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    Timothy Jones

    • In Church As It Is In Heaven


      Heaven is multiethnic. Are you ready for that?

      The Bible tells us that the congregation gathered around God’s heavenly throne will be “a vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language,” all singing the praises of the Lamb. God’s intention has always been to delight for all eternity in a redeemed community of ethnic diversity.

      But this diverse community shouldn’t have to wait until eternity to begin! It can be a reality in our own local churches here and now. Patterned after a worship service, In Church as It Is in Heaven gives biblical warrant for such a community and shows how multiethnic churches provide a unique apologetic for the gospel. Along the way, the authors tell the story of their own church–a majority-white congregation which is being transformed into a family that reflects the diversity of heaven.

      The multiethnic kingdom is not just a nice idea, or an abstract theory. It’s a reality–one we can enter into today.

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    • Gospels Lost And Found Pamphlet


      Who really wrote the Gospels? Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? Or were they written by people who were utterly unconnected with the eyewitnesses as some books and TV shows claim? Were they written centuries after Jesus’ death and resurrection, long after Jesus’ followers had died? Were there gospels that were included in the New Testament-and later removed? Why were these books chosen and not others?

      This pamphlet gives reasons to trust the New Testament writings, and provides answers to Bart Ehrman’s bestseller Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why. Author Timothy Paul Jones, Ph.D., shows where the critics are incorrect and provides us with a logical, well-reasoned arguments for believing that Jesus lived, died, and rose again-according to the Scriptures.

      Dr. Jones’ interest in this topic began many years ago when he came across arguments against the Bible. At first his faith was badly shaken and he wondered if he still believed in the Bible. But as he researched more he found answers. (See the Reviews below for his story.) In just fourteen concise pages, Dr. Jones shows the errors in critics’ logic and facts -and does it in an easy-to-understand style.

      Pamphlet is 5.5 inches x 8.5 inches and unfolds 38 inches. Fits inside the cover of most medium size Bible covers.

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    • God Who Goes Before You


      When it comes to leadership, there is much to be learned from empirical research and from the intuitive reflections of marketplace leaders–but, without the entirety of Scripture as our supreme and sufficient authority, flawed views of human nature and deficient perspectives on God’s purposes will skew our views of leadership. That’s why a Christ-centered, kingdom-focused vision of leadership must precede any principles of leadership that derive from human wisdom. The aim of this book is to provide a foundation for the study of leadership that looks at leadership with both feet firmly planted in the whole of Scripture. This foundational vision for Christian leadership has emerged from examining the storyline of Scripture as a whole, interpreting biblical texts in light of their historical, epochal, and canonical contexts.

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    • Teaching The World


      More and more seminaries, Bible colleges, and Christian universities are opting to train future ministers and missionaries online-and yet, the factors that have driven this choice have typically been pragmatic and financial. What the movement toward online ministry training has lacked is a theological foundation. As a result, practices of online ministry training have been shaped in most institutions by a hodgepodge of institutional pressures and secular learning theories.

      This book asks and answers the question, “How might online ministry training look different if biblical and theological foundations were placed first?” Teaching the World Foundations for Online Theological Education brings together educators from a wide range of backgrounds and from some of the largest providers of online theological education in the world. Together, they present a revolutionary new approach to online theological education, highly practical and yet thoroughly shaped by Scripture and theology.

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    • How We Got The Bible Participants Guide (Student/Study Guide)


      Have you ever wondered who wrote the books in your Bible and how they ended up together? Has anyone ever told you that some books were cut out of the Bible or that the stories of Jesus in the Gospels can’t be trusted? Through these six sessions, Dr. Timothy Paul Jones will answer your questions about how we got the Bible.

      In this DVD study, you’ll learn:
      *What makes the Bible unlike any other book
      *What it means when we say that the Bible is inspired and inerrant
      *What people did to preserve the text of the Bible over the centuries
      *How we know that the New Testament is reliable
      *The stories behind John Wycliffe and William Tyndale, and the King James Version

      Session Topics
      *Session 1 What’s So Special about the Bible?
      *Session 2 How We Got the Old Testament
      *Session 3 How We Got the New Testament
      *Session 4 How the Books of the New Testament Were Chosen
      *Session 5 How the New Testament Was Copied
      *Session 6 How We Got the Bible in English

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    • How We Got The Bible Leaders Guide (Teacher’s Guide)


      Have you ever wondered who wrote the books in your Bible and how they ended up together? Has anyone ever told you that some books were cut out of the Bible or that the stories of Jesus in the Gospels can’t be trusted? Through these six sessions, Dr. Timothy Paul Jones will answer your questions about how we got the Bible.

      In this DVD study, you’ll learn:
      *What makes the Bible unlike any other book
      *What it means when we say that the Bible is inspired and inerrant
      *What people did to preserve the text of the Bible over the centuries
      *How we know that the New Testament is reliable
      *The stories behind John Wycliffe and William Tyndale, and the King James Version

      Session Topics
      *Session 1 What’s So Special about the Bible?
      *Session 2 How We Got the Old Testament
      *Session 3 How We Got the New Testament
      *Session 4 How the Books of the New Testament Were Chosen
      *Session 5 How the New Testament Was Copied
      *Session 6 How We Got the Bible in English

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    • Perspectives On Your Childs Education


      In Perspectives on a Child’s Education, proponents of four very different learning options present their faith-based positions on how a parent should answer the question, Where should I send my child to school? Troy Temple (International Center for Youth Ministry) is convinced every Christian parent should consider public schooling. G. Tyler Fischer (Veritas Academy) believes open admission Christian schools are best for Christians and non-Christians alike. Mark Eckel (Mahseh Center) favors covenantal Christian schools that don’t enroll non-Christians. Michael Wilder (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) advocates homeschooling. For each contributor’s chapter, a counterpoint chapter from the other contributors follows with a goal of determining which view is most in line with what the Bible teaches.

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    • Why Trust The Bible Pamphlet


      Is the Bible an ancient document that has been tampered with? Has it been edited many times over the centuries and now is filled with errors? Some critics say that no one knows what the Bible really said because the originals no longer exist. Some people say that the stories in the Bible sound a lot like the myths found in other counties, therefore Christianity has “borrowed” from other religions.

      The Bible can be trusted, says Dr. Timothy Paul Jones. Dr. Jones’ interest in this topic began many years ago when he came across arguments against the Bible. At first his faith was badly shaken and he wondered if he still believed in the Bible. But as he researched more he found answers. (See the Reviews below for his story.) In just fourteen concise pages, Dr. Jones shows the errors in critics’ logic and facts -and does it in an easy-to-understand style.

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    • Nurturing Your Childs Soul


      Many of us worry about our kids getting pulled under by our culture’s negative currents. We try to shout over the roar of media blitzes, misguided values in the schools, and peer pressure. And we wonder how to raise faithful children. For parents who sometimes feel they haven’t done enough, Jones provides ideas for taking small steps toward communication and intimacy, showing you how to take advantage of teachable moments by fully “focusing on the present.”

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    • 4 Views Of The End Times Pamphlet


      Unfolds To 33″ Long.
      High Gloss Plastic Coated Sheet

      Additional Info
      Four Views of the End Times pamphlet

      So what does the Bible actually say about the end times leading up to the return of Jesus Christ? Historically, four views have predominated Christianity’s understanding. Finally, those four views are explained and illustrated in simple terms.

      Each view includes a definition of the position with its main points, supporting Scriptures, the time period for the view’s main popularity, and Christian leaders supporting that view.
      Positions covered:
      – Dispensational Premillennialism
      – Amillennialism
      – Postmillennialism
      – Historic Premillennialism

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    • Place For God


      These days more and more people are scheduling getaways to retreat centers for their spiritual well-being–over 1.2 million Catholics alone during 1997. Located throughout the United States and Canada, these centers cater to the needs of people seeking quiet time, regardless of religious affiliation. Retreat possibilities range from one day of solitude surrounded by nature, to a few days of quiet time under the guidance of a resident spiritual director, to a week experiencing the rigorous rhythms of community monastery life.

      In A PLACE FOR GOD, Timothy Jones shares the wisdom of his pilgrimages to retreat centers as diverse as a mountaintop hermitage overlooking the Pacific and a monastic oasis on Chicago’s South Side. First he explains everything about retreats: what they are, why people go, how to prepare, what to pack, and what to do while there. Then he provides an extensive directory of over 250 retreat centers in all fifty states and Canada, complete with all the information readers need to contact the retreat center that is right for them. A PLACE FOR GOD is the perfect resource for anyone who wants to find spiritual fulfillment or simply a place to get away.

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