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    Church Life

    • Becoming A Future Ready Church


      Are Church Leaders Missing the Generational Handoff? There’s Still Hope.

      *Are we building institutions that will meaningfully serve the next generation of believers and their leaders?

      *How does a church thrive in a culture where we have to earn credibility?

      *How do we create a sense of belonging to the body of Christ and a strong sense of identity for the next generation?

      Becoming a Future-Ready Church is a blueprint to guide you through eight critical shifts to help lead your church into the future with wisdom and hope. It describes several major converging trends that will greatly impact the church in America over the next few decades: the Great Resignation of Boomer leaders from churches, the shrinking percentage of Christians in America, and the change in felt needs among rising generations shaped heavily by anxiety, skepticism, and fragmentation.

      Missiologist and pastor Daniel Yang, religion journalist Adelle Banks, and church researcher Warren Bird have come together in Becoming a Future-Ready Church to help church leaders evaluate whether their ministries are entrenched in strategies that worked well in the past but need to be adapted for the future. By helping us ask better questions about the issues and needs facing the church, they reveal practical ways in which the next generation of church leaders can gain a sturdier foothold as they navigate into the future.

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    • Short Guide To Womens Ministry


      How do we help women at every stage of life and spiritual maturity grow to know God, be changed by him, and develop and use their talents and gifts?

      In too many of our Christian contexts, leadership training and ministry opportunities for women are inadequate or totally absent. This short guide puts foundational principles and practical plans-grounded in biblical truth-at your fingertips so, whether you’re in a leadership role at your church or hoping to impact a few friends or neighbors, you will discover insights, wisdom, and impactful “how-to’s” to lead women.

      Within A Short Guide to Women’s Ministry, you will find:

      *how to choose, train, and keep volunteers
      *how to train theologically grounded teachers
      *how to plan the women’s ministry calendar
      *how to equip women to read their Bibles well
      *how to equip women to grow in their relationship with God and with one another

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    • Centering Discipleship : A Pathway For Multiplying Spectators Into Mature D


      Discipleship without mission is discipleship without Christ.

      The church often lacks maturity and missional impact because discipleship is at its periphery. In order to get discipleship to the center, leaders need a locally rooted, culturally contextual discipleship pathway to tether disciples who are disciplemakers to the neighborhood or network around them.

      Pastor and discipler E. K. Strawser shows that when discipleship becomes central to your leadership and community, then discipleship becomes central to congregational mission and cultural renewal. Centering Discipleship is a gutsy practice-based guidebook for leaders who are doing the hard work of re-imagining and re-structuring their churches and communities to turn spectators into missional, mature followers of Jesus.

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    • Not A Hopeless Case


      Is America the next missionary graveyard? Or is it ripe for spiritual revolution? The statistics seem grim. Every year, the decline of Christianity continues at a rapid pace, especially among young adults. Churches across the country are closing their doors, dying, or are being “adopted” by nearby larger churches. What is the story church leaders hear? We’ve lost the next generation.

      But this decline in religious affiliation has not made us less spiritual. Young adults are still asking questions that only faith (or religion) can fully answer. Questions are like seeds buried in the rich, dark soil of our hearts. Nurtured with oxygen and water, they unfold into that which they were meant to become. Absent these conditions, they wither in the dark. Those most resistant to Christianity are those whose questions did not receive oxygen in their faith communities while they were children and teenagers.

      Not a Hopeless Case is the story of questions, the questions of young adults about faith and spirituality–young adults who are lost and want to be found–and the questions of pastors who seek to find them.

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    • Wolf In Their Pockets


      The world has changed. And we feel it in our homes, schools, and congregations.

      We can hardly remember a time when we didn’t feel the influence of that back pocket device. The average social media user spends about two-and-a-half hours a day using social media. That’s more than enough time to shape our values and desires. Pastors, teachers, and parents feel their influence slipping away. We’re seeing increased loneliness, disunity, and self-absorption. But where do we go from here?

      In The Wolf in Their Pockets, Internet expert Chris Martin examines the many ways we are being changed by social media. With a biblically informed voice, Martin both exposes the ways the Internet is distorting our life in Christ and shows us how to faithfully respond. Martin teaches us how to care for people who are obsessed with followers, views, and likes–and how to love those whose online influences have filled them with cynicism and contempt. Martin looks at how the social Internet is changing how we understand sex and beauty–what to do about the epidemic levels of anxiety–and how to redirect our hearts to worship Jesus Christ.

      Shepherding and leading people has never been easy, but the social Internet has brought new challenges. We need the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit and a powerful prayer life. Martin provides the biblical wisdom, direction, and hope necessary to combat The Wolf in Their Pockets.

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    • Sacred Us : A Call To Radical Christian Community


      For every person who has felt lonely or isolated, The Sacred Us explores a new way of living through the practice of biblical community.

      In a world that celebrates individuality and autonomy, too many of us struggle to form deep, meaningful relationships. Loneliness is the norm, rich friendships are rare, and the church is no exception. We long for real community but often don’t know how to get there. What will it take to develop healthy friendships?

      The Bible gives us a compelling blueprint for community, but it must be built on more than shared interests or Sunday-morning smiles.

      This book explores the substance of biblical community through seven principles:

      *Proximity that provides opportunity
      *Vulnerability that creates connection
      *Discipleship that sets direction
      *Fun that amplifies grace
      *Mission that drives adventure
      *Sacrifice that matures love
      *Boundaries that sustain growth

      These principles seek to guide the reader beyond loneliness and isolation into a life of rootedness and connection.

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    • Anatomy Of A Revived Church


      There is hope. God can save your church.

      In this book, Thom Rainer reveals seven findings of revived churches. Through new research, he figuratively dissects hundreds of churches that were on the path toward death. But they turned around. They revitalized. They did so in the face of facts and naysayers who told them it could not be done. Today, three out of four churches are declining in our nation, and twenty percent of churches are close to death. What are the secrets of the churches who avoided this fate and experienced revival?

      In Anatomy of a Revived Church, Thom will show you how these churches experienced renewal. He will cover everything from “expanding the scorecard” to “dealing with toxins” to “choosing meaningful membership.” When you finish reading this book, you will have the tools to strengthen, restore, and energize your church.

      You can choose life for your church.

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    • Church Revitalization Checklist


      Your church has the opportunity of a lifetime. The world has shifted, and a new, brighter tomorrow awaits. The Church Revitalization Checklist is a tool to help you start fresh, leverage your strengths, and discover hidden opportunities for church growth.

      God has placed you exactly where He wants you. But let’s be honest, if you’re leading a church, it isn’t easy. Maybe your church has been in the doldrums for years. Maybe you’re hearing a lot of complaints, and you’re simply tired or disheartened. Maybe you’ve been hurt. But you are not alone. Many church leaders have sore backs from carrying a heavy load. This book will lighten that load.

      The Church Revitalization Checklist provides a step-by-step path to a hope-filled future for both you and your church. Popular church expert Sam Rainer will walk you and your leadership team through a seven-point checklist-everything from reconsidering your priorities to evaluating your location and facilities. It is an extremely practical tool to unleash your congregation and help them step into God’s unique purpose for them.Your brighter future starts now.

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    • Future Church : 7 Laws Of Real Church Growth


      Church growth models have often been long on promises and short on disciple-making. We continue to watch consistent church attendance shrink, and our desire to reach the lost is infected with a need for self-validation by growing our numbers at any cost. If we believe that God wants his church to grow, where do we go from here? What is the future of the church?

      Drawing from his 20 years and 15,000 hours of consulting, author Will Mancini shares with pastors and ministry leaders the single most important insight he has learned about church growth. With plenty of salient stories and based solidly on the disciple-making methods found in Scripture, Future Church exposes the church’s greatest challenge today, and offers 7 transforming laws of real church growth so that we can faithfully and joyfully fulfill Jesus’s Great Commission.

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    • Our Witness To The World


      Concise Wisdom from a Seasoned Pastoral Veteran

      The Kingdom Pastor’s Library is a new series of books that brings you a succinct, complete pastoral philosophy and training from Tony Evans.

      Our Witness to the World teaches you how to equip every member of your church to go out into their neighborhoods and do effective outreach. It also demonstrates how important social impact is for the spreading of the gospel.

      Faithful. Powerful. Practical. Become a Kingdom Pastor Today.

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    • Rooting For Rivals


      Faith-based organizations are sometimes known for what we’re against–and all too often that includes being against each other. But amid growing distrust of religious institutions, Christ-centered nonprofits have a unique opportunity to link arms and collectively pursue a calling higher than any one organization’s agenda.

      Rooting for Rivals reveals how your ministry can multiply its impact by cooperating, rather than competing. Peter Greer and Chris Horst explore case studies illustrating the power of collaborative ministry. They also vulnerably share their own failures and successes in pursuing a kingdom mind-set. Discover the power of openhanded leadership to make a greater impact on the world

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    • Letters To The Church


      Letters to the Church reminds readers how powerful the Church can be and calls this generation to passionately pursue God’s vision for His beloved Bride.

      God’s Church started as a radical, spiritually intimate gathering of believers that ultimately changed history. Yet millions today are content to be mere observers at church. Many more have left, brokenhearted and cynical. But God is waking up His people-people who will risk anything and sacrifice everything to be the dynamic, world-changing Church of Scripture.

      In Letters to the Church, Francis Chan invites readers to wrestle with the fact that many churches have drifted from God’s desire for them. He challenges Christians to ask, “What does God want for His Church? When Jesus returns, will He find us caring for His Bride-even more than for our own lives?”

      Speaking out of deep love for the Church, Chan guides Christ followers to live out God’s magnificent and beautiful vision for His Church-a vision we may have lost but God has never forgotten.

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    • Prayer : How Praying Together Shapes The Church


      Prayer is as necessary to the Christian as breathing is to the human body-but it often doesn’t come quite as naturally. In fact, prayer in the church often gets subtly pushed to the side in favor of pragmatic practices that promise tangible results. Rather than being a hallmark of churches, dependence on prayer is usually emphasized only in times of major crisis-if at all. The latest book in the 9Marks: Building Healthy Churches series focuses on the necessity of regular prayer as a central practice in the local church. Examining what Jesus taught about prayer, how the first Christians approached prayer in the early church, and what steps can be taken to prioritize prayer in churches, this book is intended to awaken readers to the need and blessing of prayer in their personal lives and in the life of their local church.

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    • 1 Blood


      Dr. Perkins’ final manifesto on race, faith, and reconciliation

      We are living in historic times. Not since the civil rights movement of the 60’s has our country been as vigorously engaged in the reconciliation conversation. There is a great opportunity right now for culture to change, to be a more perfect union. However, it cannot be done without the Church, because the faith of the people is more powerful than any law government can enact.

      The church is the heart and moral compass of a nation. To turn a country away from God you must sideline the Church. To turn a nation to God the Church must turn first. Racism won’t end in America until the Church is reconciled first and then, and only then, it can spiritually and morally lead the way.

      In this his crowning work, Dr. Perkins speaks honestly to the church about the things he’s discovered to be crucial about reconciliation, discipleship, and justice… the principles vital to a complete ministry of reconciliation.”

      He offers a call to repentance to both the white church and the black church. He explains how band-aid approaches of the past won’t do. And while applauding these starter efforts, he holds that true reconciliation won’t happen until we get more intentional and relational. True friendships must happen and on every level. This will take the whole church, not just the pastors and staff.

      The racial reconciliation of our churches and nation won’t be done with big campaigns or through mass media. It will come one loving, sacrificial relationship at a time. The Gospel and all that it encompasses has always traveled best relationally. We have much to learn from each other and each have unique poverties that can only be filled by one another. The way forward is to become “wounded healers” who bandage each other up as we discover what the family of God really looks like. Real relationships, sacrificial love between actual people, is the way forward. Nothing less will do.

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    • We Want You Here


      The message is basic but profound. We want guests to know they are welcome to the church. This book is a gift to guests to communicate that very message.

      Bestselling author Thom Rainer (I Am a Church Member, Autopsy of a Deceased Church) has created a tool for churches to become more hospitable through a brief, welcoming book that introduces the ministry of the local church to guests. We Want You Here is a clear and instructive message to be given to church guests. Rainer facilitates the follow up conversation that every pastor would have, if they had the opportunity. By giving away the book to guests, they are encouraged, in a non-intrusive manner, to continue to reflect on the decision to visit their church.

      Those churches who share We Want You Here will be able to tell their guests:

      * We Really Want You Here
      * This is Not a Place for Perfect People
      * We Would Like to Get to Know You
      * This is Where Families Grow Strong
      * We Will Getting to Know the One Who Made Us
      * Come Make a Difference with Us
      * Thank You for Being Here

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    • People Are The Mission


      When it comes to interacting with guests, churches typically gravitate towards one of two camps: over-the-top, shock-and-awe, let-us-entertain-you or oh-man,-some-people-just-showed-up, underwhelming experience. Each extreme has drawbacks: on one end, people become the center of the universe. On the other, hospitality is effectively ignored in deference to the “serious business” of worship.

      People Are the Mission proposes a healthy middle, one where guests are esteemed but the gospel is the goal. Danny Franks, Connections Pastor at Summit Church, shows churches how to take a more balanced approach – a “third way” that is both guest-friendly and gospel-centric. He shows why honoring the stranger doesn’t stand in opposition to honoring the Savior. People are the mission that Christ has called us to, and if we focus on people we can better assist people to focus on the gospel.

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    • Learning Change : Congregational Transformation Fueled By Personal Renewal


      How congregations can change into missional, fruitful learning communities

      In a groundbreaking seven-year experience, Jim Herrington and Trisha Taylor led a cluster of churches in a process of personal and congregational transformation that is producing hope and health. Built on a sound understanding of learning organization theory, adaptive leadership, family systems theory, and recent discoveries in the neurosciences, Herrington and Taylor developed and refined a highly fruitful model of church renewal. This model begins with personal renewal in which congregations learn how to become learning communities and ends with church-wide transformation.

      Learning Change is the pastor and congregational leaders’ field guide to leading change. Each chapter provides training and information, an aspect of the learning change model, stories of real-life experiences in churches, and questions and suggestions for taking this information into a congregational context.

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    • Soulmates


      SKU (ISBN): 9781619708426ISBN10: 1619708426David HornBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2017Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers

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    • Becoming A Disciple Making Church


      Bestselling author Neil Anderson’s first book for church leaders offers proven, practical methods for turning believers into disciples. His step-by-step approach urges churches to help their people resolve mental and emotional conflicts because this ministry of reconciliation is where true discipleship begins.

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    • Autopsy Of A Deceased Church


      No one wants to see a church die. And yet, far too many churches are dying. For more than twenty-five years, Dr. Thom Rainer has helped churches grow, reverse the trends of decline, and has autopsied those that have died. From this experience, he has discovered twelve consistent themes among those churches that have died. Yet, it’s not gloom and doom because from those twelve themes, lessons on how to keep your church alive have emerged.Whether your church is vibrant or dying, whether you are a pastor or a church member, Autopsy of a Deceased Church will walk you through the radical paths necessary to keep your church alive to the glory of God and advancement of Christ’s Kingdom!

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    • Elders In The Life Of The Church


      SKU (ISBN): 9780825442728ISBN10: 0825442729Phil Newton | Matt SchmuckerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: March 2014Publisher: Kregel Publications

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    • I Am A Church Member


      Best-selling author and ministry leader Thom S. Rainer drew an exceptional response when he posted a 500-word declaration about church membership to his daily blog. “I Am a Church Member” started a conversation about the attitudes and responsibilities of church members — rather than the functional and theological issues — that previous new member primers all but ignored.

      Thoughtfully expanded to book form, I Am a Church Member begins to remedy the outbreak of inactive or barely committed church members, addressing without apology what is expected of those who join a body of believers. When a person’s attitude is consistently biblical and healthy, matters of giving, serving, and so forth will fall into place more naturally.

      Six intentional chapters with study questions guide this rising discussion:
      1. I Will Be a Unifying Church Member
      2. I Will Not Let the Church Be About My Preferences and Desires
      3. I Will Pray for My Church Leaders
      4. I Will Lead My Family to Be Healthy Church Members
      5. I Will Be a Functioning Member
      6. I Will Treasure Church Membership as a Gift

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    • Theres Hope For Your Church


      A startling 85% of churches in the US are plateaued or declining, a trend that has been building for the past fifty years. In the face of shrinking attendance and lagging spiritual growth, pastors and church leaders are understandably discouraged and demoralized. But the first step to turning things around is hope. Church health expert Gary McIntosh offers this hope by showing church leaders the first things they need to do to make a new start for their church.

      God can and does restore churches to new life, even as he restores individuals. The street-smart ideas and step-by-step instructions found in this book are ones that pastors and church leaders can put to use immediately in their churches to bring about solid growth and renewed hope for the future.

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    • Contagious Generosity : Creating A Culture Of Giving In Your Church


      What does it look like when pastors cultivate a culture of generosity in the church by actively teaching and mentoring people in the spiritual act of giving? It’s generosity that’s contagious.

      A growing number of leaders are beginning to discover that there are key factors that make some churches thrive with abundant resources while others struggle with shrinking budgets.

      Jim Sheppard and Chris Willard have spent years consulting with church leaders across a broad spectrum of church settings and have gathered their observations into this resource, part of the Leadership Network Innovations Series.

      Contagious Generosity highlights the best practices gleaned from real-life church leadership situations and shows how church leaders can effectively cultivate a culture of generous giving in the local church. It explains why some churches are experiencing unexplainable ministry growth and unprecedented church funding … even in the midst of tough economic times.

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    • Great Commission To Worship


      The Great Commission to Worship looks closely at the intertwining relationship between worship and evangelism as the foundation for the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Authors David Wheeler and Vernon Whaley cite Scripture to explain “The Mandate of Worship and the Great Commission” and then show how worship-in relation to the Great Commission-is formational, transformational, relational, missional, commissional, and reproducible. Each chapter includes five “life questions” for reader reflection while the book concludes with steps for practical application and ten principles for developing “lifestyle worship evangelism.”

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    • Think Christianly : Looking At The Intersection Of Faith And Culture


      Think Christianly is about seizing the opportunities we have every day to speak the life Jesus offers into our culture. Tragically, many such opportunities pass us by unclaimed—either because we don’t notice them or we have not prepared ourselves to enter into them. And those around us seem to grow increasingly unwilling to hear anything the church has to say.
      Jonathan Morrow helps church leaders envision and implement ways for their congregations to ‘think Christianly’ about contemporary questions and to speak in informed, engaging ways. Morrow explores many of the important issues that Christians often hear raised with regard to faith—questions about who Jesus was, the good and bad of religion, pain and evil in the world, the reliability of the Bible, sexuality and intimate relationships, and hope for change, among others.

      The life and faith issues that Think Christianly addresses lead to cultural moments where Christianity and contemporary culture intersect. This book will help churches take vital steps toward cultivating compassion and competence in speaking faithfully to a questioning world.

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    • Reimagining Church : Pursuing The Dream Of Organic Christianity


      A revolution is moving through the body of Christ, challenging the spiritual status quo and redefining the very notion of corporate worship. A movement inspired by the divine design for holy fellowship. A fresh concept rooted in ancient history. Author Frank Viola believes that today’s congregations have:
      A. little in common with the church modeled in Acts
      B. shifted from God’s original intent for His church

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    • Change Agents : 25 Hard Learned Lessons In The Art Of Getting Things Done


      A change agent wants to alter the way the world works. Creative, driven, difficult, these people have visions that they wrench into reality. Steve Chalke turned a church into the hub of its inner-city community. In Change Agents, he shares lessons he learned-hard-won, wryly told, and immensely practical-as his vision took form and life.

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    • Comeback Churches


      SKU (ISBN): 9780805445367ISBN10: 0805445366Ed Stetzer | Mike DodsonBinding: Cloth TextPublished: May 2007Publisher: B and H Publishing Group

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    • New Kind Of Church (Reprinted)


      Church expert Aubrey Malphurs examines the many new ways of “doing church” and offers a theological and interpretive framework for evaluating any church model.

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    • Externally Focused Church


      A Best-Seller…with a fresh, new cover. Learn from churches that have made serving their communities a priority – with dramatic results.

      Attract new believers and reach hurt and skeptical people
      Help your members deepen their spiritual commitment through service
      Discover practical ways to change your community – starting now

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    • Serving As A Church Usher


      Your importance as an usher can’t be overstated. Your impact is enormous both in meeting the needs of people and in keeping the church service running smoothly.
      Serving as a Church Usher sheds light on:

      The Ministry of Ushers
      The Functions of an Usher
      An Usher’s Standard of Excellence
      The Authority and Responsibility of Ushers
      Ushers as Greeters
      Zondervan Practical Ministry Guides provide you with simple, practical insights for serving in today’s churches. Written by experienced pastors and church workers, these easy-to-read, to-the-point booklets address the fundamentals of different ministries as practiced effectively in real life. You’ll find biblical insight and wise, field-tested advice you can apply today, as well as discussion questions to help you think through and integrate what you read.

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    • Christian Community : 10 Studies For Individuals Or Groups


      One of the greatest gifts that Christ has given us is each other. Through Christ’s body, the church, we discover our unique gifts and experience worship, healing and power. In ten studies, Rob Suggs leads us to grow in community–loving and nurturing one another, and in reflecting Christ’s love to the world around us.

      Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, Christian Community features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.

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    • Partners In Prayer


      Foreword By Max Lucado.
      1. Unleashing The Potential Of Prayer.
      2. Getting To Know Your Father
      3. Developing Practical Prayer Skiffs
      4. Avoiding Personal Prayer Killers
      5. Expanding Your Prayer Focus
      6. Protecting And Partnering With Your Pastors
      7. Praying Your Church To Its Potential
      8. Organizing A Prayer Partner Team:
      Afterword: Anticipating Revival

      Special Section: Releasing God’s Power Through Fasting By Bill Bright

      Appendices: How To Start A Prayer Partner Ministry In Your Home Church
      A: Planning Your Prayer Partner Retreat
      B: Preparing Prayer Partner Breakfasts
      C: Creating Prayer Partner Guides And Letters

      About The Author P. 179

      Additional Info
      “John, I believe God has called me–a layrnan–to disciple, encourage, and pray for pastors. And the reason I came here today is so that I could pray for you.”

      With those words, respected leader, speaker, and author John Maxwell saw his agenda replaced by God’s agenda. The stranger who felt God’s calling to pray for this pastor fulfilled a need in Maxwell that he didn’t even know he had–and fourteen years later, the results are evident at the 3,500 member Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, California.

      Partners in Prayer, the first book in the John Maxwell Church Resources series, shows church leaders and lay people how to unleash the potential of prayer on behalf of themselves, one another, and the church. If your church–or private devotional life–is starving in the area of prayer and you want to tap into the power and protection prayer provides, Maxwell gives practical insight into

      –the fundamentals of prayer
      –improving personal prayer life
      –praying for others, including church leaders
      –building a prayer partners ministry in the local church
      –encouraging prayer revival nationwide
      * Are you missing out on God’s gift and blessing of prayer? Is there someone you know who would benefit from your committed prayers on their behalf. Despite God’s promise of the power of prayer to change our world, many of us never experience it. John Maxwell shows you how to strengthen your prayer life and reap the benefits awaiting those who become Partners in Prayer.

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    • Handbook For Deacons


      SKU (ISBN): 9780892650118ISBN10: 0892650117J. D. O’DonnellBinding: Trade PaperPublished: June 1973Publisher: Randall House Print On Demand Product

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