Showing 301–350 of 365 resultsSorted by latest
Evangelistic Love Of God And Neighbor
$25.99There are, it seems as many definitions of the term evangelism as there are people doing the defining. For some, it means proclaiming the gospel to those who have not heard it. To others, it means making disciples of Jesus Christ. To others it means working for the transformation of the world into the kingdom of God. For still others, it has principally to do with building vibrant, healthy congregations. Underlying this confusion is a fundamental inability to locate the practice of evangelism within one’s overall theological convictions. We will never understand the part that proclamation, disciple making, kingdom building, and church growth play in evangelism until we first ask a more important question: What does evangelism have to do with who God is? What is it we know about God that makes evangelism a central part of what it means to be Christian? In this comprehensive theology of evangelism, Scott J. Jones proposes to ground the practice of evangelism in an understanding of God’s love for the world, specifically as seen in the incarnation of God in Christ. Because in Jesus God took on all of what it means to be human, evangelism must be a ministry to the whole person. The typical distinctions between soul-winning, social action, and church growth evaporate; individual conversion and acts of mercy are part of the same ministry of bringing persons more fully into the reign of a loving God.
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Muslim Evangelism : Contemporary Approaches To Contextualization
$35.99InterVarsity Press Publication
Too long the church has been programmed to accept the inevitabilities of meager results in the efforts toward Muslim evangelization. The reasons for this failure in mission must now be probed and resolved as the world today is coming alive to the presence of the Muslim religious community.
Phil Parshall asks the missions world to forsake former presuppositions and to become conscious of God speaking in a new and fresh manner-not in regard to His changeless Word-but in areas of extra-biblical methodology.
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Physicians Of Souls
$17.48Even where the free offer of the Gospel is treasured in principle, regular evangelistic preaching has become a rarity, contends the author. These pages tackle the inhibitions, theological and practical, and provide powerful encouragement for physicians of souls to preach the Gospel. A vital anatomy or order of conversion is supplied with advice for counselling seekers.
The author shows how passages for evangelistic persuasion may be selected and prepared. He also challenges modern church growth techniques, showing the superiority of direct proclamation. These and other key topics make up a complete guide to soulwinning.
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Overhearing The Gospel (Revised)
$21.99Part I: The Illusion
1. Concerning Method
2. Concerning The Listener
3. Concerning The Teller
4. Concerning The StoryPart II: An Attack Upon The Illusions
5. By Way Of Kierkegaard
6. To A Proposal: The Experience Of The Listener
7. To A Proposal: The Method Of The TellerPart III: Sermons
8. “Don’t Be Afraid” (Matthew 28:1-10)
9. “The Bottom Line” (Matthew 7:21-29)
10. “Old Story, New Ending” (Luke 16:19-31)Additional Info
“This is a classic in the literature of narrative preaching. It is also vintage Fred Craddock. The reader enjoys the telling of the tales and the flow of the prose so immensely that one hardly notices that the homiletical universe is being rearranges in the process.”Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Strange New Word Of The Gospel
$24.50In today’s postmodern culture many people are turning to religion, but they are not necessarily finding their way back to the church. Most believers in America and other Western countries are “post-Christian.” Though baptized and brought up in a church, they no longer believe and practice the Christian faith. In such a time, the great challenge facing the church is re-evangelization. This volume provides serious theological reflection on Christian mission within postmodern, post-Christian culture. Written by respected scholars representing the Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox traditions, these chapters point out elements of the gospel that will help the church speak effectively to contemporary society, particularly in the United States.
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How To Be The Happy Wife Of An Unsaved Husband
$17.00From personal experience, Linda Davis explains the most effective types of prayers and shares many testimonies of husbands won to the Lord. She includes the key to understanding an unsaved husband’s rejection and hostility. Here is the scriptural way to bring your husband to Jesus.
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Great Omission : A Biblical Basis For World Evangelism
$18.99In The Great Omission, respected missions thinker Robertson McQuilkin answers the question, “How is it-with so many unreached peoples, there are so few Christians going?” He investigates the reasons so few attempt to carry the message of Christ to the multitudes who have never heard of him. Not only is McQuilkin well-versed on trends and strategies in world missions, he also knows how to present the challenge of world evangelism in an unforgettable way.
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$23.00When Jesus returned to heaven, He left us with a mission–continue His work of bringing lost souls home to the Father. Charles Spurgeon accepted this mission and personally escorted thousands of people in the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. In this book, Spurgeon crystallizes the wisdom and experience of a lifetime as a soulwinner.
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Discovering Hope : Building Vitality In Rural Congregations
$29.98God’s Spirit is breathing new vitality into rural congregations! Hear what 26 effective rural congregations have to say about God’s activity in and through them. In these stories, you can explore the best practices for vital ministry and identify action steps for your own setting.
Use Discovering Hope: Building Vitality in Rural Congregations on your own, in a group, or at learning events involving many congregations. For a “virtual visit” of the three congregations highlighted in chapter 1, see the companion video, Stories of Hope in Rural Congregations .
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How To Pray For Lost Loved Ones (Reprinted)
$14.11Bestselling author Dutch Sheets takes a fresh look at a very specific kind of prayer that concerns nearly every Christian. How to pray for the salvation of our friends and families. Sheets begins by examining several strategic biblical principles for effectively interceding for the unsaved. He also looks at the various schemes used by Satan to prevent our loved ones from recognizing the truth of the Word of God. He shows how the enemy’s schemes can be defeated and how we, as believers, can open windows of opportunity for the lost to be able to truly hear and receive the good news of Jesus Christ.
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When The Saints Go Marching Out
$29.00This book challenges churches to see all their members as potential missionaries, and so to return full circle to the New Testament church model of ministry. Beals founds his practical advice about how to go about this in Trinitarian theology. Section One describes congregation-based mission; Section Two explains how to mobilize resources for mission creatively. Section Three suggests ways to train and care for volunteers, and Section Four discusses expanding mission once outreach has been established.
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How To Reach Secular People
How do you communicate the Christian faith to the growing numbers of “secular” people in the western world? Pastors and Sunday school teachers who teach the faith week by week to professing Christians experience their assignment as increasingly difficult; so how do you communicate Christianity’s meaning to people who do not darken church doors, who have no church background, who possess no traditional Christian vocabulary, who do not know what we are talking about? The question presses us with greater intensity as we realize that the countries and populations of the western world have become “mission fields” once again.
The following pages contain a mere fraction of what we will one day know about effective mission in the western world. But they contain enough insight from communicators, congregations, and converts to help 99 percent of our churches to triple the number of new Christians they help into faith and thereby become contagious movements in their communities.
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Power From God
$15.0013 Chapters
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His words seemed to fasten like arrows in the souls of men. They cut like a sword. Like the power of a hammer, they broke down strongholds. Multitudes experienced this power. Often, just a look or a single sentence would bring conviction and result in an almost immediate conversion to Christ.
This was the life and ministry of Charles Finney, the life of a Christian filled with power from on high.
A Fresh Anointing . . .
God’s power enables us to move past our own insecurities and weaknesses and accomplish great things in the kingdom of God.
With this outpouring, Christians of all ages and circumstances have found . . .
The power to enthusiastically proclaim the Gospel
The gift of understanding God’s truths
The ability to teach God’s Word
The strength to obey Christ, no matter what
The power of a holy life
God’s promise to pour out His Spirit and power on us. Open your heart to God and receive a fresh anointing that will transform your life, your community, and the world.
Walk in the power of God!Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Help Me Believe
$22.99IVP Print On Demand Title
It’s natural for people to have questions about Christianity. What does Jesus really have to offer in a world that is so complicated, where there’s so much pain? What difference could he make in my life? For years Cliffe Knechtle has been fielding objections to Christianity from thousands of people. They want to know what Jesus has to do with real life. In this book he provides his responses to some of the toughest questions people have asked.
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How To Witness To Anyone
$9.99This handbook compiled by R A Torrey, is a valuable ministry tool that will teach you how to: Become a successful soul-winner Use God’s Word to answer difficult questions Show the self-righteous their need of God Help believers mature in Christ
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Give Me An Answer
In 9 Chapters
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IVP Print On Demand TitleTough questions are on the minds of Christians and non-Christians. Does God really send people to hell? Doesn’t science disprove Christianity? Why are there so many hypocrites in the church? Isn’t the Bible of errors?
Cliffe Knechtle handles these and other tough questions everywhere he goes. He has a calling-as an open-air evangelist for Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship. In this book Knechtle answers forty of the questions he most often faces. He deals directly with the hurts, doubts, struggles and conflicts of those who are searching. A graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Cliffe Knechtle gives clear, reasoned answers that satisfy both your heart and your mind.
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Evangelistic Preaching That Connects
$27.99IVP Print On Demand Title
Put more power into your evangelistic preaching by learning how to relate to a non-Christian audience. These sample sermons and practical directions will help you reach, challenge, and convert unchurched listeners who are ignorant about the Bible and steeped in pluralism and moral relativity.
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Keith Parks : Breaking Barriers And Opening Frontiers
Chapter 1. Pushing To The Frontier Of Missions
Chapter 2. From The Texas Plains To Indonesia’s Islands
Chapter 3. Missionary On Administrative Assignment
Chapter 4. Double-Edged Crisis For Parks And For Baptists
Chapter 5. Shaping A New Pioneer Outreach
Chapter 6. The Legacy Of Keith ParksAdditional Info
Great movements in the history of Christian missions often have started with few people perceiving their eventual importance. Such was the case when Dr. R. Keith Parks led Baptists to unprecedented engagement of the least-evangelized peoples of Asia and North Africa in the mid-1980s.This biography of Keith Parks introduces one of the premier mission leaders of the twentieth century. Parks has served in Baptist global missions for 45 years, first as missionary, administrator, and president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Foreign Mission Board, and then as Global Missions Coordinator for the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
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4 Gospels
$30.00Why did the early church opt for four different versions of Jesus’ life, when Tatian or Marcion preferred one consistent harmony? Did Paul really disregard Jesus’ earthly life in his proclamation? After thoroughly examining all first- and second-century documents, Hengel challenges scholarly conventions.
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Ancient Future Faith (Reprinted)
$34.11In a world marked by relativism, individualism, pluralism, and the transition from a modern to a postmodern worldview, evangelical Christians must find ways to re-present the historic faith.
In his provocative new work, Ancient-Future Faith, Robert E. Webber contends that present-day evangelicalism is a product of modernity. Allegiance to modernity, he argues, must be relinquished to free evangelicals to become more consistently historic. Empowerment to function in our changing culture will be found by adapting the classical tradition to our postmodern time. Webber demonstrates the implications in the key areas of church, worship, spirituality, evangelism, nurture, and mission.
Webber writes, The fundamental concern of Ancient-Future Faith is to find points of contact between classical Christianity and postmodern thought. Classical Christianity was shaped in a pagan and relativistic society much like our own. Classical Christianity was not an accomodation to paganism but an alternative practice of life. Christians in a postmodern world will succeed, not by watering down the faith, but by being a counter cultural community that invites people to be shaped by the story of Israel and Jesus.
A substantial appendix explores the development of authority in the early church, an important issue for evangelicals in a society that shares many features with the Roman world of early Christians. Students, professors, pastors, and laypeople concerned with the church’s effective response to a postmodern world will benefit from this paradigmatic volume. Informative tables and extensive bibliographies enhance the book’s educational value.
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Real Evangelism : Getting The Church Back To Effective Soul Winning Focusin
$19.99Real Evangelism shows how aspects of church culture actually dampen the evangelistic task entrusted to it. Smith exposes what he calls “subtle substitutes” to evangelism. While there is nothing wrong with ministries that help established Christians, Bailey Smith impresses upon the church that these types of ministries must not take place of reaching out to the lost.
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Retrieving The Tradition And Renewing Evangelicalism
$33.99A learned and uniquely constructive book that gently urges “suspicious” Christians to reclaim the patristic roots of their faith. This is the first book of its kind meant to help Protestant Christians recognize the early church fathers as an essential part of their faith. Writing primarily to the evangelical, independent, and free church communities, who remain largely suspicious of church history and the relationship between Scripture and tradition, D. H. Williams clearly explains why every branch of today’s church owes its heritage to the doctrinal foundation laid by postapostolic Christianity. Based on solid historical scholarship, this volume shows that embracing the “catholic” roots of the faith will not lead to the loss of Protestant distinctiveness but is essential for preserving the Christian vision in our rapidly changing world.
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Liberating Evangelism : Gospel Theology And The Dynamics Of Communication
$58.25Has the church abdicated its resonsibility and privilege for the spread of the gospel? Has this baptiamal birthright been forgotten or denied our of ignorance, poor example, or even misinformation? Stephen Pickard argues that the church is callled to be a community of the evangel and thus a community that seeks to embody the glad tidings of God in all of its life. He calls for a recovery of the complementary nature of theology and evangelism (the theory and practice of the gospel), discussing what this might involve and how it may benefit the church’s evangelistic task, which he then develops further in terms of the dynamics of communication. A concluding chapter explores an approach to evangelism that is both liberating and praise-centered.
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Watch Of The Lord
$12.991. The Birth Of The Watch
2. The Watch In Scripture
3. The Watch Of The Lord
4. The Wall Of Prayer
5. Corporate Prayer And Intercession
6. The Bride In The Watch
7. The Bride In Combat Boots
8. Prophetic Watchmen
9. The Watch And Israel
10. Line Upon Line, Precept Upon Precept
11. The Individual Watch
12. God Plus One Is A Majority
13. It’s Almost Midnight
14. A Blessing For The Watch209 Pages
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If you long for revival in the church or seek personal renewal, God will meet you on your knees. The Holy Spirit of God invites you to enter a place of breathtaking holiness and awesome glory by experiencing the “Watch of the Lord.” There you’ll discover your place as God’s watchman for the End-Time church of Jesus Christ and be filled with His miraculous power in your daily life.Experiencing a manifestation of God’s glory comes as a result of sustained, committed and regular corporate prayer. As you read, you’ll learn how the Watch of the Lord can:
* release in you a hunger for corporate revival.
* pave the way for greater fruitfulness in evangelism in you life.
* restore purity to the church.
* push back the forces of evil in these wicked times.
* respond biblically to a nation that is in peril.The Chavdas began holding prayer watches in 1995. Since then they have seen over 500 churches hold prayer watches every Friday evening, coming together for eight hours of concentrated praise, worship and intercession as the worldwide Bride of Christ.
Whether you intend to start your own prayer watch, or learn how to become a watchman on the wall alone, you will come away with practical, Scripture-based tools that will help you to experience more of God daily–and more of His glory and power in your life!
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1 Church Many Congregations
$22.99Does your church struggle to reach your surrounding neighborhoods because of social boundaries? The Key Church Strategy presents the Christian message in a way that respects the indigenous concerns of different cultural groups. Discover how 300 churches in 27 states have used this outreach plan to link traditional and nontraditional congregations under a single sponsoring church!.
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Worship Evangelism : Inviting Unbelievers Into The Presence Of God (Student/Stud
$16.99In Worship Evangelism, Sally Morgenthaler calls the church to consider the remarkable, untapped potential of worship as an opportunity of those who aren’t yet followers of Jesus Christ as well as those who are to encounter the presence of God. Combining the best of traditional and contemporary worship music and practices, Morgenthaler shows how to achieve worship that’s both culturally relevant and authentic. She helps pastors, worship leaders, and musicians – Understand worship and its attraction for non-Christians – Tear down walls that keep unbelievers from meeting God in church worship – Make worship evangelism happen–in any culture Morgenthaler draws on sound research and her extensive experience as a worship leader to offer an energetic, hands-on approach. Now with a study guide that encourages group discussion and personal action, this timely book offers fresh vision for worship evangelism and provides the strategies to implement it.
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Mission Possible : The Wonderful Story Of God And A Wycliffe Translator In
$15.99Tyndale House Print On Demand Title
The dynamic true story of Bible translator Marilyn Laszlo. Journey through the jungles of Papua New Guinea as she shares her adventures bringing the Word of God to the Sepik Iwam tribe.
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Evangelism In Everyday Life (Student/Study Guide)
$12.9915 Chatpers
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Does the thought of witnessing about your faith cause your hair to stand on end, your palms to sweat, your heart-beat to increase, your tongue to stammer?Lyle Pointer and coauthor Jim Dorsey not only reassure the nervous witness but also offer practical help in confronting the many common objections of pre-Christians, such as the perennial question “There are lots of different ways to God: who says that yours is the only one?”
Once a person comes to Christ, how do we guide him or her in getting firmly established in the life of a local church? How can we become effective spiritual advisers to help the new believer grow? Down-to-earth answers to these and many other such questions make this book an invaluable witnessing tool.
Lyle Pointer has served as pastor, church growth consultant, and author. He presently serves as professor of practics and coordinator of the master of ministry degree program at Southern Nazarene University in Bethany, Oklahoma. He is also an associate minister and coordinates Personal Evangelism Ministries for his denomination.
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Revolution In Leadership
$26.99Equipping God’s people for the ministry to which they are called can no longer be the responsibility solely of professional clergy. Increasingly we see that a new team of leaders, drawn from the membership of each congregation or its community, is arising to meet the challenges that ministry in the third millenium will present. Yet where, and how, will these leaders be trained?
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Evangelism Made Slightly Less Difficult
15 Chapters In Four Parts
Total Pages 178Additional Info
(NO WONDER EVANGELISM IS SO HARD!)They are quite satisfied with their lives, quite content with their beliefs and see no need to change.
So how can we get them interested and make evangelism just slightly less difficult? Nick Pollard has been doing this for years and has some ideas on how we can do it too.
This book explains why people think the way they do and offers some practical suggestions on how to reach them. The author shows how we can break through the barrier of disinterest and help people want to know about Jesus and why he can and should make a difference in their lives. He also provides ways to answer their tough questions and lead them in their first steps to faith in Christ.
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Theology As Big As The City
$28.99“As we look at the world – class cities around our planet, we face five new urban realities: a crack cocaine epidemic, assault weapons, massive numbers of homeless children, HIV/AIDS and (in the U.S.) what Time magazine has called ‘the browning of America.’ The needs of the urban population are greater than ever.” How does God see the city? What does Scripture have to say about urban ministry? Here is a biblical theology beginning with Genesis and continuing through to Revelation that will constantly surprise and challenge you.
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Abandoned : What Is Gods Will For The Jewish People And The Church (Reprinted)
$27.50Part 1: Information You Need
1. “We Can’t Afford To Lose You!”
2. The Greatest Battle In The Universe
3. Reading The Rest Of Romans
4. Let’s Look At Church History
5. Why The Holocaust?Part 2: Increasing Your Understanding
6. Who Is A Jew?
7. What Does It Mean To Be A Jew Today?
8. What Do Today’s Jews Believe About God And The Bible?
9. What Do Today’s Jews Think About Jesus?Part 3: Questions You Are Now Ready To Ask
10. Do The Jewish People Really Need Jesus?
11. At The Heart Of The Matter
12. How Do We Reach The Jewish People?
13. The Special Needs Of Jewish Believers
14. What Does The Church Need To Do?
A Personal Note
Appendix 1: What’s Happening In Israel?
Appendix 2: Denominational Judaism In America
Appendix 3: Agencies That Minister To Jewish People272 Pages
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Has God abandoned the Jewish people?In ABANDONED, we meet the modern, often secular face of contemporary Jewry. Telchin asks: What do today’s Jews believe about God and the Bible? What keeps them from considering the Gospel? Then he addresses the big lie: “You cannot be Jewish and believe in Jesus.” Finally, he guides us to the heart of the matter: why the Jewish people really need Jesus and how we can develop a faithful, loving witness to them.
ABANDONED is an invaluable guide to help us share God’s love with the people who are always on His heart.
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Journey To The Center Of The City
$18.99IVP Print on Demand Title
Randy and Tina White, with their two young sons, left suburbia to join believers living in a disadvantaged area of Fresno, California. Through their family’s story you will learn more about God’s heart for the city, you’ll meet some of the people who live there, and you’ll see ways you might make a difference too. Includes discussion questions, 12 Bible studies on God and the city, and a list of 21 Things You Can Do to Love the City.
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Charles G Finney And The Spirit Of American Evangelicalism A Print On Deman
$33.99Charles Grandison Finney was the foremost evangelist in the pre-Civil War United States. His revivals in the cities along the Erie Canal; his well-organized campaigns in Philadelphia, New York City, Boston, and the British Isles; his prominent pastorate at New York’s British Isles; his prominent pastorate at New York’s Broadway Tabernacle; and his teaching career at Oberlin College exemplify the evangelical spirit that swept the country following the Second Great Awakening.
This lively biography by historian Charles E. Hambrick-Stowe tells the story of Finney’s remarkable life and offers fresh insights into the nature of evangelicalism and the nineteenth- century American experience. By using the life of the great revivalist and educator as a window into the soul of American, Hambrick-Stowe shows in striking ways how Finney displayed the characteristic of that broader movement, many of which continue to flourish in twentieth-century religious life.
Based on a thorough reading of the Finney Papers, Finney’s writings, contemporary sources, and modern historiography, this biography exhibits scholarly depth in a popular narrative that is meant to be read and enjoyed as well as studied. A map of Finney’s evangelistic travels, portraits, and other illustrations enhance the text.
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Real Hope In Chicago
$19.99When Wayne Gordon and his wife started a Bible study for high school kids in North Lawndale, Chicago, people warned them that a white couple moving into a black neighborhood as a recipe for disaster. That was twenty-five years ago. Today, what began as the Gordons’ seedling Bible study has become the Lawndale Community Church. It has a staff of 150, has renovated more than 100 local apartments, has helped more than 50 young people graduate from college, runs a medical clinic that treated 50,000 patients in 1994, and has become a vital part of rebuilding an inner-city neighborhood into a community of faith and hope. Real Hope in Chicago is Wayne Gordon’s inspiring account of how people, white and black, rich and poor, old and young, worked together to transform a decaying neighborhood into a place where love is lived out in practical and miraculous ways. It offers an exciting model for interracial cooperation, urban-suburban church partnering–and real hope for the inner cities of our nation.
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Speaking The Gospel Today (Revised)
$48.31Dr. Roger S. Greenway writes, “What sets this book apart…is its theological integrity. Writing on the basis of Scripture and the best of Lutheran tradition, Kolb shows God’s people how to become ‘bridge-builders’ who take the saving Word of God to a world on the brink of destruction…this book helps Christians speak the Gospel with clarity and power to a confused, groping people.”
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How Shall We Witness
$30.00Witness has long been recognized as an essential task of Christ’s disciples. But the question of how to evangelize responsibly has often confused and even divided the Christian community. How Shall We Witness? is an account of one Christian family, the Reformed and Presbyterian tradition, seeking to heed Christ’s commission to witnedd in and to the world. Contributers to this book look at a broad spectrum of issues dealing with the search for a faithful evangelism. In the process, they suggest scriptural, theological, and eduactional foundations for a revived witness with integrity. The distinguish between sincere theological scruples about the character of evangelism and misguided inhibitions that generate unnecessary ambiguity and controversy throughout the Christian community.
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ReImagining Evangelization : Toward The Reign Of God And The Communal Paris
$17.43Evangelization literature, in the past, has been filled with dreams and ideals but few practical steps. This book takes pastoral leaders through the actual steps that a faith community must take to transform vision into conversion. Here is a proven process for refounding the church in community, enabling the empowered, and reaching out to people in their readiness. Set in motion, evangelization will become contagion, and the parish a spiritual magnet.
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