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    Marriage Difficulties

    • 9780764826108 Guerra En La Alcoba - (Spanish)

      Guerra En La Alcoba – (Spanish)


      Discutir es bueno; mucho mas de lo que se pueda pensar. La clave es discutir bien. La diferencia entre los matrimonies sanos y los enfermos no es cuanto discuten sino como discuten. Discutir no es un sintoma de una enfermedad, sino la expresion de una realidad viva, palpitante, en constante desarrollo, ajuste y crecimiento, llamada matrimonio.

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    • 9781609574215 Relationship Secrets 201

      Relationship Secrets 201


      In this book, Pastor Chris reveals one of the most important relationship secrets. The secret in this book, which is a very deep relationship secret, has been hidden for ages.

      Access to the secret will empower you to marry without further delay, if you are single.

      Access to the secret will empower you to enjoy your marriage, if you are married.

      Access to the secret will empower you to reconcile with your spouse, if you are separated.

      Access to the secret will also empower you to succeed in every kind of relationship.

      This book is a powerful tool for succeeding in all kinds of relationships.

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    • 9781609574208 Relationship Secrets 101

      Relationship Secrets 101


      Success in relationships does not come by accident. There are secrets to success in relationships. In this book, Pastor Chris reveals one of the most hidden relationship secrets, which is a solution to all kinds of relationship problems.

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    • 9781615796878 Mountaintop Experience In The Midst Of The Valley

      Mountaintop Experience In The Midst Of The Valley


      This book is written by a broken woman during her husband’s adultery and pending divorce. She had a choice to make to either remain angry and bitter or to depend on God to get her through the heartache. God is the only answer and He has provided her with His strength to forgive her husband. Although the divorce is still pending and outward signs appear that she remains in the valley, God has given her an overwhelming peace that He is in total control. God has taught her to live each day with Him as her focal point. She finally realizes that she does not need to know the future because God is in total control and He will carry her through anything.

      During this trial, she realizes how hardened society has become. Our current divorce rate, broken families, churches splitting, and so many hurts, are evidence of just how far we have turned away from God. However, it is NEVER too late with God. We need to examine our own hearts and turn back to God. It is time for a revival and it must start from within each of us. Despite all of the hurt in the world today, we can have total and complete faith that God will not only carry us through but He will also bring us to the mountaintop, if we let Him.

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    • 9781607918219 Back From The Edge

      Back From The Edge


      Back From the Edge was written by and for a Christian wife dealing with her spouse’s infidelity. From the “why me” stage to the place where you defer your will to that of God’s plan, this book walks you through the Bible, encouraging you to redirect your focus from the pain of the situation to the promise of a sovereign God. Jacquie Caldwell writes with refreshing honesty and poignant understanding. She kindly, yet clearly, challenges those who have been wounded through marital infidelity toward biblical thinking as well as living. Her purpose for sharing from her experience is to bring back to a watching world the true picture of Christ and the Church. Readers will find themselves loved and encouraged through Jacquie’s writing. Her practical and biblically based Study Guides at the end of each chapter will also help the reader to move forward with excellent application of Scripture.

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    • 9781607915164 Infidelity : A Journey To Forgiveness

      Infidelity : A Journey To Forgiveness


      Have you ever walked a mile in someone else’s shoes? This book will give you the opportunity. You will see firsthand the emotional rollercoaster that an affair causes. This book will help you to realize that you are not alone in dealing with a cheating spouse.

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    • 9781607915157 Infidelity : A Journey To Forgiveness

      Infidelity : A Journey To Forgiveness


      Have you ever walked a mile in someone else’s shoes? This book will give you the opportunity. You will see firsthand the emotional rollercoaster that an affair causes. This book will help you to realize that you are not alone in dealing with a cheating spouse.

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    • 9781606479193 Hearing The Silent Cries

      Hearing The Silent Cries


      Hearing the Silent Cries: Exposing Wife Abuse puts relationships under a microscope! – Is your relationship more like a see-saw or a slide? If it feels like a slide, which end are you on? – Do you know if your spouse has the 15 Personality Traits of an abuser? Learn the dangers of abuse through the stories of two Christian women who committed murder after years of various forms of spousal abuse. Learn how it starts in the dating stage of life, what it is, why it is used, and methods to diffuse it. Date violence is experienced by one in four teens. This is why we need to educate teenagers of the 15 Personality Traits of an abuser, so they know the difference between sick and healthy relationships. Be sure the teens you know learn the traits! By exposing wife abuse, maybe we can prevent the death of one of the approximately 3,000 women beaten to death by their partner every year.

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    • 9780785296874 Reconcilable Differences : Healing For Troubled Marriages With Study Guide

      Reconcilable Differences : Healing For Troubled Marriages With Study Guide


      Is is possible for a couple whose marriage is in serious trouble or a couple who is already divorced to restore harmony — and even love — to their relationship? Jim Talley believes it is, and Reconcilable Differences shows why reconciliation is worth the effort. This book provides practical, biblical advice on how to resolve conflicts and develop a relationship based on mutual love, respect, and trust.

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      Why Stand


      Anyone who is contemplating divorce should read Merrick’s book to discover how Almighty God has the power to restore their marriage when they trust and obey Him. Evangelist Mike Gendron, Director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry.

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      When He Leaves


      In 1998, Kari West and Noelle Quinn gave readers their hard-won but hope-filled insights in When He Leaves. Responding to ongoing reader requests, Harvest House is re-releasing this compelling, one-of-a-kind book in a new edition. How can a woman cope…survive…and even thrive again after divorce? There are no easy answers. Kari West and Noelle Quinn offer their experience and companionship to the reader along a road she never wanted to walk as they urge her to “hang on!” and: admit to the all-but-unbearable pain; start to grasp God’s love and acceptance at a new level; rebuild life…and learn to laugh and love again. Readers will return again and again to the deeply practical and heartfelt counsel offered by Kari and Noelle.

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    • 9780830832194 Reconcilable Differences : Hope And Healing For Troubled Marriages

      Reconcilable Differences : Hope And Healing For Troubled Marriages


      What does it take to really make right a severely damaged relationship? When going back to how things were is not nearly good enough, is there hope for true transformation and healing? Counselor and teacher Virginia Holeman waves together biblical insight and rich theological reflection while drawing from the best of current psychological studies on forgiveness, repentance and reconciling. Out of her own research you will hear the poignant stories of married couples who tell in their own words what its like to seek reconciliation in seemingly hopeless situation. Complete with honest and practical help, this book will be an encouragement to married couples who dare to hope for the healing and transforming of broken relationships and for counselors and pastors who want to work more effectively with them.

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    • 9781582292960 Broken And Battered

      Broken And Battered


      (When placing your order, please mention that this is a Lightining Source book.)

      The landscape of America is littered with the broken lives of abused women. Some experts say that the problem has reached epidemic proportions. And this abuse is not only in the world; it is in our churches as well. What can the millions of women who live in such conditions do to escape the physical and emotional prisons they find themselves in? In this powerful, insightful book, Muriel Canfield offers practical help and realistic hope as she reveals the way out for those who are looking for freedom from abuse. Broken and Battered goes beyond the help offered by the world, for its answers are based on biblical truths and helps. This is a must-read for any woman who finds herself locked in an abusive relationship or for anyone who knows a woman who is so imprisoned. If you’re looking for a way out, this book will show you the way.

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    • 9781591604365 Family Matters : Helping Individuals Cope With The Stress Experienced In Ma

      Family Matters : Helping Individuals Cope With The Stress Experienced In Ma


      This book was written to help individuals cope with the stress experienced in marriage. As a therapist, I have observed common problems that cause conflict, resulting in separation. Most marriages start off well. But when tested, partners become passive or aggressive in their behavior. They become critical of each other’s advice and direction. They often become negative, and experience difficulty accepting personal responsibility. Subsequently, the relationship is sabotaged. Because most couples feel trapped in their relationships and do not have solutions, my prayer is that they will seek the will of God instead of the will of man: “For whom God has joined together, let no man put asunder.” We are all aware of the high rate of divorce, estranged relationships, and emotional separation issues faced by our churches and society. These ills are happening because of the hardness of men’s hearts. My wish is that this book will help men and women enter into marriage with transparency, genuineness, and positive self-images. Because we are created in God’s likeness, He clearly wishes that we should maintain healthy relationships. Jesus said to let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

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    • 9780814651162 Marriage And The Catholic Church

      Marriage And The Catholic Church


      It is an open secret that marriage is in crisis in the United States and that the marriages of Catholics are not significantly different from other marriages. In Marriage and the Catholic Church Michael Lawler confronts the difficult questions in the Catholic theology of marriage.

      Lawler, among the leading Catholic voices on the theology of marriage, does not shy away from the difficult questions, but confronts them honestly, historically accurately, and pastorally. He highlights a Catholic approach to premarital relationships, to marriage, to divorce, and to remarriage. He examines the relationship of marriage and sacrament, faith and sacrament, friendship in marriage, divorce and remarriage, cohabitation, family, interchurch marriages, and the changing models of marriage in the Catholic tradition. The whole offers a fresh look at the Catholic theology of marriage for a new millennium.

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    • 9780883683583 How To Be The Happy Wife Of An Unsaved Husband

      How To Be The Happy Wife Of An Unsaved Husband


      From personal experience, Linda Davis explains the most effective types of prayers and shares many testimonies of husbands won to the Lord. She includes the key to understanding an unsaved husband’s rejection and hostility. Here is the scriptural way to bring your husband to Jesus.

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    • 9780764808838 Catholic Annulment Spiritual Healing

      Catholic Annulment Spiritual Healing


      Catholic annulment is often viewed as an obstacle to marriage or a formality of cannon law. Few people realize that annulment is more than just a process – annulment leads to healing. The authors draw upon their own experience of Catholic annulment to describe not only the procedure but also the peace it brought into their lives.

      Beginning with the process of annulment, the book presents a section of frequently asked questions, such as: What is the cost? How long will it take? Then the book explains why an annulment process is necessary, and tells how to find a procurator to initiate the annulment process. After discussing the process, the book considers the healing aspects of annulment. Healing must include forgiving others and yourself for all past pain and sorrow. The last chapter of the book discusses how to deal with your children after an annulment.

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    • 9780881135596 Recupere A Su Esponso Antes Qu - (Spanish)

      Recupere A Su Esponso Antes Qu – (Spanish)


      The author helps wives understand how to work toward a succesful reconciliation.This book was written especially for the woman who wants her husband back in spite of his choice to separate.

      El autor guia a las esposas a entender los pasos hacia una exitosa reconciliacion. Este libro esta escrito especialmente para la esposa que desea recuperar a su esposo a pesar de la decision de el de separarse.

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    • 9780664222796 To Understand Each Other

      To Understand Each Other


      “Most couples enter into conjugal life with a high ideal for marriage,” states Paul Tournier. “How many of them can say, a dozen years later, that their home has become what they expected of it? All too few!”

      This is the problem Dr. Tournier considers in To Understand Each Other. His concern is for marriages that have become the quiet failures.
      “When we talk of marriage counseling we think immediately of the extreme cases, of threats to seek divorce, of couples in violent disputes who frequently come to blows,” he says. But there are many other couples whose marriages are no less failure. “They live side by side, without hurting one another, but poles apart, because of no real understanding of one another.”

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      Recreating Marriage With The Same Old Spouse (Teacher’s Guide)


      Recreating Marriage with the Same Old Spouse A Guide for Couples is “a pearl of wisdom necessary for long-term marriage. In a personal and practical way, Dr. Bender leads couples to see their relationship as a lifelong process of change. Her thoughtful execises challenge couples to know intimately their unique and changing spouse as an individual gifted by God and to see long-term love as both possible and healthy.

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    • 9780785271925 Fresh Start Divorce Recovery Workbook (Workbook)

      Fresh Start Divorce Recovery Workbook (Workbook)


      Part 1: Coming Unglued
      1. Hitting The Slope: The Stages Of Divorce Recovery
      2. Can This Marriage Be Saved?: The Separation/Reconciliation Struggle
      3. You Can Book It: Biblical Insights About Divorce
      4. There Oughtta Be A Law: Dealing With The Legal Issues
      Part 2: Picking Up The Pieces
      5. Single Again: Reentry Into The Single Life
      6. Show Me The Money: Dealing With Your Finances
      7. What’s That You Say?: Communication And Conflict
      8. Everything You Always Wanted To Know About … : Sexuality For The Single Again
      9. Pardon Me: Working Through Bitterness And Learning To Forgive
      Part 3: Other Issues
      10. Kids In The Middle: Helping Children Of Divorce
      11. You’ll Never Walk Alone: Support Groups For The Separated And The Divorced
      Article 1: Developing A Positive Self-Image
      Article 2: Handling The Holidays
      Article 3: There’s No Such Thing As An Ex-Grandparent
      Article 4: Divorce And The Church
      Appendix A. Action Points
      Appendix B. Test-Retest Adjective Checklist
      Appendix C. Marriage And Divorce Position Paper

      292 Pages

      Additional Info
      Based on the authors’ personal experiences as well as the experiences of thousands who have benefited from the acclaimed Fresh Start Seminars, The Fresh Start Divorce Recovery Workbook is a total recovery program for anyone who faces a divorce or separation. Offering a Christian perspective, Bob Burns and Tom Whiteman discuss the typical stages of a divorce-on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level. The Bible-based insights included in this revised and updated edition will give you the practical tools you need to recover from the trauma of divorce and complete the journey toward wholeness after the painful breakup of a marriage. Questions, self-tests, exercises, and practical information will enable you to:

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    • 9780849940866 Making Love Last Forever

      Making Love Last Forever


      Learn How to make Love and Romance Last-Forever

      Are you looking for a love guarantee? In this extraordinary book, marriage expert Gary Smalley shows you how to stay in love through all the stages of life. From first attraction to lifelong commitment, Gary’s proven techniques and practical advice show you how to pursue and keep the love you want, and how to energize your relationship with enduring passion-filled love. With memorable word pictures, Smalley reveals the secrets behind his “love guarantee.”

      –Love’s Best Kept Secret
      –Loves Number One Enemy
      –Love’s CliffNotes for Men

      Open this book and begin your journey to “forever love.”

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      Recreating Marriage With The Same Old Spouse (Workbook)


      Drawing on years of experience counseling couples and groups, Sandra Bender contends that married people need intentional, focused direction to create the marriage they want. Recreating Marriage with the Same Old Spouse educates couples in the skills of being married. Beginning with a discussion of the Myers-Briggs personality framework, Bender covers topics such as identity, intimacy, insecurity, and reflective listening. The personal and professional examples, discussion questions, and practice exercises will encourage couples to recreate and renew their marriage.

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    • 9780785275510 Distant Partner : How To Tear Down Emotional Walls And Communicate With You

      Distant Partner : How To Tear Down Emotional Walls And Communicate With You


      ‘I’m always the one willing to go the extra mile for the sake of my marriage’, ‘His eyes glaze over when I try to talk intimately about things that matter.’ Maybe you’ve heard these words from your spouse. Maybe you’ve said these words about your marriage. Distant Partner is a book for those who have a relationship with too much busyness and not enough personal sharing. You don’t have to stay locked into this merry-go-round battle. Once you understand the dynamics between evasive husbands and emotionally eager wives, you can begin to take the initiative and move forward with healthy actions and choices.

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    • 9780829719895 Te Amo Pero Por Que Somos Tan - (Spanish)

      Te Amo Pero Por Que Somos Tan – (Spanish)


      If you are married, you already know that opposite poles are attracted. But the day of your wedding did you think of how different both of you were? Even more important, is there still hope even though some of your illusions have been revealed? After being a counselor to so many marriages the answer is still yes. This book helps on how to understand the difference of temperament and can help spouses resolve conflicts, control their emotions, avoid frustration, find God’s will in their marriages.

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    • 9780881130102 Amor Que No Se Apaga - (Spanish)

      Amor Que No Se Apaga – (Spanish)


      Conflictos por los cuales las parejas experimentan frustraciones en la expre-sion de su amor.

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    • 9780871238924 Divorce Myth

      Divorce Myth


      1. The Divine Institution Of Marriage
      2. The Teaching Of Moses (Deut. 24:1-4)
      3. The Teaching Of Ezra (Ezra 9-10)
      4. The Teaching Of Malachi (Mal. 2:10-16)
      5. The Teaching Of Jesus In Mark 10:1-12 And Luke 16:18
      6. The Teaching Of Jesus In Matthew 5:31-32 And 19:1-12
      7. The Teaching Of Paul (Rom. 7:2-3 And 1 Cor. 7:10-16)
      8. Divorce And The Christian Ministry (1 Tim. 3:2, 12 And Titus 1:6)
      9. Answers To Common Objections
      10. How To Apply The Doctrine Practically
      11. Divorce, Remarriage, And The Christian Counselor.
      12. Restoring God’s Standard
      158 Pages

      Additional Info
      The common asked question today is, “Should divorced people remarry?” With great compassion and warmth, Dr. Laney maintains that the more fundamental question with which Christ dealt is, “Should people be divorced?” His purpose is to draw the church up short against the runaway divorce epidemic with a theology of marriage.

      Challenging the church on the subject of divorce and remarriage, the author carefully builds evidence from scripture and from cultural and historical data for a no-divorce/remarriage position. Not everyone will agree with Laney, but it deserves the careful attention of all who are genuinely concerned about the divorce issue.

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    • 9780310510819 Solving Marriage Problems

      Solving Marriage Problems


      “Counselors unanimously find that marriage and family problems outnumber all other counseling problems combined,” writes Jay Adams. “For that reason alone, counselors should want to learn all they can about marriage counseling.” This is a book to help counselors understand and deal with typical problems that arise in a marriage. The approach is to offer not merely solutions, but biblical solutions. Chapter by chapter, each problem that is brought into focus is addressed by Scripture, and a solution arising from Scripture is developed. Unless one understands what a biblical marriage is supposed to be, it is difficult to solve marriage problems. For that reason, Dr. Adams spends the first few chapters developing a biblical model. Then he treats many of the specific kinds of problems that typically arise: life patterns, priorities, children, sex-roles, in-laws, etc. This is a book that belongs on every pastor’s and every counselor’s shelf.

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