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    Mark McMinn

    • Psicologia De La Virtud – (Spanish)


      La Psicologia de la Virtud de Mark R. McMinn es, en esencia, la psicologia positiva examina como las personas comunes y corrientes pueden volverse mas felices y mas satisfechas. Mark McMinn aclara como la psicologia positiva puede complementar la fe cristiana y promover la felicidad y el florecimiento personal. Ademas, muestra como la iglesia puede ayudar a fortalecer la psicologia positiva. McMinn lleva la experiencia y la sabiduria de la iglesia sobre seis virtudes (humildad, perdon, gratitud, gracia, esperanza y sabiduria) a la conversacion con hallazgos cientificos interesantes de la psicologia positiva. Cada capitulo incluye una seccion dirigida a los consejeros cristianos que buscan promover la felicidad y la realizacion en los demas.

      The Science of Virtue

      The Science of Virtue by Mark R. McMinn essentially examines how ordinary people can become happier and more satisfied through positive psychology. It also brings the experience and wisdom of the church regarding six virtues (humility, forgiveness, gratitude, grace, hope and wisdom) to the conversation with interesting scientific findings from positive psychology. Each chapter includes a section addressing Christian counselors who seek to promote happiness and fulfillment in others.

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    • Science Of Virtue


      The church and science have drifted apart over the past century. Today the church is often deemed irrelevant by those who trust science, and science is often deemed irrelevant by those whose primary loyalties are to the church. However, this book shows that the new science of virtue–the field of positive psychology–can serve as a bridge point between science and the church and can help renew meaningful conversation.

      In essence, positive psychology examines how ordinary people can become happier and more fulfilled. Mark McMinn clarifies how positive psychology can complement Christian faith and promote happiness and personal flourishing. In addition, he shows how the church can help strengthen positive psychology. McMinn brings the church’s experience and wisdom on six virtues–humility, forgiveness, gratitude, grace, hope, and wisdom–into conversation with intriguing scientific findings from positive psychology. Each chapter includes a section addressing Christian counselors who seek to promote happiness and fulfillment in others.

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    • Integrative Psychotherapy : Toward A Comprehensive Christian Approach


      12 Chapters

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      Mark McMinn and Clark Campbell present an integrative model of psychotherapy that is grounded in Christian biblical and theological teaching and in a critical and constructive engagement with contemporary psychology.

      Now in paperback, this foundational work integrates behavioral, cognitive, and interpersonal models of therapy within a Christian theological framework. Not only do the authors integrate Christian faith and spirituality with the latest thinking in behavioral science at a theoretical level, they also integrate the theoretical and academic with the pastoral and clinical, offering a practical guide for the practitioner.

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    • Care For The Soul


      Nineteen psychologists and theologians look at the boundaries between science and religion, trying to find common ground in an area fraught with controversy. How does modern psychology’s approach differ from the age-old techniques used by clergy? What can each side learn from the other?

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