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    Ed Wheat

    • Intended For Pleasure


      God gave humankind the gift of sex. But many couples don’t experience the kind of joy and fulfillment God intended. If you’ve ever been frustrated with a lack of intimacy in your marriage, or if you just want to know more about how you can get the most out of your relationship, Intended for Pleasure is for you. This honest and frank resource will answer your questions about sex and sexuality, improving sexual response, sex techniques for pregnancy, birth control, sex at any age, solutions for sexual problems, and much more. All of the questions you’ve been afraid to ask (or didn’t even know to ask!) are answered right here.

      A perfect gift for newlyweds and a trusted resource for pastors and marriage counselors, this classic book has helped more than a million people understand and enjoy the gift God intended for pleasure.

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    • Placer Sexual Ordenado Por Dio – (Spanish)


      El placer sexual ordenado por Dios -que ha sido un clasico durante treinta aos-, es un libro de referencia facil de leer que combina la enseanza biblica sobre el amor y el matrimonio con la informacion medica mas reciente sobre el sexo y la sexualidad. Este popular recurso alienta a las parejas casadas a hacer de su relacion sexual la experiencia satisfactoria que se supone que debe ser. Es un manual completo de sexo con datos basicos, ilustraciones y una discusion franca sobre todas las facetas de la sexualidad humana. Un regalo perfecto para los recien casados y un libro de referencia para pastores y consejeros matrimoniales. Este libro ha ayudado a mas de un millon de personas a comprender y disfrutar del regalo que Dios quiso hacernos al darnos el placer.

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    • Amor Que No Se Apaga – (Spanish)


      Conflictos por los cuales las parejas experimentan frustraciones en la expre-sion de su amor.

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    • Love Life For Every Married Couple


      1. A Love Affair: It Can Happen To You!
      2. Discoveries: The False And The True
      3. Does The Plan Still Work?
      4. Love: Solving The Mystery
      5. The Five Ways Of Loving
      6. How To Love Your Partner Sexually
      7. Romantic Love-The Thrill Factor
      8. The Gift Of Belonging
      9. Becoming Best Friends
      10. The Agape Way
      11. The Secret Of Staying In Love (Especially For Newlyweds)
      12. A Pattern For Lovers
      13. Prescription For A Superb Marriage
      14. Removing The Barriers
      15. How To Save Your Marriage Alone
      16. Resources For Change
      256 Pages

      Additional Info
      Physician Ed Wheat has helped thousands of couples improve their love lives and build happier marriages. In Love Life for Every Married Couple he’ll help you improve your marriage through sharing, touching, appreciating, and focusing healing attention on your mate.

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