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    • Coming Home : Essays On The New Heaven And New Earth


      The Bible has a lot to say about Christ’s return-it is mentioned more than three hundred times throughout the New Testament. We often downplay this doctrine because the precise details are debated. However, these passages are in Scripture to build our hope and joy in the here and now. This compilation of expository messages from eight leading Bible teachers, including Tim Keller, John Piper, and D. A. Carson, explores the theme of redemption from Genesis to Revelation-stirring up within us a longing for our future home and filling us with joyful hope in light of Jesus’s return.

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    • Scriptures And Sectarianism


      Essays representing ten years of John J. Collins’s expert reflection on Scripture and the Qumran community are here collected in a volume that is sure to be of interest to students and scholars of Early Judaism and the Dead Sea Scrolls.

      Collins opens with the introductory chapter “What Have We Learned from the Dead Sea Scrolls?” before offering essays on the authority and interpretation of Scripture, historiography and the emergence of the Qumran sect, and specific aspects of the sectarian worldview: covenant and dualism, the angelic world, the afterlife, prayer and ritual, and wisdom. A concluding epilogue considers the account of the Suffering Servant and illustrates the relevance of the Dead Sea Scrolls for early Christianity.

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    • Strangers To Fire


      This is an anthology of 35 essays edited by Robert W. Graves, President of The Foundation for Pentecostal Scholarship; written by 26 authors of the Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Third Wave movements or non-cessationists of traditional denominations responding to John F. MacArthur’s Strange Fire or cessationism and the abuse of the charismata in general. Foreword by J. Lee Grady.

      Authors include Wayne Grudem, Jack Deere, Craig Keener, Jon Ruthven, Sam Storms, Doug Oss, Mel Robeck, Paul Elbert, Randy Clark, Robert Menzies, J. P. Moreland, Gary Greig, Mark Rutland, Gary Shogren, William De Arteaga, William K. Kay, and Melvin Hodges.

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    • Early Christianity In Pompeian Light


      Editor’s Preface

      Envisioning Situations
      1. Growing Up Female In The Pauline Churches-Carolyn Osiek
      2. Nine Types Of Church In Nine Types Of Space In The Insula Of The Menander-Peter Oakes
      3. The Empress, The Goddess, And The Earthquake-Bruce W. Longenecker

      Enhancing Texts
      4. Powers And Protection In Pompeii And Paul-Natalie R. Webb
      5. Violence In Pompeiian/Roman Domestic Art As A Visual Context For Pauline And Deutero-Pauline Letters-David L. Balch
      6. Spheres And Trajectories-Jeremiah N. Bailey


      Additional Info
      Scholars of early Christianity are awakening to the potential of Pompeii’s treasures for casting light on the settings and situations that were commonplace and conventional for the first urban Christians. The uncovered world of Pompeii, destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 C.E., allows us to peer back in time, capturing a heightened sense of what life was like on the ground in the first century – the very time when the early Jesus-movement was beginning to find its feet. In light of the Vesuvian material remains, historians are beginning to ask fresh questions of early Christian texts and perceive new contours, nuances, and subtleties within the situations those texts address.

      The essays of this book explore different dimensions of Pompeii’s potential to refine our lenses for interpreting the texts and situations of early Christianity. The contributors to this book (including Carolyn Osiek, David Balch, Peter Oakes, Bruce Longenecker, and others) demonstrate that it is an exciting time to explore the interface between the Vesuvian contexts and the early Jesus-movement.

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    • Believing Scientist : Essays On Science And Religion


      Elegant writings by a cutting-edge research scientist defending traditional theological and philosophical positions

      Both an accomplished theoretical physicist and a faithful Catholic, Stephen Barr in this book addresses a wide range of questions about the relationship between science and religion, providing a beautiful picture of how they can coexist in harmony.

      In his first essay, “Retelling the Story of Science,” Barr challenges the widely held idea that there is an inherent conflict between science and religion. He goes on to analyze such topics as the quantum creation of universes from nothing, the multiverse, the Intelligent Design movement, and the implications of neuroscience for the reality of the soul.

      Including reviews of highly influential books by such figures as Edward O. Wilson, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Jay Gould, Francis S. Collins, Michael Behe, and Thomas Nagel, The Believing Scientist helpfully engages pressing questions that often vex religious believers who wish to engage with the world of science.

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    • Reading The Bible Missionally


      Insights from a noteworthy convergence of top scholars in biblical studies and missiology

      Over the past half century, it has become clear that mission is a central theme in the Bible’s narrative and, moreover, is central to the very identity of the church. This book significantly widens and deepens the emerging conversation on missional hermeneutics.

      Essays from top biblical and missiological scholars discuss reading the Scriptures missionally, using mission as a key interpretive lens. Five introductory chapters probe various elements of a missional hermeneutic, followed by sections on the Old and New Testaments that include chapters on two books from each to illustrate what a missional reading of them looks like. Essays in two concluding sections draw out the implications of a missional reading of Scripture for preaching and for theological education.

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    • From The Editors Desk


      The Christian Century, the most respected magazine for mainline Protestants in the world, has helped Christians think critically and live faithfully since 1884. The publication’s former editor and publisher, John Buchanan, has compiled a collection of biweekly editorials from the magazine that highlight events, issues, and questions that progressive Christians faced at the turning of this century.

      A must-read for Christian Century fans, From the Editor’s Desk examines twelve key areas from the years 1999-2015, focusing on war and peace, civic engagement, newsworthy events, the Middle East, and congregational life.

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    • 2 Views On Homosexuality The Bible And The Church


      Until recently most books fit neatly into two camps: non-affirming books were written by evangelicals and affirming books by non-evangelicals. Today, this divide no longer exists. Recent books written by evangelicals appeal to the authority and inspiration of Scripture as they argue for an affirming view. The question of what the Bible says about homosexuality is now an intra-evangelical discussion. Two Views on Homosexuality, the Bible, and the Church articulates evangelical views about what the Bible says about homosexuality and how the church should minister to people who experience same-sex attraction. It addresses not only biblical and theological questions, but also the pressing pastoral questions for the church. How do we interpret the passages that appear to prohibit same-sex relations? How does a theology of marriage, gender, and sex inform our understanding of modern-day same-sex relations? How does the biblical material apply to the contemporary debate-and especially to consensual, monogamous, loving same-sex relations? How should the church posture itself towards LGBTQ people? These and other questions are examined in four essays, two defending a non-affirming view and two defending an affirming view, with each side represented by a biblical scholar and a theologian: Affirming view William Loader (biblical studies) Megan K. DeFranza (theological studies) Non-affirming view Wesley Hill (biblical studies) Stephen R. Holmes (theological studies) Contributors then engage each other’s views in responses and are given a chance for a final rejoinder.

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    • On The Church


      Dutch politician and Christian activist Abraham Kuyper was deeply invested in debates over the influence Christianity should have on his nation. As a pastor and theologian, he was just as concerned about the ailing Dutch church. In On the Church, the Acton Institute and the Abraham Kuyper Translation Society have partnered with Lexham Press to publish seven brand-new translations of Kuyper’s most influential essays and speeches on the relationship between Christianity and the world.

      Kuyper believed that Christians must neither hide from the world behind the walls of physical church buildings nor engage the world solely through earthly institutions. The closing essay by Ad de Bruijne discusses how Kuyper’s incisive view of the church still can–and must–apply today, just as it did at the turn of the 20th century.

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    • Questions Preachers Ask


      “How do we preach in a way that affirms Christian theology while also honoring the insights of other faith traditions?” “How do we preach about and help create genuine Christian community in a social networking culture?”

      Questions Preachers Ask examines many questions that are on the minds of preachers today, questions that focus on how to preach the gospel in a culture where biblical knowledge cannot be presumed and where the Bible is often viewed as untrustworthy. Well-known preachers, scholars, and authors, including Barbara Brown Taylor, Gail O’Day, Anna Carter Florence, Richard Lischer, Cleo LaRue, and Thomas Lynch, provide the answers.

      This book, compiled to honor writer, preacher, teacher, and scholar Thomas G. Long at the end of his teaching career, addresses practical questions such as “How do we proclaim the good news to young adults who are on the margins of church or have left it?” and “How do we preach to faith communities that are highly diverse?” Perfect for preachers at any stage of their ministry, these essays offer hope and guidance for handling the difficult task of preaching in today’s congregations.

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    • Holy One In Our Midst


      1. The Flesh Of Christ And The Extra Calvinisticum
      2. The Flesh Of Christ In Modern Theology
      3. The Logos And The Flesh Of Christ
      4. The Temple Of God And The Flesh Of Christ
      5. (De)Limiting The Flesh Of Christ
      6. Why One Ought To Embrace The Extra Calvinisticum

      Additional Info
      The Holy One in Our Midst: An Essay on the Flesh of Christ aims to defend the doctrine of the extra Calvinisticum-the doctrine that maintains the Son of God was not restricted to the flesh of Christ during the incarnation-by arguing that it is logically coherent, biblically warranted, catholically orthodox, and theologically useful. It shows that none of the standard objections are devastating to the extra, that the doctrine is rooted in the claims of Christian Scripture and not merely a remnant of perfect being philosophical theology, and that the doctrine plays an important role in contemporary theological discussion. In this way, James Gordon revives an important Catholic doctrine that has fallen out of favor in contemporary theology. Also, this project aims to integrate biblical, philosophical, and systematic theology by showing that the tools and methods of each distinct discipline can contribute to the goals and aims of the others.

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    • Love Feast : Together At The Table


      With autism diagnoses rising, more and more parents find the challenges of caring for an autistic child added to the everyday strains and stresses – and joys — of family life. In a deeply personal, honest, humorous set of essays, Martha Johnson Bourlakas grapples with life — life as a person of faith, life as a wife and mother, life as a clergy spouse (her husband is bishop of Southwestern Virginia), life as the parent of a developmentally disabled young adult, life as one unable to maintain pretense. Reading these essays is like sitting down over coffee with a good friend to commiserate and laugh with someone who understands.

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    • Joy And Human Flourishing


      Joy is crucial to human life and central to God’s relationship to the world, yet it is remarkably absent from contemporary theology and, increasingly, from our own lives! This collection remedies this situation by considering the import of joy on human flourishing. These essays-written by experts in systematic and pastoral theology, Christian ethics, and biblical studies-demonstrate the promise of joy to throw open new theological possibilities and cast fresh light on all dimensions of human life. With contributions from Jurgen Moltmann, N. T. Wright, Marianne Meye Thompson, Mary Clark Moschella, Charles Mathewes, and Miroslav Volf, this volume puts joy at the heart of Christian faith and life, exploring joy’s biblical, dogmatic, ecclesiological, and ethical dimensions in concert with close attention to the shifting tides of culture. Convinced of the need to offer to the world a compelling Christian vision of the good life, the authors treat the connections between joy and themes of creation, theodicy, politics, suffering, pastoral practice, eschatology, and more, driven by the conviction that vital relationship with the living God is integral to our fullest flourishing as human creatures.

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    • Reading Scripture As A Political Act


      Although scholars increasingly understand Scripture to contain political dimensions and implications, the interpretation of Scripture is often marginalized in most scholarly discussions of political theology. Reading Scripture as a Political Act takes a step toward remedying this situation by exploring some of the ways the church has read Scripture politically. In particular, this volume examines the political character of premodern and modern theologians’ readings of Scripture with attention to how their readings relate to or address political challenges in their particular social and historical settings. The essays attempt to illuminate the ways that the theological interpretation of Scripture shaped the theopolitical imaginations of Augustine, Basil of Caesarea, Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas, Bartolome de las Casas, John Wesley, Karl Barth, Henri de Lubac, and John Howard Yoder, among others. Several essays in the volume also take constructive steps and suggest how these models of reading Scripture can inform the contemporary task of reading Scripture in political contexts. The volume covers the earliest Christian centuries to the late modern era, and considers carefully the close coordination between Scripture, theology, and social and political concerns. As a whole, the collection provides a robust survey of Christian theopolitical interpretation of the Bible.

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    • I Still Believe


      I (Still) Believe explores the all-important question of whether serious academic study of the Bible is threatening to one’s faith. Far from it-faith enhances study of the Bible and, reciprocally, such study enriches a person’s faith. With this in mind, this book asks prominent Bible teachers and scholars to tell their story reflecting on their own experiences at the intersection of faith and serious academic study of the Bible.

      While the essays of this book will provide some apology for academic study of the Bible as an important discipline, the essays engage with this question in ways that are uncontrived. They present real stories, with all the complexities and struggles they may hold. To this end, the contributors do two things: (a) reflect on their lives as someone who teaches and researches the Bible, providing something of a story outlining their journey of life and faith, and their self-understanding as a biblical theologian; and (b) provide focused reflections on how faith has made a difference, how it has changed, and what challenges have arisen, remained, and are unresolved, all with a view toward the future and engaging the book’s main question.

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    • World Upside Down


      As he approached the final decade of his life, Martin Luther observed that the beginning and end of all his theology was simple faith in Christ. This faith in Christ brought peace and joy to his soul, and also turned 1500s Europe upside down through the Reformation. A World Upside Down is a collection of four essays that describe this faith. 1). The first essay describes the intersection of this faith with Luther’s remarkable life, giving him great assurance before God, yet placing him at war with the world. 2). In the second essay, Luther’s Understanding of the Gospel is discussed: what faith in Christ is, the need we all have for the Savior, and the Christian’s humble dependence on the good news of God’s unchanging grace. 3). The third essay, That No Flesh Should Glory in God’s Presence, shares Luther’s teaching that the gospel outlined in chapter two gives all glory to God: a) God’s wisdom revealed in the gospel message humbles man’s pride and wisdom and exalts God alone. b) The gospel produces good works in the believer’s life to the glory of God. 4). The final essay, Christ’s Church, shares Luther’s thought that the forgiveness of sins through faith in Christ is central to the life of the church. The church is made up of forgiven and weak sinners who are dearly loved by God and carried by him through their earthly pilgrimage. This essay summarizes the book, applying Luther’s theology to us in the 21st century. Martin Luther’s life and theology are shared with the hope that we, like Luther, would grow in having simple, uncluttered faith in Christ alone for the glory and honor of God.”

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    • Exploring Catholic Theology (Reprinted)


      Robert Barron is one of the Catholic Church’s premier theologians and author of the influential The Priority of Christ. In this volume, Barron sets forth a thoroughgoing vision for an evangelical catholic theology that is steeped in the tradition and engaged with the contemporary world. Striking a balance between academic rigor and accessibility, the book covers issues of perennial interest in the twenty-first-century church: who God is, how to rightly worship him, and how his followers engage contemporary culture. Topics include the doctrine of God, Catholic theology, philosophy, liturgy, and evangelizing the culture. This work will be of special interest to readers concerned about the so-called “new atheism.”

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    • Living Faithfully In The Age Of Terror


      In this collection of essays and articles, including sermons and columns written for the Cen-La Focus, Henry C. Blount, Jr. D. Min walks us through his faith and unique way of seeing the world. Wise, worldly, and always quick with a quote or a witticism, these are meditations on life in a time of uncertainty that will bring comfort to anyone seeking it.

      “Living Faithfully in the Age of Terror” is the culmination of a lifetime of study, and brings together the experience of a man who has counseled families for decades. It offers Blount s spin on subjects from displaying Grace to thumping watermelons, truly demonstrating his commitment to a dynamic Christianity that seeks truth wherever it may turn up sometimes the most unlikely places.

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    • Thomas Merton : Early Essays 1947-1952


      This volume gathers together twelve essays that Thomas Merton wrote for various journals between 1947 and 1952, the years that saw the publication of his best-selling autobiography The Seven Storey Mountain, his ordination to the priesthood, and his initial appointment as spiritual and intellectual guide of the young monks at the Abbey of Gethsemani. The essays, most of which have never been reprinted, focus above all on aspects of the contemplative life but also consider the spiritual dimensions of literature and the social implications of Christian life. Issued to coincide with the one hundredth anniversary of his birth, this collection brings to fruition at long last Merton’s own original plan of publishing these essays as a group and so makes available a previously little recognized and underutilized resource for understanding and appreciating a crucial transitional phase in his life as both monk and writer.

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    • Writing Theologically


      1. Writing Basically
      2. Writing Persuasively
      3. Writing For The Ear
      4. Writing Briefly
      5. Writing Creatively
      6. Writing Publicly
      7. Writing Digitally
      8. Writing Purposefully
      9. Writing Personally
      10. Writing Spiritually

      Additional Info
      Of course, by writing we refer to the kinds of reflections, essays, and exams students will have to complete in the seminary classroom. But writing also encompasses the many modes of communication and self-discovery that creative expression can unlock. Writing Theologically introduces writing not just as an academic exercise but as a way for students to communicate the good news in rapidly changing contexts, as well as to discover and craft their own sense of vocation and identity. Most important will be guiding students to how they might begin to claim and hone a distinctive theological voice that is particularly attuned to the contexts of writer and audience alike.

      In a collection of brief, readable essays, this volume, edited by Eric D. Barreto, emphasizes the vital skills, practices, and values involved in writing theologically. That is, how might students prepare themselves to communicate effectively and creatively, clearly and beautifully, the insights they gather during their time in seminary? Each contribution includes practical advice about best practices in writing theologically; however, the book also stresses why writing is vital in the self-understanding of the minister, as well as her or his public communication of the good news.

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    • God We Worship


      In The God We Worship Nicholas Wolterstorff takes a ground-up approach to liturgical theology, examining the oft-hidden implications of traditional elements of liturgy. Given that “no liturgy has ever been composed from scratch,” Wolterstorff argues that the assumptions taken into worship are key to perceiving the real depths of historical Christianity’s understanding of God.

      Across the liturgies of the Orthodox, Catholic, Episcopal, Lutheran, and Reformed churches, Wolterstorff highlights theologically neglected elements of God, such as an implicit liturgical understanding of God as listener. A dissection of liturgy is not only interesting, Wolterstorff argues, but crucial for reconciling differences between the God studied by theologians and the God worshiped by churchgoers on Sunday.

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    • Evangelical Catholic And Reformed


      In this book prominent Barth scholar George Hunsinger presents fifteen essays on Karl Barth’s understanding of Christian doctrine across a wide spectrum of topics, concluding with suggestions as to how Barth’s theology might fruitfully be retrieved for the future.

      Hunsinger discusses Barth’s views on such subjects as the Trinity, creation, natural theology, Christology, justification, and time and eternity. As he delves into Barth’s theological substance, Hunsinger highlights ways in which Barth’s work was Evangelical, Catholic, and Reformed, illuminating the ecumenical aspects of his thought.

      No other volume explains Barth’s views on this range of topics with such scope, depth, and clarity.

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    • Authority Of The Gospel


      Oliver O’Donovan is widely regarded as one of the preeminent Protestant Christian ethicists of our time. His teaching and scholarship have exerted a profound influence on countless moral theologians.

      This volume honoring O’Donovan shows how the various contributors — themselves distinguished scholars — have developed their own thinking through serious engagement with O’Donovan’s work. Significantly, they build upon, expand, and critique the agenda for Christian ethics that O’Donovan has been instrumental in constructing. As Robert Song and Brent Waters say in their introduction, “To genuinely honor O’Donovan, one cannot remain content with reciting but must risk one’s own exposition.”


      Nigel Biggar
      Brian Brock
      Jonathan Chaplin
      Eric Gregory
      Shinji Kayama
      Jean-Yves Lacoste
      Joan O’Donovan
      Oliver O’Donovan
      Robert Song
      Hans Ulrich
      Bernd Wannenwetsch
      Brent Waters
      John Webster
      Rowan Williams
      John Witte Jr.
      Holger Zaborowski

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    • Living In The House Of God


      “How should we live in this house of God? We know that the way a building is shaped also helps in determining the way those within it live and relate. We are indeed formed by what we form. Qualities such as integrity, hospitality, humanity and beauty in a place will enable its dwellers to live lives in which such qualities are evident. The way we understand who we are and how we live will be reflected in our places and vice versa. Our places become bearers of meaning and memory.” -From Chapter 1
      In Living in the House of God, Margaret Malone draws on her study of and research on the Rule of Saint Benedict to show the ways in which this ancient rule can illuminate modern life. The broad gamut of topics this book examines-from Benedictine life as sacrament to Augustine’s influence on Benedict to obedience and the art of listening, among others-is itself a witness to the generous flexibility of the Rule, as Benedict proposes a way of life that truly corresponds to the deepest needs of the whole of human nature.

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    • Faith And Feminism


      Faith and Feminism brings together leading voices in biblical studies, inter-religious encounters, theology and ethics. Originally delivered as part of the Phyllis Trible Lecture Series at Wake Forest University School of Divinity (2003-2013), these essays demonstrate the breadth of feminist interpretation on compelling topics: interpretation of sacred texts; Judeo-Christian and Islamic perspectives; gender and sexuality; race and cultural identity; and ecology and religion. An international group of writers, both established scholars and new voices, contribute. Readers can explore the impact of feminisms on faiths and faiths on feminisms.

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    • Vocation Of Anglican Theology


      The Vocation of Anglican Theology seeks to present a contemporary Anglican theology rooted in its sources but reaching into the future. A Range of leading Anglican theologians, including Rowan Williams, Ellen Charry, Kenneth Stevenson, Mark Chapman and Anna Rowlands reflect on key theological subjects such as Christology, ecclesiology and eschatology. Each subject pairs a selection of excerpts from Anglican theologians with an essay. This text is ideal for use in courses on Anglican theology. Indeed, it is hoped that it will prove to be the standard text for courses in Anglican theology throughout the Anglican Communion. In one volume, the student can meet Anglican theologians from the past and in the present, with the opportunity to learn and to inhabit a common Anglican future

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    • Provocations : Spiritual Writings Of Kierkegaard


      Provocations contains a little of everything from Kierkegaard’s prodigious output: his famously cantankerous (yet wryly humorous) attacks on what he calls the “mediocre shell” of conventional Christianity, his brilliantly pithy parables, his wise (and witty) sayings. Most significantly, it brings to a new generation a man whose writings pare away the fluff of modern spirituality to reveal the basics of the Christ-centered life: decisiveness, obedience, and recognition of the truth.

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    • Heart Strangely Warmed


      John and Charles Wesley generated a heritage that reaches well beyond the worldwide Methodist movement which they founded. This collection of their essential writings shows how they harnessed resources from across the breadth of Anglicanism (and beyond) to forge a distinctive, dynamic and influential approach to religious experience.

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    • At The Limits Of The Secular


      Thought-provoking essays by Roman Catholic scholars concerned about the impact of secularity on the future of the Church

      This volume presents an integrated collection of constructive essays by eminent Catholic scholars addressing the new challenges and opportunities facing religious believers under shifting conditions of secularity and “post-secularity.”

      Using an innovative “keywords” approach, At the Limits of the Secular is an interdisciplinary effort to think through the implications of secular consciousness for the role of religion in public affairs. The book responds in some ways to Charles Taylor’s magnum opus, A Secular Age, although it also stands on its own. It features an original essay by David Tracy — the most prominent American Catholic theologian writing today — and groundbreaking contributions by influential younger theologians such as Peter Casarella, William Cavanaugh, and Vincent Miller.

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    • Persons In Relation


      1. The Modernist Condition
      2. Theological Conditioning?
      3. The Postmodernist Conditioning
      4. The ‘Trinity’ And The Evaluation Of The Theological Re-conditioning Ambition
      5. Correlation And/as Hierarchism, Or What We Do Not Need
      6. Correlation Beyond Hierarchism
      7. Perichoresis Of ‘Person’ And ‘Relation’ And Trinitarian Theology
      8. Correlation As Relationship Model In/with The World

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      Tracing out the origins of the Trinitarian “revival” in the modern era, particularly on account of the influence of Schleiermacher, Tillich, Barth, Rahner, and Pannenberg, through to the destabilizing effects of postmodernity on Trinitarian discourse, the author provides a critical hermeneutic for the evaluation and implementation of thoughtful Trinitarian theology in the contemporary world. Within this frame, the author argues for viewing the Trinity as the intellectual and conceptual context and interdisciplinary arena of interaction between theology and other forms of intellectual inquiries to generate a robust, multifaceted, and historically fluent doctrine of the Trinity.

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    • Newman And Life In The Spirit


      1. John Henry Newman’s Apologia As A Journal Of His Conversion-John T. Ford, CSC
      2. The Indwelling Of The Holy Spirit-John R. Connolly
      3. Coming To Terms With The Past-Kenneth L. Parker
      4. Sympathy In The Spiritual Theology Of John Henry Newman-Donald G. Graham
      5. Trinity, Imagination, And Belief In The Spirituality Of John Henry Newman-Theodore J. Whapham
      6. Marked By Christ’s Presence-Danielle Nussberger
      7. Newman’s Mariology-Ryan Marr
      8. Newman’s Vision Of Holiness In This World-John R. Connolly
      9. John Henry Newman And The Communion Of Saints-Brian W. Hughes
      10. Newman And The Spirituality Of The Oratory-Kevin Mongrain
      List Of Authors

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      Newman and Life in the Spirit collects essays from leading theologians and scholars examining the theology and spirituality of one of the most important and beloved nineteenth century theologians, the recently beatified John Henry Newman. The essays in this volume present critical analysis of the perception and role of spirituality in various aspects of Newman’s thought, from his doctrinal work to his university and parochial sermons, and argue for its significance to Christian theology and practice in the twenty-first century.

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    • Fullness Of Time


      Alan Tippett’s publications played a significant role in the development of missiology. The volumes in this series
      augment his distinguished reputation by bringing to light his many unpublished materials and hard-to-locate
      printed articles. These books-encompassing theology, anthropology, history, area studies, religion, and ethnohistory- broaden the contours of the discipline.

      Tippett believed his writings on ethnohistory were his most original contribution to the discipline of missiology.
      The wealth of material in Fullness of Time is his best ethnohistory writing-most of which has never been published.
      Explore the methods and models of this captivating field of study. Realize how documents, oral tradition,
      and even artifacts can be used to recreate the cultural situation of a prior time. Learn about the South Pacific,
      Ethiopia, Hawaii, and Australia, both in and through time.

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    • Analogia Entis Metaphysics


      This volume includes Erich Pryzwara’s groundbreaking Analogia Entis, originally published in 1932, and his subsequent essays on the concept analogia entis – the analogy between God and creation – which has certain currency in philosophical and theological circles today.

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    • Interpreting Abraham : Journeys To Moriah


      Part I. Traditional Readings
      Part II. Modern Readings
      Part III. Post-Traditional Readings
      Part IV. Today

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      The text presents a collection of essays that reflect upon the narrative of God’s command to Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac in Genesis 22. It explores various readings of Abraham and the Akedah story throughout history, including traditional, modern, and postmodern readings, as well as through Jewish, Christian, and Islamic lenses.

      The book demonstrates the diversity of interpretations, and the dramatic impact of the story on the Western intellectual tradition.

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    • Jesus Research : New Methodologies And Perceptions


      This volume explores nearly every facet of Jesus Research — from eyewitness criteria to the reliability of memory, from archaeology to psychobiography, from oral traditions to literary sources, and from narrative criticism to Gospel criticism. Bringing together a wide variety of topics and perspectives in one volume, this ambitious collaborative enterprise casts light on important debates and encourages creative links between ideas new and old. This distinguished collection of articles by internationally renowned Jewish and Christian scholars originates with the Princeton-Prague Symposium on Jesus Research. It summarizes the significant advances in understanding Jesus that scholars have made in recent years, chiefly through the development of diverse methodologies. Even readers who are already knowledgeable in the field will discover unique angles from well-known New Testament scholars, and all will be brought up to speed on the current state-of-play within Jesus studies.

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    • Unrelenting God : Essays On Gods Action In Scripture In Honor Of Beverly Ro


      A stellar contribution to the theological interpretation of Scripture

      Is God still, as it has been argued, the “neglected factor” in New Testament theology? How does the Bible speak imaginatively and concretely about who God is and what God’s activity on behalf of the world looks like?

      In The Unrelenting God sixteen accomplished scholars in the fields of biblical and theological studies explore ways in which Scripture speaks about God’s character and God’s activity in the world. As honoree Beverly Roberts Gaventa has done throughout her career, the contributors address important and nuanced theological themes such as God’s dramatic invasion of the world in the gospel of Jesus Christ, God’s ultimate triumph over the powers of sin and death, and humanity’s ongoing participation with God in Christ.

      Scholars, students, and church leaders will appreciate this volume’s careful theological interpretation of whole scriptural books and individual passages — and its ability to model instructively how that interpretation is best done.

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    • Pauline Perspectives : Essays On Paul 1978-2013


      This companion volume to Paul and the Faithfulness of God and Paul and His Recent Interpreters brings together N. T. Wright’s most important articles on Paul and his letters over the last three decades. The book begins with Wright’s auspicious essay of 1978, when as a young, aspiring scholar he gave the annual Tyndale lecture in Cambridge, and proposed, for the first time, “a new perspective” on Pauline theology. The book ends with an expanded version of a paper he gave in Leuven in 2012, when as a seasoned scholar at the height of his powers, he explored the foundational role of Abraham in Romans and Galatians. In all, the thirty-three articles published here provide a rich feast for all students of Paul, both seasoned and aspiring. Each one will amply reward those looking for detailed, incisive and exquisitely nuanced exegesis, resulting in a clearer, deeper and more informed appreciation of Paul’s great theological achievement.

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    • Tactile Heart : Blindness And Faith


      The Tactile Heart is a collection of theological essays on relating blindness and faith and developing a theology of blindness that makes a constructive contribution to the wider field of disability theology. John Hull looks at key texts in the Christian tradition, such as the Bible, written as a text for sighted people, and at hymns, which often use blindness as a metaphor for ignorance and explores how these can be read by blind people.

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    • Spiritual Progress : Five Inspiring Essays By Mystical Thinkers Of The 17th


      A collection of five inspiring essays by three closely linked mystical thinkers of the seventeenth century-Franois Fenelon, Madame Guyon, and Pere Lacombe-whose focus on the availability of intimacy with God made them scandalous in their day.

      “Christian Counsel” and “Spiritual Letters,” by Archbishop Fenelon, offer wise advice on how to find the keys to true devotion and peace.

      “Method of Prayer” and “On the Way to God”, by Fenelon’s close friend, Madame Guyon, demonstrate the critical importance of constant prayer.

      “Spiritual Maxims”, by Pere Lacombe, the spiritual mentor of Madame Guyon, emphasizes the importance of expressing a passionate love for God.

      Each stirring work is divided into short chapters, making Spiritual Progress ideal for morning or evening devotions, or for Bible study. This treasured collection of classic Christian wisdom is certain to lead readers closer to the heart of God.

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    • Faith Seeking Understanding


      How does the Christian faith help us see into the true nature of life more clearly? Why do people suffer? Where do we come from? What does Jesus have to say to a changing world? What can we learn from great mission pioneers about seeking truth at the cutting edges of human knowledge? Faith Seeking Understanding explores such questions. Notable Christian thinkers such as Philip Yancey, Alvin Plantinga, Rodney Stark, Allan Chapman, Don Richardson, Yuan Zhiming, and more, share powerful insights that help answer the deepest questions people face in the twenty-first century from the perspective of Christian faith. Inspired by the lives and accomplishments of Ralph D. Winter and Paul Brand, this book seeks to apply the curious, open-minded, and compassionate spirit these Christian leaders exhibited to key contemporary questions in science, history, philosophy, theology, and comparative religion. The reader will gain a fresh appreciation for the intellectual challenges of the Christian faith, and some of most fascinating and sometimes controversial ways in which those challenges are being met.

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    • Effective Practice Of Ministry


      Few people have made a larger contribution to the ongoing life and health of Churches of Christ around the world than Charles Siburt. During his twenty-four years at Abilene Christian University, Siburt oversaw some fifty DMin theses- a capstone experience designed to recount best practices in congregational life.

      Rooted in Dr. Siburt’s conviction that good theology makes a difference in the lives of people, The Effective Practice of Ministry is a collection of thirteen of those research projects, covering the most critical topics facing churches today: spiritual formation, leadership development, catechesis, preaching, and missional initiatives in the larger community.

      In honor of Dr. Siburt, this anthology is meant to inspire and encourage effective, embodied praxis in the ministry of the church.

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    • Horizons In Hermeneutics


      From essays that focus on the horizon of the text through to essays that consider the horizon of the twenty-first century church, this collection invites reflection on the illumination that hermeneutical awareness brings to biblical interpretation. This Festschrift in honor of Anthony C. Thiselton aims to consider, exemplify, and build upon his insights in philosophical hermeneutics and biblical studies, particularly in relation to Paul and his writings.

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    • Matthew


      The Texts @ Contexts series gathers scholarly voices from diverse contexts and social locations to bring new or unfamiliar facets of biblical texts to light. Matthew sheds new light from new perspectives on themes in the Gospel including community; land, labor, and Empire; children, parents, and families; health and disabilities; and border-crossings. The authors challenge us to consider how we deal with cultural distances between ourselves and these ancient writings-and between one another in the contemporary world.

      Like other volumes in the Texts @ Contexts series, these essays de-center the often homogeneous first-world orientation of much biblical scholarship and open up new possibilities for discovery.

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    • Not Less Than Everything


      Joan of Arc, Mother Mary MacKillop, Ignatius of Loyola, and Bartolome de Las Casas. All of these people have one thing in common-they are Catholics whose beliefs caused them to be per-secuted, but who, through the test of time, proved to be figures revered in the Church.

      In fact, many of the Catholic figures who intrigue and inspire us are the men and women who found the great strength-personal, spiritual, intellectual-to challenge the Church. Some were called heretics, denounced for denying doctrine. Others were condemned for not submitting to the control of the Church. But they have much to teach us in our own efforts to live out our faith.

      It is difficult to know what to do when Church doctrine is at odds with cultural developments. From gay marriage to contraception, stem-cell research to required celibacy for priests, Catholics today are struggling with the conflict between tradition and the Church’s need to come to terms with modernity. In Not Less Than Everything, some of the best Catholic writers of our time, including Alice McDermott, Ron Hansen, Mary Gordon, Tobias Wolff, and Ann Patchett, share their personal accounts of people who have influenced the way they view the intersection of faith and culture. Not Less Than Everything is a riveting exploration of how to face the challenge of living our faith in the real and messy world.

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    • Village Hours : Over 27000 Ronald Blythe Titles Sold


      Britain’s best loved rural writer chronicles the progress of the seasons in the Stour valley village where he has lived and worked among artists, writers, farmers and, increasingly, commuters. For all the changes in the contemporary countryside, timeless qualities remain and both are captured here with a poet’s understanding and imagination. The year takes its shape from the seasons of nature and the feasts and festivals of the Christian year. Each informs and illuminates the other in this loving celebration of nature’s gifts and neighbourly friendship. Literature, poetry, spirituality and memory all merge to create an exquisite series of stories of our times. These short essays first appeared in the Word From Wormingford column, a popular back page feature of the Church Times for almost twenty years.

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    • Perspectives On Our Father Abraham


      Marvin R. Wilson has devoted much of his life to bringing Jews and Christians into dialogue with one another. His seminal text, Our Father Abraham – perhaps more than any other book – has clearly shown a generation of Christians the Jewish roots of their faith.Perspectives on Our Father Abraham is a collection of thoughtful articles honoring Marv Wilson on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday. Nineteen Jewish and Christian scholars – friends of his and experts in their own fields – here offer various studies related to the patriarch Abraham. Readers will profit from these engaging, even groundbreaking, studies of Abraham both in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures and in other ancient and contemporary traditions.More than simply a Festschrift, this book encompasses a uniquely broad range of traditions having to do with Abraham. It also succeeds in the task that Wilson has always encouraged – bringing Jews and Christians together in fruitful dialogue.Contributors:William B. BarcleyRebecca Gates BrintonR. Judson CarlbergRoy E. CiampaGordon D. FeeRoger J. GreenTed HildebrandtSteven A. HuntDavid KlatzkerJoAnn G. MagnusonDavid MathewsonJohn N. OswaltElaine PhillipsA. James RudinMark L. SargentH. G. M. WilliamsonLauren F. WinnerEdwin M. YamauchiDavid J. Zucker

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    • Spiritual In The Secular


      David Livingstone’s visit to Cambridge in 1857 was seen as much as a scientific event as a religious one. But he was by no means alone among missionaries in integrating mission with science and other fields of research. Rather, many missionaries were remarkable, pioneering polymaths.

      This collection of essays explores the ways in which late-nineteenth- and twentieth-century missionaries to Africa contributed to various academic disciplines, such as linguistics, ethnography, social anthropology, zoology, medicine, and many more. This volume includes an introductory chapter by the editors and eleven chapters that analyze missionary research and its impact on knowledge about African contexts. Several themes emerge, including many missionaries’ positive views of indigenous discourses and the complicated relationship between missionaries and professional anthropologists.

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    • Works Of John Wesley 12


      The first of three theological volumes, this volume is devoted to four of John Wesley’s foundational treatises on soteriology.

      These treatises include, first, Wesley’s extract from the Homilies of the Church of England, which he published to convince his fellow Anglican clergy that the ‘evangelical’ emphasis on believers experiencing a conscious assurance of God’s pardoning love was consistent with this standard of Anglican doctrine. Next comes Wesley’s extract of Richard Baxter’s Aphorisms of Justification, aimed more at those who shared his evangelical emphasis, invoking this honored moderate Puritan to challenge antinomian conceptions of the doctrine of justification by faith. This is followed by Wesley’s abridgement of the Shorter Catechism issued by the Westminster Assembly in his Christian Library, where he affirms broad areas of agreement with this standard of Reformed doctrine-while quietly removing items with which he disagreed. The fourth item is Wesley’s extended response to the Dissenter John Taylor on the doctrine of original sin, which highlights differences within the broad ‘Arminian’ camp, with Wesley resisting a drift toward naively optimistic views of human nature that he discerned in Taylor.

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    • Exodus And Deuteronomy


      The Texts @ Contexts series gathers scholarly voices from diverse contexts and social locations to bring new or unfamiliar facets of biblical texts to light. Exodus and Deuteronomy focuses attention on two books of the Torah that share themes of journey and of diverse experiences in or upon the land; the echoes of the exodus across time, space, and culture; of different understandings of (male and female) leadership; and of the promise, and problem, posed by various aspects of biblical law. These essays de-center the often homogeneous first-world orientation of much biblical scholarship and open up new possibilities for discovery.

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    • Do Historical Matters Matter To Faith


      Equips Christians to defend the doctrine of inerrancy against a culture and academy ever skeptical of the Bible’s historical claims.

      Is historical accuracy an indispensable part of the Bible’s storyline, or is Scripture only concerned with theological truths? As progressive evangelicals threaten to reduce the Bible’s jurisdiction by undermining its historical claims, every Christian who cares about the integrity of Scripture must be prepared to answer this question.

      Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? offers a firm defense of Scripture’s legitimacy and the theological implications of modern and postmodern approaches that teach otherwise. In this timely and timeless collection of essays, scholars from diverse areas of expertise lend strong arguments in support of the doctrine of inerrancy. Contributors explore how the specific challenges of history, authenticity, and authority are answered in the text of the Old and New Testaments as well as how the Bible is corroborated by philosophy and archaeology.

      With contributions from respected scholars-including Allan Millard, Craig Blomberg, Graham Cole, Michael Haykin, Robert Yarbrough, and Darrell Bock-Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? arms Christians with fresh insight, arguments, and language with which to defend Scripture’s historical accuracy against a culture and academy skeptical of those claims.

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