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    • 9780664227500 Lament : Reclaiming Practices In Pulpit Pew And Public Square

      Lament : Reclaiming Practices In Pulpit Pew And Public Square


      Part 1: Reclaiming Lament In Christian Prayer And Proclamation
      Part 2: Loss And Lament, Human And Divine
      Part 3: Reclaiming The Public Voice Of Lament

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      Lament, so prominent in the Christian canon, is neglected in the public worship and witness of most North American congregations. These essays by Princeton Theological Seminary faculty attest to the diverse ways in which lament is understood and practiced, and they invite their recovery in all elements of the church’s ministry.

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    • 9781591280323 Black And Tan

      Black And Tan


      Regenerate But Unreconstructed
      Black And Tan
      Scripture And Slavery
      Southern Slavery And Our Culture Wars
      Plowing The Same Ground
      Black Confederates
      Dabney In Full
      Fragments From The Controversy

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      If we want to understand culture wars on the contemporary American scene, we must first come to grips with the American culture wars of the nineteenth century. That our nation did not remove slavery in a biblical way helps explain many of our contemporary social evils. But who is qualified to talk about such things? What is a biblical view of racism? Why do the biblical answers to such questions so infuriate the radical left and the radical right? This collection of essays lays out some of the answers from a view unashamed of historic biblical absolutism.

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    • 9780664227395 Ending Of Mark And The Ends Of God

      Ending Of Mark And The Ends Of God


      Among his many contributions to New Testament studies, Donald Juel was perhaps best known for his treatment of the ending of Mark’s Gospel. He saw the open-endedness of Mark as powerfully unsettling for the reader who desires to tame and predict God’s actions. In this series of essays, edited by Beverly Roberts Gaventa and Patrick Miller, theologians begin with Juel’s own work and reflect on the “unsettling” in the context of their own work.

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      Measure Of My Days


      SKU (ISBN): 9781931038256ISBN10: 1931038252Editor: Reuben Miller | Editor: H. Joseph MillerBinding: Trade PaperPublished: December 2004Publisher: Herald Press/MennoMedia Print On Demand Product

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    • 9780742532069 Bridging The Great Divide

      Bridging The Great Divide


      Preface: Cultivators Of A Flourishing Garden Of Life

      Building A Bridge Across The Great Divide

      The Virtue Of Bi-Polar Extremism

      The Trouble With A Beige Catholicism

      Paths And Practices: Recovering An Embodied Christianity


      Lex Orandi, Lex Vivendi: The Liturgy As A Source For The Moral Life

      The Trouble With Beige Churches: A Critique Of The Influence Of Cartesian Modernity On Contemporary

      The Liturgical Act And The Church Of The Twenty-first Century

      At The Feet Of The Masters

      The Christian Humanism Of Karol Wojtyla And Thomas Aquinas

      Thomas Aquinas’s Christological Reading Of God And The Creature

      God As Artist

      Genesis And Joyce: Narratives Of Sin, Grace And Theonomy: An Essay In Honor Of Andrew Greeley On His Seventieth Birthday

      Preaching The Message

      “I’m Waiting; I’m Waiting”: An Advent Meditation

      The Grandfather And The Voice From The Whirlwind: A Meditation On Preaching The Problem Of Suffering

      Three Paths Of Holiness

      A Sermon For Children Of The Seventies

      The Way Of Nonviolence

      Thomas Merton’s Metaphysics Of Peace

      Creation, Transsubstantiation And The Grain Of The Universe: A Contribution To Stanley Hauerwas’s Ekklesia Project

      “Comes A Warrior”: A Christmas Meditation

      Priesthood And Ministry

      Priest As Bearer Of The Mystery

      Priest As Doctor Of The Soul

      Mystagogues, World-Transformers And Interpreters Of Tongues: A Reflection On Collaborative Ministry In The Church

      Evangelizing The American Culture

      Additional Info
      Bridging the Great Divide: Musings of a Post-Liberal, Post-Conservative Evangelical Catholic represents a pivotal moment in the life of the Catholic community. As the Church seeks to maintain its unique witness, nurture the faithful, and evangelize, a new generation of American Catholics has emerged. No longer the “next generation,” these new leaders came of age after the Second Vatican Council and, like many others, no longer find compelling the battles between the liberals and conservatives throughout the post-conciliar period.

      Today’s faithful are searching for an expression of Catholic Christianity that is vibrant, colorful, provocative, counter-cultural, deeply rooted in the tradition, and full of the promise of the Good News. In this timely and prophetic book, Father Robert Barron–himself a member of the younger generation–has minted a new vernacular and blazed a new way that goes bridges the great divide and gives voice to the concerns of post-liberal, post-conservative, evangelical believers.

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    • 9781557253552 Radiance : A Spiritual Memoir Of Evelyn Underhill

      Radiance : A Spiritual Memoir Of Evelyn Underhill


      With excerpts from both her published writings and private journals, this compilation presents a candid look at the extraordinary spiritual journey of Evelyn Underhill, who is credited with the modern rediscovery of mysticism. Clarifies how her views changed; discusses little-known struggles.

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    • 9780802827531 Educating For Shalom

      Educating For Shalom


      In addition to his notable work as a premier Christian philosopher, Nicholas Wolterstorff has become a leading voice on faith-based higher education. This volume gathers the best of Wolterstorff’s essays from the past twenty-five years dealing collectively with the purpose of Christian higher education and the nature of academic learning.

      Integrated throughout by the biblical idea of shalom, these nineteen essays present a robust framework for thinking about education that combines a Reformed confessional perspective with a radical social conscience and an increasingly progressivist pedagogy. Wolterstorff develops his ideas in relation to an astonishing variety of thinkers ranging from Calvin, Kuyper, and Jellema to Augustine, Aquinas, and Kant to Weber, Habermas, and MacIntyre. In the process, he critiques various models of education, classic foundationalism, modernization theory, liberal arts, and academic freedom.

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      Anglicans And Orthodox


      Elizabeth I deliberately divided her episcopate at the outset of her reign between Geneva reformers and bishops who looked to the Fathers of the Early Church. Thereafter in the Church of England there would always be divines who would be drawn to the Orthodox East. Such men suffered mightily in the 17th century at the hands of the first Puritans and then Whigs when these gained political power, and their suffering impelled them more and more to ‘look to the East.’

      This book traces the fortunes of the quest, through the study of Greek texts, involvement in the intricate politics of the Near and Middle East, deprivation and isolation in the Nonjuror schism, and finally the rejection by the Greek Patriarchs of requests for Orthodox Communion in the 1720’s.

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    • 9780800636241 In A Dark Wood

      In A Dark Wood


      This book features a diverse group of voices describing unlikely and often moving journeys toward or away from faith – Protestants, Catholics, and Jews; laypeople and professionally religious activists, poets, politicians, and ordinary folk. In dozens of readings, poems, and prayers, the Psalmists, medieval saints, and other poets reflect on belief and doubt, on the loss of faith and its rediscovery.

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    • 9780742531581 American Catholics And Civic Engagement

      American Catholics And Civic Engagement


      Peter Steinfels
      Part 1: Catholic Thought In The American Context

      The Common Good & Catholic Social Thought
      John A. Coleman
      Pluralism & The Common Good: A Response
      Jane Mansbridge
      Catholic Social Thought & The American Experience
      Stephen J. Pope
      Contending With Liberalism
      William A. Galston
      Catholics And The Liberal Tradition
      Michael Lacey & William M. Shea
      Part 2: Catholic Institutions In The American Public Square

      The Catholic Parish In The Public Square
      Philip J. Murnion
      What Do State Catholic Conferences Do?
      William Bole
      The Limits Of Coalitions And Compromises: The California State Catholic Conference
      Edward E. Dolejsi
      Catholic Health Care & The Challenge Of Civic Society
      Clarke E. Cochrane
      Part 3: Catholics In The Public Square: Autobiographies

      Pro-life, Pro-family, Pro-poor
      Mary Jo Bane
      State House Politician
      David Carlin
      On The Beat In The South Bronx And Central America
      David Gonzalez
      Politics And Polling
      Dotty Lynch
      A Journalist’s Calling
      Don Wycliff
      Look For The Real Story
      Paul Moses
      Family, Faith And Union
      Kirk Adams
      The Workers’ Worker
      John J. Sweeney
      Family, Good Fortune And Stewardship
      Thomas J. Donnelly
      God Deals With Me Through My Clients
      W. Shepherdson Abell
      Part 4: Catholics In The Voting Booth

      How Catholic Is The Catholic Vote?
      David C. Leege & Paul D. Mueller
      There Is No Catholic Vote-And It’s Important
      E.J. Dionne, Jr.
      Catholic Republicans
      Kate O’Beirne
      Communitarian Lite
      William Bole

      Additional Info
      Sheed & Ward, in partnership with the Commonweal Foundation and with funding from the Pew Charitable Trust, proudly presents the first of two volumes in a groundbreaking series called American Catholics in the Public Square. The result of a three-year study sponsored by Pew aimed at understanding the contributions to U.S. civic life of the Catholic, Jewish, mainline and evangelical Protestant, African-American, Latino, and Muslim communities in the United States, the two volumes in this series gather selected essays from the Commonweal Colloquia and the joint meetings organized by the Commonweal Foundation and The Faith and Reason Institute, a conservative think tank in Washington. Participants in the Commonweal colloquia and the joint meetings–leading Catholic scholars, journalists, lawyers, business and labor leaders, novelists and poets, church administrators and lobbyists, activists, policy makers and politicians–produced approximately forty-five essays presented at ten meetings that brought together over two hundred and fifty participants. The two volumes in the American Catholics in the Public Square Series address many of the most critical issues now facing the Catholic Church in the United States by drawing from the four goals of the colloquia-to identify, assess, and critique the distinctive elements in Catholicism’s approach to civic life; to generate concrete analyses and recommendations for strengthening Catholic civic engagement; to encompass a broad spectrum of political and social views of Catholics to encourage dialogue between Catholic leaders, religious and secular media, and political thinkers; to reexamine the long-standing Catholic belief in the obligation to promote the common good and to clarify how Catholics may work better with those holding other religious or philosophical convictions toward revitalizing both the religious environment and civic participation in the American republic.

      This first volume, American Catholics and Civic Engagement: A Distinctive Voice, includes a general introduction by Peter Steinfels and is structured in four parts, each of which include a brief overview. Part One, Catholic Thought in the American Context, explore the fundamental concepts that underlie Catholic social thought and their relevance to American public debate and public policy-the intellectual tools with which Catholics have often participated in the public square. Part Two, Catholic Institutions in the American Public Square, reveal

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    • 9781594670091 ABCs Of Life For Children And Adults

      ABCs Of Life For Children And Adults


      Abolishing apathetic attitudes, Building biblical behavior patterns, and Choosing Christ-like character-The ABC’s of Life for Children and Adults depicts biblical principles and morals. Through a collection of ten short stories for children and ten essays for older readers, the author portrays values such as honesty, decency, and a strong work ethic. The author proposes that through reminding ourselves and teaching our children healthy attitudes and behavior, as Christians we can make a difference that will impact our world. In addition to the short stories and essays, the author includes a collection of Christian song lyrics and poetry. She concludes the book with a list of positive qualities entitled “ABC’s to Successful Living.”These are qualities the author encourages everyone reading her book to strive for daily.

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    • 9781594670084 ABCs Of Life For Children And Adults

      ABCs Of Life For Children And Adults


      Abolishing apathetic attitudes, Building biblical behavior patterns, and Choosing Christ-like character-The ABC’s of Life for Children and Adults depicts biblical principles and morals. Through a collection of ten short stories for children and ten essays for older readers, the author portrays values such as honesty, decency, and a strong work ethic. The author proposes that through reminding ourselves and teaching our children healthy attitudes and behavior, as Christians we can make a difference that will impact our world. In addition to the short stories and essays, the author includes a collection of Christian song lyrics and poetry. She concludes the book with a list of positive qualities entitled “ABC’s to Successful Living.”These are qualities the author encourages everyone reading her book to strive for daily.

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    • 9780664226657 For All The Saints

      For All The Saints


      How do theology and spirituality relate to one another? How does the Christian heart connect with the Christian mind? This collection of essays from leading evangelical theologians and writers addresses these concerns through providing scholarly and personal reflections. Here you will find discussion of the integration of theology and spirituality, biblical and classical sources for spiritual formation, a critique of how evangelicals have uncritically appropriated the rhetoric of spirituality, and also the use and abuse of spiritual disciplines by evangelicals.

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    • 9780664225216 Cut Loose Your Stammering Tongue (Expanded)

      Cut Loose Your Stammering Tongue (Expanded)


      Drawing on slave narratives found in forty-one volumes of interviews and one hundred autobiographies by former slaves, these contributors explore how enslaved African Americans received the often oppressive faith of their masters but transformed it into a gospel of liberation. This classic work demonstrates how an authentic black theology of liberation today must listen to the divine spirit that once fed and continues to feed the black religious experience. This second edition includes three additional provocative essays.

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    • 9781565481817 Teresa Of Avila

      Teresa Of Avila


      Includes an extensive introduction covering Teresa’s life and the relevance of her writings.

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    • 9781590520703 30 Days To Discovering Personal Victory Through Holiness

      30 Days To Discovering Personal Victory Through Holiness


      The companion to Set Apart, this book contains thirty encouraging readings, from a variety of well-known Christian pastors and speakers that lead you towards the best life God has for you – the life of holiness. Here is the daily support you need to make your struggle with temptation into a winning battle. Includes study questions after each chapter to apply its principles to your own life!

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    • 9780664227579 Hospitality To The Stranger

      Hospitality To The Stranger


      The essays contained in this book offer exploratory studies towards a constructive account of “fundamental ethics,” that is, a basic description of the constitutive components of the moral life. Thomas Ogletree sketches out the systematic components of Christian ethics, relating them to symbolic ethics–the mediation of Christian traditions of moral understanding–and practical ethics–the critical appropriation of scientific studies of factors controlling human action.

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    • 9780664223281 Jesus Judaism And Christian Anti Judaism

      Jesus Judaism And Christian Anti Judaism


      Current scholarship in the study of ancient Christianity is now available to non-specialists through this collection of essays on anti-Judaism in the New Testament and in New Testament interpretation. While academic writing can be obscure and popular writing can be uncritical, this group of experts has striven to write as simple and clearly as possible on topics that have been hotly contested. The essays are arranged around the historical figures and canonical texts that matter most to Christian communities and whose interpretation has fed the negative characterizations of Jews and Judaism. A select annotated bibliography also gives suggestions for further reading. This book should be an excellent resource for academic courses as well as adult study groups.

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    • 9780883688465 Andrew Murray On The Holy Spirit

      Andrew Murray On The Holy Spirit


      The Holy Spirit was sent by the Father as a Comforter when you are worried or afraid, as Strength when you are weak, as Safety when you are in danger, and as Peace in the midst of confusion. Andrew Murray explores the powerful, divine life that is meant for every child of God. Discover the secret of how to live for Christ in His strength instead of your own efforts. A dynamic, joyful life that is filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit can be yours today!

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      Reading Communites Reading Scripture


      SKU (ISBN): 9781563383694ISBN10: 1563383691Editor: Gary Phillips | Editor: Nicole DuranBinding: Cloth TextPublished: June 2002Publisher: Trinity Press International Print On Demand Product

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    • 9780687095636 Wesleyan Tradition : A Paradigm For Renewal

      Wesleyan Tradition : A Paradigm For Renewal


      In these important essays, a distinguished group of interpreters of the Wesleyan tradition, identify the central convictions and practices of the Methodist movement. Their purpose in making this identification is twofold. First, they insist that these convictions and practices lie at the heart of what the Wesleyan/Methodist family is, and has been. Second, and more important, they claim that in these distinctive beliefs lies the future of the “people called Methodist.” If renewal and growth in witness and mission is to occur, the authors argue, it will come through a reclamation and reinterpretation of such central beliefs as salvation by grace through faith, the authority of Scripture, disciple-making within community, the vocation of Christian holiness, and the church’s mission to the world.

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    • 9780664223052 Faith Of 50 Million

      Faith Of 50 Million


      Baseball and religion. Though many might say there is no connection, or at the very least wonder what kind of connection there might be, The Faith of Fifty Million will convince you that there is, indeed, a connection, and will help you to understand it better. A collection of essays by religion scholars who are baseball enthusiasts, and longtime fans of our national pastime, The Faith of Fifty Million looks at the cultural, social, and religious aspects of one of the most popular sports of all time.

      In nine chapters, or innings as one reviewer called them, The Faith of Fifty Million offers insightful essays probing the good, the bad and the ugly about our national pastime. Topics for the essays include: baseball as civil religion, Shoeless Joe Jackson as baseball’s scapegoat, baseball as a model of racial integration, the kingdom of baseball in America, a spiritual reminiscence of baseball, a comparison of the characters of Christy Mathewson (Matty) and Grover Cleveland Alexander (Ol’ Pete), connections between Hemingway’s Old Man and the Sea and baseball, women and baseball, baseball as metaphor, and comparisons between the history of baseball and Christian theology.

      Baseball and American culture are intertwined and have been since baseball’s inception. This book argues that the same is true of baseball and religion in America. Stanley Hauerwas, in the foreword notes that as a critic of civil religion in America he must “recognize that baseball, for better or worse, is the great exemplification of that [civil] religion.” And one of the essayists argues that baseball is the outworking of the liberal Protestant hope for the Kingdom of God to be realized in America. In the end, however, this book affirms that whatever the religious and social implications of baseball are, baseball is, ultimately, just a game. A game which reflects and impacts the values of both America and Christianity, but still a game. So step up to the plate and take a swing at The Faith of Fifty Million. You won’t be disappointed, and you certainly won’t strike out.

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    • 9781556730351 You Dont Look Like A Minister

      You Dont Look Like A Minister


      Here are candid observations and quips from a minister with over 35 years experience. These 36 delightful essays will be instantly recognized by anyone who serves a parish ministry.

      Consider …
      You can never hide the fact that you are a clergyman.
      Maybe it’s the way we usually sit down front it could be the shameless way we sing hymns as though they were meant to be heard. I’ve gone to church in a sport shirt and pastel slacks and had people say to me, “You don’t look like a minister, but you sure do sing like one.”

      Personally, I’ve always thought of heaven as down, like down in the Caribbean in February.

      The ad in the church supplies magazine said, “We put the van into evangelical.” It was from a company that sells buses and other vehicles to churches. If you can’t afford a van look what Peter did with only a pair of sandals and a heart of love.

      During a sermon, a spider dropped down from the end of the microphone. Ordinarily, I can take spiders, but in the middle of a sermon, I don’t need any more distraction. I get enough sirens, coughers and bookdroppers — and people who sit there grinning and I can’t figure out why.

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    • 9780836191912 Engaging Anabaptism : Conversations With A Radical Tradition

      Engaging Anabaptism : Conversations With A Radical Tradition


      13 Chapters In 182 Pages

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      Once called the “deformation of the Reformation,” the Anabaptist tradition has come to enjoy new levels of attention and respect from leading theologians and ethicists. This book gives voice to these new perspectives. Here thirteen Protestant and Catholic scholars reflect on how their understanding of Christian faith has been shaped by their encounter with the Anabaptist-Mennonite tradition.

      Written in an engaging, autobiographical style, the essays balance commendations with incisive critique. This collection, a model of ecumenical conversation, includes essays by Richard Mouw, Nancey Murphy, Samuel Escobar, Stanley Hauerwas, James Wm. McClendon Jr., and others.

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    • 9780664224066 Paul Beyond The Judaism Hellenism Divide

      Paul Beyond The Judaism Hellenism Divide


      This volume does away with the traditional strategy of playing “Judaism” and “Hellenism” off against each other as a context to understand Paul. This aim is reached in two ways: (1) in essays that display the ideological underpinnings of a “Jewish” and “Hellenistic” Paul in historical and modern scholarly interpretations of him, and (2) in essays that use case studies from the Corinthian correspondence that draw freely on “Jewish” and Greco-Roman” contextual material to illuminate this Pauline phenomena.

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    • 9780664222994 Brother Of Jesus

      Brother Of Jesus


      Though a pillar of the Jerusalem church after Jesus’ death, James is still a rather obscure figure. How did his views differ from Peter’s or Paul’s? This scholarly gathering summarizes the evidence we have and in which directions they most likely lead. Worthwhile reading.

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    • 9780664224110 Anti Judaism And The Fourth Gospel

      Anti Judaism And The Fourth Gospel


      The problem of anti-Judaism in the Fourth Gospel is a complex matter that has historical, sociological, and theological dimensions. It involves the study of the original texts, their reception and effects throughout history as well as their ethical and theological implications in the perspective of Christian-Jewish dialogue. This selection of essays from the 2000 Leuven Conference presents the views of Johannine scholars from around the world on this important topic. Contributors include C. Kingsley Barrett, James H. Charlesworth, Raymond F. Collins, R. Alan Culpepper, Martinus C. de Boer, Henk Jan de Jonge, James D.G. Dunn, Jan Lambrecht, Judith M. Lieu, Stephen Motyer, Adele Reinhartz, and Peter J. Tomson.

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    • 9780802849106 Mathematics In A Postmodern Age A Print On Demand Title

      Mathematics In A Postmodern Age A Print On Demand Title


      The discipline of mathematics has not been spared the sweeping critique of postmodernism. Is mathematical theory true for all time, or are mathematical constructs in fact fallible? This fascinating book examines the tensions that have arisen between modern and postmodern views of mathematics, explores alternative theories of mathematical truth, explains why the issues are important, and shows how a Christian perspective makes a difference.

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    • 9780898693577 Beyond Colonial Anglicanism

      Beyond Colonial Anglicanism


      Provocative writings by a cadre of international authors examine the nature and shape of the Communion today; the colonial legacy, economic tensions and international debt; sexuality and justice; the ecological crisis, violence and healing in South Africa; persecution and religious fundamentalism; and more.

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    • 9780060641009 Divine Conspiracy : Dallas Willards Study Guide To The Divine Conspiracy (Studen

      Divine Conspiracy : Dallas Willards Study Guide To The Divine Conspiracy (Studen


      This study guide expands the discussion begun in The Divine Conspiracy, focusing on and clarifying key issues and encouraging a fuller understanding of Christian discipleship. Here you will find:

      Overviews and summaries of each chapter of The Divine Conspiracy
      Scripture meditations to enhance your understanding of the text
      Study questions to facilitate stimulating discussion and reflection

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    • 9780966322392 Many Faces Of Virtue

      Many Faces Of Virtue


      1. The Personal Virtues
      2. The Interpersonal Virtues
      3. The Social Virtues
      4. The Sacred Virtues

      Additional Info
      The Many Faces of Virtue is a personable collection of 48 short essays on the virtues, each no longer than six pages. Dr. DeMarco breathes life to the virtues with both historical and living anecdotes from the lives of such as great heroes as Mahatma Gandhi, Helen Keller, Pope John Paul II, J.R.R. Tolkein, and Emily Dickinson.

      Dr. DeMarco’s vast knowledge of philosophy, literature, contemporary life, and politics helps him portray the virtues so that readers get to know them personally. The easy-to-read style of this entertaining book will make it a popular choice for any reader.

      Dr. DeMarco divides the book into groups of personal, interpersonal, social, and sacred virtues. While some people may not think of some of these as virtues-for instance, lightheartedness, decency, and solidarity-DeMarco shows how they contribute to personal holiness

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    • 9780819218148 Still Listening : New Horizons In Spiritual Direction

      Still Listening : New Horizons In Spiritual Direction


      Interest in the practice of spiritual direction has grown in recent years. With the increased number of people seeking direction have come a number of new issues confronting spiritual directors. This volume of essays by seasoned spiritual directors form a variety of faith traditions addresses issues of concern to directors today such as direction with: abused persons, the poor, church drop-outs, and gays and lesbians. Other essays look at spiritual direction in new contexts, such as the congregational setting, the corporate arena, spiritual direction and genera- tional issues, and direction at the turn of the century. The final section of the book addresses some specific circumstances: working with the addicted, with those who are dying, using art in spiritual direction, and direction and social justice.

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    • 9780824518783 Sabbatical Journey : The Diary Of His Final Year

      Sabbatical Journey : The Diary Of His Final Year


      The complete, unabridged journal of Nouwen’s last year of life. His struggles and joys, and hopes and fears come into vivid relief as each moment unfolds. An intimate encounter with the beloved spiritual guide who has inspired millions of readers.

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    • 9780824518776 Bishops Voice : Selected Essays 1979-1999

      Bishops Voice : Selected Essays 1979-1999


      For twenty years, Episcopal Bishop John Spong, wrote a monthly column in his diocesan newspaper, The Voice. Throughout the years, he used the paper as a pulpit for his progressive views about faith, dogma, tradition, and human rights. Compiled and edited by his daughter, Christine, this collection serves as an excellent introduction to Spong’s breathtaking breadth of interest and capability as one of the century’s leading voices for religious and human inclusivity.

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    • 9780310227281 Way Of Wisdom

      Way Of Wisdom


      On August 30, 2000, Dr. Bruce Waltke, Professor of Old Testament at Regent College and Reformed Theological Seminary, will be turning 70 years old. In honor of that occasion and of Waltke’s lifetime of biblical scholarship, this book will be presented to him. The authors envision a volume of essays on the theme of wisdom written in a scholarly way but with broad appeal to an informed lay reader with theological interests (the kind of reader who is attracted to publications like CT., Crux, and/or The Wall Street Journal). The contributors will include J. I. Packer (lead article), Sven Soderlund, David Baker, David Diewert, Bill Dumbrell, Jim Houston, Karen Jobes, S. Lewis Johnson, Walter Kaiser, Roger Nicole, Earl Radmacher, John Sailhamer, Ray Van Leeuwen, and Ron Youngblood.

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    • 9780664222567 Caring Well : Religion Narrative And Healthcare Ethics

      Caring Well : Religion Narrative And Healthcare Ethics


      1. Religion, Ethics, And Clinical Immersion: An Appraisal Of Three Pioneers
      2. The Bios Of Bioethics And The Bios Of Autobiography
      3. Adequate Images And Evil Imaginations: Ethnography, Ethics And The End Of Life
      4. “It’s What Pediatricians Are Supposed To Do”
      5. Ethics, Faith, And Healing: Jewish Physicians Reflect On Medical Practice
      6. Organ Transplants: Death, Dis-Organization And The Need For Religious Ritual
      7. Giving In Grief: Perspectives Of Hospital Chaplains On Organ Donation
      8. Boundary Crossings: The Ethical Terrain Of Professional Life In Hospice Care
      9. Professional Commitment To Personal Care: Nurses’ Commitments In Care For The Dying
      10. “Apart And Not A Part”: Death And Dignity

      Additional Info
      Caring Well provides a fresh approach to problems in medical ethics. It shows how attending closely to the concerns and religious commitments of both patients and professionals enables ethicists to offer wiser critiques of moral issues in the field of health care. Beginning with chapters that work to recover an experience-near method of engaging moral problems from classic twentieth century writing on religion and medicine, the contributors next consider how the practice of care-giving is shaped by the particular commitments they serve, and patients themselves. Then, through on-the-ground accounts of issues attending the donation and transplant of organs, contributors consider how ethicists might help patients, their families, and professionals work through conflicts between commitments. The final chapters offer perspectives on the ways experience-near appraisals of care for the dying can help all parties concerned_health care professionals, patients, their families, and ethicists_to affirm the dignity of the dying and to connect the experience of mortality with what it means to be human.

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      Pneumatology Christ And The Spirit 1


      This volume contains twenty-three of James D.G. Dunn’s best shorter essays- produced over a span of twenty-five years and grouped here according to theme- on different aspects of NT pnematology. Drawn from a host of periodicals, books and other scholarly publications, these essays- like those found in the companion volume on Christology will provide stimulating and challenging reading for teachers and students of theology and New Testament studies.

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    • 9780802806383 Toward The 21st Century In Christian Mission A Print On Demand Title

      Toward The 21st Century In Christian Mission A Print On Demand Title


      This unique volume offers a comprehensive survey of the prospects and critical issues for the Christian world mission. Demonstrating both depth and breadth of perspective, the book’s essays have been written by various mission experts in honor of Gerald H. Anderson, director of Over- seas Ministries Study Center and editor of International Bulletin of Missionary Research.

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    • 9780664501112 Voice Of Many Waters

      Voice Of Many Waters


      Creating and participating in art are essential ways of discovering and conveying truths by merging the senses with the imagination. Like lightning bolts across a dark sky, poetry, paintings, parables, and all of the arts can reveal whole new vistas. Like dreams, they can bring forth symbols and stories from the recesses of our psyches. Raising fundamental questions, art takes us deeper into an understanding of ourselves and others, and, just as important, art imprints truths upon our hearts forever through sensual joy.
      Kay Snodgrass has brought together a delightful collection of poems and short inspirational essays illustrated with original art and photographs. These devotional readings are arranged thematically in broad categories – creation, growth and community, pain and death, and restoration. Represented here are such well-know writers as Frederick Buechner, John Purdy, Sara Covin Juengst, Kathleen Long Bostrom, and Bard Young. Voice of Many Waters offers helpful material for inspiration, reflection, and growth.

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    • 9780853648536 Protestant Scholasticism : Essays In Reassessment

      Protestant Scholasticism : Essays In Reassessment


      Traditionally Protestant theology, between Luther’s early reforming career and the dawn of the Enlightenment, has been seen in terms of decline and fall into the wastelands of rationalism and scholastic speculation. Editors Trueman and Clark challenge this perception in this transatlantic collection of eighteen essays covering: Luther and Calvin; Early Reformed Orthodoxy; the British Connection; From High Orthodoxy to Enlightenment; and the Rise of Lutheran Orthodoxy.

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    • 9780788099489 Cuerpo De Cristo

      Cuerpo De Cristo


      Interdisciplinary studies by leading Hispanic scholars investigate the religious, cultural and artistic dimensions of Hispanic/Latino Catholicism in the United States, revealing the promise it holds for the Church of the next millenium. Uncovering the riches of Hispanic/Latino Catholicism, the essays in this volume explore its roots in the Spanish colonial and Amerindians of Latin America as well as the cultural and religious breadth of contemporary Latino faith.

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    • 9780060653187 Literature Through The Eyes Of Faith

      Literature Through The Eyes Of Faith


      This comprehensive study, cosponsored by the Christian College Coalition, addresses questions faced by students in introductory literature courses. It examines literature as a form of human action and argues that the reading and writing of literary works provide vital ways for men and women to act as responsible agents in God’s world.

      Building upon the doctrine of Creation, the authors show how the reading of literature helps us to be more effective interpreters of the stories and images we encounter daily. They demonstrate that great works of literature open up a realm of beauty and truth and help us gain an understanding of ourselves, God, and the world.

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    • 9780883680100 Let Go : To Get Peace And Real Joy

      Let Go : To Get Peace And Real Joy


      87 Pagers

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      Do you often struggle through family problems, battle with the tensions of raising children, or find yourself over whelmed with pressures on the job? Are personal failures and disappointments on the increase as you face each day? What a fountain of life it would be to discover how to let go of those distresses and learn to embrace the joy and peace that God has promised! Fenelon-with amazing insight-speaks firmly, but lovingly, to those whose lives have been an uphill climb and reveals just how to “Let Go!” During the 17th century, Fenelon was the Archbishop of Cambrai, France. While in the office of the Archbishop, Fenelon became a spiritual advisor of a small number of people at the Court of Louis the Fourteenth, who sought, under Fenelon’s wise direction, to live a life of true spirituality.

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    • 9781563383144 Reading The Hebrew Bible For A New Millennium 1

      Reading The Hebrew Bible For A New Millennium 1


      This addition to the prestigious Studies in Antiquity and Christianity (SAC) series is the first of a two-volume set of essays on the interpretation of the Hebrew Bible. The essays focus on the exegetical methodology developed by Rolf P. Knierim at the Institute for Antiquity and Christianity in Claremont, California.

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      Reading Israel In Romans


      This is a book much needed in the liberal theological seminaries and the communities they serve.

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    • 9780898693713 Searching For Sacred Space

      Searching For Sacred Space


      Every Sunday we walk through those (probably red) doors and enter a sacred space. It is familiar . . . maybe comforting . . . maybe not . . . maybe downright uncomfortable and unwelcoming.

      In twelve thoughtful and provocative essays, the writers ask important questions about the relationship between sacred spaces and the worship that takes place in them:

      -How do our buildings convey a vision of God’s kingdom on earth?
      -How are our places of worship reflecting our beliefs?
      -In what visible, tangible forms are we proclaiming a faith in the living God?
      -How are our church buildings helping this church bring the Gospel into a new century?

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      With Ever Joyful Hearts


      SKU (ISBN): 9780898693218ISBN10: 0898693217Editor: J. Neil AlexanderBinding: Trade PaperPublisher: Church Publishing Inc. Print On Demand Product

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    • 9780898692419 Baptism And Ministry

      Baptism And Ministry


      A collection of essays issued under the direction of the Standing Liturgical Commission (SLC) on baptism and ministry. Topics addressed are welcoming new ministers, reaffirmation of ordination vows, confirmation/reception, and baptismal ministry.

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    • 9780824513795 Grace In Action

      Grace In Action


      A collection of essays from Richard Rohr and other individuals involved in the Center for Action and Contemplation, this volume speaks to the radical power activated when people come together to bring God’s healing love into the world.

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      Loves Strategy


      Here are the best and most popular papers and lectures of Johann Baptist Metz, one of the most stimulating voices in contemporary theological conversation.

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