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    Lyle Schaller

    • Very Large Church


      American institutions such as schools and businesses have all become larger—what does this mean for our congregations? Schaller believes the organizational structure of the church must change, too, in order to minister effectively—and here’s where the transformation begins. Let this organizational expert help turn your body into a megachurch, while retaining Christian integrity!

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    • 1 Church Many Congregations


      Does your church struggle to reach your surrounding neighborhoods because of social boundaries? The Key Church Strategy presents the Christian message in a way that respects the indigenous concerns of different cultural groups. Discover how 300 churches in 27 states have used this outreach plan to link traditional and nontraditional congregations under a single sponsoring church!.

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    • Interventionist


      The most effective way to influence both individual and institutional behavior is to ask questions. The Interventionist provides a conceptual framework for asking questions about congregations, and it classifies various syndromes that prevent a church from making the changes that are needed for new life. It will help church leaders find a good match between the needs of the congregations and the gifts, skills, experience, personality, leadership style, and priorities of the candidate. The book is also a productive guide for the trained, career interim minister who comes purposely for six to twenty-four months to sort out the issues and syndromes that plague a congregation.

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    • 44 Questions For Church Planters


      Answers the question “Why start new churches?” and shows how to reverse the decline of new church development. Schaller offers tested advice based on more than thirty years of working with leaders responsible for developing new churches.

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    • 44 Ways To Increase Church Attendance


      Are you still suffering over the sight of empty pews? Have your efforts been more than exhaustive in expanding your congregation? Have you maximized your brainstorming potential for bringing in new members?

      If you have reached what appears to be your limit, then no longer fret, 44 Ways To Increase Church Attendance can open the doors of both your church and mind. With proven techniques for building a body for Christ, church leaders can increase their membership and then free themselves to focus on other important missions for God. Schaller’s suggestions will energize leaders and put their churches on the road of abundance.

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    • Multiple Staff And The Larger Church


      Larger churches are different – in expectations, in performance, in staffing, and in use of lay volunteers. Their unique differences require special handling. And that’s what this first-of-its-kind book is all about. The author helps the leaders of larger churches understand the special characteristics of larger churches, and helps members of multiple staffs see their rle and the context of that role more clearly. Special emphasis is given to the role of the senior minister, the role of the associate minister, and to their relationship with one another.

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