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    Joe Barnard

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    • Hymn Workouts : 100 Exercises To Set Your Heart Ablaze


      Spiritual fitness for Christians whose growth has stagnated

      Many of us feel like our spiritual growth has stalled. Our routines have hardened into ruts. Around us, we see other Christians with the same struggles and we start to think that treading water is the basic rhythm of the Christian life. Often the problem of stagnating faith is down to one simple fact – we all have a bias towards ease. Our spiritual routines involve passively reading our Bibles, not lingering long enough to comprehend or retain what was read, and a few distracted minutes spent in prayer.

      This book of spiritual workouts is meant to push complacent souls back out into the space of exertion and discovery. It will engage and sharpen the faculties of the mind – memory, imagination, intellect, conscience and will.

      Each workout, thematically grouped, features a hymn, richly steeped in scripture. There is a Bible passage to read, a list of the scripture references made in the hymn, and three reflection questions to meditate on.

      The 100 exercises are grouped into these themes:

      *The Holiness of God
      *The Mystery of the Gospel
      *Incarnation and Life
      *Resurrection and Ascension
      *Final Judgement and New Creation

      Spiritual Fellowship
      *The Father
      *The Son
      *The Holy Spirit
      *The Church

      Spiritual Transformation
      *Inward Motivation
      *Mature Character

      Spiritual Disciplines
      *Bible Reading
      *Repentance and Mortification
      *Practicing the Presence of God
      *Whole-Life Discipleship

      Spiritual Trials
      *Suffering and Affliction
      *Temptation and Spiritual Warfare
      *Facing Death

      3 in stock

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