Showing 151–200 of 371 resultsSorted by latest
Dont Trust The Abbot
$14.95One would expect an abbot to have words of wisdom for monks living in a monastery. But could his musings be relevant for those living in a complicated and often harried world? Yes, as readers will discover in this insightful collection. In these essays-from “Coldhearted Orthodoxy” to “God’s DVD Library,” from “The God of Hearsay” to “The Turtle on the Fencepost”-readers will think in new ways about prayer and the Christian life, about faith and trust. Along the way, they will find in Jerome Kodell an abbot worthy of trust.
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About The Bible (Revised)
$25.00In this newly revised and expanded edition About the Bible: Short Answers to Big Questions, Terence E. Fretheim offers straightforward answers to reoccurring questions about how the Bible was written, organized, and interpreted – and why people have such different opinions about what the Bible has to say.
Built on a bestselling volume first introduced to readers in 1999, this edition welcomes added questions to a unique question-and-answer format. Among the questions are: Who wrote the Bible? How did it come to be? Do Lutherans believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, for instance the Creation Story? Can we draw responsible ethical discernment from the Bible? How do we read the Bible for spiritual growth?
Arranged according to topic, the books is ideal for individual and group use. Both devoted Bible readers and Bible novices are sure to find answers to many of their biggest questions here
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Words Made Flesh
$52.99Words Made Flesh draws together a number of Elaine Grahams shorter writings and essays and thereby maps out the work of a pioneer theological thinker and the development of pastoral and practical theology in the last twenty years.aElaine Graham considers the theological significance of topics as diverse as nativity plays, science fiction, gender, consumerism, cyberspace and urban regeneration. They all share a concern with the way the sources and norms of the Christian tradition can enter into a creative and critical conversation with contemporary experience in order to generate the practical wisdom by which the life of the Church can be directed. They reflect Elaine Grahams fundamental conviction that theology as talk about God-in-the-world is always practical and public u and that it begins and ends in the complexities of the human condition: where words become flesh.
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Creaturely Theology : God Humans And Other Animals
$52.99Creaturely Theology is a ground-breaking scholarly collection of essays that maps out the agenda for the future study of the theology of the non-human and the post-human. A wide range of first-rate contributors show that theological reflection on non-human animals and related issues are an important though hitherto neglected part of the agenda of Christian theology and related disciplines. The book offers a genuine interdisciplinary conversation between theologians, philosophers and scientists and will be a standard text on the theology of non-human animals for years to come. Contributors include: Esther D. Reed (Exeter), Rachel Muers (Leeds), Stephen Clark (Liverpool), Neil Messer (Lampeter), Peter Scott (Manchester), Michael Northcott (Edinburgh), Christopher Southgate (Exeter)
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Apprenticed To Hope
$24.98With emphasis on its spiritual and religious dimensions, Apprenticed to Hope: A Sourcebook for Difficult Times, is a compelling compilation of thirty-two essays exploring the nature of hope. Julie Neraas draws from a wide range of sources, offering many different ways to think about hope. She considers hope’s relationship with faith, the human imagination, and community; distinguishes authentic hope from optimism and false hope, and draws upon her own experience with chronic illness, as well as what she has learned from places where hope is tested. Additionally, she addresses contemporary questions about where we can look for sources of hope in turbulent times.
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Bleating Of The Sheep And Other Essays
$18.73Christians willing to look with honest eyes at challenges we face as believers in corporate church life today will find an advocate here. We are faithful people attending Bible-believing churches, yet there is a disconnect between wanting to please the Lord and achieving full stature in the body of Christ through the church. Excellent intentions fail to materialize into spiritual development. Our efforts sputter into lackluster Christian experiences, a far cry from the abundant life we were promised.
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$26.99Veteran missionary David Hesselgrave and rising missional expert Ed Stetzer (Breaking the Missional Code) have compiled and edited this engrossing textbook of new essays on missions and missiology suitable for course work as well as vocational and volunteer Christian workers. Major sections include The Mission, Indigeneity and Contextualization, and Issues and Strategies in Mission with chapters on “The Mission Situation at the Start of the Third Millennium,” “Understanding and Exegeting Culture,” “Implications of Globalization,” “Church Planting and Movements,” “The Islamic Challenge,” and more.
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In The Aftermath
$26.99From the prolific, poetic, and popular pen of David Bentley Hart comes this collection of essays, reviews, and columns published in popular journals and newspapers over the past few years. In the Aftermath is comprised of observations on culture, religion, and society at large, all in the acrobatic prose readers expect from Hart. “Here I want – at least, in part – to entertain. This is not to say that the pieces gathered here are not serious in their arguments; quite the contrary. . . . I mean only that, in these articles, I have given my natural inclinations towards satire and towards wantonly profligate turns of phrase far freer rein than academic writing permits. I hope the better part of my readers will not find these aspects of my “authorial voice’ insufferable; I even hope they will take some pleasure in my prose (though perhaps that is most likely only if it is taken in measured doses). I have, at any rate, attempted to include only pieces that strike me as having some intrinsic interest, both in form and in content.” – David Bentley Hart (from the introduction)
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Immersed In The Life Of God
$33.99In this volume honoring William J. Abraham, noted theologians, philosophers, and historians offer erudite analysis of various aspects of the faith – Scripture, conversion, initiation, liturgy, confession, reconciliation, and more – and explore how those elements can serve to effect healing in broken lives. Brilliantly highlighting the therapeutic function of the means of grace available in Christian tradition, Immersed in the Life of God opens a conversation concerning an important theme too often neglected in the church today.
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Exhcanges Of Grace
$68.99“In “”Exchanges of Grace””, a range of distinguished contributors to attend to areas of thought to which Ann Loades, Professor emerita of Durham University, has made vital contributions.These include the testing of the vitality of the Christian tradition, resulting variously in affirmation and/or critique of its resources and relevance for contemporary life; the appreciation of the manifold interconnections between Christian spirituality and Christian theology; and The Dance of Grace, reflecting Ann’s consistent concern with the possibility – and costs – of the embodied generosity that can result from a sacramental imagination.”
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Transcendence And Phenomenology
$68.99The Veritas Series brings to market original volumes engaging in critical questions of pressing concern to theologians as well as philosophers, biologists, economists, and representatives of other disciplines. Transcendence and Phenomenology presents a definitive collection of essays discussing the much debated turn to theology in philosophy, most evident in phenomenology. Arguably the most pressing debate at the interface of philosophy and theology, this collection of essays makes a significant intervention in the on-going argument, gathering together some of the finest phenomenologists writing today. It also presents major criticisms of phenomenology in relation to theology, especially from John Milbank.
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Belief And Metaphysics
$60.9920 Chapters
Additional Info
The Veritas Series brings to market original volumes all engaging in critical questions of pressing concern to both philosophers, theologians, biologists, economists and more.This volume of essays brings together a star cast of authors discussing the relationship between belief and metaphysics and its significance from both a theological and a philosophical point of view. The series aims to illustrate that without theology, something essential is lost in our account of such categories u not only in an abstract way but in the way in which we inhabit the world.The Veritas Series refuses to accept disciplinary isolation: both for theology and for other disciplines.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Opening Up The Scriptures
$29.99This volume was written by a group of eminent Catholics, including Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger – now known as Pope Benedict XVI. In these erudite essays, the authors contend that historical-critical interpretation of Scripture has long since run its course in both Protestant and Catholic exegesis. Instead, they argue, the future of interpretation will lie in accepting that the Bible is not just a collection of historical documents but a record of revelation conceived in faith. By this token, true exegesis involves the faith and humility of the exegete.
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Work Of Jesus Christ In Anabaptist Perspective
$44.91How have Anabaptists traditionally understood the work of Christ? How should Mennonites and other Christians think today about the saving work of God in Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection? In this book, 20 leading theologians, biblical scholars, pastors, and others offer their reflections.
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Theology In Service Of The Church
$25.00Theology in service of the church must be deeply rooted in Scripture and tradition, be sensitive to the contemporary context, be shaped through deep engagement with liturgical theology and worship practices, be engaged in ecumenical conversation, and be focused on personal and congregational transformation. These essays by distinguished pastors, scholars, and church leaders in honor of Joseph Small serve as an introduction to ecclesial theology in the Reformed tradition. The contours of this collection are shaped by Joe Small’s three primary concerns: theological integrity, liturgical leadership, and ecumenical/interfaith engagement.
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Back To Darwin
$43.99By overcoming the metaphysics assumed in most evolutionary theory, the opposition to faith can be removed. John B. Cobb, Jr. makes this stunning statement the lynchpin of this edited collection. With these essays from some of the most respected minds in several fields – biology, other sciences, philosophy, and theology – Cobb lets us listen in on a thoughtful discussion about evolutionary theory and its relation to religious concerns. The contributors offer ways of broadening evolutionary theory, changing the implications of including human beings in the nature science studies. Intelligent purpose can play a role, allowing for the possibility of God affecting the evolutionary process. Cobb’s goal in offering this discussion to interested readers is to encourage the possibility of teaching evolutionary theory in this open way. He argues that, were that the case, theists and nontheists could both accept it, leading to fruitful, rather than combative discussion.
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Gospel Of John And Christian Theology
$42.99First presented as papers at the first St. Andrews Conference on Scripture and Theology, the essays collected in this volume examine the Gospel of John from both a biblical studies and a systematic theology point of view. The aim of the conference was to bring leading biblical scholars and systematic theologians together in conversation, bridging a growing gap between the two disciplines within the last few decades. The essays found here consider John’s gospel from many angles, addressing a number of key issues that arise during a theological discussion of this text – John’s dualism in our pluralist context, historicity and testimony, the treatment of Judaism, Christology, and beyond. Providing fascinating conversation about a unique gospel, this book also starts a fruitful and hopeful dialogue between two disciplines that have drifted apart, but flourish best when brought together.
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Study Of Evangelism
$45.99The Study of Evangelism collects thirty groundbreaking essays on the practice of evangelism into a single volume in order to enhance serious theological and contextual engagement with this aspect of the church’s mission in the world. The book lays a solid, scholarly foundation for future discourse, speaking to all who practice and study evangelism from many different Christian perspectives. By offering these thoughtful essays, Paul W. Chilcote and Laceye C. Warner aim to encourage reflective and open dialogue about the practice of evangelism within the community of faith. Contributors: William J. Abraham, Mortimer Arias, David J. Bosch, Carl E. Braaten, Walter Brueggemann, Paul W. Chilcote, Orlando E. Costas, Darrell L. Guder, Stanley Hauerwas, George Hunsberger, Bill J. Leonard, Walter L. Liefeld, Samuel Palma Manriquez, Jesse N. K. Mugambi, Lesslie Newbigin, Mercy Amba Oduyoye, Jerry Persha, Stephen K. Pickard, Dana L. Robert, Letty M. Russell, Ronald J. Sider, John Stott, J. Patrick Vaughn, Alexander Veronis, John H. Westerhoff, Hwa Yung.
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Myth Of The Shiksa And Other Essays
$43.93“Why did I give advice to Eve instead of going directly to Adam? I knew I would never be able to stop the Creator’s overall plan, but I thought I might really be able to frustrate it if I could screw up some relationships.” So speaks Satan as The First Family Counselor in this new collection of Edwin Friedman’s most popular essays, edited by his daughter, Shira Friedman Bogart.
Friedman’s signature wit and playfulness goes straight to the heart of human relationships from one generation to another. Throughout his life, Friedman eloquently applied the insights of family therapy to churches and synagogues, rectors and rabbis, politicians and teachers, and his humor, sense of paradox, and unique style of storytelling were trademarks of his teaching style. Edwin H. Friedman was an ordained rabbi and practicing family therapist. His ground-breaking volume, Generation to Generation, which exposed the connections between emotional processes at home and at work in religious, educational, therapeutic, and business systems, has become a modern classic.
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No Salvation Outside The Poor
$24.00“I have come to proclaim good news to the poor…” (Luke 4:18)
The provocative title of these essays plays on a traditional Catholic slogan: “No salvation outside the church.” But as Fr. Sobrino notes, salvation has many dimensions, both personal and social, historical and transcendent. Insofar as it implies God’s response to a world marked by suffering and injustice, then the poor represent an indispensable test, a key to the healing of a sick society. Drawing on the radical hope of Christian faith-the promise of the Kingdom of God and the resurrection of the death-Sobrino presents a bold counter-cultural challenge to a “civilization of wealth” that lives off the blood of the poor. Inspired by the witness of Oscar Romero and Ignacio Ellacuria, and the church’s preferential option for the poor, Sobrino offers these “prophetic-utopian” reflections on faith and the meaning of discipleship in our time.
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Why Do We Hope
$19.95In this follow up to his popular book, What Are We Hoping For? New Testament Images, Daniel Harrington extends his reflections on hope in the Scriptures. He draws us into the striking images of the psalms – the mountain, the sun, refuge, the kingdom, sheltering wings, the olive tree, and the shepherd – to lead us to the discovery that hope is the predominant image of the book of Psalms.
Even in their darkest laments, the psalmists remind us that God hears us and will never abandon us. In these brief essays, Harrington opens up the language of forty psalms, explores their literary ahd historical context, and then ties the psalm to our reading as Christians whose ultimate hope is in Jesus Christ.
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Always Being Reformed (Revised)
$33.00This second edition of Shirley Guthrie’s classic work includes new essays by three distinguished theologians who explore and respond to Guthrie’s central question: “How can Christians maintain their identity in a pluralistic society without becoming exclusive, intolerant, and irrelevant?” Together, these essays add even more depth to Guthrie’s profound reflections on how the Christian community can be inclusive and relevant without losing its own authenticity.
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New Perspective On Paul (Revised)
$49.99This collection of essays highlights a dimension of Paul’s theology of justification which has been rather neglected in earlier decades, specifically that his teaching emerged as an integral part of his understanding of his commission to preach the gospel to non-Jews and that his dismissal of justification “by works of the law” was directed not so much against Jewish legalism but rather against his fellow Jews’ assumption that the law remained a dividing wall separating Christian Jews from Christian Gentiles. The long opening essay interacts with critiques of this new perspective on Paul. Dunn seeks to carry forward the debate on Jewish soteriology, on the relation of justification by faith to judgment “according to works,” on Christian fulfillment of the law, and on the crucial role of Christ, his death and resurrection. Full of detail and intriguing thought, Dunn’s collection will make brilliant reading for any scholar of the New Testament.
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Missional Church In Context
$31.99There is an increasing realization in American churches that they are now their own mission field. In light of this awakening, many conversations have begun and work been contributed toward a solution. The Missional Church in Context addresses the realization and offers new insights. Based on the first annual Missional Church Consultation hosted by Luther Seminary, this book is organized into two sections. The first section consists of four essays explore the engagement of the missional church in relation to contextualization. Contributors explore biblical, theological, and historical dimensions regarding how the church is to engage in ministry within and to a specific cultural context. The second section examines four case studies in order to provide readers with concrete examples of how missional understanding of the church can be brought to bear on particular denominations and particular contexts. The Missional Church in Context will extend the conversation by taking it in new directions, while maintaining the foundations of what it means to be the church of Jesus Christ in the world.
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Stricken By God
$48.99Did God really pour out his wrath against sin on his Son to satisfy his own need for justice? Or did God-in-Christ forgive the world even as it unleashed its wrath against him? Was Christ’s sacrifice the ultimate fulfillment of God’s demand for redemptive bloodshed? Or was the cross God’s great “No” to that whole system? This distinctively panoramic volume offers fresh perspectives on these and other difficult questions reemerging throughout the church today. Contributors: James Alison, Kharalambos Anstall, Mark D. Baker, Sharon Baker, Anthony Bartlett, Marcus Borg, Ronald S. Dart, E. Robert Ekblad, Andrew P. Klager, Brita Miko, C. F. D. Moule, Wayne Northey, Nathan Rieger, Richard Rohr, Miroslav Volf, J. Denny Weaver, Rowan Williams, N. T. Wright
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Longing For Enough In A Culture Of More
$18.99This collection of thought-provoking essays explores the importance of escaping the liftstyle and attitudes of a “weighed-down” world and provides valuable tools for doing so. Each meditation is followed by a series of questions for reflection or study.
Ideal for small groups
Includes a study guide.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Christian Worship Worldwide
$28.99Explores the interaction between worship and culture
The book will appeal to readers interested in how Christian plurality is vivdly exemplified in the context of worship, where language, song, culture, and indigenous theology come together.
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Hidden Histories In The United Church Of Christ 2
$20.00Hidden Histories 2 invites readers to enhance their knowledge of history as an important source of spiritual strength for these times. It also examines more deeply what it means for the United Church of Christ to celebrate its unity in diversity. It explores such areas as Lutheran and Reformed Cooperation; German Evangelical Protestants; Origins of the Christian Denomination in New England; Evangelical Pietism and Biblical Criticism; Women’s Mission Structures and the American Board; Religious Journalism; Philip William Otterbein and the United Brethren; From German Reformed Roots to the Churches of God; The Congregational Training School for Women; and Chinese Congregationalism.
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Music And Theology
$15.99This volume explores the major concerns and questions regarding music as it intersects with theology – past and present. Saliers, a senior scholar in this field, addresses in a clear and concise style the scope and contours of these issues as they relate to theological inquiry and application. He sketches the nature and significance of the subject, the history of reflection, the current lines of inquiry, and his own contribution to the discussion. He then opens the broader lines of discussion in suggestive, evocative, and programmatic ways.
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Essential Writings : Spirituality Dialogue Culture
$24.95Theologians and leaders from many Churches and from the major world
religions, including the last four popes, have acknowledged the spiritual gifts
poured forth through Chiara Lubich as unique in Christian history. Her “spirituality of unity” has the ultimate goal of bringing about on earth the unity for which Jesus prayed to his Father: “May they all be one” (John 17:21). This volume gathers her essential writings and presents them in a systematic fashion for the first time. It is a “summa” of the charism of unity, which will lead readers to ponder, understand and experience a spirituality particularly suited to the era in which we live.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Like Trees Walking
$13.95Jane Sigloh interweaves the insights of Scripture, poetry, fiction, and philosophy into her memories and reflections on the challenges and opprotunities that maturity brings. Dip into any of these essays and find a refreshing perspective, a humorous anecdote, or an intimate confession that will ring true to your own experience.
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Triune God : An Essay In Postliberal Theology
$32.00In this original, contemporary doctrine of the Trinity, William Placher places the history of theology in dialogue with postmodern philosophy and yields a provocative postliberal interpretation. Placher deftly connects a radical view of God’s transcendence with a narrative Christology. His resulting thesis is twofold: first, the doctrine of the Trinity is not a way of explaining the inner nature of God but a way of preserving God’s mystery; and second, the Trinity should be presented by showing how Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are one God–moving from the Three to the One, not the other way around. An exceptionally clear and engaging presentation of this central Christian doctrine, The Triune God both advances the scholarly and ecclesial discussion on the Trinity and provides an unusually concrete introduction to postliberal theology.
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Way Of The Lord
$35.99This careful and profound new work is a collection of previously published essays examining the experience of Scripture in the way it informs a wholly Christian life. With a special focus on the commandments and the Psalms, there is also a generous section on what other parts of the Old Testament have to say to our observations of theology today. In the first section, Patrick Miller is compelling in his portrayal of the rich complexities of the Ten Commandments and convincing in his assertion that aspects of the Decalogue appear and are expanded throughout Scripture. His second section shifts to the Psalms, revealing them to be as much a book of theology as a book of poetry and song, pointing a way of faith and life. The final section expands to consider more wide-ranging topics in theology and anthropology, contemplating the character of God and the nature of the human.”Part of being human, Miller writes, is a slow building up of trust based on experiences of God’s earlier deliverances. . . . It is in insights such as these that Miller is at his best. Throughout the book Miller’s writing is logical and profound. A close but clear reading is possible because Miller walks a reader through to his conclusion. One may not agree with all the conclusions reached, but Miller arrives at them fairly and with both textual and scholarly support. He offers fellow scholars and students alike a wealth of insights based on a lifetime of study. His book provides an excellent tool; it is an up-to-date reference work, particularly on the commandments and the Psalms. It is sure to be cited widely by those writing journal articles. Miller’s work “always outstanding, always reasoned, always well-written ” leaves a reader grateful for the chance to be walked through the richness of topics in the biblical text by one who has so profoundly shaped biblical scholarship for decades.”
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Future Of Creation
$31.66In these essays, written during the fertile years between Theology of Hope and The Church in the Power of the Spirit, world-renowned theologian Jurgen Moltmann demonstrates the remarkable depth and rhetorical power so characteristic of his major works. Here collected in one volume are brief, vital articulations of Moltmann’s thought on such topics as eschatology, transcendence, hope, creation, the theology of the cross, the Trinity, development, the practice of liberation, justification, and biomedical progress.
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Forgotten Among The Lilies
$20.00Forgotten Among the Lilies shows that there is a better way to find contentment and joy. By trusting in God’s grace and providence, you can move beyond obsessions and fears to rejoice in what you have and who you are. Author Ronald Rolheiser presents several essays on Christian spirituality and care for the soul which will inspire, inform and offer a richer life of hope and courage.
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Keeping The Faith
$41.66In 1889 eleven Oxford dons prepared a volume of essays aimed at expounding “the Christian Creed” in a manner that “put the Catholic faith into its right relation to modern intellectual and moral problems.” Since the publication of Lux Mundi, as the dons chose to call their work, humankind has witnessed a century of extraordinary, almost seismic explosions in knowledge (particularly in the natural sciences), communications, and destructive weaponry. These developments have, quite naturally, placed unusually challenging intellectual and practical demands upon the church of Christ. Therefore, the time is right for another interpretation of the “faith we have received,” a restatement of “its claim and meaning,” and a positive presentation of the “central ideas and principles” of Christian faith under the stimulus of contemporary thought in an effort to meet current problems.
The present volume represents a contribution to that task. It should not, however, be regarded as a revision of the original Lux Mundi. Rather Keeping the Faith honors the original project and its authors by attempting in its own time, as the original project did in its, a clarification of “faith’s apprehension of the everlasting gospel which is always needed for the gospel’s transmission to contemporaries and to the future.”
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Mandate To Difference
$30.00This book sets forth a new vision of the Christian church in today’s world. Based on recent speaking engagements surrounding the author’s critical passion and conviction – that the church in this moment must set itself in tension with the rest of the world – the essays here call the church to courageously defy political polarization, consumerism, and militarism.
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Robert D Preus Essays On Justification And The Lutheran Confessions
$66.65The 18 essays in this volume offer a cross-section of Preus’s research and commentary on the doctrine of justification and on the Lutheran Confessions and their application in the life of the church today. Also included in this volume are 4 reflections on the life and ministry of Robert Preus provided by David P. Scaer, John Stephenson, Kurt Marquart and Daniel Preus.
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Shaping Beloved Community
$50.00This collection of essays presents the theological, pedagogical, and disciplinary framework on which multicultural theological education is built. While many seminaries and divinity schools have expressed their commitment to create diverse communities of faculty and students, fewer schools have developed methods of learning and teaching that are appropriate for these communities. Written by faculty members at McCormick Theological Seminary, a school renowned for its commitment to diversity, these essays provide examples of new ways of learning and teaching that will help shape and sustain multicultural theological education.
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Religion Culture Curriculum And Diversity In 21st Century America
$79.98Comprised of fifteen essays, Religion, Culture, Curriculum, and Diversity in 21st Century America, provides a cutting-edge examination of diversity issues against the backdrop of curriculum development and outcomes in Christian higher education. The primary focus on diversity of race, ethnicity, and disabilities is explored in comparison with institutional changes in these areas that harmonize the efforts of administration, faculty, and students. Hiring practices are analyzed, as well as recruitment and retention of minority faculty and students.
This works’ secondary focus is on similarities and differences between Christianity and Islam regarding international customs and norms of immigrants, primarily from Africa, Asia, and India on America’s Christian academia. The work is reader-friendly and recommended for students and scholars as well as for laypersons desirous of keeping pace with current diversity trends in American culture and religion.
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Philosophy And Theology
$18.99In this clear, concise, and brilliantly engaging essay, renowned philosopher and theologian John D. Caputo addresses the great and classical philosophical questions as they inextricably intersect with theology – past, present, and future.
Recognized as one of the leading philosophers, Caputo is peerless in introducing and initiating students into the vital relationship that philosophy and theology share together. He writes, “If you take a long enough look, beyond the debates that divide philosophy and theology, over the walls that they have built to keep each other out or beyond the wars to subordinate one to the other, you find a common sense of awe, a common gasp of surprise or astonishment, like looking out at the endless sprawl of stars across the evening sky or upon the waves of a midnight sea.”Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
In Search Of Humanity And Diety
$68.99This book is a collection of essays to celebrate 50 years of John Macquarrie’s publishing with SCM Press. A considerable influence on many current thinkers and theologians, John Macquarrie’s work in areas as diverse as Christology, mysticism and ecclesiology are celebrated here. With contributions from around the world, including tributes from 25 theologians, this collection is a reflective and enlightening survey of one man’s achievements that will be as enjoyable to the theology student as to the church goer.
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Theology Today : Reflections On The Bible And Contemporary Life
$25.00In this collection of his essays from the popular and respected journal Theology Today, longtime editor Patrick D. Miller offers insights into the basic human condition. His reflections range from popular culture (the popularity of Seinfeld) to political matters (the proper public role for the Ten Commandments) to the sublime (the connection between poetry and faith). The wit and wisdom of this internationally respected biblical scholar come through clearly in this collection, as we learn anew about how God works in the world around us.
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Supervision Of Spiritual Directors
$29.95SKU (ISBN): 9780819219947ISBN10: 0819219940Editor: Rebecca Langer | Editor: Mary BumpusBinding: Trade PaperPublished: November 2005Spiritual Directors International BookPublisher: Morehouse Publishing Print On Demand Product
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Rahner Beyond Rahner
Introduction: Improbable Encounters?
Paul Crowley, S.J.
Part One: Encounters With ReligionsRahner Beyond Rahner: A Comparative Theologian’s Reflections On Theological Investigations
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
The Body Of Blessing
Thomas Sheehan
Constraints On The Theological Absorption Of Plurality
Catherine Bell
Karl Rahner’s Legacy And The Prospects For Muslim-Christian Understanding
David Pinault
Part Two: Encounters With CulturesFrom The Kulturkampf To China’s Cultural Christians
George Griener, S.J.
Guadalupe’s Challenge To Rahner’s Theology Of Symbol
Nancy Pineda-Madrid
Rethinking Rahner On Grace And Symbol: New Proposals From The Americas
Robert Lassalle-Klein
Religious Disillusionment In A Land Of Illusions
Michael McCarthy, S.J.
Part Three: Encounters With Theology, Ethics And SpiritualityRahner’s Theology Of The Cross
Lois Malcolm
Rahner, Ethics And Cultures
David DeCosse
Rahner And The Avatar: The Challenge From Popular Religions
Mark F. Fischer
The Stillpoint: Autoeroticism Or Grace?
G. Donald Maloney
Afterword: Where Do We Go From Here? Rahner In The Pacific Rim And Beyond
Tom Powers, S.JAdditional Info
One hundred years after the birth of Karl Rahner, the contributors to this book ask whether and how Rahner’s theology can address new religious and cultural realities in the twenty-first century, particularly those realities found on what has come to be called the Pacific Rim. Stretching from California and Latin America, and across the Pacific Ocean to Asia, this geographic region manifests an incredible cultural and religious diversity, but also many points of intersection and interpenetration, resulting in new forms of religion and spirituality. The theological categories generated by Rahner, such as the anonymous Christian and even the notion of a world church, meet steep challenges when read in contexts very different from that of Germany and the theological currents of the Atlantic. At the same time, the encounter between Rahner and the Pacific Rim results in fresh readings of Rahner not previously imagined, not only in places like China and Mexico, but even Los Angeles.Anchored by a seminal essay by Francis X. Clooney, S.J. (Harvard), contributors, include Thomas Sheehan (Stanford), Catherine Bell (Santa Clara), and George Griener, S.J. (Berkeley). Each essay examines the possibilities and limitations of Rahner’s theology in this newly configured Pacific world.
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