Theology (Exegetical Historical Practical etc.)
Showing 151–200 of 223 resultsSorted by latest
New City Catechism
$9.99Throughout the history of the church, catechisms have been written to be memorized and used for Christian growth and training. The New City Catechism is a modern-day resource aimed at reintroducing this method of teaching to Christians in today’s culture. This short book lays out fifty-two questions and answers in two versions-both a shorter children’s answer and an extended adult’s answer-about God, human nature, sin, Christ, the Holy Spirit, and more. The questions and answers can be used devotionally, recited orally, and memorized over the course of a year. Families, churches, small groups, and Christian schools will find this to be a valuable resource for developing the building blocks of important concepts in the minds and hearts of youth and adults alike.
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Worship In The Way Of The Cross
$18.00Preface And Acknowledgments
Part I: The Story That Shapes Cruciform Worship
1. The Stories That Transform (or Deform) Us And The World: The Narrative Background To Cruciform Worship
2. The World That We Shape And The World That Shapes Us: The Transformative Power Of Cruciform WorshipPart II: Cruciformation: Worship In The Way Of The Cross
3. An Introduction To Cruciformation (or, Toward A Theology Of “Family Resemblance”)
4. Cruciform Knowledge: Encountering Christ Through Cruciform Worship
5. Cruciform Perfection: Completion In Christ Through Cruciform Community
6. An Apology For The ChurchPart III: Cruciform Counterculture
7. Worship At The Karaoke Chapel: From Subculture Of Sameness To Counterculture Of Cruciformity
8. How The Many Become One In Christ: From Homogeneous Unit To Multicultural, Multigenerational, Countercultural Family
9. Cultivating A Counterculture Of Cruciform Worship: Some Basic Principles, Paradigms, And ApproachesPart IV: Interpersonal Cruciformity
10. Introduction To Interpersonal Cruciformity
11. Interpersonal Cruciformity In The Congregation
12. Interpersonal Cruciformity Within The Pastoral StaffPart V: Cruciform Liturgy
13. The Liturgy Of Cruciform Worship: Cruciformation Through Liturgical Ideation
14. The Cruciformational Prayers Of The People: Ideation Through Supplication
15. The Cruciformational Preaching And Singing Of The Word: Ideation Through Proclamation And Melodic-Harmonic Incarnation
16. Cruciformation Through Holy Communion: Ideation Through Sacramental ParticipationPart VI: Cruciform Mission
17. CruciformissionNotes
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Too often worship is seen as just the music, an on-stage performance that puts the spotlight on the worship leader. But worship is fundamentally an other-centered, self-giving act of service. Worship properly directed to God for his glory also results in the Christlike formation and transformation of both worship leaders and congregants. Worship leader and biblical scholar John Frederick unpacks the shape of worship in the way of the cross, where leaders act not as lords but as servants. With a mix of biblical exposition and practical insights, he explores a cruciform theology of worship: as the cross demonstrates the nature of God, worship in the way of the cross transforms us into the image of God who is love. Thus worshipers and worship leaders alike can come to embody the other-centered humility of Christ. This paradigm has implications for how worship leaders and pastoral staff relate to one another, and for renewing the artistic output of the church. In cruciform worship, we encounter the Son of God and embody the love of God. Discover how in worship we can empty ourselves for the transformation of others.Add to cart1 in stock
Pro Rege Volume 2
$49.99The kingship of Jesus Christ resides first in the regenerated human heart, where love toward God and neighbor reign, where believers submit to Christ’s authority in a world yet fallen. This requires self-denial, cross-bearing, and a pilgrim lifestyle that lives amid the tension of the already-not yet of Christ’s cosmic rule. The spheres of church and family are examined in terms of the operation and implications of Christ’s cosmic rule in these spheres. This new translation of the second volume of Pro Rege, created in partnership with the Kuyper Translation Society and the Acton Institute, is part of a major series of new translations of Kuyper’s most important writings. The Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology marks a historic moment in Kuyper studies, aimed at deepening and enriching the church’s development of public theology.
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Heretics And Orthodoxy
$24.99Two of G. K. Chesterton’s most important and well-known works are contained in this volume: Heretics, and Orthodoxy. In the first of these, Chesterton addresses the intellectual movements of his time that he considered most prominent and destructive. Chesterton confronts relativism, individualism, neo-paganism, and other trends of the modern period, paying special attention to the artists and intellectual elite of his time. He writes in detail about events of his time that were affected by these viewpoints. Heretics begins and ends with chapters on orthodoxy, anticipating the content of his most famous book-Orthodoxy, a classic that is part memoir, part apologetic. It exhibits Chesterton at his finest-a combination of literary wit, theological acumen, and pointed cultural critique. The two works complement each other perfectly, providing an accessible entry point to the battleground of truth and falsehood. Lexham Classics are beautifully typeset new editions of classic works. Each book has been carefully transcribed from the original texts, ensuring an accurate representation of the writing as the author intended it to be read.
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Majesty Of Mystery
$11.99The Majesty of Mystery encourages believers to embrace the profound mysteries at the heart of Christian faith. The Trinity, God’s purposes, the incarnation, the resurrection, God’s work and human effort in salvation–none of these are problems to be explained away or puzzles to be dismissed as irrelevant. Rather, these are grand mysteries, not contradictory but paradoxical and wonderful, ultimately leading us to worship the incomprehensible God who faithfully reveals himself to us.
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On The Church
$49.99Dutch politician and Christian activist Abraham Kuyper was deeply invested in debates over the influence Christianity should have on his nation. As a pastor and theologian, he was just as concerned about the ailing Dutch church. In On the Church, the Acton Institute and the Abraham Kuyper Translation Society have partnered with Lexham Press to publish seven brand-new translations of Kuyper’s most influential essays and speeches on the relationship between Christianity and the world.
Kuyper believed that Christians must neither hide from the world behind the walls of physical church buildings nor engage the world solely through earthly institutions. The closing essay by Ad de Bruijne discusses how Kuyper’s incisive view of the church still can–and must–apply today, just as it did at the turn of the 20th century.
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Whats So Important About The Cross
$17.00We know that Jesus’ death on the cross is a historic fact, but does it have any true meaning and value to us today?
Legendary Bible teacher Derek Prince explains that the cross not only provides forgiveness from sin-it also makes everything else work in our lives. The cross continues to be the ultimate demonstration of God’s love and the source of ongoing supernatural grace for us. It is also the basis of healings and miracles today and the foundation of Satan’s total defeat. It is even the door to God’s secret wisdom as it allows us access the mind and heart of our heavenly Father.
By recognizing to the centrality of the cross, personally applying it our lives, we enter into the totality of God’s power and provision for us.
The cross: not just a historical event but forgiveness, victory, abundance. Today.
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Pro Rege Volume 1
$49.99Abraham Kuyper wrote Pro Rege to remove the separation between the believer’s life inside the church and the believer’s life outside the church. He saw the kingship of Jesus as the key to bridging the two. In this first volume, Kuyper discusses the darkening of Christ’s Kingship, the undermining of Christ’s Kingship, and the Kingship of Christ according to Scripture. He also examines the kingdom of Satan in opposition to the kingdom of Christ.
This new translation of Pro Rege, created in partnership with the Kuyper Translation Society and the Acton Institute, is part of a major series of new translations of Kuyper’s most important writings. The Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology marks a historic moment in Kuyper studies, aimed at deepening and enriching the church’s development of public theology.
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Rapture Of The Saints
$14.99If you knew that within the next twenty-four hours Christ would return, according to His promise, are there any circumstances you would immediately change in the light of such a glorious event? Or are you living in such harmony with His will and purpose that no change of lifestyle would be necessary?
Legendary Bible teacher Herbert Lockyer examines what Scripture has to say about the Second Coming of the Lord, with an emphasis on the body of Christ being ready for Him when He returns. The saints must live their lives in readiness to meet the Lord at any moment. The question we should all ask is, “How am I going to live the rest of my time before Jesus comes?”
Lockyer address what both the Bible and scholars have to say about this event, and what it means for our lives today.
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None Like Him
$15.99Human beings were created to reflect the image of God-but only to a limited extent. Although we share important attributes with God (love, mercy, compassion, etc.), there are other qualities that only God possesses, such as unlimited power, knowledge, and authority. At the root of all sin is our rebellious desire to be like God in such ways-a desire that first manifested itself in the garden of Eden. In None Like Him, Jen Wilkin leads us on a journey to discover ten ways God is different from us-and why that’s a good thing. In the process, she highlights the joy of seeing our limited selves in relation to a limitless God, and how such a realization frees us from striving to be more than we were created to be.
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Unseen Realm A Question And Answer Companion
$10.99In The Unseen Realm, Dr. Michael S. Heiser unpacked fifteen years of research while exploring what the Bible really says about the supernatural world.
Now, Douglas Van Dorn helps you further explore The Unseen Realm with a fresh perspective and an easy-to-follow format. Van Dorn summarizes key concepts and themes and includes questions aimed at helping you gain a deeper understanding of the biblical author’s supernatural worldview. Use your copy of The Unseen Realm: A Question & Answer Companion for personal study or for leading discussion with a small group.
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Shining Like The Sun
1. Adam And Eve: Face To Face With God In The Garden Of Eden
2 Jacob: Face To Face With God At The River Jabbok
3. Moses: Face To Face With God At Mount Sinai
4. Face To Face With God In The Wilderness
5. Face To Face With God In The Time Of The Judges
6. Face To Face In The Psalms
7. Face To Face With God In The Exile
8. Face To Face With God In Jesus Christ
9. Face To Face With God At The Mount Of Transfiguration
10. Face To Face With God In The New Covenant Community
11. Face To Face With God In The New Heavens And The New Earth
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The smile of God thrills the soul. Shining Like the Sun examines all the key passages in the Bible that tell of favorable encounters with God and how they produce life-changing, stirring results, both internally and externally.This is the first sustained, whole-Bible treatment on the theme of meeting God face to face. Starting with Genesis and ending with Revelation, the author systematically covers the major events in salvation history, all of which reveal the beauty of encountering God’s grace in abundance.
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On The Incarnation
$15.00During the fourth century, controversy raged in the church regarding the nature of Jesus Christ. On one side were the Arians, led by the Bishop Arius, who argued that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were materially separate from one another. They believed that Jesus had been created out of “non-existence” and thus was not on the same level of divinity as God the Father. In response, Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, wrote On the Incarnation, a staunch defense of the full divinity and full humanity of Christ. In simple language and with Scripture as a guide, he argued for the eternal nature of the Trinity and that Jesus Christ is not a creation of God the Father but has existed from the very beginning. Athanasius celebrates the redeeming work that came forth through the God-man, Jesus Christ, and His eternal existence and essential unity with the Father.
Ultimately, Athanasius was exiled five times by four different Roman emperors due to his defense of the Trinity, but he remained faithful to his beliefs. Today, On the Incarnation is often included on lists of books every Christian should read.
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Common Grace Volume1
$55.99In Common Grace Abraham Kuyper presents a constructive public theology of cultural engagement rooted in the humanity Christians share with the rest of the world. He addresses a gap in the development of Reformed teaching on divine grace, and he articulates a Reformed understanding of God’s gifts that are common to all people after the fall into sin. This first volume contains Kuyper’s demonstration of common grace in its origin and operation.
This new translation of Common Grace, created in partnership with the Kuyper Translation Society and the Acton Institute, is part of a major series of new translations of Kuyper’s most important writings. The Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology marks a historic moment in Kuyper studies, aimed at deepening and enriching the church’s development of public theology.
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Our Program : A Christian Political Manifesto
$49.99Lexham Press is pleased to announce the publication of a major series of new translations of Kuyper’s most important writings. Created in partnership with the Kuyper Translation Society and the Acton Institute, the Abraham Kuyper Collected Works in Public Theology will mark a historic moment in Kuyper studies, and we hope it will deepen and enrich the church’s development of public theology.
In Our Program, Kuyper makes a comprehensive effort to engage the secular politics of his day with a Christian alternative. In an era where the church usually either controlled or was controlled by the state, Kuyper showed that it was possible to frame a political program where church and state engage each other but remain separate. Though bound to its time, Our Program is timely for Christians looking for examples of faith working in the political sphere.
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Unseen Realm : Recovering The Supernatural Worldview Of The Bible
$29.99Start with a Skeptical, naturalistic culture. Add the Church’s tendancy to avoid or gloss over difficult supernatural Bible passages. The result most Christians miss the supernatural worldview
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Arminian And Baptist
$22.99Dr. Pinson brings from his thorough research this collection of essays to the reader as a blend of church history and theology. This work is an important resource to understand an evangelical Arminianism while revealing the context of its Reformation roots. The author explores the Arminianism of Thomas Helwys and the General Baptists of old. All the works come together to show the rich heritage of Reformed theology while maintaining the foundation of a biblically grounded Arminianism.
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Political Disciple : A Theology Of Public Life
$11.99What might it mean for public and political life to be understood as an important dimension of following Jesus? As a part of Zondervan’s Ordinary Theology series, Vincent E. Bacote’s The Political Disciple addresses this question by considering not only whether Christians have (or need) permission to engage the public square, but also what it means to reflect Christlikeness in our public practice, as well as what to make of the typically slow rate of social change and the tension between relative allegiance to a nation and/or a political party and ultimate allegiance to Christ. Pastors, laypeople, and college students will find this concise volume a handy primer on Christianity and public life.
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Cities Of Tomorrow And The City To Come
$11.99Sometime around 2008, a demographic shift of historic proportions took place, a watershed moment in which, for the first time in history, more than 50% of the world’s population lived in cities. The percentage of city-dwellers is projected to swell to more than 70% by 2050. While many of today’s cities concentrate wealth and power, they also house some of the most vulnerable populations and distressed communities in the world. The juxtaposition of affluence and poverty in urban areas raises questions of justice. Cities also concentrate opportunity and attract diverse populations. Five Western cities-Chicago, London, New York, Los Angeles, and Toronto-include people of nearly every ethnic background on the face of the planet. These “cosmopoli’, and other diverse cities throughout the world, raise important questions about community, identity, and diversity. As part of Zondervan’s Ordinary Theology series, Noah Toly’s Cities of Tomorrow and the City to Come reflects on the tensions between contemporary urban life and Christian theology. How are Christians to live between the already, the “cities of tomorrow” in our world, and the not yet, the “city yet to come” (Hebrews 13:14)? He guides readers toward cultivating two types of imagination in response: the prophetic on one hand, emphasizing important distinctions between one city and another, and the apocalyptic on the other, emphasizing the infinite distance between any city and the City of God.
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Answers To Your Questions About Heaven
$9.99Is heaven a literal place?
What does it look like?
What will we do all day?
Will there be angels there?We all have questions about what heaven will be like. Fortunately, Scripture is filled with helpful information about our future home-we just have to know where to look.
Dr. David Jeremiah has spent a lifetime studying what the Bible has to say about heaven, and now in Answers to Your Questions about Heaven, he has done just that-provided answers to your most pressing questions about heaven, angels, and eternity in a straightforward, easy-to-understand, biblically based book. A perfect gift for friends and family and a handy resource to keep on your own shelf, this handsome little book will ignite your imagination and whet your appetite for all the amazing experiences that await!
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Developing A Biblical Worldview
$19.99Developing a Biblical Worldview equips readers to think biblically about the world in which we live. Four questions that everyone asks, at least implicitly, about life and reality are used as a rubric for analyzing worldviews: Who are we? Where are we? What is wrong? What is the answer? Professor C. Fred Smith answers these questions from a biblical perspective, enabling readers to discern how they have been influenced by false worldviews and where they need to grow in their biblical understanding.
As readers consider what it means to be human beings made in the image of God, to live in the world God created, to experience sin and its consequences, and to believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ, they will be encouraged to immerse themselves intentionally in the totality of Scripture and see the world God’s way.
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Created For Community (Reprinted)
$29.99This revised edition of a classic college-level introduction to theology presents the core doctrines of the Christian faith, encouraging readers to connect belief with everyday life. Stanley Grenz, one of the leading evangelical scholars of his era, and Jay Smith, an expert on Grenz’s theological legacy, construct a helpful theology that is biblical, historical, and contemporary. The third edition includes a foreword by John Franke, a new preface and afterword, resources for further study, and updated footnotes. The book’s easy-to-use format includes end-of-chapter discussion questions and connects theological concepts with current cultural examples.
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Not A Chance (Revised)
$18.99Despite claiming unbelief in God or any higher power that may have designed or created the world and all that is in it, modern scientists often write and speak of chance as some kind of being or force that can actually cause things to happen. In one breath they push the evolution agenda and in the next they say that creatures were “designed” with specific traits. In this classic book, R. C. Sproul and Keith Mathison call the scientific world to employ logic and clarity in their discourse, to leave the word chance as an abstract concept to describe mathematical possibilities rather than an ontological being that can actually cause change. This expanded edition includes a new chapter dealing with the most recent attempts to defend irrational scientific statements. Two new appendices answer critics and review other literature on scientific discoveries that support belief in a Creator God.
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Excellent Established Eternal
$14.99Few Christians realize the significance of Covenant. It is the foundation, the authority and the basis of what God has done, is doing today, and will do in the future. The redemptive work of Jesus, God’s plan for humanity, and the fulfillment of all His promises are based on His Covenant. What God has done and His plan for us can never be fully understood without understanding Covenant.
Excellent, Established, Eternal is the antithesis of nearly 40 years of extensive study, research and prayer. Within these pages, the reader will gain a thorough understanding of what Covenant is and how it relates to the believer. This is a timely subject for today’s believer who is faced with a continuous barrage of assaults against the reliability of scripture.
Connie Fauth does not write as a theologian, rather as one who has seen the goodness of the Lord shown forth in His Everlasting Covenant
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Discipleship : The Expression Of Saving Faith
$14.99Discipleship is a great read for those who have grappled with questions like: What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus Christ? Is being a disciple of Jesus the same thing as being a Christian? What does a life of discipleship look like? Dr. Picirilli provides practical answers and applications for the reader through an exhaustive study of what the New Testament writers said about the requirements for salvation. He offers sound, comprehensive exegesis demonstrating that repentance, obedience, and discipleship are biblical expressions of saving faith. FEATURES Dr. Picirilli presents a thoroughly scholarly approach to dealing with Greek grammar, relevant textual issues, and contrasting interpretations on topics ranging from assurance of salvation, apostasy, backsliding, holiness, sanctification, and sin. He also shares important implications of how we should present the gospel, offer assurance of salvation, and incorporate proper church discipline. The author compares the Transaction Model of justification by faith as presented in the writings of Paul with the Discipleship Model of following Jesus in the Synoptic gospels.
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Bonhoeffer On The Christian Life
$19.99The abundance of conferences, lectures, and new books related to Dietrich Bonhoeffer attests to the growing interest in his amazing life and thought-provoking writings. The legacy of his theological reflections on the nature of fellowship, the costliness of grace, and the necessity of courageous obedience has only been heightened by the reality of how he died: execution at the hands of a Nazi death squad. In this latest addition to the popular Theologians on the Christian Life series, historian Stephen J. Nichols guides readers through a study of Bonhoeffer’s life and work, helping readers understand the basic contours of his cross-centered theology, convictions regarding the Christian life, and circumstances surrounding his dramatic arrest and execution.
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Passion : How Christs Final Day Changes Your Every Day
1. The Cup
2. Betrayal And Denial
3. The Mockery
4. Three Kings
5. Give Us Barabbas!
6. The Long Walk
7. Father, Forgive
8. Two Criminals
9. Climax
10. Another DayAdditional Info
Some people see Jesus’ death as a historical footnote, buried in the past. Christians understand it is much more than that, and know it has transformed their future.But often we don’t realise how much Jesus’ last day should change our present, too.
Walking readers through Luke’s Gospel, US pastor and well-known author Mike McKinley looks at the events of the last day of Jesus’ earthly life. At each point, he pauses to marvel at the love Christ has for His people; and shows how Jesus’ people can learn from His passion, His care, and His integrity.
This unique book is perfect for both new and mature Christians. While great for reading at any time in the year, it’s particularly helpful to read during Lent or Holy Week.
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Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes
$18.00Introduction: Coming To Terms With Our Cultural Blinders
Part One: Above The Surface
1. Serving Two Masters: Mores
2. The Bible In Color: Race And Ethnicity
3. Just Words? LanguagePart Two: Just Below The Surface
4. Captain Of My Soul: Individualism And Collectivism
5. Have You No Shame? Honor/Shame And Right/Wrong
6. Sand Through The Hourglass: TimePart Three: Deep Below The Surface
7. First Things First: Rules And Relationships
8. Getting Right Wrong: Virtue And Vice
9. Its All About Me: Finding The Center Of Gods WillConclusion: Three Easy Steps For Removing Our Cultural Blinders?
Resources For Further Exploration
NotesAdditional Info
What was clear to the original readers of Scripture is not always clear to us. Because of the cultural distance between the biblical world and our contemporary setting, we often bring modern Western biases to the text. For example: When Western readers hear Paul exhorting women to “dress modestly,” we automatically think in terms of sexual modesty. But most women in that culture would never wear racy clothing. The context suggests that Paul is likely more concerned about economic modesty–that Christian women not flaunt their wealth through expensive clothes, braided hair and gold jewelry.Some readers might assume that Moses married “below himself” because his wife was a dark-skinned Cushite. Actually, Hebrews were the slave race, not the Cushites, who were highly respected. Aaron and Miriam probably thought Moses was being presumptuous by marrying “above himself.”Western individualism leads us to assume that Mary and Joseph traveled alone to Bethlehem. What went without saying was that they were likely accompanied by a large entourage of extended family. Biblical scholars Brandon O’Brien and Randy Richards shed light on the ways that Western readers often misunderstand the cultural dynamics of the Bible. They identify nine key areas where modern Westerners have significantly different assumptions about what might be going on in a text. Drawing on their own crosscultural experience in global mission, O’Brien and Richards show how better self-awareness and understanding of cultural differences in language, time and social mores allow us to see the Bible in fresh and unexpected ways. Getting beyond our own cultural assumptions is increasingly important for being Christians in our interconnected and globalized world. Learn to read Scripture as a member of the global body of Christ.Add to cart1 in stock
Spurgeon On The Holy Spirit
$18.99Known as “the Prince of Preachers,” Charles Haddon Spurgeon preached many sermons on the Holy Spirit from 1853 to 1891. This Pure Gold Classic shares many of his sermons and writings on this important topic. Here are some of the titles within this book:
The Personality of the Holy Spirit
The Indwelling and Outflowing of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Ghost Glorifying ChristIn each of his sermons, Spurgeon teaches with clarity and deep spiritual insight, as he reveals marvelous facets of the life and ministry of the Holy Spirit. When viewed in its entirety, Spurgeon on the Holy Spirit shows the fullness of the Holy Spirit to the reader. This book is filled with a wondrous light that floods the reader’s mind, deepens his spiritual understanding, and promotes his rapid spiritual growth.
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Killing Calvinism : How To Destroy A Perfectly Good Theology From The Insid
$9.99Something wonderful is happening in Western Evangelicalism. A resurgence of Calvinism is changing lives, transforming churches, and spreading the gospel. The books are great, the sermons are life-changing, the music is inspirational, and the conferences are astonishing. Will this continue or will we, who are part of it all, end up destroying it? That depends on how we live the message. As “insiders” of the Calvinist resurgence, there are at least eight ways we can mess everything up. -By loving calvinism as an end in itself -By becoming theologians instead of disciples -By loving God’s sovereignty more than God himself -By losing an urgency in evangelism -By refusing to learn from non-Calvinists -By tidying up the Bible’s “loose ends” -By being a bunch of arrogant know-it-alls -By scoffing at the emotional hang-ups others have with Calvinism.
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Eternal Generation Of The Son
$24.00Should all Christians, especially evangelicals, hold on to the doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son? What is lost if we don’t? Theologian Kevin Giles defends the historically orthodox and ecumenical doctrine of the eternal generation of the Son of God. He argues on biblical, historical and theological bases that, given its fundamental meaning, this formulation is indispensable, irreplaceable and faithful to Christian revelation. The book will be especially helpful in the current discussion of this doctrine. It will also be of interest to students, pastors and laypersons who want to delve into the Christian understanding of the identity of the Son of God and serious study of trinitarian theology.
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Surprised By Hope
$15.99For years Christians have been asking, “If you died tonight, do you know where you would go?” It turns out Christians have been giving the wrong answer. It is not heaven.
One of today’s premier Bible scholars and award-winning author N.T. Wright outlines the present confusion about a Christian’s future hope and shows how it is deeply intertwined with how we live today. Wright shows that Christianity’s most distinctive idea is bodily resurrection. First, he provides a magisterial defense of a literal resurrection of Jesus himself. This became the cornerstone for the Christian community’s hope in the bodily resurrection of all people at the end of the age. Next Wright explores our expectation of “new heavens and new earth,” showing what happens to the dead until then and what will happen with the “second coming” of Jesus. For many, including many Christians, all this will come as a great surprise.
Wright convincingly argues that what we believe about life after death directly affects what we believe about life before death. For if God intends to renew the whole creation – and if this has already begun in Jesus’s resurrection – the church cannot stop at “saving souls” but must anticipate the eventual renewal by working for God’s kingdom in the wider world, bringing healing and hope in the present life.
Lively and accessible, this book will surprise and excite all who are interested in the meaning of life, not only after death but, before it.
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Pagan Christianity : Exploring The Roots Of Our Church Practices (Revised)
$18.99Have you ever wondered why we Christians do what we do for church every Sunday morning? Why do we “dress up” for church? Why does the pastor preach a sermon each week? Why do we have pews, steeples, and choirs? This ground-breaking book, now in affordable softcover, makes an unsettling proposal: most of what Christians do in present-day churches is rooted, not in the New Testament, but in pagan culture and rituals developed long after the death of the apostles. Coauthors Frank Viola and George Barna support their thesis with compelling historical evidence and extensive footnotes that document the origins of modern Christian church practices. In the process, the authors uncover the problems that emerge when the church functions more like a business organization than the living organism it was created to be. As you reconsider Christ’s revolutionary plan for his church-to be the head of a fully functioning body in which all believers play an active role-you’ll be challenged to decide whether you can ever do church the same way again.
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40 Questions About The End Times
$22.99Even-handed, biblical, and broadly accessible answers to the most frequently asked questions about the return of Christ This newest contribution to the 40 Questions series continues the tradition of excellent research presented in accessible language and clear writing. Designed for both students and general readers, this resource helps them make sense of one of the Bible’s most difficult topics.
Schnabel, a professor at a leading seminary and the author of several major works, looks at the future of the world, the church, and Israel; the return of Jesus; and the millennium and the final judgment. He answers questions related to the rapture, the 144,000, the identity of the two witnesses, Armageddon, how to interpret Revelation, heaven and hell, and so forth. The result is an even-handed treatment that avoids sensationalism and a “newspaper headline” approach to prophecy, that is, interpreting prophecy according to current events. Rather, Schnabel carefully studies the biblical text in light of its first-century context and draws biblically-based conclusions.
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Free Will Vs Predestination Pamphlet
$4.99Do people have free will or does God predestine them to be saved? If God elects us, is there any reason to spread the Gospel? Can a person lose his salvation? This easy-to-understand pamphlet compares the teachings of Arminianism with Calvinism and gives the key Bible verses you need to understand this important topic.
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Delighting In The Trinity
$15.991. Introduction: Believing In The Triune God
Part One: Biblical Foundations
2. The Unity Of God In The Bible
3. The Plurality Of God In The Bible
4. Unity And Plurality At The Cross
Part Two: Historical Developments
5. God’s Actions, God’s Being (2nd-4th Centuries AD)
6. Starting With Three, Starting With One (4th-16th Centuries AD)
7. At The Margins, At The Centre (17th-20th Centuries AD)
Part Three: Practical Implications
8. The Trinity And RevelationAdditional Info
How can there be three Gods and yet only one God?Have you ever groaned inwardly at a question like this? Many of us find the doctrine of the Trinity that God is three persons sharing one nature difficult to get our heads round, and frankly a bit embarrassing. What is more, we seem to get by without thinking about it too deeply.
But in reality, the Trinity is at the heart of all that Christians believe. The nature of God as a Trinity gives shape to all Christian truth, and to the gospel that we believe and proclaim. And rather than be a source of embarrassment, properly understood, it should fill us with joy.
This book aims to help you see how the Trinity is fantastically good news. Because the trinity means that God is not remote and uninvolved quite the opposite. God sent His Son and His Spirit into our world to draw us into a wonderful relationship with Himself. This is the God who gives meaning and joy to our lives.
And along the way we discover that the Trinity answers other big questions: How can we know God? What happened at the cross? What does it mean to be human? How can people live together with all their differences? What does mission look like in a fragmented world?
Tim Chester will take us deeper into understanding the thrilling triune nature of God. In short accessible chapters he takes us through the Bibles teaching on the Trinity; gives us an overview of the important arguments over the trinity that have taken place throughout Christian history; and lays out the practical implications for our Christian lives.
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