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    • Zondervan 2025 Pastors Annual


      Countless preachers have turned to the Zondervan Pastor’s Annual to save them time in sermon and service preparation. This tried-and-true resource makes your demanding job as a pastor a lot easier. Use its contents as is, or tailor it to fit your unique approach.

      The Zondervan 2025 Pastor’s Annual supplies you with:

      *Morning and evening services for every Sunday of the year
      *Sermon topics and texts fully indexed
      *Definitive and usable sermon outlines
      *Devotionals and Bible studies for midweek services
      *Fresh and applicable illustrations
      *Appropriate hymn selections
      *Special-day services for church and civil calendars
      *Meditations on Lord’s Supper observance
      *Wedding ceremonies and themes
      *Funeral messages and Scriptures
      *Basic pastoral ministry helps
      *Messages for children and young people
      *Offertory prayers

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    • Handbook Of Contemporary Preaching 2nd Edition


      The art of preaching is one of the most important acts of ministry. The sermon serves as a transformative force-imparting knowledge, challenging beliefs, and convicting hearts. Recognizing the importance of this sacred task, Handbook of Contemporary Preaching, 2nd Edition equips pastors with invaluable tools and insights, enabling them to prepare and deliver sermons that resonate deeply with their congregations.

      In a single volume, editor Michael Duduit compiles the insight, methods, and experience of over fifty celebrated preachers, including R. Albert Mohler, Hershael York, Robert Smith Jr., Bryan Chappell, Jim Shaddix, Tony Merida, Ed Stetzer, and many others.

      This handbook covers every aspect of contemporary preaching:

      *The roots of contemporary preaching
      *Contemporary preaching methods, including expository, topical, doctrinal, narrative, and alternative preaching models

      *Sermon preparation and presentation

      *Preaching and the biblical text

      *Preaching as a part of ministry

      *Preaching to the needs of people in contemporary contexts

      With its expansive bibliography and topical format, Handbook of Contemporary Preaching, 2nd Edition is designed to be a timeless resource in every pastor’s library. In this book, pastors, teachers, and seminarians will find invaluable insight and comprehensive guidance for the art of preaching.

      Contributors: R. Albert Mohler, Nathan Finn, Chuck Fuller, Tyshawn Gardner, Scott Gibson, Chris Rappazini, Robert Smith, Jr., Calvin Miller, Bryan Chapell, Frank Pollard, David S. Dockery, Scott Pace, Hershael York, Lloyd John Ogilvie, Stuart Briscoe, Jeffery Campbell, Ralph Douglas West, Eric Johnson, David Allen, Simon Vibert, Stephen Rummage, Daniel Block, Ken Mathews, Paul House, C. Hassell Bullock, Heath Thomas, Robert Sloan, Sidney Greidanus, Channing Crisler, Scott Hafemann, Richaed Melick, Al Fasol, Jim Shaddix, Don Sunukijian, Michael Quicke, Tony Merida, Jesse Nelson, Clayborn Lea, Mike Glenn, Micah Fries, Ed Stetzer, Kris Barnett, Bryan Carter, James Emery White, Tim McKnight, Charlie Dates, Mike Milton, Rick Blackwood, James Noble, Maurice Watson, Vic Anderson, Timothy Mann, Ben Brammer, Clayton King, and Dennis Phelps

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    • More Than A Sermon


      Preach with compassion and conviction

      In More than a Sermon, Douglas D. Webster highlights the prophetic and pastoral challenge of preaching today. The task is both harder and easier than we imagine, as we are called to proclaim the biblical text in a way that convicts a hostile world while encouraging our congregations to rest in Christ’s love. We need preaching that both swings the hammer that breaks hard hearts yet does not break the bruised reeds in our care.

      Offering practical insights and examples, Webster explores what it means to preach the gospel in different seasons such as:

      *Advent and Lent
      *Memorial services and weddings
      *Times of crisis or social impact

      More than a Sermon is a valuable resource for both new pastors and veteran preachers who want to proclaim the whole counsel of God with power and wisdom.

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    • Preaching To A Divided Nation


      We live in angry times. No matter where we go, what we watch, or how we communicate, our culture is rife with division and polarization. Unfortunately, Christians appear to be caught up in the same animosity as the culture at large. While our faith calls us to Christian unity, the hard fact remains: our churches are tragically divided across class, ethnic, gender, and political lines. As these social chasms grow–both inside and outside the church–the role of the preacher becomes paramount.

      This book issues a prophetic call to pastors to use the influence of their pulpits to promote reconciliation and unity in their churches and communities. Two scholar-practitioners who are experts in homiletics and reconciliation present a practical, 7-step model that empowers faithful leaders to bring healing and peace to their fractured churches and world. The book includes questions for reflection, salient illustrations, and an accountability covenant. It also includes useful appendixes on preaching themes, preaching texts, and sample sermons from three leading preachers: Ralph Douglas West, Rich Villodas, and Sandra Maria Van Opstal.

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    • Illustrating Well : Preaching Sermons That Connect


      Communicate well by illustrating well

      Preachers face all kinds of obstacles on Sunday mornings. A sermon that employs interesting and appropriate illustrations can help break through barriers and convey truth in a fresh way. In Illustrating Well, Jim L. Wilson provides pastors with the tools to effectively use sermon illustrations to help them communicate the Bible’s teachings. To reach the hearts and minds of their congregations, preachers must do more than explain the truth; they must demonstrate how the truth relates to real life. Every sermon should be theologically rich and thoroughly biblical, but a good illustration can take what might be an abstract concept and turn it into a concrete reality for the listener.

      In Illustrating Well, preachers will discover what makes for a compelling illustration as well as the benefits and potential pitfalls of particular types of illustrations.

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    • Topical Preaching In A Complex World


      Be Equipped to Prepare and Deliver Engaging, Biblical, and Effective Topical Sermons

      Sooner or later, every preacher will come upon a situation where they need to preach a topical sermon. Yet few are taught to preach topically. Even preachers who are gifted in expositing the Scriptures may struggle to deliver a topical sermon that is engaging, culturally relevant, and true to the biblical text. Worse, many pastors worry these messages undermine confidence in the Bible or its authority, leading to a human-centered rather than a God-focused sermon. But that doesn’t have to be the case.

      In Topical Preaching in a Complex World, Sam Chan and Malcolm Gill answer these objections and chart a path for how preachers can deliver faithful and effective topical messages. First, they address the biblical, theological, and cultural reasons pastors should add topical sermons to their preaching repertoire. Then, they introduce a straightforward, four-fold approach for preaching a topical message and answer important questions like these:

      *How do you approach a topic with the proper interpretative lens?
      *How can you speak to two or more audiences with the same sermon?
      *What should you consider theologically, culturally, and pastorally in your preparation?
      *How do you trace the topic back to Christ?
      *How can you better connect with your audience?

      Best of all, they help readers craft a message that says something people truly need (and want) to hear! Filled with wit, humor, and wisdom from decades of preaching, this book will equip preachers, pastors, ministry leaders, and students to preach relevant, biblical, and engaging topical sermons.

      Author Sam Chan says, “Just over a decade ago, I was asked by an organization to speak at their end-of-year dinner. They wanted me to address the topic of being a Christian single, but I had no idea how to prepare and deliver a topical talk. When the night arrived, I preached an old three-point expository sermon and merely changed the ending to include some application on singleness. At best, I got some polite comments afterwards. At worst, people’s looks indicated that my biblical talk had little relevance for them. They could not have been less fooled by my disingenuous workaround.

      I went home vowing never to repeat that poor performance. I felt like the unfaithful servant who had not adequately used what talents had been given to him. As a result, I have dedicated the last decade of my preaching ministry to overc

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    • Finding Our Voice


      No one preaches in a cultural vacuum.

      The message of what God has done in Christ is good news to all, but to have the greatest impact on its hearers–or even to be understood at all–it must be culturally contextualized.

      Finding Our Voice speaks clearly to an issue that has largely been ignored: preaching to Asian North American (ANA) contexts. In addition to reworking hermeneutics, theology, and homiletics for these overlooked contexts, Kim and Wong include examples of culturally-specific sermons and instructive questions for contextualizing one’s own sermons.

      Finding Our Voice is essential reading for all who preach and teach in ANA contexts. But by examining this kind of contextualization in action, all who preach in their own unique contexts will benefit from this approach.

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    • Will Willimons Lectionary Sermon Resource Year A Part 2


      Will Willimon is widely acclaimed as one of the top ten preachers in the world. For each Sunday of the Christian year, Will provides just what you need to begin the journey toward a sermon. This guide will stoke, fund, and fuel your imagination while leaving plenty of room to insert your own illustrations, make connections within your congregational context, and speak the Word in your distinctive voice. Guidance from Will Willimon is like sitting down with a trusted clergy friend and asking, “What will you preach next Sunday?” Year A Part 2 is part of a six-volume set that includes years A, B, and C (2 volumes per year) in the Revised Common Lectionary. Part 1 includes the Pentecost through the end of the church year, Christ the King/Reign of Christ Sunday.

      Each week of sermon resources includes:
      2.Theme title
      3.Introduction to the Readings
      4.Encountering the Text
      5.Proclaiming the Text
      6.Relating the Text

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    • Will Willimons Lectionary Sermon Resource Year A Part 1


      Will Willimon is widely acclaimed as one of the top ten preachers in the world. For each Sunday of the Christian year, Will provides just what you need to begin the journey toward a sermon. This guide will stoke, fund, and fuel your imagination while leaving plenty of room to insert your own illustrations, make connections within your congregational context, and speak the Word in your distinctive voice. Guidance from Will Willimon is like sitting down with a trusted clergy friend and asking, “What will you preach next Sunday?” Year A Part 1 is part of a six-volume set that includes years A, B, and C (2 volumes per year) in the Revised Common Lectionary. Part 1 includes the First Sunday in Advent through the Easter season.

      Each week of sermon resources includes:
      2.Theme title
      3.Introduction to the Readings
      4.Encountering the Text
      5.Proclaiming the Text
      6.Relating the Text

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    • Training Preachers : A Guide To Teaching Homiletics


      A Field Guide for Teaching Homiletics

      There is a difference between knowing how to preach and knowing how to communicate that knowledge to others. Drawing from the wells of pedagogy and theology, Training Preachers shows teachers of homiletics how to educate preachers to skillfully and effectively present God’s word to their congregations.

      Training Preachers presents the classroom-tested insights of several seasoned homiletics professors whose goal is to share their knowledge with preaching instructors ranging from novices to veterans. Expertly edited by Scott M. Gibson, this is a textbook on teaching preaching that is informed by Christian theology as well as cutting-edge pedagogical practices. The book enables those who teach preaching to holistically prepare to teach this subject to groups, conference gatherings, and classes in Bible colleges and seminaries.

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    • Preaching To Be Heard


      “If a sermon is preached in a church and no one is listening, does it make a difference?”

      There are many expository preachers who forego dynamic delivery and many dynamic preachers who lose sight of faithfully communicating the biblical text. Too often preachers feel they have to choose one or the other. But dynamic delivery and faithful exposition are not mutually exclusive.

      In Preaching to Be Heard, Lucas O’Neill shows pastors that presenting engaging sermons that are biblically focused is not an impossibility. In fact, the key to commanding attention lies in the text itself. Rather than relying on tricks or gimmicks, his approach to sermon writing focuses on maintaining tension throughout while sticking close to the biblical text. Using practical examples and a step-by-step method, O’Neill shows pastors how relying on the inherent anticipation within Scripture can lead to sermons that are powerful–and heard.

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    • Impact Preaching : A Case For The One-Point Expository Sermon


      This comprehensive and engaging manual aids preachers in keeping the transformative meaning and impact of the biblical text intact through all hermeneutical and homiletical processes. While this approach applies to all sermon structures, the book focuses on the less familiar one-point expository message rather than the more common three-point sermon, or verse-by-verse approach.

      Drawing upon the strengths of their backgrounds as homiletic and biblical studies professors, the authors help the reader identify which biblical texts fit the one-point expository sermon structure, explain how to develop the sermons, and provide sermon samples that illustrate the approach.

      The authors explore the features of each major literary genre and how it helps to shape the sermon. With their shared expertise in biblical studies and homiletics, they offer a book brimming with insights and usefulness.

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    • 12 Essential Skills For Great Preaching (Expanded)


      In this expanded second edition of 12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching, Dr. Wayne McDill draws on decades of experience as a preacher and homiletics professor to inspire other preachers to live up to their God-given potential.

      Here are twelve proven ways to pack more content and effectiveness into every sermon, covering all of the bases from general preparation to the end result of increasing each listener’s faith. Recent seminary graduates and seasoned pastors alike will identify skills that need personal improvement, and McDill encourages them to strengthen such areas at their own pace and in whatever order they feel is best.

      Every chapter in this edition has been revised and updated. Also included are additional worksheet helps and sermon examples.

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    • Preaching Jesus Christ Today


      This book approaches preaching as a theological practice and a spiritual discipline in a way that is engaging, straightforward, and highly usable for busy preachers. Bringing to bear almost three decades of practical experience in the pulpit and the classroom, Annette Brownlee explores six questions to help preachers listen to Scripture, focus on what God does in the event of the sermon, and move from interpretation to text as they prepare weekly sermons. Each chapter contains theological reflections, guidelines for sermon preparation, and numerous examples and illustrations. Sample sermons are also included.

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    • Moving Messages : Ideas That Will Revolutionize The Sunday Experience


      “Help Pastors Make EVERY sermon memorable! Here’s how… Pastors…teachers…every church leader is hungry for Sunday messages to be memorable, meaningful, and move listeners closer to God. So why are so many messages forgettable? Pastor and author Rick Bundschuh asked the same question-and launched into a journey of finding new ways to connect his church audience with the life-changing truths of the Bible. He preached participatory sermons. Wove experiences into messages. Invited congregational conversation as part of the Sunday morning experience. The results? Astounding-for Bundschuh and his church. In this report from the front lines, Bundschuh shares what he did, how it went, and what he learned along the way. Practical and proven, here’s the best of what invigorated the Sunday experience for him and his congregation. Make Sunday messages engaging and impactful. They’ll benefit from Bundschuh’s journey and transform passive listeners into active participants in next Sunday’s message.”

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    • Gospel Centered Preaching


      17 Principles Of Gospel-centered Preaching
      1: The Goals Of Preaching
      2: The Means Of Preaching
      3: The Content Of Preaching
      4: The Priorities Of Preaching
      5: The Process Of Preaching

      Additional Info
      This accessible manual on preaching unpacks the core of how a preacher must think and what they must do. And it focuses our eyes on the central message – the gospel.

      Use this resource to train yourself and others as a new preacher, to develop your thinking and skills as a growing preacher, and to encourage and sustain yourself as a seasoned preacher.

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    • Preaching The Hard Words Of Jesus


      The longer we preach, the more we realize how radical are the words of Jesus, how shocking they often are even to Christians, and how alien they are to our Western culture. In this book veteran pastor Steve Mathewson gives proven wisdom from decades of preaching through the Gospels on how to explain the harsh words of Jesus: his teachings on tough topics like sex and marriage and divorce, hell, the End Times, and much more.In all, this book gives sound, proven advice that will enable preachers to look forward to preaching from the Gospels.
      Chapters include preaching what Jesus says: that is harsh and shockingabout the radical demands of discipleshipabout sex and marriageabout Hell and judgementabout the End Timesabout God’s sovereignty and human freedomabout the Law of Mosesabout prayer, faith, and miraclesto the Pharisees 1

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    • Preaching The Four Gospels With Confidence


      This book gives sound, proven advice on”overcoming common challenges “of preaching. With a compelling voice, Mathewson encourages pastors and seminary students to preach from the Gospels with confidence rather than trepidation. For pastors or seminary students who love Jesus and want to teach others through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, this book is for them. Chapers Include: “Right Sizing”–Determining the optimum length of sermon series and preaching units”Are Jesus and Paul on the Same Page?”–How to interpret the Gospels in relation to the rest of the New Testament”Background Check”–Rightly handling the Jewish and Greco-Roman context of the Gospels”Conflicting Reports?”–When parallel accounts seem contradictory”Dealing with Darkness”–Preaching on Jesus’ confrontations with Satan and demons”On Purpose”–Aligning your application with the gospel writer’s intent”Against Counterfeits”–Affirming the authority of the four Gospels over the lost gospels

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    • Sermon Preparation


      Imagine writing a sermon that must be original, insightful, useful, challenging, comforting . . . once a week. That’s exactly what most preachers are called upon to do while seeing to all of the other responsibilities that comprise their vocation.

      Book four in The Preacher’s Toolbox series tackles the art and craft of sitting down to face a blank computer screen and coming up with a message that feeds and even entertains the listener. Expert preachers, speakers and teachers share the results of years of doing just that.

      Articles include
      * Writing a Good Message in a Bad Week, Scott Wenig
      * Five Hammer Strokes for Creating Expository Sermon Outlines, Jeffrey Arthurs
      * How Prayer Transforms Prep, Michael Lawrence
      * Simply Profound, Duane Litfin
      * If You Dislike Sermon Prep, Bill Hybels * Getting Out of Preaching Ruts, Matt Woodley
      * Planning Sermon Series, David Daniels
      * Preparing Your Soul to Preach, Pete Scazzerro
      * The Preacher’s Study, Kent Hughes
      * Facebook Sermon Prep, Bill White

      There is also a special “How I Prepare . . . ” section from leading pastors, including:
      * Timothy Keller
      * Mark Driscoll
      * Lee Eclov
      * Matt Chandler
      * Justin Buzzard
      * And more

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    • Interpretation And Application


      SKU (ISBN): 9781598569599ISBN10: 1598569597Editor: Craig LarsonBinding: Trade PaperPublished: August 2012Preachers Toolbox # 3Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers

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    • Inspirational Preaching


      Here is an opportunity for pastors and seminary students to learn from the best. In this second book of the Preacher’s Toolbox series, more of today’s most popular Christian leaders offer sage advice on Inspirational Preaching that will motivate and encourage readers to deliver more effective and inspirational sermons. Teachers like John Piper, Brian Wilkerson, Gordon MacDonald and John Ortberg offer guidance and instruction from both personal and Biblical perspectives. Together with Book 1 of the Preacher’s Toolbox series on Prophetic Preaching, pastors and Christian leaders will have a well-spring of knowledge on the art of preaching today.

      Table of Contents
      * The Supremacy of God in Preaching, by John Piper
      * The Biggest Idea in Preaching, by Haddon Robinson
      * Authentic Inspiration, by John Ortberg
      * Helping People Think Higher, by Bryan Wilkerson
      * Preaching the Wow Factor, by Lee Eclov
      * Inspired and Inspiring, by Jeffrey Arthurs
      * Fighting for Your Congregation’s Imagination, by Skye Jethani
      * Preaching with VIM, Not Just Vigor, by Bryan Wilkerson
      * Your Text Has Feelings, by Kenneth Quicke
      * Allowing Emotion to Buttress Truth, by Gary Fenton
      * Tune My Heart to Sing Thy Grace: Why We Preach from Psalms, by Lee Eclov
      * 5 Veins of Deep Preaching, by Scott Chapman
      * Preaching with Intensity, by Kevin A. Miller
      * Soul Deep Preaching, by Gordon MacDonald
      * Preacher as Advocate, by John Koessler
      * Preaching with Childlike Wonder, by Matt Woodley
      * Last Sunday You Preached Your Final Boring Sermon, by Michael Quicke
      * A Good Mystery, by Richard Hansen
      * Red Pill Preaching, by Mark Batterson
      * Leading and Preaching, by Paul Borden

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    • Preach For A Year 6


      The sixth book in the best-selling “Preach for a Year” series provides pastors, who are always busy, with 104 sermon outlines, enough for two sermons every Sunday of the year. These practical and easy-to-use outlines are each structured in three steps.
      (1) Introduction-provides attention-getting thoughts for sermon starters.
      (2) Body-gives alliterated sermon points with biblical exposition.
      (3) Conclusion-suggests practical questions and thoughts for application.

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    • Preaching With Purpose And Passion


      The authority to preach comes by divine appointment from God and is one of the most fulfilling aspects of a leader’s ministry and life. This book will empower and encourage all leaders to reach for a higher level of love and achievement in preaching.

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    • Star Book On Preaching


      In the classic tradition of the #1, best-selling Star Book for Ministers, Judson Press offers a resource with a special focus on preaching. Starting with a biblical basis for preaching, McMickle discusses the “heart and habits” of a preacher-emphasizing the importance of time management regarding health, head, heart, and home.

      Without an emphasis toward any denomination and practical in its nature, the guide offers:

      keys to an effective preaching ministry, including goals and outcomes of preaching
      text and topic selection
      information on various types of sermons
      a look at different preaching styles such as narrative and first-person preaching
      suggestions for sermon preparation
      ideas for several sermon series
      a full list of preaching resources to use as references
      Featured are over a dozen sermon outlines on various topics. These outlines address developing key points and direction, provide suggestions for an introduction and closing, and give tips for determining style and delivery. Destined to become a new classic, The Star Book on Preaching is a portable resource no preacher should be without.

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    • How To Prepare Bible Messages (Reprinted)


      Give Your Best Sermon Ever – Every Time Newly edited for today’s readers, this time-tested book combines recognized public speaking techniques with proven theories of preaching to equip you for the pulpit. Author James Braga provides pastors and message-givers anywhere in ministry with logical, step-by-step guidance to preparing and delivering effective sermons. Each chapter thoroughly defines and describes each critical component of a sermon, from the introduction to illustrations and the conclusion

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    • 360 Degree Preaching (Reprinted)


      A master teacher, summing up his life’s work, equips a whole generation of preachers to communicate effectively in a postmodern context.

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