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    Stonecroft Ministries

    • Discovering Gods Good News For You


      How could a hard-hearted killer and Jesus-hater become the greatest-ever advocate for Christianity? Only because of the completeness of the transforming work of Christ.

      That man, who became known as the apostle Paul, later wrote to the Christians in Rome, thoroughly explaining the unique greatness and power of God’s good news. Everyone is dead toward God because of sin and stands condemned, but anyone may gain right standing with Him through Jesus Christ. This rightness can come only by believing–by faith. Nothing can earn, buy, or be exchanged for it. And it brings new life and inner change.

      This easy-to-use study of the first eight chapters of Romans offers open-ended discussion questions, Bible passages, and helpful explanations and applications to help you, or you and your group, grasp the wonder and transforming power of God’s work in your life.

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    • You Are Alive In Christ


      Our culture today offers many apparently helpful spiritual ideas and religious philosophies. Can you accept them? Can you enhance your faith by adding them to your Christian beliefs and practice? This study takes you to the apostle Paul’s letter to the Colossians to find answers.

      Paul’s words to the Colossians remain up to the minute today. Whatever human inventions might be added to Jesus and His gospel–pursuing sensual pleasures, keeping rules, focusing on angels and other spirits, maximizing our natural potential–nothing matches up to Christ. Human ideas and effort can only detract, because God the Father has made you complete in His Son.

      Open-ended discussion questions, Bible passages, and easy-to-understand explanations and applications help you, or you and your group, explore how Jesus Christ is supreme and every believer is complete in Him.

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    • Gods Love Through You


      Over his years of walking with Jesus, John–ambitious,opinionated, volatile–came to identify himself simply as “the disciple Jesus loved.” In 1 John, one of his letters, John presents Jesus Christ as the living expression of God’s love, the One who reveals to us the mind and heart of His Father. The apostle tells us what a relationship with Jesus looks like and how it should transform our attitudes and behaviors.

      This study guides you, or you and your group, through selected Bible passages, presents straightforward explanations and applications, and provides open-ended discussion questions. You will see yourself changed as you learn, because to know Jesus is to know love–and to know Jesus is to know God.

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    • Following Jesus Through Mark


      Many people want to be praised and recognized, but few imagine that the route to greatness lies in service. As readers acquaint themselves with the life of Jesus Christ as reported by Mark, their perspective will be radically and refreshingly altered. Jesus, the greatest, became the least, serving every man and woman so He could bring them back to God.

      This study guides readers through selected Bible passages, presents straightforward explanations and applications, and provides open-ended discussion questions. Participants will find themselves changed as they see how the greatest Servant now lives His life in us and through us.

      About This Series: Stonecroft Bible Studies encourage people to know God and grow in His love through exploration of His life-transforming Word, the Bible. Each book is designed for both seekers and new believers and includes easy-to-understand explanations and applications of Bible passages, study questions, and a journal for notes and prayers.

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    • Growing In The Christian Life


      “What is faith?” Is it merely a mental process? Is it a type of self-empowerment? This study for small groups and individuals takes people to the book of James to find the answers they need.

      Open-ended discussion questions, Bible passages, and easy-to-understand explanations and applications help participants understand that a Christian life of faith is genuine and active, and transforms every aspect of their daily lives.

      About This Series: Stonecroft Bible Studies encourage people to know God and grow in His love through exploration of His life-transforming Word, the Bible. Each book is designed for both seekers and new believers and includes easy-to-understand explanations and applications of Bible passages, study questions, and a journal for notes and prayers.

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    • Discovering The Joy Of Jesus


      This easy-to-use study for small groups and individuals reveals the Bible’s book of joy. The apostle Paul’s words in the book of Philippians share the secret of joy–a life centered in Jesus Christ.

      Open-ended discussion questions, Bible passages, and helpful explanations and applications point readers to the godly characteristic of joy, which is sharing in God’s life–a quality that transcends happiness based on circumstances.

      About This Series: Stonecroft Bible Studies encourage people to know God and grow in His love through exploration of His life-transforming Word, the Bible. Each book is designed for both seekers and new believers and includes easy-to-understand explanations and applications of Bible passages, study questions, and a journal for notes and prayers.

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    • Living In Gods Will


      SKU (ISBN): 9780736952668ISBN10: 0736952667Stonecroft MinistriesBinding: Trade PaperPublished: January 2013Stonecroft Bible StudiesPublisher: Harvest House Publishers

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    • Christ In The Psalms


      This easy-to-use study focuses on the psalms that predict Christ – His coming, His work, His Lordship, and his reign as King of kings. Each chapter includes questions to provoke your thinking and generate meaningful conversation, specific Scripture verses to investigate, and prayers to connect you with God. 11 lessons.

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    • Following Jesus With Luke


      What would it have been like to walk around with Jesus, watching what He did and hearing what He said? This ten-week study will guide readers through the eyewitness accounts gathered by Luke in his Gospel. As they read selected Bible passages, go over straightforward explanations and applications, and wrestle with open-ended questions, participants will find their perspective on the Son of Man–the God who identified Himself with us completely–forever changed.

      Stonecroft Bible Studies encourage people to know God and grow in His love through exploration of His life-transforming Word, the Bible. Each book is designed for both seekers and new believers and includes easy-to-understand explanations and applications of Bible passages, study questions, and a journal for notes and prayers.

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    • Connecting With God


      This down-to-earth study on prayer empowers women to experience the heart-to-heart connection with God they need in order to grow strong in the faith and become all God intends them to be. The six lessons include Bible passages, study questions, and prayers that will jump-start womens prayer lives and help them build meaningful relationships with God and each other. Inspiring stories of answered prayer and answers to common questions about prayer will help women reach new heights in their devotional lives.

      About This Series: Stonecroft Bible Studies encourage and equip women with the life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ. Each book is designed for small groups of seekers and new believers and includes notes for facilitators, easy-to-understand explanation and application of Bible passages, study questions, memory verses, and a prayer journal.

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    • What Is God Like


      The infinite characteristics of God are ultimately beyond comprehension. But in this six-week study, as women consider His attributes and plans, they will move from knowing about God to actually experiencing His powerful presence in their lives. As they read selected Bible passages, consider helpful explanations and applications, and respond to thought-provoking questions, they will come to know God better and increasingly bring Him glory in their everyday lives.

      About This Series: Stonecroft Bible Studies encourage and equip women with the life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ. Each book is designed for small groups of seekers and new believers and includes notes for facilitators, easy-to-understand explanation and application of Bible passages, study questions, memory verses, and a prayer journal.

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    • Who Is Jesus


      Jesus Christ is the most extraordinary person who has ever lived. In this six-week study, women will consider why He came, what He said, and what He did, finding fresh inspiration for engaging with Him in life-transforming ways. Each lesson includes helpful at-home Bible study assignments as well as open-ended questions for sharing with a small group. Stonecroft Ministries recommends that those who are new to their studies start here. About This Series: Stonecroft Bible Studies encourage and equip women with the life-transforming gospel of Jesus Christ. Each book is designed for small groups of seekers and new believers and includes notes for facilitators, easy-to-understand explanation and application of Bible passages, study questions, memory verses, and a prayer journal.

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