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    • Exposing The Spirit Of Mammon


      “For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not of the Father but is of the world” (1 John 2:16).

      Gain Freedom from satan’s Greatest Deception!

      Is money slipping through your fingers? Do you feel like you never get ahead? Do you seem to struggle with the same temptations over and over again? Is it hard for you to hear God’s voice? God wants you to experience His blessing, favor, and success with Him as your Master!

      However, mammon-the spirit behind money-is speaking to you. Its mission is to trick you into serving the enemy rather than the Lord. The lies the enemy told Eve were repeated when he tempted Jesus, and he uses the same tactics with us! But we can’t serve two masters. We will either serve God or mammon (Matthew 6:24).

      In Exposing the Spirit of Mammon, international speaker and ministry leader Ashley Terradez pulls back the veil of deception, showing you the tricks of the spirit of mammon and how to walk free from them.

      You will learn how to:

      Recognize mammon’s subtle manipulation.Hear God’s voice for your financial breakthrough.Make God the Master of your life and finances.

      It’s time to get free! Escape the traps of the enemy in all areas of your life. Step into the success God has for you by following His voice over the voice of mammon and step into His abundant blessing.

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    • Enduring Wealth : Being Rich In This World And The Next


      Find the secrets of success in God’s kingdom.

      Wealth in a steward’s hands is powerful. With spiritual guidance and discernment, you can use your giftedness for God’s glory and yield incredible returns of eternal impact.

      After years of investing in both successful and failed ventures, Raymond H. Harris shares how he has seen God multiply human efforts when people faithfully steward all God has given them. Based on biblical principles of stewardship and investing, Enduring Wealth will encourage you to:

      *build economic engines to cultivate assets for God’s kingdom,
      *understand how to convert earthly assets into kingdom capital,
      *give with wisdom and a joyful heart,
      *foster partnerships and friendships with others to serve,
      *listen to the whispers of the Holy Spirit, and
      *live with an eternal mindset.

      Watch God transform the world as you place your earthly treasures in His hands.

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    • Short Guide To Gospel Generosity


      We live in a possession and money obsessed culture.

      The normal American has far more than they need, yet still feel incredibly insecure, needing to grasp it all tightly and continue to gain more. This isn’t just true with our acquisition of things, but also in the way we approach all resources that God has given to us: our time, gifts and talents, our families, and our lives themselves. What is the solution to this problem?

      Throughout Gospel Generosity you will see how the answer to our obsession with possessions is turning to the Gospel. It’s only in the Gospel can we find the type of life transformation that enables us to turn our focus from ourselves to others, to give generously, and follow the way of Christ. God has modeled generosity throughout redemptive history, culminating in the gift of His Son, and this sacrificial generosity is the basis of true gospel generosity. Readers of this book will be called to consider all of their resources and gifts from God that are to be held loosely, ready to be used for God’s purposes. Everything is His anyway.

      Gospel generosity is simply giving that is rooted in the saving work of Jesus Christ. It is the Christian’s joyful awareness of what Christ has done for them and how they are privileged to participate in proclaiming that work through giving and advancing the Gospel. Generosity sprouts from the Gospel and bears fruit for the Gospel.

      In Gospel Generosity you will explore topics such as:

      *Giving is an issue of our heart, health, and service to God
      *Tithing is not a required practice of New Testament believers
      *The Kingdom of God calls Christians to humility, selflessness, and fidelity in giving
      *Called by Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Christians give generously as an act of Grace to others until Jesus returns

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    • Power To Prosper In Troubled Times


      The financial system of this world has always been extremely unstable. Inflation, recession and depression are always threatening. The economy can change fast. Overnight, people can go from rich to completely broke.

      But the good news is you don’t have to be dependent on the world’s economy. As believers, we’re part of a different system. We can look to our God for supply, and His storehouses are always well-stocked. They’re overflowing with abundance all the time.

      Can you really tap into heaven’s abundance while living here on earth? YES, and this power-packed, 90-day guide will help you do it!As you feast daily on faith-building scriptures and inspiring teachings, your confidence in God’s desire to BLESS you financially will soar. You’ll see more clearly than ever before that God has a never-ending stream of increase for you. You’ll read inspiring, real-life examples of how God has prospered others in impossible situations and see how He has promised to do the same for you.

      So, get ready to increase! Get ready to claim, with greater boldness, all God has laid up for you so when the world’s economy falters, you’ll continue to flourish.

      Take hold of the power to prosper in troubled times!

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    • Thats My House


      For so long, I thought God didn’t care about my family’s finances. Boy, was I wrong! As I read the Bible about His provision for us, there came a shift in my head-and then in my heart. I realized that He is our true provider.

      God has no limits and we need to believe in His provision for us in every area of our lives. No dream or vision is too big for Him-and you’ll never find out what He actually wants you to do with your finances until you ask Him. Then you will be amazed at how He uses it to answer your prayers… and the prayers of others!

      We have to start somewhere. It takes many little steps for us to see the fullness of what He wants for us. Your finances can be a turning point in your relationship with God. As you physically take steps to trust Him, you will see a physical manifestation of the harvest of blessings in your life.

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    • Thats My House


      For so long, I thought God didn’t care about my family’s finances. Boy, was I wrong! As I read the Bible about His provision for us, there came a shift in my head-and then in my heart. I realized that He is our true provider.

      God has no limits and we need to believe in His provision for us in every area of our lives. No dream or vision is too big for Him-and you’ll never find out what He actually wants you to do with your finances until you ask Him. Then you will be amazed at how He uses it to answer your prayers… and the prayers of others!

      We have to start somewhere. It takes many little steps for us to see the fullness of what He wants for us. Your finances can be a turning point in your relationship with God. As you physically take steps to trust Him, you will see a physical manifestation of the harvest of blessings in your life.

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    • Native Way Of Giving


      We need new perspectives and deeper connections to meet our current challenges.

      To give us hope for a better tomorrow, we need to open up to fresh possibilities and insights. The experiences of Native people, some of which are told here in this Little Book, can provide avenues to deepen our faith and become a stronger community. These stories of abundance and generosity, of tending family and the land, remind us that we are all called to care for the gifts that God has given us. This kind of storytelling, which captures the imagination and inspires forward-thinking, is central to Native tradition– and to discipleship, as well.

      This series of Little Books of Leadership is designed to foster conversations within congregations around certain principles and practices that nurture community and growth in the ongoing life of the church.

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    • Joyful Finances : You Were Made To Prosper


      Do you work endless hours only to feel like there just doesn’t seem to be enough money at the end of the month? Have you ever felt under attack in the area of your finances?

      There is a war raging, and if you live in North America today, you are most certainly in the middle of it. While we may not see military vehicles and armed soldiers on every corner, realize that an army is fighting against you every day.

      You’re not alone. But make no mistake about it: God designed you for prosperity and abundance.

      Join Ryan Bondy as he shares from his thirty years of experience in business and investing. Learn how he and his wife Megan embraced a fresh perspective on life, love, and relationships to enjoy lives of joyful finances that previously seemed to elude them. Joyful Finances will introduce you to concepts that are sure to expose your heart’s deepest desires. Don’t allow life to steal one more minute of joy.

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    • Find More Money


      What do you do when cutting your budget no longer cuts it?

      From pastors in the pulpit to people in the pews, many people have cut and cut, but still find themselves struggling to pay the bills. Their full-time job is giving them barely enough to get by; how could they even begin to think about eliminating debt, saving, and living generously?

      Financial expert and author Art Rainer ( The Money Challenge; The Marriage Challenge) helps answer these questions in Find More Money by pointing readers to the reality of the gig economy. When a full-time job doesn’t provide what you need, finding a “gig” may be the answer to your problems.

      Find More Money is not just about financial stewardship, but about stewarding your talents, time, and abilities–not so you can get rich, but so you can live generously on mission for the kingdom.

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    • True Riches : What Jesus Really Said About Money And Your Heart


      Harvard MBAs John Cortines and Gregory Baumer show readers that peace and contentment are only possible when they invite Jesus on their financial journeys and shift their hearts toward joyful generosity.

      Jesus talked a lot about money. He knew that how we think about and choose to use our finances plays a significant role in forming our character. Our handling of money can make us more like him–full of contentment, purpose, and freedom–or it can cause a tragic separation from God and the joy he offers.

      In True Riches, John Cortines and Gregory Baumer invite us to explore the words of Jesus and experience the four transformations we must make in our financial journey with Christ: moving from pride to gratitude, coveting to contentment, anxiety to generosity, and indifference to love. Full of scripture, personal stories, and practical application, True Riches offers a simple path away from the empty pursuit of wealth and into deeper relationship with God and a purpose-filled life of generosity.

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    • Jesus Economy : A Biblical View Of Poverty The Currency Of Love And A Patte


      You know people around the world are struggling. A homeless man holds a sign that reads, “Anything helps.” A poor child lives in a slum swarming with flies. A refugee mother is on the brink of starvation. You ask yourself, “But what can I do about such big problems?”

      You’re looking for long-term solutions. John D. Barry shares incredible, and often shocking, stories about working among the impoverished and unchurched in the U.S. and abroad. And since Barry is a Bible scholar, Jesus’ Economy is also deeply rooted in the Scriptures. It is a personal, sometimes funny, often heartbreaking account that presents a revolutionary pattern for lasting change.

      Jesus’ Economy is based on self-sacrifice. His currency is love. It’s called Jesus’ Economy because it’s about creating a spiritual and physical economy for those who need it most. Here is a thoroughly biblical and compassionate pattern for addressing issues of poverty and offering the hope of the gospel. Jesus’ Economy

      – Shows how you as an individual can best encourage renewal in your community.
      – Demonstrates how your church community or any group can alleviate poverty.
      – Presents a unified plan for creating jobs, spreading the gospel, and meeting basic needs.
      – Focuses on community development and sustainability– lasting change, globally and locally.

      Jesus’ Economy is a call to address our own spiritual poverty–as people who can too easily become distant from Christ–and it is a call to address the physical poverty all around us in a smart and sustainable way. Jesus’ teachings show that with simple, everyday choices, you can make the world a better place and create enduring change. Here’s how to live Jesus’ economy–a currency of love.

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    • How To Gain Control Of Your Finances


      With biblical principles and practical guidance, you will learn to live well, give well and realize true satisfaction.

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    • Practicing The Kings Economy


      A pastor, an urban social activist, and an economics professor and bestselling author invite God’s people to experience the joy of following Jesus more fully in how we spend, save, and give.

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    • Greatest Trade : How Losing It All Became Lifes Biggest Blessing


      Author Steve Meyers has lost more money in the futures market than most people will earn in a lifetime, but through God s direction he gets it all back and more.

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    • Generous Church : A Guide For Pastors


      Our possessions can create unbearable weight and affect our ability to serve and thrive. How do we defy gravity and find freedom? In this 4-week small group study and stewardship campaign, pastor and author Tom Berlin explores what is required to sustain a vibrant life, what we need versus what we want, and what we can do to avoid being pulled into the orbit of materialism. The Pastor Guide helps the pastor and leadership team think strategically about financial planning and giving beyond the annual campaign vision. Tom Berlin believes and teaches that the church, in order to inspire generosity in individuals, needs to be seen and understood as generous. People will embrace giving if they see the ways their gifts are used in the community and the world. Generous church… generous people. Sermon helps and fresh illustrations will be included, broken down into four segments: Think About It – How do I think through the key aspects of our church’s financial reality and plan? Communicate It – How do we tell our story so the whole congregation shares a vision who we are, what we do, and what changes we can make in the world with our people and resources. Plan It – What’s the short-term campaign plan, the annual plan, and our long-term plan for the financial and spiritual life of our congregation? – Manage It – How do we set up processes, reports, goals, and metrics to stay true to our plan?

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    • Defying Gravity Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Our possessions can create unbearable weight and affect our ability to serve and thrive. How do we defy gravity and find freedom? In this 4-week small group study and stewardship campaign, pastor and author Tom Berlin explores what is required to sustain a vibrant life, what we need versus what we want, and what we can do to avoid being pulled into the orbit of materialism. This Leader Guide contains everything needed to guide a group through the 4-week group study as part of the stewardship program. Includes session plans, discussion questions, and activities based on the book and DVD, as well as multiple format options.

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    • Defying Gravity : Break Free From The Culture Of More (Student/Study Guide)


      Our possessions can create unbearable weight and affect our ability to serve and thrive. How do we defy gravity and find freedom? In this 4-week small group study and stewardship campaign, pastor and author Tom Berlin explores what is required to sustain a vibrant life, what we need versus what we want, and what we can do to avoid being pulled into the orbit of materialism.

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    • Christian Wallet : Spending Giving And Living With A Conscience


      “Conscientious and compassionate use of our money in a world where people spend $310 million on costumes for their pets and $5 billion on entertaining ringtones for their phones is not an easy task. The temptation to spend now and think later (or never!) is ever-present, but with good intentions and prayerful hearts, we can slow down and reflect on what we earn, how we spend it, who is affected by it, and who we can share it with.”
      -from the introduction

      Every Christian knows that we are called to love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength. But what about our wallet? We are asked to open it every Sunday when the offering basket comes by and are told that giving is a way of being a “good steward,” but what about spending money at a restaurant or grocery store? Best-selling author Mike Slaughter offers a comprehensive look at how Christians use their money in The Christian Wallet. Slaughter explores today’s culture of consumerism and the impact of what we buy, asking difficult questions about morality and money while acknowledging that there are no easy answers. Throughout the book, profiles of real people inspire thoughtful reflection about the true value of money and the rewards of conscious spending. Questions for individual or group study are also included with each chapter. The Christian Wallet helps Christians grapple with important questions about using money: how we spend, how we live, how we save, how we give, and what it all means.

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    • Giver And The Gift (Reprinted)


      CEO of Large Nonprofit Shares a New Approach to Fundraising

      Over the past 10 years, Peter Greer has helped HOPE International increase private fundraising at an annual growth rate of 44 percent. Much of this is the result of a relational approach to fundraising, which stands in stark contrast to conventional wisdom in the field.

      For many people, “fundraising” has become a dirty word. Conjuring images of guilt-inducing gimmickry, the predominant model saps the joy from both the donor and the receiver. It is time to dismantle certain shaky beliefs and practices, rediscovering a path that values the giver as much as the gift.

      Co-written by David Weekley, the chairman of David Weekley Homes and one of America’s most influential philanthropists, this small book outlines a Kingdom perspective on fundraising in order to energize a new generation of generosity.

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    • Gratitude Path : Leadng Your Church To Generosity


      Financial giving is down in local Protestant churches across the nation, and small to medium size churches especially feel the impact of this decline. The Gratitude Path provides practical, no-nonsense help for pastors and church leaders, equipping them to teach about finance and stewardship from a Biblical perspective. This book demonstrates a proven, step-by-step, achievable approach. It helps churches move away from complex stewardship models that can overwhelm church leadership, and outdated, budget-centric stewardship models, which no longer resonate with people, and offers a fresh alternative: A simpler, Christ-centered model that promotes spiritual health for the congregant and for the local church.

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    • Creative Giving : Understanding Planned Giving And Endowments In Church (Revised


      Creative Giving is a perfect book for church leaders who have no expertise in the area of planned or creative giving. It is an excellent resource for helping non-experts think about estate planning and stewardship within the mission and ministry of the church. A comprehensive guide, Creative Giving guides church leaders in understanding the transfer of wealth through planned giving. The authors equip church leaders with the tools to develop a creative giving program within the congregation.

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    • Ignite Your Generosity (Revised)


      We know it’s important to be generous. But it can be hard to know what healthy stewardship looks like in our families and churches. What if God has deeper and richer lessons to teach us about what it means to live generously? Ignite Your Generosity will help you see your resources of time, talents and treasures in a fresh, God-honoring way. A 21-day devotional, this book is now expanded with a four-week small group guide that is perfect for both individual and church use. Every day’s reading features an engaging story, Scripture for further study and personal reflection questions to grow in the area of stewardship. Begin your journey of pursuing generosity God’s way. Discover the joy and fulfillment that comes from a life of giving freely to his plans and purposes.

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    • Church Money Manual


      The Church Money Manual is the best resource available for churches seeking better ways to manage finances. Thoughtfully targeting multiple areas, the book features condensed chapters each focusing on a different subject. Subjects range from specific, detailed problems to perennially critical themes churches face in money management and stewardship.

      Some examples of condensed chapters include: A focus on donors and contributors no longer blaming the economy as a hindrance in their giving. Help addressing how to handle a donor who says they will not give unless particular areas are addressed. Outlines some of the most frequent mistakes hindering giving. How to navigate the area when there is a neighboring Christian university or college. An understanding of why pastors need giving to be good spiritual doctors just as medical professionals need diagnostics to be good physical doctors. Spotlighting what churches should be doing to help giving at the end of the year.

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    • Sunday Spending Instead Of Sunday Giving


      Kevin Cann’s book is about managing God’s resources through Kingdom Principles. This is done by the leading of the Holy Spirit instead of our flesh. In the natural realm our flesh is in control, but in the supernatural realm, God is in control. Using Kingdom Principles will set us free from our flesh and allow God to bless us.

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    • Giving And Receiving


      What Rev. H. Idonije presents to us in this book is not mystical, nor scientific in the secular sense, but rather that higher wisdom and blessed science of Biblical economics from the Holy Spirit by the Word of God unto the faithful. It is the spiritual science of the stewardship of material wealth. In the pages here you will learn the application of Jesus’ words in John 6:27, “Labor not for the meat (or investment) which perishes, but for that meat which endures unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.”

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    • 1st Childrens Study Edition (Teacher’s Guide)


      In First: Putting God First in Living and Giving, pastor and author Mike Slaughter conducts a four-week all-church stewardship program to help participants reassess priorities and create a culture and a lifestyle of giving with a special emphasis on missions. Sessions include: Naming Our Idols; Money, Work, and Debt; Earn-Save-Give; and Heart Giving.

      To help teachers and parents educate and model generosity for their kids, the Children’s Leader Guide contains session ideas for younger and older children, including reproducible handouts.

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    • 1st Devotional : Putting God First In Living And Giving


      What happens when we truly put God first in all aspects of our lives?

      In First: Putting God First in Living and Giving,pastor and author Mike Slaughter conducts a four-week all-church stewardship program to help participants reassess priorities and create a culture and a lifestyle of giving with a special emphasis on missions. To help parents educate and model generosity for their kids, First includes components for children and youth that help families explore financial decisions together. This book of devotional readings is a companion resource for program participants and is designed to draw families into closer fellowship with God as they explore financial decisions together. Includes short readings, Scripture, prayer, and stories.

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    • Committed To Christ Adult Readings And Study Book (Student/Study Guide)


      Six weeks of small-group study with readings to be used with sermon and worship activities found in the church-wide program.

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    • Laws Of Prosperity (Reprinted)


      True prosperity is the ability to apply the power of God to meet any need – spiritual, mental, and physical. In this book, Kenneth Copeland shares the revelation of spiritual laws that govern prosperity.

      The Laws of Prosperity is written to teach you how to apply these laws in your own life so that you can begin to enjoy the great, abundant life that only God can provide.

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    • Understanding The Poison Of Money


      Since 1983 David J. Baldwin has counseled many on financial matters. He developed this book to help bring an understanding to the financial issues that plague us-even those we are not aware of. His devotionals shine a light on the “heart” of your decisions by leading you through the Scriptures to help you avoid the poison of money.
      “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Luke 12:34)

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    • Understanding The Poison Of Money


      Since 1983 David J. Baldwin has counseled many on financial matters. He developed this book to help bring an understanding to the financial issues that plague us-even those we are not aware of. His devotionals shine a light on the “heart” of your decisions by leading you through the Scriptures to help you avoid the poison of money.
      “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Luke 12:34)

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    • Kingdom Calling : Vocational Stewardship For The Common Good


      Amy Sherman unpacks Proverbs 11:10–“When the righteous prosper, the city rejoices”–to develop a theology and program of vocational stewardship. Here is practical help for churches, ministries and other faith communities to navigate the complex process of following Jesus in those places where we happen to prosper.

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    • Gods Banking System


      Stock markets rise and fall, but here’s a tip you can bank on: Invest in God’s kingdom and you’ll reap the earthly and heavenly rewards of good stewardship. Drawing an analogy between checking, savings, and loans with tithes, offerings, and alms, Harrison explains how sharing God’s abundance can help fulfill his divine plan on earth.

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    • Maximize (Reprinted)


      Maximize is the ultimate how-to book for pastors and church leaders who long for their churches to be fully resourced to carry out ministry initiatives without financial strain. Pastor Nelson Searcy provides an innovative, step-by-step plan for turning first-time givers into extravagant stewards of God’s resources. Shining a light on the often taboo subject of money, Maximize will explore what causes someone to give for the first time and what leaders can do to systemize and maximize these gifts while growing strong disciples.

      Readers will learn how to:
      cultivate first-time givers
      motivate people to tithe
      develop an ongoing stewardship system
      follow up with givers the right way
      develop multiple giving options
      shepherd the five types of givers in the church
      educate people to grow in the grace of giving

      Stewardship is an essential part of discipleship. This revolutionary yet biblically based guide will chase the money discussion out of the darkness and bring it the attention it deserves. Every pastor needs a copy of Maximize!

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    • Money Miracles God And Me


      “Money, Miracles, God and Me tells the story of one single mother’s struggle to survive when she had been disappointed and nearly destroyed. She found resources in God to face a frightening future and in the power of prayer received miracles of money and personal direction. Her testimony gives current evidence that God answers prayer, meets human need, and does not leave us to struggle with life’s fears alone.”

      Ben Campbell Johnson PH.D.
      Professor of Christian Spirituality, Emeritus
      Columbia Theological Seminary
      Decatur, Georgia

      “What an amazing and exciting journey between the promising and providing God of the universe and one of His precious and faithful pilgrims. Rooted in Scripture and biblical truth throughout, it reveals a concerned God and how He communicates and fulfills His promises in our chaotic and stress-filled world. This is an insightful and inspirational ‘must’ for a discerning believer.”

      The Rev. Don Nichols – Retired pastor
      Florida United Methodist Conference,
      Long-time friend and pilgrim with the author

      “When it appeared that this mother would be knocked down, she ‘stepped forward’ instead, into a life of serious study and use of scripture, deep prayer, and remarkable generosity through tithing and other ways. She lived it and has written about it. We are her benefactors.”

      Danny E. Morris – Humorist and Storyteller
      Executive Director of the Academy for Spiritual Formation of The Upper Room, Nashville, Tennessee Author of Yearning to Know God’s Will, Spirits Laughing: the Gift of a cheerful Heart

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    • Tithes And Offerings


      In the book of 1 Chronicles is a story about a King named Solomon. King Solomon burnt 1,000 offerings to God. It was such a big offering that it moved God. He was moved so much he himself came to visit Solomon. Imagine how awesome it would be to have God himself come visit us because we did something to touch his heart. How much more awesome would it be to hear him say to us, ask anything of me. When we give to the Kingdom of God, the windows of heaven will open. For Solomon, God himself came to him, he didn’t send a messenger. God loves a cheerful giver and he gave Solomon the opportunity of a lifetime. Don’t tithe to be blessed. Tithe because you’re already blessed! w w w . t i t h e s a n d o f f e r i n g . c o m Israel carried God’s presence in the ark. We carry His presence in our hearts.

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    • 52 Offering Prayers And Scriptures


      This powerful book on giving is the fruit of Pastor Frank Damazio’s three decades of ministry in leading churches in the area of finances and giving. Included are 52 sets of scriptures and prayers to assist pastors and leaders in guiding their congregations in faithful giving.

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    • Spiritual Thoughts On Material Things


      There has been a philosophy dating back centuries that teaches that all things material are evil and all things spiritual are good. According to this thinking, if you really want to be spiritual, you will divest yourself of all your material possession, take a vow of poverty, and separate yourself as much as is humanly possible from the evil, material world. Most pastors avoid teaching a proper perspective on material possessions because they themselves are often not sure exactly what they believe about wealth. Hence, the silence on this subject in churches is almost deafening. I have written this book to break the silence. I speak plainly about your material things and challenge you to think spiritually about them. This book is not intended to only change the way you think, but more importantly, to change the way you live. May this book provide you new spiritual thoughts on your same old material things.

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    • God Money And You


      God, Money and You is a powerful book that presents God’s design and plan for Positioning Money As Our Servant in service to Him. Financial abundance and prosperity with Great Peace is God’s gift to those who will obey His Word regarding money. When we honor the LORD with our wealth, with the first-fruits of all our finances, then our financial storehouse will be filled to overflowing, and our investments will brim over with new riches. (Proverbs 3:9-10 NIV) But destruction and great unrest comes to those who do not honor the Word of the Lord God with their wealth. Therefore, to succeed financially in this world, Believers need to know how and where to Invest Money, Borrow Money, Spend Money, Tithe, and what to do with Tuition and Taxes. “God, Money, and You” is the Lord’s guide and gift to bringing you and your family into Financial Peace and Abundance.

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    • Faith And Finance


      During the greatest economic meltdown since the depression of 1929 my clients did not lose $1, in fact they have continued to increase their wealth. Discover the power of compounding interest and learn how to grow your wealth while protecting it from tax erosion. Suzy Black is a Christian entrepreneur, working in both the financial and insurance industry for over 21 years, she incorporates the wisdom and advise of the Bible into her every day business dealings and believes that if Christians will faithfully utilize God’s system of paying First Fruits and Tithing blended with saving and investing Christians around the world will not only see their financial situations change, but they will see God actively working in their finances and their lives no matter what is going on in the economy.

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    • Transforming Stewardship


      At once a “travel guide” and a vision for the future, this series is good news for the Episcopal Church at a time of fast and furious demographic and social change. It analyzes the present plight of the church and sketches a positive way forward, sprouting from the seeds of change-those transformative practices already at work renewing the church. What church models can help point us toward transformation? What are the essential tools? What will give us strength, direction, and purpose to the journey?

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    • All For The Master


      SKU (ISBN): 9780785289692ISBN10: 0785289690Dan CeliaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: April 2008Publisher: Thomas Nelson Print On Demand Product

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    • Stewardship Companion : Lectionary Resources For Preaching


      With deep pastoral sensitivity and solid biblical knowledge, Mosser draws one passage from each week in the three-year lectionary cycle to provide a brief reflection on how that passage can be used to teach and preach about stewardship.

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    • Fear Of Beggars A Print On Demand Title


      In the twenty-first century, the gap between the haves and have-nots is lengthening once again, and to American eyes, poverty is no longer limited to third-world countries. Yet often modern Christian thought on property is premised on the exclusion of the beggar from economic morality. Kelly Johnson asks the important question Why does Christian ethics so rarely tackle the question of whether to give to beggars? Examining both classical economics and Christian stewardship ethics as reaction to medieval mendicant debates, Johnson reveals both modern anxiety about dependence and humility and the importance of Christian attempts to re-imagine property relations in ways that integrate those qualities. Studying the rhetoric and thought of Christian thinkers, beggar saints, economists and others, Johnson places greatest emphasis on the life and work of Peter Maurin. Challenging and thought-provoking, The Fear of Beggars will expand what counts as a topic for Christian economic ethics into a richer, more complicated discussion.

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    • To Give Or Not To Give


      InterVarsity Press Publication

      Modern mission theory is guided largely by the three self paradigm that suggests indigenous churches can only be healthy if they are self-governing, self-propagating, and self-supporting. Consequently, Western missionaries, their churches, and their agencies have been increasingly indisposed to giving generously. We must rethink the interplay of dollars dependency and what it means to do the right thing with our money as we pursue twenty-first century missions.

      This book answers the questions whether Westerners ought to give or not to give in support of global evangelism and encourages maximum generosity as the path most reflective of God’s heart on the matter.

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    • Treasures For The Transformed Life


      Transformational Spiritual Development
      The book, Treasures of the Transformed Life offers an appealing theme for your members – Satisfying Your Soul’s Thirst for More. It offers your congregation the broad benefits of deepening well-rounded spiritual growth. Their newly enhanced connection to God and to each other will help them to view everything with a new perspective. As a result, all areas of their Prayers, Presence, Gifts, and Service can be improved.

      These 40 days of daily readings embrace:

      Desiring a Better Life
      Experiencing Meaningful Prayer
      Building the Church as a Team
      Finding New Ways to Serve
      Unleashing Generous Giving
      Living the Transformed Life
      A Spiritual Growth Resource for Christians and Congregations
      Whether it is used for personal study, a class lesson plan, or in a congregation-wide 40-day reading program, this book aids ongoing transformation by building –

      More Strength
      More Participation
      More Ownership
      More Service
      More Teamwork
      More Commitment
      More Gratitude
      More Generosity

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    • Money Matters Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      The Celebration Of Creation
      The Freedom Of Simplicity
      The Life Of Generosity
      The Trust Of Rightful Ownership
      The Joy Of Faithful Stewardship
      The Faith In Promised Provision
      The Commitment To Ultimate Sacrifice

      Additional Info
      A complete stewardship study to help congregations discover the art of generosity.

      Proven principles of financial management found in the Bible, such as debt-free living, simplicity, planning, and generosity. Ideal for use as a self-study guide toward personal Bible-centered financial freedom, or as a small-group participant’s guide.

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    • Ask Thank Tell


      Designed especially for use in congregational planning and study.

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    • Empowering The Giving Of Your Church (Student/Study Guide)


      Renew the giving power of your congregation with Empowering the Giving of Your Church. This one-day course is an intense spiritual, mental and practical encounter. Find your spirit empowered and receive a brand new faith for the giving spirit of your church. Many valuable insights are included as Frank Damazio imparts his extensive knowledge and experience on giving in the local church.

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    • Are You Robbing God


      Tithing is a very touchy subject among Christians. Many people are upset when they hear a sermon on the subject because they feel that the church is always asking for money. The simple truth is: Many Christians are robbing God! Robbery is one of the worst sins in the world. Malachi 3 says that a man can be guilty of robbing God! It is true that one can rob God of time, of service, of worship, and of ability used for the glory of God. The Word of God tells us tithing is such a serious matter with the Lord that He calls those who do not tithe “robbers” and pronounces a curse upon them. Christians who have put their faith in Christ and accepted God’s free gift of everlasting life understand that God has given His very best in offering Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins. God gave His very best to us, but do we give our very best to Him? Are YOU robbing God?

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