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    Robert Wall

    • Marks Of Scripture


      This volume written by a theologian and a biblical scholar offers a fresh model for understanding Scripture as God’s Word. The authors work out the four Nicene marks of the church–one, holy, catholic, and apostolic–as marks of Scripture, offering a new way of thinking about the Bible that bridges theology and interpretation. Their ecclesial analogy invites us to think of Scripture in similar terms to how we think of the church, countering the incarnational model propagated by Peter Enns and others.

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    • Compact Guide To The Whole Bible (Reprinted)


      This compact, one-semester introduction to the Bible prepares students to begin reading the biblical text as Christian Scripture, focusing on the meaning of Scripture for the church. The editors and contributors–experienced teachers with expertise in different parts of the Bible–orient students to the whole of Scripture so that they may read the biblical text for themselves. The book first explains what Christians believe about Scripture and gives a bird’s-eye survey of the whole biblical story. Chapters then introduce the story, arrangement, style, and key ideas of each division of the Old and New Testament, helping readers see how the books of the Bible make a coherent whole.

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    • Reading The Epistles Of James Peter John And Jude As Scripture


      Through a detailed examination of the historical shaping and final canonical shape of seven oft-neglected New Testament letters — James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1-2-3 John, and Jude — The Church’s Guide to Reading the Catholic Epistles introduces readers to the historical, literary, and theological integrity of this indispensable apostolic witness.While most modern scholars interpret biblical texts against the diversity of their individual historical points of composition, Robert Wall and David Nienhuis make the case that a theological approach to the Bible as Scripture is better served by attending to issues that occasioned these texts’ historical point of canonization — those key moments in the ancient church’s life when apostolic writings were grouped together into collections designed to maximize the Spirit’s communication of the apostolic rule of faith to believers everywhere.

      The Church’s Guide to Reading the Catholic Epistles is the only treatment of the Catholic Epistles that approaches these seven letters as an intentionally designed and theologically coherent canonical collection.

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    • 1-2 Timothy And Titus


      If Paul didn’t write the Pastoral Epistles, how can we preach from them — and why should we? The academy’s queries about the authorship of the Pastorals have had a deleterious result in the academy, Robert Wall believes, with a trickle-down effect among the church’s clergy who rarely teach or preach from these letters. In this paragraph-by-paragraph theological commentary on 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus Wall powerfully demonstrates the ongoing relevance and authority of these canonical epistles for the church today. Uniquely, Wall applies a “Rule of Faith” methodology — five core beliefs articulated in Tertullian’s Prescription Against Heretics — for interpreting the texts as sacred Scripture. Also, interspersed throughout the commentary are case studies, stories of prominent Christian leaders and faith communities that vividly instantiate key themes of the Pastorals. Wall’s innovative yet reverent approach will revive the interest of students, pastors, and other Christian leaders in the Pastoral Epistles.

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    • Called To Be Church


      Description: Called to be Church seeks to introduce Acts to a congregation of faithful readers. It includes such topics as Christian community, the Holy Spirit and the life of the Church, the conversion of Saul to become the great missionary to the Gentiles, the Gospel to a multicultural church as particularly related to the ministry of Peter, the challenge of change, and a host of other topics that stem from the study of the book of Acts.

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