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    • Wake Up And Smell The Truth


      This book takes a hard-hitting look at our nation’s fall into a liberal, relativist worldview. In it you will find logical arguments as to why liberalism and relativism are illogical. Wake up and Smell the Truth gives a clear understanding of our founding fathers’ worldview. This book is not politically correct, but it is correct nonetheless! The book hits on hotbutton issues such as abortion, taxes, education, United States sovereignty, and many more!

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    • God And Power


      Preface: Theopoetic Justice

      PART ONE: The United States Of Apocalypse: Mapping Our Situation
      1.The Armageddon Of 9/11: Lament For The New Millennium
      2.Preemption And Omnipotence: A Niebuhrian Prophecy

      PART TWO: Of Beasts And Whores: Examining Our Political Unconscious
      3.Territory, Terror, And Torture: Dreamreading The Apocalypse
      4.Ms. Calculating The Endtimes: Gender Styles Of Apocalypse
      5.Eyes All Over: Liberation And Deconstruction

      PART THREE: From End To Beginning: Constructing A Political Theology Of Love
      6.Everywhere And Nowhere: Postcolonial Positions
      7.The Love Supplement: Christianity And Empire
      8.The Democracy Of Creation: Chaosmos And Counter-Apocalypse


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      The questions raised by use of American power and the advent of an “American empire,” Keller argues, reveal a deeply troubled political unconscious that is wrestling with basic religious issues of power, terror, territory, and love.

      Keller traces our response to the current national, international, and religious situation to the deeply fraught legacy of Christian apocalypticism. Religious and political factions both left and right, she argues, read our situation in apocalyptic terms without truly understanding that complex legacy.

      After diving deeply into the multiple and conflicting political and religious meanings of the Book of Revelation, she proposes a counter-apocalypse, an anti-imperial political theology of love.

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    • Culture Of Conservative Christian Litigation



      The Culture Of Conservative Christian Litigation

      A Place At The Table

      Working For Equal Access

      Wise As A Serpent And Innocent As A Lamb

      Good Lawyers, Good Christians

      Appendix: Table Of Cases

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      Over the past decade, conservative Christian public law firms have been some of the most active and aggressive litigators in the nation. Their efforts have impacted important policy areas including religion in the Public Square, school prayer, gay rights, ‘family values’ and abortion policy. But the Fundamentalist Christian/Evangelical social movement is not monolithic. In this probing and judicious work, Hacker explores and clarifies the influence of ideology on the goals and behavior of three leading conservative Christian law firms and how they differ in agendas and approach. He provides rich interview narratives that shed light on interest group behavior and how it is influenced by internal group characteristics.

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    • Black Political Theology


      How do black political needs and goals relate to black religious experience? What is the meaning of religion–and of Christ–in a racist society? In this classic early articulation of black theology, first published in 1974, J. Deotis Roberts argues that reconciliation is the essence of the good news, but it must be in conjunction with liberation. Ethnicity and theology, he contends, must meet in the specific black religious experience by recognizing the liberal, activist, and even revolutionary role of Christ in the cause of freedom. Discussing human nature and destiny in the black perspective, the nature of the gospel, and the black experience of community, Roberts presents the place of the black church as the main institution poised to implement the liberation of whole persons and a whole people.

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    • Quoting God


      Quoting God charts the many ways in which media reports religion news, how media uses the quoted word to describe lived faith, and how media itself influences-and is influenced by-religion in the public square. The volume intentionally brings together the work of academics, who study religion as a crucial factor in the construction of identity, and the work of professional journalists, who regularly report on religion in an age of instant and competitive news. This book clearly demonstrates that the relationship between media culture and spiritual culture is foundational and multi-directional; that the relationship between news values and religion in political life is influential; and that the relationship among modernity, belief, and journalism is pivotal.

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    • Backfired : A Nation Born For Religious Tolerance No Longer Tolerates Relig


      How did America go from Pilgrims seeking freedom to express their Judeo-Christian beliefs to today’s discrimination against those beliefs in the name of tolerance? Learn the history of this disturbing development which has led to: Ten Commandments taken down; “Under God” removed from the Pledge; Prayer prohibited; Nativity Scenes banned; Salvation Army defunded; Boy Scouts sued; Christmas Carols stopped; Bible called “hate speech.” Discover how tolerance evolved: From Pilgrims to Puritans to Protestants to Catholics to Liberal Christians to Jews to Monotheists to Polytheists to All Religions to Atheists to ONLY POLITICALLY CORRECT. “The frustrating thing is that those who are attacking religion claim they are doing it in the name of tolerance. Question: Isn’t the real truth that they are intolerant of religion?” – Ronald Reagan, August 23, 1984.

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    • Holy War Holy Peace


      SKU (ISBN): 9780195146509ISBN10: 0195146506Marc GopinBinding: Cloth TextPublished: January 2005Publisher: Oxford University Press Print On Demand Product

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    • Right Way : Why The Left Is Wrong And The Right Is Right


      This book contains topics of vital importance to the future of America-abortion, school prayer, homosexual marriage, out-of-control activist judges, terrorism, gun control, one-world government, and many more. Like no book before, this concise and highly readable work explains simply but precisely the key differences between liberals (the Left) and conservatives (the Right). This is a perfect guide for anyone new to politics who is not sure what to think, and one that will also enlighten the experts. After reading this eye-opening and slyly humorous book, you will immediately understand your country, your government, and the world around you like never before. Find out: Exactly what is wrong with the liberal view of these issues Why left-wing prescriptions always make things worse Why the conservative view is right What you can do to help preserve American freedom for your children and grandchildren. If you care about the future of your country, this book is for you!

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    • Worth Fighting For


      In Worth Fighting For, former Vice President Dan Quayle brings to the nation an experienced awareness of the many challenges ahead. The stakes are high. But, he knows that your dreams, your hopes, your family and your future are worth fighting for.

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    • 3 Secular Reasons Why America Should Be Under God


      “All men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”-Declaration of Independence, 1776. Do you like having rights the government cannot take away? Do you like being equal? Do you like a country with few laws? Then you want America under God! “The Rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God” – John F. Kennedy, 1961, Inaugural Address “We believe that all men are created equal, because they are created in the image of God” – Harry S. Truman, 1949, Inaugural Address “Our constution was made only for a moral and religious people, it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”-John Adams, 1798.

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    • God You Have


      The political hijacking of theological language and God’s prerogatives is always a danger. In this perceptive study, an Old Testament theologian sets these issues in the context of the Ten Commandments, and especially the First Commandment. From that statement of God’s person, work, and expectations of loyalty, Miller articulates the modern challenge of faithful living in a complex world with complex choices. As he states it, the abiding problem has been “the coalescence of God and country, the takeover of the language of faith in the speech of politics, and the confusion of loyalty with obedience.”

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    • Interesting History Of Income Tax


      “The only things certain are death and taxes” – Benjamin Franklin. Yet few know America’s interesting history of Income Tax, such as: *1787-U.S. Constitution prohibited a “direct” Federal tax *1862-“Revenue Tax” on incomes went into effect to finance the Union during the Civil War *1895-Supreme Court made Income Tax unconstitutional *Woodrow Wilson thought tariffs on imports caused wars, so he worked to replace them with an Income Tax. *1913-Income Tax was only a 1% tax on the top 1% richest people in America. *1943-Paycheck Withholding began as an emergency effort to get funds to finance WWII. John F. Kennedy-“Lower rates of taxation will stimulate economic activity and so raise the levels of personal and corporate income as to yield within a few years an increased flow of revenues to the Federal Government.” (Annual Budget Message, January 17, 1963) Thomas Jefferson-“It is an encouragement to proceed as we have begun in substituting economy for taxation” (2nd Annual Message, 1802)

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    • Augustine And Politics


      Dedicatory Preface
      Thomas F. Martin O.S.A.
      John Doody, Kevin L. Hughes, And Kim Paffenroth
      Human Nature And Virtue In Relation To Politics

      United Inwardly By Love: Augustine’s Social Ontology
      Phillip Cary
      Truthfulness As The Bond Of Society
      Robert P. Kennedy
      Friendship As Personal, Social, And Theological Virtue In Augustine
      Kim Paffenroth
      Freedom Beyond Our Choosing: Augustine On The Will And Its Objects
      David C. Schindler
      Augustine’s Theory And Critique Of Politics

      Between The Two Cities: Political Action In Augustine Of Hippo
      Robert Dodaro O.S.A.
      Democracy And Its Demons
      Michael Hanby
      Local Politics: The Political Place Of The Household In Augustine’s City Of God
      Kevin L. Hughes
      Augustine And The Politics Of Monasticism
      Thomas F. Martin O.S.A.
      The Glory And Tragedy Of Politics
      Thomas W. Smith
      Augustinian Influence And Perspectives

      Toward A Contemporary Augustinian Understanding Of Politics
      Todd Breyfogle
      Sexual Purity, “the Faithful,” And Religious Reform In Eleventh-Century Italy: Donatism Revisited
      Louis I. Hamilton
      The Enchanted City Of Man: The State And The Market In Augustinian Perspective
      Eugene McCarraher
      Machiavelli’s City Of God: Civic Humanism And Augustinian Terror
      Paul Wright

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      The study of Augustine’s political teachings has suffered from a history of misreadings, both ancient and modern. It is only in recent years that the traditional lines of “Augustinian pessimism” have been opened to question. Scholars have begun to explore the broader lines of Augustine’s political thought in his letters and sermons, and thus have been able to place his classic text, The City of God, in its proper context. The essays in this volume take stock of these recent developments and revisit old assumptions about the significance of Augustine of Hippo for political thought. They do so from many different perspectives, examining the anthropological and theological underpinnings of Augustine’s thought, his critique of politics, his development of his own political thought, and some of the later manifestations or uses of his thought in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and today. This new vision is at once more bracing, more hopeful, and more diverse than earlier readings could have allowed.

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    • Augustine And Politics


      Dedicatory Preface
      Thomas F. Martin O.S.A.
      John Doody, Kevin L. Hughes, And Kim Paffenroth
      Human Nature And Virtue In Relation To Politics

      United Inwardly By Love: Augustine’s Social Ontology
      Phillip Cary
      Truthfulness As The Bond Of Society
      Robert P. Kennedy
      Friendship As Personal, Social, And Theological Virtue In Augustine
      Kim Paffenroth
      Freedom Beyond Our Choosing: Augustine On The Will And Its Objects
      David C. Schindler
      Augustine’s Theory And Critique Of Politics

      Between The Two Cities: Political Action In Augustine Of Hippo
      Robert Dodaro O.S.A.
      Democracy And Its Demons
      Michael Hanby
      Local Politics: The Political Place Of The Household In Augustine’s City Of God
      Kevin L. Hughes
      Augustine And The Politics Of Monasticism
      Thomas F. Martin O.S.A.
      The Glory And Tragedy Of Politics
      Thomas W. Smith
      Augustinian Influence And Perspectives

      Toward A Contemporary Augustinian Understanding Of Politics
      Todd Breyfogle
      Sexual Purity, “the Faithful,” And Religious Reform In Eleventh-Century Italy: Donatism Revisited
      Louis I. Hamilton
      The Enchanted City Of Man: The State And The Market In Augustinian Perspective
      Eugene McCarraher
      Machiavelli’s City Of God: Civic Humanism And Augustinian Terror
      Paul Wright

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      The study of Augustine’s political teachings has suffered from a history of misreadings, both ancient and modern. It is only in recent years that the traditional lines of “Augustinian pessimism” have been opened to question. Scholars have begun to explore the broader lines of Augustine’s political thought in his letters and sermons, and thus have been able to place his classic text, The City of God, in its proper context. The essays in this volume take stock of these recent developments and revisit old assumptions about the significance of Augustine of Hippo for political thought. They do so from many different perspectives, examining the anthropological and theological underpinnings of Augustine’s thought, his critique of politics, his development of his own political thought, and some of the later manifestations or uses of his thought in the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and today. This new vision is at once more bracing, more hopeful, and more diverse than earlier readings could have allowed.

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    • Bonds Of Imperfection


      Two of today’s leading experts on the Christian political tradition plumb significant moments in premodern Christian political thought, using them in original and adventurous ways to clarify, criticize, and redirect contemporary political perspectives and discussions.

      Drawing on the Bible and the Western history of ideas, Oliver and Joan Lockwood O’Donovan explore key Christian voices on “the political” political action, political institutions, and political society. Covered here are Bonaventure, Thomas, Ockham, Wycliff, Erasmus, Luther, Grotius, Barth, Ramsey, and key modern papal encyclicals. The authors’ discussion takes them across a wide range of political concerns, from economics and personal freedom to liberal democracy and the nature of statehood. Ultimately, these insightful essays point to political judgment as the strength of the past theological tradition and its eclipse as the weakness of present political thought.

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    • God Government And The Road To Tyranny


      Dr. Phil Fernandes is the president of the Institute of Biblical Defense, which he founded in 1990 to teach Christians how to defend the Christian Faith. He is also the pastor of Trinity Bible Fellowship in Bremerton, Washington, and teaches apologetics and philosophy for Columbia Evangelical Seminary and Cascade Bible College. Fernandes has earned the following degrees: a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion from Greenwich University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Liberty University, and a Bachelor of Theology from Columbia Evangelical Seminary. Fernandes has publicly debated leading atheists in defense of Christianity at colleges and universities such as Princeton and the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill). Fernandes is a member of three professional societies: the Evangelical Theological Society, the Evangelical Philosophical Society, and the Society of Christian Philosophers. He has authored several books: The God Who Sits Enthroned: Evidence for God’s Existence, No Other Gods: A Defense of Biblical Christianity, Theism vs. Atheism: The Internet Debate (co-authored with leading atheist Dr. Michael Martin), and God Government, and the Road to Tyranny: A Christian View of Government and Morality.

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    • God Government And The Road To Tyranny


      Dr. Phil Fernandes is the president of the Institute of Biblical Defense, which he founded in 1990 to teach Christians how to defend the Christian Faith. He is also the pastor of Trinity Bible Fellowship in Bremerton, Washington, and teaches apologetics and philosophy for Columbia Evangelical Seminary and Cascade Bible College. Fernandes has earned the following degrees: a Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion from Greenwich University, a Master of Arts in Religion from Liberty University, and a Bachelor of Theology from Columbia Evangelical Seminary. Fernandes has publicly debated leading atheists in defense of Christianity at colleges and universities such as Princeton and the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill). Fernandes is a member of three professional societies: the Evangelical Theological Society, the Evangelical Philosophical Society, and the Society of Christian Philosophers. He has authored several books: The God Who Sits Enthroned: Evidence for God’s Existence, No Other Gods: A Defense of Biblical Christianity, Theism vs. Atheism: The Internet Debate (co-authored with leading atheist Dr. Michael Martin), and God Government, and the Road to Tyranny: A Christian View of Government and Morality.

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    • 3rd Alternative : Christian Self Government


      Understanding Government from the Biblical Worldview Back when the Soviet Communist tyranny unraveled in Eastern Europe, the result was economic collapse, civil war and bloodshed. Many of us thought it would mean freedom, peace and prosperity! Why did we suppose that? From where does liberty come? Is liberty simply the absence of tyranny? Is liberty the license to do what I want? Is democracy itself the answer? Can liberty be sustained? How is liberty sustained? Is God in control? How? Is there hope? Is civil government God’s idea or man’s idea? Are our American political institutions in any way scriptural? In The Third Alternative: Christian Self-Government, author and lecturer Bill Burtness has laid out in simple and practical terms a penetrating layman’s primer on the moral (internal) and structural (external) foundations of freedom. It will teach you the “hows” and the “whys” of governing yourself under God, your family, your church, your nation, and every area of life.

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    • Progressive Christians Speak


      Remaining passive under the guise of the separation of church and state and being subsumed in the media by the vocal conservative church, mainline Christians have allowed an inaccurate view of where the majority of Christians stand to dominate popular understanding. Here, members of the grassroots organization Progressive Christians Uniting implore Christian churches to take a more active role in addressing contemporary social problems, maintaining that religion is an important factor in their solutions. Issues examined include food security and the ever expanding world population, the welfare system, civil and human rights, the war on drugs, abortion, immigration, and the destruction of ecosystems.
      Progressive Christians Uniting is an ecumenical Christian organization headquartered in Southern California that promotes activism that is faith motivated and well informed on the complex, compelling issues of our time.

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    • Pocket Patriot : An Introduction To The Principles Of Freedom


      The Pocket Patriot is a citizenship primer for a new generation of Americans. It includes such important documents as the Mayflower Compact and the Declaration of Independence, as well as sketches of the lives of the presidents, including the largely unknown American presidents.

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    • Politics In The Purple Kingdom


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556126079ISBN10: 1556126077George SchlichteBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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    • Transforming Vision


      Science, technology and economic growth motivate our socity. Each is carried on with a little regard for Christian concerns. Brian Walsh and Richard Middleton yearn for change. They long to see Christianity penetrate the structures of society, reforming and remolding our culturre. From scholarship in the universities to politics, business and family life, the Christian vision can transform our world. To stimulate such change the authors analyze our troubled age, show us how it got that way and suggest a solution. Their clear presentatioin of a Christian world view forms the basis of their hope.

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    • Peacemaking Christians


      SKU (ISBN): 9781556127649ISBN10: 1556127642Michael DuffeyBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 1999Publisher: Sheed & Ward Print On Demand Product

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    • Desire Of The Nations


      This book by Oliver O’Donovan is a work of systematic Christian political thought, combining Biblical interpretation, historical discussion of the Western political and theological tradition, theoretical construction and critical engagement with contemporary views. It argues for an alternative to political theology, one that is more politically constructive than the dominant models of the past generation.

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    • Desecularization Of The World


      Theorists of “secularization” for two centuries have been saying that religion must inevitably decline in the modern world today is as religious as ever. This volume challenges the belief that the modern world is increasingly secular, showing instead that moderniztion more often strengthens religion.

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    • Against The Wind


      This book features the memoirs of a leading church activist and religious thinker Dorothee Soelle, and has successive chapters dealing with today’s religious challenges, such as, justice, hunger, Jewish-Christian relations, church hassles, and peace efforts.

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    • With Liberty For All


      This book is an excellent guide to the church-state debate of today, and deepens that discussion by examining the root causes of disagreement about what freedom of religion means in America.

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    • Written On The Heart


      Written on the Heart expounds the work of the leading architects of theory on natural law, including Aristotle, Thomas Aquinas and John Locke. It also takes up contemporary philosophy, theology and political science, colorfully running against the intimidating tide of advanced pluralism that finds natural law so difficult to tolerate. Throughout the volume, the author sure-footedly achieves his self-confessed aim of displaying the “subtlety,richness and intellectual surprise” of the natural-law tradition.

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    • Resurrection And Moral Order (Revised)


      This seminal work makes a cogent and compelling case for Christian ethics based on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Drawing on a profound knowledge both of the history of Christina thought and of contemporary ethical theology, O’Dovovan illumines such important concepts as freedom, authority, nature, history, and revelation. Also includes an extensive new prologue in which the author enters into critical dialogue with four key figures in Christian ethics: Finnis, Honecker,Hauerwas and Barth.

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    • Ministry And The American Legal System


      In today’s litigious society, pastors, trustees, lay leaders, and committee members need a basic understanding of America’s legal system. Couser—an attorney and member of the Christian Legal Society—offers an overview of the U.S. Constitution; reviews specifics of law, including torts, contracts, copyrights, and more; and addresses “risk management” for churches, clergy, and congregations.

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    • Emergence Of Liberty In The Modern World


      156 pages

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      Kelly traces Calvinism’s effects on the governments of Geneva, France, Scotland, England, and colonial America.

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    • Circle Of Sovereignty


      How do politics govern the plot and motivate the characters of the book of Daniel? By revealing a complex pattern of religious/political dynamics not found in other more superficial studies of Daniel, the author of this study provides an essential alternative to standard historical-critical interpretations of this key Old Testament book.

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    • Toward A Christian Political Ethics


      The author builds into his Christian political ethic the cross of Jesus Christ, the centrality of effective Christian community life, the need to free the oppressors, the reality of suffering and death, and the dynamic of Christian love…. One is impressed throughout the book by the author’s own patience and love in the face of continued oppression, frustration, and the killing of friends.

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