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    Christian Education

    • Nobodys Perfect : Redefining Sin And Mistakes In Adolescent Christian Educa


      Adolescents, like everyone else, make mistakes. However, religious educators Cynthia L. Cameron, Lakisha R. Lockhart-Rusch, and Emily A. Peck argue that some youths are born with the privilege of making mistakes in ways that others often are not. They also argue that many Christian education practices that guide our understandings of mistake-making are shaped by gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, and race in ways that disenfranchise some adolescents.

      In response, Cameron, Lockhart-Rusch, and Peck curate a much-needed conversation that helps religious educators accompany adolescents and better understand mistakes based on a theological framework that names adolescents as fundamentally good. The result is an edited volume that explores ways educators can walk with adolescents so that youth can learn from their mistakes and grow without misunderstanding all mistakes as sin. Together, these essays seed a theology of adolescent goodness that’s rooted in a liberative Christian theological anthropology.

      Drawing on both qualitative and quantitative research, Nobody’s Perfect offers nuanced and robust definitions of what a mistake is, apart from definitions of sin. The book also explores the challenges of talking about mistake-making and sin with adolescents within religious institutional contexts that shape policy, pastoral practice, and ministry orientations. Finally, the book presents youths’ own voices about how they understand and process what mistake-making looks like in the contexts in which they live and learn.

      Nobody’s Perfect is for Christian educators who serve either in the academy or in congregational settings. The book well serves educators who recognize the various cultural and developmental challenges adolescents face when their church communities. The book also offers tools to help such church leaders attend to religious education spaces with a renewed theology that can root a more liberative experience of religious education.

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    • Habits Of Hope


      In the world of education, disorientation and uncertainty has been increasing for several decades, with the Covid-19 pandemic only exacerbating preexisting challenges. Christians called to academic vocations need authentic hope to sustain them in their work-and they need to be able to share that hope with a weary world.

      Habits of Hope explores a Christian understanding of hope and how it applies to the work of educators, administrators, scholars, and others in academia. Essays by master practitioners focus on six key educational practices and describe how these practices can cultivate hope within educators as well as among their students and everyone they serve:


      Contributors include Hans Boersma; Kimberly Battle-Walters Denu; Kevin G. Grove, CSC; Cherie Harder; Jon S. Kulaga; Philip Graham Ryken; David I. Smith; and Jessica Hooten Wilson.

      Christian hope, these thinkers are convinced, has two fundamental characteristics: it’s tied inextricably to the world to come, inaugurated by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; and it’s active in its very nature. Habits of Hope combines theology and practical application to help educators find hope and infuse it throughout every area of their work.

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    • Habits Of Hope


      In the world of education, disorientation and uncertainty has been increasing for several decades, with the Covid-19 pandemic only exacerbating preexisting challenges. Christians called to academic vocations need authentic hope to sustain them in their work-and they need to be able to share that hope with a weary world.

      Habits of Hope explores a Christian understanding of hope and how it applies to the work of educators, administrators, scholars, and others in academia. Essays by master practitioners focus on six key educational practices and describe how these practices can cultivate hope within educators as well as among their students and everyone they serve:


      Contributors include Hans Boersma; Kimberly Battle-Walters Denu; Kevin G. Grove, CSC; Cherie Harder; Jon S. Kulaga; Philip Graham Ryken; David I. Smith; and Jessica Hooten Wilson.

      Christian hope, these thinkers are convinced, has two fundamental characteristics: it’s tied inextricably to the world to come, inaugurated by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; and it’s active in its very nature. Habits of Hope combines theology and practical application to help educators find hope and infuse it throughout every area of their work.

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    • What Makes Education Catholic


      The award-winning author of What Makes Us Catholic provides a history of Catholic education: its spiritual roots, from the historical Jesus to the Didache, to Augustine and Aquinas to Merici and Ward, and shows how these foundations ensure that Catholic schools, deliver the education they promise.

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    • Building A City On A Hill


      Building A City On A Hill: African American Communities of Purpose explores how we can shine for Jesus by demonstrating Christian character wherever God has placed us. Each chapter reminds us that God calls us to be Christians at home, at work, and in the community. This call enables us to change lives and foster economic development, which causes families and communities to flourish. A revisit of historic Black towns showcases the self-sufficient businesses and enterprises that African Americans built after emancipation. Vocational excellence, unselfish service, and an awareness that God is at work in each life are key to this curriculum.

      Building A City On A Hill is suitable for Adult Vacation Bible School, small groups, and individual Bible study. The lives of ten Bible characters serve as examples of good works and moral excellence while being the light in their particular situations. By learning about these characters, you will be inspired and equipped to be the light of the world.


      *Family Devotion
      *Private Study
      *Weekday Bible Studies
      *Adult Vacation Bible School
      *Church Retreats
      *Ministry Group Training

      Written and edited by Kwasi I. Kena, D.Min., and Carey Latimore, Ph.D. Compiled and edited by Ramon Mayo.

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    • Finding Your Way Through The Bible CEB


      This self-instruction book was written to help middle and older elementary children become familiar with their Bibles and learn how to use them at their own speed. Finding Your Way Through the Bible is intended to be used with the Children’s Common English Bible at home or in the classroom. Students completing this book will be able to: -Find any book in the Old or New Testaments using the Table of Contents -Find any chapter in any book and any verse in any chapter -Find parts of verses when the Bible reference uses the letters a, b, and c with a verse number -Tell the difference between books with similar names such as 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel and John and 1 John -Recognize the additional helps in a Bible and be able to use them

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    • Faith And Science In The 21st Century


      * Eight noted theologians, each speaking on a topic of science * Builds on popular videos from the Day 1 radio program Science or faith? The battle rages, from millennials and GenXers questioning the relevance of religion to older adults who doubt the validity of science (and vice versa), but these two are not mutually exclusive. They can, in fact, be mutually enriching and complimentary, once their proper domains are understood and respected. The Episcopal Church, with its tradition of the “via media,” offers an ideal setting for conversations seeking to bridge the often antagonistic perspectives on both sides. Faith and Science in the 21st Century presents a way to start that conversation. Built on existing videos produced by the popular Day 1 program with assistance from a John Templeton Foundation grant, this series features notable faith leaders across the denominational spectrum in 3 to 5 minute video presentations on scientific topics in which they are experts. Intended for use in a variety of settings, including congregations, schools, and campus ministries, it can be presented as an eight-session series of studies, but each session can also stand on its own for a one-time formation offering. A single video download will offer all video presentations. This Leader Guide enables facilitators to foster fruitful discussions of each session topic. It includes an introduction about the program and how it can be used, and eight detailed session plans to utilize with a downloadable video sold separately on the Day 1 website.

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    • Sciency Fun WOWS 54 Surprising Bible Object Lessons Ages 3-7


      Science experiments are a surefire way to get kids’ attention. Even better? When they get to help! Supplement your Bible lessons with these Bible-related object lessons from the popular Dig In curriculum. Your 3- to 7-year-olds will participate in exciting science fun that focuses on the life of Jesus.Here’s a few of the 54 engaging ideas you’ll find inside: – Using vinegar and baking soda to inflate a balloon (reminding kids that Jesus heals the sick) – Harnessing the power of static electricity to pick up various items (demonstrating Jesus’ power over sickness and death) – Testing homemade listening devices (a reminder that Jesus hears us) – Putting a balloon on a fan and watching what happens (to learn that Jesus helps us believe in him, even though we can’t see him) These memorable object lessons will stick with kids for years to come! The Scripture and topical indexes make it easy to find an experince that goes with your Bible lesson. Get ready for a lot of oohs, ahs, and wows as kids are amazed to see how science can illustrate important Bible truths. This book includes reproducible pages.

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    • A To Z Thru The Bible


      Guide preschoolers through the Bible from A to Z with this ready-to-go resource! Whitney’s 26 lessons teach children foundational biblical truths while reviewing early education basics. The familiar alphabetical structure makes the key points easy to grasp—and remember. Features step-by-step instructions, age-appropriate crafts, fun interactive activities, and more. Ages 3 to 5. Approx. 200 reproducible pages, softcover from RoseKidz.

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    • Faithful Celebrations 1


      * Experiential activities for celebrating secular and sacred seasons of the year * For use in churches, schools, camps, at home Many of our experiences in life happen when several generations are together-at church, at home, in our communities. Holidays and family events are times for celebration, learning, rituals, food, and fun. This edition of Faithful Celebrations focuses on Mardi Gras/Carnival, Shrove Tuesday, Lent, Holy Week, Easter, and Pentecost. It includes plenty of activities to learn more about each of these sacred seasons or days in a church setting, at home, camp, or anywhere in-between. This abundance of ideas allows you to create meaningful celebrations within a faith context throughout the months of February, March, and April. Each event to be celebrated includes key ideas, a cluster of activities to experience the key ideas, materials needed, full instructions for implementation, background history and information, music, art, recipes, and prayer resources to use in a small, intimate or large, multi-generational group. For children, youth, adults, or any combination of ages, any of these activities can take place in any setting. Reproducibles, such as a Lenten calendar, role playing cards, and art patterns are available at www.churchpublishing.org for ease of use.

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    • Grow Together Now Volume 2


      13 Sunday School Lessons for kids of all ages in one room

      Equip kids with the character qualities they need to each become the person God created them to be. Volumes 1 and 2 of these exciting, hands-on Bible lessons explore the character qualities of forgiveness, peacemaking, having a servant’s heart, humility, kindness, and cooperation. Kids will explore each character quality in memorable lessons that are rooted in Scripture and reinforce God’s foundational plan for a fruitful Christian life. Plus, the DVD includes videos that reinforce what kids learn.

      With the lessons in Volume 2, you’ll introduce kids of all ages to:
      Humility – Seeing myself the way God sees me
      Kindness – Treating others as beloved creations of God
      Cooperation – Working together to accomplish a goal

      Includes reporducibles and a DVD!

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    • Grow Together Now 1


      13 Sunday School Lessons for kids of all ages in one room

      Equip kids with the character qualities they need to each become the person God created them to be. Volumes 1 and 2 of these exciting, hands-on Bible lessons explore the character qualities of forgiveness, peacemaking, having a servant’s heart, humility, kindness, and cooperation. Kids will explore each character quality in memorable lessons that are rooted in Scripture and reinforce God’s foundational plan for a fruitful Christian life. Plus, the DVD includes videos that reinforce what kids learn.
      With the lessons in Volume 1, you’ll introduce kids of all ages to:
      Forgiveness – Trusting God to help me love others who hurt me
      Peacemaking – Getting along with others
      Servant’s Heart – Thinking of others before I think of myself

      Includes reporducibles and a DVD!

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    • Character By Gods Design Volume 4


      Equip kids with the character qualities they need to each become the person God created them to be. This fourth volume of exciting, hands-on Bible lessons explores the three character qualities of respect, stewardship, and perseverance. Kids will explore each character quality in memorable lessons that are rooted in Scripture and reinforce God’s foundational plan for a fruitful Christian life. Plus, the DVD includes videos that reinforce what kids learn. With these lessons, you’ll introduce kids of all ages to: – Courage-Doing the right thing even when I’m afraid. – Wisdom-Using my knowledge to follow God. – Loyalty-Remaining faithful. Includes reproducibles and a DVD!

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    • Character By Gods Design Volume 3


      Equip kids with the character qualities they need to each become the person God created them to be. This third volume of exciting, hands-on Bible lessons explores the three character qualities of respect, stewardship, and perseverance. Kids will explore each character quality in memorable lessons that are rooted in Scripture and reinforce God’s foundational plan for a fruitful Christian life. Plus, the DVD includes videos that reinforce what kids learn. With these lessons, you’ll introduce kids of all ages to:- Respect-Honoring God and others. – Stewardship-Using my time, talents, and treasure for God. – Perseverance-Doing the right thing even when it’s hard. Includes reproducibles and a DVD!

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    • Pilgrim The Eucharist


      Course 6: The Eucharist: How do Christians know and worship God? The six sessions of Course 6 reveal reasons why the Eucharist is celebrated as a memorial of Christ’s saving passion and stands at the very heart of Christian worship. Session 1 looks at worship as communion with God. Session 2 explores the Eucharist as the pattern of all Christian worship. Session 3 looks at the intimacy we have with God in Holy Communion and how we are transformed by the encounter. Sessions 4 – 6 look at worship as a sign and foretaste of heaven, shaping our whole life, and how the whole of life is sacramental.

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    • Pilgrim Church And Kingdom


      Course 8: Church & Kingdom: What does it mean to live as a child of the kingdom of God and follow in the way of Christ each day as a member of his church? How does it affect our life at work as well as at home? How does it affect what we do with the gifts we have been given, especially those gifts of time and talents, passions, resources, and money? How is the Christian faith changing us and shaping us so that we become more like Jesus? The importance of prayer, living out our faith, celebrating Sabbath, and reflecting generosity is explored. We look at how faith in the God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit shapes and changes all our relationships

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    • Character By Gods Design Volume 2


      Equip kids with the character qualities they need to each become the person God created them to be. This second volume of exciting, hands-on Bible lessons explores the three character qualities of diligence, faithfulness, and gratitude. Kids will explore each character quality in memorable lessons that are rooted in Scripture and reinforce God’s foundational plan for a fruitful Christian life. Plus, the DVD includes videos that reinforce what kids learn. With these lessons, you’ll introduce kids of all ages to: – Trust-Firm and confident belief in someone – Honesty-telling the truth – Obedience-doing what I’m told to do Includes reproducibles and a DVD!

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    • Character By Gods Design Volume 1


      Equip kids with the character qualities they need to each become the person God created them to be. This first volume of exciting, hands-on Bible lessons explores the three character qualities of diligence, faithfulness, and gratitude. Kids will explore each character quality in memorable lessons that are rooted in Scripture and reinforce God’s foundational plan for a fruitful Christian life. Plus, the DVD includes videos that reinforce what kids learn. With these lessons, you’ll introduce kids of all ages to:
      – Diligence-Focusing on the work God has given me
      – Faithfulness-Staying true to God and his purpose for me
      – Gratitude-Expressing thanks no matter how I feel
      Includes reproducibles and a DVD!
      Character by Design is a brand new series of Sunday school lesson books designed for you when you have kids of all ages in one room. The complete series lets kids explore and practice character qualities that guide them to fulfill the potential God plans for their lives.

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    • Starting Out In Childrens Ministry


      I’m going to be a brilliant children’s leader. God is lucky to have me!

      Is this you? If so, this isn’t the book for you. But maybe you’re the opposite? You’re a bit nervous about getting involved with children, you’ve had no formal training and you’re not sure that God can use you to do anything much.

      If so, this book will encourage you, give you some essential (and simple) skills, and thrill you with the joy and privilege of sharing the good news about Jesus with the next generation, whether you’ve been doing it for a long time or are just starting out.

      If you are a children’s worker, why not suggest this book to your team of volunteers, many of whom may not have had any formal training?

      Alison Mitchell is convinced that teaching young people about Jesus is the best job in the world. She has trained literally thousands of children’s workers over the past 30 years and is passionate about helping others to get as excited about children’s ministry as she is.

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    • Groove The Life Student Journal (Student/Study Guide)


      The life of the Christian is marked by disciplines, practices, and commitments that help shape the foundation of our faith. So how do we help youth encounter and choose to embrace some of these practices as they move into a faith that they claim as their own? The Life is a four-week study designed to help youth consider spiritual practices and what those practices can mean in their lives. Each week, they will consider the practices of being committed to a church family, of prayer, of giving, and of sharing their faith with others. The ideas and lessons are reinforced with exercises and daily devotions, found in the Groove: The Life Student Journal, designed to help them reflect and apply these disciplines in their own lives. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats.The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.

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    • Groove Character Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      When beliefs, attitudes, and values line up with actions there is character. Helping teenagers grow in Christ-like character is no easy task. How do we help teenagers follow Jesus and take on his character? It takes practice and the commitment of their church family to support, encourage, and celebrate the “wins” with them along this exciting journey of growth. Character is a four-week Bible study designed to help teens develop Christ-like behavior in their daily lives. Teenagers will consider the ideas of truth, how they use their words, how they view their possessions, and what it is to be a person of integrity. The study is reinforced with daily devotions and exercises found in the Groove: Character Student Journal. Helping youth embrace character and the practice of growing their spiritual lives independent from group study can be a powerful combination. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats. The leader guide contains everything needed to lead teens through a Groove study, including teaching outlines, leader notes, Bible background, reflections, and parent communication.

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    • Groove Character Student Journal (Student/Study Guide)


      When beliefs, attitudes, and values line up with actions there is character. Helping teenagers grow in Christlike character is no easy task. How do we help teenagers follow Jesus and take on his character? It takes practice and the commitment of their church family to support, encourage, and celebrate the “wins” with them along this exciting journey of growth. Character is a four-week Bible study designed to help teens develop Christ-like behavior in their daily lives. Teenagers will consider the ideas of truth, how they use their words, how they view their possessions, and what it is to be a person of integrity. The study is reinforced with daily devotions and exercises found in the Groove: Character Student Journal. Helping youth embrace character and the practice of growing their spiritual lives independent from group study can be a powerful combination. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats.The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.

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    • Groove Jesus Student Journal (Student/Study Guide)


      What do Christian teenagers believe today about Jesus Christ? And what difference does that belief make in their life? Research shows that most teenagers do not understand the basic core beliefs of Christianity and often express misgivings of their own faith. How do we help teens connect with the significance and importance of Jesus Christ? Jesus is a four-week study designed to help teens encounter the basic truths about who Jesus is and why that matters in their lives. Through group study and daily devotions, found in the Groove: Jesus Student Journal, teenagers will begin to understand the significance of Christ and how that relates to their daily walk. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats.The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.

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    • Groove Temptation Student Journal (Student/Study Guide)


      Temptations are all around us; and facing those temptations is never easy, especially for teenagers. While simply avoiding temptation would make life a lot easier, it can be very hard for teens, who are still developing socially, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and physically. Temptation is a four-week study designed to help teens navigate and overcome the daily temptations they battle. Greed, pride, envy, and lust are challenges we all face; so understanding the spiritual implications of those temptations can help our youth thrive in their spiritual lives as they move into adulthood. The Groove: Temptation Student Journal provides exercises and daily devotions that help teens deal with the temptations they face as they learn to develop a maturing faith in Christ. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats. The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.

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    • Groove The Walk Student Journal (Student/Study Guide)


      What does it look like to “walk with Jesus”? Like a great deal of church jargon we toss around, it can become a confusing concept for teens to embrace and understand. The Walk is designed to teach youth what it means to walk with Jesus. As their faith grows, they will learn to exercise the grace, love, patience, humility, and meekness found only in Christ. As a result, they will begin to own their faith, as it moves from something that they hear about to something that they are living in their own lives. The daily devotions of the Groove: The Walk Student Journal will encourage youth to embrace these concepts and experience a rich and fulfilled life as they learn to imitate Christ in their daily lives. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats. The student journal contains session-specific questions, background information, and daily devotions for each session.

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    • Groove The Basics Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Today’s faith and biblical illiteracy in general and among those who attend church and claim to be Christian is staggering. Some alarmists are claiming that the Christian faith is in danger of becoming extinct. We can no longer rely on culture to support the passing on of faith in Jesus Christ to the coming generations. The Basics study is not a quick fix to this situation. It is a handcrafted tool that when used by compassionate, caring, and committed adults, will ignite their imagination for God, the Scripture, the faith community, and living a transformed life. The Basics will likely raise more questions than it answers, and that’s intentional. Don’t feel the need to make sure all the loose ends are tied up at the conclusion of your youth gathering. Allow your teens the opportunity to leave with ideas and truths on which to reflect and wrestle as they use the daily devotionals provided in the Groove: The Basics Student Journal. The Groove Bible study series invites teens to learn the essentials of their faith, own their story, and engage the world in serving Jesus. Each topical study consists of four weekly sessions that are easy to lead and relate to life issues teens face. With up to 48 weeks available, Groove is great for Sunday and mid-week gatherings for both large and small groups as well as retreats. The leader guide contains everything needed to lead teens through a Groove study, including teaching outlines, leader notes, Bible background, reflections, and parent communication.

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    • Character Formation In Online Education


      The unfortunate reputation of online education today is one of little or no effort on the professor’s part and little or no learning on the student’s part. A missing element in much online education is the kind of mutual engagement between student and instructor that provides not only a higher level of learning but also lasting character formation within the student. Character Formation in Online Education stems from author Joanne Jung’s years of experience teaching online courses with the aim of improving the teaching environment for professors and the learning environment for students. By replicating, customizing, and incorporating the best and most effective practices of what a great professor does in on-campus classes, reimagined for an online delivery system, Jung shows how a higher level of learning and transformation can be achieved through online learning communities. Handy and practical, this user-friendly book provides guidance, helpful tools, and effective suggestions for growing learning communities in online courses that are marked by character growth in students-the kind of growth that is central to the mission of Christian higher education.

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    • Understanding Bible By Design


      Today’s seminary and religious-education instructors are expected to design and redesign their courses more nimbly than in the past. We have to adapt our courses to novel learning environments, for more diverse learners, toward more diverse vocations. At the same time, institutional rewards for time invested in course design are fewer than ever. Understanding Bible by Design introduces the reader to Understanding by Design: an approach to course design that is proven time-efficient and grounded in the instructor’s most closely-held convictions about her subject matter’s “big ideas and essential questions.” This book’s contributors (one in Old Testament, one in New Testament, and one in Jewish Studies) demonstrate the value of Understanding Bible by Design for the Biblical Studies instructor, whether at seminary or university, face-to-face or online, from the intimate seminar to the massive MOOC.

      Lester’s synopsis of course design and suggested action is followed by a collaborative dialogue with Jane S. Webster and Christopher M. Jones. Webster and Jones provide practical commentary regarding the successful implementation of Lester’s proposed approaches. As a group, Lester, Webster, and Jones create a text that extends pedagogical innovation in inspiring but practical ways.

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    • Effective Social Learning


      The ground of higher education is shifting, but learning ecosystems around the world have much more space than MOOCs and trendy online platforms can fill, and Loewen shows how professors have an indisputable pedagogical edge that gives them a crucial role to play in higher education. By adopting the collaborative pedagogical process in this book, professors can create effective social learning experiences that connect students to peers and professional colleagues in real-time.

      Loewen moves beyond surface questions about technology in the classroom to a problem best addressed by educators in bricks-and-mortar institutions: if students are social learners, how do we teach in a way that promotes actual dialogue for learning? Designing learning experiences that develop intercultural competencies puts the test to students’ social inclinations, and engagement with course material increases when it’s used to dig deeper into the specificities of their identity and social location. Loewen’s approach to inter-institutional collaborative teaching will be explored with examples and working templates for collaborative design of effective social learning experiences. This is done by collaborative dialogue with G. Brooke Lester and Christopher Duncanson-Hales. As a group, Loewen, Lester, and Duncanson-Hales create a text that extends pedagogical innovation in inspiring but practical wa

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    • Building Faith Brick By Brick


      Building Faith Brick by Brick offers a culturally relevant, hands-on way to explore faith stories with a broad range of ages. It grew out of one congregation’s realization that there was a large group of first-grade boys who needed to engage in a new way of interacting with the biblical story. Knowing how much Lego bricks continue to be popular with children, the author dug deep into the well of creativity and an enormous bin of little plastic building bricks to meld together a new way of teaching the stories of God. This book offers the methodology as well as 30 Old Testament and 24 New Testament stories with lesson plans. Can be used in all settings and gatherings Includes take-home sheets for family study and conversation Engages children with multiple learning styles and a familiar medium

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    • Chapel Chats For Children Of All Ages


      For over twenty years, thousands of children (and adults, too) were inspired by the Bible-based stories known as “Chapel Chats” that were shared by Pastor Jerald Borgie and his koala puppet, Jeremiah. Sixty-six of these “chats” along with fifteen illustrated graphics, drawn by artist, Brooke Plowman, are included in the book.

      “Pastor Borgie has a reputation for drawing you into his stories, and his anecdotes are famously popular with both young and old. For many decades, he has invited children to have a seat before him, then his twinkling eyes would take over and a bond was formed. I’m pleased he’s taken this opportunity to share his favorites with a wider audience.”
      Richard A. Swenson, MD, author of Margin

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    • Work Of The Deacon And Deaconess (Revised)


      Just in time for its 50th anniversary! The second revised edition of this best-selling classic in Judson Press’s “Work of the Church” series features new and updated content, reflecting the evolving diversity of ministry in the diaconate.

      Key Features:
      Comprehensive manual covering traditional responsibilities of the deacon.
      Awareness of the increasing diversification of ministries in the local church
      Greater differentiation between the ministry of deacons (male and female) and that of deaconnesses, as reflected in congregations that maintain distinct boards
      Additional ideas and strategies for tailoring the deacon’s work to the needs of a growing congregation and changing community.

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    • Teaching The Way Of Jesus


      Christian religious education provides the content, processes, and settings to empower the church’s mission in the world-a mission that includes health care, peace with justice, and disciple-making ministries. Today, the field Christian Education is clear about its tasks of helping form and nurture faith that is then embodied in faithful practices. Research studies on Christian faith practices show how that participating in Christian community under-girds and complements thoughtful living through one’s life.

      With an emphasis on practices and mission, this book offers readers concrete ways to empower vital faith formation in congregations as it describes current trends, which include richer diversity, entrepreneurial spirit, and interfaith dialog. This book will also help prepare students for leadership in the Church universal and in the field of Christian Education.

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    • Handles : An Encouragement And Resource For Bible Teachers


      This resource is more than a “how to” manual. It is an invitation to make a greater difference in human lives. Those who teach the Bible are not being told herein to “be real” but rather are invited into the private convictions and routine disciplines valued by the author, who himself is being altered by the patient handiwork of our Master teacher, Jesus.

      Sometimes a Bible teacher will have great knowledge of the subject matter, even great passion, but simply not know how to effectively transfer it to an audience. Even when it is transferred, it may not be readily retained, or engender a desire in the recipients to use it, and pass it along to others.

      Can this skill be learned?

      Handles provides a practical strategy and plentiful examples of how to develop more effective lessons. It will be considered a learning resource and encouragement for new teachers as well as veterans. Whether you are assuming the responsible role of Bible teacher, leading a discipleship group, homeschooling, or investing quality time in any life-changing ministry as an instructor, Handles will become a desirable field manual.

      Handles presents educated, entertaining and meaningful discussions with advice on how Bible study teachers can reach their students in the trenches of life through effective material and lesson strategy. The author’s own extensive background as a Bible study leader and his lessons for different age groups will demonstrate to readers the effectiveness of the book’s content.

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    • Sunday School That Works


      SKU (ISBN): 9781470704261ISBN10: 1470704269Editor: Christine JonesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2014Publisher: Group Publishing

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    • 13 Most Important Bible Lessons For Kids About Living For Jesus


      13 Most Important Bible Lessons for Kids About Living for Jesus is kid-sized theology that really cements the fundamentals of faith into kids’ hearts and heads. Children’s ministry leaders are looking for an effective way to teach kids the foundational truths of the Christian faith, and this is it!

      This practical and engaging resource will draw children closer to Jesus and help them learn through his followers how to live for him. These 13 Bible-packed lessons equip upper-elementary kids to experience, grasp, and embrace the fundamentals of their faith. Each lesson uses Scripture, conversation, and hands-on activities to teach kids vital truths that include:
      Living in the hope and joy of Jesus
      Showing the glory and truth of Jesus to others
      Living in the world but belonging to Jesus
      Uniting in faith with other followers of Jesus
      Trusting in Jesus for eternity

      Quick overviews and the step-by-step format make teaching these concepts simple. Each lesson includes:
      Scripture foundations
      Lessons at a glance
      Bible explorations
      Relational applications
      Closing prayer

      And you’ll be fully equipped to tackle tough questions and encourage children every step of the way. Let 13 Most Important Bible Lessons for Kids About Living for Jesus be the launch pad to send the children in your ministry into a rewarding and exciting journey of faith!

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    • Transforming Congregations Through Community


      In this helpful book, Boyung Lee offers an encouraging vision of the mainline church’s future. Lee grapples with some of the greatest challenges facing the mainline church, offering compelling responses to recurring questions: What does faithfulness to the gospel look like in this changing world? What is our distinctive voice in the larger society? How does theological education have to change if it is to serve the needs of a new century?

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    • Spiritual Guidance Of Children


      A seminal work by the founder of Godly Play

      * A magisterial survey of a significant movement in religious education

      * A black-and-white photo at the beginning of each chapter brings the key figures to
      life for the reader

      This new book is an important “history-of-traditions” work in which Godly Play founder
      Jerome Berryman re-visions religious education as spiritual guidance and traces the
      history of Montessori religious education through four generations. Berryman then
      highlights the development of the Godly Play approach to spiritual guidance within
      this context and concludes with thoughts about the fifth generation and the future of
      the tradition.

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    • Church Coup : A Cautionary Tale Of Congregational Conflict


      Conflict in churches has reached epidemic levels. With 1,500 pastors leaving ministry every month – many being forced out involuntarily – Jesus’ church is increasingly losing trained, impactful leaders. Such clashes damage pastors, their families, and congregations alike. While many Christian leaders are aware of this issue, most have chosen to maintain silence rather than combat this problem. Church Coup is the firsthand account of a seasoned pastor who experienced a devastating conflict. He exposes why such struggles occur while suggesting biblical, concrete solutions for their resolution. “This book should be read by every pastor and church board member and every lay leader. The story is compelling, and the lessons are critical.” Dave Rolph, senior pastor, Calvary Chapel Pacific Hills, Aliso Viejo, California and teacher on the nationally-syndicated radio program The Balanced Word “With candor and balance, Jim outlines a godly approach to handling the heartbreak of a ministry divided. A must read for anyone who is in the midst of considering letting a pastor go.” Kathi Lipp, author and speaker “Jim has been willing to be transparent about his experience so that others in the work of the church will read this, learn from it, and act differently.” Dale Frimodt, founder and director of Barnabas Ministries, Omaha, Nebraska “I encourage you to read the book carefully and to recommend it to other ministers as well as key church leaders who can make a difference.” Charles H. Chandler, executive director, Ministering to Ministers Foundation, Inc., Richmond, Viriginia A pastor for more than 35 years, Jim is the founder of Restoring Kingdom Builders, a 501(c)(3) organization designed to prevent and resolve church conflict biblically. A graduate of Biola University (B.A.), Talbot School of Theology (M.Div.) and Fuller Seminary (D.Min.), Jim and his wife Kim live in Southern California.

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    • Tough Crowd : My Adventures As A Chastity Educator


      Author Shawna Sparrow has spent the last 16 years teaching teenagers about chastity-saving sex for marriage. In her book, Tough Crowd: My Adventures as a Chastity Educator, she shares her experiences in the classroom as well as her insights into social issues related to sexuality. Covering topics such as the media, technology and comprehensive sex education, Shawna examines how our culture shapes the sexual behavior and morals of our youth. Her countless interactions with students reveal that chastity is indeed possible in our modern world. This book is a must read for parents, educators, youth pastors and anyone with a heart for young people. Find out how chastity education can change the world.

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    • Communicating The Gospel Across Cultures


      Rev. Sam Oppong holds a diploma in Missiology (MOC London) and a Post Graduate Diploma in Missions (The Bible Institute of South Africa). He is a Ghanaian, and worked with Ghana Evangelism Committee for seventeen (17) years (1975 – 1992), and was a member of the team which conducted the first ever national church survey in Ghana. He is currently the Director of Leadership Ministries International (Ghana). He is also involved in other organizations and programs in Ghana and across Africa. One of the programs (Bible Training Centre for Pastors) he has been leading has been used to train over 5,000 Pastors and church leaders between 1994 and 2012. Rev. Sam Oppong has travelled across the globe in his 37 years in the ministry. He is married to Margaret and blessed with five children, Felix, Daniel, Priscilla, Anna and Andrew.

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    • Scent Of Water


      A Scent of Water is a message of hope for the Christian school movement, a movement that is currently lacks vision, struggles with enrollment declines and battles budget limitations. This message derives from scriptural truth and the findings of empirical research and recommends a means for restoring a vision for the ministry. The local Christian school must become the site for transforming the movement into one that focuses upon student learning and a clear delineation of student goals. The authors examine schools as social and cultural systems that must be understood. A Scent of Water describes the type of leadership that must characterize the movement and proposes an active, vibrant and collaborative role for classroom teachers, working with building principals who see themselves as capacity builders, building strength and knowledge within the teaching staff to bring a scent of water that will revitalize and transform the movement.

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    • Will Our Children Have Faith (Expanded)


      Foundational text for Christian formation of children by well-known author, priest and scholar

      Includes a Study Guide, by faith formation specialist Sharon Ely Pearson

      Originally written in 1976, revised in 2000, and translated in six languages, this classic critique of Christian education is newly revised and expanded and includes Westerhoff’s overview and perspective on the state of Christian education over the past forty years – plus his role in that history.

      According to Westerhoff, instead of guiding faith formation within the family, the church, and the school, we relegate religious education to Sunday morning classes. There, children learn the facts about religion, but how will they learn or experience faith? How can we nourish and nurture the faith of children, instead of only teaching the facts?

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    • Child By Child


      A how-to-guide to integrate children and youth with special needs into church programs and activities, including worship.

      Includes how to train volunteers and staff for hands-on work with children and youth who have special needs.

      Provides a theological grounding for the inclusion of people with learning differences and disabilities in the life of a congregation.

      Integrating children and teens with learning differences into church programs is a growing priority for nearly all congregations, large and small, yet many feel ill-equipped to “manage” those with special needs in their classrooms, programs and worship.

      This new guidebook for churches is designed to help integrate children and teens with learning differences – and their families – into the fabric of everyday church life. A useable on-the-ground resource for church leaders with specific suggestions, samples, and processes for adapting curricula, training volunteers, and supporting parents and caregivers, this guide is grounded in theological principles for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the life of a congregation. It begins by focusing on human relationships instead of programs. Expanding the church’s awareness and understanding of inclusion is done with respect and achieved by extending the gospel of welcome to all. An extensive annotated bibliography of support materials is included.

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    • Against The Tide


      Young people are surrounded by media militantly attacking biblical virtue and values. The goal of Christian education is still to “present every man perfect in Christ,” but postmodernism declares that there is no one right way to live. In the midst of this conflict, many Christian school leaders are surrendering, lowering their expectations in order to bring in more students, tolerating an atmosphere which works against the basic purpose for which the schools were founded. Against the Tide calls the Christian education movement back to its mission. The ideas offered in this book are thoroughly practical. The authors have effectively implemented these principles in their Christian schools. More important, these ideas are thoroughly biblical in their understanding of the role of Christian education and, in particular, of the Christian school, in helping parents to develop Christlike character in young people.

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    • Mastering Church Management


      The Mastering Ministry Series covers the various challenges of a ministry encounters and teaches how to deal with them-one subject at a time. Mastering Ministry is a perfect “survival guide” for today’s pastor addressing relevant topics such as worship, preaching, controversies, evangelism, church management, pastoral care, fundraising and personal growth.

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    • Deacons In Todays Black Baptist Church


      What does it mean to be a deacon in today’s black Baptist church?

      Respected author and pastor Rev. Dr. Marvin McMickle explores the scriptural basis and historical context for the deacon ministry in the black Baptist church, and addresses the practical issues related to this ministry today:

      What personal qualities should a candidate for deacon possess?
      What does the ministry of deacons entail?
      What relationship should exist between the pastor and deacons?
      What about training, term of service (if any), and women deacons?
      Models of contemporary deacon ministry, illustrated by case studies, provide a twenty-first century look at this first century ministry.

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    • Diagramming The Scriptures


      In Diagramming the Scriptures. . . the curriculum starts with the simple sentence, adds precept upon precept until the learner is able to master complex sentences. . . As each concept is introduced, the student has plenty of practice, followed by quizzes, and later a cumulative test over the entire text. As an educator, a homeschool parent, and a tutor I see this curriculum as an excellent choice for a homeschool, a Christian school classroom, or for an individual of any age who is interested in studying grammar or God’s Word, word by word.

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    • Our Humanist Heritage


      This fast paced and well documented analysis of the government’s steady march away from God will either thrill or anger you – depending on your worldview. For those of us who acknowledge the Creator of the Universe as our God, Savior, and Lord, this document tends to stir up both the sadness at the exponential slippage from our foundations as a Country, and a challenge to stand strongly and openly against the growing intensity of those who would remove “religion” from America. The “nations rage” sometimes and “imagine a vain thing,” but “he who sits in the heavens shall laugh.”

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    • You Can Double Your Class In Two Years Or Less


      You Can Double Your Class in Two Years or Less is a revolutionary concept based on tried and true principles of church growth. Hunt shows us that Sunday school isn’t dinosaur headed for extinction, but a dynamic tool that can be used to reach many people for Christ. Contents include: Section One THE VISION – A Worthy Goal An Attainable Goal Who Owns This Class Anyway You Can Do It! Section Two THE MEANS —-TIGER Teach a halfway decent lesson each and every week – nothing less will do: Growth Principle #1 Quality is More Important than Quantity The Importance of a Halfway Decent Lesson 10 Marks of Great Teaching Honesty Smart People Listen Good Questions! Why Asking Questions Is the Best Way to Teach Creating Tension in Class. Invite every member and every prospect to every fellowship every month: Growth Principle #2 Principle #1 is Just Barely True Ice Cream and Evangelism The Anatomy of a Party The Most Receptive People in Town Zone Offence The Law of Large Numbers What 623 Phone Calls Taught Me. Give Friday Nights to Jesus: Giving Friday Nights to Jesus Group Life: Get Serious About Having Fun People Love to Turn You Down – Let Them. Encourage the Group to Ministry: Recruit to a Dream, Not to a Job Teamwork Election Day. Reproduce New Groups: What if it Works? Groups of Groups. Section Three GETTING THE JOB DONE: Passion How to Get Things Done Laziness, Ignorance, Failure, and Thievery “Apart from Me you can do Nothing” The Other Side of Success What’s It all About Anyway? It all begins with prayer! Relationships – That is the way to reach people for Chirst and the Church and Josh Hunt tells how to do it. This book breathes excitement and passion. The purpose of doubling a class in not just numbers or to have a bigger Sunday school. Hunt appeals to the NT purpose of evangelism and outreach.

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