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    Richard Mouw

    • How To Be A Patriotic Christian


      What does it mean to love our country?

      Some Christians see loyalty to America as central to our faith and identity. Other Christians are skeptical that our nation warrants such devotion or attachment. But Richard Mouw encourages Christians to have a healthy sense of national peoplehood that promotes civic kinship and responsible citizenship. He navigates between Christian nationalism on one hand and cynicism about country on the other to avoid the perils of both idolatry and disengagement.

      Mouw grapples with sticky questions such as how to honor national holidays in church and the place of protests in forging a more perfect union. Placing love of country in the context of Christian love of neighbor, he sees patriotism as an expression of our heavenly citizenship and a call to help our country be a place where all people can thrive in peace.

      Mouw’s winsome and wise reflections direct our patriotic affections toward the civic good of others within our churches and in our communities. This guide helps us travel together on a shared national journey toward liberty and justice for all.

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    • Restless Faith : Holding Evangelical Beliefs In A World Of Contested Labels


      One of the most influential evangelical voices in America chronicles what it has meant for him to spend the past half century as a “restless evangelical”–a way of maintaining his identity in an age when many claim the label “evangelical” has become so politicized that it is no longer viable. Richard Mouw candidly reflects on wrestling with traditional evangelical beliefs over the years and shows that although his mind has changed in some ways, his core beliefs have not. He contends that we should hold on to the legacy that has enriched evangelicalism in the past. The Christian life in its healthiest form, says Mouw, is always a matter of holding on to essentials while constantly moving on along paths that we can walk in faithfulness only by seeking the continuing guidance of the light of God’s Word. As Mouw affirms the essentials of the evangelical faith, he helps a new generation see the wisdom embodied in them.

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    • Called To The Life Of The Mind


      “I wasn’t supposed to spend my life in the world of scholarship,” Richard Mouw acknowledges at the beginning of Called to the Life of the Mind. “In my early spiritual environs, higher education was something that you suffered through in order to be able to get on with the Lord’s real work — the urgent business of proclaiming the gospel in all of its simplicity and power.”

      In this wise yet simple book Mouw offers his thoughts on what Christian scholarship can and should look like, responding in particular to those traditions that continue to be suspicious of intellectual pursuits. Mouw reflects candidly on the faithful Christian cultivation of the life of the mind and offers gentle advice on how Christians, especially evangelicals, might fruitfully navigate the world of the academy as followers of Jesus.

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    • Suffering And Victorious Christ


      American theologians tend to focus on the great hope Christians have through Christ’s resurrection, emphasizing Christ’s victory while minimizing or ignoring his suffering. Through their engagements with Japanese Christians and African American Christians on the topic of Christology, Richard Mouw and Douglas Sweeney have come to recognize and underscore that Christ offers hope not only through his resurrection but also through his incarnation.

      In The Suffering and Victorious Christ the authors articulate a more compassionate and orthodox Christology that answers the experience of the global church, offering a corrective to what passes for American Christology today. The book includes an afterword by Willie James Jennings of Duke Divinity School.

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    • Talking With Mormons


      For over a decade Fuller Seminary president Richard Mouw has participated in Mormon-evangelical dialogue with a view to developing a better understanding between the two groups. His participation in these discussions has drawn severe criticism and even anger from people who believe such talks are pointless or even dangerous.

      This brief, highly accessible book is his answer. Advocating humility, patience, and a willingness to admit our own shortcomings, Mouw shows why it is necessary to move beyond stark denunciation to a dialogue that allows both parties to express differences and explore common ground. Without papering over significantly divergent perspectives on important issues like the role of prophecy, the nature of God, and the creeds, Mouw points to areas in which Mormon-evangelical dialogue evidences hope for the future. In so doing, he not only informs readers but also models respectful evangelical debate.

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    • Challenges Of Cultural Discipleship


      Richard Mouw has become well known for his incisive views on the interaction of culture and Christianity and for his efforts to make the thought of major Dutch theologian Abraham Kuyper accessible to average Christians. In this volume Mouw provides the scholarly “backstory” to many of his books as he interprets, applies, expands on – and at times even corrects – Kuyper’s remarkable vision for faith and public life. In thirteen essays Mouw explores and develops a singularly Kuyperian perspective on key areas of Christian cultural discipleship, including public theology, sphere sovereignty, education, creation, and more. He deftly articulates an indigenous, ecumenically enriched neo- Calvinist perspective – one that appropriates and contextualizes the ideas and insights of nineteenth-century Holland for new challenges in Christian thought and service.

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    • Uncommon Decency : Christian Civility In An Uncivil World (Expanded)


      In these wild and diverse times, prolifers square off against pro-choicers, gay liberationist confront champions of the traditional family, husbands and wives face each other in court, artist attack legislators, and “politically correct” intellectuals abhor crusading fundamentalists. Philosopher and ethicist Mouw is concerned that, too often, Christians seem to be contributing more to the problem than to the solution. But he recognizes – from his own personal struggle – that it’s not easy to hold to Christian convictions and treat sometimes vindictive opponents with civility and decency.

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    • Calvinism In The Las Vegas Airport


      A friendly, conversational look at how Calvinism can work in the 21st century Richard Mouw opens this conversational look at Calvinism by retelling a scene from the movie Hardcore. While a pious Calvinist elder played by George C. Scott is trying to track down his daughter who has run away from home, he talks to a young unchurched woman in the Las Vegas airport, unsuccessfully explaining the theology of his Dutch Christian Reformed denomination. This incongruous conversation illustrates the stereotype that Calvinism doesn’t work or fit in today’s world. Rather than being an academic and systematic exposition of doctrine, this book wrestles with some of the distorted views people hold of Calvinists, clears up some common misconceptions, and shows how to live gently and respectfully with Christians who disagree, as well as with people who have no clue what TULIP means. The author revisits the Las Vegas airport and discusses how that conversation might have played out differently.

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    • Wonderful Words Of Life


      Although the use of hymns in many evangelical congregations seems to be declining, Richard Mouw (in the introduction) predicts a resurgence of hymnody in the future. Other notable contributors examining the various historical and theological dimensions of hymns in American Protestantism include Mark Noll, Susan Wise Bauer, Kevin Kee, and Jeffrey VanderWilt. The essays probe the influence of Isaac Watts, the practical implications of hymns for living the Christian life, and the character of hymns as bearers of good (or bad) theology. Wonderful Words of Life provides an engaging treatment of an often neglected field of study, which bridges the gap between Christian belief and practice.

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    • He Shines In All Thats Fair (Reprinted)


      How can one account for the presence of goodness in a fallen world? In this robust treatment of common grace, Mouw reinterprets Calvinism for the 21st century.

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    • When The Kings Come Marching In (Revised)


      Widely respected for his perspectives on faith in the modern world, Richard J. Mouw stands at the forefront of the “Christ and culture” debate. In When the Kings Come Marching In-here revised and updated-Mouw explores the religious transformation of culture as it is powerfully pictured in Isaiah 60.

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    • Smell Of Sawdust


      The Smell of Sawdust stimulates reflection among evangelicals and those interested in evangelicalism about the strengths and weaknesses of our pietist-revivalist heritage. The book is written to the thoughtful layperson and deals with topics of interest to Christian thinkers and leaders. Mouw uses first person and anecdotal material, reflections from his own evangelical upbringing, stories that will illustrate the strengths and weaknesses of the evangelical movement. Mouw uses language that is popular in tone, but not dumbed down.

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    • Consulting The Faithful A Print On Demand Title


      In this careful assessment of contemporary religious trends, Mouw remains committed to theological orthodoxy while also asserting that the Christian intellectual community should pay careful and sympathetic attention to popular religious culture. Probing the thought of some theological giants of the past – John Henry Newman, Abraham Kuyper, and others – Mouw advocates a “hermeneutic of charity” toward popular religion and says that Christian scholars, besides teaching the “little people” of the church, must also learn from the “practical theological wisdom” of laypeople.

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    • Pluralisms And Horizons


      How should Christians respond to pluralism in public life?

      Christians have often clashed with the pluralism that characterizes life in modern America. In this classic essay in political philosophy, Richard J. Mouw and Sander Griffioen show how Christians can engage with pluralism productively. Thoroughly engaging with leading voices in the debate, Mouw and Griffioen wrestle with pluralism and its consequences for Christian public life. Ultimately, the authors endorse cooperation and tolerance, without sliding into moral relativism. Christian readers will find their carefully reasoned argument a compelling solution toward promoting the common good.

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