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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Angels And Demons


      Christians in Bible-believing churches often do not receive explicit teaching on angels because expositional sermons focus on the meaning of the text-and the biblical authors are rarely focused on discussing angels. The consequence is that legends or superstitions often cloud our reflections about supernatural beings. Pastors also rarely receive in-depth exposure to this subject in seminary. This book satisfies a need for teaching about the angels for a popular audience who want to speak and think biblical about the spiritual realm, especially because many books on angels teach speculative views or borrow their ideas from other religions of the ancient near east.

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    • God Has A Name

      Original price was: $25.99.Current price is: $19.99.

      What you believe about God sets the foundation of the person you will become.

      In God Has a Name, pastor and New York Times bestselling author John Mark Comer invites you to rethink many of the prevalent myths and misconceptions about God and weigh them against what God actually tells us about himself. After all, what you believe about God will ultimately shape the type of person you become.

      We all live at the mercy of our ideas, and nowhere is this more true than our ideas about God. The problem is many of our ideas about God are wrong. Not all wrong, but wrong enough to form our souls in detrimental and disheartening ways.

      God Has a Name is a simple yet profound guide to understanding God in a new light–focusing on what God says about himself in the Bible. This one shift has the potential to radically alter how you relate to God, not as a doctrine, but as a relational being who responds to you in an elastic, back-and-forth way.

      John Mark Comer takes you line by line through Exodus 34:6-8–Yahweh’s self-revelation on Mount Sinai, one of the most quoted passages in the Bible. Along the way, Comer addresses some of the most profound questions he came across as he studied these noted lines in Exodus, including:

      *Why do we feel this gap between us and God?

      *Could it be that a lot of what we think about God is wrong? Not all wrong, but wrong enough to mess up how we relate to him?

      *What if our “God” is really a projection of our own identity, ideas, and desires?

      *What if the real God is different, but far better than we could ever imagine?

      No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, God Has a Name invites you to step into a fresh and biblically rooted vision of who God is that has the potential to alter your life with God and shape who you become.

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    • Mere Christian Hermeneutics

      Original price was: $39.99.Current price is: $31.99.

      Reading the Bible to the glory of God.

      In 1952, C. S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity eloquently defined the essential tenets of the Christian faith. With the rise of fractured individualism that continues to split the church, this approach is more important now than ever before for biblical hermeneutics.

      Many Christians wonder how to read the text of Scripture well, rightly, and faithfully. After all, developing a strong theory of interpretation has always been presented by two enormous challenges:

      1. A variety of actual interpretations of the Bible, even within the context of a single community of believers.

      2. The plurality of reading cultures–denominational, disciplinary, historical, and global interpretive communities–each with its own frame of reference.
      In response, influential theologian Kevin J. Vanhoozer puts forth a “mere” Christian hermeneutic–essential principles for reading the Bible as Scripture everywhere, at all times, and by all Christians.

      To center his thought, Vanhoozer turns to the accounts of Jesus’ transfiguration–a key moment in the broader economy of God’s revelation–to suggest that spiritual or “figural” interpretation is not a denial or distortion of the literal sense but, rather, its glorification.

      Irenic without resorting to bland ecumenical tolerance, Mere Christian Hermeneutics is a powerful and convincing call for both church and academy to develop reading cultures that enable and sustain the kind of unity and diversity that a “mere Christian hermeneutic” should call for and encourage.

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    • Short Guide To Church


      A common claim in modern American Christianity is that you don’t have to go to church to be a Christian. The writers of the New Testament, however, would find a Christian faith separate from the church to be unrecognizable. Dean Inserra has often said to his congregation, “There is more to being a Christian than going to church, but there certainly isn’t less.” Belonging to a local church is not something made up by a Christian subculture. The local church was God’s design. It is his grand idea to display his glory and provide the avenue for his people to flourish as his missionaries to the world. When one begins to see the church as God’s plan, the mindset shifts from going to church in order to claim Christianity to seeing oneself as a participant in what God has given his people as a gift.

      There is a purpose, design, and reason for why the church functions in the manner she does. Consistent practices that may seem as merely tradition upon first glance, are prescribed by God for his people to practice together until Christ returns. The local church, congregated together, is the Lord’s primary plan for discipleship, fellowship, and mission for the Christian life. A Short Guide to Church is not a technical treatment of ecclesiology, but rather a book to put in the hands of every prospective and current church member, to help the body of Christ, expressed locally, to see the purposes and plan of the local church for their life of faith, and why it truly is the best thing going.

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    • Biblical Typology : How The Old Testament Points To Christ, His Church, And


      How to Study the Old Testament for Signs of Christ

      Believers read Scripture to follow Christ and deepen their relationship with him. But since a majority of the Bible was written before Jesus’s life and death on the cross, many people rely on the Old Testament for historical context and moral guidance alone. However, when studied in detail, we see how even the Old Testament reveals Christ as the center of God’s plan for redemption.

      Biblical Typology examines how the Old Testament foreshadows Christ, the church, and the consummation through types-or symbols-pointing toward fulfillment. Well-known for his academic yet accessible writing, Vern S. Poythress not only provides examples of types and analogies found in God’s word but also teaches readers a practical framework and diagram for effectively examining them throughout Scripture. Readers will learn how to identify and interpret biblical typology for themselves as they deepen their understanding of the Bible and the wisdom of God.

      *Great for Bible Teachers: Teaches pastors, Bible study leaders, and thoughtful lay people how to effectively study biblical typology in the Old Testament

      *Practical How-To: Not only examines Scripture for examples of Christ in the Old Testament but teaches how readers can find types for themselves

      *Uses Helpful Tools: Introduces a practical framework and diagram to effectively interpret typology within the Old Testament

      *Academic yet Accessible: Written by scholar, professor, and author Vern S. Poythress

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    • God : Theology For Every Person


      Knowing, loving, and worshiping God is the call and privilege of every disciple of Jesus.
      Because all Christians are part of his royal priesthood, theology is not just for those teaching in the academy or serving in ministry vocations.

      Theology proper centers on God, exploring his existence, his divine nature, his Persons, and his attributes. In this book you will find an overview of these truths in the doctrine of God as well as other great truths in the doctrine of divine revelation.

      You are not simply setting out on a journey toward deeper knowledge. If theological study only results in knowing abstract truths about God, then we have not done theology well.
      Right theology invariably leads to right living and right worship, and this is our ultimate goal in these books and in this life.

      God is the first volume of a three-part series entitled Theology for Every Person. The other volumes will include God’s Word to the World, which considers God in Christ and his works of creation, humanity, and redemption, and God’s Work in the World, which explores God the Holy Spirit and the divine works of salvation, the church, and the end.

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    • Trinity In The Canon


      For the church, trinitarian theology should flow into two streams: ORTHODOXY AND ORTHOPRAXY.

      Editor Brandon Smith and a stellar cast of theologians demonstrate that trinitarian theology derives directly from Scripture and should produce both right doctrine and right living. The Trinity in the Canon is an appeal for the church to incorporate the Trinity into our preaching, our liturgies and worship, and our interactions with those outside the church. Pastors, scholars, professors, students, and laypersons will benefit spiritually, theologically, and practically from this in-depth study of the Trinity.

      Contributors Include:

      -Gerald Bray
      -Madison N. Pierce
      -Heath A. Thomas
      -Jonathan T. Pennington
      -Matthew Y. Emerson
      -R. Lucas Stamps
      -Scott R. Swain
      -Keith S. Whitfield
      -Fred Sanders
      -Thomas R. Schreiner
      -Darian R. Lockett
      -Brandon D. Smith
      -Malcolm B. Yarnell III
      -Daniel Lee Hill
      -David Baggett

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    • Follow The Healer


      There is a simple, yet transformative, truth that fundamentally changes the way we think about and approach the ministry of praying for others to be healed. It’s the simple truth that Jesus heals– the healing ministry to which we are called is not primarily our ministry, but Christ’s. What we are called to do is to participate in his ongoing healing ministry. And as his ministry continues today through his body, the Church, he invites us to join him.

      In Follow the Healer, Stephen Seamands draws upon four decades of teaching theology and active involvement in healing ministry to help us grasp the “why-to” of healing that comes before the “how-to.” He lays out the essential theological foundations for healing ministry in a way that is simple and accessible. This holistic, Wesleyan approach to healing will help traditional evangelicals more readily embrace healing ministry and lead Pentecostals and charismatics already engaged in this ministry move toward a more wholistic and discerning approach to healing.

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    • Urban Legends Of Theology


      Urban Legends of Theology surveys 40 of the most common misunderstandings of Christian doctrine. Some of the urban legends are cultural truisms that turn out not to be true; others are misconceptions of what the Bible and Christian tradition actually teach.??

      ?Author and theologian Michael Wittmer writes in an engaging and incisive manner, probing beliefs nearly every churchgoer has heard at one time or another, such as: ? ?

      *The Bible is our only authority?
      *All sin is the same before God?
      *God won’t give you more than you can handle?
      *Christianity is not a religion; it’s a relationship?
      *We are the hands and feet of Jesus??

      Urban Legends of Theology corrects these misconceptions and offers a better alternative in each one’s place, guiding readers into the full riches and freedom of Christian theology rightly understood.?

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    • Doctrine Of God


      A Guided Tour of One of the Greatest Theological Works of the Twentieth Century

      Karl Barth’s ‘Church Dogmatics’ is considered by many to be the most important theological work of the twentieth century and for many people reading it, or at least understanding its contents and arguments, is a lifelong goal. Yet its enormous size, at over 12,000 pages (in English translations) and enough print volumes to fill an entire shelf, make reading it a daunting prospect for seasoned theologians and novices alike.

      Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics for Everyone, Volume 2–The Doctrine of God?helps bridge the gap for would-be Karl Barth readers from beginners to professionals by offering an introduction to Barth’s theology and thought like no other. User-friendly and creative, this guide helps readers get the gist, significance, and relevance of what Barth intended for the church… to restore the focus of theology and revitalize the practices of the church.

      Each section contains insights for pastors, new theologians, professionals, and ordinary people including:

      *Summaries of the section
      *Contextual considerations
      *And other visually informative features that reinforce the main points of the Barth’s thought

      In addition, each volume features the voices of authors from different academic disciplines who contribute brief reflections on the value of?Church Dogmatics?for creative discovery in their disciplines. Volume 2 reflections include:

      *Chris Tilling (biblical studies)
      *David Guretzki (systematic theology)
      *Earl Palmer (pastors)
      *Wyatt Houtz (ordinary people)
      *Andrew Howie (mental health)
      *James Houston (spiritual formation)
      *Ross Hastings (science)
      *Jeremy Begbie (the arts)

      Whether you are just discovering Barth or want a fresh look at his magnum opus, this series invites you to an enjoyable and insightful journey into the?Church Dogmatics.

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    • Knowledge Of God In The World And The Word


      Amid the crisis of authority in our modern and postmodern era, Christians need to be able to point to God’s revelation in the natural world in addition to defending God’s unique revelation in the Bible and in the person of Jesus Christ.

      Classical apologetics takes a two-step approach to commending the Christian picture of reality. First, arguments for the existence of God, such as those of natural theology, are employed to create common ground with people outside the household of the Christian faith and to provide intellectual support for Christians. Second, classical apologetics defends key items of Christian revelation, including the reliability of the Bible, the identity of the historical Jesus, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

      In Knowledge of God in the World and the Word, authors Douglas Groothuis and Andrew Shepardson provide a simple introduction to classical apologetics that also addresses the most common objections to natural theology. Readers will discover in the book an easy point of entry into understanding why Christian beliefs about Jesus are true and rational. Further, the authors apply the power of classical apologetics to Christian ministry.

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    • Psychology Of The Fruit Of The Spirit


      For centuries, the fruit of the Spirit has rightfully served as a wellspring of reflection on the virtues that epitomize the Christian life and character-building. However, the notion of the fruit of the Spirit is not limited solely to forming the biblical foundation of ethical living.

      Psychologist and theologian Zoltan Dornyei argues that if we understand the nine attributes collectively as a concise portrayal of the ideal Christian self, this approach places the notion of the fruit of the Spirit at the intersection of several important theological themes, such as being conformed to the divine image, the gradual advancement of the kingdom of God, and new creation. In The Psychology of the Fruit of the Spirit, Dornyei offers a scholarly exposition of the relevant theological content associated with the fruit of the Spirit. Complementing his theological reflections with findings from the field of psychology, he brings expertise in both psychology and theology to bear on this important biblical concept. His integrated perspective helps to uncover the full meaning and theological potential of the fruit of the Spirit by helping to clarify the nature of its nine facets, defining broader psychological dimensions that underlie the fruit, and offering practical lessons for cultivating it in the Christian life.

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    • Truth Changes Everything


      America has passed a tipping point. A majority of Americans now say that truth is up to the individual and that ultimate truth cannot be known. Learning to “speak our own truths” was supposed to lead to dignity and harmony. Instead, our society struggles with unprecedented levels of social conflict, purposelessness, and loss of identity. And still, the “Truth versus truths” tension continues to grow.

      Is all hope lost? In this inspiring book, Dr. Jeff Myers tells the fascinating stories of Jesus-followers who lived for Truth and transformed their world in times of crisis. These inspiring figures led the way in human dignity, science, art, medicine, education, politics, justice, and even the idea of meaningful work.

      No matter what is going on around us, the truth is worth fighting for. If you long for a positive, restorative role in our own chaotic era, it’s time to discover how truth changes everything.

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    • Saints Everlasting Rest


      A Hopeful Puritan Perspective on Suffering and Death

      In the throes of a long illness and confronting the possibility of death, 17th-century theologian Richard Baxter found comfort in the reality of heaven that awaits believers of Christ. During his recovery, Baxter wrote about the afterlife in what would become his best-selling book.

      The Saints’ Everlasting Rest meditates on what Scripture reveals about heaven, helping believers live an abundant, God-honoring life in anticipation of eternal rest. Baxter encourages readers not to become distracted or discouraged by the temporal as he refocuses their minds on the eternal. Confronting difficult topics including sin, suffering, and fear of death, he also emphasizes God’s sufficient grace and how the promise of heaven enriches life on earth.

      Foreword by Joni Eareckson Tada: Inspiring message from the founder and CEO of the Joni and Friends International Disability Center

      Great for Personal and Group Study: Each chapter ends with questions for reflection, tackling issues including death, abundant joy, security in Christ, and patience through affliction

      Modernized Version of a Puritan Classic: Abridged and edited, with a detailed summary of Baxter’s life and work, along with short introductions to each chapter

      Biblical Support for Dealing with Grief or Illness: Explains suffering and death from a Christ-centered perspective, with practical tips for living a heavenly life

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    • 40 Questions About Arminianism


      The actual life and teaching of Jacobus Arminius are often unknown or misunderstood across many Protestant traditions. Answers beyond a basic caricature can be elusive. What are the essential historical backgrounds of Arminianism, and what theological teachings connect to the Arminian point of view? Mixing solid historical research with biblical and doctrinal precision, Baptist scholar J. Matthew Pinson clarifies the foundations of this influential tradition.

      40 Questions About Arminianism addresses the following questions and more:
      *Who was Jacobus Arminius?
      *How has the church interpreted God’s desire that everyone be saved?
      *How is Arminianism different from Calvinism?
      *Can one be both Reformed and Arminian?
      *What is “universal enabling grace”?
      *What do Arminians mean by “free will”?
      *Do Arminians believe that God predestines individuals to salvation?
      *Is it possible for a Christian to apostatize?

      An accessible question-and-answer format helps readers pursue the issues that interest them most and encourages a broad understanding of historic and contemporary Arminianism, with additional resources available at 40questions.net.

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    • Faithfully Different : Regaining Biblical Clarity In A Secular Culture


      Welcome to Your Place in a Worldview Minority

      In an increasingly secular society, your biblical worldview now places you in a shrinking minority at odds with the dominant culture. Your desire to be faithful to God’s Word will be met with increasing pressures on what you believe, how you think, and how you live out your faith–yet it’s also a unique cultural moment in which opportunities abound to shine Christ’s light into a darkened world.

      Faithfully Different will help you regain biblical clarity in the haze of today’s secularism so you can live out your faith with conviction, discernment, and courage. This book will enable you to…

      *identify and respond biblically to secular pressures that are commonly challenging Bible-believing Christians

      *recommit yourself to living out God’s Word while learning to engage graciously with a world that rejects and resents biblical truth

      *defend your heart from the world’s misguided influences and live as a positive witness for the Lord

      When your identity is in Jesus, there’s no doubt you’ll look different than the world, and there’s no doubt it will often be hard. But the payoff for faithful endurance will be everlasting. Faithfully Different will give you the wisdom and encouragement you need to believe, think, and live biblically no matter what today’s shifting society upholds as truth.

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    • Theology Of Paul And His Letters


      A landmark study of the apostle’s writings by one of the world’s leading Pauline scholars

      This highly anticipated volume gives pastors, scholars, and all serious students of the New Testament exactly what they need for in-depth study and engagement with one of Christian history’s most formative thinkers and writers. A Theology of Paul and His Letters is a landmark study of the apostle’s writings by one of the world’s leading Pauline scholars Douglas J. Moo. Fifteen years in the making, this groundbreaking work is organized into three major sections:

      *Part 1 provides an overview of the issues involved in doing biblical theology in general and a Pauline theology in particular. Here Moo also sets out the methodological issues, formative influences, and conceptual categories of Paul’s thought.

      *Part 2 moves on to Paul’s New Testament writings, where Moo describes each Pauline letter with particular relevance to its theology.

      *Part 3 offers a masterful synthesis of Paul’s theology under the overarching theme of the gift of the new realm in Christ.

      Engaging, insightful, and wise, this substantive, evangelical treatment of Paul’s theology offers extensive engagement with the latest Pauline scholarship without sacrificing its readability. This volume brings insights from over thirty years of experience studying, teaching, and writing about Paul into one comprehensive guide that will serve readers as a go-to resource for decades to come.

      ABOUT THE SERIES: The Biblical Theology of the New Testament (BTNT) series provides upper college and seminary-level textbooks for students of New Testament theology, interpretation, and exegesis. Pastors and discerning theology readers alike will also benefit from this series. Written at the highest level of academic excellence by recognized experts in the field, the BTNT series not only offers a comprehensive exploration of the theology of every book of the New Testament, including introductory issues and major themes, but also shows how each book relates to the broad picture of New Testament Theology.

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    • 40 Questions About Biblical Theology


      An accessible survey of the meaning, methodologies, themes, and applications of biblical theologyTo understand what the entire Bible teaches about any given subject, we must practice biblical theology. By surveying the whole canon of Scripture, we can best discern what God has revealed about any particular issue. But doing so requires answering a number of important questions:

      * What type of biblical theology will we choose?
      * What overall story does the Bible tell?
      * How should we understand the relationship between the Old and New Testaments?
      * How does our topic fit within salvation history?
      * How do we apply the truths we discover?

      40 Questions About Biblical Theology provides resources to answer these key questions in order to guide readers in their own study and practice of biblical theology. Other vital topics the authors address include how to understand typology, key themes in biblical theology, and how Christians should relate to Old Testament promises.Ideal for courses on biblical theology, for pastors, and for anyone who teaches or interprets Scripture, 40 Questions on Biblical Theology will deepen your understanding and application of the whole counsel of God.

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    • Systematic Theology Second Edition


      The most widely-used text of the last 25 years in its discipline, Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem has been thoroughly revised and expanded (all 57 chapters) for the first time while retaining the features that have made it the standard in its field: clear explanations, an emphasis on each doctrine’s scriptural basis, and practical applications to daily life.

      With several hundred pages of new content, this new edition now includes the following distinctive features.

      *Updated, fuller analysis of several recent controversies within evangelicalism, including the eternal relationship between the Father and the Son in the Trinity, the question of God’s atemporal eternity, the role of women in the church, “seeker-sensitive” churches, miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit, and contemporary worship music.

      *New, thoughtful critiques of open theism, the “new perspective on Paul,” Molinism (or “middle knowledge”), “Free Grace” theology, and the preterist view of Christ’s second coming

      *Completely revised, stronger chapter on the clarity of Scripture

      *Completely revised, stronger chapter on creation and evolution (including a longer critique of theistic evolution)

      *New discussion of how biblical inerrancy applies to some specific “problem verses” in the Gospels

      *Additional material respectfully explaining evangelical Protestant differences with Roman Catholicism, Protestant liberalism, and Mormonism.

      *Completely updated bibliographies

      *All Scripture quotations updated from RSV to ESV

      *An explanation of why monogenes in John 3:16 and elsewhere should be translated as “only begotten” rather than merely “only” (this is a change from the first edition)

      *A contemporary worship song added at the end of each chapter (while retaining the traditional hymns as well)

      *Numerous other updates and corrections

      Part of the brilliance of Systematic Theology over the years has been its simplicity and ease of use. Each chapter follows the same structure. First, there is discussion of the doctrine being considered, such as justification or the Trinity or the deity of Christ. An explanation of where that doctrine is supported in the Bible and possible objections follow. Personal application and key terms to know for personal growth are then provided. Chapters also include a scripture memory passage, references to other literature on the topic, and suggested hymns and worship songs.

      If you are someone who thinks theology is hard to understand or

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    • Systematic Theology Workbook Second Edition (Workbook)


      This workbook accompanies Wayne Grudem’s highly regarded Systematic Theology. Following the textbook’s structure, it features review material and exercises for every chapter, and all major areas of Christian doctrine are covered, including:

      The Word of God

      *Christ and the Holy Spirit
      *The Application of Redemption
      *The Church
      *The Future

      The workbook further maintains the clear writing, friendly tone, and frequent applications to life found in the textbook. Students will benefit from this hands-on engagement with the important teachings in Systematic Theology.

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    • People Of Gods Presence


      In an age when the church is sometimes viewed as irrelevant and inauthentic, leading Pentecostal theologian Terry Cross calls the people of God to a radical change of structure and mission based on theological principles not programmatic ones. Cross, whose work is respected by scholars from across the ecumenical landscape, offers an introduction to ecclesiology that demonstrates how Pentecostals can contribute to and learn from the church catholic. A forthcoming volume by the author, Serving the People of God’s Presence, will focus on the role of leadership in the church.

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    • Divine Revelation Of Heaven And Hell


      In A Divine Revelation of Heaven, after thirty nights in which God gave her visions of the depths of hell and the punishments of the lost, Mary K. Baxter was shown for ten nights the glories of heaven–the home of redeemed souls. Included in this book are her depictions of heaven’s gates, angels, music, worship, storehouses of blessings, joyful heavenly citizens, four living creatures, and brilliant throne of God. Mary also describes heaven’s perfect order and purpose, what happens to children, and much more. These breathtaking glimpses of heaven, interspersed with applicable Bible verses, will turn your heart toward the beauty and joy that await every believer in Christ.

      In A Divine Revelation of Hell, over a period of thirty nights, God gave Mary K. Baxter visions of hell and commissioned her to tell people still alive on earth to reject sin and evil, and to choose life in Christ. Here is an account of the place and beings of hell contrasted with the glories of heaven. Follow Mary in her supernatural journey as she enters with Jesus into a gateway to hell and encounters the sights, sounds, and smells of that dark place of torment, including its evil spirits, cells, pits, jaws, and heart. Be an eyewitness to the various punishments of lost souls and hear their shocking stories. This book is a reminder that each of us needs to accept the miracle of salvation before it is too late–and to intercede for those who do not yet know Christ. Time is running out.

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    • Book Of Signs

      Original price was: $29.99.Current price is: $24.99.

      “The end times.” “The apocalypse.” “The day of judgment.” Terms such as these are both fascinating and frightening for any student of God’s Word. They point to key questions people have wrestled with for centuries, including:

      –What does the Bible tell us about the future?
      –How much can we understand about biblical prophecy and its application in our lives?
      –What signs and signals will precede the end of everything as we know it?
      –Which of those signs and signals have already come to pass, which are we experiencing now, and which are still to come?

      In this landmark collection, bestselling author Dr. David Jeremiah offers answers to these questions and much more. Drawing from decades of experience as one of the world’s most-respected Bible teachers, Dr. Jeremiah has updated content from previously published works in additional to writing new material on a wide variety of subjects.

      The result is a truly epic and authoritative guide to biblical prophecy–a must-have resource for Christians seeking to navigate the uncertainties of the present and embrace God’s promises for the future.

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    • 40 Questions About Heaven And Hell


      Biblical answers to the most frequently asked questions about the afterlife! In 40 Questions About Heaven and Hell, Alan Gomes surveys the Old and New Testaments to paint a comprehensive picture of the afterlife. The question-and-answer format makes it easy to find answers to specific questions on heaven, hell, the intermediate state, the final judgment, and life in eternity. Readers will find solid answers to many vital questions:
      * What should we conclude about those who claim to have seen heaven or hell?
      * Is it possible for us to communicate with the dead?
      * Is there such a place as purgatory?
      * What will our resurrected bodies be like?
      * What will we do in the eternal state?
      * Will there be animals in the eternal state?
      * What is hell like?
      * How can a God of love send people to an eternal hell?
      * Did Jesus “descend into hell” like the Apostles’ Creed says?

      Study notes point to additional resources for learning, and reflection questions at the end of each chapter make the book ideal for small group studies.

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    • 40 Questions About Angels Demons And Spiritual Warfare


      In 40 Questions About Angels, Demons, and Spiritual Warfare, John Gilhooly provides a biblical and balanced perspective on the many issues surrounding the spiritual realm. In a question-and-answer format, he explains spiritual warfare, angels and demons, the role of Satan, models and practices for spiritual warfare, and topics related to the occult. Beneficial as a comprehensive overview or as a reference guide to particular subjects, this volume provides concise but thorough answers to many important questions:
      * Do believers have guardian angels?
      * Can Christians be demon possessed?
      * Are there territorial spirits?
      * Why and when did the devil fall from heaven?
      * What is the role of prayer in spiritual warfare?
      * Are there such things as spiritual curses?

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    • Portable Seminary 2nd Edition


      Take your theological education to the next level. In this extensively updated book, discover all the major topics in a typical seminary master’s program authoritatively taught by respected professors, authors, and leaders. This introduction to a Master of Divinity degree is ideal for anyone who lacks the time or opportunity to attend formal classes.

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    • 40 Questions About Salvation


      This newest contribution to the 40 Questions and Answers series continues the tradition of excellent research presented in accessible language and clear writing. 40 Questions About Salvation makes sense of one of Christianity’s most disputed doctrines, covering the most common and difficult questions such as election, the order of salvation, and perseverance of the faith. This volume will help pastors, college and seminary students, and all Christians who want to grow in their understanding of what the Bible teaches about salvation. Each chapter is succinct and readable, with a bibliography of additional sources for those who wish to study further.

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    • Worship In The Way Of The Cross


      Preface And Acknowledgments

      Part I: The Story That Shapes Cruciform Worship
      1. The Stories That Transform (or Deform) Us And The World: The Narrative Background To Cruciform Worship
      2. The World That We Shape And The World That Shapes Us: The Transformative Power Of Cruciform Worship

      Part II: Cruciformation: Worship In The Way Of The Cross
      3. An Introduction To Cruciformation (or, Toward A Theology Of “Family Resemblance”)
      4. Cruciform Knowledge: Encountering Christ Through Cruciform Worship
      5. Cruciform Perfection: Completion In Christ Through Cruciform Community
      6. An Apology For The Church

      Part III: Cruciform Counterculture
      7. Worship At The Karaoke Chapel: From Subculture Of Sameness To Counterculture Of Cruciformity
      8. How The Many Become One In Christ: From Homogeneous Unit To Multicultural, Multigenerational, Countercultural Family
      9. Cultivating A Counterculture Of Cruciform Worship: Some Basic Principles, Paradigms, And Approaches

      Part IV: Interpersonal Cruciformity
      10. Introduction To Interpersonal Cruciformity
      11. Interpersonal Cruciformity In The Congregation
      12. Interpersonal Cruciformity Within The Pastoral Staff

      Part V: Cruciform Liturgy
      13. The Liturgy Of Cruciform Worship: Cruciformation Through Liturgical Ideation
      14. The Cruciformational Prayers Of The People: Ideation Through Supplication
      15. The Cruciformational Preaching And Singing Of The Word: Ideation Through Proclamation And Melodic-Harmonic Incarnation
      16. Cruciformation Through Holy Communion: Ideation Through Sacramental Participation

      Part VI: Cruciform Mission
      17. Cruciformission


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      Too often worship is seen as just the music, an on-stage performance that puts the spotlight on the worship leader. But worship is fundamentally an other-centered, self-giving act of service. Worship properly directed to God for his glory also results in the Christlike formation and transformation of both worship leaders and congregants. Worship leader and biblical scholar John Frederick unpacks the shape of worship in the way of the cross, where leaders act not as lords but as servants. With a mix of biblical exposition and practical insights, he explores a cruciform theology of worship: as the cross demonstrates the nature of God, worship in the way of the cross transforms us into the image of God who is love. Thus worshipers and worship leaders alike can come to embody the other-centered humility of Christ. This paradigm has implications for how worship leaders and pastoral staff relate to one another, and for renewing the artistic output of the church. In cruciform worship, we encounter the Son of God and embody the love of God. Discover how in worship we can empty ourselves for the transformation of others.

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    • Reflections On The Bible


      SKU (ISBN): 9781619709089ISBN10: 1619709082Dietrich Bonhoeffer | Editor: Manfred Weber | Translator: M. Eugene BoringBinding: Trade PaperPublished: February 2017Publisher: Hendrickson Publishers

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    • Arminian And Baptist


      Dr. Pinson brings from his thorough research this collection of essays to the reader as a blend of church history and theology. This work is an important resource to understand an evangelical Arminianism while revealing the context of its Reformation roots. The author explores the Arminianism of Thomas Helwys and the General Baptists of old. All the works come together to show the rich heritage of Reformed theology while maintaining the foundation of a biblically grounded Arminianism.

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    • Political Disciple : A Theology Of Public Life


      What might it mean for public and political life to be understood as an important dimension of following Jesus? As a part of Zondervan’s Ordinary Theology series, Vincent E. Bacote’s The Political Disciple addresses this question by considering not only whether Christians have (or need) permission to engage the public square, but also what it means to reflect Christlikeness in our public practice, as well as what to make of the typically slow rate of social change and the tension between relative allegiance to a nation and/or a political party and ultimate allegiance to Christ. Pastors, laypeople, and college students will find this concise volume a handy primer on Christianity and public life.

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    • Cities Of Tomorrow And The City To Come


      Sometime around 2008, a demographic shift of historic proportions took place, a watershed moment in which, for the first time in history, more than 50% of the world’s population lived in cities. The percentage of city-dwellers is projected to swell to more than 70% by 2050. While many of today’s cities concentrate wealth and power, they also house some of the most vulnerable populations and distressed communities in the world. The juxtaposition of affluence and poverty in urban areas raises questions of justice. Cities also concentrate opportunity and attract diverse populations. Five Western cities-Chicago, London, New York, Los Angeles, and Toronto-include people of nearly every ethnic background on the face of the planet. These “cosmopoli’, and other diverse cities throughout the world, raise important questions about community, identity, and diversity. As part of Zondervan’s Ordinary Theology series, Noah Toly’s Cities of Tomorrow and the City to Come reflects on the tensions between contemporary urban life and Christian theology. How are Christians to live between the already, the “cities of tomorrow” in our world, and the not yet, the “city yet to come” (Hebrews 13:14)? He guides readers toward cultivating two types of imagination in response: the prophetic on one hand, emphasizing important distinctions between one city and another, and the apocalyptic on the other, emphasizing the infinite distance between any city and the City of God.

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    • Developing A Biblical Worldview


      Developing a Biblical Worldview equips readers to think biblically about the world in which we live. Four questions that everyone asks, at least implicitly, about life and reality are used as a rubric for analyzing worldviews: Who are we? Where are we? What is wrong? What is the answer? Professor C. Fred Smith answers these questions from a biblical perspective, enabling readers to discern how they have been influenced by false worldviews and where they need to grow in their biblical understanding.

      As readers consider what it means to be human beings made in the image of God, to live in the world God created, to experience sin and its consequences, and to believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, they will be encouraged to immerse themselves intentionally in the totality of Scripture and see the world God’s way.

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    • Created For Community (Reprinted)


      This revised edition of a classic college-level introduction to theology presents the core doctrines of the Christian faith, encouraging readers to connect belief with everyday life. Stanley Grenz, one of the leading evangelical scholars of his era, and Jay Smith, an expert on Grenz’s theological legacy, construct a helpful theology that is biblical, historical, and contemporary. The third edition includes a foreword by John Franke, a new preface and afterword, resources for further study, and updated footnotes. The book’s easy-to-use format includes end-of-chapter discussion questions and connects theological concepts with current cultural examples.

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    • Not A Chance (Revised)


      Despite claiming unbelief in God or any higher power that may have designed or created the world and all that is in it, modern scientists often write and speak of chance as some kind of being or force that can actually cause things to happen. In one breath they push the evolution agenda and in the next they say that creatures were “designed” with specific traits. In this classic book, R. C. Sproul and Keith Mathison call the scientific world to employ logic and clarity in their discourse, to leave the word chance as an abstract concept to describe mathematical possibilities rather than an ontological being that can actually cause change. This expanded edition includes a new chapter dealing with the most recent attempts to defend irrational scientific statements. Two new appendices answer critics and review other literature on scientific discoveries that support belief in a Creator God.

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    • Discipleship : The Expression Of Saving Faith


      Discipleship is a great read for those who have grappled with questions like: What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? Is being a disciple of Jesus the same thing as being a Christian? What does a life of discipleship look like? Dr. Picirilli provides practical answers and applications for the reader through an exhaustive study of what the New Testament writers said about the requirements for salvation. He offers sound, comprehensive exegesis demonstrating that repentance, obedience, and discipleship are biblical expressions of saving faith. FEATURES Dr. Picirilli presents a thoroughly scholarly approach to dealing with Greek grammar, relevant textual issues, and contrasting interpretations on topics ranging from assurance of salvation, apostasy, backsliding, holiness, sanctification, and sin. He also shares important implications of how we should present the gospel, offer assurance of salvation, and incorporate proper church discipline. The author compares the Transaction Model of justification by faith as presented in the writings of Paul with the Discipleship Model of following Jesus in the Synoptic gospels.

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    • Bonhoeffer On The Christian Life


      The abundance of conferences, lectures, and new books related to Dietrich Bonhoeffer attests to the growing interest in his amazing life and thought-provoking writings. The legacy of his theological reflections on the nature of fellowship, the costliness of grace, and the necessity of courageous obedience has only been heightened by the reality of how he died: execution at the hands of a Nazi death squad. In this latest addition to the popular Theologians on the Christian Life series, historian Stephen J. Nichols guides readers through a study of Bonhoeffer’s life and work, helping readers understand the basic contours of his cross-centered theology, convictions regarding the Christian life, and circumstances surrounding his dramatic arrest and execution.

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    • Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes


      Introduction: Coming To Terms With Our Cultural Blinders
      Part One: Above The Surface
      1. Serving Two Masters: Mores
      2. The Bible In Color: Race And Ethnicity
      3. Just Words? Language

      Part Two: Just Below The Surface
      4. Captain Of My Soul: Individualism And Collectivism
      5. Have You No Shame? Honor/Shame And Right/Wrong
      6. Sand Through The Hourglass: Time

      Part Three: Deep Below The Surface
      7. First Things First: Rules And Relationships
      8. Getting Right Wrong: Virtue And Vice
      9. Its All About Me: Finding The Center Of Gods Will

      Conclusion: Three Easy Steps For Removing Our Cultural Blinders?
      Resources For Further Exploration

      Additional Info
      What was clear to the original readers of Scripture is not always clear to us. Because of the cultural distance between the biblical world and our contemporary setting, we often bring modern Western biases to the text. For example: When Western readers hear Paul exhorting women to “dress modestly,” we automatically think in terms of sexual modesty. But most women in that culture would never wear racy clothing. The context suggests that Paul is likely more concerned about economic modesty–that Christian women not flaunt their wealth through expensive clothes, braided hair and gold jewelry.Some readers might assume that Moses married “below himself” because his wife was a dark-skinned Cushite. Actually, Hebrews were the slave race, not the Cushites, who were highly respected. Aaron and Miriam probably thought Moses was being presumptuous by marrying “above himself.”Western individualism leads us to assume that Mary and Joseph traveled alone to Bethlehem. What went without saying was that they were likely accompanied by a large entourage of extended family. Biblical scholars Brandon O’Brien and Randy Richards shed light on the ways that Western readers often misunderstand the cultural dynamics of the Bible. They identify nine key areas where modern Westerners have significantly different assumptions about what might be going on in a text. Drawing on their own crosscultural experience in global mission, O’Brien and Richards show how better self-awareness and understanding of cultural differences in language, time and social mores allow us to see the Bible in fresh and unexpected ways. Getting beyond our own cultural assumptions is increasingly important for being Christians in our interconnected and globalized world. Learn to read Scripture as a member of the global body of Christ.

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    • Eternal Generation Of The Son


      Should all Christians, especially evangelicals, hold on to the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son? What is lost if we don’t? Theologian Kevin Giles defends the historically orthodox and ecumenical doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son of God. He argues on biblical, historical and theological bases that, given its fundamental meaning, this formulation is indispensable, irreplaceable and faithful to Christian revelation. The book will be especially helpful in the current discussion of this doctrine. It will also be of interest to students, pastors and laypersons who want to delve into the Christian understanding of the identity of the Son of God and serious study of trinitarian theology.

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    • Surprised By Hope


      For years Christians have been asking, “If you died tonight, do you know where you would go?” It turns out Christians have been giving the wrong answer. It is not heaven.

      One of today’s premier Bible scholars and award-winning author N.T. Wright outlines the present confusion about a Christian’s future hope and shows how it is deeply intertwined with how we live today. Wright shows that Christianity’s most distinctive idea is bodily resurrection. First, he provides a magisterial defense of a literal resurrection of Jesus himself. This became the cornerstone for the Christian community’s hope in the bodily resurrection of all people at the end of the age. Next Wright explores our expectation of “new heavens and new earth,” showing what happens to the dead until then and what will happen with the “second coming” of Jesus. For many, including many Christians, all this will come as a great surprise.

      Wright convincingly argues that what we believe about life after death directly affects what we believe about life before death. For if God intends to renew the whole creation – and if this has already begun in Jesus’s resurrection – the church cannot stop at “saving souls” but must anticipate the eventual renewal by working for God’s kingdom in the wider world, bringing healing and hope in the present life.

      Lively and accessible, this book will surprise and excite all who are interested in the meaning of life, not only after death but, before it.

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    • 40 Questions About The End Times


      Even-handed, biblical, and broadly accessible answers to the most frequently asked questions about the return of Christ This newest contribution to the 40 Questions series continues the tradition of excellent research presented in accessible language and clear writing. Designed for both students and general readers, this resource helps them make sense of one of the Bible’s most difficult topics.

      Schnabel, a professor at a leading seminary and the author of several major works, looks at the future of the world, the church, and Israel; the return of Jesus; and the millennium and the final judgment. He answers questions related to the rapture, the 144,000, the identity of the two witnesses, Armageddon, how to interpret Revelation, heaven and hell, and so forth. The result is an even-handed treatment that avoids sensationalism and a “newspaper headline” approach to prophecy, that is, interpreting prophecy according to current events. Rather, Schnabel carefully studies the biblical text in light of its first-century context and draws biblically-based conclusions.

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    • Free Will Vs Predestination Pamphlet


      Do people have free will or does God predestine them to be saved? If God elects us, is there any reason to spread the Gospel? Can a person lose his salvation? This easy-to-understand pamphlet compares the teachings of Arminianism with Calvinism and gives the key Bible verses you need to understand this important topic.

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    • Chosen But Free (Revised)


      The Reformed movement has gotten younger and more outspoken since Chosen But Free was published more than ten years ago, making the topic of divine election one of utmost importance to the church today. Young Christians in particular are in constant debate over these issues, wondering what is true and how it might affect their lives.

      People on both sides of the debate will want to read a “middle-ground” book. In addition, this revision deals more directly with the personal issues involved in the debate. For example, how do our beliefs about free will affect us when it comes to perceptions of love, personal responsibility, and purpose? And how does it affect our ability to worship God?

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    • Essential Doctrine Made Easy Pamphlet


      This handy pamphlet is perfect for anyone who wants to know the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. These key beliefs of Christianity are embraced by Christians around the world. Today’s churches are filled with people who are passionate about being Christians, but who may not know what exactly they believe. The author is Dr. Norman Geisler, Professor of Theology and Apologetics and co-founder of Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, NC. For more info, go to www.rose-publishing.com

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    • Grace Faith Free Will


      “Grace, Faith, Free Will” addresses issues that have divided Calvinists and Arminians since the Reformation. Using historical, systematic, and Biblical theology, Picirilli contrasts both views of salvation. His “Reformation Arminianism” reclaims the original beliefs of Arminius and his defenders.

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    • 4 Views On Eternal Security


      Does the Bible support the concept of “once saved, always saved,” or can a person lose his or her salvation? How do the Scriptures portray the complex interplay between grace and free will? These and related questions are explored from different angles in this thought-provoking Counterpoints volume.

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    • Christian Beliefs : 12 Studies For Indiviuals Or Groups (Student/Study Guide)


      Christian beliefs are vital to Christian living. They are the foundation of your relationship to God – and even with others. So… what do Christians believe? In this study guide, Stephen Eyre introduces one by one twelve key tenets of the Christian faith. Here is what you need to know (and tell others) about God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, human nature, sin, salvation, holiness, the church, mission, revelation, and last things. Now available in IVP’s revised LifeGuide Bible Study format, “Christian Beliefs” features questions for starting group discussions and for personal reflection, as well as a new “Now or Later” section following each session.

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    • Divine Revelation Of Hell


      Heaven or hell? Over a period of forty days, God gave Mary K. Baxter visions of hell and commissioned her to tell all to choose life. Here is an account of the place and beings of hell contrasted with the glories of heaven. It is a reminder of the need each of us has for the miracle of salvation.

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    • Church Members Handbook


      “This is a small book (1962) on church membership to place in the hands of members to help them know the meaning of their membership and understand the doctrines and polity of Baptists. Chapters include The Meaning of Church Membership, The Church covenant, Christian Growth, Baptist History, Baptist Doctrine, Baptists and Other Denominations, God’s Plan of Church Finance, and Baptist Churches at Work.”

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