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Readings In Christian Thought (Revised)
$39.99403 Pages
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Revised and expanded edition of this familiar guide to the writings of 55 great theologians. Includes substantial excerpts, along with valuable introductions, from Justin Martyr through Thomas Merton. “A splendid collection,”—Review and Expositor. Wonderful training for fledgling theologians.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Works Of John Wesley 9
$77.99Two volumes of this edition of The Works of John Wesley present writings that describe and illumine the purpose and practice of the Methodist Societies, the particular ecclesiastical form in and through which Wesley’s work and thought were embodied.
The present volume deals with the history, nature, and design of the Societies. This collection of material, though somewhat miscellaneous in nature, helps to recreate for the modern reader some sense of the goals of Wesley’s Societies, as well as the structure and practices through which those goals were to be attained.
Some of the documents published here reflect the basic principles of the Methodist Societies. Others contain descriptions by Wesley of the kind of person he expected a Methodist to be. Many of the writings are, of necessity, controversial. The difficult question of the relation of the Methodist Societies to the Church of England emerges at several points. Some of Wesley’s responses to attacks on the Methodist movement, which on occasion included actual persecution of individual Methodists, are included here, showing how Wesley appealed to reasonableness and a sense of justice in his critics and opponents.
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Forgotten Heavens : Six Essays On Cosmology
$16.66cos-mol-o-gyA [kozA*molA*uhA*jee]A a”noun
1. the branch of philosophy dealing with the origin and general structure of the universe, which attempts to establish a framework that integrates time, space, the planets, stars, and other celestial phenomena.Our modern cosmology suggests that the universe can be explained through astronomy and mathematics. But this seems far too simplistic, not to mention rather dull. Are stars angels? Do satyrs truly exist? What does a seraph look like? Can demons tell the future?
What does God’s creation contain beyond the visible realm? We are not living
in a world that can be easily dissected in a laboratory. Our universe is filled with intelligence and life, and the creativity behind it can only be understood fully through the Creator. As you read these essays, sit back and enjoy learning a few things you never heard about in Sunday school.Add to cartin stock within 3-5 days of online purchase
Keys To The Deeper Life (Revised)
$14.991. Leaning Into The Wind
2. Panting After God
3. Showered With His Gifts
4. Brimming Over The Spirit
5. Touching Heaven In Prayer
6. Favorite Themes From Tozer
96 PagesAdditional Info
Although never considered to be a popular speaker nor prolific writer, his audiences did appreciate what he had to say, and he was probably the most widely read Christian writer of his time.Keys to the Deeper Life contains six of Tozer’s best-known essays and editorials. In them he rigorously examines many of the failings and foibles of his day. Although most were written more than three decades ago, the insights they offer are as fresh and thought provoking as the day they were published.
Robert Walker, the editor of Christian Life, and a long-time associate of Tozer, has written an Introduction to the book that delightfully captures Tozer’s irascible genius.
Keys to the Deeper Life also contains the account of an exclusive interview with A. W. Tozer shortly before his death.
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Works Of John Wesley 18
$77.99John Wesley’s Journal is one of the most important sources of information about his life and thought. Now, in this first of seven journal volumes published in The Works of John Wesley collection, scholars have access to a critical edition of the Journal featuring annotations and commentary by two of the world’s foremost Wesley authorities. Spanning three years in Wesley’s life, this annotated Journal makes a major contribution to contemporary Wesleyan scholarship. Extract 1 contains Wesley’s journal from the time of his embarking for Georgia (October 14, 1735) to the time of his return to London (February 1, 1737). Extract 2 covers Wesley’s life from his return to London to his journey to Germany, to his return from Germany in August, 1738.
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Works Of John Wesley 26
$77.99The second volume of letters in The Works of John Wesley, this text spans the years 1740-1755.
“This is the second of the seven volumes devoted to Wesley’s correspondence. It presents details about more than a thousand letters by three hundred persons, over four hundred being printed fully, and over three hundred by means of brief quotations, or by clues to their contents or purpose. Almost two-thirds of the published letters are from Wesley’s own pen. Most of the remainder fill in the backround or outcome of his letters, though a number have been selected for some other special significance. More than one-fifth of the letters by Wesley are not available in Telford’s edition. The great bulk of the letters as a whole are presented in a carefully verified text (often for the first time) from the original holographs or other primary sources. Footnotes to all Wesley’s out-letters introduce his correspondents, elucidate references, and identify the sources of his frequent quotations. The in-letters are annotated much more lightly. The appendix (continued from the previous volume), lists all the known letters written or received by Wesley during the years 1740-55, along with details about the location of the text, whether in this volume or elsewhere.” (from the Preface and Acknowledgements)
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Works Of John Wesley 25
$77.99Although many of the letters of John Wesley are of value as literature–especially as crisp statements of his views or desires with little attempt at embellishment–their major importance is as a revelation of him as a man and of the people and events of his day, especially those linked with the Methodist movement. They furnish us, in fact, with a portrait through seventy years that is both more revealing in detail and fuller in coverage than any other source.
The correspondence presented in this first of seven planned volumes of Wesley’s Letters offers many intimate glimpses of the man during his early years which are available nowhere else: of his strong family ties, of his leaning upon his mother for theological and spiritual as well as moral guidance, of his bedazzlement by Mary Pendarves (later Mrs. Delany), of the noble experiment of the Holy Club at Oxford, of the struggle between spiritual ideals and worldly reality during his brief ministry in Georgia, and of the birth of the Methodist societies in London and Bristol.
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Works Of John Wesley 11
$77.99A critical presentation of the writings of John Wesley has long been needed, especially in view of the quickened interest in him and his ecumenical churchmanship. This edition is planned to consist of thirty-four volumes including all of Wesley’s original or mainly original prose works–his letters, sermons, journals and diaries as well as his specifically doctrinal writings. The final volumes will contain a bibliography of the works of John and Charles Wesley and a General Index. The text for this edition represents Wesley’s thought in its fullest and most deliberate expression. All substantive variant readings are noted in appendixes, and introductions and footnotes elucidate the text.
This volume, containing The Appeals to Men of Reason and Religion, is the first to be published. The aim of Wesley’s Appeals was to correct current misconceptions of his movement. In the course of refuting attacks upon himself, Wesley also presented a positive statement of his theological and ecclesiastical position. Yet the attacks continued. This volume contains also his open letters replying to Edmund Gibson, Bishop of Exeter, and to William Warburton, Bishop of Gloucester.
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Works Of John Wesley 4
$77.99This is the fourth in an eagerly awaited series of four volumes of John Wesley’s sermons. Of all the genres in Wesley’s prodigious output, his sermons most clearly focus and expound his understanding of Christian existence. To know them is to gain an important resource for historical and contemporary theology. All four of the sermon volumes typify the erudite scholarship and ecumenical statesmanship of the editor, Albert C. Outler. His introduction in the first volume concentrates two decades of painstaking research and thought on Wesley.
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God And Human Suffering
$48.33In contrast to many writers who gloss over one or the other, Dr. Hall is true both to the reality of suffering and to the affirmation that God creates, sustains, and redeems. Creative is his view that certain aspects of what we call suffering–loneliness, experience of limits, temptation, anxiety–are necessary parts of God’s good creation.
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Crucified Christ In Holy Week
$16.95This best-selling book is certain to remain in the forefront of Gospel exegesis for years to come. In it, Father Brown treats the Gospels, written thirty to sixty years after the life of Christ, as reflecting considerable theological and dramatic development and not simply as literal accounts of a historical event.
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Works Of John Wesley 2
$80.99This is the second in an eagerly awaited series of four volumes of John Wesley’s sermons. Of all the genres in Wesley’s prodigious output, his sermons most clearly focus and expound his understanding of Christian existence. To know them is to gain an important resource for historical and contemporary theology. All four of the sermon volumes typify the erudite scholarship and ecumenical statesmanship of the editor, Albert C. Outler. His introduction in the first volume concentrates two decades of painstaking research and thought on Wesley.
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Works Of John Wesley 1
$77.99This is the first in an eagerly awaited series of four volumes of John Wesley’s Sermons. Of all the genres in Wesley’s prodigious output, his sermons most clearly focus and expound his understanding of Christian existence. To know them is to gain an important resource for both historical and contemporary theology. Albert C. Outler’s introduction in the first volume concentrates two decades of painstaking research and thought on Wesley. From this he ably sets the stage for a fuller understanding and appreciation of a major Christian heritage. This volume contains 33 sermons on several subjects including scriptural Christianity, sin in believers, and the Sermon on the Mount.
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$29.99This is another in a series of books sponsored by the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy. The fourteen leading evangelical scholars who have contributed to this volume come from various denominations and have written on a wide range of topics related to the doctrine of the inerrancy of the Bible. Believing that this doctrine is “an essential element of the authority of Scripture and a necessary ingredient for the health of the church of Christ,” they have made a strong defense of it. This book is presented as an appeal to the church of Jesus Christ. To those churches that hold to the inerrancy of Scripture, it is a call to hold the line. To those churches that have given way to the persuasions of radical higher criticism, it is a call to return to the historic position of Christianity. Inerrnacy is shown to be a doctrine of crucial importance to the church. Among the chapter titles are these: Christ’s View of Scripture – Alleged Errors and Discrepancies in the Original Manuscripts of the Bible – Higher Criticism and Biblical Inerrancy – Legitimate Hermeneutics – The Human Authorship of Inspired Scripture – The Meaning of Inerrancy – Philosophical Presuppositions of Biblical Errancy – The View of the Bible Held by the Church – B. B. Warfield Versus G. C. Berkouwer on Scripture — Included as an appendix is the Statement of the Council. This Statement consists of three parts: a Summary Statement, Articles of Affirmation and Denial, and an Exposition. The intent of this declaration underlies all of the chapters in this significant book.
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Basic Questions In Theology 2
$48.33The essays included in this volume focus on specific standpoints inherent to our understandings of God. From a survey of Western philosophies, Pannenberg concludes that the Christian view of truth is distinctive because of its emphasis on the future. On the subject of faith, he asserts that rational knowledge does not oppose faith, but rather gives support to it. Also, the ideas of Feuerbach and Nietzsche as well as those of the dialectic theologians are critiqued by the author. All in all, Pannenberg’s uniting of classic theological insights with contemporary life will speak to the contemporary appropriation of traditional Christian themes.
In this classic, two-volume set of collected essays, Wolfhart Pannenberg gives special focus to the ways in which history, hermeneutics, reason and truth all guide and inform our various attempts at understanding God. This focus, then, offers the reader a unique insight into the revelation of God. Pannenberg writes, “To say that the revelation of God is not a supernatural event which breaks into history perpendicularly from above but rather that it is the theme of history itself, the power that moves it in its deepest dimension, is to say something about God and his relation to the world.”
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Basic Questions In Theology 1
$48.33In this classic collection of essays, Wolfhart Pannenberg gives special focus to the ways in which history, hermeneutics, reason and truth all guide and inform our various attempts at understanding God. This focus, then, offers the reader a unique insight into the revelation of God. Pannenberg writes, “To say that the revelation of God is not a supernatural event which breaks into history perpendicularly from above but rather that it is the theme of history itself, the power that moves it in its deepest dimension, is to say something about God and his relation to the world.”
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Scholastic Miscellany : Anselm To Ockham
$60.00Edited and translated by Eugene R. Fairweather. The Library of Christian Classics presents in English a selection of the most indispensable Christian treatises written before the end of the sixteenth century. These books meet the needs of lay people, students, and pastors alike. The first section of this volume deals primarily with Anselm of Canterbury, the second deals with ‘Theologians of the Twelfth Century,’ and the third deals with Franciscan thought in ‘The Thirteenth Century and After.’ Especially helpful are the introductions and the bibliographies provided by Fairweather. Contents are exactly the same as the original hardbound edition
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Augustine Later Works
$60.00The three works of St. Augustine translated in this volume, in whole or part, were all published in the years between 410 and 420, when Augustine was in his late fifties or early sixties, still at the height of his powers, and not yet wholly absorbed by the Pelagian controversy, which forced him to imprison his doctrine of Grace in a system of rigid logic.
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Augustine Earlier Writings
$55.00These are Augustine’s writings from the time of his conversion to Christianity in A.D.386 until he became Bishop of Hippo in 395-396. This volume is part of The Library of Christian Classics containing the great literature of the Christian heritage.
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Zwingli And Bullinger
$55.00Selections from the writings of two lesser-known church reformers, Ulrich Zwingli and Heinrich Bullinger, are contained in this volume. Five selections of Zwingli represent both the major periods of his career as a Protestant and his major interests. They include: Of the Clarity and Certainty of the Word of God; Of the Education of Youth; Of Baptism; On the Lord’s Supper; and An Exposition of the Faith. Bullinger is represented by Of the Holy Catholic Church, from his Decades. Also included is an account of the life, work, and theology of each of these Swiss reformers of the sixteenth century.
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