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    Health and Diet

    • Fit Soldiers For The Kingdom


      The message is only as credible as the messenger. We as believers are commissioned to carry the message of the gospel and yet, in order to do that effectively, we must be fit- physically and spiritually- ‘whole and complete, lacking in nothing’, as Paul says. This book will help you, the believer, obtain and maintain optimal wellbeing with multiple tips on diet, exercise and even herbs and supplements while keeping in perspective that feeling great is a necessary in order to do this effectively.

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    • Bye Bye Ta Ta


      “Cancer” sounds like death. What comes next? Will I lose my hair? Will it come back? Will I die? Will I see my grandchildren grow up? In a very personal and honest account, Willamina documented her journey through cancer. From the diagnosis, through surgery, chemotherapies, radiation, lymphodema, and complications, all of her fears and triumphs and discoveries are documented to show how her faith grew through a terrible ordeal. Rather than suffer in silence, she chose to tell the world how she survived. It is her hope that others will be comforted in their own trials.

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    • Are You Ready For A New Life


      “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths. Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn your back on evil. Then you will gain renewed health and vitality. Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything your land produces. Then He will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with the finest wine. My child, don’t ignore it when the Lord disciplines you, and don’t be discouraged when He corrects you. For the Lord corrects those He loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom He delights. Happy is the person who finds wisdom and gain understanding. For the profit of wisdom is better than silver, and her wages are better than gold. Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. She offers you life in her right hand, and riches and honor in her left. She will guide you down delightful paths; all her ways are satisfying. Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly.” (Proverbs 3:5-18)

      I have matured to the point of trusting Jesus Christ in all areas of my life. In the areas of my health, finance, personal and spiritual growth, I surrender all to Him.

      We must learn to obey His guidelines for our lives. But in order to do this, we must know Him and honor Him.

      Alleluia -Thank You Jesus Christ for all things!!!

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    • Are You Ready For A New Life


      “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will direct your paths. Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the Lord and turn your back on evil. Then you will gain renewed health and vitality. Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything your land produces. Then He will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with the finest wine. My child, don’t ignore it when the Lord disciplines you, and don’t be discouraged when He corrects you. For the Lord corrects those He loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom He delights. Happy is the person who finds wisdom and gain understanding. For the profit of wisdom is better than silver, and her wages are better than gold. Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her. She offers you life in her right hand, and riches and honor in her left. She will guide you down delightful paths; all her ways are satisfying. Wisdom is a tree of life to those who embrace her; happy are those who hold her tightly.” (Proverbs 3:5-18)

      I have matured to the point of trusting Jesus Christ in all areas of my life. In the areas of my health, finance, personal and spiritual growth, I surrender all to Him.

      We must learn to obey His guidelines for our lives. But in order to do this, we must know Him and honor Him.

      Alleluia -Thank You Jesus Christ for all things!!!

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    • Fit For The Kingdom


      There are literally hundreds of health, fitness, body building, and wellness books available today. Some of those books are on nutrition, some are on physical exercise, and some even include something on the mind and the soul. But all of these books have one thing in common: exalting self, serving one’s selfish personal agenda, and ignoring the Creator in the process. This book, however, is a book of complete health; it is a book of training you, the men of God, to know and recognize who the enemy is and how he works.

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    • Ms Sallys Healthy Habit Calendar Journal For Kids (Teacher’s Guide)


      The major pursuit of “Ms. Sally’s Healthy Habit Calendar Journals for Teacher’s is to help youth grow their minds with positive inputs to make better choices and goals for themselves through interactive dialogue, open discussions, word repetition and writing.

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    • Ms Sallys Healthy Habit Journal For Kids


      Ms. Sally’s Healthy Habit Calendar Journal for kids is a educational, fun and interactive way to promote a positive self-image, healthier eating habits, build confidence and enhance reading and writing skills through interactive dialogue, open discussions, word repetition and writing.

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    • Food And Faith


      From the creator of the bestseller Simpler Living, Compassionate Life: A Christian Perspective comes Food & Faith. Food is itself a joyful gift – recall how the gift of food so often mediates the sanctity and preciousness of life. This new collection of reflections by Wendell Berry, Bill McKibben, Elizabeth Johnson, Alan Durning and others helps you start thinking about the moral, spiritual and economic implications of eating. Readings focus on the enjoyment and spirituality of good food, ways in which eating connects us to the land and to each other, and on the economic, environmental and cultural impacts of daily food choices. Food & Faith includes an eight-week study guide for groups or individuals, which leads to action: setting a table that is healthy, joyful and just.

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    • Daniel Fast : Feed Your Soul Strengthen Your Spirit And Renew Your Body


      What if you could grow closer to God and improve your health in just 21 days? Susan Gregory, “The Daniel Fast Blogger,” has a plan to help you do just that. Widely recognized as the expert on this 21-day fast inspired by the book of Daniel, Susan has helped thousands of people discover a safe and healthy way to fast. The principles you learn from The Daniel Fast will change the way you view food, your body, and your relationship with the one who created you.

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    • Lifestyle Choices Up To You


      Choices! … Choices! … Choices! The Battle for Your Health Begins in Your Mind Are your choices leading you toward health-or toward disease? Why are lifestyle illnesses escalating so rapidly today? Find answers to these and many other questions! * What determines your health choices? … habit, convenience, marketing ploys, or time-tested truths? * Understand why your choice of foods, body-care, and home products is a spiritual issue. * See how Biblical truths can help guide you out of the food-product-disease maze. * Learn the basic differences between the Conventional Medical Model and the Natural Health Model of health and healing. * Expand your knowledge of the many dangerous but disguised ingredients in your food. * Become more alert to marketing techniques, the steps to mass-mindedness, and how these strategies can affect your health decisions. * Learn how some corporate and governmental agendas can compromise your health. * Discover the latest scientific information about the important mind-body connection. * Understand the essential importance of thoughts and their impact on your emotions. * Learn what a thought looks like, how it is formed in your brain, and why this is important. * Understand the nature of the stress response and implement strategies for a more peaceful, productive, and healthy life. * Explore the myths about vaccinations and discover their dangerous dark side. * Make Lifestyle Choices your choice for small-group study. Enjoy its user-friendly, workbook-style format with helpful summaries, stimulating discussion topics, and ample space for recording your new decisions and progress.

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    • Lifestyle Choices Up To You


      Choices! … Choices! … Choices! The Battle for Your Health Begins in Your Mind Are your choices leading you toward health-or toward disease? Why are lifestyle illnesses escalating so rapidly today? Find answers to these and many other questions! * What determines your health choices? … habit, convenience, marketing ploys, or time-tested truths? * Understand why your choice of foods, body-care, and home products is a spiritual issue. * See how Biblical truths can help guide you out of the food-product-disease maze. * Learn the basic differences between the Conventional Medical Model and the Natural Health Model of health and healing. * Expand your knowledge of the many dangerous but disguised ingredients in your food. * Become more alert to marketing techniques, the steps to mass-mindedness, and how these strategies can affect your health decisions. * Learn how some corporate and governmental agendas can compromise your health. * Discover the latest scientific information about the important mind-body connection. * Understand the essential importance of thoughts and their impact on your emotions. * Learn what a thought looks like, how it is formed in your brain, and why this is important. * Understand the nature of the stress response and implement strategies for a more peaceful, productive, and healthy life. * Explore the myths about vaccinations and discover their dangerous dark side. * Make Lifestyle Choices your choice for small-group study. Enjoy its user-friendly, workbook-style format with helpful summaries, stimulating discussion topics, and ample space for recording your new decisions and progress.

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    • 18 Things That Zap Your Strength


      Eighteen Things That Zap Your Strength or How to Fizzle Out Faster is an eye-opener just in the table of contents! Each page is practical, clear, concise and easy to grasp… Deb has a tremendous communication gift, and is able to impart truth in a witty, practical, down-to-earth, and in your face way that makes you laugh at yourself while you wince! Her book is a delight to read and is nothing but liberating, powerful, and life-changing truth in every chapter. Get ready for a change!

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    • Breaking Through Depression


      Depression affects a person mentally, spiritually, and physically, greatly impacting their lives and the people they love. With empathy and clear language, psychiatrist Donald Hall explains recent scientific discoveries about the role of chemicals in the brain, and how depression, like other illnesses, has symptoms and cures. Hall integrates spiritual, medical, and psychological principles in his SMART model that leads those suffering from depression to the hope of recovery and healing.
      Stop Addiction: Dont make depression worse by substance abuse
      Medicate Chemical Imbalances: Have wise counsel for antidepressant management Adjust Expectations of Yourself: Release burdens and evaluate selfimage distortions Revise Your Relationships with Others: Set boundaries, talk, practice forgiveness
      Track with the Holy Spirit: See your brokenness and lean on prayer and fellowship

      For readers who are suffering from or living with someone dealing with depression, Hall shares fresh scientific discoveries while standing firmly on the good news of Gods hope.

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    • Days Of Grace


      Author is recognized for using Benedictine wisdom to cope with the challenges of chronic illness.

      Using the metaphor of pilgrimage, this book invites readers to reflect on living with illness. The heart of the book is a collection of thirty meditations, followed by a reflection, a short prayer, and a suggested spiritual practice. The meditations voice the difficulties and the challenges of living with illness, and call the reader toward a deepening understanding, compassion and generosity. While the meditations intend to offer comfort, they are also written from the conviction that God invites us to grow even in these circumstances. When living with chronic, terminal, or progressive illness, discovering a way to pray can be quite a challenge. These thirty meditations provide a welcome means with practices inspired by the psalms.

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    • Diseasing Of Americas Children


      How parents, teachers, and even professionals are being deceived by the “ADHD Establishment” regarding ADHD and other childhood behavior disorders and the drugs used to treat them. The issue of diagnosing children with behavioral diseases that do not conform to a scientific definition of disease, and then medicating them is a scandal ready to erupt. In The Diseasing of America’s Children, popular family psychologist, speaker, and best-selling author John Rosemond joins with pediatrician Dr. Bose Ravenel to uncover the fiction and fallacy behind attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), early-onset biopolar disorder (EOBD), and the drugs prescribed to treat them. Rosemond and Ravenel will: reveal the pseudo-science behind these diagnoses explain how parents, teachers, and even professionals are deceived expose the short- and long-term dangers behavioral drugs pose to children discuss how America’s schools are unwittingly feeding the diagnostic beast reveal the simple, common sense truth behind these behavior problems and give parents a practical program for curing these problems without drugs or dependence on professionals.

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    • Alzheimers Been There Done That


      Alzheimer’s is in my opinion, one of the most devastating diseases there is, simply because it destroys the mind. There is absolutely no one who is invulnerable to it.

      But it is not God’s will for us to suffer, but to be in health, to prosper and see good days. He has through his son Jesus Christ provided healing for all who will believe. Isaiah the prophet says, “with his (Jesus) stripes we were healed.”

      All we are required to do is to believe this and our healing will be manifested. All things are possible to them that believe. Jesus said, “according to your faith be it unto you.” KJV

      It’s according to your trust and reliance on Christ and in what he says, that you receive your healing and deliverance. ONLY BELIEVE and trust him, and it shall be done for you. This is a promise that Christ has made to all people, THERE IS HOPE THROUGH HIM.

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    • Press Pause Before You Eat


      This ground-breaking book shines a light on the most overlooked area of our relationship with food: mindless and unintentional eating. It teaches readers to understand why they eat and provides practical, proven strategies to control eating. Diets treat symptoms: Press Pause Before You Eat deals with the root causes of unintentional eating and restores the joys of mindful eating.

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    • More Excellent Way With DVD


      Author Henry W. Wright not only equips the church with respect to defeating sickness, but he also demystifies it by showing, from God’s perspective, why mankind has disease in the first place. A More Excellent Way is a valuable resource in assisting spiritual leaders, health-care professionals, and all individuals in understanding the spiritual dynamics behind diseases of the body, spirit, and soul. The book will help you to discover:
      * Why mankind has disease.
      * The spiritual roots of disease.
      * Blocks to healing.
      * Effective disease prevention.
      * Spiritual pathways to wholeness and health.

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    • Anatomy Of A Miracle


      Miracles are not for the deserving, but for the believing! Deep within every person is a longing for the miraculous. When we slow down enough to listen to the intuitive voice that speaks from within, we know miracles should be experienced with the greatest of ease. Yet, the hope for the miraculous is clouded by the many voices that make miracles seem difficult or even unattainable. The promise of miracles has been so complicated by religious legalism, mystical ritualism and perfectionist idealism that they have been pushed beyond the horizon of hope. But today, in The Anatomy of a Miracle, hope will return. Regardless of your personal beliefs, you will be able to connect with the immutable laws of the miraculous. This book is not religious, yet it honors thousands of years of religious teaching. It is not scientific, yet it uses modern scientific discovery to explain the concepts of the miraculous in words that make sense to the twenty-first century mind. It is the perfect marriage of science and faith. In The Anatomy of a Miracle Dr. James Richards explains in understandable terms exactly how to experience your miracle. Using the language of quantum physics and truths from ancient times, really the two do go together, he describes step by step the process through which you can live the life you ve always desired. Miracles are part of the fabric of humanity! Once you discover these immutable laws, living in the miraculous will be as natural as breathing!

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    • Great Physicians Rx For A Healthy Heart


      At 19 years old, Jordan Rubin was a healthy 6’1″ and 180 pounds. Shockingly, his weight fell to just 104 lbs. in a matter of months. His immune system was at an all-time low, as he suffered from Crohn’s disease, food allergies, anemia, fibromyalgia, intestinal parasites, and a host of other conditions. After seeing over 70 health professionals, using both conventional and alternative medicines, Rubin was sent home in a wheelchair to die.
      But his story didn’t end there. Through determination and a powerful faith in God, Rubin refused to give in to disease. Instead, he educated himself on natural health, and applied its principles. Now, ten years later, Rubin is fully recovered-and he desires to share the keys to his own good health. These keys aren’t just for the disease-ridden; they are for anyone desiring to live an abundant life of health and wellness.

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    • Diet Docs Guide To Permanent Weight Loss


      Diet books have become a genre unto themselves as people anxious to shed those extra pounds seek that one perfect plan. Oh sure, they’ve found such a plan before….in fact, several times before, as they shed unwanted weight….only to gain it back within a few months.

      It’s frustrating following a diet only to end up failing in the end-losing that same twenty pounds over and over again.

      But now Drs. Scott Uloth and Joe Klemczewski put an end to yo-yo dieting by giving their readers what they need most: control!

      The Diet Docs'(R) plan brings complex metabolic physiology within the grasp of the average reader. A plan…
      *With over ten years of clinical success
      *Field tested on everyone from housewives to professional athletes
      *That’s “attainable and sustainable”
      *Easily implemented with no complicated formula to decrypt
      *Combining the latest scientific information and how to apply it
      *That encourages the reader to become their own nutritionist

      The last diet book anyone will need….written by a family physician and a professional bodybuilder and nutritionist to the world’s top bodybuilders and women’s figure competitors.

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    • Sweet Deception : Why Splenda, Nutrasweet, And The FDA May Be Hazardous To


      Most people believe that sucralose (Splenda) is a perfectly safe artificial sweetener. Big business and the FDA have fostered that dangerous misconception. The truth is Splenda is by no means safe; and the same is true for many of the other artificial sweeteners being marketed today. Dr. Joseph Mercola—supported by extensive studies and research—exposes the fact that Splenda actually contributes to a host of serious diseases. Sweet Deception will lay out how the FDA really works for big food companies and should not be trusted when it comes to your health.

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    • Mourning Has Broken


      How does a Christian woman maintain a bright outlook as she struggles through the psychological nightmare of breast cancer? A wife and mother, the author is faced with a cancer crisis while raising three young boys, working full time, and teaching Sunday school. This intensely personal story chronicles how the Lord sustained her through two bouts of cancer. The reader discovers her process for enduring diagnosis and treatment, making instant decisions, seeking support groups, facing a curious public, and holding family and job together. She addresses beauty challenges and gives survival tips to weary travelers on this lonely road. The book also explores how to manage the physical and emotional trauma of lymphedema, a little-known disorder affecting many cancer survivors due to lymph-node surgery. As a physician and husband of a breast cancer survivor, I can well identify with Jan’s story… filled with helpful medical information and spiritual insights… informative and encouraging. David B. Rollins, M.D., Fellow, American Academy of Family Practice Jan’s story of her amazing cancer journey, told with strength, courage, and humor, touched me deeply. I highly recommend her book to all cancer survivors at risk of or living with lymphedema, as well as their families and caregivers. Saskia R.J. Thiadens R.N., Executive Director/Founder, National Lymphedema Network

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    • Salud De Alto Rendimiento – (Spanish)


      Armed with more than twenty years of research, Dr. Rippe lays out a 10-step blueprint for mind-body-spirit wellness

      For the first time, world-renowned cardiologist Dr. James Rippe, in conjunction with Florida Hospital, the largest admitting hospital in the United States, reveals to the general public his distinctive 10-step mind, body, and spirit program used by top executives and star athletes to revolutionize their health and turn it into the ultimate performance tool.

      Written for every person regardless of current health status or circumstances, this lifestyle guidebook challenges readers to “Take back your health!” by outlining a filter to process any new diet, health, or lifestyle idea. Using real-life stories that demonstrate health as a value, Dr. Rippe goes beyond the basics to address the deeper purposes that give our lives meaning. Genuinely motivational, Salud de alto rendimiento offers the secrets to our best possible health and life today!

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    • What The Best Doctor Recommends


      FINALLY! DIET FREE & STRESS FREE HEALTHY LIVING What if your dream came true? What if God said you could eat whatever you want and stay healthy without gaining weight? LOOK NO FURTHER… Your best days are ahead of you with What the Best Doctor Recommends. Overwhelmed from all the dieting yet? You’ll never have to diet again… This concise, easy-to-read guide diagnoses and treats all the problems this nation faces in… * obesity * weight management/weight fluctuations * food addiction * yo-yo dieting * eating disorders and so much more… Take a refreshing look back in time to glean from the days before obesity and eating disorders became a widespread epidemic and revisit the unwavering and time-tested secrets to eating that have been programmed within you all along… Like many, Ms. Abigail was once a “fluctuating weight” victim for many years, often gaining up to 7 pounds in 7 days and never staying in the same size jeans from week to week. Now, she’s been able to fit into the same size jeans every single day for the last 7 years and counting-all with NO DIETING, NO STRESS, NO DIET PILLS and NO DOCTOR VISITS.

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    • Overcoming Back And Neck Pain


      One-third of Americans report having had low-back pain in the last 30 days. Ten percent are enduring chronic neck pain right now! Drug prescriptions, endless treatments, and limited lifestyles arejust some of the consequences. Expert physical therapist Lisa Morrone says no to the treadmill of suffering. From 15-plus years of teaching and practicing physical therapy, she offers a clinically proven approach to overcoming nagging back or neck pain. Lisa puts in one straightforward, accessible package the most effective exercises, guidelines, and lifestyle adjustments, involving… proper posture and core stability strengthening and stretching healthy movement patterns and ergonomics recovery from pain from compressed or ruptured discs nutrition, rest, and emotional/spiritual issues With Lisa’s recommendations, readers will find they can attain substantial or complete freedom from pain-which brings freedom to enjoy work, friends, and family again, and live a fulfilling life serving God and others.

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    • Breast Stays Put


      After running her own successful business in Wellness Alternatives, Pamela faced the unthinkable. She was diagnosed with a malignant, fast-growing breast cancer. Pam declined all conventional treatment and chose an alternative approach with an impressive track record instead, which resulted in her full recovery. Convinced that mutilation and toxic treatments are not always necessary, she wanted others to know there ARE options that don’t involve devastating a person’s body and their quality of life. With a delivery all her own, she shares her courageous story of overcoming a deadly diagnosis and provides prevention and treatment information.

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    • 10 Commandments Of Faith And Fitness


      In today’s live-fast society, poor health and obesity are at epidemic proportions. People have seemingly forgotten to treat with reverence God’s first and greatest gift to them – their bodies.

      Building on the Ten Commandments that guide our spiritual lives, Henry Brinton and Vikram Khanna have devised Ten Commandments of Faith and Fitness, a scientifically sound resource that teaches how to properly incorporate physical activity into daily life and how to eat better, while building faith in the process.

      For everyone looking to glorify Christ in their spirits and their bodies, Ten Commandments of Faith and Fitness is an invaluable tool to guide you every step of the way.

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    • Receta Del Gran Medico Para La – (Spanish)


      Las mujeres, que no solo son responsables de su propia salud sino que a menudo de la salud de sus esposos, hijos, y frecuentemente tambien de la de sus padres ancianos, estan hartas de estar cansadas y enfermas. Ellas simplemente quieren mas de la vida, especialmente cuando estan lidiando con problemas de salud propios de las mujeres como “la depresion despues del parto”, cancer al seno, menopausia, y perdida osea. Ahora, el autor de gran exito de ventas, Jordan Rubin, su esposa Nicki, y la doctora Pancheta Wilson, hacen uso de conceptos biblicos y naturales sobre la salud y formulan un plan medicamente sensato para ayudar a las mujeres a transformar su salud y prosperar en la vida que siempre han anhelado tener.

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    • 100 Days Of Weight Loss


      This personal growth diet companion encourages dieters–no matter what diet plan they are on–to stick to it by giving them the tools to address the issues behind their eating habits and to make the right choices.Going on a diet is easy, staying on a diet is hard and it is the consistent, long-term lifestyle change that results in real success. This book is not a diet but a diet companion. There are 100 short lessons that provide coping skills, behavioral tools, and personal growth ideas that serve as a companion and encourager and give dieters the daily strength to stick with their resolution. Spangle tackles the emotional and psychological issues of weight loss, which is missing from most diet plans. They tell you what to eat. 100 Days of Weight Loss gives you the personal tools to make the right choices.

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    • Beauty Secrets Of The Bible


      Every woman can accentuate her God-given beauty using the hidden treasures of the ancient Scriptures.Ginger Garrett reveals how every woman can accent her God-given beauty using the hidden treasures of the ancient Scriptures-where every scent and every act of beautification had spiritual and emotional significance.A woman’s longing to present herself as physically beautiful is universal. Beauty is extolled throughout the Bible as complementing God’s plan for women’s lives. There are currently no books that examine the beauty practices of biblical women, the plants and products God created to accent their beauty, and the spiritual roots of feminine rituals.Beautiful women abound in the Bible: Queen Esther, the bride of Solomon, Delilah, Rachel, Sarah, and more. Their beauty was a gift from God, and God also supplied the many foods, spices, and oils that perfected each woman’s appearance. In Beauty Secrets of the Bible, Ginger Garrett helps readers accent their God-given beauty using these secrets.Women who read the book will understand the essential oils and fragrances mentioned in Scripture (and why they are making a comeback) and will be able to create a regimen based on all-natural ancient products and techniques. Beauty Secrets of the Bible gives readers what other beauty books lack: the knowledge that a woman’s unique earthly beauty is indeed a blessing from God that can be cultivated.

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    • Gluten Free Mamas Best Baking Recipes


      Enjoy the success of creating delicious wheat free baked goods with over 100 gluten free recipes that are nutritious, easy to prepare and delicious! At your fingertips are over 100 wheat free recipes including breads, biscuits, rolls, hamburger buns, muffins, scones, cakes, brownies, cookies, bars, pancakes, crackers, pizza crusts, pie crusts and much more. Gluten Free Mama’s Best Baking Recipes cookbook makes the gluten free lifestyle easy to maintain and enjoyable by providing great recipes the entire family will enjoy along with easy to use instructions and important tips on baking gluten free. These recipes have been specifically developed to be used with Gluten Free Mama’s Rice Almond Blend Flour or Rice Coconut Blend Flour, both available on Gluten Free Mama’s website at the click of your mouse. You won’t believe that gluten free living can be so easy and taste so good!

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    • Gym Bag Bible


      Product Description
      The vision of Gym Bag Bible is to empower people to live as radiant children of God. Through the intentional combination of body, mind and soul, Gym Bag Bible creates a dynamic energy where a person expresses in thought and action the living presence of God. It takes seriously the notion that we are called by God through Jesus to live as people of light. The path of the Gym Bag Bible is challenging. It will require a realignment of your priorities and commitments so that you make time each day for exercise, reflection and devotion. By intentional living in this way, we grow in faith and courage, and our lives transform. We rise as stars not only toward Jesus, but we shine a path for others to follow. As you join with the many that have traveled the Gym Bag Bible journey, you too will discover this radiance. Steve has been a serious student and teacher of Physical fitness and Spirituality for the past seven years, but his commitment to a passionate life has been a life long quest. Steve’s love of the outdoors began along the beaches of San Diego where he was born and raised. Steve literally ran and cycled his way through his education at Whitworth College in Spokane Washington, his Masters of Divinity at San Francisco Theological Seminary and his Doctorate of Ministry at McCormick Theological seminary in Chicago. Living with his wife and three children in the Rockies outside of Denver provides Steve the perfect playground to pursue all of his passions; mountain biking, cycling, skiing, horse back riding, weight lifting and Tae Kwan Do. As the Sr. Pastor of Columbine United Church in Littleton, Colorado, Steve enjoys teaching others the dynamic of faithfulness and fitness.

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    • Deja De Cavar Tu Propia Tumba – (Spanish)


      Now available in Spanish, the bestselling book in which a leaner Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee shares his secrets for creating better health habits that last a lifetime.

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    • Picture Of Health Daily Power Plan 100 Day Devotional


      You can have complete victory over weight problems, sickness, and every disease! Whether you need to lose (or gain) weight, lower your cholesterol, survive menopause, recover from cancer, diabetes, or any other disease, the answer is the same and you will find it in this book. These devotionals challenge you to stay motivated as you say goodbye to the bondage of dieting and disease forever!

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    • Fasting : Spiritual Freedom Beyond Our Appetities


      In Fasting you’ll discover an ancient Christian practice that extends beyond giving up food to any regular activity in our contemporary lives. You’ll see how taking a break from eating–or driving, or checking e-mail, or watching television–opens us up to discover new things about ourselves and God and the world around us. You’ll see that while not everyone should forgo food, anyone can step out of routine to feed the soul.

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    • Alternative Medicine : The Christian Handbook (Expanded)


      Easy to use, this thoroughly revised and expanded edition of Alternative Medicine keeps pace with the latest findings and developments in alternative medicine. Here is the most comprehensive, current, well-balanced, and trustworthy information available from both a scientific and a biblical perspective.

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    • You Are Not What You Weigh


      It is time for women to stop measuring themselves by the numbers on the scale!

      How many women out there are tired of the tyranny of dieting? Millions! With candor and a gentle spirit, Lisa Bevere shares powerful insights and liberating principles she discovered through her own personal struggles with weight. This life-changing book will empower women.

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    • What The Bible Says About Healthy Living (Reprinted)


      In a world infatuated with junk food and fad diets, why have we overlooked the simple instructions provided in the Bible that have guided people for thousands of years toward better health? You don’t have to be Jewish or Christian to find wisdom for healthier living in this doctor’s scripturally based book on eating and feeling better, and living longer. You’ll learn the truth about grains and nuts, and the ins and outs of meat, fat, and sweeteners. Discover why beverages can be the elixirs of life or death. The principles here will help anyone who is sick and tired of feeling sick and tired find energy, freedom from illness, and more vibrant health.

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    • Dear God They Say Its Cancer


      A Friend to Help You Through…

      No matter where you are in your breast cancer journey, this book is the companion you need. Whether…
      you’ve just heard the dreaded diagnosis for the first time
      you’re in the middle of decisions and treatments
      you’re experiencing the disappoint of recurrence
      or you’re several years beyond the initial trauma…

      No matter where you are in that journey, you need someone who understands. You need a trusted friend to walk along beside, someone who’s gone before you. You’ll find that friend between the pages of this book.

      This book is yours to use in whatever way serves you best. You can start in the beginning and work your way through, or you can use the detailed table of contents to help you find just what you need for what you are experiencing on any given day.

      This Helpful Guide Will Be Your

      * Mentor * Record keeper * Journal * Devotional * Prayer guide * And friend

      Each chapter includes

      A Sister Shares — stories from breast cancer “sisters”

      Mentoring Moment — lessons learned, helpful hints, encouragement

      God’s Love Letter to You — paraphrased scripture for you to personalize

      Journaling Guides — encouraging prompts to help you journal your own breast cancer journey

      And more!

      You don’t have to make this journey alone. Hope and help await you in the pages of this book, written just for you in your time of need.

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    • Power In Fasting


      Defines the power of effective fasting and prayer! It will encourage you to realize fasting is the means of gaining strength which allows you to be able to break barriers in deeply rooted strongholds! The book focuses primarily on the Esther Fast, but still recognizes that there are multiple fasts in the Holy Scriptures. Then the book introduces you to the Annual February Fast, which was organized and coordinated by the author.

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    • Receta Del Gran Medico Para Di – (Spanish)


      El autor de exitos Jordan Rubin, junto al Dr. David Remedios nos ensena como adoptar las 7 claves en La Receta del Gran Medico para la Salud y el Bienestar para enfocarnos agresivamente en la diabetes y desarrollar un plan contra ella.

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    • Everyday Strength : A Cancer Patients Guide To Spiritual Survival (Revised)


      Thirty-three meditations and prayers for cancer patients and their friends and family. Now repackaged with a fresh, contemporary look.

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    • E A T


      Finding Your Enjoyable Achievable Technique I am a food-a-holic. I love to eat. Food loves me too. So the battle is how to have the best of both worlds. Suit size and Supersize. How do we achieve a comfortable and healthy size without starving in the process? Say die to diets. The plan is simple, E.A.T. This is the food lover’s guide to finding your Enjoyable, Achievable, Technique, on your journey to getting into that suit that is hanging in your closet. You know which suit, the one that has the dust on it. This journey is comical, and you will meet a lot of people along the way – like Mr. Good Food, and Ms. CBFMS. You will also pick up a few souvenirs to help you achieve your goals. Prepare to be entertained, educated and empowered. As we journey together, I will share my technique while helping you to discover the E.A.T. that works for you. Just for you.

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    • My Big Fat Greek Diet


      In My Big Fat Greek Diet, Dr. Nick Yphantides teaches readers the powerful 7 Pillars of Weight Loss, which features medically safe, practical how-tos anyone can apply, whether they need to lose 10 or 300 pounds. Analyzing components of a variety of diets, Dr. Nick assists readers in customizing a weight-loss program to their specific needs and lifestyles. Topping out at 467 pounds, Dr. Nick was known in San Diego as a big man with a big heart. When a battle with cancer inspired him to focus on his own health, he embarked on a lifestyle change that would drop him to a svelte 200 pounds. His book, now in trade paper, will inspire and equip readers to design a program that allows them to experience their own weight-loss miracle!

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    • Walking The Baby Beat


      A Smart Start Press Title

      D. Gary Benfield, M.D., veteran neonatologist and newspaper columnist, answers hundreds of healthcare questions in this easy-to-read book, covering everything from planning a pregnancy to childbirth and teen health concerns. Revised and updated from The Baby Beat, Dr. Benfield’s weekly newspaper column, Walking the Baby Beat is easy-to-use. Topics are arranged chronologically, related questions are grouped together under each topic, and each question is listed in the table of contents. As an added bonus, Walking the Baby Beat also includes a My Heroes section, featuring articles like The Newborn APGAR Score: Just one of Dr. Virginia Apgar’s Many Achievements, The Hidden Talent of Dr. Spock, Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Rescued at Birth, and many more. This valuable reference is designed for future parents, expecting parents, rookie parents, grandparents, and even veteran parents and their older children.

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    • 100 Secretos De La Gente Salud – (Spanish)


      From fitness to diets to emotional health and longevity, what do people who feel and look healthy do differently than those who are overtired, depressed, or out of shape? Every day we face an avalanche of studies and statistics that tell us what we should or shouldn’t eat, how long we need to exercise, or how to protect ourselves from secondhand smoke and the harmful rays from the sun. Not only are these studies often contradictory, but the actual scientific information is usually inaccessible.

      Moving beyond the myths and misinformation, the advice in these pages is not based on one person’s opinions or one expert’s study. For the first time the research available on the health of average Americans has been distilled into one hundred essential ways that we can become healthier and happier. Each of the core findings is accompanied by a real life example showing these results in action.

      Eat more often. Oxford University researchers found that people who ate five or six times a day had a 5 percent lower total cholesterol than average and were 45 percent more likely to be able to sustain their target weight than people who ate once or twice a day.

      Who says caffeine is bad for you? The majority of scientific evidence shows that, for a healthy adult, moderate quantities of caffeine (about three cups of coffee per day) pose no significant health risks.

      Home sweet home. People who described their home lives as satisfying were 24 percent more likely to live beyond normal life expectancy, according to a UCLA study.

      Cual es la diferencia entre las personas que se sienten y se ven saludables, y las que estan cansadas o deprimidas y jamas estan en forma? A diario enfrentamos una cantidad alarmante de estudios y estadisticas que nos dicen que debemos y no debemos comer, cuanto tiempo tenemos que hacer ejercicio o como protegernos del humo de segunda mano y los dainos rayos del sol. Pero estos estudios, ademas de ser contradictorios, suelen tener informacion cientifica literalmente incomprensible para el lector comun.

      En este libro, David Niven nos hace el favor de resumir los millones de estudios que se han hecho acerca de la salud del ser humano, y de convertirlos en cien faciles puntos que nos ayudaran a vivir mas saludables y felices. Desmontando mitos comunes con consejos reales y aplicables, Niven nos explica la importancia de estos descubrimientos.

      Coma con frecuencia. Los investigadores de la universidad Oxford hallaron q

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    • Calorie Queens : Living Thin In A Fat World


      Jackie Scott and her daughter Diane had tried just about every diet under the sun, from low-carb to low-fat, sometimes losing weight but always gaining it back. Frustrated, they decided to figure out why popular diets failed them and came up with Eucalorics – a practical eating plan based on taking in the number of calories needed to maintain a healthy weight. This is not a starvation diet, nor is it a fad. In fact, it’s not really a diet at all. It’s about learning how to eat well for a lifetime from two real women who have been there and are making it work.

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    • What Would Jesus Eat


      Though there are many diet programs claiming to be “God’s way” to healthy living, and while some of them are based on biblical principles, and even have proven effective for weight loss, What Would Jesus Eat? is the first to note the obvious health benefits of what Jesus ate. In this comprehensive program, Dr. Don Colbert reveals the sensible approach to healthy eating laid out by the ultimate role model. Readers will discover:

      Why foods forbidden in the Old Testament are unhealthy
      Jesus’s favorite foods, including “fast foods” and dessert
      The health benefits of foods Jesus ate, and the health risks of foods He avoided
      Also included are Dr. Colbert’s tools to effectively follow the plan: recipes, nutritional information, and practical advice, including how to follow Jesus’s model of eating with foods readily available today.

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    • Spiritual Exercises : Joining Body And Spirit In Prayer


      Discover new connections between physical and spiritual well-being and learn what your body can teach you about holiness. Roth describes physical disciplines such as Pilates, Tai Chi, dance, and strength training, discusses how each form of exercise provides a metaphor for the spiritual journey, and shows how to integrate them into spiritual practice.

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