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    Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)

    • Karl Barth And Dietrich Bonhoeffer


      Wolf Krotke, a foremost interpreter of the theologies of Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, demonstrates the continuing significance of these two theologians for Christian faith and life. This book enables readers to look with fresh eyes at the theologies of Barth and Bonhoeffer and offers new insights for reading the history of modern theology. It also helps churches see how they can be creative minorities in societies that have forgotten God. Translated by a senior American scholar of Christian theology, this is the first major translation of Krotke’s work in the English language. The book includes a foreword by George Hunsinger.

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    • Doctrine Of Good Works


      In Titus, Paul says Christ redeemed a people “zealous for good works.” Despite this declaration and others like it, the doctrine of good works has fallen on hard times in contemporary Protestant theology and practice. At best, it’s neglected–as in most systematic theologies and in too much church teaching. At worst, it’s viewed with suspicion–as a threat to salvation by grace alone through faith alone.

      In this important work addressing a significant gap in current theological literature, the authors argue that by jettisoning a doctrine of good works, the contemporary church contradicts historical Protestantism and, more importantly, biblical teaching. They combine their areas of expertise–exegesis, systematic and historical theology, and practical theology–to help readers recover and embrace a positive doctrine of good works. They survey historical Protestant teaching to show the importance of the doctrine to our forebears, engage the scriptural testimony on the role of good works, formulate a theology of salvation and good works, and explore pastoral applications.

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    • Practicing Christian Doctrine Second Edition


      This introductory theology text helps students articulate basic Christian doctrines, think theologically so they can act Christianly in a diverse world, and connect Christian thought to their everyday lives of faith.

      Written from a solidly evangelical yet ecumenically aware perspective, this book models a way of doing theology that is generous and charitable. It attends to history and contemporary debates and features voices from the global church. Sidebars made up of illustrative quotations, key Scripture passages, classic hymn texts, and devotional poetry punctuate the chapters.

      The first edition of this book has been well received (over 25,000 copies sold). Updated and revised throughout, this second edition also includes a new section on gender and race as well as new end-of-chapter material connecting each doctrine to a spiritual discipline.

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    • Tyranny Of The Banal


      In this book, David Deane proposes a renewal of Catholic moral theology by deconstructing dominant secular positions and restoring Catholic positions to their theological roots. In doing so, Deane makes space for a constructive Catholic moral theology restored to its foundations in the doctrine of the Trinity.

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    • Apostles Creed Study Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      What Do You Believe?

      “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Creator of Heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord….”??

      Every week churches around the world quote The Apostles’ Creed – but they often don’t stop to really think about what they’re saying or what the words mean. So for many years, Rick wanted to teach every single point in The Apostles’ Creed to help people understand these powerful truths. Finally, it’s done.

      Rick says: “The Apostles’ Creed contains the non-negotiable tenets of the Christian faith. And by studying every point and backing it up with teaching from the New Testament, this series will really anchor believers in what they believe. I studied intensively for this series, and it’s like a banquet set on the table for those who want to pull up a chair and partake of these powerful truths. I’ve done all the work for them!”

      Understanding the core beliefs of the Christian faith will help you emphatically know why you believe what you believe. So pull up a chair and partake of these powerful truths!

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    • Introduction To Theology


      This systematic theology textbook introduces students to the complexity and beauty of theology as a pursuit of the global church today. It views theology as an ongoing conversation with many voices about the wonders of God that is faithful to Scripture but is also attentive to the wisdom of tradition and the relevance of context.

      The book first summarizes the nature and necessity of theological thinking and discusses theological method. Chapters then unfold in creedal order through the various regions of Christian teaching, with units on revelation, God, creation and providence, Christology, pneumatology, ecclesiology, anthropology, soteriology, and eschatology.

      This book is part of a new series that reflects the changing face of global Christianity. Series volumes are written by leading Pentecostal/Charismatic scholars who highlight themes of interest to Pentecostal/Charismatic students; however, the books are respectful, appreciative, and inclusive of a variety of church families and traditions. Series editors are Jerry Ireland, Paul W. Lewis, and Frank D. Macchia.

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    • Reforming The Church


      “To walk together is the constitutive way of the Church; the figure that enables us to interpret reality with the eyes and heart of God; the condition for following the Lord Jesus and being servants of life in this wounded time.”
      -Pope Francis

      “Today, making an option for synodality one’s own means thinking systemically about the renewal and life of the ecclesial body, in the local churches, without limiting oneself to certain sectors or individual activities that would only make a partial change.”
      -from the introduction

      Reforming the Church analyzes ministries; participatory structures; pastoral institutions; the role of the laity, especially women and couples in the Church; formation programs in seminaries and their decision-making and decision-taking models, among other topics where concrete reform is needed. The book covers six perspectives: the synodal form of church; scripture and tradition-the consensus ecclesiae; pathways to renewed ministries; co-responsibility versus clericalism; reforming structures; and the future-an ongoing synodal spirituality.

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    • Lords Supper : Our Promised Place Of Intimacy And Transformation With Jesus


      From the very beginning, the Lord’s Supper has stood at the heart of Christian worship. But over the years we’ve trivialized it, squeezing it in between “real” worship. If Jesus lives in us, and the Holy Spirit is poured out on us, why do we need to eat bread and drink grape juice or wine? Does it really matter?

      It does matter-and it’s life-changing, says leading Pentecostal theologian Jonathan Black. With warmth and depth, he explores not only how the table is still a powerful place of transformation and encounter with Jesus, but also how we can experience Christ’s promise of presence, glory, healing, forgiveness, victory, and intimacy when we answer His call to come to the table.

      Whether you’re feeling the lack of His presence, are ashamed of sin in your life, or have never felt anything during Communion, Christ’s invitation to partake in His feast is your invitation to taste and see that the Lord is good.

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    • Ordinary Splendor : Living In God’s Creation


      The Christian life is grounded in God’s act of creation.

      *How we pray
      *How we relate to others
      *How we worship
      *How we rest

      In Ordinary Splendor: Living in God’s Creation, Lydia Jaeger presents the doctrine of creation in all its practical necessity. She unfolds the majesty of God’s creative work and explores how it shapes and informs everything–from our relationships and the way we pray to how we think about human dignity.

      Through her engagement with theologians, Greek mythology, philosophers, and other creation stories from the ancient Near East, Jaeger offers a rich reading of biblical creation passages that provides wisdom for our daily lives.

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    • Christ The Center


      Scripture is a beautiful mosaic of Christ.

      The earliest Christians expressed their faith with creativity through symbols and summaries. In Christ the Center, Tomas Bokedal explores the relationship of the rule of faith, the nomina sacra, and numerical patterns with Scripture. The nomina sacra scribal reverence for divine names within Scripture displays remarkable intentionality and theological reflection. The nomina sacra in turn directed the emerging rule of faith. These scribal practices reveal early devotional and theological preoccupation and guided the text’s shape and interpretation in the early centuries after Christ.

      Christ the Center showcases early Christian reverence for Scripture and especially for the One of whom Scripture speaks.

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    • Meaning Of Singleness


      Is Christian singleness a burden to be endured or a God-ordained vocation? Might singleness here and now give the church a glimpse of God’s heavenly promises?

      Dani Treweek offers biblical, historical, cultural, and theological reflections to retrieve a theology of singleness for the church today. Drawing upon both ancient and contemporary theologians, including Augustine, lfric of Eynsham, John Paul II, and Stanley Hauerwas, she contends not only that singleness has served an important role throughout the church’s history, but that single Christians present the church with a foretaste of the eschatological reality that awaits all of God’s people.

      Far from being a burden, then, Christian singleness is among the highest vocations of the faith.

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    • Beginning And End Of All Things


      Many Christians think of the doctrine of creation primarily as relating to the world’s origins. In The Beginning and End of All Things, Edward W. Klink III presents a more holistic understanding of creation–a story that is unfolded throughout all of Scripture and is at the core of the gospel itself.

      From beginning to end, the theme of creation and new creation not only directs the movement of the entire biblical story but also unifies its message. Klink explores the goodness of the physical world and how it will be perfected in the new creation of heaven and earth. Along with offering rich insights about God and his purposes for the world, a biblical theology of creation guides how we engage nature, culture, and life as embodied beings.

      Essential Studies in Biblical Theology (ESBT), edited by Benjamin L. Gladd, explore the central or essential themes of the Bible’s grand storyline. Taking cues from Genesis 1-3, authors trace the presence of these themes throughout the entire sweep of redemptive history. Written for students, church leaders, and laypeople, the ESBT offers an introduction to biblical theolog

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    • Theos Starter Pack


      Recovering…Timeless Truths

      Like an online starter pack meme, Theos Starter Pack: Toward a Recovery of Essential Christianity is designed to provoke a response.

      The book includes twenty essays by a motley crew of Bible geeks who are all active in church ministry and teach at TheosU, an online, nondenominational Bible college.

      The focus is on recovering the roots of Christianity–recovering the way we teach, recovering the Bible’s grand narrative, recovering Christian liberty, recovering apocalyptic, and much more.

      Each writer “takes into consideration the ageless tradition of Christianity that has been handed down through the centuries, resisting the cultural soup and integrating timeless thinking into an approach that works for the present day,” explains Chris Palmer, TheosU dean. This book is a lifeline “to pull yourself out of the soup.”

      You may laugh. You may run to your Bible. You may reach out to one of the writers to share a few choice words. But no matter what, these essayists hope you will be inspired and come away with rich theological insights.

      Theos Starter Pack recovers beautiful elements of ancient Christianity that have been lost or shoved aside in modern society. It’s food for the souls of those who long for a return to the roots of our faith.

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    • Biblical Trinity : Encountering The Father, Son, And Holy Spirit In Scriptu


      The Trinity is God as revealed in the Bible.

      The Bible doesn’t give us a systematic statement of the doctrine of the Trinity. But that doesn’t mean the Trinity is not biblical.

      In The Biblical Trinity: Encountering the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in Scripture, Brandon D. Smith proclaims the Trinity from the Bible. The doctrine arises not from a handful of prooftexts but from the fullness of what the Bible says about God. Through short reflections on fifteen key New Testament passages in conversation with the Old Testament, Smith shows how God’s word reveals the Trinity. The book concludes with three rules for how to encounter the truth and beauty of our Triune God in all of Scripture.

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    • After Dispensationalism : Reading The Bible For The End Of The World


      What God wants his people to know about the end times.

      Christians’ fixation on the end times is not new. While eschatological speculation has sometimes resulted in distraction or despair, Scripture does speak about the end. So what does God most want us to know and do with prophecy?

      In After Dispensationalism, Brian P. Irwin and Tim Perry sympathetically yet critically sketch the history, beliefs, and concerns of dispensationalism. Though a minority view in the sweep of church history and tradition, dispensationalism is one of the most influential end-times systems today, and there is much to learn from it. And yet, sometimes it gets sidetracked by overlooking the prophets’ main concerns.

      Irwin and Perry reexamine the key texts and show that Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation primarily give a word of hope to God’s people.

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    • Defender Of The Faith


      The Coronation, a momentous occasion. Gold, velvet, rare stones all on display for the public, a representation of royalty and pride. Have you ever looked a little deeper into the imagery? During Charles’ coronation, the king is handed a pearl-studded sceptre, finished with a diamond-encrusted orb. What is the meaning of this? Three swords are carried before him-one of which is blunt, what does this represent?

      Did you know special oil is poured onto his head in a private ceremony? Or, that the king wears six robes during the ceremony? What do the four crosses on the king’s crown represent?

      In these short but fascinating chapters, you will learn ten interesting facts that will unravel a deeper insight into unspoken traditions of the coronation.

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    • Urban Legends Of Theology


      Urban Legends of Theology surveys 40 of the most common misunderstandings of Christian doctrine. Some of the urban legends are cultural truisms that turn out not to be true; others are misconceptions of what the Bible and Christian tradition actually teach.??

      ?Author and theologian Michael Wittmer writes in an engaging and incisive manner, probing beliefs nearly every churchgoer has heard at one time or another, such as: ? ?

      *The Bible is our only authority?
      *All sin is the same before God?
      *God won’t give you more than you can handle?
      *Christianity is not a religion; it’s a relationship?
      *We are the hands and feet of Jesus??

      Urban Legends of Theology corrects these misconceptions and offers a better alternative in each one’s place, guiding readers into the full riches and freedom of Christian theology rightly understood.?

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    • Doctrine Of God


      A Guided Tour of One of the Greatest Theological Works of the Twentieth Century

      Karl Barth’s ‘Church Dogmatics’ is considered by many to be the most important theological work of the twentieth century and for many people reading it, or at least understanding its contents and arguments, is a lifelong goal. Yet its enormous size, at over 12,000 pages (in English translations) and enough print volumes to fill an entire shelf, make reading it a daunting prospect for seasoned theologians and novices alike.

      Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics for Everyone, Volume 2–The Doctrine of God?helps bridge the gap for would-be Karl Barth readers from beginners to professionals by offering an introduction to Barth’s theology and thought like no other. User-friendly and creative, this guide helps readers get the gist, significance, and relevance of what Barth intended for the church… to restore the focus of theology and revitalize the practices of the church.

      Each section contains insights for pastors, new theologians, professionals, and ordinary people including:

      *Summaries of the section
      *Contextual considerations
      *And other visually informative features that reinforce the main points of the Barth’s thought

      In addition, each volume features the voices of authors from different academic disciplines who contribute brief reflections on the value of?Church Dogmatics?for creative discovery in their disciplines. Volume 2 reflections include:

      *Chris Tilling (biblical studies)
      *David Guretzki (systematic theology)
      *Earl Palmer (pastors)
      *Wyatt Houtz (ordinary people)
      *Andrew Howie (mental health)
      *James Houston (spiritual formation)
      *Ross Hastings (science)
      *Jeremy Begbie (the arts)

      Whether you are just discovering Barth or want a fresh look at his magnum opus, this series invites you to an enjoyable and insightful journey into the?Church Dogmatics.

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    • Jesus And The God Of Classical Theism


      In both biblical studies and systematic theology, modern treatments of the person of Christ have cast doubt on whether earlier Christian descriptions of God–in which God is immutable, impassible, eternal, and simple–can fit together with the revelation of God in Christ. This book explains how the Jesus revealed in Scripture comports with such descriptions of God. The author argues that the Bible’s Christology coheres with and even requires the affirmation of divine attributes like immutability, impassibility, eternity, and simplicity.

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    • Dictionary Of Paul And His Letters


      The Dictionary of Paul and His Letters is a one-of-a-kind reference work. No other resource presents as much information focused exclusively on Pauline theology, literature, background, and scholarship.

      This second edition is a thoroughly revised and updated version of the acclaimed 1993 publication. Since that groundbreaking volume was published, developments in Pauline studies have continued at a rapid pace, with diverse new scholars entering the conversation, new ideas and methods gaining attention, and fresh expressions of old topics shaping the present discussion. Those who enjoyed and benefited from the wealth in the first edition will find this new edition an equally indispensable and freshly up-to-date companion to study and research.

      Classic topics such as Christology, justification, hermeneutics, and book studies of individual epistles receive careful treatment by specialists in the field. Topics new to this edition–including Paul and politics, patronage, and interpretations from various historical and cultural perspectives–expand the volume’s breadth and usefulness. Over 95% of the articles have been written specifically for this edition.

      This work bridges the gap between scholars and pastors, teachers and students, and all interested readers who want a thorough treatment of key topics in a summary format. In curating and compiling these articles, the editors have sought to make them comprehensive, accessible, and useful for those pursuing further research on particular subjects. Each article’s bibliography, in addition, will serve a new generation of readers for years to come.

      The updated Dictionary of Paul and His Letters takes its place alongside the Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, 2nd ed., and the other volumes in the IVP Bible Dictionary Series as a unique presentation of the fruit of biblical studies–committed to Scripture, using the best of critical methods, and maintaining dialogue with both contemporary scholarship and the challenges facing the church. The reference volumes in the series provide in-depth treatment of biblical and theological topics in an accessible encyclopedia format, including cross-sectional themes, methods of interpretation, significant historical or cultural background, and each Old and New Testament book as a whole.

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    • Bulwarks Of Unbelief


      How modernity creates atheists–and what the church must do about it.

      Millions of people in the West identify as atheists. Christians often respond to this reality with proofs of God’s existence, as though rational arguments for atheism were the root cause of unbelief. In Bulwarks of Unbelief, Joseph Minich argues that a felt absence of God, as experienced by the modern individual, offers a better explanation for the rise in atheism. Recent technological and cultural shifts in the modern West have produced a perceived challenge to God’s existence. As modern technoculture reshapes our awareness of reality and belief in the invisible, it in turn amplifies God’s apparent silence. In this new context, atheism is a natural result. And absent of meaning from without, we have turned within.

      Christians cannot escape this aspect of modern life. Minich argues that we must consciously and actively return to reality. If we reattune ourselves to God’s story, reintegrate the whole person, and reinhabit the world, faith can thrive in this age of unbelief.

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    • Who Are You Really


      What does it mean to be human? What is a person? Where did we come from?

      Many answers have been offered throughout history in response to these perennial questions, including those from biological, anthropological, sociological, political, and theological approaches. And yet the questions remain.

      Philosopher Joshua Rasmussen offers his own step-by-step examination into the fundamental nature and ultimate origin of persons. Using accessible language and clear logic, he argues that the answer to the question of what it means to be a person sheds light not only on our own nature but also on the existence of the one who gave us life.

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    • Holy Spirit


      Often the Holy Spirit is viewed as a force, a feeling, or an experience. But as the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit created us to relate to him personally. How do we get to know the Holy Spirit in this way? How do we come to embrace the Holy Spirit as our best friend? Frank Moore balances what we know and believe about the Holy Spirit with an emphasis on this personal friendship. While aptly attending to the scriptural, theological, and creedal knowledge of the Holy Spirit, Dr. Moore places significant focus on the Holy Spirit’s ministry in saving, transforming, and befriending us. Combining the vital worlds of learning and divine companionship, this volume is a rich resource for Christian study and growth. Christians are used to hearing theological language in the church but may not feel they have adequate resources to enhance their understanding of what certain terms or concepts mean. The Wesleyan Theology Series aims to discuss Christian doctrines in accessible language that states clearly what we believe and why. Each volume is written by an author with a particular expertise who also has the ability to simplify and clarify complex ideas. The Wesleyan Theology Series is written specifically for the theologically curious layperson, student, or pastor. Topics include: the Trinity, creation, eschatology, the church, the sacraments, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Scripture, sin, grace, salvation, sanctification, Christian ethics, and atonement.

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    • Living Together In Unity With Dietrich Bonhoeffer


      The church needs community that is deep and real. In Living Together in Unity with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Nicholas J. Abraham reclaims Bonhoeffer’s vision for Christian community. By exploring Bonhoeffer’s life and writings, Abraham identifies the foundations for community and how we can build upon them. Truly Christian fellowship is through Jesus and in Jesus. It is created by Jesus and maintained by the Spirit. Unity does not come through trending techniques or correct opinions, but through love, forgiveness, and God’s word. Bonhoeffer provides a thoughtful and timely vision for life together in Christ.

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    • Thomas F Torrance And Evangelical Theology


      Thomas F. Torrance invites evangelicals to think more Christianly

      Thomas F. Torrance and Evangelical Theology: A Critical Analysis brings Torrance into closer conversation with evangelical theology on a range of key theological topics.

      *Thomas F. Torrance and the Evangelical Tradition (Thomas A. Noble)

      *Torrance, The Tacit Dimension, and The Church Fathers (Jonathan Warren P. (Pagan))

      *Torrance and the Doctrine of Scripture (Andrew T. B. McGowan)

      *Revelation, Rationalism, and an Evangelical Impasse (Myk Habets)

      *Theology and Science in Torrance (W. Ross Hastings)

      *A Complexly Relational Account of the Imago Dei in Torrance’s Vision of Humanity (Marc Cortez)

      *Barth, Torrance, and Evangelicals: Critiquing and Reinvigorating the Idea of a “Personal Relationship with Jesus” (Marty Folsom)

      *Torrance and Atonement (Christopher Woznicki)

      *Torrance and Christ’s Assumption of Fallen Human Nature: Toward Clarification and Closure (Jerome Van Kuiken)

      *Torrance, Theosis, and Evangelical Reception (Myk Habets)

      *Thinking and Acting in Christ: Torrance on Spiritual Formation (Geordie W. Ziegler)

      *’Seeking Love, Justice and Freedom for All’ Using the Work of T.F. and J.B. Torrance to Address Domestic and Family Violence (Jenny Richards)

      *Toward a Trinitarian Theology of Work (Peter K. W. McGhee)

      *Torrance and Global Evangelicalism: Some Potential Generative Exchanges with Contemporary Indian Evangelical Theology (Stavan Narendra John)

      Thomas Forsyth Torrance (1913-2007) was one of the most important theologians of the twentieth century, yet his work remains relatively neglected by evangelicals.

      A diverse collection of contributors engage Torrance’s pioneering and provocative thought, deriving insights from theological loci such as Scripture, Christology, and atonement, as well as from broader topics like domestic violence and science. These stimulating essays reveal how Torrance can help evangelical theologians articulate richer and deeper theology.

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    • On Theology : Explorations And Controversies


      Reflections from a prolific and seasoned theologian

      John Frame is remarkable for his ability to pair profound thought with lucid prose. On Theology: Explorations and Controversies gathers eighty concise reflections on wide-ranging matters of theology, philosophy, and ethics, divided into eight parts:

      *Theological Method
      *The Thomist Controversy
      *Systematic Theology
      *Essays from Lexham Survey of Theology
      *Essays from The Gospel Coalition’s Concise Theology
      *Philosophy and Apologetics
      *Ethics and Politics
      *Personal Reflections

      Whether considering age-old questions or current debates, Frame evokes deep thinking about Christian theology in a style that is accessible and engaging.

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    • Testimonies To The Truth


      Christians should be prepared to defend and share their faith, even while wrestling with doubts and questions that arise from within and without. With thousands of books out there-not to mention content on social media-where do we start? Testimonies to the Truth, Lydia McGrew’s fourth book on New Testament reliability, provides a great starting point. With a heart for evangelism, equipping believers, and scholarship, McGrew brings together new arguments and old ones in a form that is readily accessible to laymen while being careful and rigorous. With these arguments in hand, you will never be stumped when someone asks, “Why should I believe what the Bible says about the life and teachings of Jesus?” Above all, McGrew points to Jesus himself, true God and true man, the One who teaches, loves, and suffers for us, described by the Gospels in vivid and credible detail. Including suggested study and discussion questions and references for further reading and research, Testimonies to the Truth provides an excellent resource for personal study, Sunday School, high school and college classes, and small groups.

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    • Paul The Spirit And The People Of God


      This contemporary classic by renowned scholar Gordon Fee explores the Spirit’s significant role in Pauline life and thought.

      After Fee published his magisterial God’s Empowering Presence, he was asked to write a more accessible volume that would articulate Paul’s priorities for experiencing the life of the Spirit in the church. Fee’s bestselling introduction to Paul and the Spirit, Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God, went on to sell over 70,000 copies. This book by one of the greatest evangelical and Pentecostal New Testament interpreters of our time argues that the presence of the Spirit is, for Paul and for us, the crucial matter for the Christian life.

      This repackaged edition features an updated design and packaging, new study questions, and a foreword by Dean Pinter, who commends the book to a new generation of readers.

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    • NeoCalvinism : A Theological Introduction


      Discover the rich theology of Neo-Calvinism.

      Abraham Kuyper and Herman Bavinck sparked a theological tradition in the Netherlands that came to be known as Neo-Calvinism. While studies in Neo-Calvinism have focused primarily on its political and philosophical insights, its theology has received less attention.

      In Neo-Calvinism: A Theological Introduction, Cory C. Brock and N. Gray Sutanto present the unique dogmatic contributions of the tradition. Each chapter focuses on a distinct theological aspect, such as revelation, creation, salvation, and ecclesiology. Neo-Calvinism produced rich theological work that yields promise for contemporary dogmatics. This book invites readers into this rich theological trajectory.

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    • What Every Christian Should Know


      We live in a time when believing in anything or nothing is considered equally “truthful.” Many people don’t identify with a specific religion, preferring to think of themselves as “spiritual” to avoid seeming intolerant of other beliefs. This has led to some squishy ideas about right and wrong, as well as false teachings infiltrating our churches.

      More than ever, we must stand firm on the clear teaching of God’s Word. In What Every Christian Should Know, Dr. Robert Jeffress equips you to understand ten core doctrines of Christianity so you can be confident that your faith is built on solid ground and stand strong against false teaching. Each chapter illuminates a core belief of the Christian faith, such as God’s Word, the Trinity, angels and demons, sin, salvation, future things, and more.

      Nothing is more hopeful and beneficial in our trying times than good theology. With vivid illustrations, clear explanations, and practical applications for believers today, this book will help you ground your faith in capital T truth.

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    • Knowledge Of God In The World And The Word


      Amid the crisis of authority in our modern and postmodern era, Christians need to be able to point to God’s revelation in the natural world in addition to defending God’s unique revelation in the Bible and in the person of Jesus Christ.

      Classical apologetics takes a two-step approach to commending the Christian picture of reality. First, arguments for the existence of God, such as those of natural theology, are employed to create common ground with people outside the household of the Christian faith and to provide intellectual support for Christians. Second, classical apologetics defends key items of Christian revelation, including the reliability of the Bible, the identity of the historical Jesus, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

      In Knowledge of God in the World and the Word, authors Douglas Groothuis and Andrew Shepardson provide a simple introduction to classical apologetics that also addresses the most common objections to natural theology. Readers will discover in the book an easy point of entry into understanding why Christian beliefs about Jesus are true and rational. Further, the authors apply the power of classical apologetics to Christian ministry.

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    • Good And True Story


      Young adults today want authentic answers to their soul-deep questions about God. They want meaningful ways to communicate those answers to others. Most of all, they want to know that they are living a life that matters.

      In A Good and True Story, philosopher, apologist, and international speaker Paul Gould leads readers on an engaging journey through eleven clues that suggest Christianity is not only true but satisfies our deepest longings. This creative foray into the foundations of Christian truth explores the universe, morality, happiness, pain, beauty, and more for readers looking for culturally informed apologetics.

      Ideal for college-age and twentysomething readers, small group leaders, and anyone interested in the intersection of faith, philosophy, and culture, A Good and True Story reminds readers that their search for identity and purpose is a gift from a loving and purposeful God.

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    • Bible And The Priesthood


      This series on the seven Sacraments provides readers with a deeper appreciation of God’s gifts and call in the Sacraments through a renewed encounter with God’s Word.

      In this volume, a leading Catholic scholar offers a biblical theology of the priesthood rooted in the Old and New Testaments. Half a millennium after the Protestant Reformation and in the midst of an ongoing clerical crisis in the Catholic Church, this book presents a comprehensive biblical vision and defense of the sacramental priesthood and an informed theological response to the problem of priestly sin. It gives expression to the ministerial priesthood’s biblically grounded, sacramental share in the sacrificial ministry of Jesus Christ.

      Series editors are Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn. Gray is president of the Augustine Institute, which has one million subscribers to its online content channel, Formed.org. Gray and Sehorn teach at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, which prepares students for Christian mission through on-campus and distance education programs.

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    • Bible And The Priesthood


      This series on the seven Sacraments provides readers with a deeper appreciation of God’s gifts and call in the Sacraments through a renewed encounter with God’s Word.

      In this volume, a leading Catholic scholar offers a biblical theology of the priesthood rooted in the Old and New Testaments. Half a millennium after the Protestant Reformation and in the midst of an ongoing clerical crisis in the Catholic Church, this book presents a comprehensive biblical vision and defense of the sacramental priesthood and an informed theological response to the problem of priestly sin. It gives expression to the ministerial priesthood’s biblically grounded, sacramental share in the sacrificial ministry of Jesus Christ.

      Series editors are Timothy C. Gray and John Sehorn. Gray is president of the Augustine Institute, which has one million subscribers to its online content channel, Formed.org. Gray and Sehorn teach at the Augustine Institute Graduate School of Theology, which prepares students for Christian mission through on-campus and distance education programs.

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    • Royal Priest : Psalm 110 In Biblical Theology


      Despite its importance in the New Testament and the priestly messianic promise identified by King David, relatively little has been written on Psalm 110 from a biblical-theological perspective.

      By considering David’s biblical warrant for bringing together priesthood and kingship in a single figure, Matthew Emadi shows how we are able to uncover the theological foundation on which Psalm 110 is built. He situates the psalm in Scripture’s storyline, showing that Melchizedek’s royal priesthood is tied to both creation and redemption.

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    • Doing Asian American Theology


      Asian American theology is about God revealed in Jesus Christ in covenantal relationship with Asian Americans qua Asian Americans.

      Thus, Asian American theology is about Asian Americans as well, as human covenant partners alongside of God.

      In doing Asian American theology, Daniel D. Lee focuses on Asian American identity and its relationship to faith and theology, providing a vocabulary and grammar, and laying out a methodology for Asian American theologies in their ethnic, generational, and regional differences. Lee’s framework for Asian American theological contextuality proposes an Asian American quadrilateral of the intersection of Asian heritage, migration experience, American culture, and racialization. This methodology incorporates the need for personal integration and communal journey, especially in the work of Asian American ministry. With interdisciplinary insights from interpersonal neurobiology and trauma theory, he offers a process of integration and reconciliation for Asian American theologies in service of Asian American communities of every kind.

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    • Cross In Context


      How can a doctrine about reconciliation with God create so much controversy among God’s people?

      Theologian Jackson W. believes Christians can gain clarity and unity on the doctrine of the atonement through a renewed attention to the biblical evidence. While theological theories are necessary and useful, they can obscure reality as much as clarify it. And we’re often ignorant of the role that cultural and historical context plays in shaping these views. Instead of beginning by comparing atonement theories, he argues, we need to delve deep into the Bible, where we find a handful of motifs that combine to form a richer, more robust theology of atonement.

      The Cross in Context presents a perspective on the atonement that seeks to reconcile theological camps and enable Christians to interpret the Bible more faithfully. It draws from the entire biblical canon and considers the New Testament in light of its Old Testament background, focusing on the internal logic of Israel’s sacrificial system. Applying his intercultural ministry experience and expertise on honor and shame, W. also considers how to effectively contextualize the multifaceted message of salvation in diverse cultural contexts.

      Combining missiology, theology, and biblical studies, The Cross in Context provides a refreshing and nuanced look at the atonement and what it means for the life and witness of the church.

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    • Hope Of Life After Death


      In a world full of suffering and death, humans long for abundant life. Christians understand that in Christ God saves us from sin. But salvation must also include much more: being rescued from death, physical resurrection, and new life in the new creation.

      In this ESBT volume, Jeff Brannon explores how the hope of life after death is woven throughout Scripture-even in unexpected places. In the biblical narrative, the themes of life, death, and resurrection correspond with the biblical-theological categories of creation, fall, and redemption. As we follow these themes, Brannon shows, we gain a fuller understanding of the doctrine of resurrection and what it means for Christian faith and discipleship. Jesus’ resurrection and the future resurrection of his followers truly changes everything.

      Essential Studies in Biblical Theology (ESBT), edited by Benjamin L. Gladd, explore the central or “essential” themes of the Bible’s grand storyline. Taking cues from Genesis 1-3, authors trace the presence of these themes throughout the entire sweep of redemptive history. Written for students, church leaders, and laypeople, the ESBT offers an introduction to biblical theology.

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    • Becoming Human : The Holy Spirit And The Rhetoric Of Race


      Discussions of racial difference always embody a story. The dominant story told in our society about race has many components, but two stand out: (1) racial difference is an essential characteristic, fully determining individual and group identity; and (2) racial difference means that some bodies are less human than others.

      The church knows another story, says Luke Powery, if it would remember it. That story says that the diversity of human bodies is one of the gifts of the Spirit. That story’s decisive chapter comes at Pentecost, when the Spirt embraces all bodies, all flesh, all tongues. In that story, different kinds of materiality and embodiment are strengths to be celebrated rather than inconvenient facts to be ignored or feared. In this book, Powery urges the church to live up to the inclusive story of Pentecost in its life of worship and ministry. He reviews ways that a theology and practice of preaching can more fully exemplify the diversity of gifts God gives to the church. He concludes by entering into a conversation with the work of Howard Thurman on doing ministry to and with humanity in the light of the work of the Spirit.

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    • Prophesy Deliverance 40th Anniversary Expanded Edition (Anniversary)


      In this, his premiere work, Cornel West challenges African Americans to consider the incorporation of Marxism into their theological perspectives, thereby adopting the mindset that it is class more so than race that renders one powerless in America. His work reflects political and cultural perspectives borne out of his own formative life experiences. Decades later, his arguments continue to capture the theological imagination of many and influence the critical engagement of generations of scholars.

      In this fortieth anniversary edition, West invites six prominent scholars-whose respective work are grounded in various aspects of black political, cultural, and theological thought-into dialogue with this work, each writing one chapter plus a foreword by Jonathan Lee Walton. Continuing and expanding on the revolutionary discourses that West introduced in the first published work, each new essay provides nuanced lens for thinking about movements of liberation in today’s African American communities.

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    • Good And True Story


      Young adults today want authentic answers to their soul-deep questions about God. They want meaningful ways to communicate those answers to others. Most of all, they want to know that they are living a life that matters.

      In A Good and True Story, philosopher, apologist, and international speaker Paul Gould leads readers on an engaging journey through eleven clues that suggest Christianity is not only true but satisfies our deepest longings. This creative foray into the foundations of Christian truth explores the universe, morality, happiness, pain, beauty, and more for readers looking for culturally informed apologetics.

      Ideal for college-age and twentysomething readers, small group leaders, and anyone interested in the intersection of faith, philosophy, and culture, A Good and True Story reminds readers that their search for identity and purpose is a gift from a loving and purposeful God.

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    • Tolkien Dogmatics : Theology Through Mythology With The Maker Of Middle-Ear


      Theology through mythology

      J. R. R. Tolkien was many things: English Catholic, father and husband, survivor of two world wars, Oxford professor, and author. But he was also a theologian. Tolkien’s writings exhibit a coherent theology of God and his works, but Tolkien did not present his views with systematic arguments. Rather, he expressed theology through story.

      In Tolkien Dogmatics, Austin M. Freeman inspects Tolkien’s entire corpus–The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and beyond–as a window into his theology. In his stories, lectures, and letters, Tolkien creatively and carefully engaged with his Christian faith. Tolkien Dogmatics is a comprehensive manual of Tolkien’s theological thought arranged in traditional systematic theology categories, with sections on God, revelation, creation, evil, Christ and salvation, the church, and last things. Through Tolkien’s imagination, we reencounter our faith.

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    • Bond Between Souls


      Augustine’s theology of friendship

      The discovery of Augustine’s letters in the mid-twentieth century provided a watershed moment for understanding the bishop of Hippo. The letters of Augustine offer a window into his life. They showcase a theologian on the run, working through difficult pastoral issues. They also show another side of Augustine: the theologian as friend.

      In A Bond between Souls: Friendship in the Letters of Augustine, Coleman M. Ford examines Augustine’s understanding of friendship. For Augustine, friendship is the overflow of love and is essential for building Christlike virtue. Friendship differs by context and relationship but is fundamentally rooted in the reality that, in Christ, friendship with God has been restored. In this sense, friendship is fundamentally a spiritual exercise.

      With original research rooting Augustine’s letter-writing, theology, and understanding of friendship in antiquity, A Bond between Souls helps readers to understand this doctor of the church in a deeper way.

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    • Psychology Of The Fruit Of The Spirit


      For centuries, the fruit of the Spirit has rightfully served as a wellspring of reflection on the virtues that epitomize the Christian life and character-building. However, the notion of the fruit of the Spirit is not limited solely to forming the biblical foundation of ethical living.

      Psychologist and theologian Zoltan Dornyei argues that if we understand the nine attributes collectively as a concise portrayal of the ideal Christian self, this approach places the notion of the fruit of the Spirit at the intersection of several important theological themes, such as being conformed to the divine image, the gradual advancement of the kingdom of God, and new creation. In The Psychology of the Fruit of the Spirit, Dornyei offers a scholarly exposition of the relevant theological content associated with the fruit of the Spirit. Complementing his theological reflections with findings from the field of psychology, he brings expertise in both psychology and theology to bear on this important biblical concept. His integrated perspective helps to uncover the full meaning and theological potential of the fruit of the Spirit by helping to clarify the nature of its nine facets, defining broader psychological dimensions that underlie the fruit, and offering practical lessons for cultivating it in the Christian life.

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    • Exclusion Y Acogida – (Spanish)


      Descubre como el plan de reconciliacion mediante Cristo Jesus brinda la respuesta a la erradicacion del repudio social en una obra galardonada con el Premio Grawemeyer de Religion de 2002 y mencionado como uno de los mejores libros del siglo XX por la revista Christianity Today

      Exclusion y acogida es mas que una obra literaria, es una exposicion sobre la plaga social de la exclusion, un acto que ha llevado al ser humano a rechazar de manera politica y academica a aquellos que son considerados diferentes, olvidando la bondad de Dios sobre nosotros.

      En esta edicion, Volf demuestra por que y como el libro es mas relevante en el mundo actual de identidades resurgentes y enfrentadas que cuando lo escribio originalmente. La verdad importa, la justicia importa, la paz importa, y no necesitamos sacrificarlas en el altar de nuestras identidades individuales y colectivas.

      En este libro el autor desarrolla diversos temas alrededor del titulo:

      *La sombra social producto de la apatia
      *Consecuencias del ciclo desesperado de la violencia por la indiferencia
      *El mensaje de la salvacion como fuente de reconciliacion y el perdon
      *Enfoque politico-teologico sobre la justicia absoluta de Dios y su amor sobre todas las cosas, para remediar las faltas de insultos y humillacion contra los hermanos

      Discover how the reconciliation through Jesus Christ provides the answer to eradicating social repudiation in a work awarded the 2002 Grawemeyer Religion Prize and named one of the best books of the 20th century by Christianity Today magazine.

      Exclusion and Embrace is more than a literary work; it is an exposition on the social plague of exclusion, an act that has led human beings to politically and academically reject those who are considered different, forgetting God’s goodness toward us.In this edition, Volf demonstrates why and how the book is more relevant in today’s world of resurgent and clashing identities than when he originally wrote it. Truth matters, justice matters, peace matters, and we need not sacrifice them on the altar of our individual and collective identities.

      In this book the author develops several themes around the title:

      *The social shadow of apathy
      *Consequences of the desperate cycle of violence due to indifference
      *The message of salvation as a source of reconciliation and forgiveness
      *Political-theological focus on God’s absolute justice and His love over everything to remedy the faults of insult and humiliation against the br

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    • Haymanot Journal Volume 2 2022


      The Haymanot Journal is the official publication of the Society of Gospel Haymanot (SGH), an academic community of Black scholars of biblical, theological, and religious studies. SGH exists to provide a space for Black theological scholars for support, partnership, and the production of research grounded in biblical orthodoxy, liberative justice, and Afrocentricity. The consortium of SGH operates as an extension of the Meachum School of Haymanot (MSH), a biblical, Afrocentric school of higher theological education.

      Includes critical essays by Cleotha Robertson, Ernest D. Gray Jr., Timothy D. Allison, Nicholas Rowe, Yoknyam Dabale, Lori Banfield, Vince L. Bantu, Kenneth J. Reid, Preston Boone, Emmett G. Price, Tyran T. Laws, Jaclyn P. Williams, Charonda Woods, and Walter S. Augustine.

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    • Thrill Of Orthodoxy


      Every generation faces the temptation to wander from orthodoxy–to seek out the jolt that comes with false teaching, and to drift with cultural currents.

      And so every generation must be awakened again to the thrill of orthodoxy, and experience the astonishment that comes from stumbling afresh upon the electrifying paradoxes at the heart of the Christian faith.

      In The Thrill of Orthodoxy, Trevin Wax turns the tables on those who believe Christian teaching is narrow and outdated. Returning to the church’s creeds, he explains what orthodoxy is and why we can have proper confidence in it, and lays out common ways we can stray from it. By showing how heresies are always actually narrower than orthodoxy–taking one aspect of the truth and wielding it as a weapon against others–Wax beckons us away from the broad road that ultimately proves bland and boring, and toward the straight and narrow path, where true adventure can be found.

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    • Reinventing Liberal Christianity


      Why the tradition of liberal Christianity fell apart and how to revive it

      In this provocative book Theo Hobson addresses the current crisis of liberal Christianity. In past years liberal Christianity challenged centuries of authoritarian tradition and had great political influence. It played a major role in the founding of the United States and gave rise to the secular liberalism that we take for granted. But liberal Christianity today is widely dismissed as a watering-down of the faith, and more conservative forms of Christianity are increasingly dominant. Can the liberal Christian tradition recover its influence?

      Hobson puts forth a bold theory about why liberal Christianity collapsed and how it can be reinvented. He argues that a simple revival is not possible, because liberal Christianity consists of two traditions – a good tradition that must be salvaged and a bad tradition that must be repudiated. Reinventing Liberal Christianity untangles these two traditions with a fascinating survey of Christian thought from the Reformation to the present and, further, aims to transform liberal Christianity through the rediscovery of faith and ritual.

      Read more about the book in a blog post by Hobson on EerdWord.

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    • Truth Changes Everything


      America has passed a tipping point. A majority of Americans now say that truth is up to the individual and that ultimate truth cannot be known. Learning to “speak our own truths” was supposed to lead to dignity and harmony. Instead, our society struggles with unprecedented levels of social conflict, purposelessness, and loss of identity. And still, the “Truth versus truths” tension continues to grow.

      Is all hope lost? In this inspiring book, Dr. Jeff Myers tells the fascinating stories of Jesus-followers who lived for Truth and transformed their world in times of crisis. These inspiring figures led the way in human dignity, science, art, medicine, education, politics, justice, and even the idea of meaningful work.

      No matter what is going on around us, the truth is worth fighting for. If you long for a positive, restorative role in our own chaotic era, it’s time to discover how truth changes everything.

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    • Creation


      What does the creation story tell us about God and about who we should be as God’s people? Where can we find the theme of creation outside of Genesis? What does the New Testament have to say about creation? Eric Vail explores these questions and more in the Creation volume of The Wesleyan Theology Series. Dive deeply into the Genesis creation accounts to discover some of the contexts underlying the most well-known beginning of any story ever told. Then move beyond Genesis to discover how God’s creative activity permeates every aspect of life in the world that God lovingly rules yesterday, today, and forever.

      Christians are used to hearing theological language in the church but may not feel they have adequate resources to enhance their understanding of what certain terms or concepts mean. The Wesleyan Theology Series aims to discuss Christian doctrines in accessible language that states clearly what we believe and why. Each volume is written by an author with a particular expertise who also has the ability to simplify and clarify complex ideas. The Wesleyan Theology Series is written specifically for the theologically curious layperson, student, or pastor. Topics include: the Trinity, creation, eschatology, the church, the sacraments, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Scripture, sin, grace, salvation, sanctification, Christian ethics, and atonement.

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