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    Death and Dying

    • Biblical Antidotes To Lifes Toxins (Anniversary)


      14 Chapters

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      This illuminating and challenging book is filled with sound biblical counsel, engaging illustrations, and practical suggestions as to how, with God’s enabling, we can face and overcome some of life’s most vexing – and universal – challenges. Glenn Gunderson’s pastoral wisdom and compassionate spirit shine through on every page of this eminently readable guidebook.

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    • Invasion Of The Dead


      Our world and our churches are neither sinful nor lost, they are dead. This dead world is the one that God engages and into which Jesus invaded with a radically different vision of life.

      In this groundbreaking work, based on his 211 Yale Beecher lectures, Brian K. Blount helps preachers effectively proclaim resurrection in a world consumed by death. Recognizing that both popular culture and popular Christianity are mesmerized by death and dying, Blount offers an alternative apocalyptic vision for our time–one that starts with a clear vision of life that obliterates death and reveals life’s essence. Blount explores the portrait and meaning of resurrection through the New Testament (the Book of Revelation, the letters of Paul, and the Gospel of Mark) and explores how to biblically and theologically reconfigure apocalyptic preaching for today. With three illustrative sermons, this book is an ideal resource to help preachers proclaim the power of resurrection.

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    • What Do We Tell The Children


      One out of seven children will lose a parent before they are 20. The statistics are sobering, but they are also a call for preparedness. However, pastors and counselors of all types are often at a loss when dealing with a grieving child. Talking to adults about death and grief is difficult; it’s all the more challenging to talk to children and teens. The stakes are high: grieving children are high-risk for substance abuse, promiscuity, depression, isolation, and suicide. Yet, despite this, most of these kids grow-up to be normal or exceptional adults. But their chance to become healthy adults increases with the support of a loving community. Supporting grieving children requires intentionality, open-communication, and patience. Rather than avoid all conversations on death or pretend like it never happened, normalizing grief and offering support requires us to be in-tune with kids through dialogue as they grapple with questions of “how” and “why.” When listening to children in grief, we often have to embrace the mystery, offer love and compassion, and stick with the basics. The author says, “We don’t have to answer the why and how for them, but we can assure our children that God is with us as we suffer. We can do so by doing good for others and pointing out all of those moments when someone has done something good for us. I believe that most of the time that’s as far as we will get, and that is okay.”

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    • Good Funeral : Death Grief And The Community Of Care


      Two of the most authoritative voices on the funeral industry come together here in one volume to discuss the current state of the funeral. Through their different lenses–one as a preacher and one as a funeral director–Thomas G. Long and Thomas Lynch alternately discuss several challenges facing “the good funeral,” including the commercial aspects that have led many to be suspicious of funeral directors, the sometimes tense relationship between pastors and funeral directors, the tendency of modern funerals to exclude the body from the service, and the rapid growth in cremation. The book features forewords from Patrick Lynch, President of the National Funeral Directors Association, and Barbara Brown Taylor, highly praised author and preacher. It is an essential resource for funeral directors, morticians, and pastors, and anyone else interested in current funeral practices.

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    • Grace Greater Than Our Grief


      Is God’s grace really sufficient when the unimaginable happens? Even if it happens to you? The answer found in these pages is a resounding yes! Through years of disappointment, heartbreak, and eventually crushing grief, the author, Sandra DeVane, found that even when the way is too difficult for you to pretend anymore, God is there. And He is everything you need. May you find within these pages a glimpse of God’s grace that encourages you to go on, even in the worst of times.

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    • When Loved Ones Are Called Home (Reprinted)


      This classic on grieving offers the sure and steadfast hope that separation from a loved one is not the end. It helps readers make the physical, emotional, and relational adjustments needed when a loved one departs this life, and it gives honest answers to the most difficult questions and doubts we have. With comforting Scriptures about death, life, and resurrection, as well as beautiful poetry that expresses our deepest emotions, When Loved Ones Are Called Home walks with readers as a friend through their pain and grief. Now with a beautiful, contemporary cover.

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    • What Happens When I Die


      1. Why Is Death A Problem?
      2. How Can I Be Sure?
      3. What Will Happen To My Body?
      4. What Will It Be Like To Die?
      5. How Do We Cope With Bereavement?
      6. What Will Life Be Like In Eternity?

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      We all have questions about death. Despite the strong assurance the Bible gives us about life beyond the grave, Christians are often troubled by other questions. What will happen on the day of judgement? Will we have bodies in heaven? Will there be rewards?

      These short, simple books are designed to help Christians understand what God has said about these questions in the scriptures.

      Suitable for all Christians – especially those with questions about death.

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    • Accompany Them With Singing


      Thomas G. Long, one of America’s most trusted and thoughtful pulpit voices, provides a theological and cultural critique of today’s Christian funeral.
      Long begins by describing how the Christian funeral developed historically, theologically, and liturgically, and then discusses recent cultural trends in funeral practices, including the rise in both cremations and memorial services. He describes the basic pattern for a funeral service, details options in funeral planning, identifies characteristics of a “good funeral,” and provides thoughtful guidance for preaching at a funeral.

      But Long also notes a disturbing trend toward funeral services that seem theologically right and pastorally caring, but actually depart from the primary aims of the Christian funeral constructed around the metaphor of the deceased as a saint traveling on a baptismal journey toward God, accompanied by the community of faith on “the last mile of the way.” He argues that the cultural conditions for maintaining this view are under stress and a new, less-theological and less-satisfying metaphor that focuses on the mourner has begun to erode the Christian view. He contrasts the ancient grand community drama with today’s trend toward body-less memorial services that focus primarily on the living and grief management. This is a loss for the church, he argues, and he calls for the church to reclaim the classic metaphor. Accompany Them with Singing is a practical and theologically sound resource for Protestant and Roman Catholic clergy and for funeral professionals.

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    • My Babys Feet


      Choice, Death, and the Aftermath
      Fearfully and desperately wanting to hide my mistakes and deny the unwanted, but not totally unexpected ramifications of my earlier choices, I chose what seemed to be the easiest answer. I chose death, and then I moved into the aftermath of my choice. I, for a lifetime and beyond, will live in the aftermath of my choice. Although there is recovery, through forgiveness, there are lasting ramifications. No one told me that the ramifications of my choice would last forever. No one told me what my choice would do to my heart. No one told me that my choice was, in fact, a death sentence for my baby.

      Are you, or someone you know, facing an unwanted pregnancy? Are you wondering if “choice” is the answer, the easiest solution?
      After the “choice” comes the aftermath. A living choice not only gives life to a baby, but results in an aftermath of life. Abortion results in an aftermath forever shrouded in death, death of a baby, perhaps death of your own baby. For those struggling with the aftermath of abortion, you and your loved ones can find forgiveness.

      This book is for:
      Teenage moms wrestling with choice and an unplanned pregnancy
      Loved ones who are seeking resolution after abortion
      Anyone who needs hope and healing after abortion
      This book is a great tool for teen pregnancy educators, pregnancy center advisors, and those seeking to learn more about the emotional struggles, post abortion. It is written out of love and understanding by a woman who thought her choice was the best answer. Whether or not you are a Christian, you will be inspired by the author’s incredible faith, without which it would have been impossible to write this book.
      Through my story, I pray that you will know that a living choice is the only real choice.
      Join me in my story of running from my mistakes, hiding my choice, and slogging through the aftermath. Come with me as I discover a new truth about an old choice. Join me as I struggle with guilt and heartfelt shame, knowing the new truth. Observe the aftermath.

      What choice would you have made? What choice would you recommend?

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    • After You Die


      At a time when people’s curiosity about the afterlife is stronger than ever, Pastor Frank Santora tackles this issue head-on, delivering cultural, scientific, philosophical, and biblical evidence to unveil the truth about the mysteries of the afterlife. Pastor Frank covers issues such as:
      * Is there life after death?
      * Is there a God?
      * Do heaven and hell exist?
      * Is hell the torture chamber that it’s been purported to be?
      * Are there second chances after we die?
      * Do we have a soul, and what does it look like?
      * What qualifies a person to get into heaven?
      * And what does Jesus have to do with it all?

      Written for both nonbelievers and those familiar with the Bible, After You Die gives insightful answers to life’s most probing questions while offering hope to everyone who has ever wondered what happens to us after we leave earth.

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    • Final Gifts : Understanding The Special Awareness, Needs, And Communication


      In this moving and compassionate book, hospice nurses Maggie Callanan and Patricia Kelley share their intimate experiences with patients at the end of life, drawn from more than twenty years of experience tending the terminally ill. Filled with practical advice on responding to the requests of the dying and helping them prepare emotionally and spiritually for death, Final Gifts shows how we can help the dying person live fully to the very end

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    • Is There More


      Think you know everything there is to know about the life that lies beyond this one?

      Think again.

      Questions about life beyond death are always with us. In this classic volume, Leslie Weatherhead answers personal and important questions about heaven, hell, and the future God has in store for us.

      “Eternal life is . . . a quality and not just a quantity; . . . a quality of communion with God that clearly begins now.
      You know, people talk about the afterlife and they say, ‘He’s gone to be with God.’ But he has always been with
      God, and the highest heaven doesn’t mean that God exists in any fuller measure. It can only mean that our power
      of communion deepens. But one of the marvelous things about the Christian gospel is that the offer of eternal life is
      here and now.” -from chapter 1

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    • Christian Art Of Dying


      A renowned ethicist who himself faced death during a recent life-threatening illness, Allen Verhey in The Christian Art of Dying sets out to recapture dying from the medical world. Seeking to counter the medicalization of death that is so prevalent today, Verhey revisits the fifteenth-century Ars Moriendi, an illustrated spiritual self-help manual on “the art of dying.” Finding much wisdom in that little book but rejecting its Stoic and Platonic worldview, Verhey uncovers in the biblical accounts of Jesus’ death a truly helpful paradigm for dying well and faithfully.

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    • Life Death And Catholic Medical Choices


      With the many medical options available for ourselves and loved ones, how do we make informed decisions which draw upon our Catholic tradition and so respect our human dignity and the dignity of others?

      This book, using question-answer format, addresses topics that touch:
      On the beginning of human life-medical responses to infertility, stem cell research, etc.
      On life “in between”-organ donation, genetic testing, experimental treatment, etc.
      On the end of life-pain management, euthanasia, withdrawing life support, cremation, etc.

      In Life, Death, and Medical Choices: 50 Questions from the Pews, Revs. Black and O’Neil bring professional training in Catholic ethics into dialogue with questions that people in the pews must face. Using precise language they help us understand the core values of respect for life and human dignity that are the heart of moral analysis and pastoral theological reflection.

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    • Gone But Not Lost (Reprinted)


      We all expect our parents to precede us in death. No one expects to have to make their child’s funeral arrangements. And the loss of a child brings with it a special and persistent manifestation of grief that can feel “like a stomachache that never ends.”

      Gone but Not Lost is a thoughtful gift for a family that has experienced the death of a child. Each of its brief chapters covers one element of grieving, bringing readers through sorrow and helping them deal with feelings of anger or guilt, as well as the marital strain that may follow the loss of a beloved child.

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    • Is God Still At The Bedside


      Offering an expert interdisciplinary Christian perspective on difficult end-of-life decisions, Abigail Rian Evans examines the complex web of medical, ethical, theological, pastoral, and legal issues surrounding death and dying. Her Negotiated Death is informed by insights from dying patients, their families, their health-care and hospice staff, and members of the clergy, resulting in a book that will help families struggling with end-of-life decisions and will also comprehensively inform the doctors, nurses, and pastors who minister to them.

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    • Spiritual And Psychological Aspects Of Illness


      A ministry resource comprising twenty essays by experts on the theological, psychological, and personal dimensions of loss, dying, and death.

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    • Mile Marker 825


      On January 15, 2002, the author’s car flipped five times, his wife died, and his skull cracked open. Join Mirikitani on his miraculous real-life journey that is both heart-wrenching and heartwarming as he relearns faith in a God that was present when He seemed most absent, and hope in a God when He seemed most unreliable.

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    • Making Sense Of Life And Death


      Have you ever wondered why you are here, or what possible difference your life might make in the world? Have you ever been frustrated in trying to find meaning or purpose in your life? Or have you ever wondered what happens when you die?

      This book addresses those questions, and more, about life and death. More importantly, it points you to the proof that your life is important, and that the best is yet to come.

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    • Obituary Theology : Reformed Doctrine Of Dying And Death Re. Obituaries


      Lucas Park Books
      Obituary Theology: Reformed Doctrine on Death and Dying; Re. Obituaries presents a doctrinal and an “obituary” perspective on life’s end. Church dogma, academic commentary, and newspaper documents combine into a commentary and critique of issues related to the most mysterious event of human existence. Obituary Theology proves helpful and engaging to general readers, funeral home staff, pastors, psychologists, teachers, and book study groups. A study guide is included.

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    • Too Soon To Say Goodbye


      Tragically, every 16 minutes someone in the United States chooses death by selfmurder. Particularly affecting young people, suicide was recently determined to be the third leading cause of death for those aged 10-24.Too Soon to Say Goodbye offers a renewal of courage and faith for families andfriends grieving this inconceivable loss.Written by three women all uniquely affected by suicide, the book explores theaftermath from a wide range of real stories.Specially selected Scripture passages and Bible stories demonstrate God’s loveand compassion in times of sorrow. Additional insights from those who have walked on the brink of suicide address difficult questions.And for those who may be considering suicide, the authors offer encouragement to choose life over death.

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    • Living Well And Dying Faithfully


      Living Well and Dying Faithfully seeks to explore the significance of Christian practices for the process of dying well. Working on the premise that one dies the way one lives, the book explores a variety of different forms of Christian practice which together offer vital modes of end of life care which takes seriously current medical practices while at the same time challenging them in innovative and healing ways.

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    • What Do I Do When Teenagers Deal With Death


      In What Do I Do When Teenagers Deal with Death? you’ll understand different types of adolescent death and how death affects grieving teens, you’ll explore how theology informs the issue, and you’ll get practical tips for helping families and teenagers deal with the pain and loss. You’ll also find help for your own personal grief in the situation, as well as additional resources to take the help further.

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    • Going Home : Meditations On Finishing The Race


      Death is the one experience we all have in common. It is the one reality which we try to avoid but are forced to face. We should prepare for death as faithfully as we would prepare for the birth of a child. These meditations are written to encourage and strengthen the faith of believers as they face death, the gateway to eternal life. God s Word is a great source of comfort during all the trials of life. In these simple, Scriptural meditations the author has sought to help the believer prepare to meet their Lord. It is a book for terminally ill patients, pastors, care-givers, and all who would follow the advice of Luther, who counseled that we should prepare for death while we are living, that when we are dying, we may embrace eternal life.

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    • Undiscovered Country : Imagining The World To Come


      Most contemporary Christians pull a blank when it comes to imagining a life with God after death. Although the Bible is largely silent on the issue, our world is completely riveted by the up-to-date visions of heaven and hell that stock bookstore shelves and are found everywhere on the Internet. But what are believers to think and to say about the “undiscovered country” that is the life to come- from the pulpit, at the hospital, or in our daily lives?

      Peter Hawkins offers a fresh way to pose these questions, along with an imaginative framework for answering them. He challanges all of us, not just preachers, to think of Dante’s drama of the afterlife-heaven, hell and purgatory- as a true story describing the lives we are living now. To this end Hawkins uses the Divine Comedy to help us imagine what happens when we die as he works his way through Christian tradition, contemporary culture, a rich array of literature, and his own personal experience.

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    • Pastoral Care In Times Of Death And Dying


      Counseling someone who is dying or consoling a family who has suffered a death is one of the hardest parts of ministry. In times like these it’s important for pastors to know what to say and how best to offer their support.

      Pastoral Care in Times of Death and Dying is a practical guide that offers step-by-step direction and solid advice for handling the difficult responsibility of ministering to others in situations surrounding death. From visiting and shepherding the terminally ill to overseeing funeral arrangements and comforting grieving families, Danny Goddard helps pastors, chaplains, and lay leaders understand their roles and bereavement responsibilities so they ll know the best way to offer compassion, love, and support to those who need it most.

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    • Unplanned Journey : A Triumph In Life And Death


      Whatever He wants, were some of the final words of Philip Joseph Morrow late in the night of April 12, 2005. He was looking at a picture of Jesus which was upright at the end of his hospital bed, occasionally raising his head to look up at it. Can you see him, Honey? I would say to him. Sure can, he is my mate was Phil’s response. That night, at just after 11:11pm, Phil finally met his mate Jesus.This is the story that Philip wanted told. He kept a detailed account of his journey and process for the five months leading up to his death as did his wife Tanya for the months thereafter. This is a story of faith and hope. It brings hope and courage to others who are facing the grief of loss and are now finding their way in life. The author also reveals her process for the twelve months after that April night and the raw emotion which accompanies grief. She openly shares of how it was her faith and abandonment to God which always saw her through.

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    • Bioethics


      Bioethics helps Christians develop a biblical perspective on complex and controversial issues such as abortion, assisted reproduction, euthanasia, stem cell research, and genetic manipulation. It also encourages a compassionate Christian response to global health crises.

      Discussions of life and death choices raise difficult questions:

      How should Christians understand complex and controversial issues such as abortion, assisted reproduction, euthanasia, stem cell research, and genetic manipulation?

      How do we respond to global health crises, or to chronic illness and suffering?

      What is the biblical vision for life-and how should we go about voicing it?

      This new book helps Christians develop a biblical understanding of bioethics and challenges us to apply that understanding to difficult issues. Discussion questions in each chapter make this book an excellent choice for group study or personal reflection.

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    • Heaven Tours : Astonishing Journeys


      Heaven Tours is Rita Bennett’s second book on the fascinating topic of Heaven. Through biblical teaching and the stories of people who have visited heaven and have had near-deth experiences, this book clearly presents Heaven as a real place of unconditional love, tangible peace, phenomenal beauty, radiant light, and great glory.This is a book of comfort, spiritual understanding, and emotional healing, and for those who have lost
      loved ones, this book will give reassurance, peace, and hope. The author openly and directly answers questions about Heaven and eternal life.

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    • Life After The Death Of My Son


      On the morning of February 6, 1991, Dennis Apple discovered the lifeless body of his son on their family room couch. Eighteen-year-old Denny had died without warning from what was later explained as complications due to Mono.

      Sixteen years later, Dennis still struggles with living in a world without his son.

      Life After the Death of My Son shares a glimpse of the unspeakable pain, helplessness, frustration, and eventual healing that Dennis and his wife, Buelah, have experienced since losing their son. Using excerpts from his journal-which he began the day after Denny died-Dennis explores the dark, lonely road of grieving for a child. He discloses his anger and disappointment with God; discusses his frustrations with friends and family; and shares how he’s dealt with the grief attacks, which continue to sneak up and surprise him. His painful, yet promising story offers comfort and connection to those walking similar paths. With understanding and compassion, Dennis offers grieving parents insight from 10 lessons he’s learned-and continues to learn. His gentle words and honest understanding will guide those with grieving hearts on their difficult journey; giving them hope; helping them to discover ways in which God is able to continue the life of the child they loved.

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    • Saving A Life


      Young Jeff Morris never quite fit in. As a result, his behavior got more destructive as he grew older. His parents diligently prayed for his life, all the while wondering, what will save our son? But when Jeff was found dead from a drug overdose, the resulting answers were anything but expected.

      This book tells the intimate story of a family surviving unspeakable tragedy. Reeling from the aftershock of their son’s death, the couple discovers that God is ever faithful, and that Christ is always present.

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    • Needs Of The Dying (Revised)


      In gentle, compassionate language, The Needs of the Dying helps us through the last chapter of our lives. Author David Kessler has identified key areas of concern: the need to be treated as a living human being, the need for hope, the need to express emotions, the need to participate in care, the need for honesty, the need for spirituality, and the need to be free of physical pain. Examining the physical and emotional experiences of life-challenging illnesses, Kessler provides a vocabulary for family members and for the dying that allows them to communicate with doctors, with hospital staff, and with one another, and-at a time when the right words are exceedingly difficult to find-he helps readers find a way to say good-bye. Using comforting and touching stories, he provides information to help us meet the needs of a loved one at this important time in our lives.

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    • What Can I Do


      Tangible, practical ways to help those who grieve.

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    • 90 Minutos En El Cielo (Reprinted) – (Spanish) (Reprinted)


      Killed by an 18-wheeler, Piper went to heaven. Ninety minutes later, he returned to life. He tells us his experience and road to healing.

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    • Tearful Celebration : Finding God In The Midst Of Loss


      Trust the God Who Allows This?

      The last thing you want to do when crushed with indescribable pain and suffering is turn to the very God who allows it all to happen. What right does He have, especially now, to ask for your loyalty, your obedience, your love? When cancer took his wife and left him despairing alone, James Means unwillingly had to ask God the same questions facing you. A Tearful Celebration is the candid, pull-no-punches account of his struggle to understand God’s ways and to stand firm in the face of incalculable loss. This new edition of a 1986 Gold Medallion finalist will lead you to the place you most truly long to be: right with God and secure in Him again.

      “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” -Psalm 34:18

      To all who long for the steadfast, quiet confidence of godly men and women who rise triumphant out of the cruel calamities of life…

      The experience of life is very good-and very bad. Beauty is side-by-side with ugliness.

      I cannot now soar with wings like the eagle. It is a treacherous road, painful to my feet, but He makes my heart burn within me.

      We must rejoice not merely because it is commanded, but because faith necessitates it and grace promotes it.

      The God of adversities provokes tearful celebration.

      …take heart and find hope. These pages will guide you in your search for faith and meaning. You will not be disappointed.

      Ugliness comes in a great variety of forms, but few are more confusing and horrific than the drawn-out death by cancer of a precious loved one. Such was the experience that caused James Means to come face-to-face with the harsh reality that God failed to respond as he had asked and expected Him to. Means grapples with the mysteries of God and finds meaning in catastrophe. This book contains no glib platitudes and no shallow apologetic for the bitter realism of suffering. There is, however, the powerful testimony to God’s sovereignty, grace, and ultimate goodness. There is also a revelation of the biblical brand of faith that stands rock-solid in the most distressing of human experience.

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    • Arranging A Funeral


      SKU (ISBN): 9780281058136ISBN10: 028105813XFraser SmithBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2006Publisher: SPCK Print On Demand Product

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    • This Was Your Life (Reprinted)


      The awesome reality of the Judgment Seat of Christ, and challenging instruction on having a healthy fear of God and living with eternity in mind.

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    • On Christian Dying


      St. Ignatius Of Antioch
      St. Polycarp Of Smyrna
      The Martyrs Of Gaul
      St. Anthony
      St. Ambrose
      St. Augustine
      St. Thomas Aquinas
      St. Catherine Of Siena
      St. Catherine Of Genoa
      St. Thomas More
      St. John Of The Cross
      St. Francis De Sales
      St. Joseph Cafasso
      Blessed John Henry Newman
      St. Therese Of Lisieux

      Additional Info
      Is there an art of dying well? If human lives have a meaning–and we experience them as profoundly meaningful–then so must our deaths and the deaths of our loved ones. Too often we are tempted to ignore our own mortality and fill our lives with distracting and strenuous activity. Yet, despite all our efforts, death plays an inescapable role in shaping our lives. Whether due to ordinary circumstances, a life-threatening diagnosis, military service, or even religious or ethnic persecution, we are called at times to have the courage to accept the possibility of death.

      On Christian Dying gathers original texts from the great saints and teachers of the Christian tradition to present 2000 years of theological wisdom on death and dying. Editor Matthew Levering mines the best of classical thought with selections that offer both ancient and contemporary Christians as models for emulation. He includes writings from Ignatius of Antioch, St. Augustine, Thomas Aquinas, Catherine of Siena, Thomas More, John Henry Newman, and St. Therese of Liseux, among others.

      This volume explores the questions: What is a “good” death? How can we live life to prepare for it? What happens to those who have died? What is “martyrdom”? How should a Christian understand death in light of Christ’s cross? How are those who have died related to the living?

      Distinguished by its historical scope, accessible appeal for classroom and seminary use, and the spiritually profound accounts of Christian death and dying, On Christian Dying will be of value to anyone interested in the ultimate meanings of life or facing their own death or that of a loved one.

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    • Aging Death And The Quest For Immortality Print On Demand Title


      A Print on Demand Title

      Aging is a fact of life, and issues surrounding it are hot. There are currently 35 million Americans over the age of sixty-five – more than ever. This demographic shift is noteworthy not only because the ranks of the elderly will continue to swell in coming years but also because it is taking place in what the editors of this book call an “ageist society,” one that increasingly loathes every facet of aging. Indeed, the ethical issues associated with aging are among the thorniest in medicine and public policy today.

      Aging, Death, and the Quest for Immortality is a timely volume by physicians, health-care professionals, pastors, and ethicists who explore the experiences, dilemmas, and possibilities associated with aging. The book opens by offering three distinct perspectives on aging; this section includes practical suggestions for dealing with retirement, disability, healing, and death. Several contributors then analyze controversial ethical issues raised by aging and health care, including medical decision-making, the moral standing of patients with dementia, health-care rationing, and assisted suicide. A third group of essays applies a theology of care to ministry to and through older adults, the counseling of seniors, and the application of palliative care. The book closes by discussing some of the emerging technologies and interest groups aimed at achieving immortality, also asking, appropriately, what insights the Christian faith brings to the discussion.

      Reflecting much wisdom and sensitivity, this book will give welcome help to care providers and to those who are themselves in the later stages of life.

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    • Grievers Ask : Answers To Questions About Death And Loss


      This book is an invitation to voice and ponder questions about death. How long should it take to get over a death? Where was God when my son died? Is it all right to continue celebrating special days? In his counseling work, Harold Ivan Smith has heard all the questions that occur to grievers as they process their loss. Here he compiles more than 150 common questions, explores the emotions behind them, and provides clear and forthright responses. Whether readers find the answers they seek, new perspectives to ponder, or comfort from knowing that others ask similar questions, this valuable resource will guide both individuals who are in the midst of grief and those who wish to provide comfort.

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    • Water Bugs And Dragonflies (Revised)


      Explaining death to a child can be confusing, both for you and for the child. This fable of water bugs transforming into dragon flies is an excellent way to help children to understand what happens after someone dies: that we don’t know. An excellent way to begin discussions with children on death and what happens after we die.

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    • Helping Children Grieve (Revised)


      This straightforward book helps adults talk to children in meaningful ways, nurturing their faith and building their emotional strength during a time of crisis. The author explains common reactions (emotional, physical, and behavioral) parents can expect from children of all ages, and offers adults the spiritual tools they need to help children cope with a significant loss.

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    • Hey God What Is Death


      SKU (ISBN): 9780964039247ISBN10: 0964039249Roxie GibsonBinding: Cloth TextPublished: March 2002Publisher: STL/FaithWorks Print On Demand Product

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    • When Your Friend Dies


      Sometimes friends feel that they don’t have permission to grieve because they have a less significant experience than family members. In When Your Friend Dies, Harold Ivan Smith explores the concept of “friendgrief” and offers compassionate guidance for those who have suffered the death of a friend and yearn to come to terms with their loss. This is an extremely helpful book that provides understanding and courage for you and other friends.

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    • When Your Spouse Dies


      In this warm and helpful book, Mildred Tengborn addresses the emotions and difficulties widows and widowers face as they look ahead to life without their spouses. She offers spiritual comfort and hope, guiding the reader through the phases of shock and disorganization to the reconstruction of a new life.

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    • When Your Baby Dies Through Miscarriage Or Stillbirth


      The experience of miscarriage or stillbirth is confusing and distressing. When Your Baby Dies offers honest and practical guidance for parents and other family members. Authors Louis A. Gamino and Ann Taylor Cooney draw on their personal experiences to provide gentle insights into the grief process, mourning, and moving on. A comforting book that can help you or someone you know through the grieving journey.

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    • Ethics Of Assisted Death


      Are we ever justified in choosing to die by deliberate action? Is it ever right to aid those who request assistance in dying?

      These questions are widely debated today, and in this book Cauthen sets forth the major arguments for and against physician-assisted death. Readers will find here all the essential information they need to approach this problem and form their own personal point of view.

      Cauthen writes from a religious perspective and makes explicit the biblical and philosophical foundations for his thinking. He presents a cautious and reasoned case for changing the current law with respect to physician-assisted suicide and physician-administered death.

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    • Best Funeral Meditations


      This collection of best funeral meditations provides a wide range of messages that address almost every death situation from the anticipated to the tragic. These classic meditations have been gathered from the writings and contributions of pastors, church leaders, and teachers of many denominations.

      Among the situations addressed are:
      For the nominal church member
      For a little child
      For a non-Christian
      For the death of a child shortly after birth
      For a college student killed in an auto accident
      For a sixteen-year-old shot to death
      For a woman who committed suicide
      For a church member who served others
      For a 40-year-old cancer patient
      For a man who loved the outdoors
      For a Sunday morning worship service following a death
      and many more!

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    • When Your Parent Dies


      Anticipated or sudden, the death of a parent is a life-changing loss for surviving children and family members. When Your Parent Dies is a brief, focused, and compassionate book that guides adults through the first days and weeks of bereavement. Drawing on his own grief experience, author Ron Klug shows how the resources of faith, family, and community can help a grieving person move forward in life to find hope and healing.

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    • When Your Child Loses A Loved One


      Death is hard enough for adults to accept. For children, the experience of loss can be overwhelming. In this concise, practical guide, grief counselor Huntley offers principles for helping children of all ages understand death, work through predictable “tasks of grieving,” and take steps toward healing and acceptance.

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