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    • Missional Church In Perspective (Reprinted)


      In this book, two leading ministry experts place the missional church conversation in historical perspective and offer fresh insights for its further development. They begin by providing a helpful review of the genesis of the missional church and offering an insightful critique of the Gospel and Our Culture Network’s seminal book Missional Church, which set the conversation in motion. They map the diverse paths this discussion has taken over the past decade, identifying four primary branches and ten sub-branches of the conversation and placing over one hundred published titles and websites into this framework. The authors then utilize recent developments in biblical and theological perspectives to strengthen and extend the conversation about missional theology, the church’s interaction with culture and cultures, and church organization and leadership in relation to the formation of believers as disciples. Professors, students, and church leaders will value this comprehensive overview of the missional movement. It includes a foreword by Alan J. Roxburgh.

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    • Movements That Change The World


      When Jesus commissioned his followers, he was not just inaugurating the historical church, he was founding a missionary movement. Drawing from biblical, historical and contemporary case studies, church-planting specialist Steve Addison isolates the essential characteristics of the dynamic missionary movement. The church fulfills its mission today to the extent that it honors these essential elements, modelled perfectly in Jesus missionary enterprise:
      white-hot faith
      commitment to the cause
      contagious relationships
      rapid mobilization
      adaptive methods

      Throughout the ages Jesus’ followers have been called to continue his movement in the power of the Holy Spirit. Like many such movements, it changed the world. Unlike most movements, which have their historical moment and then fade away, Christianity is actively, continually changing the world for the better.

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    • Disrupting Homelessness : Alternative Christian Approaches


      Disrupting Homelessness unmasks the futile assumptions of our present approaches to homelessness and suggests ways in which Christians and Christian communities can create a prophetic social movement to end poverty and homelessness.

      The American dream, as conveyed by the media, includes owning a home. Increasingly, people are homeless or precariously housed because of joblessness, foreclosure, or dislocation. Ecclesial responses to homelessness and housing vary. Some Christian organizations focus on fixing the person and the behaviors that contribute to homelessness. Others promote home ownership for low-income households.

      Employing a disruptive Christian ethics, Laura Stivers criticizes both approaches, outlines an advocacy approach for churches to address the multiple causes of homelessness, and calls us to make a home for all in God’s just and compassionate community.

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    • Ethics Of Evangelism


      This is a brief and accessible examination of the ethics of evangelism in a post-Christian culture. Thiessen discusses the immoral practices and attitudes that are sometimes associated with evangelism and then turns his insightful attention to a better way of approaching the subject. Should we try to bring people to Christ or not? In a multi-cultural world evangelism is often under attack, with those seeking to evangelise sometimes being branded arrogant, ignorant, hypocritical and meddlesome. Against such a backdrop this unique book asks what sort of evangelism is ethical in a liberal, post-Christian society.

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    • Nuts And Bolts Of Church Planting (Reprinted)


      Most books on church planting offer a model for churches to replicate–usually one that is tied to a particular style, generation, or demographic. But what churches really need is a process that is flexible, not bound to a particular time or current fad. In The Nuts and Bolts of Church Planting, trusted author and church-planting expert Aubrey Malphurs shares the basic steps any church planter will need, regardless of his or her generation now or in the future. These steps include:
      establishing values, mission, vision, and strategy
      reaching the community
      making disciples
      recruiting a team
      determining location and facilities
      raising money for the ministry

      With instant practical takeaway based on proven techniques, this book will be invaluable to any church planter.

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    • Evangelism And Missions


      * A handy evaluation of workable evangelism strategies * Clear steps to achieving fruitfulness * How to attain the biblical wisdom of winning souls * A invaluable guide on how to plant churches in virgin, unreached areas * Clear instructions applying the keys of persistence and shamelessness in God’s work * Hints on how to break out of comfort zones in order to reach the lost * A timely discourse of the Kingdom of God * An authoritative presentation of the urgent call to evangelize the world One night while studying in a remove town of Ghana, God miraculously anointed Dag Heward-Mills as he waited upon the Lord. He supernaturally heard the words, “From now on you can teach…” This supernatural call is what has ushered him into a worldwide ministry. Today, his Healing Jesus Crusades are conducted throughout the world with thousands in attendance and many accompanying miracles. These phenomenal miracles, attested to by medical doctors have included the opening of the eyes of the blind, the restoring of hearing to the deaf, the emptying of wheel chairs and even the raising of the dead. Dag Heward-Mills, an author of several bestselling books also founded the Lighthouse Chapel International has become a worldwide denomination. His radio, TV and internet programs reach millions around the world. Other outreaches include pastors and ministers conferences and the renowned Anagkazo Bible and Ministry Training Center. Dag Heward-Mills lives in Accra, Ghana with his wife Adelaide and their four children: David, Joshua, Daniella and Paula.

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    • Explaining The Trinity To Muslims


      A Personal Reflection on the Biblical Teaching in Light of the Theological Criteria of Islam

      This book is a culturally relevant presentation of the truth of the Trinity to the Muslim mindset. Originally it was issued through a Turkish secular publishing house and had a countrywide repercussion, even in Islamic circles. It is a useful presentation for both Muslim and Christian readers, providing fundamental keys for understanding and explaining the Trinity.

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    • Reaching Muslims : A One Stop Guide For Christians


      A short, stimulating introduction for Christians to Islam and to the main themes of Muslim culture.

      A fascinating introduction covering demography, theology, culture, politics, justice, and other aspects of Islamic identity. It is well illustrated with stories and examples. Nick considers what reasons a Muslim might have for thinking that Jesus is good news. What does the Qur’an say about Jesus? Why do we know that God loves Muslims? He then suggests thirteen ‘No Regret Moves’ to help build open-hearted friendships and to equip Christians to connect with Muslims, including: Pray in faith for open hearts; Foster curiosity; Show love in action; Invite others into The Story and your story. He deals with three theological hot potatoes – should Christians call God ‘Allah’; should a convert from Islam be baptised; and should Christians eat halal meat? Detailed appendices provide sample talks for Muslim audiences, and offer seven specific ways to foster contact with the Muslim community.

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    • If I Get Left Behind


      Think you have all the time in the world? How much time is that? What if tomorrow wasn’t guaranteed? Would you accept Christ today? What if you woke up one morning and discovered Christians everywhere had vanished and you’d been left behind? What do you do next? Is it too late to accept Christ as Lord and Savior? Could you survive what was to come? With Christ, you can survive in post rapture times. It’s not too late to receive salvation today.

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    • Jesus : Your Very Best Friend


      Would you enjoy the high privilege of leading your own child (or grandchild) to accept Christ as Lord and Savior? Do you feel ill-equipped to do such an important task?

      You can now erase all those fears and thoughts of not having enough Bible knowledge! Jesus Your Very Best Friend is an easy-to-use guide that will help any interested adult lead a young person toward the all-important decision to become a Christian. It is a study book and discussion guide all in one!

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    • Graceful Evangelism : Christian Witness In A Complex World


      Introduction: What This Book Is About
      Part 1: Where Did We Come From?
      1. What Is Evangelism? Perspectives And Problems
      2. What Does The Bible Say? Biblical Models Of Evangelism
      3. Patterns Of Evangelism Through The Ages
      4. The Western Missionary Movement In The 19th Century: An American Perspective
      Part 2: Where Are We Now?
      5. The Situation For Evangelism In The 21st Century: Two Sides Of A Coin
      6. Today’s Mission Trends
      7. Contemporary Theologies Of Evangelism
      Part 3: Where Are We Going?
      8. Abundant Life
      9. A Mission Statement For Evangelism
      10. Changing Context: Transforming Mission
      Part 4: Can We Craft A Graceful Evangelism?
      11. Insights From Contemporary Theologies Of Evangelism
      12. Challenges To Crafting A Graceful Evangelism
      13. Changes: New Movements And Institutional Re-visionings
      14. Seeding Through Their Eyes: A Spiral Of Knowledge Acquisition
      15. Radical Habits: Practices For Evangelism Today
      Appendix: Constructing A Congregational Timeline

      Additional Info
      The word evangelism evokes strong reactions among Christians. Conflict about what it is, whether to do it, how to go about it, and the desired results divides churches, demonstrating the need for new theologies and methods that address today’s religiously pluralistic and secular contexts. This book offers a comprehensive treatment of evangelism, from biblical models to contemporary practice. Frances Adeney shows that understanding different contexts and approaches to evangelism and accepting the views of others on this crucial topic can help replace the “evangelism wars” (social action vs. proclamation) with a more graceful approach to sharing God’s good news with the world.

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    • Life Is Short Compared To Eternity


      Who was (and is) Jesus Christ? What is the gospel of Jesus Christ? Is the Bible trustworthy? How can the gospel of Jesus Christ benefit you? (Apologetics) What are the central teachings of Islam, atheism, and secular socialism and why do these fail to measure up to Biblical Christianity? (Polemics) What are the major yet-to-be-fulfilled biblical prophecies and how will these affect you? (Prophecy) The Bible says that God created you in His image, that God loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you! How can you know God and have a personal relationship with Him? How can you grow and mature spiritually? (Spiritual Growth) How can you share your faith with others? (Witnessing and Evangelism) How can you help other believers grow and mature spiritually? (Discipling) Come along with me and consider the answers to these and other questions that have eternal significance to you. This will be an exciting journey as you discover God’s plan for an abundant life for you, now and forever, … if you place your faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ!

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    • Life Is Short Compared To Eternity


      Who was (and is) Jesus Christ? What is the gospel of Jesus Christ? Is the Bible trustworthy? How can the gospel of Jesus Christ benefit you? (Apologetics) What are the central teachings of Islam, atheism, and secular socialism and why do these fail to measure up to Biblical Christianity? (Polemics) What are the major yet-to-be-fulfilled biblical prophecies and how will these affect you? (Prophecy) The Bible says that God created you in His image, that God loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you! How can you know God and have a personal relationship with Him? How can you grow and mature spiritually? (Spiritual Growth) How can you share your faith with others? (Witnessing and Evangelism) How can you help other believers grow and mature spiritually? (Discipling) Come along with me and consider the answers to these and other questions that have eternal significance to you. This will be an exciting journey as you discover God’s plan for an abundant life for you, now and forever, … if you place your faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ!

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    • Equipping Laypeople For Transformational Workplace Ministry


      Equipping Laypeople Many Christians fail to see their places of work as their most logical mission field, missing opportunities for both workplace ministry and evangelism. Those who do see their places of work as a mission field are making a tremendous difference where they work. Given the amount of hours typically spent working, the personal trials and dysfunctions many carry with them to work, as well as the poor working conditions of many American workers, there is a tremendous need for Christians to transform their places of work. Even though many pastors tell their church members to go out and reach people, they are not providing them with the necessary training to reach those in the workplace. There is a great need for laypeople to be built up, to be creative, and to live out their faith at work. Pastors have been given the ultimate privilege of equipping God’s people for service. Churches must be intentional about providing laypersons with the theological tools and practical information necessary to understand and effectively exercise workplace ministry. We must begin by accepting that all God’s people are placed in workplace ministry, and seek to know God’s original plan for work, as well as how to integrate work and faith. In EQUIPPING LAYPEOPLE FOR TRANSFORMATIONAL WORKPLACE MINISTRY, Caroloretta Tucker offers her Doctorate’s thesis research results to pastors and churches as a firm foundation for this effort.

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    • Letters To A Young Calvinist (Reprinted)


      Who would have guessed that something as austere as Calvinism would become a hot topic in today’s postmodern culture? At the 500th anniversary of John Calvin’s birth, new generations have discovered and embraced a “New Calvinism,” finding in the Reformed tradition a rich theological vision. In fact, Time cited New Calvinism as one of “10 Ideas Changing the World Right Now.” This book provides pastoral and theological counsel, inviting converts to this tradition to find in Calvin a vision that’s even bigger than the New Calvinism might suggest. Offering wisdom at the intersection of theology and culture, noted Reformed philosopher James K. A. Smith also provides pastoral caution about pride and maturity. The creative letter format invites young Calvinists into a faithful conversation that reaches back to Paul and Augustine, through Calvin and Edwards, extending to Kuyper and Wolterstorff. Together they sketch a comprehensive vision of Calvinism that is generous, winsome, and imaginative.

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    • Is Hearing Enough


      Is Hearing Enough? makes the case for including literacy in evangelism and discipleship efforts in developing nations like India. Drawing on over 20 years of cross-cultural ministry experience, Don Edwards offers an insightful look at literacy’s key role in building a strong, healthy body of believers. Edwards looks at the crippling effects of illiteracy, examines Scripture’s view of literacy, and explains literacy’s value as a door-opener in communities that are resistant to traditional evangelism.

      The Great Commission commands us to “go and make disciples of all nations.” Likewise, we are called to fulfill the Great Compassion: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Both are expressions of Jesus’ love for people. Readers will be challenged to share the gift of literacy as a tangible act of obedience to Jesus’ two “Great” commandments.

      Don Edwards first visited India in 1984. The very first morning of that trip on October 31, the Prime Minister of India, Indira Gandhi, was assassinated. From that moment, God planted the nation of India in Edwards’ heart. This led to his involvement in church planting efforts with indigenous missions and churches for the last 14 years. Edwards has a Doctor of Ministry degree in Missions and Cross-Cultural Studies from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a Masters of Religious Education degree from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary.

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    • Mastering Outreach And Evangelism


      The Mastering Ministry Series covers the various challenges of a ministry encounters and teaches how to deal with them-one subject at a time. Mastering Ministry is a perfect “survival guide” for today’s pastor addressing relevant topics such as worship, preaching, controversies, evangelism, church management, pastoral care, fundraising and personal growth.

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    • Arise And Shine


      “Arise and Shine” is a series of teachings geared toward the Church and the preparation of the Bride for the days ahead and the coming of her Bridegroom, “Jesus”. Each section is intended to awaken, ready, and position each believer to, “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus”.

      We have so few days ahead of us. I pray we would awaken to the urgent days we’re in, redeem the time, serve God to our fullest, and bring glory and honor to our King.

      “Arise and shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.”
      Isaiah 60:1

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    • Talkin About Christ


      This text provides a unique approach to evangelism in its design to integrate the disciplines of engineering, theology, and human behavior to examine a person’s progress toward Christ and build an action plan for closing the gap. The first 10 chapters apply well-known Christian materials to measure a prospect’s current beliefs as a launching pad for helping them move toward Christ. The second 10 chapters interpret prospect responses and apply them to tracking progress over the next days, weeks, or years.

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    • God Who Is There Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      It can no longer be assumed that most people–or even most Christians–have a basic understanding of the Bible. Many don’t know the difference between the Old and New Testament, and even the more well-known biblical figures are often misunderstood. It is getting harder to talk about Jesus accurately and compellingly because listeners have no proper context with which to understand God’s story of redemption.

      In this basic introduction to faith, D. A. Carson takes seekers, new Christians, and small groups through the big story of Scripture. He helps readers to know what they believe and why they believe it. The companion leader’s guide helps evangelistic study groups, small groups, and Sunday school classes make the best use of this book in group settings.

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    • God Who Is There (Reprinted)


      It can no longer be assumed that most people–or even most Christians–have a basic understanding of the Bible. Many don’t know the difference between the Old and New Testament, and even the more well-known biblical figures are often misunderstood. It is getting harder to talk about Jesus accurately and compellingly because listeners have no proper context with which to understand God’s story of redemption.

      In this basic introduction to faith, D. A. Carson takes seekers, new Christians, and small groups through the big story of Scripture. He helps readers to know what they believe and why they believe it. The companion leader’s guide helps evangelistic study groups, small groups, and Sunday school classes make the best use of this book in group settings.

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    • Winning Your World


      In this book you’ll discover:

      *What three revelations can light an evangelistic fire in even the most timid of hearts
      *How to find people who want to hear about Jesus (and what to do with them once you find them
      *How to develop a personal style of evangelism custom tailored to your own personality temperament and giftings
      Move into all God has for you by becoming the bold soul winner you know He’s created you to be!

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    • Dont Scare The Lost Sheep Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      This is the 10-week interactive study guide for the book, Don’t Scare the Lost Sheep.

      This companion guide will lead you through 5 personal daily activities for each of the 10 weeks. While the study can be effective for an individual, it is even more powerful when integrated with a group. Therefore, key questions for group sessions are included at the end of the guide for each of the 10 weeks in order to assist a facilitator.

      This study guide, together with the book, Don’t Scare the Lost Sheep, will help you to see “witnessing” through an entirely new lens and will:

      * lead you through the process of understanding human behaviors using basic concepts and helpful ideas related to witnessing
      * help you to prepare yourself and develop a toolkit that you can easily use when the time comes to witness
      * assist you in identifying potential “witnessees”
      * guide you to set the stage for your efforts
      * teach you to apply specific techniques that have a high probability of success-with a very comfortable approach

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    • E S C A P E


      SKU (ISBN): 9781615797752ISBN10: 1615797750Sarah PowellBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 2010Publisher: Xulon Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Ministry In The Marketplace


      Become a minister in the marketplace!

      Ministry in the Marketplace: Joining Your Personal Faith and Professional Life shows how to bridge the divide between calling and career. If you ever wondered whether or not God could work wonders in your workplace, then this is the book for you. Quit leaving the ministry to professional ministers and start reaching people in your sphere of influence!

      We were made to represent God and touch people’s lives and when we don’t do what we were created to do we are left feeling empty and dissatisfied. Yet this book is more than just about purpose, but also a practical discussion about how to really walk with God as a minister in the marketplace.

      Those that are not called to the full-time ministry still have a real calling to reach out to others on God’s behalf because we were created to touch the world with the love of God. That does not mean we have to be in a pulpit ministry, but that our daily lives are our pulpit, and the people around us our congregation.

      Inside this revolutionary book, author Michael Kocurek reveals:

      * It is God’s will for us to minister to people around us even while we are on the job.
      * A godly definition of success doesn’t exalt work at the expense of God’s purposes.
      * We have placed too much of the work of ministry on the pastor of the local church.

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    • Redeeming The Wounded


      In this book Redeeming the Wounded you will hear from a chaplain who ministered to prisoners and to crime victims who have experienced the homicide of a loved one. Crime hurts us all and this book reveals there are spiritual and practical ways to enable the process of healing the wounds and repairing the harm.

      Rev. Dr. B. Bruce Cook has been the inspiration behind substantive victim’s rights legislation in Georgia for the last twenty- five years.

      He enlightens the world with his vision of a restored segment of American society – that of victims of crime. He exposes the gap between criminal justice and victim justice.

      This book will be an invaluable resource for support groups, victim advocates and organizations that provide training for those entering the field of victim services.

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    • Marks Of The Messenger


      Short-term missions expert J. Mack Stiles believes we can’t separate who we are and how we live from what we say as we interact with people about the good news of Jesus. We need to live out the reconciling forgiveness of God as opposed to loving in the world’s way. And when we leave things out of the gospel, not only is the message distorted but so are we as messengers. In this book Stiles shows us an integrated approach tof knowing the gospel, living the gospel and speaking the gospel makes us whole, healthy evangelists.

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    • TransforMission


      Remarkably, thirty percent of North American teenagers-millions of people between the ages of 13 and 17-have engaged in religious missions or service projects. Building on this statistic, the authors of TransforMission believe that short-term mission is one way God is taking the gospel to the nations and, concurrently, transforming the lives of these student participants.

      Writing to youth ministers, missiologists, church leaders, adult volunteers, and post-high school students, they assess strategies for further promoting this kind of involvement by exploring several questions:

      * What mechanisms is God employing to achieve this advance in mission?
      * What is taking place in the lives of believers who are obediently participating in the fulfillment of the Great Commision?
      * What are the theological and theoretical foundations for the life transformation that is occurring?
      * What is the most effective means of conducting short-term mission experiences?

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    • 1 Minute After You Die


      Once a person faces death, there will only be two choices of where they will spend eternity. They will either enjoy being in God’s presence or be separated from him.

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    • So You Think God Called You To Minister In Convalescent Homes


      “Dr. Robin Grant of “In His Love International Ministry” has done the body of Christ a wonderful service in producing this guide to ministering to the elderly. Her passion clearly reflects the heart of Jesus in reaching out to a mostly forgotten but a most important segment of our society. Whether it is to start a ministry team, be a part of a ministry team or simply minister to the elderly, you’ll find simple practical truths to help you. Robin has ministered to the elderly all over the world and her burden to bring them to Jesus is powerfully expressed in this guide. If you are ready to take that step of faith into a rich harvest field and experience, you’ll be blessed, better equipped, and refreshed by someone who has gone before you and desires to share that with you.”

      Pastor Bruce Callahan
      The Door Christian Fellowship
      Torrance, California

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    • Uncommon Decency : Christian Civility In An Uncivil World (Expanded)


      In these wild and diverse times, prolifers square off against pro-choicers, gay liberationist confront champions of the traditional family, husbands and wives face each other in court, artist attack legislators, and “politically correct” intellectuals abhor crusading fundamentalists. Philosopher and ethicist Mouw is concerned that, too often, Christians seem to be contributing more to the problem than to the solution. But he recognizes – from his own personal struggle – that it’s not easy to hold to Christian convictions and treat sometimes vindictive opponents with civility and decency.

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    • Proclaiming The Great Ends Of The Church


      Prominent Presbyterian pastors and leaders address each of the Great Ends of the Church in sermons that both challenge and uplift readers.
      For decades the Great Ends of the Church, a historic listing of ways Presbyterians have understood the role of the church, has helped to establish church directions in mission and ministry. The Great Ends of the Church are (1) the proclamation of the gospel for the salvation of humankind; (2) the shelter, nurture, and spiritual fellowship of the children of God; (3) the maintenance of divine worship; (4) the preservation of the truth; (5) the promotion of social righteousness; and (6) the exhibition of the Kingdom of Heaven to the world.

      These sermons focus the church’s understandings of its purpose and inspire us to dedicate ourselves to the church’s work in the world. This is a book that every Presbyterian should know and is ideal for study by church groups and sessions.

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    • Field Guide To U S Congregations (Expanded)


      In 2001 the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) conducted the U.S. Congregational Life Survey. More than 1.2 million worshipers and 12,000 congregations across three continents were surveyed to provide a portrait of congregational life. The findings were published in the first edition of A Field Guide to U.S. Congregations.
      With the completion of the 2008 survey comes an expanded edition of this invaluable reference with new findings; updated statistics, tables, and cartoons; a new chapter describing changes in congregational life; and chapter summaries focusing on the implications of the 2008 survey.

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    • Candy For All Seasons


      When I was just a little girl, I began to hear about Jesus. I learned wonderful songs of how he walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way. And how to Trust and Obey for there is no other way. And a little light that was ‘mine’ I was supposed to let it shine. As I began to grow up I had many questions in my heart. I loved Jesus there was no question of that. But I never really understood how He could walk with me and talk with me, or what it meant to truly trust and obey. And I was not sure at all about having a light that would shine. God used candy to help teach me the answers to many of these questions. He became real to me through the years of seeking Him, in how to share Him with others, so they could truly know Him and experience Him, without pretence. I invite you into the world of A Candy Ministry where candy becomes the focal point. (Candy is a non-threatening (focal point/subject) to begin sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with others). Where candy is coded not coated so it melts in your heart not your hands. You will experience messages that will speak to the nature of the heart of the child inside of you, no matter your age. This touch, taste, and feel ministry is brought to you with the hope that you will have a better understanding of God and His love for you. I pray as you read this book that you will experience “life changes”. We experience trials of many kinds and need support and encouragement as we go through them. Candy messages offer a new way to look at things based on God’s word.

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    • Beyond Maintenance To Mission (Revised)


      Here, in a newly revised edition, is a powerful and pertinent guide for congregations wanting to move away from “maintenance thinking” to powerful, creative engagement with the world.

      Visionary yet practical, Nessan’s influential book makes a persuasive case for the centrality of mission in the life of the church. Nessan’s model of mission-driven leadership is strongly centered on the community of faith’s worship and draws unique connections between the worship life of a congregation and every aspect of the church’s ministry. Around the twin foci of congregational identity and mission, the chapters in this dynamic book provide solid theological and radical direction on the themes of worship, education, fellowship, stewardship, evangelism, global connections, and social ministry.

      Equally pertinent to seminary classroom and parish life, the new edition highlights worship’s centrality, adds a new chapter on prayer and spiritual practices in this framework, significantly revises the treatments of fellowship and evangelism, and adds a full set of materials designed for congregational visioning and planning.

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    • Telling Gods Stories With Power


      This is a complete and practical introduction to storying, especially for people who want to learn about using biblical storytelling in cross-cultural contexts and who want to train others to become storytellers. It includes many fascinating accounts of the responses of tribal people to the first proclamation of the gospel through storytelling.

      The result of years of research and field testing, Telling God’s Stories with Power is a product of the author’s own journey as he confronted the challenges of teaching the Bible in parts of the world where people are unaccustomed to a Western style of learning. Full of innovative and groundbreaking insights, this study is packed with ideas, explanations, and constructive suggestions stated in clear and simple language.

      Throughout the book there are extensive examples from the storytellers’ own experiences. Tracing the movement of the biblical stories across multiple generations of tellers and listeners, storytelling is found to be superior for knowledge transfer and for bypassing resistance to the gospel in oral contexts, thus presenting clear evidence of the effectiveness of biblical narrative among oral learners.

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    • Kingdom Without Borders


      The twenty-first century has opened with a rapidly changing map of Christianity. While its influence is waning in some of its traditional Western strongholds, it is growing at a phenomenal pace in the global South. Miriam Adeney has lived, traveled and ministered widely. In this book she pulls back the veil on real Christians around the world–their faith, their hardships, their triumphs and, yes, their failures–and shares the inspiring and challenging story of a kingdom that knows no borders.

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    • Catch A New Life (Workbook)


      A grand-scope view of implementing effective evangelism strategies. For pastors and church leaders who are looking to reach people with the love of Jesus Christ.

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    • Go To Jail


      Go to Jail! is a call for Christians worldwide to take the mission of Christ outside the walls of the church.

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    • Principles Of War


      In the study of warfare, great men have concluded that there are some overriding principles which, if followed, will always tend toward success in battle, and if neglected or ignored, will tend toward defeat or even destruction. These principles have been entitled the “principles of war.” But not all warfare is waged on a battlefield: every Christian is called to be a soldier. Our fight is against Satan, our objective is the acknowledgment and fulfillment of God’s commands, and our ammunition is the power of the Holy Spirit. In Principles of War Jim Wilson outlines the time-tried, fundamental principles of war and explains how we can employ them in our daily spiritual battles as we fight a war which our commander in chief has already won for us.

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    • Gospel In Human Contexts


      While the gospel is timeless truth, it enters into ever-changing and widely varied human contexts. The missionary who desires to meaningfully communicate the gospel to particular humans needs to understand people and the particular influences–social, cultural, psychological, and ecological–that shape them. Further, we must understand ourselves and the influences that have shaped us, since our own contexts influence how we understand and transmit the gospel message. Therefore, we must master not only the skill of biblical exegesis but also the skill of human exegesis. That task is the topic of this book, the summation of a lifetime of experience and thinking by a world-renowned missiologist and anthropologist, the late Paul Hiebert.

      As he develops what he terms a “missional theology,” Hiebert discusses differing views of contextualization, social identity and how we view “others,” developments in anthropological thinking through the years, and the impact of postmodernism and globalization. Seeking to equip the reader for the task of human exegesis, he introduces a systems approach to the task of understanding cultural contexts, discusses practical and helpful research methods, and proposes the paradigm of mission as cultural mediation. Here is valuable insight for students preparing for the mission field.

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    • Next Evangelicalism : Freeing The Church From Western Cultural Captivity


      Table Of Contents
      Part I: The Western, White Cultural Captivity Of The Church
      1: Individualism: The Heartbeat Of Western, White Cultural Captivity
      2: Consumerism And Materialism: The Soul Of Western, White Cultural Captivity
      3: Racism: The Residue Of Western, White Cultural Captivity

      Part II: The Pervasiveness Of The White Captivity Of The Church
      4: The Church Growth Movement And Megachurches
      5: The Emergent Church?s Captivity To Western, White Culture
      6: The Cultural Imperialism Of The White Captivity Of The Church

      Part III: Freedom From The White Captivity Of The Church
      7: Suffering And Celebration: Learning From The African American And Native American Communities
      8: Holistic Evangelism: Learning From The Immigrant Church
      9: A Multicultural Worldview: Learning From The Second Generation


      Additional Info
      Soong-Chan Rah calls the North American church to escape its Western cultural captivity and to embody a next evangelicalism that is diverse and multiethnic. This prophetic minority report casts a vision for a dynamic evangelicalism that fully embodies the cultural realities of the twenty-first century.

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    • Power Evangelism (Reprinted)


      The message of Power Evangelism has been embraced around the world, and the book that started it all has become a classic, with more than one million sold. In 2006, Christianity Today named it one of the fifty most significant Christian books published in the past fifty years. This revised and updated edition describes the releasing of God’s power through signs and wonders to refresh, renew, heal, and equip His people. Drawing from the teaching of the New Testament and with illustrations from his own experience, Vineyard leader John Wimber persuades the reader to “yield control of our lives to the Holy Spirit.” Though Wimber died in 1997, his teaching continues to spread throughout the Vineyard movement, through the broader renewal movement, and to Christians across the globe, even those who do not consider themselves charismatic. Coauthor Kevin Springer–also a Vineyard pastor–has found that since its first publication, the influence of Power Evangelism has been explosive. This edition includes a chapter-by-chapter study guide and reflects changes Springer and other power evangelism practitioners have made in presentation–not in content–for readers in the new millennium.

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    • Christianity Encountering World Religions


      Given the unique religious climate of the twenty-first century and the challenges to Christian mission it poses, Christianity Encountering World Religions proposes a new, albeit very biblical, model for mission. Specifically, it is a model for interacting with people of other faiths. The authors term this model giftive mission, as it is based on the metaphor of free gift. They suggest that seeing mission activity through the lens of giving the greatest gift possible–the gospel message–not only has the potential for greater missionary success but also enables us to more closely imitate God’s gracious activity in the world.

      The book begins by addressing preliminary matters: the current state of religion, the biblical material, and the presuppositions readers bring to the subject. Part 2 explores eleven practices that constitute giftive mission. Each practice is illustrated through the story of a figure from mission history who embodied that practice. Part 3 addresses method: how to apply the eleven practices in specific cultural and religious settings. The concluding section of the book ties all the prior discussion together and presents a compelling case and vision for giftive mission. Mission scholars, students, and practitioners will benefit greatly from this probing study.

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    • Unexpected Adventure : Taking Everyday Risks To Talk With People About Jesu


      Are you missing one of the most exhilarating and rewarding dimensions of the Christian life? Bestselling authors Lee Strobel and Mark Mittelberg use compelling and humorous stories from their own lives in a devotional-style book that paints an irresistible picture of what personal evangelism can be-the fulfilling adventure of a lifetime!

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    • Reaching People And Touching Lives Around The World


      During these times of worldwide turmoil, Christians who have a desire to serve as global witnesses for Christ can boldly step forward, knowing that God’s mandate to all believers is growing closer to fulfillment. God has given His Church everything needed to do as He commanded. Now is the time to go, because there is a window of opportunity. This book will provide enlightenment in the areas where change must take place so that the body of Christ can make a united global effort to take on the challenges of this world.

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    • Communicating Christ In Asian Cities


      Communicating Christ in Asian Cities: Urban Issues in Buddhist Contexts is the sixth volume in a series produced from the annual SEANET Missiological Forum held in Chiang Mai, Thailand. It developed from a keen awareness that certain urban concerns for evangelistic mission must be addressed in a unique way when viewed within the myriad and complex cultures found within Asian Buddhism. All authors included here write from many years of experience as Evangelical mission theologians, scholars, pastors and practitioners working within Asian urban Buddhist contexts. This book is divided into three sections with the first focused on foundational issues of ministry within the framework of Asian Buddhist cities. The second section includes four chapters addressing several contextual issues specific to peoples within Asian Buddhist cities. The final section includes three chapters on the topic of strategic means of evangelization found useful in specific Asian urban Buddhist contexts.

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    • Perspectives On The World Christian Movement A Reader 4th Edition


      New 2009 Edition! Perspectives on the World Christian Movement presents a multi-faceted collection of readings exploring the biblical, historical, cultural, and strategic dimensions of world evangelization. Writings from more than 150 mission scholars and practitioners (over 60 of them new in this edition) portray the history and anticipate the potential of the global Christian movement. Every one of the 170 articles are side bars offers practical wisdom enabling Christians to labor together in bold, biblical hope to finish the task of seeing that Christ is named and followed among all hte peoples of the earth. The Fourth Edition contains over 60 articles and sidebars that are new to this edition. Many articles have been updated and revised.

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    • Big Picture Of The Bible


      In this short book, the author summarizes the central theme of the Bible in a simple, yet comprehensive approach. Evangelists across the world have used this presentation to convert countless souls to the discipleship of Jesus Christ.

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    • Where Will The People You Meet Spend Eternity


      In these critical times, it is imperative that Christians take to heart this mandate from God and are actively witnessing and winning souls to Christ. Opportunities are everywhere in today’s marketplace. The daily world of each believer is full of people that need Christ – family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, fellow students, store clerks, waitresses…everybody, everywhere! Many confess, “I am too shy…I freeze up…I don’t know what to say to people…” Inwardly, they want to share their wonderful Lord with others, but just don’t know where to start. Don’t be intimidated any longer – Learn painless, fearless principles that make it easy for you to share your faith. Where Will the People You Meet Spend Eternity? is no ordinary book. It is filled with personal testimonies, and simple, enjoyable examples for reaching the lost for Christ. This incredible book includes prayers of impartation for the “soul-winning spirit” and specific Scriptures you can share.

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