Pastoral Helps
Showing 3001–3050 of 3057 resultsSorted by latest
Cradle The Cross And The Crown Series A
$17.43Designed for use by pastors who preach on lectionary texts, this set of model sermons focuses primarily on lections from the gospel of Matthew, the gospel appointed for use during Cycle A. Texts on which Dr. Bass’ messages are based include: The preaching of John the Baptist; the Matthew cycle of stories describing Jesus’ birth, including the flight into Egypt and the coming of the wise men; the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry; several texts from the Sermon on the Mount; and the Transfiguration story.
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Theology Of Christian Counseling
$26.99A Theology of Christian Counseling is a book that connects biblical doctrine with practical living. Salvation, that central concern of Protestant theology, is often too narrowly defined. It is thought to be “being saved from the consequences of sin.” But God is doing much more. He is making something new out of the old sinful nature. He is, in Christ, making new creatures. “No counseling system that is based on some other foundation can begin to offer what Christian counseling offers . . . No matter what the problem is, no matter how greatly sin has abounded, the Christian counselor’s stance is struck by the far-more-abounding nature of the grace of Jesus Christ in redemption. What a difference this makes in counseling!” In this book the reader will gain an insight into the rich theological framework that supports and directs a biblical approach to counseling. And the connection between solid theology and practical application will become compelling. This is a one-of-a-kind. Don’t ignore it!
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Solving Marriage Problems
$19.99“Counselors unanimously find that marriage and family problems outnumber all other counseling problems combined,” writes Jay Adams. “For that reason alone, counselors should want to learn all they can about marriage counseling.” This is a book to help counselors understand and deal with typical problems that arise in a marriage. The approach is to offer not merely solutions, but biblical solutions. Chapter by chapter, each problem that is brought into focus is addressed by Scripture, and a solution arising from Scripture is developed. Unless one understands what a biblical marriage is supposed to be, it is difficult to solve marriage problems. For that reason, Dr. Adams spends the first few chapters developing a biblical model. Then he treats many of the specific kinds of problems that typically arise: life patterns, priorities, children, sex-roles, in-laws, etc. This is a book that belongs on every pastor’s and every counselor’s shelf.
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Shepherding Gods Flock
$26.99Shepherding God’s Flock is both a textbook for students of pastoral ministry and a handbook for pastors. In its three parts most of the tasks of pastoral ministry are outlined, and a practical approach to those tasks is developed. Jay Adams is well-known for his practical and thorough approach to the many issues of Christian counseling. That same practicality and thoroughness is found in this unparalleled handbook on pastoral ministry. Not only does it offer pastors one of the best resources in print; it provides church elders orientation and practical guide to aspects of ministry for which they have responsibility. It is truly a shepherd’s handbook. The book is divided into three parts: Pastoral Life deals with the pastor, his calling, and the general care he provides the flock. Pastoral Counseling provides an overview of the task and a general approach for pastoral counselors. Pastoral Leadership offers a perspective on the ways the pastor can lead the church in its many tasks and responsibilities.
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Altar Prayer Workbook Series A
$19.93“Altar Prayer Workbook” is a helpful and practical tool for the creative pastor who wishes to localize and personalize the “general” or “day” prayer during the weekly worship service. For each Sunday in Year A of Common (Consensus), Lutheran, and Roman Catholic lectionaries, Earl Albrecht has provided prayer petitions with congregational responses, themes based on the church season, and the gospel theme for the day. Space for each sunday’s local prayer petitions is provided on the facing page opposite each prayer in the workbook. Additional prayers are included for Ascension Day, Corpus Christi, Reformation Sunday, and All Saints.
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Christian Counselors Casebook
$24.99This companion volume to Competent to Counsel and The Christian Counselor’s Manual is designed to help the user assimilate and apply the principles of nouthetic counseling. It is an excellent tool for any Christian counselor who is striving to develop a scriptural approach to counseling. Because it is a workbook based upon actual counseling experiences, the cases are typical of the variety of problems according to biblical norms, practice in laying out biblical plans of action, and familiarity with a variety of types of problems. By working through the many cases provided, the counselor will be better able to identify and respond to the issues that typically confront Christian counselors. This is not merely a book for the classroom; it is a tool for all sorts of training and personal development programs.
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Preaching With Purpose
$22.99“The amazing lack of concern for purpose among homileticians and preachers has spawned a brood of preachers who are dull, lifeless, abstract and impersonal; it has obscured truth, hindered joyous Christian living, destroyed dedication and initiative, and stifled service for Christ.” (from chapter 1) Preaching needs to become purposeful, says Jay Adams, because purposeless preaching is deadly. This book was written to help ministers and students discover the purpose of preaching and the ways that the scriptures inform and direct the preaching task. Preaching with Purpose, like the many other books of Jay Adams, speaks clearly and forcefully to the issue. Having read this book, both students and experienced preachers will be unable to ignore the urgent task of purposeful preaching. And the people of God will be the better for it.
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Colors Of Christmas
$9.93Sis colors which appear on chancel hangings suggest six salient themes for preaching in the Advent and Christmas seasons. H. Michael Nehls has drawn on familiar colors for this series of object lessons and sermons. Each object lesson includes the use of a colored ribbon which is given to the child to wear; those who are present for six messages will have the entire “ribbon rainbow” pinned to their clothing the last time.
The messages to be shared with the congregation include:
Green, the color of Life
Purple, the color of Royalty
Red, the color of Sacrifice
Blue, the color of Eternity
White, the color of Purity and Holiness
Gold, the color of Wealth and RichesAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Sevenfold Path To Peace
$12.95Jesus made peace by the blood of his cross. What more appropriate theme for a Lenten preaching series could there be than “The Sevenfold Path to Peace”? Here is a sample of this skillful proclaimer’s insight (from the first sermon):
“I saw a sixth grader, on his way up the alley to school, throw a firecracker over the fence of our yard and into the chicken coop. I was as angry as I ever have been in my whole life. The chase was on! Down the alley, a hesitating wonder as to how he had vanished into thin air, spotting him darting from under a bush like a rabbit, over a five-and-a-half foot wall, then over a six-and-a-half foot back wall, I took the gate, across the church parking lot, and finally trapped him under the camper parked in a neighbor’s yard. Winded and outaged, I yelled that I wanted to “kill” him, but instead took him to the school principal to do the disciplining. I didn’t like the feeling that raged in me. I was even frightened by it. I certainly experienced the truth of the words of Eleanor of Aquitaine: “We are the origin of war.””
Messages include:
– Is Peace Attainable?
– Desire Peace
– Peacemaking: Active, not Passive
– Peace as Shalom
– The Gift of Peace
– Peace Through Sacrifice
– Proclaim PeaceAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Minister As Crisis Counselor (Revised)
$27.99Chapter Titles Include:
The Minister, The Congregation, And Community Crisis Services
Intervening In The Suicidal Crisis
The Minister And Divorce Crises
Intervening In A Pathological Grief Reaction: A Case Study
The Minister’s Role And Functioning In The Crisis Of Grief
Intervening In Family Crises
Intervention Procedures
Methods Of Crisis Counseling
Crisis Theory: Definition, Description, Dynamics
The Minister As Crisis Counselor.Additional Info
Long recognized as the definitive crisis-counseling volume for the active minister, The Minister as Crisis Counselor is now thoroughly modernized to incorporate recent contributions to the field. David K. Switzer offers a comprehensive examination of both the theory and the method of crisis counseling as it relates specifically to active working pastors.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Letter Writing In Greco Roman Antiquity
$35.00Do the New Testament epistles follow conventional forms? Stowers analyzed thousands of ancient letters, both formal and personal, and constructed useful classifications based on the letters’ social functions. He quotes hundred of letters, shows how to ”read” them, and illuminates the structure and purpose of New Testament letters.
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Moral World Of The First Christians
$34.00How did the early Christians develop a distinctive morality? Meeks explores the social setting of the early believers, shows how they cultivated their own identity and moral language from contemporary Greek, Roman, and Jewish traditions, and describes the patterns of moral concern and behavior which characterized their community.
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Spiritual Care
$40.00In Bonhoeffer’s book he provides a theological base for pastoral theology, but he offers advice on many familiar ministerial tasks, such as conducting baptisms, funerals and weddings. It is a mine of wisdome and detailed practical advice on how to exercise spiritual care of both kinds.
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Pastoral Care With Children In Crisis
$28.00In this helpful book, Andrew D. Lester, noted teacher and experienced counselor, challenges ministers to take up and often neglected task–caring for the children of the parish. It is the pastor’s role, Lester says, to make “spiritual sense out of the chaos and crisis.” He looks to the ministry of Jesus as the model for faithful, effective ministry and illustrates how a pastor’s relationship with troubled children can have a significant impact on their spiritual and psychological development.
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Generation To Generation
$107.50This groundbreaking volume applies the concepts of systemic family therapy to the emotional life of congregations and their leaders. Challenging many of the conventions of pastoral counseling, Edwin H. Friedman shows how family theory points to a less stressful approach to the full range of the clergy’s responsibilities. He also illuminates how congregational dynamicscan be a useful model for the study of any family enmeshed in larger systems, and how such systems can themselves be viewed as “families.”
Friedman compares the emotional processes at work within individual families to those in church and synagogue, suggesting that clergy can often do more to help families by the way they lead their congregations than they can through specific counseling interventions. Specific topics examined in depth include leadership through self-differentiation, managing separations in families and in congregations, and the influence of previous generationsupon life cycle events. The power of the family model is clearly demonstrated in numerous examples drawn from Friedman’s own extensive experience as a rabbi and practicing family therapist and from many other rabbis, priests, nuns, and ministers with whom he worked.
Both clergy and lay leaders will find that this book directly addresses the dilemmas and crises they encounter daily, while family therapists and other helping professionals may wish to recommend it to students and clients as a lucid introduction to family processes.
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Professional Ethics : Power And Paradox
$26.99Karen Lebacqz here offers a logical yet eminently human framework for ethical decision making. Quoting and clarifying the thoughts of the field’s top authorities, Dr. Lebacqz summarizes the issues and questions that have, until now, served as the boundaries of debate. Then she moves beyond that; formulating new questions, demonstrating why the answers to those questions are critical, laying the groundwork for what eventually emerges–a new way of perceiving and resolving complex ethical questions.
Professional Ethics: Power and Paradox utilizes the “praxis” method of analysis. An actual ethical dilemma is offered, then treated theoretically throughout the text in order to demonstrate how a professional decision involving the dilemma might be reached.
Central to the ethical framework offered here is the focus on three steps toward a decision: action (what are the available alternatives?); character (what does it mean to be a professional in relation to the question?); and structure (how do structures limit or modify the alternatives?). The resolution of these and related, subordinate questions, Dr. Lebacqz asserts, is the foundation of a new framework for ethical decision making.
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New Testament In Its Literary Environment
$40.00This volume in the Library of Early Christianity examines the literary techniques that were common during the development of the New Testament, and how these techniques influenced Scripture.
The Library of Early Christianity is a series of eight outstanding books exploring the Jewish and Greco-Roman contexts in which the New Testament developed.
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Preaching Christian Doctrine
$33.33William J. Carl III confronts the problem of using theological language in preaching through a combination of serious theological reflection, rhetorical criticism, cultural analysis, and practical homiletical advice. He examines the approaches of Augustine, Luther, Calvin, Edwards, Barth, and Tillich to determine how these theologians brought life to the pulpit and what today’s preachers can learn from them. Preaching Christian Doctrine organizes and describes the various approaches to doctrinal preaching developed throughout the history of the church and across denominational lines, making this volume a unique systematic homiletics text dealing with the problem of preaching Christian doctrine today.
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Hospital Handbook (Revised)
$24.95Hospital visitation is a vital part of any church’s ministry. Written for the divinity student, the beginning or experienced pastor, and the lay person, this helpful handbook offers comprehensive guidance on many important aspects of pastoral care of the hospitalized.
In The Hospital Handbook, readers will find valuable advice and practical information on how to understand the hospital’s structure, gain access to its systems, and establish a rapport with staff, as well as explanations of hospital protocol and etiquette. The authors also explore the emotional and spiritual aspects of illness, and specific information on the needs of particular kinds of patients, including children, adolescents, substance abusers, plus AIDs, psychiatrics, and terminally ill patients. Resources for prayer, scripture readings, and sacraments are included.
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Church Is You And I
$9.93“The Church Is You and I “is a simple but significant Confirmation service and message. The service reflects on the meaning of Confirmation in terms of our relationship to the church. Confirmation is seen as covenant — an affirmation of our new covenant with God and the church. That covenant calls us to service. It is this theme of service and mutual sharing that is found in the message. The church is seen as people — not as buildings. The sermon/message is written in poetic form and may be presented in dialogue fashion using three voices or many voices.
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Hear The Good News
$9.93Hear the Good News is a fine volume of worship services for this important week within the church year. The services are particularly significant because they are based on the premise that God’s word, scripture, is dynamic and lively. Therefore, the author has provided dramatic readings of the narratives as found in the synoptic gospels. In addition, other portions of scripture are used as antiphonal hymns and liturgies. Brief introductions to the scripture passages are presented, either for oral sharing or for use in the bulletin; the congregation is also given opportunity to participate in the proclamation of the scripture texts. This is a creative and prayerful worship series for Holy Week.
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On The Move With Jesus
$16.18“On the Move with Jesus” is a book of epistle lessons come to life through the spoken word and the use of an easy-to-find object that means something to children. Wesley Runk, in the style that has made him famous and brought the gospel to many thousands of children, offers this volume of 52 object lessons from the Bible to help the pastor communicate with God’s little ones.
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All Our Losses All Our Griefs
$27.00Grief as a lifelong human experience is the scope of this absorbing book. Kenneth R. Mitchell and Herbert Anderson explore the multiple dimensions of the problem, including origins of grief, loss throughout life, dynamics of grief, care for those who grieve, and the theology of grieving. This examination of the process of grief is enriched by vivid illustrations and case histories of individuals whose experiences the authors have shared.
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Better Childrens Sermons
$24.00The author of the popular resource, Creating Children’s Sermons, continues his efforts to communicate the message of faith to the youngest members of the church. Believing that adult faith–or lack of faith–is directly linked to childhood experiences, Bucky Dann discusses the importance of reaching children with the word of God, and including them in the church’s worship and sacraments. The lessons in this book are organized around fourteen themes that profoundly affect all human beings.
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Ministry And Music
$28.00This readable, practical book covers every aspect of church music from congregational singing to the roles of the choir and church organist, how to select a hymnal, how to plan a worship service including music, what kind of music to select, and much more. By knowing these things the minister, choir director, organist, and music committee together create worship services that lead to the Christian growth of their congregation, small or large.
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Inductive Preaching : Helping People Listen
$25.00“I spend hours in my study and on my knees preparing sermons, but when I preach them no one listens. What’s wrong? Why aren’t I getting through? Why do I see blank stares, daydream reveries, nodding heads as soon as I open my mouth to preach? I know my messages are biblically sound. I’m sure I’m preaching what God has laid on my heart. But it’s not being received. What’s wrong? What can I do?”
Sound familiar? If you’re a preacher, you probably know the feeling. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can learn to preach in a way that will be readily, even eagerly, received by your congregation.
It’s all here: what inductive preaching is, how it works, why it’s effective, who’s used it-including Jesus, Peter, Paul, Augustine, St. Francis, Wesley, Edwards, and Moody, to name only a few. Also included are:
* Step-by-step guidelines for constructing an inductive sermon
* Two sample inductive sermons
* A list of 96 inductive preachers from 20 centuries
* A strategy for making traditional sermon structures inductive
* A checklist of inductive characteristics.
The principles in this book can dramatically increase your sermon effectiveness-turn apathy into involvement, make listeners out of the listless. Inductive preaching is preaching that works!
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How To Mobilize Church Volunteers
$24.98This insightul, practical book by Marlene Wilson , and international authority on volunteerism, will help you answer questions about volunteers in the church. This new book for all churches points out common problems, establishes management principles, answers questions, and offers a plan to turn the volunteer challenge into a reality.
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Worship As Pastoral Care
$29.99Demonstrates how worship and pastoral care can be blended to sustain and enrich each other.
Using insights gained from pastoral care and pastoral psychology, William H. Willimon explores what happens to people when they become involved in Christian worship. True pastoral care, he shows, cannot take place apart from an active worshiping community of faith.
Worship as Pastoral Care sensitizes pastors to the many ways Christian worship and pastoral care methods can be blended to enrich and support one another. It encourages pastors to broaden their understanding of corporate worship and to become aware of the importance of their role as priests.
To illustrate his concepts, Dr. Willimon examines four familiar acts of worship: the funeral, the wedding, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper. The psychological dimensions are discussed and suggestions are given on ways pastors can nurture and sustain their congregations through these services.
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Creating Childrens Sermons
$24.00Using everyday items such as balloons, flashlights, and bubble gum, Bucky Dann–a pastor popular with both children and adults–demonstrates in fifty-one simple lessons how children can begin to understand the teachings of Jesus, Bible truths, and even the meaning of atonement and discipleship.
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Multiple Staff And The Larger Church
$23.99Larger churches are different – in expectations, in performance, in staffing, and in use of lay volunteers. Their unique differences require special handling. And that’s what this first-of-its-kind book is all about. The author helps the leaders of larger churches understand the special characteristics of larger churches, and helps members of multiple staffs see their rle and the context of that role more clearly. Special emphasis is given to the role of the senior minister, the role of the associate minister, and to their relationship with one another.
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Designing The Sermon
$20.99What is good preaching? is the question of both those who hear it and those who do it. Hearers answer that question instinctively, tuning in the preacher who meets their needs, whether in the pulpit of the neighborhood church or on a broadcast. Preachers need to answer more intentionally.
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Deacons Handbook : A Manual Of Stewardship
$29.40An invaluable resource for all who are, or will be, involved in the church’s ministry of mercy. Includes chapters on the nature and history of the diaconal office, concrete advice regarding budget and finances, suggestions for enlisting congregational participation in diaconal service, and thought-provoking perspectives on giving and stewardship. Profoundly Christ-centered, solidly based on Scripture, lucid in presentation and down-to-earth in application.
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After Suicide
$22.00This constructive guide offers much-needed information and clinically tested advice for those struggling to cope in the aftermath of a suicide. Written in clear, everyday language, it presents the facts and demonstrates how to deal with feelings of guilt, anger, bewilderment, and shame. It shows how to live as survivors of a suicide, how to explain the event to children, and how to reconcile the death with religious beliefs. Also included is an Anniversary Memorial Service that enables family members to recommit themselves to life. After Suicide presents positive steps that can help family and friends find strength together as they readjust and return to healthy, productive living.
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Lectures To My Students (Unabridged)
$26.9928 Chapters
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One contemporary scholar and authority on Spurgeon says of this work: “Next to Mr. Spurgeon’s great literary work, The Treasury of David, we consider [these] Lectures to My Students his greatest single contribution to the Christian world. There is more practical wisdom, common sense and sage advice packed within these pages than with any other book of similar size or content.” This complete and unabridged edition of Spurgeon’s great work will make it possible for today’s generation to appreciate Spurgeon’s combination of discerning wit and refreshingly practical advice.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Elders Handbook : A Practical Guide For Church Leaders
$29.40Lester DeKoster is the retired editor of The Banner, weekly news magazine of the Christian Reformed Church. He is the former Director of Libraries for Calvin College and Seminary. He currently writes and publishes books on Christian living from the Reformed Calvinist perspective. Gerard Berghoef is the retired President of Widdicomb Furniture Company and a long time elder in the Christian Reformed Church.
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Minister As Diagnostician
$24.00Persons with personal problems often turn to their ministers for help. What kind of help do they hope to get that, rightly or wrongly, they do not expect from other professionals (psychiatrists, counselors, psychologists, or social workers)? The answer this book gives is that they want to be addressed in the terms and symbols of their faith, by authoritative standard-bearers of their faith.
The minister has the responsibility–and ability–to meet this particular need, says Dr. Prayser. Here he answers such questions as: How should ministers proceed to help? On what grounds should they make or receive referrals? What do they think troubled counselees want from them? What kind of personal knowledge and skill should they have in order to help? Are pastoral views and pastoral interventions unique?
Dr. Pruyser explores, in depth, the first step in the helping process: the diagnostic assessment of the problem-laden person. The diagnoses that the minister makes cannot be medical or psychiatric, says Dr. Pruyser. Rather they must be derived from the ministers own theological thought and a particular kind of awareness on the part of the counselee He develops a set of guidelines for conducting pastoral-diagnostic interviews that both acknowledges the pastors professional uniqueness and meets the parishoners expectations.
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Basic Principles Of Biblical Counseling
$24.99“The local church should and can successfully assume responsibility within its ranks for restoring troubled people to full, productive, creative lives.” “If we are to hope for success in such immense and seriously neglected responsibility, pastors need to return to the biblical model not of ministering to their people but of equipping their people to minister to each other by using their spiritual gifts.” “Congregations need to regain that wonderful sense of ‘koinonia’ fellowship and pro practice true community.”
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Now That Youre A Deacon
$14.991. Understand Your Work As A Deacon
2. Serve As Partner With Your Pastor
3. Translate Qualifications Into Service
4. Sharpen Your Skills For Deacon Service
5. Become A Caring Witness
6. Support Your Church And Denomination
7. Grow As A Christian Steward
8. Magnify Christ In Your Home
9. Know The How And Why Of Deacon Work133 Pages
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From the publisher: A combination of practical guidance and inspiration on character, relationship to church and pastor, stewardship, missions and more.Add to cart3 in stock (additional units can be purchased)
Reflections On The Crucifixion
$9.93Reflections On The Crucifixion is a Service of Tenebrae, written for either one hour or three hours, reflecting the thoughts and feelings of Jesus’ disciples on that original Good Friday.
Reflections On The Crucifixion is taken from Dr. Orso’s successful book, As We Love and Forgive. The tenebrae provides a lot of congregational participation and is a moving worship experience for every congregation.
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Our Father Friend Of Little Children
$9.93Perfect For a post-Lenten or Easter Season Series, this book of nine object lessons uses the Lord’s Prayer as its basis.
Chapter titles include: “Our Father Who Art In Heaven.” “Hallowed Be Thy Name,” “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread,” and “For Thine Is The Kingdom.”
Objects used are:
a flag
a microphone
a large map or globe
a rule book for a game
a loaf of unsliced bread
a box of chocolates, potato chips and popcorn
a newspaper
a banner to waveAdd to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Christian Counseling And Occultism
$26.994 Parts
338 PagesAdditional Info
One of the least known aspects of the Christian life, and therefore among the least understood, is that of spiritual warfare. Most Christians are quite familiar with basic factors such as regeneration, newness of life in Christ, the Spirit filled life, the fruit of the Spirit, and the witnessing for Christ; but it seems that relatively few are familiar with the mortal combat between light and darkness, between God and Satan. In this book, “Christian Counseling And Occultism” Dr. Kurt E. Koch makes a signifigant contribution.Out of his wide pastoral and evagnelistic ministry, Dr. Koch presents the facts on satanic warfare against the people of God. With objectivity he faces the possibility of natural explanations given by psychologists and psychiatrists, and shows their insufficiency in many areas. He is deeply taught in the Scriptures and knows by experience the adequacy of the Christian’s armour: the girdle of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the Gospel, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit, and in particular, the weapon of all- prayer in the Spirit.
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Parsing Guide To The Greek New Testament
$34.99Here is a welcome tool for students who need some help in working their way through the Greek New Testament. It will save time in searching for forms in the current analytical lexicons. Only verbs and words that are characteristic of verbs are parsed. A verb parsing gives the person, number, tense, voice, mood, root, and meaning. This parsing guide follows the twenty-fifth edition of the Nestle-Aland Greek text. It was designed for use by seminary students, Bible colleges, New Testament scholars, ministers, and Bible translators.
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Liturgical Sermons Volume 1 Guerric Of Igny
$24.95SKU (ISBN): 9780879072087ISBN10: 0879072083Guerric Of Igny | Monks At Mount St. Bernard AbbeyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1970Cistercian FathersPublisher: Liturgical Press Print On Demand Product
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