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    Kathleen Norris

    • Embracing A Life Of Meaning (Student/Study Guide)


      Newest Embracing title taps Kathleen Norris for unique 5 to 10 session study

      The newest installment in the Embracing collection features the essential components of earlier works: (1) DVD with five 10 to 15 minute presentations by the host, in this case Kathleen Norris, including her interpretive interactions with a small group, plus (2) a printed guide with all the material needed by participants and facilitator.

      Norris provides a unique viewpoint of “what matters most,” including BELIEF (that to which we give our hearts), THE BIBLE (the collective story/tradition of the Christian people), COMMUNITY (where individualism and imperfection meet grace and acceptance), PLACE (setting faith within the physical space of home, church, land, and people) and US (what it means to remain in God’s image, countering our selfishness to embrace the world and its needs).

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    • Noonday Demon : A Modern Woman’s Struggle With Soulweariness


      Kathleen Norris had written several much-loved books, yet she couldn’t drag herself out of bed in the morning or summon the energy for daily tasks. Even as she struggled, Norris recognized her familiar battle with acedia. She had discovered the word in an early Church text when she was in her thirties, and instantly recognized herself in a passage describing the affliction as sinking into a state of being unable to care. Fascinated by this ‘noonday demon’ so familiar to the early Church, Norris read intensively and knew she must restore this forgotten but utterly important concept to the modern world’s vernacular. As Kathleen explains, ‘restless boredom, frantic escapism, commitment phobia, and enervating despair that we struggle with today are the ancient demon of acedia in modern dress.’

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