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    • Liturgy And The Arts


      SKU (ISBN): 9780814623930ISBN10: 081462393XAlbert Rouet | Translator: Paul PhilibertBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 1997Publisher: Liturgical Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Book Of Common Worship


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664243326ISBN10: 0664243320Binding: Trade PaperPublished: July 1996Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Worship Come To Its Senses


      What makes Christian worship both true and relevant to ever-changing human circumstances? How can our gathering about the Scriptures, the Table of the Lord, and the waters of baptism shape and express authentic Christian faith in the world of everyday life? In this book, Don Saliers finds a fresh way of answering these questions by exploring four “senses” of God: awe, delight, truth, and hope. Why are wonderment, surprise, truthfulness, and expectancy so often missing or diminished in Christian liturgy today, whether Protestant or Roman Catholic, “high church” or “low church”, “traditional” or “contemporary”? These are essential qualities of both worship and life. Saliers contends that we are still restless for communion with God, and suggests how these essentials may be rediscovered by every worshiping congregation. At stake are the means of grace received from Christ, attested to in the Scriptures and shown in every faithful worshiping assembly.

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    • Liturgical Inculturation : Sacramentals Religiosity And Catechesis


      Perhaps nothing is as important to the future of the Church as continuing to make the liturgy meaningful to those who celebrate it. Inculturation, “the dynamic translation of the typical editions into the cultures of local Churches,” is the key.

      Inculturation as a branch of liturgical study has a dauntingly wide scope. It covers the areas of history and theology, liturgical and cultural principles, process and methods, sacraments and sacramentals, Liturgy of the Hours, liturgical year, liturgical music, liturgical arts and furnishings, and such related topics as popular religiosity and catechesis. So where does the average pastor, liturgist, or student begin?

      With this volume the reader is introduced to the different technical terms expressing the relationship between liturgy and culture (indigenization, incarnation, contextualization, adaptation, acculturation … ). The subsequent discussion on the question of sacramentals, popular religiosity, and liturgical catechesis explains how these disparate topics share the same basic concern of inculturation.

      Throughout the book the focus is on method. Method encompasses both how one may remain true to the liturgy while also considering what culture offers the liturgy or requires of it. The question of how creativity relates to inculturation is also answered.

      For the serious student of the liturgy, whether or not you serve a culturally diverse community, this work provides foundations, principles, and methods for creating a liturgy of the people and for the people.

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    • Sunday Dismissals For The RCIA


      If your parish has been hesitant to dismiss the candidates and catechumens from the Sunday liturgy for fear that they might feel excluded or rejected, these weekly dismissals erase that tension. The dismissals are clearly presented for what they are: “sendings.” Candidates and catechumens are sent from the liturgy to be nourished by the Scripture readings of the day.

      Since the text for the catechumenate is the Lectionary, each dismissal is based on the readings of that particular Sunday. Using this tool, the parish community will understand why they are dismissing these individuals and will also experience the call to listen to and reflect on the Scriptures.

      A prayer of the faithful, which links the Sunday readings to the dismissal, is also included each week so that the parish family may offer prayerful support to their candidates and catechumens. The readings used as a basis for the dismissal are referenced.

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    • 1928 Book Of Common Prayer


      A treasured resource for traditional Anglicans and other people who appreciate the majesty of King James-style language. This classic edition features a Presentation section containing certificates for the rites of Baptism, Confirmation, and Marriage. Burgundy hardcover binding, gold cross.

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    • Ordinary Time Year B


      SKU (ISBN): 9780814619032ISBN10: 0814619037VariousBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 1993Days Of The Lord – Liturgical Year # 5Publisher: Liturgical Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Liturgy Of The Hours In East And West (Revised)


      The origins and development of the Divine Office are traced through both Eastern and Western branches of the Church, providing a wealth of historical and liturgical information.

      From the small beginnings of a few Christians in New Testament Jerusalem, the prayer of the Church spread, changing and evolving as it met and was assimilated by different cultures.

      This classic study is a major resource for the liturgical scholar.

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    • Easter Triduum Easter Season


      The Second Vatican Council accomplished the most important reform of the Church’s liturgy ever taken, while at the same time profoundly respecting its great tradition. The Council wanted to restore the great flow of the Church’s liturgical tradition. This book is an excellent guide for understanding the riches of the Church’s liturgy. The commentaries, written by several different authors, go beyond the obvious meaning of the texts. They allow the texts to speak for themselves. It is the liturgy that enlivens Christian existence and transforms it. This book can be used as a tool to aid people to enter into the mystery of Christ and its unfolding in our time.

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    • Byzantine Rite : A Short History


      Much has been written regarding the western liturgy; the same cannot be said of the Byzantine liturgy. Father Taft contributes to a remedy of that shortfall through this work. In it he traces the origins of the Byzantine Rite during its period of formation: from its earliest recorded beginnings until the end of Byzantium (1453 c.e.). While the rite has undergone some change in the period since then, its outlines remain essentially the same.
      The author writes from a lifetime of worship and scholarly research in the Byzantine liturgical tradition. This “Short History” of the originas and evolution of the Byzantine liturgical synthesis is the fruit of over 30 years’ immersion in the sources of its history and theology.

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    • Eastern Catholic Churches


      With rising interest in Eastern churches, this volume is a timely and helpful exploration of the Eastern Catholic Church and its celebration of the eucharist. It is written in the hope that interested laity, theological students, and ministers may come to understand and respect Eastern Catholicism for its many contributions to the universal Catholic Church. Efforts to integrate its rich legacy into their own experience will be rewarded in ways unimagined.

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    • Mass


      “The Eucharistic celebration is ‘the center of the Christian community,’ ‘the source and summit of the Christian life,’ or further, ‘the center and culmination of the entire life of the Christian community.’ Root, source, center, summit: the Eucharistic celebration is at the heart of our faith and our life. To study it is to look at its own heart. That is where we meet Jesus Christ, present in his Word, present in the Eucharist, present in the celebrating community.”

      From these words of introduction to his concluding remarks, Father Deiss offers an explanation of the post-Vatican II Mass that is as remarkable for its simplicity as it is for its thoroughness. He examines the structure of the celebration as revealed by Vatican II, a structure that, in his words, appears now “simpler, more luminous, more beautiful” than ever before.

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    • What Happens Sunday Morning


      SKU (ISBN): 9780664252274ISBN10: 0664252273Carol NorenBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 1992Publisher: Westminster John Knox Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Signs Words And Gestures


      The substance underlying ordinary signs, words, and gestures in the liturgy is the theme of this collection of simple homilies offered to nurture Christians on their pilgrimage toward piety and spiritual life.

      Through these texts every reader will rediscover additional strength in the elementary religious practices memorized during childhood. For the homilist, the traditional symbols and texts of worship are viewed with a fresh scrutiny. A separate section of homilies for children is included.

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    • Come Sunday : The Liturgy Of Zion


      From the Publisher:” COME SUNDAY: THE LITURGY OF ZION by William B. McClain Companion to “Songs of Zion”; discusses liturgical time, spirituals, gospel songs; includes Scripture/ lectionary index.

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    • Principles Of The Liturgy


      The history and development of liturgical practices is given.

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    • Darkest Day


      The centerpiece of this Good Friday worship service is the monologue, The Ghost of Judas. Designed to be presented by the pastor or any lay-person who can speak with a sense of drama, the monologue places Judas Iscariot at center stage on the day Christ died. His reflections on his own behavior, his remorse, and his deep sense of regret and self-examination lead the worshiping congregation to search their own souls, an appropriate activity on this most profound of all Christian days.

      The monologue is sermon length. If not available in local hymnals, suggested hymns may be replaced by others more appropriate.

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    • Liturgy And Time


      The history of liturgical celebration seen through the annual change of seasons and the Church’s liturgical calendar.

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    • On Liturgical Theology


      Nearly everything that theologians write on liturgy, Father Kavanagh notes, is often called liturgical theology, although on closer examination such works appear to be either dogmatic theologies about the liturgy or systematic theologies making use of liturgical data. None truly reflects how liturgy shapes theology or is theology or even relates to theology.

      This work is Father Kavanagh’s effort to substantiate the existence of a truly liturgical theology. It will raise almost as many questions as it answers; but it will also further insight into theology and liturgy as it assays their relationship.

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    • Living Bread Saving Cup (Expanded)


      The articles on Eucharistic liturgy given here are reprinted from the pages of Worship magazine. This expanded edition of the 1982 printing includes three additional essays: “Justice and the Eucharist” by R. Kevin Seasoltz, O.S.B.; “Stipends and Eucharistic Praxis” by M. Francis Mannion; and “Stipends in the New Code of Canon Law” by John M. Huels, O.S.M.

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    • Liturgy Made Simple


      The presumed “mystery” of liturgical functions is swept away as Searle gives basic, practical steps leading to an effective liturgy.

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    • 1979 Book Of Common Prayer Basic Pew Edition Red


      SKU (ISBN): 9780898690804ISBN10: 0898690803Binding: Cloth TextPublished: September 1979Publisher: Church Publishing Inc.

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    • Springtime Of The Liturgy


      (Re-released as part of the Classics in Liturgy series) Originally published as Early Sources of the Liturgy, this book presents the principal texts of the Christian liturgy from its beginnings to the fifth century. Included among the main sources treated are liturgical texts of the Jewish tradition; doxologies, hymns, and blessings of the New Testament; the Didache; the Letter to the Corinthians of Clement of Rome; the Apostolic Tradition of Hippolytus of Rome; the Anaphora of Addai and Mari; the Didascalia of the Apostles; the Euchology of Serapion.

      Later witnesses include the Strasbourg Papyrus; the Apostolic Constitutions; the Euchology of Der Balyzeh; the Catechesis of Cyril of Jerusalem.

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    • Holy Eucharist Rites 1-2 (Large Type)


      SKU (ISBN): 9780819215871ISBN10: 0819215872Charles GuilbertBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1977Publisher: Church Publishing Inc. Print On Demand Product

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    • Liturgical Sermons Volume 1 Guerric Of Igny


      SKU (ISBN): 9780879072087ISBN10: 0879072083Guerric Of Igny | Monks At Mount St. Bernard AbbeyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1970Cistercian FathersPublisher: Liturgical Press Print On Demand Product

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