jesus wants to do something miraculous in your life today.

      In this follow-up to his book Mysteries of the Messiah, Rabbi Jason Sobel dives deep into Scripture, biblical culture, and ancient texts to help you better understand the truths and the power behind God’s miracles, and to increase your faith that Jesus can perform miracles in your life.

      By taking a deeper look at Yeshua’s miracles, Rabbi Jason reveals promises for all Christ followers based on miracles throughout Scripture:

      *Jesus takes the ordinary and turns it into something extraordinary, because He wants you to live out of His overflow (He turned water into wine).

      *Jesus wants to renew you so that He can do something new in you (He revealed to Nicodemus the miracle of rebirth).

      *You can stop wandering aimlessly or feeling stuck in your current situation, but instead experience abundant life and healing (He healed the man at the Pool of Bethesda).

      *God wants to bless you abundantly so you, in turn, can bless others and sow into His kingdom (Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish).

      As you go on this journey with Rabbi Jason, a Messianic Jew, he is praying that God will lead you to new insights and breakthroughs in your life. And as God reveals Himself to you in a fresh and powerful way, you will be filled with a sense of His presence and shalom.

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    • Corinthian Correspondence : Redaction, Rhetoric, And History


      In this book, Frank W. Hughes and Robert Jewett argue that the Apostle Paul wrote eight letters to the church in Corinth, and that those letters were edited and reshaped into 1 and 2 Corinthians. This analysis, using redaction and rhetorical criticism, provides many insights into Paul’s difficult relationship with the Corinthians.

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    • Treasuring The Psalms


      The book of Psalms is a treasure.

      These one hundred and fifty inspired poems have shaped the worship, prayers, and theology of God’s people for thousands of years. While many of its riches are readily apparent, a deeper look into the nature and purposes of the book reveals further layers of meaning with abundant implications for the Christian life.

      In Treasuring the Psalms, Ian J. Vaillancourt orients readers to the Psalms and lays out a pattern for deeper study and application. From the composition of individual psalms through the shaping of the entire book, he argues, the Holy Spirit guided the creation of a work that is truly greater than the sum of its parts. In particular, Vaillancourt shows how the Psalms point to Christ and provide practical insights for the church community and individual Christians.

      Through these canonical, Christological, and practical emphases, readers will gain new viewpoints into the flow, context, and message of the Psalms, as well as gospel-centered applications for a living faith.

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    • Women Remembered : Jesus’ Female Disciples


      Inspired by their popular Channel 4 documentary Jesus’ Female Disciples, historians Helen Bond and Joan Taylor explore the way in which Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, Mary, Martha and a whole host of other women – named and unnamed – have been remembered by posterity, noting how many were silenced, tamed or slurred by innuendo – though occasionally they get to slay dragons. Women Remembered looks at the representation of these women in art, and the way they have been remembered in inscriptions and archaeology. And of course they dig into the biblical texts, exposing misogyny and offering alternative and unexpected ways of appreciating these women as disciples, apostles, teachers, messengers and church-founders.

      At a time when both the church and society more widely are still grappling with the full inclusion and equality of women, this is a must-read for anyone interested in the historical and cultural origins of Christianity.

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    • Book Of Revelation Made Easy


      Often considered the most complicated book in the New Testament, Revelation has proven to be an interesting challenge to scholars and lay readers alike. Its apocalyptic imagery and prophetic messages of judgment, salvation, and final redemption have captured the imagination of the church for two thousand years, giving rise to differing interpretations and confusion among Christians. Book of Revelation Made Easy presents these viewpoints in easy-to-follow charts, offering a framework for understanding how this important, final book of the canon has been historically understood. Topics include:

      *The Seven Churches: their historical context and modern-day application

      *Chart explaining four views on the book of Revelation: (1) Futurist, (2) Historicist, (3) Idealist, (4) Preterist

      *Chart exploring four views on the Millennium: (1) Dispensational Premillennialism, (2) Historical Premillennialism, (3) Amillennialism, (4) Postmillennialism

      *Helpful summaries of Revelation’s “sevens”: 7 churches, 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 symbolic histories, 7 bowls, 7 judgments, 7 visions

      These helpful explanations and comparison charts will remove the guesswork for readers who want to make sense of the many perspectives on Revelation. Regardless of interpretation, however, Revelation’s message assures Christians of God’s ultimate victory over the powers of evil and death. Explore the who, what, when, and why of Revelation in an easy-to-read format that translates complexity into clarity.

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    • Rose Guide To Genesis


      With pictures, charts, maps, and timelines, easily get overviews and practical insights of God’s plan of redemption in the book of Genesis! The Rose Guide to Genesis is your quick-reference guide for exploring the fascinating people, places, and stories in the first book of the Bible. Enjoy having:

      *Overview & timeline of the book of Genesis
      *Geography, customs, and daily life in the ancient world
      *A to Z guide of who’s who in Genesis & family trees
      *Key themes of covenant, creation, and blessing
      *And much more!

      Spanning 50 chapters and hundreds of events and people, Genesis is one of the largest and most fascinating books of the Bible. It feels impossible to fully grasp all of Genesis in a short time, but what if you could quickly and easily get a solid understanding of the whole book? Imagine having:

      *A full timeline of Genesis’ 50 books in over 100 key events
      *A clear outline of Genesis unpacked and organized into an origin structure
      *Dozens of easy-to-read summaries of the most important people and events
      *And more

      Rose Guide to Genesis will help you dig deeper into the most important people, places, and stories in the first book of the Bible as you delve into the world of the ancient Near East. In Rose Guide to Genesis you will:

      *Learn about the people and lands of ancient world from Mesopotamia to Egypt with fascinating facts

      *Discover insights into family structure, customs, and religious practices of ancient peoples to give context to your Bible study

      *Uncover the many ways Christ is foreshadowed in the Book of Genesis

      *And so much more!

      4 Key Features of the Rose Guide to Genesis:

      *Quick-Reference: Find what you need fast using clear headers, charts, and simple summaries to answer the questions you have at the flip of a page!

      *Illustrated: Packed with dozens of graphics, photos, and illustrations, don’t just imagine what life was like in the time of Noah, Abraham, Sarah, and Jacob-SEE illustrations, maps, locations, and more!

      *Simple Overview: Covers everything you need to know about the Book of Genesis: hundredsof key events and peoplehistorical backgrounds

      *Solid and Reliable: Enjoy having well-researched knowledge in one compact handbook! You’ll have all the solidscriptural overviews and information you need at your fingertips.

      Perfect for:

      *Individual study
      *Small groups
      *Young adult and youth groups
      *Church libraries
      *And more!

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    • God Of The Way


      Kathie Lee Gifford and Rabbi Jason Sobel the authors of the New York Times best seller The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi bring you an exciting new life-changing message that will help you read the Bible with new eyes and take you into the heart of God’s people in Scripture – from Abraham to Ruth to Jesus and His early followers.

      In The God of the Way, Rabbi Jason shares wisdom from his Jewish heritage and helps us read Scripture in the cultural context of biblical times. Kathie Lee adds personal stories and reflections from her spiritual journey and studies, serving as a companion as you go deeper in your own relationship with God.

      You will experience:

      *The God of the How and When: When you don’t know the details…God does.

      *The God of His Word: When you can’t see God…trust His heart and the promises in His Word.

      *The God Who Sees: When you feel abandoned and forgotten…God knows and cares about you.

      *The God of the Other Side: When you feel overwhelmed and unworthy…God never passes by but crosses over and brings freedom.

      Journey into God’s word, from the creation of the world through the desert and empty places, the Hebrew nation, and meet Jesus, the disciples, and his followers. As you do, you will see how you are part of God’s epic story of redemption – a radiant testimony to the truth that belief in God’s promises is never wasted.

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    • All The Genealogies Of The Bible


      The Bible contains hundreds of genealogies that fulfill multiple purposes, yet the significance of these genealogies can admittedly be difficult to grasp. In All the Genealogies of the Bible, author Nancy presents every genealogy in the Bible in a simple, visual format. Esteemed biblical scholars Eugene Merrill and Andreas Kostenberger supplement Dawson’s work with brief commentary on each genealogy. Dawson works with both complete genealogies and partial lists, piecing together names in different passages to illustrate the interrelationships of various biblical characters for deeper study.

      Including more than 340 genealogies, All the Genealogies of the Bible is organized in biblical order and is equipped with tools you’ll need to navigate the book easily:

      *A detailed table of contents
      *A Complete Index of Names
      *Comprehensive cross-referencing

      A one-of-a-kind reference work, All the Genealogies of the Bible will be useful for pastors, Bible teachers, students, and anyone wanting to study the Bible more deeply from the unique vantage point of its many genealogies.

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    • Glory : As Seen By Ezekiel


      Ezekiel was among the captives in the land of Babylon. Humanly speaking, he was in a hopeless situation. His future looked empty and meaningless. And yet, at such an unlikely time, the heavens were opened to Ezekiel, and he saw the glory of the Lord.

      In these last days, we too find ourselves pressed on every side. How can we survive as Christians? How can we serve God’s purpose in our generation?

      We believe that God has a way for us, and that way is that we live under an open heaven. Like Ezekiel, we need to catch a glimpse of the glory of the Lord. If we see the glory of the Lord, that will give us light, give us strength, give us direction, and give us purpose. Our life on earth will mean something to the Lord and it will be fulfillment to us.

      We do hope that God will give us a strong desire that we will see His glory. This is one thing that we long for-we want to see the glory of the Lord. If we do, it will give us hope, it will give us faith, and it will give us love that we may press on until the day when the glory of the Lord shall fill the earth, as the waters fill the sea. May the Lord help us.

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    • Creating The Canon


      Despite the profound influence of the New Testament, a variety of questions related to its background and history remain common. Contemporary readers often find the subject of the canon’s origin and formation to be complicated and confusing, while scholars continue to struggle to find agreement about basic elements of the canon’s development. In this engaging study, Benjamin P. Laird explores several misunderstood, disputed, and overlooked topics in order to provide fresh insight and clarity about the canon’s creation and modern relevance. The volume addresses questions such as:

      *Was there a single “original autograph” of each New Testament writing?

      *Who exactly were the “original readers” of the New Testament writings?

      *Did theological controversies play a decisive role in prompting the canon’s formation?

      *How did such a diverse body of writings come together to form a single canonical collection?

      *Is there a basis for the canon’s ongoing authority?

      Wide-ranging yet accessible, Creating the Canon offers an illuminating treatment of the composition, formation, and authority of the New Testament and serves as a valuable guide to those with limited prior study.

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    • Apocalypse Of John Among Its Critics


      Should Christians be embarrassed by the book of Revelation?

      The Revelation of John has long confused and disturbed readers. The Apocalypse of John among Its Critics confronts the book’s difficulties. Leading experts in Revelation wrestle honestly with a question raised by critics:

      *Should John’s Apocalypse be in the canon? (Alan S. Bandy)
      *Was John intentionally confusing? (Ian Paul)
      *Was John a bully? (Alexander E. Stewart)
      *Did John delight in violence? (Dana M. Harris)
      *Was John a chauvinist? (Kulli Toniste)
      *Was John intolerant to others? (Michael Naylor)
      *Was John antisemitic? (Rob Dalrymple)
      *Did John make things up about the future? (Dave Mathewson)
      *Did John advocate political subversion? (Mark Wilson)
      *Did John misuse the Old Testament? (G.K. Beale)

      Engaging deeply with Revelation’s difficulties helps the reader understand the book’s message?and respond rightly. The book of Revelation does not need to be avoided or suppressed. It contains words of life.

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    • Charged With The Glory Of God


      Isaiah’s servant songs reveal a true and better Adam

      In Charged with the Glory of God, Caroline Batchelder provides a synchronic, theological, and canonical reading of the four Servant Songs in Isaiah (42:1-9; 49:1-13; 50:3-11; 52:13-53:12), showing how they relate to one another and the message of the prophetic book.

      Reading Isaiah as a compositional unity in conversation with other texts such as Genesis results in a coherent presentation of the mysterious servant. The polemic against idolatry reveals rebellious Israel to be false imagers of God. In contrast, Isaiah’s servant is an ideal embodiment of Yahweh’s image and likeness. Thus, the servant is a paradigm for those who wish to recapture and realize God’s good creation purposes for all humanity. The servant poems are not only a call to reorient oneself as a servant towards God and his creation, but also a map and means for doing so.

      In this study, Batchelder offers fresh insights from Isaiah for understanding God’s true image and its idolatrous counterfeits.

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    • Memoir Of Moses


      In Memoir of Moses, A. J. Culp explores the role of the book of Deuteronomy as the chief memory producer of Israel’s covenant with Yahweh instead of a product of memory from ancient Israel.

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    • Christs Message To Pergamum (Student/Study Guide)


      Courage Without Compromise

      In Jesus’ words to the church of Pergamum, He acknowledged the dark, spiritual environment and the intense pressure these believers faced on a daily basis. Making it a point to let them know that He was acutely aware of their situation, Jesus commended their courage to hold fast to their faith.??

      However, despite this congregation’s outstanding commitment to resist pressures from without, a deadly spiritual infection had begun to spread inside the church. Jesus defined the intolerable doctrines the church had begun to embrace and called for repentance.

      Christ’s message concluded with a promise of specific rewards for those who overcame not only the onslaught of external persecution, but also the internal pressure. Destructive doctrines and practices had begun to proliferate, so Christ addressed this serious problem.

      Like the church in ancient Pergamum, it can be easy for the Church today to view itself as progressive, exempt from the more “primitive,” exclusionary views found in the Bible. However, Jesus views ideas of inclusion and compromise at the expense of truth as a menace to the sanctity, power, and effectiveness of His Church!

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    • Keeping Creation : A 5-Week Study


      Creation care is political but not partisan.What occurs on one side of the planet affects the other side of the planet.As citizens of the kingdom of God, we were created to be citizens of the earth.Creation care is not an isolated cause that Christians can set apart from the rest of life. Creation involves everything we see (and some things we don t see). So to talk about caring for creation is to talk about politics, economics, food, energy, freedom, and our faith.Across five weeks of scriptural study, interpretation, and contemporary application, Keeping Creation offers a biblical exploration of the call on God s people to tend and serve the earth. Authors Caleb Cray Haynes, Ryan Fasani, Megan Pardue, and Todd Womack offer a Scripture-based guide for small groups who are ready not only to think and reflect but also to act. Each chapter includes discussion questions and suggestions for new, creation-serving habits and practices that participants can begin to work on together.God has created a beautiful world that is meant to be interconnected, each piece dependent on all the other pieces, and it brings God joy to see creation working as intended. Keeping Creation will help Christians prioritize and understand humanity’s role on the interconnected planet that teems with the life God created.

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    • Daniel


      The book of Daniel is a colorful collage of fascinating stories and visions. From a magnificent statue to a feisty, horn-regenerating goat, readers encounter a cavalcade of fantastic images. Added to these amazing sights are the harrowing confrontations between God’s faithful servants and presumptuous kings. Grasping the meaning of all this is a weighty task. This volume of the Reading and Interpreting the Bible Series aptly meets this challenge, providing readers with the tools to interpret the message of Daniel and apply it to daily life. Using charts, word studies, and deep dives into ancient Middle Eastern culture, Old Testament scholar Barry Ross provides readers with the theological keys to this marvelous book. Reading the Bible with understanding is challenging. Without sound guidance, making sense of the different literary types, settings, and cultures found in the Scriptures can be overwhelming. The Reading and Interpreting the Bible Series opens the door to a proper and accessible method of biblical interpretation. Each volume concentrates on a specific literary type found in the Bible, highlighting its features and function. Social, political, and religious settings are examined, and a critical analysis of the biblical text brings to light its message and relevance for today. Readers will find in these volumes numerous illustrations of how to interpret specific texts, which can be used as a pattern for individual or group Bible studies.

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    • Hearing The Message Of Ecclesiastes


      There is no easy answer to the meaning of life–even when you believe in God.

      The book of Ecclesiastes seeks to answer the question: “What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun?” The book’s central character is Qoheleth, who wants to understand the meaning of life as far as he possibly can with the tools of his own empirical observation and reason. He struggles to reconcile the beautiful world that we love and enjoy with the baffling world of injustice, suffering, and death. Qoheleth circles around an abyss of nihilism and pessimism. He lives with unanswered questions. Yet he remains a believer.

      Old Testament scholar Christopher J. H. Wright invites you to join Qoheleth on a journey through wisdom literature from centuries ago, because the message of Ecclesiastes can be strangely reassuring as we put our faith to the test in today’s post-modern era. There will be disorienting twists and turns and the occasional complete impasse as complex topics are discussed, like:

      *The meaning of life
      *Mysteries of time and injustice
      *Ambiguities of work, politics, worship, and wealth

      Hearing the Message of Ecclesiastes won’t answer your questions about the meaning of life, but it will ultimately help you live in the tension of God’s gifts in Genesis 1-2 and the fallen world of Genesis 3–and still go on trusting in the sovereign goodness of God.

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    • Gods Israel And The Israel Of God


      Paul and Jewish identity after Christ

      Paul believed Israel’s Messiah had come. But what does this mean for Israel? Debate rages over Paul and supersessionism: the question of whether–and if so, to what extent–the new covenant in Christ replaces God’s old covenant with Israel. Discussion of supersessionism carries much historical, theological, and political baggage, complicating attempts at dialogue.

      God’s Israel and the Israel of God: Paul and Supersessionism pursues fruitful discussion by listening to a variety of perspectives. Scot McKnight, Michael F. Bird, and Ben Witherington III consider supersessionism from political, biblical, and historical angles, each concluding that if Paul believed Jesus was Israel’s Messiah, then some degree of supersessionism is unavoidable. Lynn H. Cohick, David J. Rudolph, Janelle Peters, and Ronald Charles respond to the opening essays and offer their own perspectives.

      Readers of God’s Israel and the Israel of God will gain a broader understanding of the debate, its key texts, and the factors that shaped Paul’s view of Israel.

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    • Fire Of God In Your Life Companion Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Embrace the Fire!

      Many people fear fiery experiences, but there is a good fire that we all need to keep burning in our lives. Fire sent from the enemy is destructive, but God-sent fire is needed to make us stronger, purer, and ready for what God wants to do in and through our lives. Remember, the Bible says God is a consuming fire – and we need His fire to remain spiritually ablaze in us and to burn red-hot as we do our part to fulfill His great plan!

      In this life-transforming, five-part series, Rick will show you how God’s divine fire is needed to:

      *Remove excess waste and make you stronger
      *Reveal flaws that need to be corrected
      *Make your life shine brighter
      *Bring color to your life

      It may be hot and the process lengthy, but the results of His refining fire are invaluable and eternal. Do you feel like you are going through the fire? Don’t panic! Embrace it, and let His love refine you until you gleam and shine.

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    • Living In Union With Christ


      Leading New Testament theologian Grant Macaskill introduces Paul’s understanding of the Christian life, which is grounded in the apostle’s theology of union with Christ. The author shows that the exegetical foundations for a Christian moral theology emerge from the idea of union with Christ. Macaskill covers various aspects of Christian moral theology, exploring key implications for the Christian life of the New Testament idea of participatory union as they unfold in Paul’s Letters.

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    • ReEnchanting The Text


      In an age where the Bible has been stripped of its sacredness and functional biblical illiteracy reigns, this book makes the case that we must work to re-enchant the text in order to return the Bible to its rightful place in the lives of Christians. The author shows how the Enlightenment misshapes our interpretations of the Bible and explains that both “liberal” and “fundamentalist” interpretation are failed forms of disenchanted readings. We must rediscover the Bible as sacred, dangerous, and mysterious to counteract biblical illiteracy in an increasingly post-Christian landscape.

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    • 50 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know Pamphlet


      Amen! We often end our prayers with this ancient Hebrew word, but what does it really mean? Shalom, another common Hebrew word, is usually translated as “peace,” yet it infers so much more!

      50 Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know is a treasure trove of information that helps readers explore the Hebrew meaning of important words in the Old Testament. Straightforward and accessible, this reference pamphlet and Bible-study aid offers the basics in each entry: English transliteration and Hebrew spelling, a key Scripture, pronunciation and definition, a short explanation, and relevant Scripture references.

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    • Worlds Greatest Book


      Welcome to the fascinating story of how we got the world’s greatest book-the Bible.

      It is a captivating story that includes a little bit of everything: adventure and violence, mystery and bravery, history and romance, and dumb luck or divine intervention-depending on your point of view.

      How in the world did we get this book that some people swear by-and other people swear at?

      You don’t have to be a skeptic to have a grocery list of questions about the making of the Bible, one of the world’s most loved and loathed books:

      *What’s so great about the Bible?

      *Why are there different versions of the Bible?

      *How has this controversial book remained relevant through the ages?

      *Who wrote these books and when?

      *As scribes made copies of copies, didn’t they make mistakes that caused the ancient writings to be changed and corrupted?

      *How was it decided which writings would be included in the Bible?

      *What are the Dead Sea Scrolls, and why are archeological finds like these a big deal?

      Devoted people dedicated their lives throughout time, putting this unique book into the hands of people worldwide. Let this book deepen your engagement with God’s Word as you retrace the passion and intrigue behind the origin of the Bible.

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    • 30 Old Testament Passages With Deeper Meaning


      Feed your curiosity of the Bible by exploring the deeper meaning behind familiar Old Testament passages.

      Below the surface of every seemingly ordinary Bible verse lies a deeper meaning just waiting to be discovered. And these hidden insights aren’t just reserved for scholars, academics, or pastors. Anyone who knows where to look can uncover the surprisingly significant messages that the biblical authors intended for us to hear.

      In 30 Old Testament Passages with Deeper Meaning, Michael Williams seeks to lead believers to a deeper comprehension and appreciation of biblical truth. In each easy-to-read chapter, Williams focuses on one Old Testament verse or passage, and:

      *Examines its cultural, historical, linguistic, and/or theological context.
      *Explains how it is enhanced by the added context and perspective.
      *Provides questions to facilitate further reflection, study, and discussion.

      Helping to bridge the gap between the academy and the church, this broadly accessible and edifying book will help everyday Christians get more out of their Bible. Plus, the insightful questions at the end of each chapter make this an ideal small group, Bible study, or expository preaching resource.

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