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    Gene Tucker

    • Minor Prophets Leader Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Study the books of Minor Prophets. Some of the major ideas explored are: faithfulness and morality, repentance to salvation, God’s judgement, the power of promise, New Testament meaning of the Old Test, and issues in Malachi. Leader Guide includes: A verse-by-verse, in-depth look at the Scriptures. Background material, including word studies and history of the biblical setting. Answers to questions asked in the Participant Book. Application of the Scripture to daily life situations. Discussion suggestions. A variety of study options. Practical tips for leaders to use. More than 3.5 million copies of the series have been sold. This revision of the Abingdon classic Genesis to Revelation Series is a comprehensive, verse-by-verse, book-by-book study of the Bible based on the NIV. These studies help readers strengthen their understanding and appreciation of the Bible by enabling them to engage the Scripture on three levels: What does the Bible say? Questions to consider while reading the passage for each session. What does the passage mean? Unpacks key verses in the selected passage. How does the Scripture relate to my life? Provides three major ideas that have meaning for our lives today. The meaning of the selected passages are made clear by considering such aspects as ancient customs, locations of places, and the meanings of words. The meaning of the selected passages are made clear by considering such aspects as ancient customs, locations of places, and the meanings of words. The simple format makes the study easy to use. Updates will include: New cover designs. New interior designs. Leader Guide per matching Participant Book (rather than multiple volumes in one book). Updated to 2011 revision of the New International Version Translation (NIV). Updated references to New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible. Include biblical chapters on the contents page beside session lesson titles for at-a-glance overview of biblical structure. Include larger divisions within the contents page to reflect macro-structure of each biblical book. Ex: Genesis 1-11; Genesis 12-50; Exodus 1-15; Exodus 16-40; Isaiah 1-39; Isaiah 40-66. The simple format makes the study easy to use. Each volume is 13 sessions.

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    • Preaching And Teaching The Psalms


      Renowned and beloved psalms scholar James Luther Mays shares in this book some of his most influential ideas about the psalms and shows the reader how this rich Old Testament poetry can be taught and preached in the church. The book’s editors, Patrick Miller and Gene Tucker, have carefully brought together Mays’s best insights into the meaning of the psalms and shown us in his sermons how a master with a love for the church handles these beautiful texts.

      Mays begins by explaining the basic concepts needed to understand and interpret the psalms and reviewing the scholarship and trends in psalms interpretation. Throughout he treats the psalms not just as ancient texts for scholarly study but as the basis for prayer and faith in the church today.

      The book’s second section contains Mays’s expositions of nine different psalms, including Psalm 8, Psalms 22, and Psalm 23, and eight of Mays’s sermons on the psalms. The book is ideal for clergy who want to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the psalms, as well as further their skills in preaching and teaching the well-loved Old Testament poetry.

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    • Psalms Part 2 And Lamentations


      Psalms, Part 2, and Lamentations is Volume XV of The Forms of the Old Testament Literature, a series that aims to present a form- critical analysis of every book and each unit in the Hebrew Bible. Fundamentally exegetical, the FOTL volumes examine the structure, genre, setting, and intention of the biblical literature in question. They also study the history behind the form-critical discussion of the material, attempt to bring consistency to the terminology for the genres and formulas of the biblical literature, and expose the exegetical procedures so as to enable students and pastors to engage in their own analysis and interpretation of the Old Testament texts.

      This volume completes Erhard Gerstenberger’s widely praised discussion of the psalms literature begun in Volume XIV, and includes as well an admirable study of the book of Lamentations. Gerstenberger interprets the different kinds of songs and prayers that comprise the book of Psalms in light of their socio-historical settings and provides a concise formal and structural analysis of each biblical text based on an illuminating comparison with other ancient Near Eastern prayers and hymns. Seeing the biblical writings in relation to the social, cultic, religious, and theological conceptions of Israel’s neighoring peoples allows contemporary readers to better grasp the purpose and spiritual meaning of the psalms and Lamentations to the Jewish community that composed them.

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    • Isaiah 1-39 : With An Introduction To Prophetic Literature


      Sweeney’s work on the first 39 chapters of the Book of Isaiah is part of The Forms of the Old Testament Literature series which aims to present, according to a standard outline and methodology, a form-critical analysis of every book and each unit in the Old Testament.

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    • Minor Prophets Nahum-Malachi Part 2


      This unique volume from a unique commentary series shows what literary technique can teach about ancient Old Testament texts. Useful to scholars, pastors,and students, this commentary shows how analysis of literary form can lead to a more profound understanding of the Minor Prophets.

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    • Exodus 1-18


      Exodus 1-18, by George W. Coats, is Volume IIA of THE FORMS OF THE OLD TESTAMENT LITERATURE, a series that aims to present a form-critical analysis of every book and each unit in the Hebrew Bible. Fundamentally exegetical,the FOTL volumes examine the structure, genre, setting, and intention of the biblical literature in question.They also study the history behind the form-critical discussion of the material, attempt to bring consistency tothe terminology for the genres and formulas of the biblical literature, and expose the exegetical process soas to enable students and pastors to engage in their own analysis and interpretation of the Old Testament texts.

      More than twenty-five years in preparation, this present study provides a form-critical analysis of the first eighteen chapters of the book of Exodus. Dividing his discussion between the Exodus and Moses traditions and the wilderness traditions, Coats examines each unit of the text of Exodus in turn, showing how the units’ internal structures reveal the genre and social setting in which the book was written and what that setting and genre mean for proper interpretation. Illuminating to scholars and students alike, this volume will open up a new perspective on this important section of Scriptu

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    • Pentateuch


      Designed for use in upper level college and seminary courses, this volume of the Interpreting Biblical Texts series helps students interpret the Pentateuch. It addresses issues essential for studying the Pentateuch and examines the latest thinking and learning about the social and cultural considerations that enrich a reading of these documents.

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    • Preaching Through The Christian Year A


      Based on the Sunday readings in the Common Lectionary, these exegetical, expositional, theological, and devotional notes on the Gospel, Epistle, Psalm, and Old Testament by four Candler School of Theology professors are solid and practical.

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    • Psalms Part 1 A Print On Demand Title


      Erhard Gerstenberger begins this volume with an examination of the nature of cultic poetry, its role in ancient Near Eastern religion, and more specifically its role in the religion of Israel. He goes on to survey the genres of cultic poetry, including lament, complaint, and thanksgiving, and then focuses on the book of Psalms as an example of cultic poetry, first analyzing the book as a whole and then working through Psalms 1-60 unit by unit.

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    • Form Criticism Of The Old Testament


      Because of its long oral tradition the Old Testament includes an array of different literary types and compositions. Analysis of these genres in the biblical material is known as form criticism. Gene Tucker draws on contemporary speech patterns to illustrate how the scholar pinpoints various categories or genres. The basic principles of form criticism are outlined and many biblical examples given. The story of Jacob’s struggle at the Jabbok and the prophetic literature are treated in detail. While form criticism does not solve all the interpreter’s problems, it forms an essential tool for exegesis and for recovering the living history of Old Testament literature.

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