Kenneth Copeland
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Healing It Is Always Gods Will Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)
$5.99“When Adam sinned, the curse-a curse that included sickness and disease-was unleashed on the earth. But when Jesus went to Calvary, He became a curse to redeem us and pay the price for sin and sickness. That means God’s healing power is always available and it is always His will to heal.And receiving healing, just like receiving salvation, is an act of one’s will and is available to anyone who will receive The Word of God and believe it. Therefore, Satan has no power to keep sickness on anyone who’s decided to receive the healing that has already been provided. In the Healing series from Kenneth Copeland, you’ll learn: *The healing power of God is a spiritual force *It is vital for believers to accept The Word of God, not what is perceived by the five senses, as evidence of healing *To make The Word of God your final authority, act on it and bring the results of healing to your body. The Kenneth Copeland Ministries Study Series is a valuable tool in your study of God’s Word. Each companion study guide to the CD series gives an overview of topics discussed, as well as outlines, questions and space to take notes as you listen to Brother Copeland teach.”
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Como Obtener Respuesta A Sus O – (Spanish)
$14.99No importa que este sucediendo en el mundo si hay recesion, enfermedad, dolor o guerras los creyentes tienen a su lado una herramienta que lo cambia todo: La oracion.
Si tu eres nuevo en lo que respecta a la oracion o si deseas incrementar tus momentos de oracion, Kenneth y Gloria Copeland tienen para ti un mensaje que cambiara tu vida. En este libro de conexion de vida, tu encontraras un detallado plan de accion espiritual para 10 dias, diseado para ayudarte a moverte de ser un principiante a ser un guerrero de oracion que transforma al mundo. Tu aprenderas que Dios siempre responde tus oraciones, y a orar Su voluntad todo el tiempo.
Al seguir este plan de accion espiritual, renovaras por completo tu mente, con respecto a lo que Dios declara acerca de tu vida de oracion. Y podras permanecer firme en la fe y creer por el rompimiento que necesitas.
No matter what’s happening in the world recession, disease, pain, war believers have a tool on their side that changes everything: prayer.
Whether you re new to prayer or want to power up your quiet time like never before, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland will help you move from the basics to being a world-changing prayer warrior. You’ll learn not only that God answers prayer, but how to pray His will every time.
By following this Spiritual Action Plan, you’ll completely renew your mind to what God says about your prayer life, so you can stand in faith and believe for the breakthrough you need!
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Bendicion Del Senor Guia De Es (Student/Study Guide) – (Spanish) (Student/Study
$12.99Vivir en LA BENDICION es la voluntad de Dios para usted. Y en esta guiao manual de studio de este libro: La BENDICION del SEOR enriquece y no aade tristeza con ella Proverbios 10:22, puede estar seguro que comprendera de manera clara esta revelacion, y experimentata todo lo que Dios tiene para usted hoy.
Comp un recurso importante que le ayudara a descubrir el plan original de Dios para su vida, esta guia de trabajo – cuidadosamente diseada – contiene preguntas especificas y temas de studio extraidos, capitulo por capitulo, del libro La BENDICION. Tambien incluye en espacio para que usted escriba sus propias confesiones de LA BENDICION, sobre las cuales puede permanecer firme en fe para recibir su milagro.
Este gran recurso se enfoca, como si utilizara la precision de un laser, en los temas principals del libro, comunicando con facilidad las verdades de LA BENDICION por medio de pequeos extractos. Esta guia es ideal para pastores, lideres de studio biblico, familias o personas que deseen aprender y compartir como experimentar una vida plena en el reino de Dios.
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Blessed To Be A Blessing
$13.99God wants to bless you. He has made all of heaven’s supply available to you. But the blessings of God are not automatic. You have a part to play. To find it, you’ll need to look no further than the Holy Bible.
Discover that God is not keeping prosperity from you, but has provided a sure way to get it to you. Learn how to take action on His promises and become a valuable asset to the kingdom as you are Blessed to Be a Blessing!
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Power Of The Tongue (Reprinted)
$2.49Words have played a vital role in life since the beginning of time. In the book of Genesis, God created the world and everything in it with His words. Today, as believers, we have that same God-like ability to speak those things which be not as though they were.
Through God’s Word, Kenneth Copeland reveals the Bible’s secret of words and the vital importance of using the tongue to create rather than destroy.
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Laws Of Prosperity (Reprinted)
$11.99True prosperity is the ability to apply the power of God to meet any need – spiritual, mental, and physical. In this book, Kenneth Copeland shares the revelation of spiritual laws that govern prosperity.
The Laws of Prosperity is written to teach you how to apply these laws in your own life so that you can begin to enjoy the great, abundant life that only God can provide.
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Your Right Standing With God
$3.49How do you feel when you approach God with a request? Timid? Awkward? Apologetic? Cautious? Now, picture yourself walking into the throne room boldly, as clean and confident as Jesus Christ, Himself. Did you know you can? In fact, you will the moment you discover Your Right Standing With God.
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Ceremony Of Marriage (Reprinted)
$5.99The marriage union is the closest relationship that can exist between two human beings. When a man and woman decide to join together in marriage, they should do so with full realization of their responsibilities. Marriage is serious business.
This booklet contains the wedding ceremony that Kenneth Copeland uses as a minister of God. It is based totally and completely on the Word of God.
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Bienvenido A La Familia – (Spanish)
$3.49El Cristianismo No Es Una Religion; Es Una Familia.
En este libro, Kenneth Copeland comparte personalmente los pasos a seguir para entrar a la familia de Dios.
El muestra lo que la Palabra de Dios dice acerca de como recibir salvacion, el bautismo del Espiritu Santo, y sanidad. El cielo no seria lo mismo sin usted!
Una excelente herramienta de ministerio.
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Blessing Of The Lord
$19.99THE BLESSING of The LORD is God’s original plan for you. Contrary to popular belief, He doesn’t want you sick, broke and lonely. He wants to make you rich in every area of life-your health, finances, relationships and more. In this hard-cover book, you will learn: * God’s original intent for His people to live in THE BLESSING * God’s plan to restore THE BLESSING after man sinned * How God has empowered you to succeed * How Jesus connects us to THE BLESSING * Why THE BLESSING is not just a spiritual reality, but a material reality, too * How to be living proof of THE BLESSING to others * How love governs the operation of THE BLESSING. No matter where you are in the progress of your life as a Christian, learn more about God and His relationship with you as you dig deeper into the vital message of THE BLESSING. Allow this revelation that changed Kenneth Copeland’s life forever to convert your thinking, fuel your faith and accomplish God’s will for your life, too. Set yourself on the path to guaranteed success today. Your BLESSED life of peace and joy awaits you!
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Jesus The Name Above Every Name (Student/Study Guide)
$5.87SKU (ISBN): 9781575626918ISBN10: 1575626918Kenneth CopelandBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2006Foundation Basic # 7Publisher: Kenneth Copeland Publications Print On Demand Product
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Welcome To The Family
$2.49In this book, Kenneth Copeland shares on a one-to-one basis the steps you are to follow in joining God’s family.
He shows what God’s Word says about receiving salvation, Baptism in the Holy Spirit and healing. Heaven wouldn’t be the same without you!
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You Are Healed
$3.49“I want My people well.” This is the cry of God’s heart. And it is such a deep desire that He has provided a covenant, a promise, of healing for all who will believe.
In this brief but thorough Bible-based study, Kenneth Copeland proves beyond all doubt that “by His stripes” You are healed!
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Fuerza De La Fe – (Spanish)
$5.87Como Renace el Espiritu Humano?
Que es Fe?
Como el Temor Cambia al Ser Humano Hoy en Dia?
Cual es la Fuerza de la Fe?Kenneth Copeland explora estas interrogantes y mas en estos inspiradores e iluminantes dos capitulos de estudio de la fe.
Descubra la diferencia entre las leyes fisicas de este mundo y los preceptos que gobiernan nuestras vidas espirituales. Aprenda las cuatro mayores fuentes de poder, nacidas al espiritu humano al momento que aceptamos a Jesucristo como nuestro Salvador.
La incomparable y poderosa ensenanza de Kenneth Copeland, basada en la Biblia, le guiara ciertamente a una mejor compresion de La Fuerza de la Fe.
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Covenant Of Blood
$3.49Look out! The giant is back. And he’s threatening the children of God with poverty, sickness, failure and death. But don’t let him scare you.
You’ve got a secret weapon. It once turned a shepherd boy into a bear-busting, lion-killing, giant-slaying champion. It’s called…Covenant of Blood.
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Giving And Receiving
$3.49What can you do when money is in short supply? Keep casting your bread upon the waters-eventually it will return to you on every wave!
Discover how to put this scripture system of prosperity to work for you. And reverse the ebbing tide of your life through…Giving and Receiving.
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