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    • Religion And Disability


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556127137ISBN10: 1556127138Editor: Marilyn BishopBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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    • Small Christian Communities And The Parish


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556127090ISBN10: 155612709XJohn VandenakkerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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    • Exploring Scriptural Sources


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556127069ISBN10: 1556127065Aaron MilavecBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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    • Exploring The Resurrection Of Jesus


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556126703ISBN10: 1556126700John PerryBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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    • Catholic And American


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556126505ISBN10: 1556126506Thomas FergusonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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    • Communication And Lonergan


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556126239ISBN10: 1556126239Editor: Paul Soukup | Editor: Thomas FarrellBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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    • My Song Is Of Mercy


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556126062ISBN10: 1556126069Matthew KeltyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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    • Exploring The Transfiguration Story


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556125744ISBN10: 1556125747John PerryBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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    • Education For Ministry


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556125669ISBN10: 1556125666George SchnerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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    • Sunday Doorposts 2


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556124624ISBN10: 1556124627Timothy BottsBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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    • Faith Development In Early Childhood


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556122125ISBN10: 1556122128Editor: Doris BlazerBinding: UnknownPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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    • From Advent To Pentecost


      The author writes with warmth, with learning, with passion and with humor. The reader can enter into something of the accumulated wisdom of an Order whose members ‘have carried out the same little series of exercises since the eleventh century’. Each season has its special appeal for Carthusians – as the Conferences on Mary and on John the Baptist in the Advent and Christmas seasons show. The great Sunday Gospels of Lent – the Transfiguration, the Samaritan woman at the well, the raising of Lazarus – are expounded; the Passion of Christ is the subject of meditations that are profoundly and sometimes startlingly direct in their candour.

      Yet perhaps the most remarkable part of this unusual book the author’s capacity to speak at length and to the point about the Resurrection and the coming of the Spirit. Here, where Christian teachers and preachers have so often been either hesitant or dogmatically remote, we have someone who clearly participates in the mysteries of which he speaks. It is a priceless gift to us all.

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    • Liturgical Sermons Volume 2 Guerric Of Igny


      SKU (ISBN): 9780879072322ISBN10: 0879072326Guerric Of Igny | Translator: Monks At Mount St. Bernard AbbeyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Cistercian FathersPublisher: Liturgical Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Pilgrims New Guide To The Holy Land (Reprinted)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780814659557ISBN10: 0814659551Stephen DoyleBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Liturgical Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Praying With Visionary Women


      SKU (ISBN): 9781580510639ISBN10: 1580510639Bridget Meehan | Illustrator: Doris KleinBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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    • Anthony DeMello : Essential Writings


      Bringing together the wisdom of East and West, the Indian Jesuit Anthony de Mello used stories and parables to awaken his listeners to an awareness of God’s presence in their midst. Since his death in 1987, countless readers have been challenged to encounter the God who lies behind words, concepts, and religious formulas.

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    • For The Healing Of The Nations


      The first reading to examine the cultural conflicts that formed the Book of Revelation and relate these conflicts to the church today.

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    • From The Heart Of Our People


      What would Catholic systematic theology look like if it were done from a Latino/a perspective?

      From the Heart of Our People brings together leading scholars to address this question. Contributors include:
      Maria Pilar Aquino, Vigilio P. Elizondo, Alejandro Garcia-Rivera, Roberto S. Goizueta, Jean-Pierre Ruiz, Orlando O. Espin, Miguel H. Diaz, Gary Riebe-Estrella, Jeannette Rodriguez-Holguin, Justo Gonzalez, Ruy G. Suarez Rivero, and Arturo Banuelas.

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    • Call Of Wild Geese


      The brief, unforgettable homilies in this second collection of monastic homilies speak of the human realities and are no less applicable to persons in the parish than they are to monks. A profound devotion to Christ underlies them all. Some are startling; all are challenging and marked by spontaneity and exquisite imagery. Preached after more than nine years in solitude, these short sermons reflect a mature experience with a unique mix of wry humor and utter seriousness.

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    • Lessons From Saint Francis


      SKU (ISBN): 9780452278349ISBN10: 0452278341John Michael Talbot | Steve RabeyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: October 1999Publisher: Penguin Group USA Print On Demand Product

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    • Leave Her Alone


      Retells the stories of Mary, Hanna, Esther, Rachel, Leah, Mary Magdalene, and other women of the Bible, and discusses their relationships with God.

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    • John Of The Cross


      St. John of the Cross is one of the greatest mystics of the West. He lived in the sixteenth century in Spain, was a monk, reformer, and best known for Dark Night of the Soul and his deep friendship with St. Teresa of Avila. St. John is considered one of the most important poets of the Spanish language.

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    • Eucharist


      The Handbook for Liturgical Studies provides a complete course of liturgical studies in five volumes. It is offered as a model, source, and reference for students of liturgy and liturgical ministry.

      The Handbook for Liturgical Studies is marked by a number of traits which differentiate it from its predecessor Anamnesis, published by the Pontifical Liturgical Institute. First, the subjects in the liturgical ordo, history, and tradition are examined as sources and components of the theology of liturgy. Next, the Handbook pays significant attention to the role played by the human sciences in the liturgy (psycho-sociology, anthropology, linguistics, and the arts.) Pastoral and spiritual considerations receive appropriate treatment in light of liturgical principles, and general models based on the meaning and purpose of the liturgy are suggested. The materials of the East and the non-Roman West are integrated with the Roman, providing a comprehensive vision of Christian worship.

      More than forty authors from Asia, Africa, Latin America, North America, and Eastern and Western Europe have contributed to the Handbook. Many are professors and graduates of the Pontifical Liturgical Institute in Rome. Each author, while drawing material from liturgical tradition and from ancient, medieval, and modern sources, writes also from a particular research and personal interest in a subject. Although diverse in style, the authors collectively express a spirit of fidelity to the Church, to its doctrine and tradition, and to its mission. The result is a cohesive view of the meaning, purpose, and celebration of Christian worship.

      The editor’s goal through these volumes is for students to pay attention to the gradual unfolding of the material from Volume One to Volume Five as well as to the methodology, historical setting, theological and spiritual doctrines, and the pastoral concerns in the Handbook. Through the study of these volumes, readers are led not only to a scientific understanding of the liturgy but also to an active and spiritually fruitful participation in the ecclesial celebration of Christ’s mystery desired by the Second Vatican Council.

      Volume III: The Eucharist contributes to the reflection on the meaning and purpose of the eucharistic celebration. It also offers to teachers and students of liturgy a handbook for studying this subject according to a system based on historical development, theology and doctrine, liturgical texts and traditions in bo

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    • Introducing The Gospel According To Mark 8:22-16:20


      Mark wrote “the beginning of the Gospel” for Christian who thought it was the end. For that he told them a story of another time when Jesus’ disciples thought it was the end but turned out to be the beginning. That is why the passion-ressurection of Jesus dominated the Gospel according to Mark. Using rhetorical and literary analysis, Father LaVerdiere introduces Mark’s story as the beginning of the Gospel as we enter a new millennium.

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    • Discovery Of God


      SKU (ISBN): 9780802840899ISBN10: 0802840892Henri DeLubacBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 1999Ressourcement Retrieval And Renewal In CatholicPublisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product

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    • In The Fullness Of Time


      This compendium, published on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Sheen’s death, is more than anything, a celebration of life: our life in Christ and our destiny in faith. If you’re looking for a renewed understanding and appreciation of the Christian life and the promise of faith for the new millennium, this work offers strong and practical encouragement for growing closer to God through a deepened spirituality.

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    • Creating A Successful Retirement


      Creating a Successful Retirement looks at retirement in an entirely new way–as the commencement of a new life. Grounded in a Christian faith experience, it demonstrates how faith is the pivotal issue enabling retirees to capture and apply the vitality of their life experiences.

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    • Rule Of Saint Benedict A Doctrinal And Spiritual Commentary


      After living the Rule and studying it for many years, the author introduces it to those who are encountering it for the first time. The relationship of Benedict’s Rule to other early monastic legistation is treated thoroughly but the book is designed for those who are seeking a guide for christian living in this `little rule for beginners’.

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    • Treasures From The Storeroom


      Do we really know about religion in the Middle Ages? Gary Macy suggests that what most people believe about the Church of the Middle Ages is actually wrong or founded on the perspective of one figure, Aquinas. Now, after two decades of research, Macy explores the truth about medieval religion and the Eucharist in Treasures from the Storeroom, an intriguing look into the forgotten areas of our Christian heritage. Using a wide range of original sources for these articles, Macy discusses such topics as theology, devotion, ecclesiology, and historical methodology.

      This collection of eight essays provides an important backdrop to the plenary address, “The Eucharist and Popular Devotion,” presented at the 1997 national convention of the Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA), since several themes raised in that address are actually summaries of the fuller arguments presented in these articles. By presenting them here as a whole in the form of a book, Macy offers readers a clearer, more systematic look at the themes raised in that address.

      As comforting as it may be for today’s theologians (and others) to pick and choose from the past so that history conveniently leads to their own favorite conclusions, Macy suggests that the Church’s true tradition is diversity. Writing to fellow scholars, he offers Treasures from the Storeroom as a text for classroom use and as simply interesting reading.

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    • Ishmael Instructs Isaac


      Jews, Christians, and Muslims trace their roots to Abraham and yet it is a shock to many Bible readers that some of the characters and stories in their sacred text are also found in the pages of Islam’s sacred text, the Qur’an. By exploring the relationship between the Bible and the Qur’an in Ishmael Instructs Isaac, John Kaltner challenges Bible readers to think about their sacred book in new, exciting ways. In doing so, he leads all to a better appreciation of Islam.

      After a brief overview of the text, themes, structure, and use of the Qur’an, Kaltner focuses on traditions that are shared with the Bible. He explains that the Bible and Qur’an contain many of the same themes, figures, and episodes. However, at times, there are significant differences in their descriptions of the same event or figure. By discussing such topics and figures as God, humanity, prophecy, creation, life after death, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mary, Kaltner examines the similarities and differences between the two texts. This comparative method allows readers to better appreciate both what is distinctive about Islam and what it shares with Judaism and Christianity.

      Jews and Christians view Isaac as the son of Abraham in whom the family line continued. Muslims, on the other hand, view Isaac’s brother Ishmael as the rightful heir. This difference must not obscure what is held in common: a belief in the one God and a family-albeit distant-relationship.

      Written for undergraduate and seminary courses on Islam, the Qur’an, comparative religions, inter-religious dialogue, world scriptures, and biblical interpretation, Ishmael Instructs Isaac is also a useful resource for discussion groups in churches, synagogues, and mosques.

      Includes English translations of the Qur’anic texts discussed.

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    • Centered Living : The Way Of Centering Prayer


      This look at the popular contemplative technique known as Centering Prayer is your key to a richer spiritual life. In easy-to-understand, non-technical language, internationally renowned author M. Basil Pennington combines testimonies of practitioners, updated guidelines, theological reflections, and helpful hints for teaching others in an exploration of all the essential information about Centering Prayer.

      For millions of Christians worldwide, it is the experience of prayer rather than the words which constitute it that are most important. In its simplicity, Centering Prayer opens our hearts to God, cleanses the mind, and soothes the soul.

      More than just a catalog of facts and practical suggestions, this book benefits even the most seasoned practitioner or teacher of Centering Prayer. However, the clarity of Father Pennington’s approach also enables newcomers, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, to develop a firm grasp of the practice.

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    • Spirituality Of Perfection


      Throughout this century the Epistle of James has been viewed consistently as a disjointed set of instructions. In A Spirituality of Perfection Patrick Hartin differs from this approach by showing that the “call for perfection” provides a unifying meaning for the epistle. Examining the concept of perfection against the background of the Graeco-Roman world, the Old Testament, and the Septuagint, Father Hartin shows that perfection provides a key to defining the spirituality of the Epistle of James.

      Father Hartin shows how the notion of perfection plays a key role in the definition of God, as well as the way one is called “to be in the world.” He adopts a fresh approach toward understanding the categories of wisdom, eschatology, and apocalyptic as they illuminate the epistle’s advice. He allows James to be read in its own right, instead of through the eyes of other traditions, such as Paul, and shows that what James intends by perfection is different from our modern understanding-that the concept of perfection unlocks an important self-understanding in Christianity.

      Just as every generation of believers aims at putting its faith into action, A Spirituality of Perfection culminates with the question: “What direction does the Epistle of James give Christians of the twenty-first century for putting their faith into action?”

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    • Poor Therefore Rich


      Followers of the way of Jesus Christ through two millennia have engaged in the joyful yet life-costing struggle of responding to the challenge of being transformed into his likeness. This further volume of Carthusian Novice Conferences offers the father-master’s words of instruction on poverty to the men who have been drawn to the Carthusian form of the Christian way.

      As with all of us, ‘poverty’ operates on many levels, and one of the most remarkable qualities of these talks is that they range over the economic history as well as the more traditionally spiritual teaching of the Carthusian Order in its own struggle to seek Christ in simplicity and silence.

      Like all Christians, the Carthusians find Jesus the great Exemplar of the poverty that is desirable and yet ‘costs not less than everything’; and once again we are reminded, with characteristic directness, of the source and fount of the desirable poverty – the total mutual self-giving of the Persons of the Holy Trinity.

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    • Journeys On The Edges


      Thomas O’Loughlin’s fresh and original introduction to Celtic spirituality begins by questioning the very notion of a distinctively “Celtic” spirituality. Brilliantly re-examining the original sources, he argues that there is one over-arching theme giving them a unity–the idea of being “on the edge”, both culturally and geographically.

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    • Prayer And Community


      SKU (ISBN): 9781570752193ISBN10: 1570752192Columba StewartBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 1999Traditions Of Christian SpiritualityPublisher: Orbis Books

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    • Henri Nouwen : Essential Writings


      Essential writings of the beloved spiritual writer plus a moving biographical essay by the editor, a friend and colleague.

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    • Dietrich Bonhoeffer


      Essential original writings of the pastor who defied the Nazis and paid with his life includes a substantial biographical introduction.

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    • God Of The Oppressed


      In his reflections on God, Jesus, suffering, and liberation, James H. Cone relates the gospel message to the experience of the black community. But a wider theme of the book is the role that social and historical context plays in framing the questions we address to God as well as the mode of the answers provided.

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    • Introducing Contemporary Theologies (Expanded)


      Part I provides a brilliant synthesis of the nature of theology, its relation to philosophy, a comparison of past and present approaches, and the nature of theological method. Part II introduces the work of leading theologians of the late 20th century: Karl Rahner, Hans Kung, Leonardo Boff, Wolfhart Pannenberg, Dorothee Soelle, Rosemary Ruether, Elizabeth Johnson, and John Meyendorff. Clear, non-technical language makes this the ideal doorway to understanding theology today.

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    • Misfit : Haunting The Human Unveiling The Divine


      SKU (ISBN): 9781570751226ISBN10: 1570751226Larry LewisBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 1999Publisher: Orbis Books Print On Demand Product

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    • Parables : The Arrows Of God


      SKU (ISBN): 9780883449752ISBN10: 0883449757Megan McKennaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 1999Publisher: Orbis Books

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    • On Naming The Present


      SKU (ISBN): 9780883449721ISBN10: 0883449722David TracyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 1999ConciliumPublisher: Orbis Books

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    • Gracias : A Latin American Journal


      In this journal of his travels in Bolivia and Peru, Nouwen ponders the presence of God in the poor, the challenge of a persecuted church, the relation between faith and justice, and his own struggle to discern the path along which God is calling him.

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    • New Directions In Mission And Evangelization 1


      SKU (ISBN): 9780883447925ISBN10: 0883447924James Scherer | Stephen BevansBinding: Trade PaperPublished: May 1999Publisher: Orbis Books

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    • Praying With Benedict


      Praying with Benedict explores the spirituality of the monastic tradition and draws out the essence of a way of praying that embraces the whole of the Christian’s life.

      Korneel Vermeiren begins by examining the spirituality of the early monastic tradition from the fourth to the sixth centuries. He looks at the central place of prayer in the Rule of St Benedict and the tradition of continuous prayer, exploring the teaching of such formative figures as Basil the Great. He then reflects on the Benedictine precept: ‘nothing is to be preferred to the work of God’.

      Praying with Benedict looks in practical terms at the how, when, and where of prayer; at bodily postures, various types of prayer, and the importance of emotional and spiritual readiness. Finally, the place of the Eucharist in the life of prayer is discussed with reference to Benedict’s teaching and the eucharistic practices of pre-Benedictine monasticism.

      This book offers a clear presentation of monastic spirituality and opens it to persons outside monastery walls. It links St Benedict’s teaching to earlier spiritual traditions and shows how various elements of monastic life complement each other. Common prayer, reading, personal prayer, and the Eucharist are not isolated from one another or from daily life, but are integral and essential elements of living in the spirit of St Benedict.

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    • Modern Readers Guide To Dantes The Divine Comedy


      The Divine Comedy has been a cornerstone of Western literature for the better part of a millennium. In this work, Joseph Gallagher brings the power and prestige of this medieval classic to a new generation of readers–taking them on a guided tour through heaven, purgatory, and hell.

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    • 7 Essentials For The Spiritual Journey


      This book is full of stories and writings from wisdom traditions that illustrate the seven basics we need on the spiritual path.

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    • Contemplative Experience : Erotic Love And Spiritual Union


      Steeped in the imagery of the biblical Song of Songs and the bridal mysticism of the early Church, this book celebrates monastic eros and invites each one of us to experience true contemplative bliss.

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    • Ezra And Nehemiah


      Ezra-Nehemiah has been neglected in biblical studies, but it is important as one of the few windows into the Persian period of Israel’s history, the setting for so much of the final shape of the Hebrew Bible. To know this period is to know what influenced these redactors. In Ezra and Nehemiah Gordon Davies provides that knowledge using rhetorical criticism, a methodology that reveals the full range and progress of the book’s ideas without hiding its rough seams and untidy edges.
      The purpose of rhetorical criticism is to explain not the source but the power of the text as a unitary message. This approach does not look at plot development, characterization, or other elements whose roughness makes Ezra-Nehemiah frustrating to read. Instead, it examines the three parts of the relationship-the strategies, the situations, and the effects-between the speaker and the audience. Rhetorical criticism’s scrutiny of the audience in context favors the search for the ideas and structures that are indigenous to the culture of the text.

      Rhetorical criticism is interested in figures of speech as means of persuasion. Therefore, to apply it to Ezra-Nehemiah, Davies concentrates on the public discourse-the orations, letters, and prayers-throughout its text. In each chapter he follows a procedure that: (1) where it is unclear, identifies the rhetorical unit in which the discourse is set; (2) identifies the audiences of the discourse and the rhetorical situation; (3) studies the arrangement of the material; (4) studies the effect on the various audiences; (5) reviews the passage as a whole and judges its success. In the conclusion, Davies explains that Ezra-Nehemiah makes theological sense on its own terms, by forming a single work in which a range of ideas is argued.

      Biblical scholars as well as those interested in literary criticism, communication studies, rhetorical studies, ecclesiology, and homiletics will find Ezra and Nehemiah enlightening.

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    • Catholic And Ecumenical


      SKU (ISBN): 9781580510561ISBN10: 1580510566Frederick BlissBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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