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    • Exploring The Genesis Creation And Fall Stories


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556125539ISBN10: 1556125534John PerryBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 1992Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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    • Conscience Consensus And The Development Of Doctrine


      In the works collected here, including An Essay on the Development of Christian doctrine, A Letter Addressed to His Grace the Duke of Norfolk, and On Consulting the Faithful in Matters of Doctrine, John Henry Cardinal Newman, the great nineteenth-century English theologian, debunks a few Catholic myths:

      Myth #1: The teaching of the Catholic Church on faith and morals has never changed and never will change. Not so, this brilliant scholar says. For just as each era has new ways of understanding, so, too, must the Catholic Church always change in its understanding of faith and morals.

      Myth #2: Catholics have to do whatever the Pope says. To the contrary, according to Newman’s famous quip on after-dinner toasts, the ultimate obligation of Catholics is to conscience, not the Pope.

      Myth #3: It’s the bishops who teach, the laity who follows. Newman turns this notion upside down: The laity, he says, are the source and final seal of the church’s teaching; thus the bishops must listen to them.

      Never before collected in one volume, these classic works reveal Newman at his eloquent best as he speaks to the religious crises of our time.

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    • Reconciliation Mission And Ministry In A Changing Social Order


      SKU (ISBN): 9780883448090ISBN10: 0883448092Editor: Robert SchreiterBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 1992Boston Theological Institution Annual # 3Publisher: Orbis Books

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    • Eastern Catholic Churches


      With rising interest in Eastern churches, this volume is a timely and helpful exploration of the Eastern Catholic Church and its celebration of the eucharist. It is written in the hope that interested laity, theological students, and ministers may come to understand and respect Eastern Catholicism for its many contributions to the universal Catholic Church. Efforts to integrate its rich legacy into their own experience will be rewarded in ways unimagined.

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    • Consider Jesus : Waves Of Renewal In Contemporary Christology


      1. A Living Tradition
      2. The Humanity Of Jesus
      3. Jesus’ Self-Knowledge
      4. The History Of Jesus
      5. Jesus Christ And Justice
      6. Liberation Christology
      7. Feminist Christology
      8. God And The Cross
      9. Salvation Of The Whole World
      144 Pages

      Additional Info
      Consider Jesus is widely regarded as the finest general introduction to Christology. Adopted for adult education courses, classrooms, and seminars, this classic book, written by one of the leading theologians of our era, presents major themes about Jesus in clear and accessible language.

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    • WomanWitness A Feminist Lectionary And Psalter Part 2


      The author of WomanWord and WomanWisdom presents 50 more services celebrating women of the Hebrew Scriptures-each featuring biographical and historical information on the celebrated figures, prayers, psalms, and readings. A rich resource for women and men of all denominations who want to recognize the women of our scriptural heritage.

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    • Mass


      “The Eucharistic celebration is ‘the center of the Christian community,’ ‘the source and summit of the Christian life,’ or further, ‘the center and culmination of the entire life of the Christian community.’ Root, source, center, summit: the Eucharistic celebration is at the heart of our faith and our life. To study it is to look at its own heart. That is where we meet Jesus Christ, present in his Word, present in the Eucharist, present in the celebrating community.”

      From these words of introduction to his concluding remarks, Father Deiss offers an explanation of the post-Vatican II Mass that is as remarkable for its simplicity as it is for its thoroughness. He examines the structure of the celebration as revealed by Vatican II, a structure that, in his words, appears now “simpler, more luminous, more beautiful” than ever before.

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    • Learning Conversational Prayer


      The very idea of praying personal petitions aloud in front of others makes many people uncomfortable. Yet those who have overcome their fears and tried this form of prayer are quick to express how rewarding they find it.

      Rosalind Rinker has refined this form of shared-prayer, having practiced, lectured, and written about it for more than twenty-five years. She explains what it is and how, with the help of the Holy Spirit, it can lead to a new and more meaningful prayer life within a group, within your family, or in your own private devotion.

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    • God Is Green


      In God Is Green, Ian Bradley recovers the green heart of Christianity–a God who clothes wildflowers in splendor; reminds Job of his humble part in the cosmic drama; and sends a Cosmic Christ to ennoble and perfect all of creation.Bradley begins with the charges against Christianity–its alleged arrogance toward nature and glorification of man at the expense of the earth–and rebuts them. He accepts that Christians have been dismissive toward nature through the centuries, but he argues that this neglect has been a perversion of the Christian message.By plumbing the Bible, the writings of the early Christians and of the Celtic Christian Church, and the testimony of mystics through the ages, Bradley shows that a sacred world is at the heart of Christian belief. He even argues that of all world religions, Christianity has the greatest claim to be environmentalist because it professes that God is incarnate in the very stuff of nature.God is Green is a simple and compelling explanation for why Christians should be environmentalists.

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    • Queen Of Prophets


      The Communist bloc has collapsed. Factional strife is on the rise. The West faces an uncertain future. What is the message of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, for these times?

      To find an answer, Dudley Plunkett explores the mystery of Mary’s recent apparitions in Medjugorje. Since 1981 millions from around thde world have traveled to the tiny Yugoslavian mountain village, believing Mary to be appearing there to a group of teenagers. Plunkett, after his own pilgrimage there, has come to bleve it as well

      Many book have reported on the apparitions. Queen of Prophets pushes the discussion forward: How can these apparitions be understood in light of the Bible and of the Christian traditions of the East and the West? What do the messages of Mary, her pleas for peace, prayer, and simplicity, mean to a rapidly changing world?

      With great clarity Plunkett builds a bridge between the consoling and challenging message of the apparitions and the concerns of everyday life. This is a book for these times.

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    • Spiritual Meadow Of John Moschos


      ‘I have plucked the finest flowers of the unmown meadow and worked them into a row which I now offer to you’, wrote John Moschos as he began his tales of the holy men of seventh-century Palestine and Egypt. This translation offers readers contemporary insights into the spirituality of the desert.

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    • Jerome Nadal 1507-1580


      17 Chapters

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      Jerome Nadal’s influence on the development and growth of the early Society of Jesus is second only to that of its founder, Ignatius Loyola. As Loyola’s vicar, Nadal visited Jesuit houses throughout Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany, Austria, and the Low Countries. At each community, he explained the ways of the Society of Jesus, shared his understanding of Ignatius and his teachings, and promulgated the Society’s Constitutions. Although historians have long recognized Nadal’s importance for the Society’s spirituality and history, there has not been a biography published in the English language until this one. Using the volumes of letters and writings published by the Jesuit Historical Institute in Rome, and monographs in other languages, Bangert gives a vivid portrait of an important and controversial figure.

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    • Johannine Epistles : A Commentary


      An indispensable reference for everyone interested in understanding the Letters of John. Schnackenburg’s 3-volume commentary on the Gospel of John was called “second to none in the world” (Biblical Theology Bulletin). Now Schnackenburg brings to a close a truly magisterial work on the Johannine books of the New Testament.

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    • Passion Of Jesus In The Gospel Of Mark


      Which came first: a coherent Passion story or the Gospel of Mark? Contemporary biblical scholarship is divided over this issue of how, exactly, the Passion story developed.

      Whatever the shape of the story prior to Mark, it must have been imprinted with Christian experience as well as historical memory. Mark, in turn, felt free to retell and reinterpret that story for his own time and place. The Passion of Jesus was not only a story from the past but also, in the sufferings and hopes of the Christians of Mark’s time, a living reality of the present.

      The readers of this insightful work will find that the Passion of Jesus as told by Mark continues to hold meaning for the present.

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    • Gospel Of Luke


      What makes this commentary on Luke stand apart from others is that, from beginning to end, this is a literary analysis. Because it focuses solely on the Gospel as it appears and not on its source or origin, this commentary richly and thoroughly explores just what Luke is saying and how he says it.

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    • 2 Targums Of Esther


      What is called the Magillat Esther (“Scroll of Esther”) is part of the biblical group of books in the Hagiographa known as the “Five Megillot,” designating Esther, the Scrolls of Canticles, Ruth, Lamentations, and Ecclesiastes. These five scrolls play an integral part in Jewish liturgy next to the Pentateuch; and yet Esther (as well as others of these five) had difficulty being included in the Hebrew canon as sacred Scripture.

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    • Lives Of The Monks Of Palestine


      SKU (ISBN): 9780879079147ISBN10: 0879079142Cyril Of Scythopolis | Translator: R. M. PriceBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1991Cistercian StudiesPublisher: Liturgical Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Homilies On The Gospels Book 2 Lent To The Dedication Of The Church


      ‘I have spent all my life in this monastery’, wrote Bede from his isolated Northumbrian cell, ‘applying myself entirely to the study of the Scriptures…I have made it my business, for my own benefit and that of my brothers, to make brief extracts from the works of the venerable fathers on the holy Scripture, or to add notes of my own to clarify their sense and interpretation.’

      From the eighth to the fifteenth centuries, Bede’s authority as a scriptural exegete was second only to that of the Doctors of the Latin Church. His influence was enormous. Yet modern readers associate this remarkable scholar-monk only with his History of the English Church and Nation and ignore the works he saw as his chief accomplishment.

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    • Life Of Beatrice Of Nazareth


      The life and mystical experiences of an intelligent and artistic thirteenth-century flemish nun are described in this contemporary biography, drawn from a lost autobiography. Her own Seven Manieren van Minne is incorporated into the text and given in translation from two redactions: the Latin of her biographer and her own vernacular.

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    • Enigma Of Faith


      Women have lived the cistercian life almost as long as have men. Cistercian abbots founded some houses of nuns, the General Chapter authorized some, while trying to stem the tide. Most ‘cistercian’ communities of women adopted the habit and the usages of the White Monks without being juridically incorporated into the Order. These fascinating studies trace cistercian nuns from their twelfth-century beginnings to the modern day.

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    • Christian Vision Of Humanity


      Where do we come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? How can we get there? These are the basic religious questions that we all ask amid the possibilities and limitations of life, it successes and failures, its blessings and tragedies. Christian faith has a particular vision of God, the world, and of humanity, a vision that issues from the person and ministry of Jesus Christ. He is the reason why Christians are convinced our lives do make sense, that we and our world are created in love and for love and that we are destined to find final healing and fulfillment together by sharing in God’s own devine life.

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    • God Of Life


      My desire is that this book may help readers to know more fully the God of biblical revelation and, as a result, to proclaim God as the God of life.” Who is God? Where is God? How are we to speak of God? Gutierrez looks at these classic questions through a review of the Bible, and his answers challenge all Christians to a deepening of faith.

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    • Early Will I Seek You


      Writings that touch the pure-flaming heart of God-from the men and women who walked with Him through the ages guiding into a deeper friendship with the “Father of Lights.”

      How can I know God? How can I find His purpose for me, in all of life’s tangled ways? How do I break through to Him in prayer, when my way seems blocked? These pressing questions, common to so many, sent Augustine on his own spiritual journey toward the heart of God. The secret joys he found along the way can be yours as you walk the trail he blazed in spirit.

      Among the best-loved of all Christian expositors, Augustine (354-430 A.D.) struggled to find the true path to God, amid heresy and threats of persecution and destruction. Yet in all his works there shines a heart set on one goal-to become a friend to God, and Him alone. His written words, treasured for centuries, are footprints to be followed to the kind of life that finds God. Ever present. Strong. Life-changing. And loving at all times.

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    • Anthology Of Christian Mysticism


      Offers an excellent selection of texts from 55 significant figures in the mystical tradition from Origen to Karl Rahner. Each group of texts is preceded by introductions that are informative and reliable. “Very reader-friendly,”—Theological Studies. For the classroom or self-study.

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    • Releasement : Spirituality For Ministry


      Barbara Fiand is a sister of notre Dame de Namur. She gives retreats, workshops and courses throughout the country and abroad on issues rlated to holistic spirituality, prayer, religious life, feminist spirituality, tranformation of consciousness, quantum spirituality, and the psychology and spirituality of human maturation. She is the author of eight books and numerous articles as well as cassette tapes.

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    • Sermons For The Summer Season


      The always eloquent Bernard preaches on the joys and spiritual opportunities of summertime festivals: Rogationtide, Ascension Day, the Pentecost season, and the feasts of Saint John the Baptist and SS Peter and Paul. From a world still in touch with the seasons of nature and a lifestyle integrating prayer and physical work, he speaks to moderns with insight and calm sanity.

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    • Targums Of Job Proverbs And Qohelet


      The Targum of Job is regarded as one of the most enigmatic of targums. The translation used is based on the Cambridge University MS Ee. 5.9, widely regarded as the most important of known manuscripts. This manuscript is followed as closely as possible, including the marginal readings and the Variant Targum[s] incorporated in the text.

      The primary aim of the Proverbs Targum is to provide an English translation, none having yet been published. A secondary aim is to give an account of the relationship of this targum to the Hebrew text and the other ancient versions, especially the Syriac.

      Targum Qohelet is a blend of literal translation and midrashic paraphrase. The purpose is didactic, seeking to convey the meaning which is implicit in the text. Thus Qohelet becomes a vehicle to emphasize the importance of Torah study, repentance, prayer, and charity.

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    • Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechisms (Revised)


      22 Chapters

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      THINK – how much Our Lord must have loved me to
      suffer those nails, those thorns, those bleeding wounds,
      such humiliations, such heartbreak. Think about this for
      at least a minute.
      New and modern format and design
      Explains Catholic doctrine with the aid of many exclusive features.
      Combines modern outlook and language with a solid time-tested exposition of the teaching of the Church.

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    • Difficult Saint : Bernard Of Clairvaux And His Tradition


      Controversial in his own day, Bernard still today excites both admiration and dislike. McGuire looks at various facets of Bernard’s personality, and at the enduring legacy that has followed him for over eight centuries.

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    • Book Of Irish American Blessings And Prayers


      If you like Irish American literature, history, or culture, then you are sure to like Irish American Blessings and Prayers. Intrigued by Irish blessings, Andrew Greeley has tried his hand at writing Irish-American blessings and has bound them together in this unique book. In the second half of this work, you will find personal prayers, written for each day. The prayers are written with the Roman Liturgy in mind, with clarity and brevity. 207 pages, from ThomasMore.

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    • Struggle To Be The Sun Again


      What are the distinctive theological challenges of Asian women to theology and the church? Struggle To Be the Sun Again offers answers to this crucial question as it articulates the specific contribution of emerging Asian women’s theology to the meaning of the gospel.
      Chung begins by examining the historical and social contexts of Asian women’s theology and their reflections on humanity. She then explores specific manifestations of these theologies in Christology, in Mariology, in spirituality. Chung concludes by analyzing the contribution of Asian women’s theology to contemporary theology, and its future.
      Struggle To Be the Sun Again provides a fine, readable introduction to emerging feminist theologies from Asia. It is an ideal text for classes in Asian, feminist, liberation, and third world theologies.

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    • Signs Words And Gestures


      The substance underlying ordinary signs, words, and gestures in the liturgy is the theme of this collection of simple homilies offered to nurture Christians on their pilgrimage toward piety and spiritual life.

      Through these texts every reader will rediscover additional strength in the elementary religious practices memorized during childhood. For the homilist, the traditional symbols and texts of worship are viewed with a fresh scrutiny. A separate section of homilies for children is included.

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    • Church Community Of Salvation


      Ecclesiology is now taken for granted as an area of theological research. Before the modern age, however, the Church felt no need to define itself. What Father Tavard presents in this work is a systematic organization of the essential Christian beliefs about what the Church has been, is, and ought to be. It focuses on the awareness of “being” Church that is inseparable from the profession of the Christian faith. Keeping the present historical moment in mind, Tavard investigates the dogmatic or doctrinal nature and structure of the Church in an ecumenical spirit.

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    • Targum Neofiti 1 Genesis


      Beginning with an introduction of the “Palestinian Targums,” or “Targum Yerushalmi,” the author relates the history of the term, research in the field, and other background information on the Palestinian Pentateuch Targums before providing a verse-by-verse translation of Neofiti 1.

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    • Risen Christ In Eastertime


      Rather than focusing on the differences between the evangelists’ accounts of the resurrection, Father Brown instead concentrates on how each treatment of the resurrection fits the theology and plan of its Gospel. Those people who afford the Church’s liturgical calendar a major role in their spiritual life will appreciate the added meaning Father Brown infuses into these stories that dwell at the heart of our faith.

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    • Christian Uniqueness Reconsidered


      Affirms a radical Christian uniqueness over the pluralist argument.

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    • 40 Gospel Homilies


      At the dividing line between Antiquity and the Middle Ages, scholar-diplomat-pastor-writer-pope Gregory the Great drew on his profound knowledge of Scripture and his personal experience to preach the Gospel. These forty homilies show the practical concerns Gregory faced as well as the theological expectations he had of his flock.

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    • Mysticism : The Preeminent Study In The Nature And Development Of Spiritual


      First published in 1911, Mysticism remains the classic in its field and was lauded by The Princeton Theological Review as “brilliantly written [and] illuminated with numerous well-chosen extracts … used with exquisite skill.”

      Mysticism makes an in-depth and comprehensive exploration of its subject. Part One examines “The Mystic Fact,” explaining the relation of mysticism to vitalism, to psychology, to theology, to symbolism, and to magic. Part Two, “The Mystic Way,” explores the awakening, purification, and illumination of the self; discusses voices and visions; and delves into manifestatioins from ecstasty and rapture to the dark night of the soul. Rounding out the book are a useful Appendix, an exhaustive Bibliography, and an Index.

      Mysticism is thoroughly documented with material drawn from such great mystics as St. Teresa of Avila, Meister Eckhart, and St. John of the Cross, and this new Image Classic features a Foreword by Ira Progoff, translator of Cloud Unknowing and director of Dialogue House in New York City.

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    • Awakenings


      In this book, Thomas Keating invites the reader to look afresh at the Word of God and see, perhaps for the first time, the relevance of these ancient words to life today.

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    • Woman Clothed With The Sun


      An examination of the most significant Marian apparitions of the past century. Editor John Delaney provides the historical background as well as an analysis of the apparitions.

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    • Spirituality Of Liberation


      Essays by the Salvadoran Jesuit show how to imbue praxis with spirituality.

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    • Mystical Theology Of Saint Bernard


      This classic study placed the saint squarely among the outstanding theologians of the Middle Ages, and stripped away the sentimentality in which popular piety had wrapped him. Gilson demonstrates in Bernard’s works his blend of monastic tradition and the new learning of the early twelfth century.

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    • Christianity Through Non Christian Eyes


      Eye-opening essays by Buddhist, Hindus, Jews, Muslims provide insights to how Christianity is viewed in their communities–and why.

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    • Mirror Of Charity


      Aelred of Rievaulx possessed a personal charm which drew friends and disciples naturally to him. His own experience of human weakness in a worldly life at the court of King David of Scotland made him sensitive to the doctrine of charity which he found among cistercian monks.

      The Mirror of Charity gives us a solid theology of the cistercian life. Aelred’s deep knowledge of Scripture, his joy in his brethren, and his love of Christ shine from every page. Because the divine nature is love, as the Bible tells us, directing our love to God-love conforms us to the image of God that has been lost through sin. All love, to Aelred, is a participation in God-love that leads us to union.

      The Mirror of Charity, written at the beginning of his monastic life, and Spiritual Friendship, written near its end, form a set. Together they demonstrate both the consistency of his teaching and his unswerving love of God in Christ.

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    • Spiritual Direction In The Early Christian East


      In a day when psychological counseling sometimes passes as `spiritual direction’, this book reminds us that early Christians–like Eastern Christians still today–were convinced that only someone with long and deep experience in prayer and discipline can dare to lead others along the way to God.

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    • Passion Of Therese Of Lisieux


      The Passion of Therese of Lisieux is about the final victorious months in the life of a modern saint.
      Bishop Gaucher’s haunting acount of Therese’s final eighteen months, reveals her at the summit of her journey, when she beccame a unique masterpiece of God’s amazing grace, and the saint for the next millennium.–Bishop Patrick V. Ahern, D.D.

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    • Loving Your Work Ever After


      Don’t you feel that there should be something “more” to working than the paycheck at the end of the week? That you are called a task or career that is uniquely yours, which you can undertake with the confident knowledge and pride that this is the work you were meant to do, worthy of and true to yourself and your own special talents and gifts? Delve into these uplifting pages and discover your life’s work! Filled with helpful exercises, practical advice, and underscored with inspirational success stories of people from all walks of life, Loving Your Work Ever After is an inspirational guide to career choice and change.

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    • Manifestations Of Grace


      This lively and wonderful book probes the presence of grace (“Grace is everywhere”), garners the timeless teachings of the New Testament and theologians, and discusses grace in the light of contemporary beliefs and needs.

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    • Meaning Of The Sacramental Symbols


      In this comprehensive examination of the symbols of worship, Richter traces their origins, what they have meant through the centuries, and whether their meaning is clear for today’s Christians, as the author looks at these symbols in the light of liturgical reform.

      For those who look to the liturgy as the primary expression of the Church as the Body of Christ, this book is essential reading.

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    • Traveler Toward The Dawn


      This inspirational book is great for anyone considering themselves a seeker (of truth, faith, light, God, Eternity).
      In the end, Fr. O’Malley dies of cancer and the reader will instinctively understand that this was his way of the cross, sadness mixed with understanding that the way of the cross is never easy.

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