3928 Lee St Ayden, NC 28513 | Mon-Fri 9am-5:30pm | 252-746-6128

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    • Come Sing And Celebrate


      Here are two delightful Christmas plays for a special celebration with your parish’s children, youth, and adults.

      The Night Love Was Born by Mary Jane Mulder is a contemporary re-enactment, in word and song, of the first Christmas story, set within the world of imagination — where even a cynical toy soldier can learn the true meaning of Christmas.

      Originally written for participation by up to fifty children, this flexible pageant can be tailored to suit the needs and resources of large or small congregations. Staging can be either simple or elaborate, and the entire performance can be presented in forty minutes.

      Angels We Have Heard on High Street by J. Richard Coyle is a modern version of the Gospel’s account of Christ’s birth, using contemporary characters who present their message in music and mime. Parts are involved for participants of all ages, and congregational involvement is required. Staging and production are flexible, and can accommodate abundant or limited resources. Performance time is also flexible.

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    • Light Shines In The Darkness


      The familiar music and scripture of the Christmas season is interwoven with prayers and responses for the congregation in this well-crafted Christmas Eve candlelight worship resource. Four readers share speaking parts. Suggested music may be sung either by the congregation or by choir or soloists. Holy Communion may be included as a part of the service.

      The message suggested for inclusion with the service is a powerful modern take about a twelve-year-old Salvadoran refugee named Jesus (pronouced Hay-SOOS), who stumbles across the international border into Arizona following a time of terror in his home country. In modern dress, the story focuses on the horror of King Herod’s plan to exterminate his enemies in the days of Jesus’ birth 2,000 years ago.

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    • Isaiahs Surprise


      What might have happened had the Prophet Isaiah been able to transport himself, through time, to the date of Jesus’ birth? Nancy Steltz asked that question. The result is this delightful Christmas pageant. Isaiah, wide-eyed and unsure of how his prophecies are coming to fruition, punctuates the dialog and action. Seven scenes introduce the congregation to all the familiar Christmas characters from the narratives in Saint Luke and Saint Matthew. Parts are included for children from nursery through senior high.

      Scenes include:
      The Annunciation
      Joseph’s Quandary
      The Roman Decree
      Finding a Room
      Jesus’ Birth
      The Shepherds
      The Wise Men

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    • Kneeling In Bethlehem


      In a style that is reverent and faith-filled, Anne Weems reflects on the mystery of the Christmas season. Included in this collection are twenty-six new poems as well as popular selections from her earlier works, especially Reaching for Rainbows and Family Faith Stories. Capturing the spirit of joyful celebration, they can be used in worship services, read aloud at family gatherings, or used by individuals for quiet reflection.

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    • Colors Of Christmas


      Sis colors which appear on chancel hangings suggest six salient themes for preaching in the Advent and Christmas seasons. H. Michael Nehls has drawn on familiar colors for this series of object lessons and sermons. Each object lesson includes the use of a colored ribbon which is given to the child to wear; those who are present for six messages will have the entire “ribbon rainbow” pinned to their clothing the last time.

      The messages to be shared with the congregation include:
      Green, the color of Life
      Purple, the color of Royalty
      Red, the color of Sacrifice
      Blue, the color of Eternity
      White, the color of Purity and Holiness
      Gold, the color of Wealth and Riches

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    • Joy To You And Me


      Joseph, Jesus’ Guardian; the Bethlehem shepherds; and aged Simeon are featured in these three new Christmas worship dramas. Any of the three could provide the message for the service for one of the Sundays in Advent, or for Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or a special worship time near Christmas. With the use of selected prayers and hymns, any of these dramas can provide a complete worship service.

      When Joseph Doubted confronts the congregation with the turmoil with which Jesus’ guardian was faced when God gave him the task to stand by Mary and her infant son. The drama involves a cast of four.

      Off-limits To Shepherds features the first visitors to the manger in a Nativity play for eight participants. The Old Torch Lighter, with three speaking parts, tells the story of Simeon, who waited in the Jerusalem Temple hoping to see the Messiah.

      All three dramas are easily staged with a minimum of props.

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    • 2 Christmas Plays


      The Lost Feeling Of Christmas echoes themes from Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” to the extent that a grumpy senior citizen is forced, through a confrontive dream, to come to terms with what the time of Christ’s nativity is really all about. The messenger who speaks most forcefully to him is, of all things, his cat.

      A Lot Of Christmas Love speaks to a world where poverty and broken families are too painfully in evidence. A family has suffered the disappearance of husband and father. Those who are left to help mother and children cope find their relationships are strained, particularly as the Christmas season comes again. Like God, who comes disguised at Christmastime, this play includes a visit from a stranger in extraordinary dress.

      These two Christmas plays combine traditional biblical content from the Christmas cycle of stories with contemporary life. Each is a full program, taking approximately one hour to produce, and each involves a wide spectrum of participants from the congregation, including one or more choirs or singing groups. Those who purchase this two-play set will have a pair of excellent Christmas dramas from which to choose, both created by a professor of theatre arts at Penn State University at Mount Altos, Pennsylvania.

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    • Christmas In The White House


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664222161ISBN10: 0664222161Albert MenendezBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 1983Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Adult Christ At Christmas


      In this digest of his longer work, The Birth of the Messiah, Father Brown puts the adult Christ back into Christmas, treating the infancy narratives of Matthew and Luke as the entire Gospel story in minature.

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