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    John Lennox

    • 2084 And The AI Revolution Updated And Expanded Edition (Expanded)

      Original price was: $27.99.Current price is: $19.99.

      Will technology change what it means to be human

      You don’t have to be a computer scientist to have discerning conversations about artificial intelligence and technology. We all wonder where we’re headed. Even now, technological innovations and machine learning have a daily impact on our lives, and many of us see good reasons to dread the future. Are we doomed to the surveillance society imagined in George Orwell’s 1984

      Mathematician and philosopher John Lennox believes that there are credible responses to the daunting questions that AI poses, and he shows that Christianity has some very serious, sensible, evidence-based things to say about the nature of our quest for superintelligence.

      This newly updated and expanded edition of 2084 will introduce you to a kaleidoscope of ideas: ?

      *Key recent developments in technological enhancement, bioengineering, and, in particular, artificial intelligence.?

      *Consideration of the nature of AI systems with insights from neuroscience?

      *The way AI is changing how we communicate, implications for medicine, manufacturing and the military, its use in advertising and automobiles, and education and the future of work

      *How data is used today for surveillance, thought control?

      *The rise of virtual reality and the metaverse

      *The transhumanist agenda and longtermism?

      *The agreements and disagreements that scientists and experts have about the future of AI?

      *The urgent need for regulation and control in light of the development of large language transformers like CHATGPT.?

      *Key insights from Scripture about the nature of human beings, the soul, our moral sense, our future, and what separates us from machines.?

      In straight-forward, accessible language, you will get a better understanding of the current capacity of AI, its potential benefits and dangers, the facts and the fiction, as well as possible future implications.?

      Since the questions posed by AI, daunting as they might be, affect most of us, they demand answers. 2084 and the AI Revolution, Updated and Expanded Edition has been written to challenge and ignite the curiosity of all readers. Whatever your worldview, Lennox provides clear information and credible answers that will bring you real hope for the future of humanity.

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    • Against The Flow Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      ‘Then King Darius sent this message to the people of every race and nation and language throughout the world: “I decree that everyone throughout my kingdom should tremble with fear before the God of Daniel. For he is the living God, and he will endure forever.”‘ (Daniel 6.25-6)

      The book of Daniel tells the story of four teenage friends, born in the tiny state of Judah about twenty-six centuries ago, who were captured by Nebuchadnezzar, emperor of Babylon. Although forced to live in exile, Daniel and his friends remained faithful to the one true God. But they did not simply treat their devotion to God as a private matter; they maintained a high-profile witness in a pluralistic society that was highly antagonistic to their faith. That is why their story has such a powerful message for us.

      What was it that gave that ancient foursome, Daniel and his three friends, the strength and conviction to be prepared, often at great risk, to swim against the flow?

      This study guide to Against the Flow is packed with thought-provoking suggestions for private reflection or group discussion, drawing out the many ways in which the story of Daniel can teach us how to live faithfully in a world of religious doubt and scepticism today.

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    • Against The Flow


      ‘Then King Darius sent this message to the people of every race and nation and language throughout the world: “I decree that everyone throughout my kingdom should tremble with fear before the God of Daniel. For he is the living God, and he will endure forever.”‘ (Daniel 6.25-6)

      The book of Daniel tells the story of four teenage friends, born in the tiny state of Judah about twenty-six centuries ago, who were captured by Nebuchadnezzar, emperor of Babylon. Daniel describes how they eventually rose to the top echelons of imperial administration.

      Although forced to live in exile, Daniel and his friends remained faithful to the one true God. But they did not simply treat their devotion to God as a private matter; they maintained a high-profile witness in a pluralistic society highly antagonistic to their faith. That is why their story has such a powerful message for us. Society tolerates the practice of Christianity in private and in church services, but it increasingly deprecates public witness. If Daniel and his compatriots were with us today they would be in the vanguard of debate about the role of religion in public life.

      What was it that gave that ancient foursome, Daniel and his three friends, the strength and conviction to be prepared, often at great risk, to swim against the flow?

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    • Friend Of God Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      ‘Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith. He was even called the friend of God.’ (James 2.23)

      Abraham is the only character in the Bible to be described in that way, and John C. Lennox shows us why. Throughout the Bible Abraham is seen as a pivotal figure in God’s plan of salvation, and in Friend of God Professor Lennox helps us to see through the mists of the past to the real flesh-and-blood man, with all his strengths and weaknesses.

      This study guide to Friend of God is packed with thought-provoking suggestions for private reflection or group discussion, drawing out the many ways in which the story of Abraham can teach us how to live faithfully in a world of religious doubt and scepticism today.

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    • Friend Of God


      ‘Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith. He was even called the friend of God.’ (James 2.23)

      Abraham is the only character in the Bible to be described as ‘the friend of God’, and this comprehensive study by John Lennox shows why.

      Abraham is unquestionably one of the most outstanding and influential figures in world history. He had no political or military achievements, and he left no literary remains, yet today billions of people – more than half of the world’s population – claim him as their spiritual father.

      Throughout the Bible Abraham is seen as a pivotal figure in God’s plan of salvation, and in this richly detailed account of his life and times, John Lennox helps us to see through mists of the past to the real flesh-and-blood man, with all his strengths and weaknesses, and to better appreciate all that Abraham stands for as a model of faith for today.

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    • 7 Days That Divide The World 10th Anniversary Edition (Anniversary)


      Now revised and updated–John Lennox’s acclaimed method of reading and interpreting the first chapters of Genesis without discounting either science or Scripture.

      What did the writer of Genesis mean by “the first day?” Are the seven days in Genesis 1 a literal week or a series of time periods? If I believe that the earth is 4.5 billion years old as cosmologists believe, am I denying the authority of Scripture?

      With examples from history, a brief but thorough exploration of the major interpretations, and a look into the particular significance of the creation of human beings, Lennox suggests that Christians can heed modern scientific knowledge while staying faithful to the biblical narrative. He moves beyond a simple response to the controversy, insisting that Genesis teaches us far more about the God of Jesus Christ and about God’s intention for creation than it does about the age of the earth.

      With this book, Lennox offers a careful and accessible introduction to a scientifically-savvy, theologically-astute, and Scripturally faithful interpretation of Genesis.

      Since its publication in 2011, this book has enabled many readers to see that the major controversy with which it engages can be resolved without compromising commitment to the authority of Scripture. In this newly revised and expanded edition, John clarifies his arguments, responds to comments and critiques of the past decade since its first publication. In particular, he describes some of the history up to modern times of Jewish scholarly interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative as well as spelling out in more detail the breadth of views in the Great Tradition of interpretation due to the early Church Fathers. He shows that, contrary to what many people think, much of the difficulty with understanding the biblical texts does not arise from modern science but from attempting to elucidate the texts in their own right.

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    • God And Stephen Hawking 2nd Edition


      “It is a grandiose claim to have banished God. With such a lot at stake we surely need to ask Hawking to produce evidence to establish his claim. Do his arguments really stand up to close scrutiny? I think we have a right to know.”

      The Grand Design and Brief Answers to Big Questions by eminent scientist the late Stephen Hawking were blockbusting contributions to the science religion debate. They claimed it was the laws of physics themselves which brought the universe into being, rather than any God. In this forthright response, John Lennox, Oxford University mathematician and internationally-known apologist, takes a closer look at Hawking’s logic and questions his conclusions.

      In lively, layman’s terms, Lennox guides us through the key points in Hawking’s arguments – with clear explanations of the latest scientific and philosophical methods and theories – and demonstrates that far from disproving a Creator God, they make his existence seem all the more probable.

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    • Puede La Ciencia Explicarlo To – (Spanish)


      Puede la ciencia explicarlo todo? Es una pregunta interesante que John Lennox y mucha gente piensa que si. La ciencia y las tecnologias que ha generado han aportado mucho al mundo: agua limpia; mas comida; mejor asistencia sanitaria; vida mas larga. Y vivimos en una epoca de rapido progreso cientifico que promete resolver muchos de los problemas que enfrentamos como humanidad. Tanto es asi, de hecho, que muchos no ven la necesidad o el uso de la religion y los sistemas de creencias que nos ofrecen respuestas a los misterios de nuestro universo. La ciencia lo ha explicado, suponen. La religion es redundante.

      El profesor de matematicas de Oxford y creyente cristiano, John Lennox, ofrece una nueva forma de pensar sobre la ciencia y el cristianismo que disipa los conceptos erroneos comunes sobre ambos. El revela que no solo no se oponen, sino que pueden y deben mezclarse para darnos una comprension mas completa del universo y el significado de nuestra existencia.

      Can science explain everything?

      This is an interesting question John Lennox and many people ask. Science and the technologies, have spawned, and have delivered so much to the world: clean water; more food; better healthcare; longer life. We live in a time of rapid scientific progress that holds enormous promise for many of the problems we face as humankind. So much so that many see no need for or use of religion and belief systems that offer answers to the mysteries of our universe. Science has explained it, they assume. Religion is redundant.

      Oxford Maths Professor and Christian believer John Lennox offers a fresh way of thinking about science and Christianity that dispels the common misconceptions about both. He reveals that not only are they not opposed, but they can and must mix to give us a fuller understanding of the universe and the meaning of our existence.

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    • Where Is God In A Coronavirus World


      How belief in a loving and sovereign God helps us to make sense of and cope with the coronavirus outbreak.

      We are living through a unique, era-defining period. Many of our old certainties have gone, whatever our view of the world and whatever our beliefs. The coronavirus pandemic and its effects are perplexing and unsettling for all of us. How do we begin to think it through and cope with it?

      In this short yet profound book, Oxford mathematics professor John Lennox examines the coronavirus in light of various belief systems and shows how the Christian worldview not only helps us to make sense of it, but also offers us a sure and certain hope to cling to.

      Here’s why John Lennox wrote the book:
      “This book consists of my reflections on what we are experiencing right now. I started writing it a week ago, and things have changed quickly since then and no doubt will do again…I would invite you, the reader, to view the book like this: we are sitting in a coffee shop (if only we could!) and you have asked me the question on the book cover. I put down my coffee cup and attempt to give you an honest answer. What follows is what I would try to say in order to convey some comfort, support and hope.”

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    • Can Science Explain Everything


      Introduction: Cosmic Chemistry
      1. Can You Be A Scientist And Believe In God?
      2. How Did We Get Here: From Newton To Hawking
      3. Mythbusters I: Science
      4. Mythbusters II: Christian Faith
      5. Can We Really Take The Bible Seriously Any More?
      6. Miracles: A Step Too Far?
      7. Can You Trust What You Read?
      8. How To Disprove Christianity
      9. The Personal Dimension
      10. Entering The Laboratory: Testing The Truth

      Additional Info
      Can science explain everything?

      Many people think so. Science, and the technologies it has spawned, has delivered so much to the world: clean water; more food; better healthcare; longer life. And we live in a time of rapid scientific progress that holds enormous promise for many of the problems we face as humankind. So much so, in fact, that many see no need or use for religion and belief systems that offer us answers to the mysteries of our universe. Science has explained it, they assume. Religion is redundant.

      Oxford Maths Professor and Christian believer Prof. John Lennox offers a fresh way of thinking about science and Christianity that dispels the common misconceptions about both. He reveals that not only are they not opposed, but they can and must mix to give us a fuller understanding of the universe and the meaning of our existence.

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    • Determined To Believe


      Determined to Believe is written for those who are interested in or even troubled by questions about God’s sovereignty and human freedom and responsibility. John Lennox writes in the spirit of helping people to come to grips with the biblical treatment of this issue for themselves. In this comprehensive review of the topic of theological determinism, Lennox seeks firstly to define the problem, looking at the concepts of freedom, the different kinds of determinism, and the moral problems these pose. He then equips the reader with biblical teaching on the topic and explores the spectrum of theological opinion on it.
      Following this, Lennox delves deeper into the Gospels and then investigates what we can learn regarding determinism and responsibility from Paul’s discussion in Romans on God’s dealings with Israel. Finally Lennox tackles the issue of Christian assurance. This nuanced and detailed study challenges some of the widely held assumptions in the area of theological determinism and brings a fresh perspective to the debate.

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    • Gunning For God


      A vigorous critique of the New Atheism

      Since the Twin Towers crashed to the ground on 9/11 there has been no end to claims that religion is dangerous, and that it kills or poisons everything. And if religion is the problem with the world, say the New Atheists, the answer is simple: get rid of it. But are things really so straightforward? Tackling Hawking, Dawkins, Dennett, Hitchens, and the less well-known but influential French philosopher Michel Onfray–John Lennox points out some of the fallacies in the New Atheist approach, arguing that their irrational and unscientific methodology leaves them guilty of the very obstinate foolishness they criticize in dogmatic religious folks. Erudite and wide-ranging, Gunning for God packs some powerful punches.

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