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    Timothy Gallagher

    • Teaching Discernment : A Pedagogy For Presenting Ignatian Discernment Of Sp


      In this remarkable explanation of a pedagogic system, Fr. Tim weaves together several channels of learning–his many years of reading about Ignatian discernment and classic spiritual experience, his repeated teaching of the rules, his contact with masters of Ignatian spirituality, and his own growing awareness of how these rules applied in his own life. This volume is a careful exploration of Ignatius’s own words and a methodology for exemplifying them through concrete spiritual experience. By hosting retreats for spiritual directors teaching Ignatian spirituality in their own communities, Fr. Tim is fulfilling the admonition of Paul to Timothy, ..”.and what you have heard from me through many witnesses entrust to faithful people who will be able to teach others as well.”

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    • Handbook For Spiritual Directors


      Timothy Gallagher has focused his entire adult life to studying and teaching Ignatian spirituality. For decades he has made it the focus of his work to guide spiritual directors in the rich Ignatian discipline which currently is experiencing a remarkable renaissance far beyond the Catholic realm. Out of this work grew the Handbook for Spiritual Directors which will make Fr. Gallagher’s extraordinary teaching available to Fr. Gallagher’s growing audience around the world. This book helps spiritual directors guide the process of Ignatian discernment in a very practical and yet profoundly spiritual way. Spiritual directors receive few requests more often, and more demanding than that of helping a person discern God’s will in life’s taxing decisions. With this handbook, Fr. Gallagher has provided the means necessary for responding to and helping with this request. For those spiritual directors trained in Ignatian spirituality this book offers to become an essential companion, and for those who want to learn this form of discernment this book will provide the foundation for understanding and learning this age-old, proven process for discerning the will of God.

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    • Discernimiento De Los Espiritu – (Spanish)


      This Spanish edition of the bestselling title ‘The Discernment of Spirits’ is part of a widely used and recognized program of guides (including books, audio and video courses) to understanding and practicing Ignatian spirituality. Discernimiento de los espiritos is the first book of this program. St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, is one of the most influential spiritual leaders of all time, yet many readers find his Rules for Discernment hard to understand. What can Ignatius teach us about the discernment of spirits that lies at the very heart of Christian life? In The Discernment of Spirits, Fr. Timothy Gallagher, a talented teacher, retreat leader, and scholar, helps us understand the Rules and how their insights are essential for our spiritual growth today. By integrating the Rules and the experience of contemporary people, Gallagher shows the precision, clarity, and insight of Ignatius’s Rules, as well as the relevance of his thought for spiritual life today. When we learn to read Ignatius correctly, we discover in his remarkable words our own struggles, joys, and triumphs. This book is for all who desire greater awareness of God’s action in their daily spiritual lives, and is essential reading for retreat directors, spiritual directors, priests, and counselors.

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    • Discernment Of Spirits Readers Guide An Ignatian Guide For Everyday Living


      This handy, easy-to-use workbook is chock full of probing questions, real-life stories, and practical tips on how to apply the profound spiritual insights from the Ignatian tradition of patient, prayerful self-examination. Acclaimed interpreter of Saint Ignatius, author Father Gallagher provides clear explanations of the centuries-old Jesuit method of discerning God’s will in one’s life-and avoiding evil. A practical guide and journaling tool, it includes ample space on every page for notes, reflections, and journaling, all to help readers track their progress toward a closer, more loving union with God.

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    • Discerning The Will Of God


      Drawing from the timeless methods of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, this thoughtful meditation is enriched with examples and stories that offer practical and profound wisdom for aligning personal desires and goals with God’s will. With guidance on recognizing God’s infinite love, opening the heart to what God wants, making use of silence, the Eucharist, scripture, spiritual direction, finding clarity, and understanding discernment as part of the overall spiritual life in Christ, this discussion addresses questions asked by many Christians throughout life, such as What does God want for my life? Is it time to change jobs? and Should I marry? Focusing on major life decisions such as marriage and career, these insights can be adapted to any of life’s decisions, helping the thoughtful Christian find a spiritually inspired mission.

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    • Meditation And Contemplation


      The cornerstones of Ignatius of Loyola’s spiritual practice-meditation and contemplation-are clearly explained in this simple guide to the Ignatian method with examples from the experience of practitioners and quotations from Catholic spiritual teachers. In the process, the deeper structure of the spiritual practice is illuminated, and advice about adapting it to individual needs is offered. Topics include methods of praying, struggles and growth, and the importance and role of grace. Individuals who desire to pray with scripture, spiritual directors, and all who teach prayer with scripture will benefit from the counsel in this resource.

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