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    • American Heritage Collection 7 Session Set (DVD)


      Explore America’s godly heritage and the Bible’s profound influence on American life and culture over the past four centuries with this eye-opening series from Christian historian David Barton. Including a private tour of the Capitol that reveals the spiritual significance of the building’s statues and artwork, this set also discusses the principles for a successful government and how Christians can act upon their convictions to impact our nation today. Over 10 hours long, this set from WallBuilders includes seven volumes.

      Volume List:
      *America’s Godly Heritage
      *The Influence of the Bible
      *Keys to Good Government & Foundations of American Government
      *Four Centuries of American Education
      *The Role of Pastors and Christians in Civil Government
      *A Spiritual Tour of the U.S. Capitol
      *Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black and White

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    • American Heritage Series Episodes 1-26 (DVD)


      Discover the forgotten and astonishing story of our nation’s foundation in The American Heritage Series. For centuries, Americans were taught a view of history that recognized the godly heroes and moral foundation upon which America was founded. However, in recent years, a secular version of history has re-written the moral and spiritual fiber of our nation and neglected many of those early teachings.

      From the separation of church and state to the civil rights movement, from the heroism of our founding fathers to the building of our nation’s monuments, this Christian documentary series inspires Americans to reclaim the godly history of our nation. Containing all 26 episodes on three DVDs, The American Heritage Series follows historian David Barton as he experiences the untold, true story of our nation’s history. America, this is your heritage!

      This DVD set includes:
      *Episodes 1-3: “Why History Matters & Unearthing America’s Christian Foundations”
      *Episodes 4-5: “The Faith of Our Founding Fathers”
      *Episodes 6-8: “The Ideas that Birthed Our Nation, Our Biblical Constitution, & Is America a ‘Christian Nation’?”
      *Episodes 9-10: “Church, State, & the Real First Amendment”
      *Episodes 11-13: “Influence of the Bible in America & How Pastors Shaped Our Independence”
      *Episodes 14-16: “When Religion Was Culture, Faith in Our Early Courts, & Myths of the Judiciary”
      *Episodes 17-19: “Evidence of America’s Spiritual Heritage”
      *Episodes 20-21: “Four Centuries of American Education”
      *Episodes 22-24: “Great Black Patriots, From Bondage to the Halls of Congress, & The Civil Rights Movement”
      *Episodes 25-26: “The Assault on Judeo-Christian Values & The Duty of a Free Citizen”

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    • Vikings : From Odin To Christ


      The popular image of the Vikings is of tall red-headed men, raping and pillaging their way around the coast of Europe, stopping only to ransack monasteries and burn longships. But the violent Vikings of the 8th century became the pious Christians of the 11th century, who gave gold crosses to Christian churches and in whose areas of rule pagan idols were destroyed and churches were built.

      So how did this radical transformation happen, and why? What difference did it make to the Vikings, and to those around them, and what is their legacy today?

      This book takes a “global” look at this key period in Viking history, exploring all the major areas of Viking settlement. Written to be an accessible and engaging overview for the general reader.

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    • Foundations Of Freedom With David Barton (DVD)


      18 episodes on 3 DVD discs – Learn how our founding fathers used the Bible as a blueprint for America’s freedoms’ with Historian David Barton and a star studded group of guest presenters.

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    • Building On The American Heritage Set (DVD)


      Historian David Barton is back with the second installment of the popular American Heritage Series. Accompanied by former legislator Rick Green, Barton traces America’s history back to the source and navigates our nation’s unique religious, moral, and constitutional heritage. In this three DVD set, the renowned Christian scholar uncovers forgotten stories and answers the questions Americans are asking today. As he invites us to examine our nation’s founding documents and discover the original intent of our founding fathers firsthand, Barton also encourages viewers to learn the truth of America’s past in order to shape its future.

      Three DVD Set Includes:
      Episode 1: Preserving America’s Heritage
      Episode 2: Foundations of American Government
      Episode 3: The Role of Government
      Episode 4: Demystifying the Judicial System
      Episode 5: America’s Lost Heroes: African American Patriots
      Episode 6: Remarkable Young Americans
      Episode 7: Civil Stewardship: Duty vs. Right
      Episode 8: The Truth of American Exceptionalism
      Episode 9: Changing a State and a Generation
      Episode 10: Revival and Reformation
      Episode 11: Social Justice
      Episode 12: Politics in the Pulpit
      Episode 13: Christians in the Civil Arena

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    • When God Was King


      Islam is not the only religion that has sought to take political power, or believed that it should be possible to create a theocracy. In the 17th century, Christians in the British Isles and North America attempted to follow the examples of 16th century European radicals of contrasting types, while attempting to learn from their mistakes – first in Scotland, and then Cromwell tried to impose just such a rule in the rest of the country. At the same time, millenarian groups planned a religious, political and social revolution to usher in the return of Christ; while others argued for something akin to communism. And even after the Restoration of the monarchy in 1660, there were sects, such as the Quakers, whose faith had a radical impact on their politics. Nor is Christian radicalism dead today – it has influenced politicians ever since.

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    • Free To Believe Or Not


      Stories For Thinkers

      Focused on what may be America’s greatest political innovation–freedom of religion–this book tells how that profound liberty found its way into the Constitution’s First Amendment, before any other nation offered it to its citizens.

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    • Faith Of Our Mothers Living Still


      This book presents an overview of the ministry of women associated with Princeton Theological Seminary over the last two hundred years. Beginning with a historical overview of early pioneering women at the seminary and a chapter highlighting selected trailblazers in ministry, it goes on to showcase twenty-eight first-person narratives by women from diverse racial-ethnic, geographical, and denominational backgrounds in a variety of ministry settings. It concludes by developing new understandings and directions for Christian ministry and theological education to challenge the twenty-first-century church. The book includes the newly commissioned hymn “Faith of Our Mothers, Living Still,” along with several appendixes that feature time lines and highlight Princeton Seminary faculty and alumnae. Faith of Our Mothers, Living Still celebrates the diverse ministries in which women are called to serve God and others, which inspire a holistic vision for theological education that can benefit seminaries, the church, and the world.

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    • Last Christians : Stories Of Persecution Flight And Resilience In The Middl


      A Westerner’s travels among the persecuted and displaced Christian remnant in Iraq and Syria teach him much about faith under fire.
      After three years of construction, the new Armenian church in Mosul, Iraq, was finally ready for the dedication ceremony. Instead, the architect Ziyad Hani found himself a witness as Islamic extremists dynamited the beautifully designed sanctuary. Still today, the pain can be seen in his face. As a Christian, he has fled his hometown and lives in Germany.
      In Syria and Iraq, the Islamic State, or ISIS, has been deliberately destroying the culture of a region that is the cradle of our own society’s spiritual roots. Andreas Knapp, a priest who works with refugees in Germany, decided to retrace the refugee trail, visiting camps for displaced people in northern Iraq. Here he found Christians who today still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus. The uprooted remnant of ancient churches, they doggedly continue to practice their faith despite the odds. Their shocking eyewitness reports help us understand why millions of people are fleeing the Middle East. And their indomitable spirit provides inspiration to religious minorities everywhere.

      Includes sixteen pages of color photographs.

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    • Boy Who Sang For The Angels


      Set in Europe in the mid-18th century, this story resonates with local color, music, cathedrals, and a touching account of the plight of orphaned children facing both the harshness and the unexpected blessings of life.

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    • Protestant Reformation And World Christianity


      The sixteenth-century Reformation in all its forms and expressions sought nothing less than the transformation of the Christian faith. Five hundred years later, in today’s context of world Christianity, the transformation continues. In this volume, editor Dale Irvin draws together a variety of international Christian perspectives that open up new understandings of the Reformation.

      In six chapters, contributors offer general discussions and case studies of the effects of the Protestant Reformation on global communities from the sixteenth century to the present. Together, these essays encourage a reading and interpretation of the Reformation that will aid in the further transformation of Christianity today.

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    • 7 Minutes Late


      Phyllis Titus grew up hearing the story of a grandfather she’d never met who booked passage on the Titanic and missed its departure by seven minutes. She’d always wondered how this happened, and what could possibly have kept him from boarding the ship. It was not until 1997, while attending the Memphis opening of “Titanic-The Exhibition,” that her questions were finally answered. That’s when she learned about the purpose for her grandfather’s European trip, the mysterious woman he met while travelling across the Atlantic, their planned rendezvous at the Southampton Dock before returning to the States on Titanic’s maiden voyage, and the reason why he never made it aboard.

      In the years since then, Mrs. Titus has shared a condensed version of this story with countless people, including strangers who ask her to explain the meaning of the “7MINSL8” message on her license plates.

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    • Battle Of Bunker Hill (DVD)


      On the morning of June 17, 1775 Colonial Patriots await a battle in the heights above Boston Harbor. approaching are the English Redcoats, the most feared fighting force in the world! Low on water and ammunition, the ragged band of farmers-turned-militiamen face a daunting task. Can they protect the freedom of a new nation? Would their faith and courage be enough? In this epic and educational DocuDrama, Producer/Director Tony Malanowski brings THE BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL to life and launches Light a Candle Films’ groundbreaking series, AMERICA: HER PEOPLE, HER STORIES. Join the courageous defenders as you and your family take part in the first major conflict of the American Revolution, The Battle of Bunker Hill.

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    • World Crusade Human Destiny


      This book explains the world events between the Christians and the Muslims which has brought humanity into the tenth crusade. Those who don’t know history are condemned to repeat it. My book explains what is taking place in the world right now in our life time and why. Have these world events been planned by God? Most likely yes and all of us are on a path of no return. My book also explains how humanity can change its future for harmony, growth, and prosperity for all. The second half of my book explains many possibilities that mankind can achieve through cooperation which is the key for the longevity of humanity.

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    • Explorations In Asian Christianity


      Asia is the birthplace of Christianity. If Christianity is not usually seen as an Asian religion, that is because the history of Christianity in Asia has long been a difficult one. Whereas Christianity in the West received royal support, Asian Christianity has led a more nomadic and exilic existence. Today it is the least Christianized region of the world. Scott W. Sunquist is a recognized expert on the history of the Christian faith in Asia. Over the years he has published and spoken frequently on this theme. Explorations in Asian Christianity gathers his key writings on the topic and organizes them into four main categories: surveys that look at Asian Christianity in broad perspective, historical investigations that look at how Christianity shapes our understanding of history and historiography, missiological studies that look closely at issues of place, and finally essays on theological education. Topics explored in this volume include Ecumenism in AsiaThe cruciform nature of ChristianityA missiology of placeThe Christian view of timeGlobal migrationExplorations in Asian Christianity sheds light on one of the most important but least well-known areas in Christian history.

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    • Hobbit A Wardrobe And A Great War


      The untold story of how the First World War shaped the lives, faith, and writings of J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis-now in paperback. The First World War laid waste to a continent and permanently altered the political and religious landscape of the West. For a generation of men and women, it brought the end of innocence-and the end of faith. Yet for J. R. R. Tolkien and C. S. Lewis, the Great War deepened their spiritual quest. Both men served as soldiers on the Western Front, survived the trenches, and used the experience of that conflict to ignite their Christian imagination. Had there been no Great War, there would have been noHobbit, no Lord of the Rings, no Narnia, and perhaps no conversion to Christianity by C. S. Lewis. Unlike a generation of young writers who lost faith in the God of the Bible, Tolkien and Lewis produced epic stories infused with the themes of guilt and grace, sorrow and consolation. Giving an unabashedly Christian vision of hope in a world tortured by doubt and disillusionment, the two writers created works that changed the course of literature and shaped the faith of millions. This is the first book to explore their work in light of the spiritual crisis sparked by the conflict.

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    • World Crusade Human Destiny


      This book explains the world events between the Christians and the Muslims which has brought humanity into the tenth crusade. Those who don’t know history are condemned to repeat it. My book explains what is taking place in the world right now in our life time and why. Have these world events been planned by God? Most likely yes and all of us are on a path of no return. My book also explains how humanity can change its future for harmony, growth, and prosperity for all. The second half of my book explains many possibilities that mankind can achieve through cooperation which is the key for the longevity of humanity.

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    • Existing Before God


      A Biographical Sketch

      Part I: The Sickness Unto Death: Analysis And Commentary
      1. Part One: Despair In The Sickness Unto Death
      2. Part Two: Despair Is Sin

      Part II: The Theological Reception And Legacy
      3. The Theological Reception Of Kierkegaard
      4. The Theological Legacy Of Kierkegaard For Our Time

      Index Of Names

      Additional Info
      Sren Kierkegaard (1813-1855), the Danish theologian, philosopher, and preacher, in his last years issued a blistering attack on the established Christianity of the nineteenth century. That challenge was also a summons to an authentic life of Christian faith. With intensity and acumen, Kierkegaard diagnosed the spiritual and intellectual ills of modernity and Christendom and offered a constructive “upbuilding” for active, faithful Christian existence. One of Kierkegaard’s key texts, The Sickness unto Death, outlines the problem of the human condition-sin/despair-and draws the reader into the heart of the Christian faith: the infinite qualitative difference between God and creatures and the paradox of the God-man who came to bring abundant life in the form of authentic selfhood “grounded transparently” in the Creator.

      In this volume, Paul R. Sponheim, introduces readers to Kierkegaard, unfolds this pivotal text and its connections to Kierkegaard’s theological and ethical worldview, and traces the reception and significance of this text in the modern and contemporary theological tradition. In this, Existing Before God continues the contribution of the Mapping the Tradition series in providing compact yet salient maps of the theological, historical, social, and contextual impact of the most important minds and texts of Christian history.

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    • Gospel According To Star Trek


      Cascade Books
      What’s Christian about Star Trek? Nothing. That’s the way most people see it and that certainly seems to be the way the franchise is intended. There’s no question that the Trek universe is based on a doggedly humanistic world view and is set in a future time when religion has essentially vanished from Earth. If that’s the case, how can there even be a “gospel according to Star Trek” In The Gospel According to Star Trek: The Original Crew, you’ll discover how the continuing voyages of Kirk and company aboard the Enterprise–from the original series to the Abramsverse–tell us more about our human quest for God than you ever imagined. You’ll learn how Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry’s own spiritual quest informed the franchise, what he and the series really have to say about God and religion, and the amazing image of Christ contained in Star Trek’s most popular character. You’ll also see how Star Trek can help us recover a deeper, more fully human gospel that embraces our humanity instead of denigrating it and echoes the call of both Spock and Christ: “Live long and prosper!” (John 10:10).

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    • Faithful Artist : A Vision For Evangelicalism And The Arts


      Drawing upon his experiences as both a Christian and an artist, Cameron Anderson traces the relationship between the evangelical church and modern art in postwar America. While acknowledging the tensions between faith and visual art, he eschews the notion of a final rift, instead casting a vision for serious, faithful engagement with the arts.

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    • Earth Out Of Orbit Vol 3


      Here are some of the most colorful and fascinating kings and queens in history. All of them, whether Thusmosis the Great, Queen Hatshepsut, Cyrus the Great, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Mark Antony or Cleopatra have unknowingly fulfilled remarkable prophecies. Can this knowledge of the fulfilled prophecies of history help us understand the future ones, which will affect our world through the actions of Iran, Iraq, and Israel? Who said “We shall own the borders of God”? And which prophecies did these royals fulfill? Find out in “Earth Out of Orbit: Royals & Majesties.

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    • Champions Of The Rosary


      Champions of the Rosary, the latest book by bestselling author Fr. Donald Calloway, which tells the powerful story about the history of the rosary and the champions of this devotion! The rosary is a spiritual sword, containing the saving mysteries of the God-Man. It has the power to conquer sin, defeat evil, and bring about peace. Champions of the Rosary presents a complete history of this spiritual weapon, 26 of its greatest heroes, detailed accounts of its victories, 26 color images of the rosary in art, as well as endorsements from the Master General of the Dominicans, 10 Dominican bishops, and 20 other bishops from around the world!

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    • Travels Of Reverend Olafur Egilsson


      Furnishes a unique account of the attack by North African pirates on Ice-land in 1627. Sailing for over 3,000 miles, they abducted around 400 peo-ple, among whom was the author who subsequently wrote a description of the whole episode. Beautifully translated and accompanied by a helpful apparatus, this book tells a story of adventure, suffering, and final return.

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    • Long Time Gone


      Experience the entire Civil War through the eyes of the soldiers-North and South. Fast paced, this very human story reads like you’re watching a movie. “During wartime, soldiers never know the whole picture. Tracing the surprising parallel lives of childhood friends and kinsmen, Elisha Hunt Rhodes of the 2nd R. I. Regiment and James Rhodes Sheldon of the 50th Georgia Regiment, amidst the background of the Civil War from beginning to end, Les Rolston has shed new light from primary and secondary sources and added a poignant human touch to history.” Robert Hunt Rhodes-editor of ALL FOR THE UNION: THE CIVIL WAR DIARY AND LETTERS OF ELISHA HUNT RHODES as featured in the PBS-TV series THE CIVIL WAR by Ken Burns.

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    • Doors Of Mercy


      We are living in an extraordinary time: A Time of Mercy.

      But what is mercy? What does it mean to be living in a Time of Mercy? How can we receive God s Mercy? And how should we respond?

      In Doors of Mercy, authors Fr. Jeffrey Kirby and Brian Kennelly answer these important questions. They act as your tour guides on a whirlwind tour of salvation history, from Adam and Eve to the coming of the Savior, and into the present day with the beautiful story of St. Faustina and the Divine Mercy message and devotion.

      You ll discover the intricate stitching of a divine rescue plan that would not be stopped by anything. Across countless generations the Lord s mercy acted as the lifeblood of this rescue plan, so that neither our own weakness, nor the devil himself, could thwart it. He would deliver us a Savior and a King of Mercy no matter what it took, one who would bring His Kingdom to the ends of the earth, and who would smash the very gates of hell.

      Inside you ll discover:
      *How the rebellion of Adam and Eve in the Garden affects our relationships with each other, with God, and with the world around us
      *Why God chose a rainbow as the sign of the covenant with Noah
      *The purpose behind Abram s name being changed to Abraham
      *How the plagues in the time of Moses were not random but had symbolic meaning
      *How David s Kingdom serves as a template, or blueprint, for the Church
      *The hidden meaning behind some of Jesus s well known parables and why the Eucharist is the sign of the new and eternal covenant
      *How the Church and her saints have spread mercy throughout the centuries, with short biographies of Sts. Vincent, Camillus, Margaret Mary, Maria Goretti and more
      *The history behind St. Faustina s visions of Jesus and the spreading of the Divine Mercy message and devotion
      *How you can continue Christ s mission of mercy in your own life…

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    • Silence And Beauty


      Introduction: A Pilgrimage
      1. A Journey Into Silence: Pulverization
      2. A Culture Of Beauty: Cultural Context For Silence
      3. Ambiguity And Faith: Japan, The Ambiguous And Myself
      4. Ground Zero
      5. Fumi-e Culture
      6. Hidden Faith Revealed
      7. The Redemption Of Father Rodrigues
      8. The Aroma: Toward An Antidote To Trauma
      9. Mission Beyond The Waves
      Appendix 1: Endo And Kawabata
      Appendix 2: Endo And Graham Greene
      Appendix 3: Kenzaburo Oe’s Ambiguous Japan
      Glossary Of Japanese Terms
      Author Index
      Subject Index
      Scripture Index

      Additional Info
      Shusaku Endo’s novel Silence, first published in 1966, endures as one of the greatest works of twentieth-century Japanese literature. Its narrative of the persecution of Christians in seventeenth-century Japan raises uncomfortable questions about God and the ambiguity of faith in the midst of suffering and hostility. Endo’s Silence took internationally renowned visual artist Makoto Fujimura on a pilgrimage of grappling with the nature of art, the significance of pain and his own cultural heritage. His artistic faith journey overlaps with Endo’s as he uncovers deep layers of meaning in Japanese history and literature, expressed in art both past and present. He finds connections to how faith is lived in contemporary contexts of trauma and glimpses of how the gospel is conveyed in Christ-hidden cultures. In this world of pain and suffering, God often seems silent. Fujimura’s reflections show that light is yet present in darkness, and that silence speaks with hidden beauty and truth.

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    • Copious Fountain : A History Of Union Presbyterian Seminary 1812-2012


      A Copious Fountain tells the two-hundred-year-old story of Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Virginia. From its first days at Hampden-Sydney College, Union Presbyterian Seminary has answered its call to equip educated ministers to serve the church. As the first institution of its kind in the South, Union Presbyterian Seminary created a standard for theological education across denominational affiliations.

      This systematic history of Union Presbyterian Seminary gives cultural and historical context to the school through its bicentennial year. Combining research, photographs, and primary source documents, Sweetser’s book celebrates the enduring influence of Union Presbyterian Seminary in the church and beyond.

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    • Art Of Empire


      In recent years, art historians such as Johannes Deckers (Picturing the Bible, 2009) have argued for a significant transition in fourth- and fifth-century images of Jesus following the conversion of Constantine. Broadly speaking, they perceive the image of a peaceful, benevolent shepherd transformed into a powerful, enthroned Jesus, mimicking and mirroring the dominance and authority of the emperor. The powers of church and state are thus conveniently synthesized in such a potent image. This deeply rooted position assumes that ante-pacem images of Jesus were uniformly humble while post-Constantinian images exuded the grandeur of power and glory.

      The Art of Empire contends that the art and imagery of Late Antiquity merits a more nuanced understanding of the context of the imperial period before and after Constantine. The chapters in this collection each treat an aspect of the relationship between early Christian art and the rituals, practices, or imagery of the Empire, and offer a new and fresh perspective on the development of Christian art in its imperial background.

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    • By Canoe And Dog Train Updated Edition


      To be a missionary to Canadian Indians in the late 1800s meant you had to be brave and relentless. It meant nearly freezing when sleeping outside in 50-below-zero weather. It meant canoeing upstream for hundreds of miles to reach remote Indian villages. It meant eating wild cat and other stranger things, or eating nothing for days at a time. But it also meant you were privileged to present the good news of the true Great Spirit to those who were often misunderstood and mistreated. The adventures in this book are rivaled only by the incredible conversions of those who saw the Creator in nature and then worshipped Him too. You will be challenged and inspired by the results of one man who went where the Lord led, with little regard for himself.

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    • Sense Of The Heart


      Whether like Paul’s experience on the road to Damascus or Wesley’s “strangely warmed heart,” the desire to meet or be met by God is as old as humanity. But America has been the fertile seed bed for what William James famously called “varieties of religious experience.” These experiences cover a wide spectrum from classic mysticism to revivalist conversion to a contemporary pursuit of spirituality. A Sense of the Heart traces the nature of religious experience from the colonial era to the present, defining its nature while describing common and distinct approaches in the work of various writers and practitioners. A Sense of the Heart offers a historical review of representative types of religious experience, the nature of such experiences and its impact on the American religious and cultural context as evident in awakenings, controversies, denominations, and new religious communities.

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    • Making Of Modern English Theology


      Introduction: Theology And The Modern University
      1. ‘Necessary Knowledge’ Or ‘Inductive Science’? Theology At Oxford, 1833-1860
      2. Theology As ‘Breakwater’ Against The Tide Of Unbelief, 1860-1882
      3. Nonconformity And The Lux Mundi Faculty, 1882-1914
      4. Ecumenical Theology: The Makings Of An English Paradigm, 1914-1945
      Epilogue: From ‘Sacra Theologia’ To ‘Theology And Religion’

      Additional Info
      The Making of Modern English Theology is the first historical account of theology’s modern institutional origins in the United Kingdom. Having avoided the revolutionary upheaval experienced by continental institutions and free from any constitutional separation of church and state, English theologians were granted a relative freedom to develop their discipline in a fashion distinctive from other European and North American institutions.

      This book explores how Oxford theology, from the beginnings of the Tractarian movement until the end of the Second World War, both influenced and responded to the reform of the university. Neither becoming unbendingly confessional nor reduced to the secular study of religion, the Oxford faculty instead emerged as an important ecumenical body, rooted in the life and practice of the English churches, whilst still being located in the heart of a globally influential research university as a department of the humanities. This is an institutional history of reaction and radicalism, animosity and imagination, and explores the complex and shifting interactions between church, nation, and academy that have defined theological life in England since the early nineteenth century.

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    • Search For God And Guinness


      The history of Guinness, one of the world’s most famous brands, reveals the noble heights and generosity of a great family and an innovative business.

      It began in Ireland in the mid 1700s. The water in Ireland, indeed throughout Europe, was famously undrinkable, and the gin and whiskey that took its place devastated civil society. It was a disease ridden, starvation-plagued, alcoholic age, and Christians like Arthur Guinness-as well as monks and even evangelical churches-brewed beer that provided a healthier alternative to the poisonous waters and liquors of the times. This is where the Guinness tale began. Now, 250 years and over 150 countries later, Guinness is a global brand, one of the most consumed beverages in the world. The tale that unfolds during those two and a half centuries has power to thrill audiences today: the generational drama, business adventure, industrial and social reforms, deep-felt faith, and the noble beer itself.

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    • Our Flag : Old Glory Through The Years


      Elanee Ruth Rose Smythe’s poem captures the heart of the American historical experience. The poem starts with the foundational events at the birth of our nation and bridges to viewing the growing nation from the perspective of the Stars and Stripes (the American flag). Her poem won the National Flag Day Contest in 2011. Jack Janik the President of the National Flag Foundation stated, “This poem should be on the front page of every paper in this country!”

      Evan Nehemiah Lewis Smythe (Elanee’s younger brother) is a celebrated artist, having won numerous art contests. In 2013 he won the Oregon Right to Life Art Contest which received over 130 entrants. He has also, won and/or placed in the top 4 for (4) years in a row in the Oregon Humane Society Art Contest (which receives over 2,500 entrants each year). His winning art pieces have been used in various ad campaigns. Three of the judges stated, “Evan is a Norman Rockwell of our day.”

      Elanee and Evan, hope that you find this book to be a delight for both young and old. Their hope is that this poem becomes a family tradition to read every Flag Day and on the 4th of July, in honor of our great nation, the United States of America.

      May the Lord use this poem for His Glory, as He truly has been the one that has brought such great blessings upon our nation and has kept and preserved us!

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    • Our Flag : Old Glory Through The Years


      Elanee Ruth Rose Smythe’s poem captures the heart of the American historical experience. The poem starts with the foundational events at the birth of our nation and bridges to viewing the growing nation from the perspective of the Stars and Stripes (the American flag). Her poem won the National Flag Day Contest in 2011. Jack Janik the President of the National Flag Foundation stated, “This poem should be on the front page of every paper in this country!”

      Evan Nehemiah Lewis Smythe (Elanee’s younger brother) is a celebrated artist, having won numerous art contests. In 2013 he won the Oregon Right to Life Art Contest which received over 130 entrants. He has also, won and/or placed in the top 4 for (4) years in a row in the Oregon Humane Society Art Contest (which receives over 2,500 entrants each year). His winning art pieces have been used in various ad campaigns. Three of the judges stated, “Evan is a Norman Rockwell of our day.”

      Elanee and Evan, hope that you find this book to be a delight for both young and old. Their hope is that this poem becomes a family tradition to read every Flag Day and on the 4th of July, in honor of our great nation, the United States of America.

      May the Lord use this poem for His Glory, as He truly has been the one that has brought such great blessings upon our nation and has kept and preserved us!

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    • Greatness Continued : More Personal Encounters With Passed Sports Icons


      Andy always does a great job of putting the facts with the history. You will go away from reading this book with new knowledge of the sports figures covered.

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    • Excellent Established Eternal


      Few Christians realize the significance of Covenant. It is the foundation, the authority and the basis of what God has done, is doing today, and will do in the future. The redemptive work of Jesus, God’s plan for humanity, and the fulfillment of all His promises are based on His Covenant. What God has done and His plan for us can never be fully understood without understanding Covenant.

      Excellent, Established, Eternal is the antithesis of nearly 40 years of extensive study, research and prayer. Within these pages, the reader will gain a thorough understanding of what Covenant is and how it relates to the believer. This is a timely subject for today’s believer who is faced with a continuous barrage of assaults against the reliability of scripture.

      Connie Fauth does not write as a theologian, rather as one who has seen the goodness of the Lord shown forth in His Everlasting Covenant

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    • Apocalypse Against Empire


      The year 167 B.C.E. marked the beginning of a period of intense persecution for the people of Judea, as Seleucid emperor Antiochus IV Epiphanes attempted — forcibly and brutally — to eradicate traditional Jewish religious practices. In Apocalypse against Empire Anathea Portier-Young reconstructs the historical events and key players in this traumatic episode in Jewish history and provides a sophisticated treatment of resistance in early Judaism.

      Building on a solid contextual foundation, Portier-Young argues that the first Jewish apocalypses emerged as a literature of resistance to Hellenistic imperial rule. In particular, Portier- Young contends, the book of Daniel, the Apocalypse of Weeks, and the Book of Dreams were written to supply an oppressed people with a potent antidote to the destructive propaganda of the empire — renewing their faith in the God of the covenant and answering state terror with radical visions of hope.

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    • Rare Find : Ethel Ayres Bullymore Legend Of An Epic Canadian Midwife


      A Rare Find is the heartwarming and true story of Ethel Kemp, an English emigrant whose vigilant determination to overcome endless trials lead her to successfully serve the people of Canada’s prairie for 6 decades. Despite her battle through years of family health problems, the Great War, the flu epidemic, considerable personal losses and constant overwhelming grief, she overcomes every obstacle and, perseveres. A widow at a young age, her strong faith, personal tenacity and unending passion for family life allow Ethel to overcome defeat and loss. Her crucial decision to start a new life leads her to the quiet town of Edgerton in Eastern Alberta where her practical nurse’s training led her into a natural vocation of caring for those in her community, dedicating herself mainly to midwifery. Winning people’s trust, she finds herself not only in taxing situations with public health, local education and the legal system, but at times she also must prepare loved ones for home visitation after death.

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    • Founders Key : The Divine And Natural Connection Between The Declaration An


      Today the integrity and unity of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are under attack by the Progressive political movement. And yet, writes Larry P. Arnn:

      “The words of the Declaration of Independence ring across the ages. The arrangements of the Constitution have a way of organizing our actions so as to produce certain desirable results, and they have done this more reliably than any governing instrument in the history of man. Connect these arrangements to the beauty of the Declaration and one has something inspiring and commanding.”

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    • Christian Economic Ethics


      What does the history of Christian views of economic life mean for economic life in the twenty-first century? Here Daniel Finn reviews the insights provided by a large number of texts, from the Bible and the early church, to the Middle Ages and the Protestant Reformation, to treatments of the subject in the last century. Relying on both social science and theology, Finn then turns to the implications of this history for economic life today. Throughout, the book invites the reader to engage the sources and to develop an answer to the volume’s basic question.

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    • Gentle Giant Of Dynamite Hill


      These are the firsthand accounts of sisters Helen and Barbara Shores growing up with their father, Arthur Shores, a prominent Civil Rights attorney, during the 60s in the Jim Crow south Birmingham district—a frequent target of the Ku Klux Klan. Between 1948 and 1963, some 50 unsolved Klan bombings happened in Smithfield where the Shores family lived, earning their neighborhood the nickname ‘Dynamite Hill.’

      Due to his work, Shores’ daughter, Barbara, barely survived a kidnapping attempt. Twice, in 1963, Klan members bombed their home, sending Theodora to the hospital with a brain concussion and killing Tasso, the family’s cocker spaniel. The family narrowly escaped a third bombing attempt on their home in the spring of 1965.

      The Gentle Giant of Dynamite Hill is an incredible story of a family’s unfair suffering, but also of the Shores’ overcoming. This family’s sacrificial commitment, courage, determination, and triumph inspire us today through this story and the selfless service, work, and lives of Helen Shores Lee and Barbara Sylvia Shores.

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    • Change To Chains Volume 1


      What is going on in the world? Is it politics as usual or is there a bigger picture? How did past civilizations rise and fall? Can the past give us an insight into the future?

      Bill Federer’s fascinating new book, Change to Chains-the 6000 year Quest for Control, gives an insight.

      In the nearly 6,000 years of recorded human history, power, like gravity, seems to inevitably concentrate into the hands of one individual, sometimes called pharoah, caesar, czar, kaiser, king, caliph, emperor, monarch, sultan, president or communist dictator.

      No matter what the autocratic leader’s particular title is, the default setting for human government throughout history has been monarchy.

      How rare is America’s experiment with a republic?

      On the spectrum of human government, one side is total government with power concentrated in the hands of a totalitarian dictator, and the other side is no government – anarchy.

      Find out as world history comes alive from a whole new perspective in Change to Chains: the 6000 year quest for control – Vol. I, Rise of the Republic.

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    • Harriet


      Amongst fiction historical books and civil war books, you will not find any other as compelling as Harriet. The inspirational stories about family life accompanied by romantic and original poems of love will bring you right into the heart of 1860s America – complete with the danger, romance and inspired religion that characterize those times. You will get completely caught up in Harriet’s life experiences as her family emigrates from Europe on a titanic-like passenger ship, reaching the plains of middle America and confronting the realities of slavery, Indian American conflict and wide open opportunities for the pursuit of happiness.

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    • American Patriots Almanac


      Read here the storied history of these United States. The stories in this book are part of what Abraham Lincoln called the “mystic chords of memory.” They are the symbols that define the essence of the United States, that mark its historic course, and connect its people. The American Patriot’s Almanac is a daily source of inspiration and information about the history, heroes, and achievements that sum up what this nation is all about.

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    • Softly Fiji


      The loss of the father and the son resulted in war and cannibalism in Fiji. Learn of the original worship of the father and the son in Fiji. How the son took away his protection and the land fell into the period of the “Rooster Wars.” With the advent of the Christian missionaries in Fiji, the country entered a period of the “Return of the Father and Son.”

      Christian Missionaries then advised cession to Queen Victoria as Defender of the Faith, and arms were laid down on 10 October 1874, to take up the rule of law. The country then entered a period of “taking up arms” from the coup of 1987, the attempted coup of 2000, the coup of 2006, and the Declaration of a new legal order in 2010.

      With the Constitution Commission of 2012, Fiji now enters a period of “The Search for Answers” as it tries to go back to constitutional rule. The author was called by the Lord to help the Fijian people. This he did from 1986 to 2012 and for the first time he reveals some of the hard facts behind it.

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    • Softly Fiji


      The loss of the father and the son resulted in war and cannibalism in Fiji. Learn of the original worship of the father and the son in Fiji. How the son took away his protection and the land fell into the period of the “Rooster Wars.” With the advent of the Christian missionaries in Fiji, the country entered a period of the “Return of the Father and Son.”

      Christian Missionaries then advised cession to Queen Victoria as Defender of the Faith, and arms were laid down on 10 October 1874, to take up the rule of law. The country then entered a period of “taking up arms” from the coup of 1987, the attempted coup of 2000, the coup of 2006, and the Declaration of a new legal order in 2010.

      With the Constitution Commission of 2012, Fiji now enters a period of “The Search for Answers” as it tries to go back to constitutional rule. The author was called by the Lord to help the Fijian people. This he did from 1986 to 2012 and for the first time he reveals some of the hard facts behind it.

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    • Mormon Crisis : Anatomy Of A Failing Religion


      Few dig deep enough to deal with the evidence that the Mormon Church is in a deep crisis, not only because of members leaving but because of increasing proof of lies, fraud, false teaching, and criminality at the start of Mormonism. Jim Beverley provides a sustained critique of Mormon Scripture and probes unique doctrines and practices.

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    • Cross And Lynching Tree


      The cross and the lynching tree are the two most emotionally charged symbols in the history of the African American community. In this powerful new work, theologian James H. Cone explores these symbols and their interconnection in the history and souls of black folk

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    • All For Liberty (DVD)


      Renews Interest in The Forgotten Hero

      Based on a previously untold story, All for Liberty depicts the true events of Captain Henry Felder, a backcountry hero of the American Revolution. A Swiss-German immigrant farmer in Orangeburg, South Carolina, Felder is convinced to respond to British tyranny by writing an Articles of Separation from the English king and raising his own militia, including a female tavern owner who gathers a patriot spy ring. In the ensuing struggle against the British Empire and community loyalists, including his old comrade, Bill Jenkins, Felder and his family find the cost of freedom. A multi-award winning independent feature film, All for Liberty stars film and TV actor Clarence Felder, the sixth-generation great-grandson of Captain Henry Felder.

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    • Book That Made Your World


      Understand where we came from.

      Whether you’re an avid student of the Bible or a skeptic of its relevance, The Book That Made Your World will transform your perception of its influence on virtually every facet of Western civilization.

      Indian philosopher Vishal Mangalwadi reveals the personal motivation that fueled his own study of the Bible and systematically illustrates how its precepts became the framework for societal structure throughout the last millennium. From politics and science, to academia and technology, the Bible’s sacred copy became the key that unlocked the Western mind.

      Through Mangalwadi’s wide-ranging and fascinating investigation, you’ll discover:
      *What triggered the West’s passion for scientific, medical, and technological advancement *How the biblical notion of human dignity informs the West’s social structure and how it intersects with other worldviews
      *How the Bible created a fertile ground for women to find social and economic empowerment
      *How the Bible has uniquely equipped the West to cultivate compassion, human rights, prosperity, and strong families
      *The role of the Bible in the transformation of education
      *How the modern literary notion of a hero has been shaped by the Bible’s archetypal protagonist

      Journey with Mangalwadi as he examines the origins of a civilization’s greatness and the misguided beliefs that threaten to unravel its progress. Learn how the Bible transformed the social, political, and religious institutions that have sustained Western culture for the past millennium, and discover how secular corruption endangers the stability and longevity of Western civilization.

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