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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Life In The Son Revised And Updated (Revised)


      A deep study on the doctrine of eternal security

      Does one moment of faith secure a person’s eternal destiny with God–even if that person later stops following and trusting in Jesus? Or does a person have to keep on trusting and following Jesus to remain in a saving relationship with God?

      Now expanded with new chapters and research, this landmark book continues to offer one of the most penetrating studies on the controversial doctrine of eternal security, perseverance, and apostasy in the New Testament. Calling into question the popular “once saved, always saved” belief, internationally respected pastor and scholar Dr. Robert Shank reveals that the question we should be asking is not, “Is the believer secure?” but rather, “What does it mean to be a believer?”

      Straightforward, thorough, and grounded in biblical understanding, this book warns Christians about dangers that could potentially lead a believer to become an unbeliever (falling away from faith) and share in the unbeliever’s eternal condemnation.

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    • Crisis Of Civil Law


      How should Christians think about law?

      In every age, this is one of the most difficult questions faced by followers of Christ. Within the modern church, there is little unity on how Scripture addresses issues like gun control, abortion, and disobedience of an unjust law. In The Crisis of Civil Law, legal scholar Benjamin B. Saunders draws from Scripture and Christian tradition to provide valuable guidance on contemporary legal questions and the role of civil government. We can gain greater clarity by wisely applying the moral law found in Scripture–as well as the universal standards of the natural law–to the changing circumstances of human societies.

      The Crisis of Civil Law includes detailed discussion of the biblical material on law as well as practical case studies that contextualize scriptural principles in modern Western society.

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    • Giver Of Life


      God’s Spirit unites believers to Christ, conforms them to his image, and equips them for witness and ministry. In The Giver of Life, J. V. Fesko reflects on the person and work of the Holy Spirit in the application of Christ’s work for the salvation of sinners. Through a combination of biblical, historical, and theological study, Fesko illuminates the blessing of God’s presence with his people.

      Written from a confessionally Reformed perspective in dialogue with the great creeds of the church, The Giver of Life provides a thorough and trustworthy guide to the Holy Spirit’s role in salvation.

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    • Short Guide To Church


      A common claim in modern American Christianity is that you don’t have to go to church to be a Christian. The writers of the New Testament, however, would find a Christian faith separate from the church to be unrecognizable. Dean Inserra has often said to his congregation, “There is more to being a Christian than going to church, but there certainly isn’t less.” Belonging to a local church is not something made up by a Christian subculture. The local church was God’s design. It is his grand idea to display his glory and provide the avenue for his people to flourish as his missionaries to the world. When one begins to see the church as God’s plan, the mindset shifts from going to church in order to claim Christianity to seeing oneself as a participant in what God has given his people as a gift.

      There is a purpose, design, and reason for why the church functions in the manner she does. Consistent practices that may seem as merely tradition upon first glance, are prescribed by God for his people to practice together until Christ returns. The local church, congregated together, is the Lord’s primary plan for discipleship, fellowship, and mission for the Christian life. A Short Guide to Church is not a technical treatment of ecclesiology, but rather a book to put in the hands of every prospective and current church member, to help the body of Christ, expressed locally, to see the purposes and plan of the local church for their life of faith, and why it truly is the best thing going.

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    • Resurrection And Renewal


      The resurrection of Jesus from the dead lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It is the turning point of history, with far-reaching implications for our understanding of what God is doing in the world.

      Resurrection and Renewal is a fresh contribution by an award-winning scholar to the study of Jesus’s resurrection. The book is not an apologetic; rather, it takes the resurrection as a given reality and examines what the Bible says about it. Murray Rae surveys the Gospel accounts, looks at the resurrection as the fulfillment of God’s Old Testament promises to Israel, and examines how the resurrection reshaped the life of the apostle Paul and informed his theology. He explores how resurrection influences our understanding of Christ, salvation, the future, mission, the church, and the unfolding purpose of history. Attention is given to its implications for Christian living and ethics, the nature of Christian community, and the promises of Christian hope. This is invigorating reading for all who desire greater understanding of participation in the resurrection life made possible through the risen Lord.

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    • Defending Sin : A Response To The Challenges Of Evolution And The Natural S


      The conflict between the natural sciences and Christian theology has been going on for centuries. Recent advances in the fields of evolutionary biology, behavioral genetics, and neuroscience have intensified this conflict, particularly in relation to origins, the fall, and sin. These debates are crucial to our understanding of human sinfulness and necessarily involve the doctrine of salvation. Theistic evolutionists have labored hard to resolve these tensions between science and faith, but Hans Madueme argues that the majority of their proposals do injustice both to biblical teaching and to long-standing doctrines held by the mainstream Christian tradition.

      In this major contribution to the field of science and religion, Madueme demonstrates that the classical notion of sin reflected in Scripture, the creeds, and tradition offers the most compelling and theologically coherent account of the human condition. He answers pressing challenges from the physical sciences on both methodological and substantive levels. Scholars, pastors, students, and interested lay readers will profit from interacting with the arguments presented here.

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    • Divine Christology Of The Apostle Paul


      The last fifty years of Pauline scholarship have provided numerous insights to both the academy and the church.

      Some of those most important discussions have related to the question of Paul’s view of Christ with respect to his divinity. While the landscape is rich with scholarly findings, it can be overwhelming to navigate the complex lines of argumentation and the interactions between various key scholars.

      In The Divine Christology of the Apostle Paul, biblical scholars Chris Bruno, John Lee, and Thomas Schreiner explore the more detailed and often perplexing conversations concerning the divinity of Christ, bringing helpful guidance and clarity to scholars’ various articulations, including those of:

      *Richard Bauckham
      *Larry Hurtado
      *Chris Tilling
      *N. T. Wright
      *and others

      After offering a cohesive and constructive understanding of such landmark studies, they then provide their own insights through the exegetical study of key New Testament passages related to Paul’s Christology.

      Filled with helpful charts, appendixes, and study aids, The Divine Christology of the Apostle Paul is an essential guide for any student, pastor, or scholar looking for an insightful distillation of this key dimension of Pauline studies.

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    • Understanding My Brother


      Why is there such endless strife between the Muslim and the Christian world, despite the Quaran endorsing Jesus Christ, His immaculate conception by the Holy Spirit and expecting Muslims to believe His message?

      Today the Muslim world fails to recognize what exactly is the message of Jesus Christ and His role in securing eternity for mankind.

      Both Muslims and Christians are largely ignorant what the other believes and why there is still relentless tension on the earth.

      This book focuses on the fundamental irreconcilable differences between the Christian and Islamic faiths, that are rooted in the texts of the Quran and Bible, and is written from experience in both faiths.

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    • Resurrection And Renewal


      The resurrection of Jesus from the dead lies at the heart of the Christian faith. It is the turning point of history, with far-reaching implications for our understanding of what God is doing in the world.

      Resurrection and Renewal is a fresh contribution by an award-winning scholar to the study of Jesus’s resurrection. The book is not an apologetic; rather, it takes the resurrection as a given reality and examines what the Bible says about it. Murray Rae surveys the Gospel accounts, looks at the resurrection as the fulfillment of God’s Old Testament promises to Israel, and examines how the resurrection reshaped the life of the apostle Paul and informed his theology. He explores how resurrection influences our understanding of Christ, salvation, the future, mission, the church, and the unfolding purpose of history. Attention is given to its implications for Christian living and ethics, the nature of Christian community, and the promises of Christian hope. This is invigorating reading for all who desire greater understanding of participation in the resurrection life made possible through the risen Lord.

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    • 1 God One Way Christ Or Muhammad


      The promise and importance of God’s Messiah is undisputedly acknowledged by the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims.

      Who is this Messiah?

      The Bible and the Quran both recognizes Christ Jesus as the promised Messiah and directs their followers to accept the Gospel brought to mankind through Him. However, while the Quran commands to recognize the teachings of Jesus, an average Muslim remains unknowledgable to Christ’s proclamation and promises.

      The big divide is that Jesus claims to be divine and the Bible declares Him to be God incarnate. However, Islam is only willing to credit Christ as a mortal man, a prophet with a message from God (Allah) but not God himself.

      This book unravels the Islamic precepts pertaining to Jesus in the Quran itself, while bluntly showcases the bold statements of divinity and the offering of one singular path to man’s eternal salvation made by Christ Jesus.

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    • Heart At The Heart Of The World


      Ecology & Justice Series

      Traditional forms of devotion to the Sacred Heart, also known as the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have waned among Catholics in recent decades. Here, Mary Frohlich, a sister of the Sacred Heart, seeks to reinterpret this traditional devotion as central to Christian spirituality in the 21st century. Facing our impending ecological disaster she sets out to discover the Heart of God as truly the heart of all creation.

      Drawing upon recent theologies that have embraced the “new animism” that regards every being including humans as a node in webs of living relationality, this book chooses twelve themes relevant to the concerns and needs of today’s world and explores what story of the Heart of God may be told in relation to each one.

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    • Psalms 101-150


      A well-known pastoral theologian offers a theological reading of Psalms 101-150 in this addition to the Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible.

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    • Natural Theology : Five Views


      Natural theology is a matter of debate among theologians and Christian philosophers. In this book, top scholars in the fields of theology and Christian philosophy introduce readers to five prevailing views on the topic. Contributors include John C. McDowell, Alister E. McGrath, Paul K. Moser, Fr. Andrew Pinsent, and Charles Taliaferro.

      The contributors offer constructive approaches from major perspectives–contemporary, Catholic, classical, deflationary, and Barthian–in a multiview format to provide readers with the “state of the question” on natural theology. Each unit consists of an introduction by a proponent of the view under discussion, responses from the other contributors, and a final response by the proponent. James Dew and Ronnie Campbell provide a helpful introduction and conclusion.

      Offering a model of critical thinking and respectful dialogue, this volume provides a balanced, irenic approach to a topic of ongoing debate. Students of theology, Christian philosophers, and readers interested in the theology and science dialogue will value this work.

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    • How Should We Then Die


      “My times are in thy hand.”

      *Explains why physician-assisted death is attractive
      *Makes a case for the value of life and wrongness of killing
      *Argues from general revelation and Scripture
      *Helps Christians undercut the logic of euthanasia

      As more people accept the practice of physician-assisted death, Christians must decide whether to embrace or oppose it. Is it ethical for physicians to assist patients in hastening their own death? Should Christians who are facing death accept the offer of an assisted death?

      In How Should We then Die?, physician Ewan Goligher draws from general revelation and Scripture to persuade and equip Christians to oppose physician-assisted death. Euthanasia presumes what it is like to be dead. But for Christians, death is not the end. Christ Jesus has destroyed death and brought life and immortality through the gospel.

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    • Reformed Covenant Theology


      “Perkins is an expert in his field and very much a pastor. … You will not be disappointed.” –From the foreword by Ligon Duncan

      *See Christ and his work more clearly.
      *Learn the biblical basis for the Reformed confessions.
      *Understand the role of grace and works in your salvation.

      Covenant shapes our life with God. In Reformed Covenant Theology: A Systematic Introduction, Harrison Perkins shows how Christ and his work are the heart of that covenant relationship. Since God lives in covenant with his redeemed people, covenant theology provides a framework for Christians to grow in their life with God, to read the Bible, and to love the church.

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    • Joy Of The Trinity


      It’s hard to know a God we don’t understand, and it’s hard to love a God we don’t know.

      But our God wants to be known and loved, and He’s told us a lot about Himself in the pages of His Word-particularly that He is a “three-in-one” God. Although it is a crucial and classic Christian teaching, understanding the Trinity can be intimidating at first. But it doesn’t have to be!

      Join bestselling author, Bible teacher, and podcaster Tara-Leigh Cobble as she walks you through the triune nature of God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. As you turn each page, you’ll discover a beautiful, foundational view of the Trinity that will not only inform how you relate to God but give you deeper intimacy and greater joy in knowing Him!

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    • Biblical Typology : How The Old Testament Points To Christ, His Church, And


      How to Study the Old Testament for Signs of Christ

      Believers read Scripture to follow Christ and deepen their relationship with him. But since a majority of the Bible was written before Jesus’s life and death on the cross, many people rely on the Old Testament for historical context and moral guidance alone. However, when studied in detail, we see how even the Old Testament reveals Christ as the center of God’s plan for redemption.

      Biblical Typology examines how the Old Testament foreshadows Christ, the church, and the consummation through types-or symbols-pointing toward fulfillment. Well-known for his academic yet accessible writing, Vern S. Poythress not only provides examples of types and analogies found in God’s word but also teaches readers a practical framework and diagram for effectively examining them throughout Scripture. Readers will learn how to identify and interpret biblical typology for themselves as they deepen their understanding of the Bible and the wisdom of God.

      *Great for Bible Teachers: Teaches pastors, Bible study leaders, and thoughtful lay people how to effectively study biblical typology in the Old Testament

      *Practical How-To: Not only examines Scripture for examples of Christ in the Old Testament but teaches how readers can find types for themselves

      *Uses Helpful Tools: Introduces a practical framework and diagram to effectively interpret typology within the Old Testament

      *Academic yet Accessible: Written by scholar, professor, and author Vern S. Poythress

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    • Crowned With Glory And Honor


      Jesus defines what it means to be human.

      The field of theological anthropology is at a standstill, mired in debate between dualist and physicalist perspectives on body and soul. In Crowned with Glory and Honor: A Chalcedonian Anthropology, Michael A. Wilkinson argues that the man Jesus is the way forward. Anthropology should be centered around Jesus.

      God the Son incarnate is true man, like us in all things except sin. Wilkinson approaches human ontology through Christology by looking to the Chalcedonian Definition and its Christology. Chalcedon confesses the man Jesus to be the divine person of the Son subsisting in a human nature. A Chalcedonian anthropology extends Jesus’s person-nature constitution to define what it means to be human. A human being is a human person subsisting in a human nature. We are more than body and soul because Jesus is so much more.

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    • Sacraments


      What are the sacraments? Why do Protestants only recognize two sacraments? What do baptism and the Lord’s Supper mean? Sacramental theologian Brent Peterson answers these questions and more in this discussion of The Sacraments from The Wesleyan Theology Series. Peterson first lays the groundwork for a Wesleyan understanding of sacramental practice, then delves deeply into baptism and the Eucharist, affirming faithful practice, correcting errors and misunderstandings, and guiding Christians toward a more robust and healthy observance of the two sacraments that Jesus modeled for us in the New Testament.

      Christians are used to hearing theological language in the church but may not feel they have adequate resources to enhance their understanding of what certain terms or concepts mean. The Wesleyan Theology Series aims to discuss Christian doctrines in accessible language that states clearly what we believe and why. Each volume is written by an author with a particular expertise who also has the ability to simplify and clarify complex ideas. The Wesleyan Theology Series is written specifically for the theologically curious layperson, student, or pastor. Topics include: the Trinity, creation, eschatology, the church, the sacraments, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Scripture, sin, grace, salvation, sanctification, Christian ethics, and atonement.

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    • Local And Universal


      In the words of the creeds, the church is the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic body of Christ.

      Of those features, perhaps none is as misunderstood as the church’s catholicity (that is, its universality)-because while the church is universal, it is also radically local, connected to a particular community or even found on a specific street corner. How might we reclaim the universality of the church without losing its local situatedness?

      In this Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture volume, pastor and theologian C. Ryan Fields offers a surprising solution: he turns to the Free Church tradition, those churches that are historically separate or “free” from state oversight. Juxtaposing the Free Church with its Episcopal counterpart, he argues that far from neglecting the catholicity of the church, the Free Church tradition can helpfully inform our understanding of the one body of Christ while remaining true to its local roots.

      Studies in Christian Doctrine and Scripture, edited by Daniel J. Treier and Kevin J. Vanhoozer, promotes evangelical contributions to systematic theology, seeking fresh understanding of Christian doctrine through creatively faithful engagement with Scripture in dialogue with church tradition.

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    • Wood Between The Worlds


      The cross is the heart of Scripture

      Everything about the gospel message leads to the cross, and proceeds from the cross. In fact, within the narrative of Scripture, the crucifixion of Jesus is literally the crux of the story-the axis upon which the biblical story turns. But it would be a mistake to think we could sum up the significance of the crucifixion in a tidy sentence or two. That kind of thinking only insulates us from the magnificence of what God has done. In our ongoing quest to make meaning of the cross, we need to recognize that this conversation will never conclude-that there is always something more to be said.

      Brian Zahnd reminds us that the meaning of the cross is multifaceted and should touch every aspect of our lives. Just as gazing through the eyepiece of a kaleidoscope reveals a new geometric image with every turn, Zahnd helps us see that there are infinite ways to behold the cross of Christ as the beautiful form that saves the world. The Wood Between the Worlds is an invitation to encounter the cross of Christ anew.

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    • God : Theology For Every Person


      Knowing, loving, and worshiping God is the call and privilege of every disciple of Jesus.
      Because all Christians are part of his royal priesthood, theology is not just for those teaching in the academy or serving in ministry vocations.

      Theology proper centers on God, exploring his existence, his divine nature, his Persons, and his attributes. In this book you will find an overview of these truths in the doctrine of God as well as other great truths in the doctrine of divine revelation.

      You are not simply setting out on a journey toward deeper knowledge. If theological study only results in knowing abstract truths about God, then we have not done theology well.
      Right theology invariably leads to right living and right worship, and this is our ultimate goal in these books and in this life.

      God is the first volume of a three-part series entitled Theology for Every Person. The other volumes will include God’s Word to the World, which considers God in Christ and his works of creation, humanity, and redemption, and God’s Work in the World, which explores God the Holy Spirit and the divine works of salvation, the church, and the end.

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    • John Wesleys Doctrine Of Justification


      A comprehensive account of Wesley’s doctrine of justification.

      To properly understand Wesley’s via salutis and theology, one needs to grasp the particulars of his doctrine of justification. The best way to do this is to tell the story of how he came to understand the doctrine over the course of his life. It is a complex story, with many twists and turns, that deserves to be fully told.

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    • Answering The Psalmists Perplexity


      SKU (ISBN): 9781514008867ISBN10: 1514008866James Hutchinson | Editor: D. A. Carson | Editor: Benjamin GladdBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2024New Studies In Biblical TheologyPublisher: InterVarsity Press

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    • Artistic Sphere : The Arts In Neo-Calvinist Perspective


      While some Christians have embraced the relationship between faith and the arts, the Reformed tradition tends to harbor reservations about the arts.

      However, among Reformed churches, the Neo-Calvinist tradition-as represented in the work of Abraham Kuyper, Herman Dooyeweerd, Hans Rookmaaker, and others-has consistently demonstrated not just a willingness but a desire to engage with all manner of cultural and artistic expressions.

      This volume, edited by art scholar Roger Henderson and Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker, the daughter of art historian and cultural critic Hans Rookmaaker, brings together history, philosophy, and theology to consider the relationship between the arts and the Neo-Calvinist tradition. With affirmations including the Lordship of Christ, the cultural mandate, sphere sovereignty, and common grace, the Neo-Calvinist tradition is well-equipped to offer wisdom on the arts to the whole body of Christ.

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    • Bible And Reconciliation


      This addition to the Catholic Biblical Theology of the Sacraments series provides readers with a deeper appreciation of God’s gifts and call in the sacraments through a renewed encounter with God’s Word.

      James Prothro offers a biblical theology of the sacrament of reconciliation–the restoration of the sinner through forgiveness and repentance. Prothro fleshes out the patterns in which God’s people in the Old and New Testaments approach the merciful God, confess, and are forgiven and called to reengage their relationship with God by growing in faith and love through God’s ministry of grace.

      Series editors are Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn. Gray and Sehorn teach at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, which prepares students for Christian mission through on-campus and distance-education programs. Gray is also president of the Augustine Institute.

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    • Creator : A Theological Interpretation Of Genesis 1


      The Christian claim that the triune God is the creator of the universe is both exegetically grounded and theologically rich.

      Yet discussions about God’s work of creation are often overwhelmed by questions such as the age of the earth and the relationship between divine creation and evolution. Without completely ignoring such issues, Peter Leithart offers a decidedly theological interpretation of the creation account from Genesis 1.

      By engaging with classic discussions of creation, including those of Plato and Aristotle, as well as Christian articulations as varied as those of Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, Sergius Bulgakov, Karl Barth and Robert Jenson, Leithart embraces the challenge of talking about God and God’s first work. Here, readers will discover what it means to articulate a theology that is rigorously grounded in the first chapter of the Bible and the creedal affirmation of God the Father almighty, who is the creator of the heavens and earth.

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    • Fundamentalists In The Public Square


      A myth-busting work on fundamentalists and culture

      The Scopes Trial of 1925 is often regarded as a turning point in the history of American fundamentalism and evangelicalism. It is claimed that Scopes was a public relations defeat that sent fundamentalism into retreat from mainstream culture.

      In Fundamentalists in the Public Square: Evolution, Alcohol, and the Culture Wars after the Scopes Trial, Madison Trammel argues that such a characterization is misguided. Using documentary evidence from newspapers in the 1920s and 1930s, Trammel shows that fundamentalists remained fully active in seeking to transform the culture for Christ, and they remained so through the rise of Billy Graham’s ministry.

      Grounded in historical evidence, Fundamentalists in the Public Square offers a fresh take on the relationship between fundamentalism, evangelicalism, and the public square.

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    • Theology Of Liberation 50th Anniversary Edition


      “It would be difficult to name another theological book these past five decades that has been more influential, has inspired more believers and non-believers alike to think differently about the Christian faith, and has engendered so much controversy.” So begins Michael E. Lee’s introduction to this 50th anniversary edition of the classic work that signaled a new style of doing theology.

      The theological project launched in this book was, as Fr. Gutierrez wrote, “based on the gospel and the experiences of men and women committed to the process of liberation in the oppressed land of Latin America.” It was “born of the experience of shared efforts to abolish the current unjust situation and to build a different society, freer and more human.” Yet its influence was quickly felt around the world, inspiring numerous offshoots, as well as provoking critical reactions, both inside and outside the Church.

      A Theology of Liberation has won wide acclaim as one of the most influential works of Christian theology of the last century. Yet Gutierrez himself concluded the book by noting that any theology of liberation “is not worth one act of genuine solidarity with exploited social classes. They are not worth one act of faith, love, and hope committed . . . in active participation to liberate humankind from everything that dehumanizes it and prevents it from living according to the will of God.”

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    • Creation And Christian Ethics


      Creation is a foundational pillar of the biblical storyline, yet it plays little role in contemporary evangelical ethics. Seeking to correct this oversight, Dennis Hollinger employs the creation story and creation themes throughout Scripture as a foundation for Christian ethics.

      After demonstrating why creation is theologically significant and important for Christian ethics, Hollinger develops major creation paradigms that provide ethical guidance on a wide range of issues, including money, sex, power, racism, creation care, social institutions, and artificial intelligence, among many others. Creation and Christian Ethics shows throughout that the triune God creates from love, and in that creation are moral designs for humanity’s journey in God’s world.

      Professors and students of Christian ethics will find this a valuable resource for the classroom, while pastors and church leaders will benefit from personal and small-group study.

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    • Restoring The Gospels Jewish Voice


      Although Chouraqui and his work are well-known and celebrated in many parts of the world (especially in Israel, and in the francophone world), he is almost completely unknown in the anglophone world. This book represents an attempt to introduce his important work and inspiring legacy to an English-speaking audience, and to explore how it can enrich Jewish-Christian dialogue today. As a bilingual translator and Biblical scholar, I am able to make Chouraqui’s work accessible to English speakers who are unfamiliar with him–who may be intrigued by him but unable to directly access much of the material written by and about him in French.

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    • Varieties Of Christian Universalism


      Christian universalism has become a subject of fierce debate in recent years. Numerous works have been published on the topic, and it can be difficult for readers to recognize the breadth of possible approaches. While universal salvation is often boiled down to (and dismissed as) a single idea–that God saves all people–this oversimplification masks the variety of theologies that reach this conclusion in ways that are not always compatible. Christian universalism is actually an umbrella of different theological interpretations of the idea that all people will be saved.

      In this book, leading experts on universal salvation–David W. Congdon, Tom Greggs, Morwenna Ludlow, and Robin A. Parry–provide a concise guide to four distinct approaches: patristic, evangelical, post-Barthian, and existential. The contributors, who have each written extensively on Christian universalism, highlight distinct approaches that emphasize different theological values. The book will be useful as a textbook for students of theology, especially those training for ministry, and as a resource for anyone seeking a more well-rounded understanding of Christian universalism.

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    • Gender As Love


      In recent years, the issue of gender has become a topic of great importance and has generated discussion from the kitchen table to the academy. It is an issue that churches and Christian educational institutions are grappling with as well, since gender is a crucial aspect of identity, affecting how we engage socially and understand our embodiment. Upstream from all these conversations lies a more basic question: What is gender?

      In Gender as Love, Fellipe do Vale takes a theological approach to understanding gender, employing both biblical exegesis and historical theology and emphasizing the role human love plays in shaping our identities. He engages with and explains current theories and debates, but his approach is unique in that it avoids the present impasse between social constructionist and biological essentialist paradigms. His emphasis is on love as identity forming.

      This fresh, holistic approach makes an important contribution to the literature and will benefit scholars and students alike. Foreword by Beth Felker Jones.

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    • Power Of Revival


      Lloyd-Jones’s Reformed doctrine of Spirit baptism

      The Welsh minister Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) was one of the most influential preachers of the twentieth century. His preaching was grounded in his view on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but his pneumatology is often seen as a departure from his Reformed heritage.

      In The Power of Revival, Dongjin Park explores how Lloyd-Jones’s preaching was kindled by his distinctly Reformed view of Spirit baptism. By tracing Lloyd-Jones’s writings and sources, Park shows how Lloyd-Jones’s theology of Spirit baptism was less an embrace of charismatic and Pentecostal theology than a reappropriation of Puritan emphasis on experiential faith. Lloyd-Jones’s revivalistic urgency, fueled by the Spirit’s power to ignite preaching and holy living, found its spark in Calvinistic revivalism. The Power of Revival sheds light on Lloyd-Jones and Reformed theology and encourages readers to follow his example of relying on the Spirit.

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    • Answers From Aslan


      It has been eighty years since C.S. Lewis wrote his major apologetics works. They came out during World War II. The world has changed radically since then. His arguments are still valid, but that validity might not be as obvious as it used to be.

      It is not enough then for us just to parrot Lewis. We need to understand him so we can emulate him. We need to know his arguments and their strengths and weaknesses. We need to know how they can be nuanced to be more effective with today’s audience. We need to learn from Lewis’s methods and approach. And we need to understand his proper role as a role model: Lewis’s job is to teach us how to do our own apologetic in our own voice for our own generation. The purpose of this book is to help him do just that.

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    • Haymanot Journal Volume 3 2023


      The Haymanot Journal is the official publication of the Society of Gospel Haymanot (SGH), an academic community of Black scholars of biblical, theological, and religious studies. SGH exists to provide a space for Black theological scholars for support, partnership, and the production of research grounded in biblical orthodoxy, liberative justice, and Afrocentricity. The consortium of SGH operates as an extension of the Meachum School of Haymanot (MSH), a biblical, Afrocentric school of higher theological education.

      Includes critical essays by Vince L. Bantu, Kenneth J. Reid, Gregory W. Lee, Leon Harris, Preston and Charonda Boone, Melanie Taylor, Michael Schultz, and Watson Jones III.

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    • Creation Care Discipleship


      Although our planet faces numerous ecological crises, including climate change, many Christians continue to view their faith as primarily a “spiritual” matter that has little relationship to the world in which we live. But Steven Bouma-Prediger contends that protecting and restoring our planet is part and parcel of what it means to be a Christian.

      Making his case from Scripture, theology, and ethics and including insights from the global church, Bouma-Prediger explains why Christians must acknowledge their identity as earthkeepers and therefore embrace their calling to serve and protect their home planet and fellow creatures. To help readers put an “earthkeeping faith” into practice, he also suggests numerous practical steps that concerned believers can take to care for the planet.

      Bouma-Prediger unfolds a biblical vision of earthkeeping and challenges Christians to view care for the earth as an integral part of Christian discipleship.

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    • Christian Philosophy As A Way Of Life


      Philosophy is often seen as anything but practically relevant to everyday life. In this brief, accessible introduction, Ross Inman explores four hidden assumptions that lurk behind questions involving philosophy’s relevance. He shows that philosophy is one of most practical subjects of study, for it satisfies our deep human need to make sense of it all.

      This book recovers a more classical vision of Christian philosophy as an entire way of life. Inman shows that wonder is the distinctively human posture that drives and sustains the examined life and makes a compelling case that philosophy is valuable, practical, and significant for every aspect of Christian life and ministry. Living philosophically as a Christian enables us to be properly attuned to what is true and good in Christ and to orient our lives to the highest goals worth pursuing.

      This is an ideal introductory book for students of philosophy, Christian thought, and worldview studies. It will also work well in classical school, high school, and homeschool contexts.

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    • Holiness : A Biblical, Historical, And Systematic Theology


      Be holy because I am holy. Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.

      The Christian life includes many demands, but perhaps none are as challenging or as misunderstood as the biblical command to “be holy” (Leviticus 11:44 and 1 Peter 1:16) or to “be perfect” (Matthew 5:48). How should we understand these charges?

      In this volume, three scholars from the Wesleyan tradition offer a collective treatment of the theme of holiness that includes:

      *exegesis of key biblical passages
      *a survey across church history
      *theological reflections on the relationship between entire sanctification and other doctrines

      In addition, the coauthors constructively argue for a “neo-holiness” model that encourages the pursuit of Christian perfection but avoids the pitfalls of Pelagianism by incorporating historic understandings of grace and the work of the Holy Spirit with the best of the Wesleyan tradition.

      Here, the commands to “be holy” and to “be perfect” take on new meaning. What may have been a burden becomes a blessing.

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    • Basic Guide To The Just War Tradition


      This brief introduction surveys Christian thinking on an array of topics related to security and peace from a just war perspective. Drawing primarily on Scripture and theology, Eric Patterson explores the moral dimensions of order, justice, and peace in light of key Christian doctrines such as love of neighbor, stewardship, vocation, and sphere sovereignty. He also examines the perennial questions of civil disobedience, terrorism, revolution, and holy war (including a discussion of Israel’s removal of the Canaanites and the Crusades) and interacts with theological thinkers throughout Christian history. The volume concludes with a treatment of punishment and restitution, considering how these can help move a society toward conciliation.

      While ideal as a textbook for courses on Christian ethics, theology and politics, and church and society, this book will also appeal to pastors and lay readers questioning the morality of war and Christians’ involvement in force. Christians who serve in government, law enforcement, and the military will also find helpful guidance for thinking theologically about their vocations.

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    • Resisting Occupation : A Global Struggle For Liberation


      In Resisting Occupation, scholars from around the globe discuss the radical denial of human flourishing caused by the occupation of mind, body, spirit, and land. They explore how religious perspectives can be, and often are, constructed to teach the colonized to want, yearn, and embrace their occupation.

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    • World Religions In Seven Sentences


      Understanding the beliefs and practices of other faiths is essential not just to the task of interreligious dialogue, but also to grasping one’s own faith.

      In this brief volume in IVP Academic’s Introductions in Seven Sentences, philosopher Douglas Groothuis creatively uses a single sentence representing each of several world religions as a way to open readers to their depth and complexity, including:

      *Atheism: “God Is Dead.”
      *Judaism: “I Am Who I Am.”
      *Hinduism: “You Are That.”
      *Buddhism: “Life Is Suffering.”
      *Daoism: “The Dao That Can Be Spoken Is Not the Eternal Dao.”
      *Christianity: “Before Abraham Was, I Am.”
      *Islam: “There Is One God, and Mohammad Is His Prophet.”

      With a sympathetic but not uncritical approach, Groothuis welcomes readers to a vital and global conversation.

      The accessible primers in the Introductions in Seven Sentences collection act as brief introductions to an academic field, with simple organization: seven key sentences that give readers a birds-eye view of an entire discipline.

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    • Spirit Of American Liberal Theology


      The Spirit of American Liberal Theology is an interpretation of the entire U.S. American tradition of liberal theology. A highly condensed and far-more-accessible summary of Gary Dorrien’s three-volume trilogy, The Making of American Liberal Theology (Westminster John Knox Press 2001, 2003, and 2006), Dorrien here presses the argument that the most abundant, diverse, and persistent tradition of liberal theology is the one that blossomed in the United States and is still refashioning itself. While discussions of English and German liberalism persist, new material includes expanded treatment of the Black social gospel, the Universalists, developments into early 2020s, and a robust expression of the author’s post-Hegelian liberal-liberationist perspective.

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    • Trinity In The Canon


      For the church, trinitarian theology should flow into two streams: ORTHODOXY AND ORTHOPRAXY.

      Editor Brandon Smith and a stellar cast of theologians demonstrate that trinitarian theology derives directly from Scripture and should produce both right doctrine and right living. The Trinity in the Canon is an appeal for the church to incorporate the Trinity into our preaching, our liturgies and worship, and our interactions with those outside the church. Pastors, scholars, professors, students, and laypersons will benefit spiritually, theologically, and practically from this in-depth study of the Trinity.

      Contributors Include:

      -Gerald Bray
      -Madison N. Pierce
      -Heath A. Thomas
      -Jonathan T. Pennington
      -Matthew Y. Emerson
      -R. Lucas Stamps
      -Scott R. Swain
      -Keith S. Whitfield
      -Fred Sanders
      -Thomas R. Schreiner
      -Darian R. Lockett
      -Brandon D. Smith
      -Malcolm B. Yarnell III
      -Daniel Lee Hill
      -David Baggett

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    • Follow The Healer


      There is a simple, yet transformative, truth that fundamentally changes the way we think about and approach the ministry of praying for others to be healed. It’s the simple truth that Jesus heals– the healing ministry to which we are called is not primarily our ministry, but Christ’s. What we are called to do is to participate in his ongoing healing ministry. And as his ministry continues today through his body, the Church, he invites us to join him.

      In Follow the Healer, Stephen Seamands draws upon four decades of teaching theology and active involvement in healing ministry to help us grasp the “why-to” of healing that comes before the “how-to.” He lays out the essential theological foundations for healing ministry in a way that is simple and accessible. This holistic, Wesleyan approach to healing will help traditional evangelicals more readily embrace healing ministry and lead Pentecostals and charismatics already engaged in this ministry move toward a more wholistic and discerning approach to healing.

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    • Holy Spirit : Our Perfect Helper


      A quick scan of the headlines, an unwelcome doctor’s report, or simply trying to live a faithful life is enough to know that both life’s challenges and its opportunities can be overwhelming. Some people turn to destructive habits for comfort while others obsessively pursue wealth and power for protection. Even Christ-followers can find themselves overwhelmed.

      But there is real, tangible hope and help available.

      The Holy Spirit is an intrinsic part of every believer’s faith – meaning the help you need is already part of your life. He is so much more than you know. Curious? Join Rev Dr Richard Gehman, a pastor to pastors, as he explains the person, work, and purpose of the third member of the divine Trinity. With The Holy Spirit, Our Perfect Helper you will:

      *Learn who the Holy Spirit is and how he is part of every believer’s life.

      *Explore biblical passages about the Holy Spirit and compare them with popular teachings.

      *Grasp how the Holy Spirit provides the greatest comfort and helps you navigate life’s challenges.

      *Discover why the Holy Spirit truly is your perfect Helper.

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    • Addressed By The Word


      This book explores Eduard Thurneysen’s theology of being human. As theology arising from the central event of God’s living address to the church, Thurneysen’s theological anthropology is deeply practical and richly pastoral.

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    • Why Evangelical Theology Needs The Global Church


      Christian theologians and students are aware that evangelicals in the Majority World now outnumber those in North America and Europe, and many want to know more about emerging voices in the global church. At the same time, these voices are largely absent from Western evangelical theology.

      Stephen Pardue seeks to bridge this divide by arguing, biblically and theologically, that it is imperative for Western evangelical theology to engage with the global church, and he provides examples of how this can be done. Case studies throughout the book illustrate opportunities for fruitful engagement with non-Western theology in various areas of Christian doctrine.

      Readers will be given an introduction to the riches available within the worldwide body of Christ and learn how to engage productively with the global church.

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    • More Than Things


      We live in a culture of commodification.

      People are too often defined by what they do or own; they’re treated as means to an end or cogs in a machine. What goes missing is a deep sense of personhood–the belief that all humans are unique subjects with inherent worth and the right to self-determination in authentic communion with others.

      In a world dominated by things, Paul Louis Metzger argues, we must work hard to account for one another’s personhood. We need to cultivate relational structures that honor every human’s dignity in vital interpersonal community. The theological and philosophical framework known as personalism can help guide us toward such a culture. Drawing from a wide range of thought leaders, including Martin Luther King Jr. and Pope John Paul II, Metzger presents a personalist moral vision founded on the Christian ideals of faith, hope, and love. He demonstrates how this moral compass can help us navigate a pluralistic world by applying it to a variety of pressing ethical issues, including abortion, genetic engineering, immigration, drone warfare, and more.

      Ultimately human personhood begins with the personal, triune God, who invites us to live more fully as human beings. When we refuse to reduce our fellow humans–and ourselves–to mere abstractions or objects, we follow the example of Jesus in honoring the value of every person and of creaturely life as a whole.

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    • Set Adrift : Deconstructing What You Believe Without Sinking Your Faith


      How to analyze and reevaluate your Christian beliefs and experiences in the church while keeping the core of your faith intact.

      The number of Christians leaving the church today is significant. Many feel there is no place for them within the faith–they no longer feel at home in their church community or tradition. For various reasons, they are unsettled by the version of Christianity they’ve inherited.

      Stripping away the nonessential aspects of Christianity, Sean McDowell and John Marriott will help you navigate the jarring questions and cultural challenges that lead many to walk away from the faith. You’ll come to recognize that there are other ways Christians throughout history have understood what faithfulness to Jesus looks like.

      Each chapter provides practical advice on how to disassemble, rethink, and reassemble beliefs that are truly Christian and culturally and personally relevant. You’ll learn how you can continue to seek an authentic faith by:

      *Establishing Jesus and his teachings as the foundation.
      *Utilizing the creeds as boundary markers of what is essential.
      *Seeing the entire Bible as a truthful revelation from God.
      *Seeing Christianity as a historic and global tradition that encompasses diverse communities and viewpoints.

      The authors of this book can personally identify with the process of disillusionment that many young believers go through. They wrote Set Adrift as people who had to navigate their own way back through the fog of deconstruction. They wrote it to offer their own personal suggestions for what to do when you’re not sure what to believe anymore.

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