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    Adele Reinhartz

    • Common Judaism : Explorations In Second Temple Judaism


      E. P. Sanders’s monumental Judaism: Practice and Belief inaugurated vigorous debates about the extent and significance of commonality and diversity in ancient Judaism. Common Judaism gathers a host of scholars to present the state of our understanding of what was common ground in Second-Temple Judaism. By examining the tensions between a “common Judaism” and local settings, partisan Judaism, and the influence of Hellenism, these essays set contemporary discussion on a secure footing. An important resource for scholars and students alike, the contributors include: Lee I. Levine, Boaz Zissu, David Amit, Susan Haber, Albert I. Baumgarten, Anders Runesson, Cecilia Wassen, Anne Moore, Tessa Rajak, David Miller, Eliezer Segal, Seth Schwartz, and Ian W. Scott.

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    • Scripture On The Silver Screen


      This book follows in the path blazed by Jewett’s St. Paul at the Movies. It questions the “Hollywood Hermeneutic” that too often views the Bible as prop, but also recognizes the contributions of movies that successfully integrate the Bible as a plot-making device. Includes short chapters on the Bible’s role in such movies as The Truman Show, Pleasantville, The Sixth Sense, Magnolia, Pulp Fiction, The Miracle-Maker, Prince of Egypt, The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, Breaking the Waves, Pretty Woman, The Apostle, Blue, The Matrix, and Deep Impact.

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    • Jesus Judaism And Christian Anti Judaism


      Current scholarship in the study of ancient Christianity is now available to non-specialists through this collection of essays on anti-Judaism in the New Testament and in New Testament interpretation. While academic writing can be obscure and popular writing can be uncritical, this group of experts has striven to write as simple and clearly as possible on topics that have been hotly contested. The essays are arranged around the historical figures and canonical texts that matter most to Christian communities and whose interpretation has fed the negative characterizations of Jews and Judaism. A select annotated bibliography also gives suggestions for further reading. This book should be an excellent resource for academic courses as well as adult study groups.

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