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    Spiritual Warfare

    • Regions Of Captivity


      Traditional methods of deliverance requires time, dedication, physical and spiritual strength. This is a price few are willing to pay. Jesus taught and demonstrated a more profound way. This book explains His methods in amazing detail.

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    • From Tribulation To Salvation


      You will find inside many testimonies to remind you that God is always there to forgive you no matter how far into the pit you feel you have fallen. These stories are part of my journey and others who have found God through moving from tribulation to salvation. Here is a glimpse at what God has to offer: Angels of the Lord transcending steel bars in jail cells. Demons being commanded to come out of tormented people. Dynamic personal encounters with Jesus Christ. Stories of deliverance from drug and alcohol abuse. And much more!

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    • Simplifying The Christian Life


      Life is full of choices! Your life can be full of God’s peace, His joy, His power, and His purpose, if you learn a few, yet extremely significant principles that God has established in His word, and choose to apply them to your life. Jesus came so that we could have life and have it more abundantly. God loves us so much that He willingly sent His only son Jesus, to die in our place, for our sins, on Calvary’s cross, so we could spend eternity with Him, if we choose to love, obey and follow Jesus. God wants us to enjoy our life, free from stress, anxiety, fear, and the worries of this world and in His word He gives us everything we need to know in order to live a happy, content, satisfying, victorious life in Him. He also gives us the battle plan and all the armor we need to fight our enemy, Satan and his army of demons, whose purpose it is, to steal, kill and destroy those of us who love Jesus. Learn what God expects of us, as born again believers and how He wants us to live. Learn how to increase your faith, so that you are operating under God’s faith. Learn about God’s promises to us and how to stand on those promises and claim them, receiving the blessings of those promises for whatever you need in your life. Learn how the enemy uses our attitudes to defeat us and how we have the power and authority through the precious name and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ to overcome the enemy and live in victory, because Jesus already defeated Satan at the cross, the choice is yours!

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    • Warfare Prayer : What The Bible Says About Spiritual Warfare


      Warfare Prayer provides a toolbox and an operator s manual for those who take seriously the Apostle Paul s statement that we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. The demonic world around us is a reality, but all too few believers understand that realm of darkness to say nothing of having the skills to use effectively the weapons of warfare that God has given us. Based on a combination of sound biblical theology and real life experiences, this book is a user-friendly guide for those committed enough to join the army of God.

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    • Righteousness Exalts A Nation


      “Righteousness Exalts A Nation” is a call to battle against the forces of evil that threaten to destroy America’s Christian heritage. Through this book, you will be challenged to fight this war by first equipping yourself with the armor and weapon of KNOWING God’s love for you. This is the key to victory in your own personal life as well as America’s Christian future. Chapter nine will challenge you to understand 2 Chronicles 7:14 from God’s viewpoint. This is critical revelation for our nation to experience the healing of our land. America’s destiny, as a nation, needs you to KNOW God’s great love for you, please don’t disappoint her.

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    • Warring For The Lord


      This book is a clarion wake-up call to all nations! It is an explosive, revelatory, and strategic end-time war plan for Yahweh’s governmental system, which is commissioned to remake, remold, renew, refresh, and refine the mind of His creation. Eveyone who reads this book will be inspired, motivated, and compelled to stand for salvation or fall for devestation.

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    • Gods Plan For Ishmael


      Olive Press Publisher (www.olivepresspublisher.com)

      Publisher Marketing: Is it not true that God gave Ishmael special attention and promises before his birth? Is there any significance in that for his descendants today? Did God stop there? Or is there more to His plan for Ishmael? If so, is it revealed in Scripture? Are there any prophecies yet to be fulfilled that apply to the Arabs and Palestinians? Yes, yes, and yes!! Discover it all with the author and join her in praying that God’s plan for Ishmael comes to pass. The author is a pastor’s wife who has lived in Israel teaching English to Korean graduate students and to locals, including Palestinians, all of whom she grew to love. She and her husband have been a part of the Jewish Messianic Movement since early 2006.

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    • School Of Seers


      Jonathan Welton is a fifth generation believer and a second generation itinerate minister. He has a master’s degree in biblical studies and earned the National Herald of Christ award. His profound teachings have been warmly received in Lutheran, Baptist, Brethren, Mennonite, and Charismatic churches as he shares deep truth with a simple, engaging, and memorable presentation.

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    • Post Rapture Survival Guide


      Christians know that the signs are everywhere that oint to the rapture as being imminent. In this book, author Jeffrey Harbin proves that the rapture could occur literally at any minute. Relying only upon Scripture, this book lays out a simple plan of salvation that everyone can follow to guarantee an eternity in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ.

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    • Spiritual Warfare 1


      This Spiritual Warfare Book “is a wonderful resource for those who are serious about their walk of victory.” Apostle Dorothy Matthews, N.C. Apostles, Bishops and Pastors ascribe the title, “God’s General” to Dr. Elsie Clark, because of her numerous books and spiritual warfare teachings across the years. She explains spiritual warfare, strategically so you will gain absolute victory. This book will take you to the next level in spiritual warfare training. Two known people were raised from the dead through Dr. Clark’s spiritual warfare teachings through documented letters from Pastor Clara Milton, VA – Connie Adams of CA. Letters of book endorsements were written to attest to Dr. Clark’s powerful teachings on spiritual warfare by Bishop Leon Harris/Pastor Ruth Harris, NY – Pastor Donald Fozard – NC, Apostle Dorothy Matthews, NC – Pastor Clara Milton, VA – Apostle Sandra Appleberry, MI – Dr. Kathy Curran, MO – Yvonne Stephens (Minister) VA – Mable Oliphant (Christian Entrepreneur).

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    • Talking Back : A Monastic Handbook For Combating Demons


      How did the monks of the Egyptian desert fight against the demons that attacked them with tempting thoughts? How could Christians resist the thoughts of gluttony, fornication, or pride that assailed them and obstructed their contemplation of God? According to Evagrius of Pontus (345-399), one of the greatest spiritual directors of ancient monasticism, the monk should “talk back” to demons with relevant passages from the Bible. His book Talking Back (Antirrhetikos) lists over 500 thoughts or circumstances in which the demon-fighting monk might find himself, along with the biblical passages with which the monk should respond. It became one of the most popular books among the ascetics of Late Antiquity and the Byzantine East, but until now the entire text had not been translated into English. From Talking Back we gain a better understanding of Evagrius’s eight primary demons: gluttony, fornication, love of money, sadness, anger, listlessness, vainglory, and pride. We can explore a central aspect of early monastic spirituality, and we get a glimpse of the temptations and anxieties that the first desert monks faced.

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    • Covering : Gods Plan To Protect You From Evil


      Now in paperback from Hank Hanegraaff!

      In a world where evil seems to lurk around every corner and our thoughts turn to worry about our safety and security, the armor of God is our Father’s protection in the fight against evils of our temporary home. Best-selling author Hank Hanegraaff describes God’s protective covering over his children by dissecting Paul’s words in Ephesians 6: 10-18 commanding us to put on the armor of God and “take our stand against the devil’s schemes.” Hanegraaff moves through the passage, phrase by phrase, defining God’s armor, explaining what it means to embrace God’s covering, and the practical ways God delivers us from evil.

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    • Satan Wants Me God Has Me


      After the death by fire of my 3-1/2-year old son, our house became haunted. Voices in closets.Footsteps walking up and down stairs. Lights going off and on. I was ripe to accept Satan’s invitation to a spiritualist church, where I could visit with my dead son. Satan’s devices are subtle, disguised as God in heaven. I was Satan’s puppet for five years. Ouija boards, Tarot cards, tea leaf readings, seances, necromancers. Lev. 19:31 referred to me as a medium with familiar spirits, difiling those I channeled for. Duet 18:10-12 said I was an abomination to the Lord, as I sought information from the dead. Later, I realized these loved ones were demons. My three spirit guides were taking me down the wide road to Hell. As a child I grew up in poverty. I was molested, raped, and conceived through rape. A life of rejection has given me compassion for those going through the same thing. Being a pastor, I have asked God for the outcasts. I’m reminded of the fishermen who were unclean and stank of fish. Then Jesus said to them, “Follow me.” These men are still making history. With unconditional love, we are seeing lives change. At the end of five years serving him, Satan tried to kill me, but God saved me. Now I share my story in hopes of helping others.

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    • Prisons Sorcery And Homosexuality


      Jails, jails everywhere and counting! We are all in some jail. The challenge of imprisonment goes beyond physical incarceration and is well into the spiritual realm. These problems are real and brutal, and pose serious social and health issues to the inmates, prison personnel and the entire society. Find out the challenges you will face and be prepared before hand. This helpful insight into prison situations, sorcery, same sex issues and bereavement highlights some of the challenges of the fruits of unfaithfulness and the available divine provisions to enable an individual sustain a proper attitude and find liberty when engaging with any of these difficulties.

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    • Witchcraft In Your Neighborhood


      Find out how a Christian can become a witch by accident and how a witch in your neighborhood can make you have a stroke, heart attack, irregular heart beat, fatigue, headache, migraines, dilapidating pains, wet dreams, marital discords, insomnia, misfortune or go obese. See how your telephones and cctv can be used to attack you. Learn the survival strategy, and how to preserve your salvation.

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    • Spiritual Warfare : For The First Time Ever The True Meaning Of Spiritual W


      Being a Christian is not a guarantee that you will receive all your heart desires. Though God wants you to receive all your heart desires, you must conform to the principle of Spiritual Warfare before you can receive them. The physical is governed by the spiritual. For you to control your physical environment, you have to win your Spiritual Warfare. If you want to enjoy good health, prosper in the area of marriage, prosper financially, or receive any desire of yours, you must win your Spiritual Warfare. Unfortunately, very many people neither know what Spiritual Warfare really means nor how to wage the war. Some even call it ‘warfare prayers’. Though prayer is very important, it has nothing to do with Spiritual Warfare. This explains why many pray so much and still experience lack. If Spiritual Warfare were about prayers, you probably wouldn’t have any of your needs unmet – because I believe you must have prayed very hard. If Spiritual Warfare is not about prayers, what then does it mean? This book contains a shocking revelation of the actual meaning of Spiritual Warfare and how to wage the war successfully.

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    • When Do I Cry Wolf


      Many churches have found themselves on the brink of a great breakthrough for God only to have everything torn apart and victory snatched away. Doubts and questions may plague church leaders’ minds concerning what happened to their church. The answer may be that the church has been ravaged by a wolf. Just what is a wolf in the church? How can a wolf in sheep’s clothing be identified? How is a leader to deal with a wolf? Tackling these questions in a straightforward manner, When Do I Cry Wolf? is a book designed to uncover the deception and work of the enemy within the church. It gives valuable tools and insights for dealing with this problem without creating an air of paranoia and confusion. Sound scriptural advice and encouragement give much needed answers that will aid those called to guard God’s “sheep.”

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    • Satan This Is Going To Hurt


      SATAN …this is going to hurt!” is a ground-to-air (make that “power of the air”) spiritual missile, which strikes at the heart of Satan’s lair, and exposes his vile operation from start to finish! Turn its pages and enjoy watching many of the devil’s tallest “strongholds” (demonic bondages, lies and deceits) come crashing down! Kole Eremos fires live rounds at the enemy – not religious blanks! He offers immense practical and personal help for growing “end-time” conflicts, while providing ample evidence from both Old and New Testaments, that God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are-and always have been-in complete control! Most of all, his book builds on the sure and everlasting foundation of the Lord Jesus Christ, Who said, “…Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

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    • Triumphant Warriors In A Turbulent World


      The Bible clearly tells us that the end of time is near. The devil is constantly assaulting God’s people with devastating forms of spiritual warfare. This war is being waged world wide. The battlefi eld is in the heart of every believer and the souls of mankind are the prize. We, as Christians, must not fear and give up. God is on our side and we will win. We are instructed to put on the whole armor of God. But what are our weapons? How do we learn to use them? How do we fi ght an unseen enemy? What does God expect of us? Can we really be victorious? The purpose of this book is to show how God’s Word answers these questions. It is my desire that you fully comprehend what God has given to me, so – “I’ve tried to write it, so that you can understand it.”

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    • When Pigs Move In


      Demons have come to kill, steal, and destroy. Every day we give them too much power when, in fact, Jesus has given us authority to bind them and command them to leave. These are the stories of men and women whose lives have been transformed because someone looked the devil right in the eye and commanded…
      “In Jesus name, get OUT!”
      With inspiring interviews and insight into the conversions of some of prison’s worst offenders, When Pigs Move In provides practical principles for ministering deliverance from demonic oppression.

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    • Conquerors For Christ 4


      Conquerors for Christ is anointed and illuminated Bible scholarship that teaches you how to effectively deploy, engage and execute the Strategy, Tactics & Weapons of Our Warfare against Satan, his strongmen, demons, devils and evil, rotten fruits, as well as against the false pastors, preachers, prophets and teachers in the apostate church, thus enforcing the Victory of Jesus Christ, until He Raptures His Church! You learn how to preemptively strike the enemy and his legions in daily warfare, which empowers you to continuously assault, attack, break down and breakthrough the gates of Hell by preaching the Gospel, in the Anointing, Authority, Power and Strength of the Holy Spirit, thereby setting the captives free in Christ! This is our end time Spiritual Warfare Handbook/Manuel, which reveals Christ’s rapid response action/battle plan for the mighty “Conquerors for Christ,” by being disciplined in the very character of Messiah!

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    • Conquerors For Christ 4


      Conquerors for Christ is anointed and illuminated Bible scholarship that teaches you how to effectively deploy, engage and execute the Strategy, Tactics & Weapons of Our Warfare against Satan, his strongmen, demons, devils and evil, rotten fruits, as well as against the false pastors, preachers, prophets and teachers in the apostate church, thus enforcing the Victory of Jesus Christ, until He Raptures His Church! You learn how to preemptively strike the enemy and his legions in daily warfare, which empowers you to continuously assault, attack, break down and breakthrough the gates of Hell by preaching the Gospel, in the Anointing, Authority, Power and Strength of the Holy Spirit, thereby setting the captives free in Christ! This is our end time Spiritual Warfare Handbook/Manuel, which reveals Christ’s rapid response action/battle plan for the mighty “Conquerors for Christ,” by being disciplined in the very character of Messiah!

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    • Smell The Steel Avoid The Trap


      Did you know that people are often oppressed with illness, poverty, and anxiety because they fail to settle offenses according to biblical standard? Demonic forces cleverly set traps of offense, and many people who get snared don’t even realize it. This book answers difficult questions like these: . Why should I feel guilty if I am not at fault? . Is it better to ignore ungodly behavior, or confront it? . What should I do when others refuse biblical instruction? . Should I separate myself from habitual offenders and religious pretenders? . Okay! I admit to my part. Now what? This book will help you to distinguish the many ways people are lured into the trap of offense. It will empower you to remain free from this trap and to maintain a noticeable relationship with God and His many blessings.

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    • Devil Demons And Spiritual Warfare


      The church of Jesus Christ is in crisis. Congregations are splitting and decreasing in size. Marriages are crumbling. Biblical intelligence is on the decline. Where is the power? Where are the miracles? What has happened to today’s church? Author Tom Brown argues that we have forgotten that our duty to share the mission of Jesus Christ-to defeat the adversary who rules this world. Today, too many churches refuse to mention the devil or teach about the reality of Satan. The result is a weak and anemic church that struggles to convert doubters, rescue those in crisis, or witness the deliverance of oppressed souls in the clutches of the devil.
      Through reading this book, you will:
      * Realize that Jesus drove out demons and called His disciples to do the same
      * Understand the plots and plans of the devil
      * Learn the origins of and differences between demons and fallen angels
      * Know whether Christians can be possessed by demons
      * Understand how the church gives up ground to Satan
      * Discover how to be free

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    • Spiritual Warfare 101 Made Simple


      The 101 series is an introductory teaching tool. It breaks down God’s teachings and principles making it very simple and easy to understand. This series is developed for individuals, churches, missionaries, seminars, and workshops. Spiritual Warfare 101 is the first in series of “Made Simple” books. This complicated subject is made simple that even a twelve-year-old can understand. With the help of this incredible book, you will no longer need to fear this subject any more. You can become a part of this good fight of faith, as you finally understand your part in this daily struggle.

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    • Destined To Prevail


      Destined to Prevail is designed to instruct, impart, and invade as a commando in the army of God. Get ready as you receive instructions of wisdom and knowledge in God’s Word and understanding through the Holy Spirit in the weapons, tactics, and strategies of spiritual warfare. Get ready for an impartation of grace and anointing to live victoriously.

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    • Destined To Prevail


      Destined to Prevail is designed to instruct, impart, and invade as a commando in the army of God. Get ready as you receive instructions of wisdom and knowledge in God’s Word and understanding through the Holy Spirit in the weapons, tactics, and strategies of spiritual warfare. Get ready for an impartation of grace and anointing to live victoriously.

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    • Are You Ready For The Front Line


      It’s time for a showdown! The fight is on and the face of the church is about to change. Get ready to reload your spiritual weapon and pray with the kind of authority that doesn’t miss the mark! Then join in as believers everywhere march together following Jesus Christ, our “Commander”, as He leads us to the forefront. Your newfound proclamation will be, “Lord, sign me up. I want to be used on the frontline for your glory!”

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    • Rules Of Engagement


      This new book by Cindy Trimm includes declarations for engaging the enemy armed with God’s power and authority to defeat him and emerge a conqueror. It helps the reader to recognize the principalities and subordinate spirits that operate in the kingdom of darkness, and how to expose the weapons of warfare and be victorious.

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    • Conquerors For Christ 3


      Product Description
      Conquerors for Christ is anointed and illuminated Bible scholarship that teaches you how to flow in the anointing, authority and power of Jesus Christ in these last days, asserting the same against, and enforcing the victory of the Cross of Christ and the power of His Resurrection over the enemy, sin, sin nature, death, sickness, oppression and possession of demons, the false pastors, preachers, prophets and teachers in the apostate church, and the ways of the world! You learn how to be a king and priest of Almighty God by living a lifestyle of Revolution, Revival and Restoration of the Cross, as well as proclaiming Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world! You learn how to become a trustee of the last Will and Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – His Gospel – thus executing His “Great Commission” and building up His glorious church! Michael James Robertson holds a Juris Doctor, possesses a wealth of high level Fortune 100 corporate and other entrepreneurial experience and is CEO & Pastor of God & Country Revival. The Ministry wins souls for Christ and equips the Army of the Light. Ministries are God & Country Revival Fellowship, USA & Kenya, Jesus Brigade, Crusades & Revivals, Television & Internet (www.godandcountryrevival.com), Visioning Institute, Trade Wind Ministries (intercessory), prison outreach, and other international outreaches, including Africa and India. An extension of the Acts church, the ministry preaches Christ and Him crucified and the power of the Resurrection, while raising up and sending out mighty men of God. Because of Robertson’s passionate love of Jesus Christ, he has received the apostolic anointing to defend and confirm the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to expose sin by preaching the truth of the Gospel!

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    • Conquerors For Christ 3


      Product Description
      Conquerors for Christ is anointed and illuminated Bible scholarship that teaches you how to flow in the anointing, authority and power of Jesus Christ in these last days, asserting the same against, and enforcing the victory of the Cross of Christ and the power of His Resurrection over the enemy, sin, sin nature, death, sickness, oppression and possession of demons, the false pastors, preachers, prophets and teachers in the apostate church, and the ways of the world! You learn how to be a king and priest of Almighty God by living a lifestyle of Revolution, Revival and Restoration of the Cross, as well as proclaiming Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world! You learn how to become a trustee of the last Will and Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – His Gospel – thus executing His “Great Commission” and building up His glorious church! Michael James Robertson holds a Juris Doctor, possesses a wealth of high level Fortune 100 corporate and other entrepreneurial experience and is CEO & Pastor of God & Country Revival. The Ministry wins souls for Christ and equips the Army of the Light. Ministries are God & Country Revival Fellowship, USA & Kenya, Jesus Brigade, Crusades & Revivals, Television & Internet (www.godandcountryrevival.com), Visioning Institute, Trade Wind Ministries (intercessory), prison outreach, and other international outreaches, including Africa and India. An extension of the Acts church, the ministry preaches Christ and Him crucified and the power of the Resurrection, while raising up and sending out mighty men of God. Because of Robertson’s passionate love of Jesus Christ, he has received the apostolic anointing to defend and confirm the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to expose sin by preaching the truth of the Gospel!

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    • Pray Or D.I.E.


      Product Description
      PRAY or D.I.E. provides a charge to this generation to engage in spiritual warfare for their campus through the power of prayer. This book reveals that there is a spiritual climate in every campus and this is the hour for youth across America to enforce the presence of God on their campus. You will be equipped for strategic prayer that will usher you into another dimension of intercession and receive a measure of faith that will launch you into a dynamic position of spiritual authority on your campus. Get ready to experience a militant move of God in your campus! Josh Rubio is the founder and President of Prophetically Releasing Apostolic Youth (PRAY) Network, a youth ministry equipping students across America to occupy their campus for the kingdom of God through intercession and spiritual warfare. In addition, Josh continues to speak and teach as an evangelist to youth ministries throughout the country with a message and anointing to equip, mandate and father the youth of this generation. In the years prior to starting P.R.A.Y. Network, Josh was a youth pastor in San Jose, CA and launched a campus prayer ministry called Campus Lighthouse of Prayer. Josh makes his church home at Covenant Church in Dallas, TX with his lovely wife, Raquel, and their three handsome sons, Joshua, Isaiah and Ezekiel.

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    • End Times Scripture Handbook For Powerful Strategic Praying


      Olive Press Publisher
      Many people today view prayer as a world-changing adventure with God. If you are one of them, here is a new tool from God’s Word to help intensify your prayer power and excitement. This handbook has lists of scriptures and scripture-filled prayers to use to do global, intercessory praying. There is a list of prophecies about Israel that haven’t yet been fulfilled, and another about things that must happen before the Second Coming. There are also lists to pray for the nations, for the coastlands, for secular world leaders, and for Kingdom workers. There are even lists for combating pride and evil. These are fighting, Biblical prophetic Words to use for earth-shaking prayers like you may have never prayed before.

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    • Waging Spiritual Warfare


      The end of the age is causing the clash between the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness to intensify. Today’s church is lamentably ignorant about spiritual warfare. In this follow-up to Spiritual Warfare, Richard Ing exposes Satan’s deceptions and prepares believers for the final global conflict. This book will help you to deliver those suffering physical and psychological oppression, overcome the obstacles of religious pride and unbelief, understand the role of angels, recognize the signs of the end times, resist being deceived, and know the believer’s role in the worldwide revival to come. Know your enemy so you can defeat him!

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    • Divine Revelation Of Deliverance


      Too many believers live in clouds of frustration and defeat. They suffer unexplained attacks on their lives or the lives of their family. They wonder why they cannot overcome recurring sins and temptations. They struggle to survive amidst a culture that bombards them with evil attitudes and practices. Yet God loves us and desires to set us free from such spiritual attacks.

      With more than two million books in print, Mary K. Baxter teams with Bishop George G. Bloomer to reveal the way to recognize and experience deliverance from these demonic attacks of hell. These powerful truths can help you to…
      * Recognize and conquer hidden satanic traps
      * Break spiritual strongholds
      * Overcome your fear of the enemy
      * Lock up the destructive gates of hell
      * Defeat recurring sins and failures
      * Protect individuals, communities, and nations from demonic attack
      * Bring healing to the oppressed
      * Free people from mental bondage.

      In these end times, Jesus has given believers undeniable victory over the destructive plans of the evil one. Through our dominion authority in the earth and the powerful keys of the kingdom, we can overcome sin and defeat the enemy while leading many to salvation and new life in Christ.

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    • Protection From Deception


      According to Scripture, supernatural signs and wonders will multiply as we approach the end times. God isn’t the only one with a plan, however – Satan is plotting a scheme to deceive with supernatural signs and wonders of his own. In this book, Derek Prince warns Christians of deception, equipping them to recognize and resist the Antichrist, test the source of supernatural signs and wonders, and distinguish between the Holy Spirit and counterfeit spirits. By resisting Satan’s schemes and rejecting the false church, believers can beautify the true church and prepare for the end of this age, when Christ will gather those who have remained faithful.

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    • Prayers That Rout Demons


      This easy-to-use guide to prayer will help readers overcome demonic influence and oppression in their lives. Readers will be inspired and empowered as they learn:
      *The basics of spiritual warfare
      *Biblical principles for praying
      *Powerful warfare prayers and decrees taken from Scripture
      *Specific declarative prayers for every circumstance

      John Edkhardt is gifted with a strong apostolic call and is world renown for his teaching on deliverance and spiritual warfare.

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    • Seducing Spirits : The Battle For Your Soul


      Seducing Spirits will sharpen your spiritual perceptions by presenting the nature of the spiritual battle we are all called to wage. The author identifies the various spirits, or demons, that effect sinful behavior, clarifies the nature of the battle raging in the heavenly realm, examines the reassuring provision of God’s armor for our protection , and outlines 27 disciplines to help you live free in Christ. As with all of Minister Aaberg’s writings, the entire work is practical, biblical, and leaves you with a sense of “Thus saith the Lord!”

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    • Seducing Spirits : The Battle For Your Soul


      Seducing Spirits will sharpen your spiritual perceptions by presenting the nature of the spiritual battle we are all called to wage. The author identifies the various spirits, or demons, that effect sinful behavior, clarifies the nature of the battle raging in the heavenly realm, examines the reassuring provision of God’s armor for our protection , and outlines 27 disciplines to help you live free in Christ. As with all of Minister Aaberg’s writings, the entire work is practical, biblical, and leaves you with a sense of “Thus saith the Lord!”

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    • Conquerors For Christ 2


      Conquerors for Christ is anointed and illuminated Bible scholarship that will teach you how to assume and manifest the authority and power of Jesus Christ in these last days, asserting the same against, and enforcing the victory of the Cross of Christ and the power of His Resurrection over, the enemy, sin, sin nature, death, sickness, oppression and possession of demons, the false preachers, prophets and teachers in the apostate church, and the ways of the world! You will learn how to be a king and priest of Almighty God by living a lifestyle of Revolution, Revival and Restoration, as well as proclaiming Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world! You will learn how to become an executor, steward and trustee of the last Will and Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – His Gospel – thus executing His “Great Commission” and building up His Army of the Light!

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    • Conquerors For Christ 2


      Conquerors for Christ is anointed and illuminated Bible scholarship that will teach you how to assume and manifest the authority and power of Jesus Christ in these last days, asserting the same against, and enforcing the victory of the Cross of Christ and the power of His Resurrection over, the enemy, sin, sin nature, death, sickness, oppression and possession of demons, the false preachers, prophets and teachers in the apostate church, and the ways of the world! You will learn how to be a king and priest of Almighty God by living a lifestyle of Revolution, Revival and Restoration, as well as proclaiming Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world! You will learn how to become an executor, steward and trustee of the last Will and Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – His Gospel – thus executing His “Great Commission” and building up His Army of the Light!

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    • Why Live This Way When You Dont Have To


      Are you a “What if” kind of person? Do you forfeit your future because of the sins of your past? Are your plans frequently hindered and it seems that everything is against you? You may have strongholds if: criticism wrecks you, you cannot bear to face certain individuals, you are so tired of living for people’s acceptance but you cannot stop, you cannot escape the pain of rejection, abuse, or betrayal, you cannot hope, and your dreams go unfulfilled. What has taken Satan years to build, Jesus can demolish in a moment!

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    • Becoming Spiritual Warriors For Our Children


      God wants to “Free Hurting Mothers and to Raise up Warriors”! There is nothing harder for a mom than to see her child in pain and not be able to do anything about it. Through dealing with her teenage son’s cocaine addiction, God brought Pam to a place and time of her own revelation and restoration. And then, God taught her how to fight for her son. This book is a “how to” book. It teaches vital principals from the Word of God that every mother needs to learn and do. It is a story of heartache, revelation and victory.

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    • Destiny Thieves : Defeat Seducing Spirits And Achieve Your Purpose In God (Repri


      This liberating book reveals tactics Satan uses against believers and charges believers with a new level of faith to claim the victorious life God has planned for them.

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    • Divine Defense : 6 Simple Strategies For Winning Your Greatest Battles


      Many Christians are unaware of the meticulous plan Satan, the prince of darkness, has crafted for their destruction. As a result, they become “spiritual road kill.”
      They assume that the conflicts they experience with others, the temptation that regularly assualts them, the depression and illness that pull them down, and the private doubts they harbor about God are all a natural part of life.
      In this book, Robert Jeffress lifts the curtain of everyday existence to reveal the invisible but very real war Satan wages against followers of Christ. and he equips readers with six practical strategies for defeating Satan’s vicious and destructive plan – and living victoriously in the unshakable power of God.

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    • Blessing Or Curse (Student/Study Guide)


      Guides readers into recognizing if a curse is at work in their life and shows them how to get out from under it to live under God’s blessing. Study guide included.

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    • Conquerors For Christ 1


      Conquerors for Christ is anointed and illuminated Bible scholarship that will teach you how to assume and manifest the authority and power of Jesus Christ in these last days, asserting the same against, and enforcing the victory of the Cross of Christ and the power of His Resurrection over, the enemy, sin, sin nature, death, sickness, oppression and possession of demons, the false preachers, prophets and teachers in the apostate church, and the ways of the world! You will learn how to be a king and priest of Almighty God by taking dominion over the marketplace to raise provision for His vision, as well as proclaiming Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world! You will learn how to become an executor, steward and trustee of the last Will and Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – His Gospel – thus executing His “Great Commission” and building up His Army of the Light!

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    • Conquerors For Christ 1


      Conquerors for Christ is anointed and illuminated Bible scholarship that will teach you how to assume and manifest the authority and power of Jesus Christ in these last days, asserting the same against, and enforcing the victory of the Cross of Christ and the power of His Resurrection over, the enemy, sin, sin nature, death, sickness, oppression and possession of demons, the false preachers, prophets and teachers in the apostate church, and the ways of the world! You will learn how to be a king and priest of Almighty God by taking dominion over the marketplace to raise provision for His vision, as well as proclaiming Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world! You will learn how to become an executor, steward and trustee of the last Will and Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ – His Gospel – thus executing His “Great Commission” and building up His Army of the Light!

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    • Spiritual Warfare


      Richard Ing discusses the rulers and hierarchies of the demonic kingdom. For instance, Jezebel and Ahab spirits are the plague of today’s church, destroying even the most effective ministries through controlling women and passive men. Discover how to overcome Satan’s insidious tactics by learning about the proper use of binding and loosing, the anatomy of a deliverance, Satan’s legal rights, spiritual war games, and winning spiritual strategies. Victorious spiritual warfare is possible only as the Holy Spirit empowers individuals in the body of Christ. Learn all of the techniques and strategies available to you in your full arsenal of weapons.

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    • Satans Secrets Broken


      The book reveals some of the many before unknown complex issues that are involved in the daily living activities of most of us. The works includes the many problems that are encountered in the marriage and family issues. For the fi rst time the core ingredients of the enemy of mankind are examined at this level. Millions are affected yearly in their social livings, mental health, success and family integrity, the book breaks the secrets that has plague the ills of many, as well as societies, countries and nations.

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