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    Biblical Studies

    • Historical Books : An Interactive Bible Study From Genesis To Revelation


      A Study of Scripture Designed Just for You

      Strengthen your relationship with Jesus as you discover the Messiah in this unique journey through the Bible. As you study these books through the lens of the Messiah, these inspired Scriptures will come alive as you see God’s plan for His people, and for you through His son.

      Each volume in the Complete Portrait of the Messiah series, will guide you with:

      *a daily Bible reading plan,
      *encouragement through a daily devotion,
      *deeper understanding through chapter-by-chapter commentary,
      *practical application through daily study questions and contemporary
      *examples, and
      *embedded links to supplemental videos to expand understanding.

      Psalm 119:107 says, “Revive me, LORD, according to Your word” Start your journey through the Bible today and be personally revived!

      reviveSCHOOL, a ministry of Time to Revive, is a two-year biblical studies course that teaches through the Bible daily, from Genesis to Revelation. Teaching and study are focused on seeing the complete portrait of the Messiah as depicted in all 66 books of the Bible. Based on the example in Acts 19, where Paul lectured in the Hall of Tyrannus daily for two years and all of Asia heard the message of the Lord, the ultimate goal of reviveSCHOOL is for individuals to be revived and communities to be transformed by the Word of God. Founded by Kyle Lance Martin, Time to Revive is based in Richardson, Texas, with study groups all over the world.

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    • Our Eyes Are On You


      A study of the context and contents of 35 Biblical prayers to make connections to our lives, informing us about prayer, the things about which we should pray, and the God to whom we pray. The prayers covered include those of Abraham, Moses, Hannah, David, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, Jeremiah, Habakkuk, Jesus, the Apostles, Paul, and many others.

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    • God The Creator


      Christians today are focused on two important creation topics: how the world came to be and how we should care for it. A highly respected Old Testament theologian recommends that before discussing these questions, we focus on God the Creator and God’s ongoing work in creation. We should explore what the Bible tells us and let the text set the agenda for our reflections.

      Combining his storytelling gift with rigorous biblical exegesis and deep reflection, Ben Ollenburger describes the action of God the Creator as presented throughout the Old Testament. He shows how creation is about more than origins. It is about God acting against the hostile forces of chaos that can be historical, political, and military. About how God created a well-ordered world, and how human transgression ruptures God’s relationship with humans and threatens creation. About how God responds as Creator to those threats by disturbing and reordering the disorder, bringing about what God intended–a world ordered in the social, political, and natural realms that is characterized by the justice, righteousness, and peace required for human flourishing.

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    • Spirit Ethics And Eternal Life


      What should the Christian life look like? What vision does Scripture cast for living as a follower of Christ?

      The New Testament scholar Jarvis Williams considers how Paul’s letter to the Galatians can inform our understanding of the Christian life here and now as well as into eternity. What emerges from this careful study is a multifaceted vision of God’s saving action in Jesus Christ for both Jew and Gentile, in both the vertical relationship between God and humanity as well as the horizontal relationships among people–with cosmic ramifications.

      Through Paul’s instructions and Williams’s interpretation, Christians can learn the importance of walking by the Spirit.

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    • Disciples Of Jesus


      Have you ever wondered what brought about the radical transformation of Jesus’s followers? The Disciples of Jesus is a portrait gallery of a bunch of unschooled, fickle, ordinary men and women turned into loyal, courageous, and committed disciples through the Master’s compassion, tough love, and later presence through the Holy Spirit. With theological finesse, Dean Blevins brings us face-to-face with “action heroes, born skeptics, servant leaders,” and the like. Despite their frailties, failures, and fears, the Master uniquely fine-tuned them for kingdom purposes, commissioning them to be his ambassadors in the power of the Holy Spirit. This compelling study, unveiling a set of ordinary character types and their relationships, is inviting you to imagine what God can accomplish through you.

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    • 1 And 2 Peter


      The epistles of 1 and 2 Peter are written to a scattered people of God who have begun to lose their sense of God’s mission in the world. These letters are an attempt to help these churches reorient and realign themselves with God. The challenges facing the churches addressed in the Petrine epistles are not unlike some of the challenges the church faces today, so studying Peter’s words can help guide us into a more faithful expression of our mission as followers of Christ. Explore in these letters themes of exile, cultural assimilation, suffering, our identity as God’s people, and the return of Christ. A faithful reading of God’s Word leads to a faithful response from God’s people. The Shaped by Scripture series teaches a simple, engaging method of studying the Bible that will lead to honest interpretation and a changed relationship with God.

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    • Psalms : I Lift My Eyes To The Hills


      The 150 songs and poems that make up the book we call Psalms have offered comfort and guidance to Christians across the ages. Christians repeatedly call the Psalms a favorite biblical book and return to it time and time again when looking for hope, wisdom, or gentle correction. This volume will introduce readers to the variety of genres found in the psalms. Study in depth seven specific psalms that have been intentionally chosen to be representative of the diversity and complexity of the book as a whole. Psalm types explored include praise hymns, psalms of thanksgiving, psalms expressing trust in God, royal psalms, wisdom psalms, and laments.

      A faithful reading of God’s Word leads to a faithful response from God’s people. The Shaped by Scripture series teaches a simple, engaging method of studying the Bible that will lead to honest interpretation and a changed relationship with God.

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    • Dictionary Of Paul And His Letters


      The Dictionary of Paul and His Letters is a one-of-a-kind reference work. No other resource presents as much information focused exclusively on Pauline theology, literature, background, and scholarship.

      This second edition is a thoroughly revised and updated version of the acclaimed 1993 publication. Since that groundbreaking volume was published, developments in Pauline studies have continued at a rapid pace, with diverse new scholars entering the conversation, new ideas and methods gaining attention, and fresh expressions of old topics shaping the present discussion. Those who enjoyed and benefited from the wealth in the first edition will find this new edition an equally indispensable and freshly up-to-date companion to study and research.

      Classic topics such as Christology, justification, hermeneutics, and book studies of individual epistles receive careful treatment by specialists in the field. Topics new to this edition–including Paul and politics, patronage, and interpretations from various historical and cultural perspectives–expand the volume’s breadth and usefulness. Over 95% of the articles have been written specifically for this edition.

      This work bridges the gap between scholars and pastors, teachers and students, and all interested readers who want a thorough treatment of key topics in a summary format. In curating and compiling these articles, the editors have sought to make them comprehensive, accessible, and useful for those pursuing further research on particular subjects. Each article’s bibliography, in addition, will serve a new generation of readers for years to come.

      The updated Dictionary of Paul and His Letters takes its place alongside the Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, 2nd ed., and the other volumes in the IVP Bible Dictionary Series as a unique presentation of the fruit of biblical studies–committed to Scripture, using the best of critical methods, and maintaining dialogue with both contemporary scholarship and the challenges facing the church. The reference volumes in the series provide in-depth treatment of biblical and theological topics in an accessible encyclopedia format, including cross-sectional themes, methods of interpretation, significant historical or cultural background, and each Old and New Testament book as a whole.

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    • Hope Restored : Biblical Imagination Against Empire


      The Walter Brueggemann Library brings together the wide-ranging and enlivening thought of popular biblical scholar Walter Brueggemann over his storied career. Each volume collects previously published work on a biblical theme that has deeply informed Brueggemann’s scholarship, in an accessible digest for readers who want to freshly engage his prophetically minded but approachable writing on the topic.

      In Hope Restored, Brueggemann points us toward energizing hope for an alternative life of social equity and thriving. In Brueggemann’s work, hope is not understood as easy optimism but as an honest facing of the unjust structures that human beings have created and a call to lean into the deep symbols of Scripture that imagine the alternative way of God, restoring solidarity and relationship that have been eroded by the violence of empire. According to the witness of Scripture, the divine presence is never settled into the arrangements and structures of the status quo. It provokes God’s people to imagine beyond what they see and beyond their own selfish interests. Hope is always strongest among those who grieve and are willing to insistently critique the complacent, death-dealing social order that coddles the privileged and keeps its foot on the neck of those seen as “other” and to imagine new, whole-making realities on the horizon.

      Hope Restored takes readers through the unfolding possibilities for a liberated human imagination in Scripture. Brueggemann envisions the Torah–including the divine promises made to Israel’s ancestral matriarchs and patriarchs, the travails of the exodus and its memory, and the giving of the law–as a collective effort to form a multigenerational community marked by gratitude and solidarity with the marginalized. The historical and prophetic books articulate the hope of shalom in the midst of brutal political violence driven by self-interested nations in which the people of God are often implicated. A deep consideration of Daniel offers a vision of resistance against and an ultimate righting of the abuses of sociopolitical machinations–through both human and divine means. The Psalms lead us into the space of lament, protest, and demand for God to make manifest new visions of life and justice that carry over into Jesus’ story of the aggrieved widow who gives a judge no peace until he grants her justice.

      Exploring models of hope that are expressed through critique, persistence, vision, and holy inspiration in the Hebrew B

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    • Stones : Making God’s Faithfulness The Bedrock Of Your Faith


      These studies guide you through the storyline of Scripture-each following a person, place, or thing in the Bible. Maybe you are practiced in dissecting a passage and pulling things out of the text to apply to your life. But now you may feel as though your faith is fragmented. The Storyline Bible studies help you put the pieces back together. You’ll discover cohesive, thematic storylines with literary elements and appreciate the Bible as the masterpiece that it is.

      Each study is five weeks long and can be paired with its thematic partner for a seamless ten-week study to fit in a church semester.The Stones Bible study will guide you through five stone-related stories because stones are physical reminders of God’s faithful activity in the lives of his people. We will explore:

      *Genesis 28 and 35: the Bedrock of Jacob, where God met Jacob with faithfulness
      *Exodus 34: the Bedrock of Moses, where God met Moses with steadfast forgiveness
      *Joshua 4: the Bedrock of Joshua, where God helped his people remember
      *Matthew 27 28: the Bedrock of Jesus, where rescue comes through resurrection
      *1 Peter 2: the Bedrock of the Church, where God’s people are given purpose

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    • 50 Final Events In World History


      How much do you know about the end of the world?

      In The 50 Final Events in World History, beloved and respected pastor Robert J. Morgan takes readers on a journey through end-times prophecy, walking step-by-step through the end of the world to the dawn of the new kingdom of heaven.

      Heard of worldwide pandemics? Weapons of mass destruction flashing through the air? Global water and air contamination? The nation of Israel restored after 2,000 years, encircled by hostile nations and buffered by the nation of Jordan? Air evacuations with machines having two wings? Threats from Russia and Asia? Extremism in Turkey? Clamor for globalization? Hand implants for commerce and security? The gospel penetrating unreached places? Violent persecution? Cascading wickedness? The world falling apart?
      All of this is predicted in the book of Revelation.

      If you find yourself baffled and maybe even a little intimidated by end times and the book of Revelation, The 50 Final Events in World History will be a:

      *comprehensive yet easy-to-understand overview of the book of Revelation,
      *resource you can turn to again and again,
      *helpful tool that translates the events of Revelation both literally and sequentially, and
      *guide to interpret present circumstances as well as future events.

      Revelation is the Bible’s final words on the world’s last days. The key is understanding its simple sequence of events-one after another, clearly laid out­-the fifty final events in world history.

      This is information we need to know now since we might soon be on the doorstep of event #1.

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    • Bible Vs Biblical Womanhood


      A biblical defense of egalitarianism that relies on Scripture to affirm gender equality in the church and in the home.

      “Biblical womanhood” is the idea that the Bible teaches God-ordained male leadership and female submission in the home and subordination in the church. Some say this hierarchy of authority is sufficiently evidenced by examples of male leadership (and lack of female leadership) in the Bible: the first human was male, Israel’s official priests were male, most authors of Scripture were male, Jesus was male and chose twelve male Apostles. God is addressed as Father. Wives are commanded to submit to their husbands.

      In The Bible vs. Biblical Womanhood, New Testament scholar Philip B. Payne argues that the very Bible passages that are often believed to teach male headship and female subordination actually teach gender equality. He demonstrates that the Bible does not endorse gender hierarchy but instead emphasizes:

      *The Holy Spirit gifting all believers for ministry
      *The oneness of the body of Christ (the church) and the priesthood of all believers
      *Humility, service, and mutual submission required of all believers
      *Freedom and willingness to relinquish freedom in order to spread the gospel

      These concepts are examined in 14 Bible passages throughout the Old and New Testaments, using careful exploration of Greek and Hebrew word meanings, historical and cultural context, and examples from Scripture. Payne defends his position by providing detailed answers to common objections at the end of each chapter.

      The Bible vs. Biblical Womanhood is for those struggling to reconcile the Bible’s seemingly contradictory teachings about man and woman. Readers will come away with greater confidence in the reliability of Scripture’s consistent, harmonious message of gender equality.

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    • Origins Of New Testament Christology


      The early followers of Jesus drew from Jewish and Greco-Roman traditions and titles to help them understand and articulate who Jesus was. This book opens a window into the Christology of the first century by helping readers understand the 11 most significant titles for Jesus in the New Testament: Lord, Son of Man, Messiah, Prophet, Suffering Servant, Son of God, Last Adam, Passover Lamb, Savior, Word, and High Priest. The authors trace the history of each title in the Old Testament, Second Temple literature, and Greco-Roman literature and look at the context in which the New Testament writers retrieved these traditions to communicate their understanding of Christ. The result is a robust portrait that is closely tied to the sacred traditions of Israel and beyond that took on new significance in light of Jesus Christ.

      This accessible and up-to-date exegetical study defends an early “high” Christology and argues that the titles of Jesus invariably point to an understanding of Jesus as God. In the process, it will help readers appreciate the biblical witness to the person of Jesus.

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    • Reading The Psalms Theologically


      Reading the Psalms Theologically presents rich biblical-theological studies on the Psalter. The essays interpret the Psalms as a carefully-composed book. Each study focuses on a biblical or theological topic, drawing insights from past interpreters and current scholarship.

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    • How To Read The Old Testament Book By Book


      Reading the Old Testament doesn’t need to be a difficult journey through strange and bewildering territory. How to Read the Old Testament Book by Book walks you through the Scriptures like an experienced tour guide, helping you understand each of its thirty-nine books.

      For each book of the Old Testament, the authors start with a quick snapshot, then expand the view to help you better understand its message and how it fits into the grand narrative of the Bible. Written by two top evangelical scholars, this survey is designed to get you actually reading the Bible knowledgeably and understanding it accurately.

      In an engaging, conversational style, Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart take you through every book of the Old Testament using their unique approach:

      *Orienting Data – Concise info bytes that form a thumbnail of the book.

      *Overview – A brief panorama that introduces key concepts and themes and important landmarks in the book.

      *Specific Advice for Reading – Pointers for accurately understanding the details and message of the book in context with the circumstances surrounding its writing.

      *A Walk Through – The actual section-by-section tour that helps you see both the larger landscape of the book and how its various parts work together to form the whole.

      How to Read the Old Testament Book by Book can be used as a companion to How to Read the New Testament Book by Book and How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth. It also stands on its own as a reliable guide to reading and understanding the Old Testament for yourself.

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    • How To Read The New Testament Book By Book


      Reading the New Testament doesn’t need to be a difficult journey through strange and bewildering territory. How to Read the New Testament Book by Book walks you through the Scriptures like an experienced tour guide, helping you understand each of its twenty-seven books.

      For each book of the New Testament, the authors start with a quick snapshot, then expand the view to help you better understand its message and how it fits into the grand narrative of the Bible. Written by two top evangelical scholars, this survey is designed to get you actually reading the Bible knowledgeably and understanding it accurately.

      In an engaging, conversational style, Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart take you through every book of the Old Testament using their unique approach:

      *Orienting Data – Concise info bytes that form a thumbnail of the book.

      *Overview – A brief panorama that introduces key concepts and themes and important landmarks in the book.

      *Specific Advice for Reading – Pointers for accurately understanding the details and message of the book in context with the circumstances surrounding its writing.

      *A Walk Through – The actual section-by-section tour that helps you see both the larger landscape of the book and how its various parts work together to form the whole.

      How to Read the New Testament Book by Book can be used as a companion to How to Read the Old Testament Book by Book and How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth. It also stands on its own as a reliable guide to reading and understanding the New Testament for yourself.

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    • Lords Prayer : Matthew 6 And Luke 11 For The Life Of The Church


      Since the beginning of Christianity, the Lord’s Prayer has occupied an important place in the lives of Jesus’s disciples, for it is the prayer Jesus himself taught them. Like other biblical prayers, the Lord’s Prayer contains words people offer to God. But since this prayer is from Jesus and is part of Scripture, it is also God’s Word to people. When we say this prayer, not only are we speaking to God, but God is also speaking to us.

      Highly regarded New Testament scholar William Wright shows how this classic text can speak afresh to the life of the church today. He integrates critical exegesis, theological exposition, and Christian spirituality to explicate the theological substance of the Lord’s Prayer. His goal is to help readers come to know God and love God and others more deeply through a focused study of this important Christian prayer.

      The Touchstone Texts series addresses key Bible passages, making high-quality biblical scholarship accessible for the church. The series editor is Stephen B. Chapman, Duke Divinity School.

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    • Pauls Thorn In The Flesh


      Paul’s enigmatic “thorn in the flesh” in 2 Corinthians has baffled interpreters for centuries. Many offer suggestions as to the identity of Satan’s messenger; others despair that the puzzle is unsolvable. In Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh: New Clues for an Old Problem, Kenneth Berding reopens the case. He follows a trail of clues that includes ancient beliefs about curses, hints in Paul’s letters, similarities with Jesus’s suffering, and the attempts of the earliest Christian interpreters. Berding offers twenty criteria-some familiar, others neglected-that any proposals must explain. While the usual suspects fall short, Berding suggests a new solution-one that satisfies all the evidence and gives us a fuller view of Paul. Far from an abstract puzzle, Paul’s own suffering is relevant to Christians today, including Berding’s own health struggles.

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    • Lexham Old Testament Apocrypha


      A modern translation with introductions by David A. deSilva.

      The Lexham Old Testament Apocrypha includes:

      *Tobit (Vaticanus and Sinaiticus)


      *Greek Esther (Greek)

      *Wisdom of Solomon

      *Wisdom of Sirach


      *Letter of Jeremiah

      *the additions to Daniel (Old Greek and Theodotion), including the Prayer of Azariah, Susanna, and Bel and the Dragon

      *1-4 Maccabees

      *1-2 Esdras

      *the Prayer of Manasseh

      *Psalm 151

      *Psalms of Solomon

      *Greek 1 Enoch

      Beautifully typeset in a single-column format, the Lexham Old Testament Apocrypha provides a literal and contemporary translation for modern readers. David A. deSilva briefly introduces each book, providing context and insight. This volume includes works typically omitted from other editions of the Apocrypha, such as the Psalms of Solomon, the Greek text of Enoch, and multiple versions of Tobit and the additions to Daniel.

      The Apocrypha has been highly esteemed throughout history. While its canonical status is disputed, it has been embraced by Christians over centuries for personal study, devotion, and worship. The diverse writings in the Apocrypha contain biblical and post-biblical history, historical fiction, wisdom, and liturgy. These books shed light on Second Temple (intertestamental) Judaism and the New Testament, and they continue to inspire readers today.

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    • Ransom For Many


      Not to be served, but to serve

      Unlike the Gospels of Luke and John, Mark’s Gospel never explicitly reveals any authorial intent. In A Ransom for Many, John J. R. Lee and Daniel Brueske identify Mark 10:45 as the heart of Mark’s Gospel. This single verse is the pivot point of Mark’s structure, themes, and message. Mark 10:45 is the key that unlocks the Gospel’s unique focus on true discipleship. Learn how Jesus’s faithfulness is both a summons and pattern for all who carry their cross and follow him.

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    • Asking Better Questions Of The Bible


      Too often when we come to the Bible, we settle for easy answers. We move quickly toward the allure of resolution. But when we ask the questions the Bible is asking, we will do these things instead:

      *understand the Eastern perspective of words, numbers, and core principles like eternal life, truth, sin, and faith

      recognize the literary devices and the reclamation of stories used in the Torah

      read the historical books both as inspiration and as cautionary tales

      interpret the distinct genres in Wisdom Literature, such as psalms and proverbs

      *decipher the unique elements of prophetic literature

      *perceive the often tongue-in-cheek nature of the Gospel accounts

      *view the New Testament letters as inspired, authoritative interpretation of the story of God

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    • Flood And Fury


      What do we do with a God who sanctions violence?

      Old Testament violence proves one of the most troubling topics in the Bible. Too often, the explanations for the brutality in Scripture fail to adequately illustrate why God would sanction such horrors on humanity. These unanswered questions leave readers frustrated and confused, leading some to even walk away from their faith.

      In Flood and Fury, Old Testament scholar Matthew Lynch approaches two of the most violent passages in the Old Testament – the Flood and the Canaanite conquest – and offers a way forward that doesn’t require softening or ignoring the most troubling aspects of these stories. While acknowledging the persistent challenge of violence in Scripture, Flood and Fury contends that reading with the grain of the text yields surprising insights into the goodness and the mercy of God. Through his exploration of themes related to violence including misogyny, racism, and nationalism, Lynch shows that these violent stories illuminate significant theological insights that we might miss with a surface reading.

      Flood and Fury challenges us to let go of the need to rescue the Old Testament from itself and listen afresh to its own critiques on violence.

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    • Revelation For The Rest Of Us


      The biblical Book of Revelation frustrates and fascinates many people with its imagery and apocalyptic tone. Most popular interpretations of the book rely on a perspective known as dispensationalism, popularized by the Scofield Bible and more recently the Left Behind series of novels. Yet there are many problems with this popular way of reading Revelation, and until now, few alternatives have been available that were easy to understand.

      In Revelation for the Rest of Us, Scot McKnight with Cody Matchett explore the timeless message of Revelation and how it speaks to us today with a courageous challenge to be faithful witnesses to Jesus while standing against the ever-present reality of worldly authorities. The writer, John, stimulates the imagination to see the world differently, through the eyes of God, presenting a divine politic that subverts the anti-god patterns of governments, empires, and those in power.

      McKnight addresses the popular misconceptions about the book, explaining what John means in his use of the images of dragons, lambs, and beasts, and how the symbolism of Revelation speaks powerfully to the present day–though not in the way most people think. Drawing from the latest scholarship, they present an understanding of Revelation for anyone interested in deepening their personal study of the Bible as well as preachers looking to communicate this timeless message today.

      McKnight offers in this book a discipleship manual for discerning the immoralities of political powers and how the church can be both an agent of resistance and transformation.

      John designed his Book of Revelation to disciple readers into dissidents of the ways of the world and empire. John describes that empire with the term Babylon. Babylon is a timeless image of empire, militarism, economic exploitation, injustice, and oppression. The Book of Revelation disciples Christians through worship and the courageous challenge of faithful, or allegiant, witness to the slaughtered-Lamb. John’s dissident disciples can discern the presence of Babylon in our world and learn to speak up, speak out, and walk in the way of the Lamb. He disciples us by stimulating our imaginations to see the world and Babylon through the eyes of God, and in so doing John presents a divine politic, a view of government and power that subverts the anti-god patterns of Babylon today.

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    • Acts : An Interactive Bible Study From Genesis To Revelation


      A Study of Scripture Designed Just for You

      Strengthen your relationship with Jesus as you discover the Messiah in this unique journey through the Bible. As you study these books through the lens of the Messiah, these inspired Scriptures will come alive as you see God’s plan for His people, and for you through His son.

      Each volume in the Complete Portrait of the Messiah series, will guide you with:

      *a daily Bible reading plan,
      *encouragement through a daily devotion,
      *deeper understanding through chapter-by-chapter commentary,
      *practical application through daily study questions and contemporary
      *examples, and
      *embedded links to supplemental videos to expand understanding.

      Psalm 119:107 says, “Revive me, LORD, according to Your word” Start your journey through the Bible today and be personally revived!

      reviveSCHOOL, a ministry of Time to Revive, is a two-year biblical studies course that teaches through the Bible daily, from Genesis to Revelation. Teaching and study are focused on seeing the complete portrait of the Messiah as depicted in all 66 books of the Bible. Based on the example in Acts 19, where Paul lectured in the Hall of Tyrannus daily for two years and all of Asia heard the message of the Lord, the ultimate goal of reviveSCHOOL is for individuals to be revived and communities to be transformed by the Word of God. Founded by Kyle Lance Martin, Time to Revive is based in Richardson, Texas, with study groups all over the world.

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    • Paul The Spirit And The People Of God


      This contemporary classic by renowned scholar Gordon Fee explores the Spirit’s significant role in Pauline life and thought.

      After Fee published his magisterial God’s Empowering Presence, he was asked to write a more accessible volume that would articulate Paul’s priorities for experiencing the life of the Spirit in the church. Fee’s bestselling introduction to Paul and the Spirit, Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God, went on to sell over 70,000 copies. This book by one of the greatest evangelical and Pentecostal New Testament interpreters of our time argues that the presence of the Spirit is, for Paul and for us, the crucial matter for the Christian life.

      This repackaged edition features an updated design and packaging, new study questions, and a foreword by Dean Pinter, who commends the book to a new generation of readers.

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    • Gods Heirs Romans 8:1-39


      Romans is based on Donald Barnhouse’s renowned series of radio broadcasts on the epistle from 1949 until his death in 1960. Demonstrating the author’s acute understanding of Romans and heart for effective preaching, these classic studies reverently expound even the most difficult passage in a clear way. Examining the Letter to the Romans phrase by phrase, Barnhouse elucidates the Scripture with reference to both its immediate context and the Bible’s overarching truths. Barnhouse’s zeal for a universal appreciation of the epistle fuels his commentary and invites all readers into a deeper understanding of the life-changing message of Romans.

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    • Gods Freedom Romans 6:1-7:25


      Romans is based on Donald Barnhouse’s renowned series of radio broadcasts on the epistle from 1949 until his death in 1960. Demonstrating the author’s acute understanding of Romans and heart for effective preaching, these classic studies reverently expound even the most difficult passage in a clear way. Examining the Letter to the Romans phrase by phrase, Barnhouse elucidates the Scripture with reference to both its immediate context and the Bible’s overarching truths. Barnhouse’s zeal for a universal appreciation of the epistle fuels his commentary and invites all readers into a deeper understanding of the life-changing message of Romans.

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    • Gods Grace Romans 5:12-31


      Romans is based on Donald Barnhouse’s renowned series of radio broadcasts on the epistle from 1949 until his death in 1960. Demonstrating the author’s acute understanding of Romans and heart for effective preaching, these classic studies reverently expound even the most difficult passage in a clear way. Examining the Letter to the Romans phrase by phrase, Barnhouse elucidates the Scripture with reference to both its immediate context and the Bible’s overarching truths. Barnhouse’s zeal for a universal appreciation of the epistle fuels his commentary and invites all readers into a deeper understanding of the life-changing message of Romans.

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    • Gods River Romans 5:1-11


      Romans is based on Donald Barnhouse’s renowned series of radio broadcasts on the epistle from 1949 until his death in 1960. Demonstrating the author’s acute understanding of Romans and heart for effective preaching, these classic studies reverently expound even the most difficult passage in a clear way. Examining the Letter to the Romans phrase by phrase, Barnhouse elucidates the Scripture with reference to both its immediate context and the Bible’s overarching truths. Barnhouse’s zeal for a universal appreciation of the epistle fuels his commentary and invites all readers into a deeper understanding of the life-changing message of Romans.

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    • Gods Remedy Romans 3:21-4:23


      Romans is based on Donald Barnhouse’s renowned series of radio broadcasts on the epistle from 1949 until his death in 1960. Demonstrating the author’s acute understanding of Romans and heart for effective preaching, these classic studies reverently expound even the most difficult passage in a clear way. Examining the Letter to the Romans phrase by phrase, Barnhouse elucidates the Scripture with reference to both its immediate context and the Bible’s overarching truths. Barnhouse’s zeal for a universal appreciation of the epistle fuels his commentary and invites all readers into a deeper understanding of the life-changing message of Romans.

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    • Gods Wrath Romans 2:1-3:20


      Romans is based on Donald Barnhouse’s renowned series of radio broadcasts on the epistle from 1949 until his death in 1960. Demonstrating the author’s acute understanding of Romans and heart for effective preaching, these classic studies reverently expound even the most difficult passage in a clear way. Examining the Letter to the Romans phrase by phrase, Barnhouse elucidates the Scripture with reference to both its immediate context and the Bible’s overarching truths. Barnhouse’s zeal for a universal appreciation of the epistle fuels his commentary and invites all readers into a deeper understanding of the life-changing message of Romans.

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    • Mans Ruin Romans 1:1-32


      Romans is based on Donald Barnhouse’s renowned series of radio broadcasts on the epistle from 1949 until his death in 1960. Demonstrating the author’s acute understanding of Romans and heart for effective preaching, these classic studies reverently expound even the most difficult passage in a clear way. Examining the Letter to the Romans phrase by phrase, Barnhouse elucidates the Scripture with reference to both its immediate context and the Bible’s overarching truths. Barnhouse’s zeal for a universal appreciation of the epistle fuels his commentary and invites all readers into a deeper understanding of the life-changing message of Romans.

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    • Bible Prophecy : The Essentials – Answers To Your Most Common Questions


      An Information-Packed Overview of Bible Prophecy

      The study of Bible prophecy can seem complicated or controversial, yet Christians still long to understand what God’s Word reveals about the future. Whenever authors Amir Tsarfati and Barry Stagner teach on the end times, the most popular part of their ministry is the question-and-answer session, revealing the church’s great hunger to know more about the last days.

      In Bible Prophecy: The Essentials, Amir and Barry pool their knowledge to answer some of their most commonly asked questions. Through succinct, Scripture-focused teachings, Amir and Barry address the seven biggest themes of Bible prophecy, including:

      *the Church
      *the Rapture
      *the Tribulation
      *the Millennium
      *the Great White Throne of Judgment

      When studied with wisdom and discernment, God’s Word provides all you need to know about what is to come. Amir and Barry’s thoughtful, informative, and user-friendly book is a resource you’ll return to again and again as you seek to prayerfully grow in your understanding of Bible prophecy.

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    • Israel Always : Experiencing God’s Steadfast Pursuit Of You Through His Cho


      Discover the Splendors of Israel’s Past, Present, and Future

      In Israel Always, Bible scholar and Israel tour guide Chris Katulka illuminates how the ancient nation of God’s chosen people has had a monumental influence on human history. Chris also explores the fascinating modern-day grandeur of this country and examines what waits in its future.

      As you read, you’ll gain a deeper appreciation for Israel’s significance, with answers to relevant questions like:

      *why does Israel play such a major role in the Bible?
      *what are the root causes of the conflicts in the Middle East today?
      *why do the Jewish people remain such a persecuted group?
      *what role does Israel play in Bible prophecy?
      *will it ever be possible to achieve lasting peace in the Middle East?

      Experience this great nation firsthand! Israel Always is a well-researched reminder that the biblical story of the Jewish people extends to all of Jewish history–a history built on the eternal promise that God gave this land to these people so that they could fulfill a divine mission to bless every family of the earth.

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    • Reading Hebrews In Context


      Study Hebrews in its Second Temple Context

      Following the proven model established in Reading Romans in Context, Reading Mark in Context, and Reading Revelation in Context, this book brings together a series of accessible essays that compare and contrast the theology and hermeneutical practices of the book of Hebrews with various early Jewish literature.

      Going beyond an introduction that merely surveys historical events and theological themes, this textbook examines individual passages in Second Temple Jewish literature in order to illuminate the ideas and emphases of Hebrews’ varied discourses. Following the rhetorical progression of Hebrews, each chapter in this textbook:

      1. pairs a major unit of Hebrews with one or more sections of a thematically related Jewish text
      2. introduces and explores the historical and theological nuances of the comparative text
      3. shows how the ideas in the comparative text illuminate those expressed in Hebrews

      In addition to the focused comparison provided in the essays, Reading Hebrews in Context offers other student-friendly features that help them engage broader discussions, including an introductory chapter that familiarizes students with the world and texts of Second Temple Judaism and a glossary of important terms. The end of each chapter contains a list of other thematically-relevant Second Temple Jewish texts recommended for further study and a focused bibliography pointing students to critical editions and higher-level discussions in scholarly literature they might use to undertake their own comparative studies.

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    • Father And His Family


      There are two great questions that we all must eventually ask:

      *Why were we born?
      *What must we do to inherit eternal life?

      Legendary Bible teacher E. W. Kenyon tackles these questions head-on as he explains why God created us and what He has done to ensure our place at His side in The Father and His Family: The Story of Our Redemption.

      Mankind was never created on a whim. Instead, we were destined to be the Father’s beloved children before the foundation of the world. When we fell, God created a way to bring us back to Himself.

      “The entire plan of redemption is a revelation of the heart hunger and loneliness of the great Father God,” Kenyon says. “Christianity is not a religion; it is a family, a Father and His children.”

      God gave Adam dominion and authority over the earth, which man squandered by questioning the Lord and disobeying him. In this manner, Adam turned over his rights to Satan.

      “When he turned that vast kingdom over into the hands of Satan, it was a legal transference,” Kenyon explains. “It was so legal that God was obliged to recognize its legality, and the only way that God could meet the issue was to send His beloved Son down out of heaven to suffer the penalty of Adam’s transgression.”

      Presenting profound truths simply yet eloquently, Kenyon covers the reason for creation, man’s treason, the dominion of death, man’s need for a mediator, the family of God, and related topics.

      Gain a greater understanding of God’s Word, His love for you, and your rights as His beloved child.

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    • Message Of The Second Coming


      And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. John 14:3 (ESV)

      Jesus Christ was very clear: one day He will return, and we must know the signs of the times, remain watchful, and be ready for when He comes again.

      In this insightful study, Steve Motyer explores a number of key biblical texts to unpack The Message of the Second Coming. Examining passages from both the Old and New Testaments, he demonstrates that Jesus Christ is the core of the biblical worldview, the climax of the biblical message, the cornerstone of biblical theology and the centrepiece of authentic biblical faith for the twenty-first century.

      A new volume in the trusted the Bible Speaks Today series of commentaries, The Message of the Second Coming offers a clear, cogent and thought-provoking exposition of what the Bible tells us about the second coming of Jesus Christ and how the lessons drawn from that can be applied to modern Christian living.

      Used by Bible students and teachers around the world, the Bible Speaks Today commentaries are ideal for students who want to deepen their understanding of Scripture and its continued relevance today. This volume is also perfect for those preaching on the second coming of Christ and looking for accessible exposition they can draw on for their sermons.

      This new edition uses the NIV Bible text and its beautiful cover matches the redesigned editions of existing Bible Speaks Today Commentary.The Message of the Second Coming is perfect for anyone looking for compelling commentaries will help them better understand the meaning of the second coming of Christ and how it applies to their everyday life.

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    • Royal Priest : Psalm 110 In Biblical Theology


      Despite its importance in the New Testament and the priestly messianic promise identified by King David, relatively little has been written on Psalm 110 from a biblical-theological perspective.

      By considering David’s biblical warrant for bringing together priesthood and kingship in a single figure, Matthew Emadi shows how we are able to uncover the theological foundation on which Psalm 110 is built. He situates the psalm in Scripture’s storyline, showing that Melchizedek’s royal priesthood is tied to both creation and redemption.

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    • Our Hearts Wait


      The Walter Brueggemann Library brings together the wide-ranging and enlivening thought of popular biblical scholar Walter Brueggemann over his storied career. Each volume collects previously published work on a biblical theme that has deeply informed Brueggemann’s scholarship, in an accessible digest for readers who want to freshly engage his prophetically minded but approachable writing on the topic.

      In Our Hearts Wait, Brueggemann meditates on the emotional range of our longings and gratitudes in the psalms, revealing how this bold outpouring of our full selves to the divine has effects far beyond introspection. He traces how the language of the psalms offers a template for liturgies that shape not only our collective worship and communities, but the worlds they create and sustain. Words of worship do not fall vacant and inactive-they help bring into being realities both sacred and sociopolitical.

      Throughout this exploration of the psalms, Brueggemann shows readers how the language we use in worship performs what it proclaims. It nurtures and challenges us in seasons of orientation and praise, disorientation and grief, reorientation, and thanksgiving-bringing our full attention to each experience in its turn. But in doing so, the words and deeds of worship can also sharpen our awareness of social constructions and relationships that undergird our common life. They reveal power imbalances and uneven distributions of resources, and, if we let them, urge us forward in our efforts toward justice. Thus, psalms of praise express trust in and abandonment to God, and also pose sharp critiques of unjust public policies that abandon those who are socially invisible. The psalms of grief and lament accompany communities through real experiences of loss and suffering-but also make room for the sufferers to be heard and to challenge the status quo.

      The language of worship, when used intentionally and with care, helps to create a reality marked by fidelity, abundance, truth, hope, and dependence on God. With Brueggemann as guide, readers can apprehend the potency of the psalms’ bold petition and dialogue with God, giving voice to the distressed and anticipating the transformation of our lives together and as a society.

      Questions for reflection are included at the end of each chapter, making this book ideal for individual or group study.

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    • Rose Guide To The Epistles


      Rose Guide to the Epistles is your quick-reference guide through all the epistles in the New Testament. From Romans to Revelation, you’ll find the key facts and teachings of each epistle. Learn about the early church letters in their historical contest: Who wrote them? Why were they written? Why did they become part of the Bible? Plus, a closer look at the seven churches of Revelation and different Christian ways to interpret the book of Revelation. Includes:

      *Concise overviews for each epistle: who, what, where, when, and why
      *Who’s who in the epistles: an A to Z guide
      *Historical background about the cities of the epistles
      *Theology of the epistles: salvation church, the Spirit, end times, and more
      *Four views of the book of Revelation

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    • Galatians Reconsidered : Jews Gentiles And Justification In The First And T


      What would the world look like if the Old Perspective on Paul was right about justification, the New Perspective was right about Judaism, and the Radical New Perspective was right to note ongoing differences between Jewish and Gentile converts?

      Galatians Reconsidered is a compelling, practical study of Paul the Apostle’s writing that explores just that. Emphasising the central role played by regression in Paul’s argument on justification, Neil Martin examines the dichotomy between faith and works and how the apostle envisaged the differences in how Jews and Gentiles should interact with the Law.
      By re-establishing Galatians in its original Jewish and pagan context, Martin exposes the problems faced by Galatian churches and shows how they still speak to modern churches today. His insight not only helps us better appreciate Paul’s message but challenges us to put his wisdom into practice in our own church settings.

      Provocative and stimulating Galatians Reconsidered is a robust new look at the question of justification. It will leave you with a thorough knowledge of the merits and failings of both the old and new perspectives on Paul, as well as a broader understanding of the letter to the Galatians both in the context in which it was written and its continued relevance today.

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    • Pentateuch : An Interactive Bible Study From Genesis To Revelation


      A Study of Scripture Designed Just for You

      Strengthen your relationship with Jesus as you discover the Messiah in this unique journey through the Bible. As you study these books through the lens of the Messiah, these inspired Scriptures will come alive as you see God’s plan for His people, and for you through His son.

      Each volume in the Complete Portrait of the Messiah series, will guide you with:

      *a daily Bible reading plan,
      *encouragement through a daily devotion,
      *deeper understanding through chapter-by-chapter commentary,
      *practical application through daily study questions and contemporary
      *examples, and
      *embedded links to supplemental videos to expand understanding.

      Psalm 119:107 says, “Revive me, LORD, according to Your word” Start your journey through the Bible today and be personally revived!

      reviveSCHOOL, a ministry of Time to Revive, is a two-year biblical studies course that teaches through the Bible daily, from Genesis to Revelation. Teaching and study are focused on seeing the complete portrait of the Messiah as depicted in all 66 books of the Bible. Based on the example in Acts 19, where Paul lectured in the Hall of Tyrannus daily for two years and all of Asia heard the message of the Lord, the ultimate goal of reviveSCHOOL is for individuals to be revived and communities to be transformed by the Word of God. Founded by Kyle Lance Martin, Time to Revive is based in Richardson, Texas, with study groups all over the world.

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    • Is God A Vindictive Bully


      Critics outside the church often accuse the Old Testament God of genocide, racism, ethnic cleansing, and violence. But a rising tide of critics within the church claim that Moses and other “primitive,” violence-prone prophets were mistaken about God’s commands and character. Both sets of critics dismiss this allegedly harsh, flawed, “textual” Old Testament God in favor of the kind, compassionate, “actual” God revealed by Jesus. Are they right to do so?

      Following his popular book Is God a Moral Monster?, noted apologist Paul Copan confronts false, imbalanced teaching that is confusing and misleading many Christians. Copan takes on some of the most difficult Old Testament challenges and places them in their larger historical and theological contexts. He explores the kindness, patience, and compassion of God in the Old Testament and shows how Jesus in the New Testament reveals not only divine kindness but also divine severity. The book includes a detailed Scripture index of difficult and controversial passages and is helpful for anyone interested in understanding the flaws in these emerging claims that are creating a destructive gap between the Testaments.

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    • Is God A Vindictive Bully


      Critics outside the church often accuse the Old Testament God of genocide, racism, ethnic cleansing, and violence. But a rising tide of critics within the church claim that Moses and other “primitive,” violence-prone prophets were mistaken about God’s commands and character. Both sets of critics dismiss this allegedly harsh, flawed, “textual” Old Testament God in favor of the kind, compassionate, “actual” God revealed by Jesus. Are they right to do so?

      Following his popular book Is God a Moral Monster?, noted apologist Paul Copan confronts false, imbalanced teaching that is confusing and misleading many Christians. Copan takes on some of the most difficult Old Testament challenges and places them in their larger historical and theological contexts. He explores the kindness, patience, and compassion of God in the Old Testament and shows how Jesus in the New Testament reveals not only divine kindness but also divine severity. The book includes a detailed Scripture index of difficult and controversial passages and is helpful for anyone interested in understanding the flaws in these emerging claims that are creating a destructive gap between the Testaments.

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    • Honor Patronage Kinship And Purity Second Edition


      For contemporary Western readers, it can be easy to miss or misread cultural nuances in the New Testament. To hear the text correctly we must be attuned to its original context. As David deSilva demonstrates, keys to interpretation are found in paying attention to four essential cultural themes: honor and shame, patronage and reciprocity, kinship and family, and purity and pollution.

      Through our understanding of honor and shame in the Mediterranean world, we gain new appreciation for how early Christians sustained commitment to a distinctive Christian identity and practice. By examining the protocols of patronage and reciprocity, we grasp more firmly the connections between God’s grace and our response. In exploring kinship and household relations, we grasp more fully the ethos of the early Christian communities as a new family brought together by God. And by investigating the notions of purity and pollution along with their associated practices, we realize how the ancient map of society and the world was revised by the power of the gospel.

      This new edition is thoroughly revised and expanded with up-to-date scholarship. A milestone work in the study of New Testament cultural backgrounds, Honor, Patronage, Kinship, and Purity offers a deeper appreciation of the New Testament, the gospel, and Christian discipleship.

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    • End Of Interpretation


      Those who wish to interpret and understand the Bible face a fundamental question: How do I interpret Scripture faithfully? Theological interpretation is an approach that has received much attention in recent years, and R. R. Reno is a leading practitioner and proponent of this approach.

      In The End of Interpretation, Reno’s first full statement on the topic, he argues that Scripture is interpreted correctly only when it is read through the lens of creedal orthodoxy–that is, through the apostolic faith. The principle of accordance between doctrine and Scripture is of first importance for solid Christian interpretation.

      Reno provides a simple explanation of this multifaceted approach. He wrestles with what makes interpretation “theological” and provides two historical case studies, discussing Origen and the Reformation debate over justification. He then demonstrates what theological interpretation looks like in practice, reflecting on Genesis 1, John 17, and 1 Corinthians. Reno’s insights will benefit serious readers who seek to interpret Scripture faithfully.

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    • Biblical Exegesis Fourth Edition


      This is a beginner’s guide to biblical exegesis, providing exegetical methods, practices, and theories. This book provides simple, helpful information and guidance about doing exegesis, without being overly prescriptive; succinctly introduces students to various methods; provides basic bibliographies that take students beyond an introductory discussion; and emphasizes exegesis as an everyday activity based on commonsense principles rather than as an esoteric enterprise.

      This revised edition of this perennially best-selling textbook includes discussions of emerging methods of interpretation aimed at a contemporary audience. Several chapters have been updated and improved, and readers will find an incisive new chapter on exegesis with a focus on identity and advocacy. Holladay has also written a new concluding chapter on exegesis as the art of seeing. Bibliographies are updated, and a helpful glossary is included in this new edition.

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    • Deliver Us : Salvation And The Liberating God Of The Bible


      The Walter Brueggemann Library brings together the wide-ranging and enlivening thought of popular biblical scholar Walter Brueggemann over his storied career. Each volume collects previously published work on a biblical theme that has deeply informed Brueggemann’s scholarship, in an accessible digest for readers who want to engage his writing on the topic.

      This first volume in the series, Deliver Us, fittingly begins with the narrative of the exodus . Brueggemann has consistently brought attention to how the themes of the exodus event and the stories of the giving of the law that follow lay the groundwork for a biblical understanding of salvation. Drawn from numerous publications in recent decades, this volume reveals Brueggemann’s clear understanding that divine liberation from exploitation and acquisitiveness also means liberation for generous action for the common benefit. This salvation involves not the security of the individual soul but a wholehearted transformation of social identities and relationships. With the gift of deliverance-dramatically enacted in the Hebrew people’s being led out from the oppression of pharoah-comes the task of obedience-articulated in the covenantal laws given at Mount Sinai, in the wilderness, and beyond.

      Brueggemann shows how this double theme of the gift and the task is forged in the exodus narrative, then reenacted in salvation motifs throughout the Bible. The people of God, always susceptible to mentalities of scarcity, selfishness, and the compulsion to consume, are again and again called out by the subversive message of the prophets, and Jesus himself, to forsake exploitation and to liberate the marginalized-to return to covenant obedience and align themselves with God’s radical commitment to create and sustain a more just and flourishing world. Deliver Us extends this same message of salvation, insightfully elucidated by Brueggemann in this single volume, for the benefit of both individual readers and the contemporary church.

      Questions for reflection are included at the end of each chapter, making this book ideal for individual or group study.

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    • Reading The Book Of The 12 Minor Prophets


      The promise and peril in reading the Minor Prophets.

      Reading the Book of the Twelve Minor Prophets confronts the unique challenges presented by this daunting section of the Old Testament.

      *On Reading the Twelve Minor Prophets (David G. Firth and Brittany N. Melton)

      *Hosea: Marriage, Violence, and Yahweh’s Lament (Isabelle M. Hamley)

      *Reading Joel within and without the Book of the Twelve (Tchavdar S. Hadjiev)

      *The Use and Abuse of Technology: Habakkuk’s Ancient Critique in a Modern World (Heath A. Thomas)

      *Luther’s Lectures on Habakkuk as an Example of Participatory Exegesis (Thomas Renz)

      *Perspectives on Theodicy in Habakkuk and Malachi vis-a-vis Job (S. D. Snyman)

      *The New Covenant in the Book of the Twelve (Anthony R. Petterson)

      *Filled, Empowered, Dwelling, Trembling, and Fleeing: Mapping God’s Spirit and Presence in the Book of the Twelve (Beth M. Stovell)

      *Furry, Feathery, and Fishy Friends?and Insects?in the Book of the Twelve (Julie Woods)

      *Twelve Books, One Theology? (John Goldingay)

      Authors from a variety of perspectives consider questions about hermeneutics and composition, reception history, theodicy, metaphors and characterization, and theology. These essays provide insights from the history of interpretation and the latest in scholarship.

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    • Impact Of Ordinary Women In The Bible


      Ordinary Women, Extraordinary God

      In book two of Don Wilkerson’s series The Impact of Ordinary People, the names listed in each chapter are not well-known women of the Bible. But that’s the theme of this unique devotional.

      Adah, Bilhah, Jehosheba, and Huldah are just some of the ordinary women who accomplished extraordinary things for the glory of God. Scripture contains a supporting cast of men and women often overlooked in Bible study. This devotional brings thirty lesser-known women to life with short but thought-provoking lessons. Each woman deserves attention for her significant impact, but it’s God’s redemption story that is highlighted and woven through the lives of these ordinary women.

      For those seeking discipleship material for personal growth, this book will aid individual and small group Bible study.

      This devotional is also a helpful resource for pastors and Christian leaders to develop biblical lessons or one-of a-kind sermons.

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