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    Lyle Dorsett

    • Essential CS Lewis



      535 Pages/9 Parts

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      The most representative and complete anthology of one of this century’s most renowned theologians, novelists, and literary critics

      In this wide-ranging and authoritative collection of C. S. Lewis’s writings, Lyle W. Dorsett brings together the many and varied facets of the beloved author’s corpus. Selecting works of fiction, science fiction, autobiography, theology, poetry, and literary criticism, as well as Lewis’s letters to adults and children, Dorsett shows the erudite author at his most innovative, challenging, witty, and sympathetic.

      Among the pieces included are Lewis’s famous sermons, selections from The Screwtape Letters and Letters to Children, and the complete texts of three of Lewis’s books: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the first of The Chronicles of Narnia; Perelandra, the critically acclaimed second installment of Lewis’s
      Space Trilogy; and The Abolition of Man, Lewis’s brief treatise on philosophy and education.

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    • Letters To Children


      During his life, C.S. Lewis, author of the bestselling Narnia books, received hundreds of letters from young fans. Here are his responses to many of those letters, in which he shares his feelings about writing, school, Narnia, and animals. Lewis writes to the children with understanding and respect, proving why he remains one of the best-loved children’s authors of all time.

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