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    Stanley Porter

    • Interpretation For Preaching And Teaching


      Renowned biblical scholar Stanley Porter offers an accessible introduction to hermeneutics to help students and pastors better interpret and understand God’s Word.

      Interpretation for Preaching and Teaching focuses on various levels of interpretation and proclamation, which are arranged in a necessary hierarchy: language and linguistics, the biblical text, biblical theology, systematic theology, and homiletics. Stanley Porter grounds the discussion within a conversation of biblical authority and offers a fresh examination of the key issues. The result is a workable method that introduces each of the major topics of interpretation and addresses some of the complexities of their use.

      This book provides the basics for a Bible interpreter to move from fundamental questions about the task of biblical interpretation to understanding a text and its theology to creating and delivering a sermon. It offers valuable guidance for professors and students of hermeneutics and equips pastors and Bible teachers to deliver a relevant message to those who rely on them to be faithful interpreters.

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    • Origins Of New Testament Christology


      The early followers of Jesus drew from Jewish and Greco-Roman traditions and titles to help them understand and articulate who Jesus was. This book opens a window into the Christology of the first century by helping readers understand the 11 most significant titles for Jesus in the New Testament: Lord, Son of Man, Messiah, Prophet, Suffering Servant, Son of God, Last Adam, Passover Lamb, Savior, Word, and High Priest. The authors trace the history of each title in the Old Testament, Second Temple literature, and Greco-Roman literature and look at the context in which the New Testament writers retrieved these traditions to communicate their understanding of Christ. The result is a robust portrait that is closely tied to the sacred traditions of Israel and beyond that took on new significance in light of Jesus Christ.

      This accessible and up-to-date exegetical study defends an early “high” Christology and argues that the titles of Jesus invariably point to an understanding of Jesus as God. In the process, it will help readers appreciate the biblical witness to the person of Jesus.

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    • Origins Of New Testament Christology


      The early followers of Jesus drew from Jewish and Greco-Roman traditions and titles to help them understand and articulate who Jesus was. This book opens a window into the Christology of the first century by helping readers understand the 11 most significant titles for Jesus in the New Testament: Lord, Son of Man, Messiah, Prophet, Suffering Servant, Son of God, Last Adam, Passover Lamb, Savior, Word, and High Priest. The authors trace the history of each title in the Old Testament, Second Temple literature, and Greco-Roman literature and look at the context in which the New Testament writers retrieved these traditions to communicate their understanding of Christ. The result is a robust portrait that is closely tied to the sacred traditions of Israel and beyond that took on new significance in light of Jesus Christ.

      This accessible and up-to-date exegetical study defends an early “high” Christology and argues that the titles of Jesus invariably point to an understanding of Jesus as God. In the process, it will help readers appreciate the biblical witness to the person of Jesus.

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    • Fundamentals Of New Testament Greek


      “We know that this book works and will take students to a level not often achieved through other beginning textbooks.” So say Stanley Porter and his coauthors in the preface to their Fundamentals of New Testament Greek — an ambitious, comprehensive introduction to the grammar and vocabulary of the Greek New Testament.

      This first-year Greek textbook discusses all the forms and basic syntax of Koine Greek, complete with extensive paradigms, examples, and explanations. Porter, Reed, and O’Donnell’s Fundamentals of New Testament Greek features pedagogically sound and linguistically informed techniques of language instruction. The volume introduces the individual words and grammatical details of Greek, sensitive to their frequency of use in the New Testament, reinforcing for students the elements that they will most often encounter. Grammatical forms, including the less common ones, are analyzed and explained in detail, often with illustrative examples from the Greek New Testament. The authors include complete paradigms and give numerous examples; the vocabulary list includes nearly one thousand words, which are introduced throughout the book’s thirty chapters.

      Students who complete this text will be able to move directly into Greek exegesis courses and more advanced Greek-language courses. Fundamentals of New Testament Greek will prove invaluable for gaining a thorough foundational understanding of New Testament Greek, including full exposure to the formation, accenting, and semantics of its complex verbal system.

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    • Evangelical Theological Method


      Method In Systematic Theology: An Introduction-Stanley E. Porter And Steven M. Studebaker

      Codifying God’s Word: Bible Doctrines/Conservative Theology-Sung Wook Chung
      Living God’s Love: Missional Theology-John R. Franke
      Framers And Painters: Interdisciplinary Theology-Telford C. Work
      God In Human Context: Reflection On Theology’s Contextuality And Contextual Theology-Victor Ifeanyi Ezigbo
      Confessing The Faith: A Trinitarian Method In Dogmatic Theology-Paul Louis Metzger

      Response To Other Contributors-Sung Wook Chung
      Response To Other Contributors-John R. Franke
      Response To Other Contributors-Telford C. Work
      Response To Other Contributors-Victor Ifeanyi Ezigbo
      Response To Other Contributors-Paul Louis Metzger

      What Have We Learned Regarding Theological Method, And Where Do We Go From Here? Tentative Conclusions-Stanley E. Porter And Steven M. Studebaker

      Additional Info
      How should one approach the task of theology?The question of methodology is increasingly one of interest among theologians, who recognize that the very manner in which we approach theology informs both the questions we ask and the conclusions we reach. This volume in IVP’s Spectrum Multiview series brings together five evangelical theologians with distinctly different approaches to the theological task: Sung Wook ChungJohn R. FrankeTelford C. WorkVictor Ifeanyi EzigboPaul Louis MetzgerAfter presenting their own approach-which include appeals to Scripture, context, missions, interdisciplinary studies, and dogmatics-they respond to each of the other views. Emerging from this theological conversation is an awareness of our methodological commitments and the benefits that each can bring to the theological task.

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    • Apostle Paul : His Life Thought And Letters


      In this comprehensive introduction to the apostle Paul, Stanley Porter devotes serious consideration both to the background and major contours of Paul’s thought and to the unique contributions of each of his letters.

      Porter begins by introducing the Pauline tradition and outlining the basics of Paul’s life, the chronology of his ministry, and his several imprisonments. Porter then discusses the background to Paul’s thought, examines some of the major themes of his writings, and treats issues concerning the Pauline epistles, such as pseudonymity and canon.

      Finally, Porter delves into all thirteen of Paul’s letters individually, placing them within their historical contexts and examining critical issues relating to the content and interpretation of each letter. The result is a thorough, balanced treatment of one of the most important figures in Christianity.

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    • Synoptic Problem : Four Views


      Leading Scholars Debate a Key New Testament Topic
      The relationship between Matthew, Mark, and Luke is one of the most contested topics in Gospel studies. How do we account for the close similarities–and differences–in the Synoptic Gospels? In the last few decades, the standard answers to the typical questions regarding the Synoptic Problem have come under fire while new approaches have surfaced. This up-to-date introduction articulates and debates the four major views. Following an overview of the issues, leading proponents of each view set forth their positions and respond to each of the other views. A concluding chapter summarizes the discussion and charts a direction for further study.

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    • John His Gospel And Jesus


      Captures John’s unique perspective and voice in the wider field of Jesus studies

      In this volume Stanley Porter tackles a wide variety of important and often highly contentious topics within John’s Gospel as a means of defining and capturing the distinctive Johannine voice. Topics discussed include John’s Gospel in relation to competing Gospels, the public proclamation of Jesus in John, the sources of John’s Gospel, John’s prologue, the “I Am” sayings, the notion of truth, the Passover theme, and the ending of John’s Gospel.

      Each chapter, besides surveying representative research, puts forward new and insightful proposals regarding the topics concerned. Porter does not shy away from topics that have often perplexed Johannine scholars, and he confronts some of the viewpoints that have led to confusion in the field. Significantly, each chapter considers the Johannine voice as it represents, presents, and treats Jesus, grounding the book in the wider field of Gospel and New Testament investigation.

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    • Linguistic Analysis Of The Greek New Testament


      In this volume, a leading expert brings readers up to date on the latest advances in New Testament Greek linguistics. Stanley Porter brings together a number of different studies of the Greek of the New Testament under three headings: texts and tools for analysis, approaching analysis, and doing analysis. He deals with a variety of New Testament texts, including the Synoptic Gospels, John, and Paul. This volume distills a senior scholar’s expansive writings on various subjects, making it an essential book for scholars of New Testament Greek and a valuable supplemental textbook for New Testament Greek exegesis courses.

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    • How We Got The New Testament


      A recognized expert in New Testament Greek offers a historical understanding of the writing, transmission, and translation of the New Testament and provides cutting-edge insights into how we got the New Testament in its ancient Greek and modern English forms. In part responding to those who question the New Testament’s reliability, Stanley Porter rigorously defends the traditional goals of textual criticism: to establish the original text. He reveals fascinating details about the earliest New Testament manuscripts and shows that the textual evidence supports an early date for the New Testament’s formation. He also explores the vital role translation plays in biblical understanding and evaluates various translation theories. The book offers a student-level summary of a vast amount of historical and textual information.

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    • Horizons In Hermeneutics


      From essays that focus on the horizon of the text through to essays that consider the horizon of the twenty-first century church, this collection invites reflection on the illumination that hermeneutical awareness brings to biblical interpretation. This Festschrift in honor of Anthony C. Thiselton aims to consider, exemplify, and build upon his insights in philosophical hermeneutics and biblical studies, particularly in relation to Paul and his writings.

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    • Biblical Hermeneutics : Five Views


      The latest in the Spectrum Multiview series, this book provides a forum for proponents of five approaches to biblical hermeneutics to state their case, respond to the others, and then provide a summary response and statement. Five seasoned scholars contribute to the multifaceted discussion over this contested discipline: Craig Blomberg with the historical-critical/grammatical approach, Richard Gaffin with the redemptive-historical approach, Scott Spencer with the literary/postmodern approach, Robert Wall with the canonical approach and Merold Westphal with the philosophical/theological approach.

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    • Hermeneutics : An Introduction To Interpretive Theory


      In this concentrated, intelligible, and useful introductory volume Stanley Porter and Jason Robinson give a splendid overview of hermeneutical and interpretive thought. Neither an all-inclusive survey that moves too quickly over the surface of complex issues nor a specialized volume on a single, narrow topic, Porter and Robinson’s Hermeneutics provides critical analysis of major movements and figures in hermeneutics and interpretive theory in the modern era — from Schleiermacher and Heidegger to Thiselton and Culpepper — showing especially how these interpreters and their movements have impacted biblical and theological study.

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    • Fundamentals Of New Testament Greek (Workbook)


      This extremely useful volume is a comprehensive introduction to the grammar and vocabulary of the Greek of the New Testament, with extensive paradigms, examples, and explanations.

      Porter, Reed, and O’Donnell’s Fundamentals of New Testament Greek makes use of pedagogically sound and linguistically informed language-instruction techniques to provide the most effective textbook possible. The book introduces the individual elements of the Greek language according to their frequency of use in the New Testament so as to reinforce in students the elements that they will most often encounter. Every grammatical element is explained in sufficient detail – including illustrative examples – and is accompanied by useful information to describe its composition and analysis. The authors also include complete paradigms with plenty of examples, and significant vocabulary is introduced throughout the course of the volume.

      Students who complete this text can engage in serious reading, translation, and understanding of the Greek New Testament, moving directly into Greek exegesis courses and more advanced Greek-language courses. Fundamentals of New Testament Greek: First Year will prove invaluable for gaining a thorough foundational understanding of New Testament Greek. It is bound to be a standard text for years to come.

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    • Translating The New Testament


      SKU (ISBN): 9780802863775ISBN10: 0802863779Stanley Porter | Editor: Mark BodaBinding: Trade PaperPublished: September 2009McMaster New Testament StudiesPublisher: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Print On Demand Product

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    • Messiah In The Old And New Testaments


      When the ancients discussed “Messiah,” what did they picture? Did it refer to a stately figure to rule, a militant to rescue, or a term to describe a variety of roles held by many? While Christians have traditionally equated the word with Jesus, the discussion is far more complex. The Messiah in the Old and New Testament is the culmination of that discussion. In this excellent collection Stanley Porter has gathered a host of experts to address the questions surrounding the concept of messiah, in order to clarify what it means to call Jesus “messiah.” Divided into two parts” writers who preceded or surrounded the New Testament and writers of the New Testament” and followed by a complete response to both sections from Craig A. Evans, any student of the New Testament will find this book a useful tool for sparking further discussion and understanding the past.

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    • Lost Gospel Of Judas


      With the discovery of the Gospel of Judas came an outpouring of hyperbolic language, both negative and positive. Alongside the overwhelming opinions of historians and scholars was the quiet bewilderment of people who simply weren’t sure what to think, confusion that wasn’t helped by vast media attention. In The Lost Gospel of Judas, Stanley Porter and Gordon Heath attempt to set the record straight. They begin with a look at the initial responses to the announcement of the gospel’s existence, then provide a brief history of Judas himself as seen in the New Testament and in church history, and of Gnostic philosophy. Further sections consider other recent textual finds and examine the discovery, content, and authenticity of the gospel. They also delve into the relationship this new gospel has with the New Testament canon and contemplate the “Lucky Winner” theory of canonical history. The Lost Gospel of Judas sifts through all the evidence, presenting the results with more than enough scholarship to be respected and enough clarity to be easily understood.

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    • Hearing The Old Testament In The New Testament


      Traces the imprint of the Hebrew Scriptures in the Christian story

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    • Reading The Gospels Today


      As ancient documents, the New Testament Gospels can seem distant from contemporary life or irrelevant to modern society. Further complicating the task of reading the Gospels is the way they seem to introduce differing, if not competing, pictures of Jesus. This book is meant to help Bible readers understand–and move beyond–the difficulties involved in interpreting Scripture in our current context.

      In these insightful studies several biblical scholars explore the content of the Gospels while also discussing how to read these writings in relation to each other and in terms of today’s world. Some chapters consider issues that vex Gospel criticism, others look at particular texts or Synoptic themes: still others demonstrate how one’s immediate interpretive context helps to raise the issues and shape the answers that are found when we read the Gospels. Well organized, thoughtfully written, and widely accessible, this volume will serve to draw readers into the exciting field of contemporary Gospels study.

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    • Paul In Acts (Abridged)


      233 Pages

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      Enriching our portrait of the Apostle to the Gentiles, Porter examines Paul through the lens of Acts. Employing literary-critical, rhetorical, and theological approaches, the coeditor of the acclaimed Dictionary of New Testament Background discusses such issues as the “we” passages; Paul as epistolographer vs. rhetorician; the missionary and apologetic speeches; Paul and pneumatology; and more.

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    • Dictionary Of New Testament Background



      The final volume in InterVarsity’s landmark Dictionary series! A library of scholarship in summary form, this study encompasses the full scope of Jewish and Greco-Roman cultures, and features articles on such topics as the Dead Sea Scrolls and second-temple Jewish writings. Extensive bibliographies and cross-references to other volumes in the series makes this an indispensable resource.

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