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    Daniel Harrington

    • 1-2 Maccabees


      Often neglected, the books of the First and Second Maccabees are important for Christians, as in them is told how the Jewish people established the political and religious culture into which Jesus was born. The martyr stories inform the early Christian martyrdoms, and the books are written in Greek, the language in which the Jews of Jesus’ time read the scriptures. More importantly, as Father Harrington notes, without the Maccabees, “the fate of Judaism (and with it Christianity and Islam) was uncertain.”

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    • Paul And Virtue Ethics


      In Paul and Virtue Ethics, Daniel Harrington and James Keenan build upon their successful collaboration Jesus and Virtue Ethics to discuss the apostle Paul’s teachings as a guide to interpret theology and ethics today. Examining Paul’s writings, the authors investigate what they teach about the basic questions of virtue ethics: Who am I?; Who do I want to become?; And how do I get there? Their intent is not to provide stringent rules, but to awaken discovery and encourage dialogue.

      The book first considers the concept of virtue ethics-an approach to ethics that emphasizes moral character-and Paul’s ethics in particular. Next, the authors focus on the virtues of faith, love/charity, and hope as treated by Paul and Thomas Aquinas. Closing the book with reflections on the roles of other virtues (and vices) in individual and communal Christian life, the authors discuss various issues in social ethics and sexual morality as they are dealt with in Paul and in Christian virtue ethics today.

      Special features:

      * highlights the practical relevance of Scripture today

      * a unique collaboration between a biblical scholar and a moral theologian

      * an accessible introduction and fresh approach to Pauline studies

      * an engaging and unique approach to virtue ethics

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    • Synoptic Gospels Set Free


      Presents the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke in an interpretative context that frees them from Anti-Judaism and Anti-Semitism.

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    • 1 Peter Jude And 2nd Peter


      Crisis in the church is not a new phenomenon. In fact, the church has always been-and probably always will be-involved in some kind of crisis. Even in the apostolic period, which is regarded by many as the church’s golden age, there were serious crises coming both from the outside, as in 1 Peter, and from the inside, as in Jude and 2 Peter. The three short New Testament letters treated in 1 Peter, Jude and 2 Peter illustrate the problems early Christians faced as well as the rhetorical techniques and theological concepts with which they combated those problems.

      In the first part of this volume, Donald Senior views 1 Peter as written from Rome in Peter’s name to several churches in northern Asia Minor-present-day Turkey-in the latter part of the first century CE. The new Christians addressed in 1 Peter found themselves aliens and exiles in the wider Greco-Roman society and suffered a kind of social ostracism. But they are given a marvelous theological vision of who they have become through their baptism and pastoral encouragement to stand firm. They are shown how to take a missionary stance toward the outside world by giving the witness of a holy and blameless life to offset the slander and ignorance of the non-Christian majority and possibly even to lead them to glorify God on the day of judgment.

      In the second part of this volume, Daniel Harrington interprets Jude and 2 Peter as confronting crises in the late first century that were perpetrated by Christian teachers who are described polemically as intruders in Jude and as false teachers in 2 Peter. In confronting the crises within their churches, the authors appeal frequently to the Old Testament and to early summaries of Christian faith. While Jude uses other Jewish traditions, 2 Peter includes most of the text of Jude as well as many distinctively Greek terms and concepts. It is clear that for the authors, despite their different social settings, what was at stake was the struggle for the faith.

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    • 1-3 John


      The Johannine Epistles are today read as an important part of the Johannine literature. Yet the meaning of the text is often unclear. Part of the problem arises because, although 1 John is called an Epistle, it lacks the formal marks of an Epistle. In 1, 2, and 3 John, John Painter illuminates the relationship 1, 2, and 3 John have to each other and to the Gospel.
      Painter explains the historical context of the Johannine Epistles using a socio-rhetorical approach. The writings are shown to reflect a situation of conflict and schism within the Johannine community; they seek to persuade the readers of the truth of the writer’s message. In this truth, the readers are encouraged to abide if they would have the assurance of eternal life.

      Painter also examines the inseparable connection between belief and ethical life in active love for one another. Through the socio-rhetorical approach Painter brings to light the continuing relevance of these writings.

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    • Why Do We Hope


      In this follow up to his popular book, What Are We Hoping For? New Testament Images, Daniel Harrington extends his reflections on hope in the Scriptures. He draws us into the striking images of the psalms – the mountain, the sun, refuge, the kingdom, sheltering wings, the olive tree, and the shepherd – to lead us to the discovery that hope is the predominant image of the book of Psalms.

      Even in their darkest laments, the psalmists remind us that God hears us and will never abandon us. In these brief essays, Harrington opens up the language of forty psalms, explores their literary ahd historical context, and then ties the psalm to our reading as Christians whose ultimate hope is in Jesus Christ.

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    • Jesus : A Historical Portrait


      Questions about the life and times of Jesus Christ, one of the most written about people of all time, continue to intrigue us two millennia after his death. Between the vagueness of the canonical Gospels and the sensational claims made in modern films and books, what is a Christian to believe about the only Son of God?

      Employing a popular take on current New Testament scholarship, Jesuit scholar Father Daniel Harrington explores difficult as well as less complicated issues surrounding the life of Christ.

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    • Acts Of The Apostles


      The Acts of the Apostles is the second volume in the two-part writing scholars call Luke-Acts. It continues the story begun in the Gospel of Luke, showing how the Good News offered by Jesus was eventually extended “to the end of the earth,” so that Gentiles as well as Jews came to share in the blessings of God.

      This commentary treats Luke-Acts as an apologetic history. It takes with equal seriousness Luke’s literary artistry and his historical interests, fitting his methods comfortably within the ancient standards of historiography. This perspective illustrates in particular that Luke’s historical narrative serves a definite religious intent. Tracing that intent through the specific contours of Luke’s story is the special contribution of this commentary.

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    • Jesus Ben Sira Of Jerusalem


      Questions of vocation and character formation become important to students as they continue to receive higher education. Jesus Ben Sira combines secular wisdom from Near Eastern wisdom sources and divine revelations from the Hebrew Bible to create the Book of Sirach. By applying form criticism to Ben Sira’s book, Daniel J. Harrington provides students with historical information of the psychological and sociological context underlying Ben Sira’s teachings, as well as an understanding of how Ben Sira’s ancient wisdom can contribute to personal and social formation in the 21st century.

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    • Jesus And Virtue Ethics


      The Histories Of Moral Theology And New Testament Ethics

      Methods: The New Testament And Moral Theology

      The Kingdom Of God As Horizon And Goal: Who Ought We To Become?

      Discipleship As Context: Who Are We?

      The Sermon On The Mount And Christian Virtue Ethics: How Do We Get There?

      Love As The Primary Value

      Sin As Failure To Love

      Politics From A Marginal Perspective

      Justice And Social Justice

      Embodiment And Community As The Context For Sexual Ethics

      Marriage And Divorce

      Celibacy, Homosexuality, And Abortion

      The Bible And Nature: Friends Or Foes?

      Additional Info
      Jesuits Daniel Harrington and James Keenan have successfully team-taught the content of this landmark study to the delight of students for years. In this book they take the fruits of their own experiences as theologians, writers, teachers, mentors, and friends to propose virtue ethics as a bridge between the fields of New Testament Studies and Moral Theology.

      Answering the call of the Second Vatican Council for moral theology to “draw more fully on the teaching of Holy Scripture,” the authors examine the virtues that both flow from Scripture and provide a lens by which to interpret Scripture. By remaining true to both the New Testament’s emphasis on the human response to God’s gracious activity in Jesus Christ and to the ethical needs and desires of Christians in the twenty-first century, the authors address key topics such as discipleship, the Sermon on the Mount, love, sin, politics, justice, sexuality, marriage, divorce, bioethics, and ecology.

      Covering the entire sweep of ethical teaching from its foundations in Scripture and especially in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection to its goal or “end” with the full coming of God’s kingdom, the authors invite readers more deeply into an appreciation of the central biblical themes and how, based on the themes, Catholic Christian moral theology bears on general ethical issues in culture. Complete with reflection questions and suggestions for further reading, this book is essential reading for professors, students, pastors, preachers, and interested Catholics.

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    • Gospel Of Mark


      In The Gospel of Mark Fathers Donahue and Harrington use an approach that can be expressed by two terms currently used in literary criticism: intratextuality and intertextuality. This intratextual and intertextual reading of Mark’s Gospel helps us to appreciate the literary character, its setting in life, and its distinctive approaches to the Old Testament, Jesus, and early Christian theology.
      “Intratextuality” means we read Mark as Mark and by Mark. Such a reading expresses interest in the final form of the Gospel (not its source or literary history) and in its words and images, literary devices, literary forms, structures, characterization, and plot. Reading Mark by Mark gives particular attention to the distinctive vocabulary and themes that run throughout the Gospel and serve to hold it together as a unified literary production.

      “Intertextuality” comprises the relation between texts and a textual tradition, and also referring to contextual materials not usually classified as texts (e.g., archaeological data). “Intertextuality” is used to note the links of the text of Mark’s Gospel to other texts (especially the Old Testament) and to the life of the Markan community and of the Christian community today.

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    • How Do Catholics Read The Bible



      What Do Catholics Believe About The Bible?

      The Bible And The Church

      Modern Catholic Documentation

      The Word Of God In Human Language

      What Is In The Catholic Bible?

      The Different Canons

      The History Of The Old Testament Canon

      The History Of The New Testament Canon

      How Do Catholics Approach The Bible?

      The Catholic Theological Tradition On The Bible

      The Catholic Experience

      Catholic Bibles Today

      How Do Catholics Analyze A Biblical Text?

      Literary Methods

      Historical Methods

      Theological Methods

      How Do Catholics Read The Old Testament?

      Old Testament Study Today

      Biblical Interpretation In Jesus’ Time

      Reading The Old Testament As Catholic Christians

      How Do Catholics Read The New Testament?

      The Formation Of The Gospels

      The Gospels As Witnesses To Jesus And The Early Church

      The Epistles As Witnesses To Early Christian Faith And Life

      How Do Catholics Interpret Scripture?


      The Literal Sense And The Spiritual Sense

      Scripture And Tradition

      What Place Does The Bible Have In Catholic Life?

      The Role Of The Magisterium

      The Bible In Catholic Life

      Lectio Divina

      Conclusion: Twenty-Five Theses

      Appendix: Some Resources For Catholic Biblical Interpretation


      Additional Info
      Do Catholics really read the Bible? If so, how do they read it and is there anything unique about their approach? What role does the Bible play in Catholic life, teaching, and culture?

      As a leading Scripture scholar who also teaches students and preaches to everyday people, Fr. Daniel Harrington, S.J., has made it his life’s mission to answer these and many related questions about the Bible and its relationship to Catholic life. Accessibly written, How Do Catholics Read the Bible? blends biblical scholarship with compelling personal anecdotes to equip readers with the tools they need to more fully engage Scripture and the Catholic tradition. With chapters on how the Catholic canon came to be, what the Church teaches about the Bible, appropriate methods for analyzing Scripture passages, and how to incorporate the Bible into everyday life, this book is ideal for individual or group use in parishes and classrooms. Each chapter concludes with questions for reflection and recommendations for further reading.

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    • Philippians And Philemon


      Paul’s very brief letter to Philemon stands solidly within the Pauline collection of authentic and canonical letters. In this volume Judith Ryan argues that Philemon makes two specific appeals. The first seeks to elicit Philemon’s partnership and his community’s support in welcoming Onesimus back as both beloved brother and honored guest. The second requests that Onesimus be allowed to use the freedom he already has to serve Christ and his Gospel. In this commentary Ryan provides a fresh translation, critical notes for each verse, and interpretation of defined sections. She situates the letter in the historical context of slavery in the ancient world and shows how Paul combined his theology with contemporary rhetorical strategies to produce an effective challenge to his audience.

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    • Church According To The New Testament


      In the last days of the twentieth century, leading New Testament scholar and popular preacher Daniel Harrington, S.J., asked himself two powerful questions: What might the church of the first century have to say to the church of the twenty-first century? And How might a brief sythesis of what the New Testament says and does not say about the church help bring greater vitality within and unity among the churches? The result of Father Harrington’s research and thinking is this timely and important book.

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    • Invitation To The Apocrypha A Print On Demand Title


      In this volume a leading biblical scholar helps readers rediscover the ancient books of the Old Testament Apocrypha. INVITATION TO THE APOCRYPHA provides a clear, basic introduction to these important–but often neglected–ancient books that is ideal for personal study, churches, and classroom settings. Using the latest and best scholarship yet writing for those new to the Apocrypha, Daniel Harrington guides readers through the background, content, and message of each book. A distinctive feature of this primer is that it focuses throughout on the problem of suffering, highlighting what each book of the Apocrypha says about this universal human experience.

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    • Romans


      While widely acknowledged as the single most influential document in Christian history, Paul’s Letter to the Romans has also attracted the most comment. Standing at the head of Paul’s writings in the New Testament and so eloquently delivering his Gospel, Romans has presented Paul to generations of readers: from Augustine in the fifth century, through the Reformation era, down to the present day.

      This commentary adopts a literary-rhetorical approach, viewing the letter as an instrument of persuasion designed to transform readers through a celebratory presentation of the Gospel. Reflecting upon the fate of Jews and Gentiles, Paul wins his audience to a vision of a God who always acts inclusively. The God who, in the person of Israel’s Messiah (Jesus), has acted faithfully to include the Gentile peoples within the community of salvation, will not fail to see to the eventual inclusion of Israel as well. In the victory of grace displayed already in the risen humanity of Jesus, the original design of the Creator for human communities and for the world begins to come true.

      The interpretation of Paul’s letter to Rome has accompanied and stimulated the path of Christian theology down to today. Romans touches upon virtually all main issues of Christian theology as well as presenting a rewarding introduction to Paul. Byrne facilitates full access to Paul and his Gospel through the letter, allowing Christians today to hear Paul’s voice as intelligibly and powerfully as it has spoken to past generations. Includes an updated bibliography and appendix.

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    • Revelation


      More than any other New Testament writing the Book of Revelation demands commentary. Its often-bewildering text is easily open to less than scholarly interpretation.

      Father Harrington brings his scholarship to the Book of Revelation and conveys its Christian message. He puts the work in its historical and social setting-a first-century CE province of the Roman Empire-and explores its social and religious background and its literary character. Through Father Harrington we hear clearly the challenge of John, the prophet, to the Churches of his time-and to ours-not to compromise the Gospel message.

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    • Gospel Of Luke


      What makes this commentary on Luke stand apart from others is that, from beginning to end, this is a literary analysis. Because it focuses solely on the Gospel as it appears and not on its source or origin, this commentary richly and thoroughly explores just what Luke is saying and how he says it.

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    • Targum Jonathan Of The Former Prophets


      The attribution, by the Babylonian Talmud, of this Targum to Jonathan ben Uzziel is suspect on several counts: among others, the silence concerning Jonathan in the parallel passage in the Palestinian Talmud, and the fanciful suggestion that Onkelos=Aquila and Jonathan=Theodotion. The attribution, therefore, is not to be taken as historical fact. The Talmud may have been attempting to enhance the authority of the Targum by claiming authorship by a disciple of Hillel, which Jonathan was.

      It is generally agreed that the author of the Targum Jonathan is unknown; in fact, it is preferable to consider multiple authorship. For while language and translation techniques are uniform, there is variety from book to book.

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    • Interpreting The Old Testament


      This introduction to Old Testament exegesis responds to the directives of the Second Vatican Council that instructs biblical interpreters to investigate the meaning the sacred writers intended to express. Thus it acquaints readers with an introduction to the methods commonly used in biblical scholarship today.

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