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    Stephen Binz

    • Exodus Part Two


      Part Two of this study covers the final 25 chapters of Exodus. Beginning with the insecurity of the desert wanderings, to encountering God on Sinai and then constructing the tent of dwelling, God’s people learn what it means to be part of a covenant with the one who liberates and also gives the Law to guide and direct them. 4 lessons.

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    • Exodus Part One


      The exodus is the central event of the Old Testament, giving meaning to everything else we find in its pages. Part One of this study takes us through the first fifteen chapters of Exodus-from slavery to the call of Moses, from plagues to crossing the sea, from captivity to freedom in the Sinai. Discover that God hears those who are beaten down and liberates those who are in need of his justice. 5 lessons.

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    • Panorama Of The New Testament


      Beginning with the Gospels and Acts and continuing through the letters and final book of the Bible, Panorama of the New Testament invites us into familiar scenes but with a wide angle lens to capture the big picture. For newcomers to Bible study, this is a wonderful place to begin to put the pieces together; for seasoned Bible students, this study identifies major themes that emerge throughout the New Testament books. Commentary, study and reflection questions, prayer and access to recorded lectures are included. 4 lessons.

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    • Saint Junipero Serras Camino


      Travelers following Saint Junipero Serra s Camino Real in California with a pilgrim s heart and this book in hand will make their way to 21 missions established in the 1700s, stretching from San Diego to Sonoma north of San Francisco Bay.For each mission, this guide provides the street address, the mission s website, a brief history of the place, the story of the mission s patron or namesake, and information about the mission bells. A true pilgrimage, the experience of following Saint Serra s Camino can be a transformative and enriching one.

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    • Panorama Of The Bible New Testament


      While every character, story, and book of Scripture is significant in itself, stepping back for a broad, panoramic view of the entire Bible helps us to take in and understand God s single, unified plan for human history.

      In this first of a two-part panorama of the Bible, noted Scripture scholar Stephen Binz shows us how all of the Bible s many parts fit together in a grand and awesome narrative. With a clear vision of this sweeping unity, we can then understand far better our own place within the storyline and our own personal role within the mission of God.”

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    • Panorama Of The Bible Old Testament


      While every character, story, and book of Scripture is significant in itself, stepping back for a broad, panoramic view of the entire Bible helps us to take in and understand God’s single, unified plan for human history. In this first of a two-part panorama of the Bible, noted Scripture scholar Stephen Binz shows us how all of the Bible’s many parts fit together in a grand and awesome narrative. With a clear vision of this sweeping unity, we can then understand far better our own place within the storyline and our own personal role within the mission of God.

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    • Women Of The Gospels (Student/Study Guide)


      Welcome To Ancient-Future Bible Study
      The Movements Of Lectio Divina
      The Essence Of Lectio Divina
      Your Personal Practice Of Ancient-Future Bible Study
      Collatio–The Communal Practice Of Lectio Divina
      Further Help For Groups
      Introduction To Women Of The Gospels: Friends And Disciples Of Jesus
      1. Women Of Jesus’s Genealogy (Matthew 1:1-16)
      2. Mary Brings Forth The Savior To The World (Matthew 1:18-25)
      3. Elizabeth Conceives In Her Barrenness (Luke 1:5-25)
      4. Mary The Virgin Conceives A Son (Luke 1:26-38)
      5. Mary Journeys To Visit Elizabeth (Luke 1:39-45)
      6. Anna The Prophet And Herald (Luke 2:33-38)
      7. Simon’s Mother-in-law Healed By Jesus (Mark 1:29-31; Matthew 8:14-15; Luke 4:38-39)
      8. A Little Girl Restored To Life (Mark 5:21-24, 35-43)
      9. The Woman Healed Of A Hemorrhage (Mark 5:25-34)
      10. Herodias Schemes With Her Daughter (Mark 6:14-29)
      11. The Canaanite Woman And Her Daughter (Matthew 15:21-28)
      12. The Mother Of James And John (Matthew 20:20-28)
      13. The Widow Of Nain Mourns Her Only Son (Luke 7:11-17)
      14. The Woman Who Showed Great Love (Luke 7:36-50)
      15. The Women Who Accompany Jesus (Luke 8:1-3)
      16. Martha And Mary Model A Balanced Discipleship (Luke 10:38-42)
      17. A Woman In The Crowd Cries Out (Luke 8:19-21; Luke 11:27-28)
      18. The Crippled Woman Set Free From Bondage (Luke 13:10-17)
      19. The Mother Of Jesus Intercedes At The Wedding Feast (John 2:1-12)
      20. The Woman Of Samaria Encounters Jesus (John 4:3-26)
      21. The Samaritan Woman Witnesses To Jesus (John 4:27-42)
      22. The Woman Judged Forgiven By Jesus (John 8:1-11)
      23. Martha Expresses Confidence In Jesus (John 11:1-27)
      24. Mary Weeps At The Feet Of Jesus (John 11:28-45)
      25. The Poor Widow Gives Everything (Mark 12:38-44)
      26. The Woman At Bethany Anoints Jesus (Mark 14:3-9)
      27. The Women Of Jerusalem Weep For Jesus (Luke 23:26-31, 44-49)
      28. Galilean Women At The Cross And At The Tomb (Mark 15:40-41, 47; Matthew 27:55-56, 61; Luke 23:49, 55-56; John 19:25-27)
      29. The Women Of Galilee Proclaim The Resurrection (Mark 16:1-8; Matthew 28:1-10; Luke 24:1-12)
      30. Mary Magdalene Announces The Good News (John 20:1-18)
      Ancient-Future Bible Study For Small Groups
      Suggestions For Participating In The Group
      Group Study In Six Sessions

      Additional Info
      Ancient-Future Bible Study incorporates contemporary study of the Bible with an experience of the church’s most ancient way of reading Scripture, lectio divina. This time-honored practice consists of five basic movements: biblical study (lectio), reflection (meditatio), prayer (oratio), discernment (contemplatio), and contemplative action (operatio). In six clearly written volumes, bestselling author Stephen Binz helps readers study the Bible in a way that leads to spiritual transformation and brings them closer to God.

      Binz leads readers in a vivid study of key biblical characters, including Abraham, Paul, Peter, David, the women of the Torah, and the women of the Gospels. He shows all Christians who desire to have a transforming experience with the inspired Word of God how studying Scripture through lectio divina can enrich their discipleship. This ecumenical Bible study, designed for use by individuals or groups, includes questions for personal reflection and suggested action. Each volume includes leader’s notes for guiding a study over the course of six sessions.

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    • Women Of The Torah (Student/Study Guide)


      Welcome To Ancient-Future Bible Study
      The Movements Of Lectio Divina
      The Essence Of Lectio Divina
      Your Personal Practice Of Ancient-Future Bible Study
      Collatio–The Communal Practice Of Lectio Divina
      Further Help For Groups
      Introduction To Women Of The Torah: Matriarchs And Heroes Of Israel
      1. Male And Female In The Image Of God (Genesis 1:26-2:3)
      2. Woman, The Partner Of Man (Genesis 2:4-25)
      3. Sin And Its Consequences (Genesis 3:1-13)
      4. Eve, Mother Of All Who Live (Genesis 3:14-24)
      5. Eve, Adah, Zillah, And Naamah (Genesis 4:1-7, 16-26)
      6. Noah’s Wife And The Wives Of His Sons (Genesis 7:1-16; 8:14-19)
      7. Sarai Offers Hagar To Bear A Child (Genesis 16:1-16)
      8. God Promises A Son To Sarah (Genesis 17:15-22)
      9. The Aged Sarah Laughs At God’s Promise (Genesis 18:1-15)
      10. The Wife And Daughters Of Lot (Genesis 19:1-29)
      11. Lot’s Daughters Manipulate Their Father (Genesis 19:30-38)
      12. Sarah Gives Birth And Sends Hagar Away (Genesis 21:1-21)
      13. Rebekah Shows Her Willing Heart (Genesis 24:10-33)
      14. Rebekah Becomes The Wife Of Isaac (Genesis 24:50-67)
      15. Rebekah Gives Birth To Two Nations (Genesis 25:19-28)
      16. Rebekah Wins The Blessing For Jacob (Genesis 27:5-29)
      17. Rebekah Rescues Jacob And Sends Him Away (Genesis 27:41-28:5)
      18. Rebekah’s Son Meets Rachel At The Well (Genesis 29:1-14)
      19. Leah And Rachel Married To Jacob (Genesis 29:15-30)’
      20. Leah, Bilhah, And Zilpah Give Birth (Genesis 29:31-30:13)
      21. Faithful Commitments Fulfilled For Rachel (Genesis 30:14-24)
      22. Rachel And Leah Leave Their Homeland (Genesis 31:13-35)
      23. The Rape Of Dinah (Genesis 34:1-31)
      24. Deborah And Rachel Die Along The Journey (Genesis 35:6-20)
      25. Tamar, The Righteous Woman (Genesis 38:6-30)
      26. Joseph And The Egyptian Wife Of Potiphar (Genesis 39:1-23)
      27. Midwives And Daughters Save God’s People (Exodus 1:15-22; 2:1-10)
      28. Zipporah, The Wife Of Moses (Exodus 2:15-22; 4:19-26)
      29. The Prophet Miriam Sings Of God’s Triumph (Exodus 15:19-21; Numbers 12:1-9)
      30. Five Daughters Advocate For Their Rights (Numbers 27:1-11)
      Ancient-Future Bible Study For Small Groups
      Suggestions For Participating In The Group
      Group Study In Six Sessions

      Additional Info
      Ancient-Future Bible Study incorporates contemporary study of the Bible with an experience of the church’s most ancient way of reading Scripture, lectio divina. This time-honored practice consists of five basic movements: biblical study (lectio), reflection (meditatio), prayer (oratio), discernment (contemplatio), and contemplative action (operatio). In six clearly written volumes, bestselling author Stephen Binz helps readers study the Bible in a way that leads to spiritual transformation and brings them closer to God.

      Binz leads readers in a vivid study of key biblical characters, including Abraham, Paul, Peter, David, the women of the Torah, and the women of the Gospels. He shows all Christians who desire to have a transforming experience with the inspired Word of God how studying Scripture through lectio divina can enrich their discipleship. This ecumenical Bible study, designed for use by individuals or groups, includes questions for personal reflection and suggested action. Each volume includes leader’s notes for guiding a study over the course of six sessions.

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    • Paul : Apostle To All The Nations (Student/Study Guide)


      Ancient-Future Bible Study incorporates contemporary study of the Bible with an experience of the church’s most ancient way of reading Scripture, lectio divina. This time-honored practice consists of five basic movements: biblical study (lectio), reflection (meditatio), prayer (oratio), discernment (contemplatio), and contemplative action (operatio). In six clearly written volumes, bestselling author Stephen Binz helps readers study the Bible in a way that leads to spiritual transformation and brings them closer to God.

      Binz leads readers in a vivid study of key biblical characters, including Abraham, Paul, Peter, David, the women of the Torah, and the women of the Gospels. He shows all Christians who desire to have a transforming experience with the inspired Word of God how studying Scripture through lectio divina can enrich their discipleship. This ecumenical Bible study, designed for use by individuals or groups, includes questions for personal reflection and suggested action. Each volume includes leader’s notes for guiding a study over the course of six sessions.

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    • Conversing With God In Scripture


      With a clarity that all will welcome, Stephen Binz shows how we can read and reflect on Scripture in ways that enable us to hear God speaking to us in our hearts. Examples of the ancient practice of lectio divina using seven biblical passages are included as well as questions for reflection and discussion, making this book a useful tool for those in faith-sharing groups. Suitable both for beginners and those seasoned in prayer.

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