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    Jean Schmidt

    • Methodist Experience In America 1


      Launching The Methodist Movements 1760-1768
      Structuring The Immigrant Initiatives 1769-1778
      Making Church 1777-1784
      Constituting Methodism 1784-1792
      Spreaking Scriptural Holiness 1792-1816
      Snapshot I- Methodism In 1816: Baltimore 1816
      Building For Ministry And Nuture 1816-1850s
      Dividing By Mission, Ethnicity, Gender, And Vision 1816-1850s
      Dividing Over Slavery, Region, Authority, And Race 1830-1860s
      Embracing The War Cause(s) 1860-1865
      Reconstructing Methodism(s) 1866-1884
      Snapshot II- Methodism In 1884: Wilker-Barre, PA 1884
      Reshaping The Church For Mission 1884-1939
      Taking On The World 1884-1939
      Warring For World Order And Against Worldliness Within 1930-1968
      Snapshot III- Methodism In 1968: Denver 1968
      Merging And Reappraising 1968-1984
      Holding Fast/Pressing On 1984-2000

      Additional Info
      Beginning in 1760, this comprehensive history charts the growth and development of the Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren church family up and through the year 2000.

      Extraordinarily well-documented study with elaborate notes that will guide the reader to recent and standard literature on the numerous topics, figures, developments, and events covered. The volume is a companion to and designed to be used with THE METHODIST EXPERIENCE IN AMERICA: A SOURCEBOOK, for which it provides background, context and interpretation.

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    • Methodist Experience In America 2


      The Documents
      MEA I: 1760-1815
      MEA II: 1816-1865
      MEA III: 1866-1883
      MEA IV: 1884-1939
      MEA V: 1940-1967
      MEA VI: 1968-1998

      Additional Info
      This volume, part of a two-volume set, contains documents from between the 1760 and 1998 pertaining to movements constitutive of American United Methodism. The editors identify more than two hundred documents by date, primary agent, and central theme or important action. The documents are organized on a strictly chronological basis, by the date of the significant action in the excerpt. Charts, graphs, timelines, and graphics are also included. This sourcebook has been constructed to be used witht he narrative volume. There the interpretation of individual documents, discussions of context, details about events and individuals, and treatment of the large developments can be found. This book focuses on United Methodism and its predecessor movements, with primary attention to its United States expression. Some of American Methodism’s global interest are represented by letters, reports, or journal excerpts, but only those original aimed at a North American reader. Developments that resulted in the formation of the African Methodist Episcopal Church or the Wesleyan Methodists or the Free Methodists are followed only to the poinht of the fracturing of the denomination. The documents do attend the various parties and groups within American United Methodism–particularly the ethnic groups and caucuses through which much of the vitality of contemporary United Methodism comes to expression–while aware that the entire United Methodist experience or the wider Methodist family is not entirely represented here.

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    • Perspectives On American Methodism


      These 32 essays (over 500 print pages) accent United Methodism in the United States and the traditions contributory to it. They provide new perspectives and fresh readings on important Methodist topics, including how Methodism appealed to the common folk and how it configured itself as a folk movement. Similar findings derive from the number of essays that explore gender and family. Here also are new readings on spirituality, worship, the deaconate, stewardship, organization, ecumenism, reform, and ordination (male/female; black/white). Less conventional subjects include the relation of Methodism to the American party system and Methodist accumulation of wealth and the wealthy.

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    • Grace Sufficient : A History Of Women In American Methodism 1760-1968


      Histories of women and American religion have tended to focus on women’s religious activities rather than on women’s religious lives. Studies of early American religion and spirituality have usually depended on the journals and sermons of male preachers. In order to understand the religious lives of ordinary Methodist women, Jean Miller Schmidt has looked at their diaries, letters, spiritual autobiographies, and the accounts of their pious lives and holy deaths that appeared as obituaries in publications like the Methodist Magazine. These powerful stories of faith are part of the shared history of Methodist people.

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