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    Leo Perdue

    • Proverbs : Interpretation A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


      Planned and written specifically for teaching and preaching needs, this critically acclaimed biblical commentary is a major contribution to scholarship and ministry.

      The book of Proverbs is a collection of sayings, poems, and “life’s little instructions.” Wrestling with the values of things such as creation, livelihood, or moral character, Proverbs exhorts its readers to seek the higher ideals–knowledge, discipline, piety, and order–and offers guidance on how to live in harmony with God, others, and oneself.

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    • Sword And The Stylus


      The all-too-frequent disregard of historical and social contexts by many wisdom scholars often leads to the distortion of this literature and transforms its teachings into abstract ideas lacking any incarnation in the social and historical world of human living. Leo Perdue here argues that the proper understanding of ancient wisdom literature requires one to move out of the realm of philosophical idealism into flesh-and-blood human history. Arguing that wisdom was international in practice and outlook, Perdue traces the interaction between both ruling and subject nations and their sages who produced their respective cultures and their foundational worldviews. While not always easy to reconstruct, he acknowledges, the historical and social settings of texts provide necessary contexts for interpretation and engagement by later readers and hearers. Wisdom texts did not transcend their life settings to espouse values regardless of time and circumstance. Rather, they are located in a variety of historical events in an evolving nation, reflecting a vast array of different and changing moral systems, epistemologies, and religious understandings.

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    • Wisdom Literature : A Theological History


      Explore the rich cultural streams that shaped the Wisdom literature of antiquity. From Babylon’s sapiential tradition in Job and Egyptian skepticism in Qoheleth to Hellenistic influences in Ben Sira, Perdue’s magisterial exploration sets representative books in historical context. Analyzing conditions that helped produce them, he discusses their theological themes and the genre’s overall evolution.

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    • Reconstructing Old Testament Theology


      Editor’s Foreword
      1.The Present Status Of Old Testament Theology
      Reasons For The Collapse Of History
      After The Collapse Of History
      New Approaches: The Fundamental Assumptions
      Description Of The Present Task
      2.From History As Event To The History Of Religion: Religionsgeschichte And Biblical Theology
      The History Of Religion And/or Biblical Theology?
      The Theology Of Jeremiah And The History Of Religion
      3.From Eurocentric History To Voices From The Margins: Liberation Theology And Ethnic Biblical Interpretation
      Liberation Theology In Latin America
      Segovia’s Theology Of The Diaspora
      African American Theology And Biblical Interpretation
      Jeremiah And A Theology Of The Diaspora
      Jeremiah And African American Biblical Theology
      4.From Exclusion To Inclusion: Feminist Interpretations Of History
      Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza
      Discovering Eve: Carol Meyer’s Feminist Social History Of Ancient Israel
      A Critical Feminist Liberationist Interpretation Of The Book Of Jeremiah
      5.From History To Rhetoric: Feminist, Mujerista, And Womanist Theologies
      Feminist Literary Critics And Biblical Interpretation
      Feminist Metaphorical Theology: Sallie McFague
      Recapturing The Language Of Zion: Rhetorical Criticism And Feminist Hermeneutics
      Womanist Biblical Interpretation
      Mujerista Biblical Interpretation
      6.From Jewish Tradition To Biblical Theology: The Tanakh As A Source For Jewish Theology And Practice
      Jews Who Do Biblical Theology
      From Traditum To Traditio: Michael Fishbane
      Exegetical Imagination: Midrashic And Mythopoeic Images
      The Myth Of The Return To Chaos In Jeremiah
      7.From History To Cultural Context: Postmodernism
      Postmodernism: Tenets And Theorists
      Postmodernism And Biblical Interpretation
      Postmodernism, Biblical Theology, And Jeremiash: Walter Brueggemann
      The Value And Limits Of Postmodernism
      8.From The Colonial Bible To The Postcolonial Text: Biblical Theology As Contextual
      The Stages Of Postcolonialism And Its Impact On Subaltern Religion
      Characteristics Of Subaltern Writings And Readings In Religion And Theology
      Voices From The Third World: Male And Female
      Postcolonial Biblical Theology In Geographical Settings: The Case Of Senegal
      A Second Example Of Postcolonial Biblical Theology: India And Dalit Theology
      A Postcolonial Interperation Of The T

      Additional Info
      In this informative and keen look at contemporary trends in Old Testament theology, Perdue builds on his earlier volume The Collapse of History (1994). He investigates how a variety of perspectives and methodologies have impacted how the Old Testament is read in the twenty-first century including: literary criticism; rhetorical criticism, feminist, womanist, and mujerista theologies, liberation theology; Jewish theology; postmodernism; and postcolonialism.

      Perdue provides a sensitive reading of the aims of these approaches as well as providing critique and setting them in their various cultural contexts. In his conclusion, the author provides a look at the future and how these various voices and approaches will continue to impact how we carry out Old Testament theology.

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    • Proverbs : A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching


      Interpretation: A Bible Commentary For Teaching And Preaching is a set of full-length commentaries written specifically for those who interpret the Bible through teaching and preaching in the church.

      The writers were chosen for their proven abilities as biblical scholars and their experience as teachers and/or preachers. Each has an outstanding record of publication demonstrating a keen sense for biblical interpretation and expository writing.

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    • Families In Ancient Israel


      Four top-notch scholars of the Hebrew Bible and early Judaism provide a clear portrait of the family in ancient Israel. The book then draws important theological and ethical implications for the family today.

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    • In Search Of Wisdom


      This much-needed volume provides a comprehensive study of wisdom in the Hebrew Bible, in selected intertestmenal and rabbinic texts, and in the New Testament. An introductory essay summarizes the various meanings of wisdom in current research and offers an accurate understanding of the term: a worldview, social movement, and language. Seventeen essays by leading scholars – including Joseph Blenkinsopp, Carole R, Fontaine, Michael V. Fox, Raymond C. Van Leeuwen, Samuel Terrien, James L. Crenshaw and others follow. This helpful book allows students to identify and understand the presence of wisdom in the Bible and related literatures.

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